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Lesson: Philippine Literature: 3. Folk Tales

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Kanogan (Cebuano) - song of

What is literature? lamentation for the dead
• It is a body of written works. 3. Folk Tales
• traditionally been applied to those a. Myths - explain how the world was
imaginative works of poetry and prose created, how certain animals possess certain
distinguished by the intentions of their characteristics, why some places have
authors and the perceived aesthetic waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains, flora or
excellence of their execution. fauna
• Literature may be classified according to a b. Legends - explain the origin of
variety of systems, including language, things
national origin, historical period, genre, Why the Pineapple Has Eyes
and subject matter. The Legend of Maria Makiling
c. fables - used animal characters and
What is Philippine literature? allegory
• is the literature associated with the d. Fantastic stories - deal with
Philippines and includes the legends of underworld characters such as "tiyanak",
prehistory, and the colonial legacy of the "aswang", "kapre" and others
Philippines. e. Epics - These are "narratives of
• Pre-Hispanic Philippine literature were sustained length based on oral tradition
actually epics passed on from generation revolving around supernatural events or
to generation originally through oral heroic deeds" (Arsenio Manuel)
tradition. Examples: Lam-ang (locano), Hinilawod
(Panay), Kudaman (Palawan) and Darangen
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD (--BC to 1564) (Maranao)
A. Characteristics
1. Based on oral traditions SPANISH OCCUPATION
2. Crude on ideology and phraseology a. Spanish Colonial Period (1521 – 1898)
B. Literary Forms • expeditions to the Philippines were sent
1. Oral Literature by Spain in the 16th century. In their
a. Riddles (bugtong) - battle of wits conquest, the Spaniards brought
among participants Christianity with them. The clergy made a
Tigmo – Cebu great impact on faith, education, and
Patotdon – Bicol government.
Paktakon –Ilonggo b. Through the Manila-Acapulco trade
b. Proverbs (salawikain) - wise • liberal ideas entered the country. Also, the
sayings that contain a metaphor used to teach trade gave rise to a wealthier middle
as a food for thought class. Children in middle class families
c. Tanaga - a mono-riming could then be sent to Europe to get an
heptasyllabic quatrain expressing insights and education. Upon their return, they brought
lessons on life is "more emotionally charged European ideals of liberty and freedom
than the terse proverb and thus has affinities with them. Such ideals would then give
with the folk lyric." rise to Filipino nationalism
2. Folk Songs - It is a form of folk lyric which Philippine Literature during the Spanish
expresses the hopes and aspirations, the Occupation
people's lifestyles as well as their loves. • The Spanish missionaries taught the
These are often repetitive and sonorous, gospel through the native language, so
didactic and naive they hired natives to translate Spanish
a. Hele or oyayi - lullaby religious instructional materials.
b. Ambahan (Mangyan) - 7-syllable • Eventually, the natives became fluent in
per line poem that are about human Spanish and became known as ladinos.
relationships and social entertainment • Ladinos mainly wrote devotional poetry.
c. Kalusan (Ivatan) - work songs that • Two of them were Fernando
depict the livelihood of the people Bagongbanta and Gaspar Aquino de
d. Tagay (Cebuano and Warav) - Belen.
drinking song • Bagongbanta wrote "Salamat nang
walang hanga/gracias de sin
sempiternas," which appeared in • Free public education was introduced and
Memorial de la vida cristiana en lengua English was the medium of instruction.
tagala (1605), a book containing basic • In 1934, President Roosevelt signed a
Catholic doctrines. bill making the Philippines a
• On the other hand, de Belen wrote "Ang commonwealth. On May 14, 1935 Manuel
Mahal na Passion ni Jesu Christong L. Quezon was elected president.
Panginoon natin na tola" (1704), the
earliest version of pasyon. LITERARY WORKS PRODUCED
• Also, the native drama called the • The production of literary works in English
komedya or moro-moro was popular. It is the direct result of the American
depicted the war between Christians and colonization of the Philippines.
Muslims, wherein the former always wins. • The first collection of poetry in English is
• The poet Jose de la Cruz (1746-1829) Filipino Poetry (1924), edited by Rodolfo
was a master of such art form. Dato.
• Native literature continued. Though the • The short story “Dead Stars” (1925) by
Spaniards destroyed the written literature Paz Marquez Benitez is considered as
in their effort to replace it with their own, the first Filipino modern short story in
the oral tradition survived and flourished English.
in areas beyond the reach of the • A Child of Sorrow (1921) by Zoilo M.
Spaniards. Galang is the first Filipino novel in
English. The novel His Native Soil (1940)
FILIPINO WRITERS either wrote in Spanish by Juan C. Laya won first prize in the
or in their own tongue or both. First Commonwealth Literary Awards in
1. Francisco Baltazar (1788-1862), the 1940.
master of traditional Tagalog poetry, became • Filipino writers in English during the
well-known for his work Florante at Laura apprenticeship period (1900-1930)
(1838-1861), the most famous metrical imitated American writing.
romance of the country. • The poet Fernando Maramag writes in
2. Pedro Paterno (1857-1911) wrote the Romantic tradition in his sonnet
Sampaguitas y poesias varias (1880), the first "Moonlight on Manila Bay” (1912). Filipino
poetry collection in Spanish by a Filipino; and fictionist copied Sherwood Anderson,
the novel in Spanish Ninay (1885), considered William Saroyan, and Ernest
to be the first Filipino novel. Hemingway.
3. Jose Rizal (1861-1896), a prominent • Jose Garcia Villa used the Anderson
ilustrado and the country's national hero, is pattern. Manuel Arguilla and N. V. M.
famous for the novels Noli Me Tangere and EI Gonzalez were influenced by Anderson
Filibusterismo. These novels portray the and Hemingway. Francisco Arcellana
corruption and abuse of the Spanish was influenced by Saroyan.
officials and the clergy.
4. Andres Bonifacio (1863-1897), the JAPANESE OCCUPATION (1941-1945)
founder of the Katipunan, wrote the poem • On December 8, 1941, the Japanese
"Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa." This poem attacked Manila.
appeared in the Kalayaan, the official • On January 2, 1942, Japanese occupied
newspaper of the Katipunan, in March Manila. They set up a Council of State in
1896. the country and started propaganda to
5. Leona Florentino (1849-1884), known as remold the Filipinos.
the "mother of Philippine women's • In October 1943 the Japanese declared
literature," was a poet in both Ilocano and the Philippines "independent.
Spanish. Twenty of her poems were • On September 20, Jose P. Laurel was
preserved and exhibited in Europe. The elected president.
poems were included in the Encyclopedia • MacArthur and his Allied forces returned
International des Oeuvres des Femme in to the country in 1944.
1889. • They landed on Leyte on October 20, and
the biggest naval battle in history ensued.
AMERICAN OCCUPATION (1898-1940) • The Japanese surrendered formally on
• The US established a civil government in September 2, 1945.
LITERARY WORKS PRODUCED • Philippine literature flourished even
• During the occupation, publications were more during the postwar and
censored by the military. contemporary period.
• Also, Tagalog was declared an official - Writers were able to produce short
language (together with Nihonggo). stories, novels, essays, and poems
• In effect, Philippine literature in English that continue to be read by Filipinos
came to a halt. Some Filipino writers then today.
turned to writing in Filipino. Examples:
• The Tagalog short story reached its Some works written in the postwar
maturity during the period. and contemporary period are:
• The best works were compiled by the 1. May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin,
Liwayway magazine editors in Ang 1947
Pinakamabuting Maikling Kathang 2. Waywaya by F. Sionil Jose, 1983
Pilipino ng 1943, which came out in 3. We Filipinos Are Mild Drinkers by
1944. Alejandro Roces, 1948
• It is a collection of stories that won a 4. The Return by Edith L. Tiempo
contest sponsored by the Japanese. 5. History and Philippine Culture by
• The top four stories were Horacio de la Costa, 1965
1. "Lupang Tinubuan" by Narciso G. 6. Without Seeing the Dawn by
Reyes, Stevan Javellana, 1947
2. "Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa" by Explanation:
Liwayway Arceo, 1. Nick Joaquin, a National Artist for
3. "Nayon at Dagat-dagatan" by N. V. M. Literature awardee, wrote articles under the
Gonzalez, and name of Quijano de Manila.
4. “Suyuan sa Tubigan” by Macario - His short story "May Day Eve,"
Pineda. published in 1947, is about love in a
patriarchal society.
POST-WAR AND CONTEMPORARY - It also made use of magic realism.
LITERATURE 2. F. Sionil Jose, one of the most widely read
- include all literary works written and Filipino writers in English, wrote the short
published in the Philippines from 1946. story “Waywaya,” which is about pre-Hispanic
• After World War II, the Philippines had to society and the people's struggle for moral
deal with the economy and the need for order.
rehabilitation and reconstruction of 3. Alejandro Roces, a Filipino author,
infrastructures. essayist, and dramatist, wrote the short story
- There was political, economic, and "We Filipinos Are Mild Drinkers."
social confusion, as well as great - focuses on the drinking habits and
poverty, and these issues found their culture of Filipinos and Americans.
way into the short stories and 4. Edith L. Tiempo's poem "The Return" is a
novels during that time. sentimental piece that talks about life in old
• During the postwar period, Filipino age.
writers got their inspiration from American 5. Horacio de la Costa wrote the essay
teachers and were able to learn their “History and Philippine Culture,” which
techniques, which also helped in emphasize the importance of understanding
mastering the English language. and presenting a nation's culture.
- Writers wrote fiction that focused on 6. Stevan Javellana wrote the first postwar
courageous deeds as well as the Filipino novel in English, "Without Seeing
sacrifices and suffering in the lives of the
Filipinos. Dawn".
o common for writers to write - narrates what people experienced
about the experiences of the during World War II under the
Filipino people under the Japanese rule in the Philippines.
Spanish and American rule
Literary Works What is a canon of literature?
 The term “literary canon” refers to a • Mindoro and Beyond: Twenty -One
body of books, narratives and other Stories
texts considered to be the most • The Bread of Salt and Other Stories
important and influential of a particular • Work on the Mountain
time period or place. (Apr 25, 2013 • The Novel of Justice: Selected Essays
theculturetrip.com) 1968-1994
 The most famous Philippine literature • A Grammar of Dreams and Other Stories
written by notable canonical authors
 There are major literary works from NICK JOAQUIN
each region and from different • May 4, 1917 – April 29, 2004
timelines in Philippine literature • Regarded by many as the most
 The awardees for National Artist for distinguished Filipino writer in English
Literature in the Philippines and their writing so variedly and so well about so
works many aspects of the Filipino.
• Written plays, novels, poems, short
CANONICAL AUTHORS stories and essays including reportage
BIENVENIDO LUMBERA and journalism.
• Bienvenido Lumbera, is a poet, librettist, • As a journalist, Nick Joaquin uses the
and scholar. name de guerre Quijano de Manila but
• As a poet, he introduced to Tagalog whether he is writing literature or
literature what is now known as Bagay journalism, fellow National Artist Francisco
poetry, a landmark aesthetic tendency Arcellana opines that “it is always of the
that has helped to change the vernacular highest skill and quality”. Among his
poetic tradition. voluminous works are:
• He is the author of the following works: • The Woman Who Had Two Navels
Likhang Dila, Likhang Diwa (poems in • A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino
Filipino and English), 1993; Balaybay, • Manila, My Manila: A History for the
Mga Tulang Lunot at Manibalang, 2002; Young
Sa Sariling Bayan, Apat na Dulang May • The Ballad of the Five Battles
Musika, 2004; “Agunyas sa Hacienda • Rizal in Saga
Luisita,” Pakikiramay, 2004. • Almanac for Manileños
• Cave and Shadows
• Born on April 22, 1919 in Bayombong, REPRESENTATIVES TEXTS FROM
Nueva Vizcaya, her poems are intricate SELECTED REGIONS OF THE
verbal transfigurations of significant PHILIPPINES
experiences as revealed, in two of her REGION I LITERATURE
much-anthologized pieces, “The Little A. Region: I- Ilocos Region- Ilocano
Marmoset” and “Bonsai”. B. Author: Pedro Bukaneg (March 1592 – c.
1630) was a Filipino poet. Blind since birth, he
N.V.M. GONZALES is the acknowledged author of the Ilocano
• September 8, 1915 – November 28, 1999 epic Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang). He is
• Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez, better considered the "Father of Ilocano literature.
known as N.V.M. Gonzalez, fictionist, He dictated the text of his poems, songs and
essayist, poet, and teacher, articulated translations, and someone else wrote.
the Filipino spirit in rural, urban However, it is also possible that Bukaneg
landscapes. wrote the text of the work that has been sung
for centuries by the Ilocano and thus
Major works of N.V.M Gonzalez include the preserved it for eternity. It was also Bukaneg
following: who translated the Doctrina Cristiana in
• The Winds of April Ilocano. This book was printed in 1593 as one
• Seven Hills Away of the first books in the Philippines and was
• Children of the Ash-Covered Loam and intended for use in the conversion of the local
Other Stories population.
• The Bamboo Dancers C. Literary Forms: Oral Literature
• Look Stranger, on this Island Now Epic - These are “narratives of
sustained length based on oral tradition
revolving around supernatural events or
heroic deeds” (Arsenio Manuel) On the way, Lam-ang met his enemy
D. Text: Sumarang, another suitor of Ines whom he
LAM-ANG is the hero of one of the fought and readily defeated. Lam-ang found
most popular Philippine folk epics, Biag ni the house of Ines surrounded by many suitors
Lam-ang (Life of Lam-Ang). The Biag ni Lam- all of whom were trying to catch her attention.
ang, from the people of the northern He had his rooster crow, which caused a
Philippines, is said to be the only complete nearby house to fall. This made Ines look out.
epic from a Christianized Philippine He had his dog bark and, in an instant, the
indigenous group. Exhibiting a mixture of fallen house rose up again. The girl's parents
Spanish and indigenous cultures, the earliest witnessed this and called for him. The rooster
written record of the epic was in 1889. There expressed the love of Lam-ang. The parents
are at least ten versions of the epic. agreed to a marriage with their daughter if
Lam-ang would give them a dowry valued at
Don Juan double their wealth. Lam-ang had no problem
and his wife fulfilling this condition and he and Ines were
Namongan lived in married.
Nalbuan, now part of
La Union in the It was a tradition to have a newly
northern part of the married man swim in the river for the rarang
Philippines. They had fish. Unfortunately, Lam-ang dove straight into
a son named Lam- the mouth of the water monster Berkakan.
ang. Before Lam-ang Ines had Marcos get his bones, which she
was born, Don Juan covered with a piece of cloth. His rooster
went to the crowed and his dog barked and slowly the
mountains in order to bones started to move. Back alive, Lam-ang
punish a group of and his wife lived happily ever after with his
their Igorot enemies. While he was away, his white rooster and gray dog.
son Lamang was born. It took four people to
help Namongan give birth. As soon as the REGION V LITERATURE
baby boy popped out, he spoke and asked A. Region: V- Bicol Region, Camarines
that he be given the name Lam-ang. He also Sur- Tagalog
chose his godparents and asked where his B. Author: Kristian Sendon Cordero
father was. C. Literary form: Poem
D. Text:
After nine months of waiting for his Mayon
father to return, Lam-ang decided he would go Ayon sa alamat, lason ng pana ni
look for him. Namongan thought Lam-ang was Pagtuga,
up to the challenge but she was sad to let him Ang lumikha sa bulkan – libingan ito
go. During his exhausting journey, he decided Ng dalagang namatay sa isang digmaan.
to rest for a while. He fell asleep and had a Ngayon, ano ang tutubo sa paanan ng Mayon
dream about his father's head being stuck on Gayong nagiging malawak na itong
a pole by the Igorot. Lamang was furious sementeryo
when he learned what had happened to his Ng abo, ng tao. Manganganak na kaya ito?
father. He rushed to their village and killed
them all, except for one whom he let go so Tinitigan ko ang nakangangang bulkan –
that he could tell other people about Lam- binalot
ang's greatness. Ng ulap at ng sariling usok
ang tuktok, gatas sa labi.
Upon returning to Nalbuan in triumph, sakali, magpakita, nang may
he was bathed by women in the Amburayan silbi ang kamera.
river. All the fish died because of the dirt and
odor from Lam-ang's body. There was a Sa ilang retrato na ibinebenta ng mga bata sa
young woman named Ines Kannoyan whom Cagsawa
Lam-ang wanted to woo. She lived in Lusaw na tae ang nagliliyab na lava,
Calanutian and he brought along his white dumadaloy pababa.
rooster and gray dog to visit her.
Matandang nag-nganganga ayon naman sa C. Literary Form: Essay
isang makata. D. Text:
Sa isang lumang postcard na nakita ko sa Home of the Ashfall
Antigo Merkado— The eruption of Mount Pinatubo was recorded as the
second largest terrestrial eruption of the 20th century, and
Kapag sa malayo, isa siyang magandang the largest eruption populated area.
sikyung nakatanod,
Handa sa pagkapkap, naghihintay sa iyong Ash fall, which formed a weighty, rain drenched snow‐like
pagpasok. film, affected almost the entire island of Luzon, and even
reached the neighboring countries of Malaysia and
Vietnam. It was further aggravated because of Typhoon
NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR) Yunya, which brought with it heavy rains and strong
A. Region: NCR-Manila
To the Kampampagans and to the people affected by this
B. Author: Cirilo F. Bautista Cirilo F.
tragedy, it would serve as a testament to their
Bautista (July 9, 1941 – May 6, 2018) was a irrepressible attribute of rising about their plight and
Filipino poet, critic and writer of nonfiction. A predicament.
National Artist for Literature whose poems,
I was no longer living in Angeles City when Mt. Pinatubo
essays, and fiction—including The Trilogy of
erupted on June 15, 1991. I was promoted from being a
St. Lazarus. and Sunlight on Broken Stones— crew member at Pizza Hut Dau to management trainee at
stand ...National Artist of the Philippines Pizza Hut Harrison Plaza in December 1990. After being
award was conferred on him in 2014. a service crew member for more than four years and
graduating from college in 1989, I had to say goodbye to
C. Literary Form: Poem
my hometown where I lived for more than two decades. It
D. Text: was my first time to work in
Third World Geography
A country without miracles Manila. I asked the assistance of Ed Calupitan, a fellow
Pizza Hut Dau crew member now based in Manila, to help
Sits heavy on the map,
me find a place to stay. He was living in a two‐bedroom
Thinking of banana trees rotting apartment and gladly offered the other room to me.
In the sunlight.
The man who watches over it Weeks before the eruption, I read several news and
Has commandeered all hopes, warnings about Mt. Pinatubo. Frankly, I never knew that
Placed them in a sack, there was a volcano in the Zambales mountain range.
Nobody among my Kapampangan friends did. I guess we
And tied its loose end.
were all clueless about the impending danger this would
He goes around carrying it cause in our lives.
On his back.
When asked what is inside, Later on, I realized that the summit of the volcano was
just fourteen kilometers away from the extent of Clark Air
He says, “Just a handful of feathers,
Base. I thought that volcanoes were conspicuous
Just a handful of feathers.” mountains and had fierce‐looking summits like Maycn’s
That’s how light the burden and Haicon’s. But this one was deeply hidden among the
Of government is in peace time – several mountains called the Cabusilan mountains” of
Any tyrant can turn it into a metaphor. Zambales. How a volcano had managed to hide among
the mountains and be covered with a defense forest was
You kneel on the parched earth something I couldn’t comprehend.
And pray for rice. Only the wind
Here’s your useless words. If it was bound to erupt, I guess it would be just like a
The country without miracles firecracker. Hell, I thought that if there was a mountain
near us which I imagined would erupt anytime, it would be
Tries to get up from the page, the Arayat, which was located at the heart of Pampanga,
But the bold ink and sharp colors with its open mouth and forbidding countenance. Not this
Hold it down. obscure mountain whose native inhabitants, the Aetas,
never even knew about, I paid no more attention to
warnings. I had only been in Manila for barely six
REGION III LITERATURE months and was enjoying my new‐found independence. I
A. Region: III-Pampanga would sometimes go to Angeles City to see Mother during
B. Author: John Jack Wigley wrote Home of days off, which usually fell on a weekday, since
the Ashfall: A Memoir, UST Publishing House, management people did not have the luxury of the day‐off
during weekends because it was the time when more
2014. Author, Falling into the Manhole: A people would go out and eat. Pizza Hut Harizon Plaza
Memoir, UST Publishing House, 2012. Co- was a high-volume unit.
Author, Telling the Truth: The Art of Creative
Nonfiction, C&E Publishing, Inc. ... Co-Author, That fateful day, after my opening shift, I went to see a
film. I t was “Hihintayin Kita sa Langit”, a film adaption of
Philippine Literatures: Texts, Themes, Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights” directed by Carlitos Siguion
Approaches, UST Publishing House, 2009. Reyna. The film starred erstwhile lovers played by
Richard Gomez and Dawn Zulueta. I was feeling all
mushy and melodramatic after watching the film when, Later in the afternoon, we won’t be able to cross because
once outside, I saw parked cars covered with what of the deep water,” the barker enthusiastically said.
seemed like a whitish‐gray banket. And so were the
streets. Is it finally showing in Manila? I thought, as I felt As he started lifting the chair, I felt that I was sliding down.
some of the particles in my hand and smudge my shirt. The fabric of my pants was slippery “Sagull, Kala‐kalale.
When I looked closely and touched them, they were Wait, carefull Mananabu ku! I’m falling,” I cried. The
grainy. It was like ash from an ashtray. barker halted for a second and adjusted the weight on his
arms. I wiggle momentarily and after a while, I instructed
I saw farther down the river bank that people were lining him to carry on. He looked at me and then smiled
up to cross the river by stepping on coconut trunks and blissfully.
wooden poles attached from one end to the other. The
gaunt shirtless bot who was juggling coins and walking to First, it was my body weight. Then I sensed that he was
and fro shouted. “Pesus mu. Deng bisang lumakad mocking me because he thought it was a sissy. I turned
papunta Angeles, keni na kayo bang ali la mabasa deng back to the other barkers, and they were all carrying
bitis yu. passengers, all of whom were women. One was carrying
an older woman with cane. I saw the men and they were
For one peso, take this trail and your feet won’t get wet in braving the river. Oh dear, now all these barkers would
the river”. I was about to fall in line but I realized that regard me as the only man in the Abacan river who did
there as a long queue of people already as far as the not want to get his feet wet. Why hadn’t I decided early on
bend, waiting for their turn to get actions the river. It to just cross the river? Now, I felt guilty that I had to
would take me forever to get to other side if I fall in line, I subject this cadaver‐looking barker to such pain and
thought. I talked to the person behind me. “Malalam ya pu suffering by carrying me, the queen all of my 160‐pound
ing daanum. Is the water deep?” royalty for a measly 15pesos.

“Tabalu. Bala mu, malalam pin. I don’t know. It’s deep. I I shook my head of all this guilt away. Well, too bad, I
guess,” the immediately rejoined. “Lawen me itang tau thought I had the money which you hadn’t, Sorry. Even in
angga ne keng atyan na. Look at the guy crossing. The ancient times, slaves laboriously carried their obese
water’s up to his tummy, he said, pointing to the man. masters. History repeats itself, I tried to reason out in my
thoughts. When we got to the middle of the river, I closed
It was deep, I contemplated. I didn’t want to take of my eyes, not because I was afraid of the water, but
getting my clothes wet. Look at the guy crossing. The because I was worried that the barker wouldn’t be able to
water’s up to his tummy,” he said, pointing to the man. I cross it, with me as his burden.
was also thinking that perhaps the water that flowed down
the river was contaminated because of the volcanic ash The water was already knee‐deep. He wasn’t even
and the sulfuric content of the water. wearing any footwear. What if he slid doen because he
sttepped on a rock or a hole under the water?
Just then, I saw about four barkers holding wooden
chairs, inviting people to cross the river on these chairs. But he was very much focused. His steps were show but
They explained that people would be sitting on the chair cautious. I wanted to talk to him so that my mind would be
and the barkers themselves would carry the chair to the distracted from worrying, but I felt that he needed full
other side for a fee of ten pesos. Despite the horrible concentration to get us through. I just held on the hand
sight before me, I forced a smile I was thinking about how rest of the chair.
indestructible humans are. These people were still
struggling to live even if catastrophes like typhoons and I imagined that poor people have always exhibited their
volcanic eruptions had truck. Catastrophes constantly resilience this way. When calamities happen, they are the
plagued their lives. I felt deep admiration for them. first ones to suffer the initial blows. Yet, they survive and
eventually thrive. They just need to go slow and sure. The
One barker thought my smile was an indication that I rich and the middle class are alienated from this kind of
wanted to ride in the chair. “Bisa kang sake. Would you survival strategy. That is why much is lost in them when
like to take a ride?” he asked. I was meaning to say no things go down. But not the poor; they are like fungi.
but I was speechless, still talking everything in.
They don’t die. They morph after a catastrophe. We got to
Besides, I wanted to see my family. I nodded my head. the order end of the river. The barker found a coarse spot
“Koya, padagdag naku mu keka ne. Kasi lupa kang where he could put down the chair. He was painting
mabayat. I’ll charge you extra. You look heavy” the barker heavily, beads of sweat dripping from his temples. I
smiled fully; revealing he had no teeth. thanked him and handed a twenty-peso bill. He looked
grateful and smiled. I was waiting for him to utter an
For a moment, I wanted to pull his hair and drown his insulting remark so I could give him the sermon of the
head in the river. This impertinent one. I thought. He had day. But he didn’t. “Dacal a salamat pu koya. Thank you.
to subtly insult my chubby body. But I surmised that he Pantunan mu naku potang bisa nakang mibalik keng
meant well. It was not going to be easy carrying me to the sumangid. Hatad daka. Just look for me when you want to
other side of the river. I just simply agreed. I sat on the cross the river going back. I’ll take you.” He said as he
chair and put the bag on my lap. nodded his head approvingly, once again showing his
toothless mouth “Sige pu, salamat mu rin,” I replied.
The barker clasped an improvised rope seatbelt from one There was hardly any roving jeepney at all when I climbed
and to the other. Yeah, like I would experience an up the gully. Tricycles were waiting at the, but I chose not
accident by forgetting to use this seatbelt, I thought to ride in one. I decided to walk. The house was only
sarcastically. Just hold the chair’s handles, sir it’s good about five minutes away anyway.
that you came this early. Potang gatganapun, ali tana
makapunta karin uling malalam ne ing danum.
As I was walking, I thought about what the future would REGION VIII LITERATURE – 2
hold for this city I loved. Kapampangans are known to be
A. Region: VIII
a proud people. I only wished that they would get past all
this soon. I was hoping that I would also see my family B. Author: Eduardo A. Makabenta, Sr.,
complete and in the best of health. My steps got quicker. I 1885-1973 was a poet from Region 8
started to run. At the threshold of the house, I saw Mother C. Literary Form: Poem
carrying a bundle of laundry. When she saw me, she
D. Text:
smiled and patted my arm. I was puzzled to see her
carrying a load. Here is Mano Danding's Despidida Kan
“Where are you going? I just got here. I was so worried Lakat na la, lakat na la kun malakat ka.
about you. Where is ate and her family, are they okay?” I
Saho ko man, saho ko man bis’ ka ngain.
asked. Mother placed the bundle on the table and
tightened it. “They’re all okay, thank God. I’m going to Lakat na la, di ak’ ha im’ mababaraka,
Dau to give this to your ate.” “What, are you serious?” I Ngan di ha imo magbibiling.
was shocked by Mother’s retort. “The Abacan bridge has An budo ayaw pagdad-a,
collapsed, didn’t you know? How are you going to get to
An bahaw ngan luwag,
Dau?” “I know that the Abacan bridge is no more,” Mother
said pensively. “I’ve been to Dau and back. Twice Layas na kun malayas ka,
already. There are still barkers that lift chairs down there Diri matangis an ak’ kalag.
in the river, aren’t there?” she looked at me. I was aghast Kapara na, kapara na ha ak’ paniplat.
to hear this from her. “You mean you want to go down the
Pahirayo, di ak’ ha im’ mag-aawil,
river? You are not afraid?” “Why should I be afraid?”
Mother interrupted. “Only the old ones are afraid to cross Pakadto na, gikan na ngan lurop ha dagat,
the river. I am not that old. Besides, you’re here to keep Bis’ bugkoton ka hin bukawil
me company, right? I’ll cook your favorite ginataang Diri gad ha im’ mahawid,
kamansi.” I was dumbfounded. Mother was unbelievable.
Paturon han paglakat—
“Hurry up! The river gets deeper in the afternoon,” Mother
shouted “Let’s go.” Ibilin kalayo, tubig,
Di ak’ ha im’ maglalanat. (1940)
B. Author: Iluminado Lucente (May 14, Go, go, if that’s what you want! / I don’t care,
1883 - February 14, 1960) was a Filipino don’t care where. / Just go, go, I don’t care! / I
writer, primarily writing poetry and drama in won’t be looking for you!
the Waray language. He is considered to be You can’t bring the salted fish, /The leftover
one of the finest writers in the Waray rice, the ladle/
language. Lucente was born on May 14, Go, go if you must, / I won’t be grieving about
1883 into a well-off family, to Curicoco it, for sure.
Lucente and Aurora Garcia, in Palo, Leyte. Get out, out of my sight. /Go away, I’m not
C. Literary Form: Poem going to miss you. /
D. Text: Leave now, leave, jump in the sea if you will/
An Iroy nga Tuna (My Motherland) If a conch gobbles you up, that’s fine too.
An iroy nga tuna matam-is pagpuy’an Well, I’m not stopping you, /Go on, get
Bisan diin siplat puros kasangkayan. going, /Just leave the fire behind, the water, /
Aanhi an hingpit na ginkalipayan I’m not chasing after you, never.
Hira nanay, tatay pati kabugtuan.
Lugaring kay hiblon, sa dughan bati-on CONTRAST THE VARIOUS 21ST
Inin Pilipinas dayuday uripon CENTURY LITERARY GENRES
Ay Tuna nga akon nataw'han! A main literary genre is Poetry. All
Hain daw an hingpit nga ginkaripayan? poems share specific characteristics. For
example, poetry is written in lines and stanzas
Salamat uyamot hinin kalangitan instead of sentences and paragraphs. Some
Waray na mabug-on nga at’ kasakitan poems follow strict rules as to the number and
Kay adton uripon nga nayon length of lines and stanzas, whereas many
Labis mapait pa kay han kamatayon. poems are much more free-flowing
Duroyog mag-ampo inin katiripon
Nga di’ bumalik an at’ kauripon Poetry is generally considered to be
Kairo han at’ sumusunod kon the oldest art. Long before our forefathers
Tulo nga bitoun ngan adlaw matunod. learned to write, they sang and recite lines of
verse. Among the literary genres, poetry is the
most closely related to music. Like music, it 5) Sensory/Poetic Images - by using
appeals to the senses and imagination. Like sensory/poetic images or words and phrases
music, too it is meant to be heard. Poets that appeal to the five senses, a poet
choose words or their sounds as well as for recreates an experience.
their meanings. They combine these words to
create vivid pictures and to express deep Poetic images have been classified into
feelings. the following figures of speech:
Simile - consists of comparing two things by
ELEMENTS OF POETRY using the words “like” or “as”.
1) Sense - is revealed through the meaning of Example:
words; image and symbols. Your face as a big as a seed, but you do not
• Diction - denotative and connotative bear fruit…
meanings/symbols (lines from A Secret by Carlos Bulosan)
• Images and sense impressions - sight,
sound, smell, taste, touch, motion and Metaphor - uses direct comparison of two
emotion. unlike things or ideas without using the words
• Figure of speech - simile, metaphor, “like” or “as”.
personification, apostrophe, metonymy, Example:
synecdoche, allusion, antithesis, paradox, Dear Lord:
litotes, oxymoron, onomatopoeia. Let thou be the street cleaner
Whilst I be the road
2) Sound - is the result of the combination of (Prayer by NVM Gonzales)
• Tone color - alliteration, assonance, Personification - gives human traits to
consonance, rhyme, repetition, anaphora. inanimate objects or ideas.
• Rhythm - order recurrent alteration of Example:
strong and weak elements in the flow of The bulled said to the heart: from now on we
the sound and silence: duple, triple, shall never part.
running or common rhyme. (lines from Communion by Gerson M. Mallillin)
• Meter - stress, duration, or number of
syllables per line, fixed metrical pattern, or Apostrophe - is a direct address to someone
a verse form: quantitative, syllabic and absent, dead, or inanimate.
accentual syllabic. Example:
• Rhyme scheme - formal arrangement of Little Sampaguita
rhymes in a stanza or the whole poem. With the wandering eye

3) Structure - refers to (1) arrangement of Did a tiny airy

words, and lines to it together, and (2) the Drop you where you lie?
organization of the parts to form a whole. (lines from The Sampaguita by Natividad
• Word order - natural and unnatural Marquez)
arrangement of words.
• Ellipsis - omitting some words for Metonymy - substitutes a word that closely
economy and effect. relates to a person or thing.
• Punctuation - abundance or lack of Example:
punctuation marks. 1. The pen is mightier than the sword.
• Shape - contextual and visual designs: 2. He lives through the bottle.
jumps, omission of spaces, capitalization, 3. I have read all of Shakespeare.
lower case.
Synecdoche - uses a part to represent the
4) Speaker - all poems have a speaker, the whole.
voice that talks to the reader. In some poems, Example:
the speaker has a clear identity, using I and No busy hand provokes a tear.
me. In other poems, the speaker remains in No roving foot shall crush thee here.
the background. The speaker is not
necessarily the same as the poet. Hyperbole - makes use of exaggeration.
I know what to name thy charms,
Thou art half human, half divine; In the Pre-Spanish period, literature
And if I could hold thee in my arms, was in oral form as technology of printing
I know both heaven and earth were mine. wasn’t available yet. Works such as epics,
(lines from The Rural Maid By Fernando M. legends, folklore, salawikain, bugtong,
Maramag) sawikain, songs such as the Oyayi or Hele are
passed on from generations to generations
Irony - says the opposite of what is meant. and they are still well-known up to this day as
Example: they are being taught in schools. Philippine
If all these men whose heads are with stars, Literature changed during the Spanish Period.
Who dream unceasingly of blazing royalty, It was centered on Christian faith. Pre-
Will only strike to be like you. Spanish literary types continued to develop;
A dweller of the sod with the heart of royalty! however, there was a gradual shift of interest
(lines from To A Do by Florizel Diaz) from nature and natural phenomena to the
lives of the saints, hymns, miracles and
Allusion - refers to any literary biblical, invocations based on the teachings of the
historical, mythological, scientific event, Catholic Church. The works during this time
character or place. are imitative of the Spanish theme, forms, and
Example: traditions. The corrido, awit, dalit, cenaculo,
The pendulum is a thing dread moro-moro, duplo and karagatan, and
To nervous persons like me zarzuela are reflective of the said
It reminds one of swaying Iscariot- characteristics. Religious matters were in
Suspended from a tree. prose as novenas and prayer books,
(lines from After Palanan by Rene Iturralde) biographies of the saints, tales and novels.
The Filipinos were able to retain their native
Antithesis - involves a contrast o words or traditions and poems in the field of poetry
ideas. reflected as lyrical folksongs and riddles.
Example: Some examples of songs are Bahay Kubo,
“Love is so short… Forgetting is so long.” kundiman, and tapat. Francisco Baltazar also
“You may be through with the past but the was popular during this time because of his
past isn’t through with you.” “Florante at Laura”. Events such as the
exposure of the Filipinos to Europe’s liberal
Paradox - uses a phrase or statement that on idealism, the opening of the Suez Canal, the
surface seems contradictory, but makes some Spanish Revolution in 1868, and the
king of emotional sense. martyrdom of Gomburza led to Filipino
Example: nationalism. This gave birth to two
My dear, canst thou resolve for me movements during this time – the Propaganda
This paradox of love concerning thee movement and the Revolutionary movement.
Mine eyes, when opened with thy beauty fill- The Propaganda movement was reformatory
But when they’re close, they see thee better in objective and its members are college
still. students mostly based in Spain. The primary
(lines from The Paradox by A.E Litiatco) propagandists were Jose Rizal, Marcelo H.
del Pilar, and Graciano Lopez-Jaena. The
POETIC TERMS: exposure of the evils of the Spanish rule in the
1. Allusion – Using this literary device, the Philippines was because of Rizal’s Noli Me
writer refers to a significant person, place, Tangere and El Filibusterismo and has paved
thing, or idea in culture, history, literature, or the way to a revolution against Spain. Del
politics briefly and indirectly. Pilar’s essays and editorials in Diariong
2. Apostrophe – With this literary device, the Tagalog which he founded with Lopez-
writer addresses someone or something that Jaena’s articles in La Solidaridad which he
is not present in his work. was an editor reflected nationalism that was
3. End rhyme – This rhyme occurs in the last dominant at this time.
syllables of verses.
4. Lyric poetry – This traditional poetry is The Revolutionary movement took
characterized by its brevity, emotional over as the propagandists failed to get much
intensity, and musical quality. reforms. This was of course more violent, and
it demands complete independence from
Spain. The Katipunan was founded by Andres
Bonifacio who was inspired by Rizal’s novels. “morning” float across your computer screen
The articles written in Tagalog (which was a in pseudo-three-dimensional letters, one will
form of revolution) was published in the have been hard pressed to identify the use of
Kalayaan, the newspaper of the society. The any formal poetics.
literature at that time was more propagandistic
than literary as the situation and events at that Mobile phone textula
time needed such purpose for liberation. A cell phone novel, or mobile phone
novel is a literary work originally written on a
History has a very important role in literature cellular phone via text messaging. This type of
as literature not only reflects facts with literature originated in Japan, where it has
aesthetic language but more importantly, it become a popular literary genre. However, its
displays the ideals and feelings of the people popularity has also spread to other countries
living at that time. Not only does literature internationally, especially to China, United
exhibit history but so as the hope that people States, Germany, and South Africa. Chapters
have. It shows what they hope for the nation, usually consist of about 70-100 words each
or for themselves, may it be about due to character limitations on cell phones.
nationalism, love, or other aspects going on in
life. As the Philippines underwent a lot of Chick lit
history, as well as changes, literature also This is genre fiction, which “consists
evolved. of heroin-centered narratives that focus on the
trials and tribulations of their individual
Here are the examples of literary genres in protagonists”. The genre often addresses
the 21st century Philippine literature: issues of modern womanhood – from
romantic relationships to female friendships to
Creative nonfiction matters in the workplace – in humorous and
It’s a rich mix of flavors, ideas, and lighthearted ways.
techniques, some of which are newly invented
and others as old as writing itself. Creative Some of the chick lit in the Philippines
nonfiction can be an essay, a journal article, a are:
research paper, a memoir, or a poem; it can • Spotlight New Adult by Mina V. Esguerra
be personal or not, or it can be all of these. • Tall Story by Candy Gourlay
• All’s Fair in Blog and War by Chrissie
Some of the creative nonfiction in the Peria
Philippines are:
• “The Cardinal’s Sins, the General’s Cross, Speculative fiction
the Martyr’s Testimony, and Other It covers all stories from fantasy to
Affirmations” by Gregorio C. Brillantes science fiction to slipstream to magic realism
• “Manananggal Terrorizes Manila and to urban fantasy — so on and so forth. In
Other Stories” by Jessica Zafra other words (or in other worlds), it
• “Sapay Koma” by Jhoanna Lynn Cruz encompasses all the stories that are removed
from the reality that we are currently living in.
Hyper poetry As the introduction states, “speculative fiction
Hypertext poetry and hypertext fiction is a type of story that deals with observations
are new genres of literature that use the of the human condition but offers the
computer screen as medium, rather than the experience through a different lens…and
printed page. The literary works rely on the challenges us to see what tomorrow could be
qualities unique to a digital environment, such like or what the mythic past of our imagination
as linked World Wide Web pages or effects actually is.”
such as sound and movement. Hypertext
“poetry” can consist of words, although not Some of the speculative fiction in the
necessarily organized into lines and stanzas, Philippines are:
as well as, sounds, visual images, movement • Smaller and Smaller Circles by FH
or other special effects. Batacan
• Sink by Isabel Yap
Although the poem may be dazzling • The Secret Origin of Spin-Man by Andrew
with sounds, perhaps of a lawnmower, while Drilon
the words “mowing,” “stop,” “Sunday,” and
Flash fiction There are various themes and topics that
Flash fiction goes by many names, the contemporary literature addresses. One of
including microfiction, microstories, short- which is Identity. With increasing
shorts, short short stories, very short stories, globalization, intersections of cultures and
sudden fiction, postcard fiction and more vocal discussions of women’s rights and
nanofiction. While it can be difficult to pinpoint LGBT rights, identity has become a common
an exact definition of flash fiction based on theme in 21st century literature. In a world
word count, consideration of several of its that is now able to exchange ideas more
features can help provide clarity, like its quickly than ever before via the Internet and
brevity, length, background and purpose. other technological advancements, people
have relatively more freedom to draw from
Some of the flash fiction in the multiple cultures and philosophies and
Philippines are: question the concept of the self and its
• 100 Kislap, by Abdon M. Balde Jr. relation to the body, brain and “soul.” Another
• Karapote: Antolohia Dagiti 13 a Nasuerte theme is history and memory. Often
A. Sarita, by Ariel S. Tabag contemporary literature explores the notion of
multiplicities of truth and acknowledges that
Blog history is filtered through human perspective
A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an and experience. Another main theme is
online journal or informational website technology. Today, technology is more
displaying information in the reverse integrated into people’s lives than ever before.
chronological order, with latest posts Dreams of what technology could potentially
appearing first. It is a platform where a writer help people become and anxieties regarding
or even a group of writers share their views on the demise of humanity because of
an individual subject. technology can be seen in 21st century
literature. Additionally, many 21st century
Graphic novels works of literature explore what it means
The ‘graphic novel’ has existed as an when all of humanity’s experiences are filtered
art form arguably from the time our species through technology. These are just among
learned how to paint. However, the term has many themes that 21st century literature
only been in use since the 1960’s, and though covers. Among these are of course, love, sex,
it’s often a hotly debated issue, it’s generally family, religion, but approached in a different
accepted that a graphic novel is a longer work way. They are more liberal and unfiltered in a
or collection of works presented in ‘comics’ sense, just like the world we live in. For this
style. reason, the language and tone that are
commonly used doesn’t really follow a rule
Some of the graphic novels in the just like the traditional and classical works, as
Philippines are: long as it is able to express and convey the
• The Mythology Class (Nautilus comics) by authenticity and the essence of the meaning
Arnold Arre of the work and the identity of the characters.
• Light (Anino comics) by Rob Cham Examples of this would be the works of Bob
• Sixty-Six (Anino comics) by Russell Ong, Ricky Lee, and Bebang Siy. The poems
Molina of Maria Cecilia dela Rosa are perfect
• Maktan 1521 by Tepai Pascual examples of 21st century literature as she
conveys a different flavor and turn to her
Contemporary writers often consciously works.
draw inspiration and ideas from the writers
who have come before them. As an outcome,
many works of 21st literature deal with the
events, movements and literature of the past
in order to make sense of the current times. In
addition, the technological developments of
the 21st century have directed other writers to
theoretically write about the future, usually to
comment on the present and suggest

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