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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Course and Examination Scheme of Master of Technology
in Structural Engineering
Choice Base Credit System (CBCS)
Scheme of M. Tech. Structural Engineering

Semester 1
Teaching Scheme Marks
Hours per
Subject Category Subject Code Subject week No. of Univ
Internal Total Passing
Credits Exam
Core Subject -I PGST101T Matrix Analysis of Structures 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50

Core Subject -II PGST102T Theory of Elasticity & Elastics Stability 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50

Core Subject -III PGST103T Structural Dynamics 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50

Elective –I
PGST104T Elective-I 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
(Discipline Specific)

Elective –II (Open) PGOPEN105T Elective –II (Open) 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50

Laboratory -I PGST101P Matrix Analysis of Structure Lab -- 2 1 50 50 100 50

Laboratory -II PGST103P Structural Dynamics Lab -- 2 1 50 50 100 50

Total 20 4
Semester Total 24 22 250 450 700
Elective-I PGST104T Advanced Steel Design
Design of Earthquake Resistant
Elective-I PGST104T

Elective-I PGST104T Design of Environmental Structures

Elective-II (Open) PGOPEN105T Global Warming and Climate Change

Elective-II (Open) PGOPEN105T Road Safety Engineering

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 1

Semester 2
Teaching Scheme Marks
Subject Category Subject Code Subject No. of Univ Passin
per week Internal Total
Credits Exam g
Core Subject -IV PGST201T Finite Element Method 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
Core Subject -V PGST202T Theory of Plates & Shell 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
Core Subject -IV PGST203T Foundation Design 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
Elective –III
PGST204T Elective-III 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
(Discipline Specific)
Foundation Course-
PGFD205T Research Methodology 4 -- 4 30 70 100 50
Laboratory -III PGST206P RCC Design Lab -- 2 1 50 50 100 50
Laboratory -IV PGST207P Steel Design Lab -- 2 1 50 50 100 50
Total 20 4
Semester Total 24 22 250 450 700
Elective-III PGST204T High Rise Structures

Elective-III PGST204T Design of Composite Construction

New Engineering Materials and

Elective-III PGST204T

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 2

Semester 3
Teaching Scheme Marks
Subject Category Subject Code Subject No. of Univ
per week Internal Total Passing
Credits Exam

Elective –IV (Open) PGOPEN301T Elective –IV (Open) 4 -- 4 50 50 100 50

Foundation Course-
PGFD302T Project Planning & Management 4 -- 4 50 50 100 50
Project Seminar PGST303P Project Seminar -- 3* 8 50 150 200 100
Total 8 3
Semester Total 11 16 150 250 400
*Contact Hours per week per project

Elective-IV (Open) PGOPEN301T Disaster Management and Mitigation

Elective-IV (Open) PGOPEN301T Water Resources Management

Semester 4
Teaching Scheme Marks
Subject Category Subject Code Subject No. of Univ
per week Internal Total Passing
Credits Exam
Project PGST401P Project -- 6* 16 -- 400 400 200
Total -- 6
Semester Total 6 16 -- 400 400
*Contact Hours per week per project
Grand Total of Marks 2200

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 3

Master of Technology in Structural Engineering

Choice Base Credit System (CBCS)


PGST101T Matrix Analysis of Structures

Unit 1: Stiffness method for plane truss, beams and plane frames
Unit 2: Stiffness method for plane grid and space frames
Unit 3: Analysis for member loading (self, temperature & Imposed), inclined supports, lack of fit,
initial joints displacements.
Unit 4: Effect of shear deformation. Internal member end releases.
Unit 5: Solution technique with banded & skyline technique, band minimization, frontal


1. Gere, W. and Weaver; J. M., Matrix Method of Structural Analysis 3rd Edition, Van Nostrand
Reinhold; New York; 1990
2. Meghre A.S. & Deshmukh S.K. ; Matrix Method of Structural Analysis, 1st edition, Charotar
publishing house, Anand, 2003
3. Kanchi, M. B., Matrix Method of Structural Analysis, 2nd Edition; John Willey & Sons, 1999

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 4

PGST102T Theory of Elasticity & Elastics Stability

Unit 1: Analysis of Stress and strain in 2 dimensions: Introduction, Types of forces, Components
of Stresses and strains, Stress-strain relation, Plane stress and plane strain strain at a
point, Differential equation of equilibrium, Boundary conditions and compatibility
equations (rectangular coordinates), Airy’s stress function.
Unit 2: Analysis of stress and strain in 3 dimensions: Components of stress, principal stresses,
stress invariants, Maximum shearing stress, Differential equation of equilibrium,
Boundary conditions and compatibility equations.
Unit 3: Bending of cantilever of narrow rectangular section loaded at end, Bending of simply
supported beam with uniform load, torsion of non-circular sections, Elliptical cross
Unit 4: Differential equation for beam, columns with concentrated loads, continuous lateral loads
and couples for simply supported ends, Application of trigonometric series, Lateral
bucking of beams. Buckling of simply supported rectangular plates uniformly
compresses in middle plane.
Unit 5: Energy method for elastic buckling of columns, Approximate method, Buckling of
columns on elastic foundation, Columns with intermediate compressive forces and
distributed axial load, Columns with changes in cross section. Effect of shearing force on
critical load, Buckling of built up columns,


1. Timoshenko, S.P. and Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Book
Company, New Delhi, 1963
2. Timoshenko, S.P. and Gere J. M., Theory of Elastic Stability , 2 Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Book
Company, New Delhi,1963
3. Ameen, M., Computational Elasticity—Theory of Elasticity, Finite and Boundary Element
Methods, 1st Edition, Narosa publication, 2007

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 5

PGST103T Structural Dynamics

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Rigid/Deformable body dynamics, Analysis of undamped and viscously

damped, single degree freedom systems.
Unit 2: Response of single degree freedom systems to harmonic loading support motion and
transmissibility Duhamels integral.
Unit 3: Introduction to vibrations due to earthquake, Study of IS 1893-1984 and 2000 applicable
to buildings and water tanks.
Unit 4: Free vibrations of lumped mass multi degree freedom systems, shear buildings
orthogonality criteria Rayleigh’s method.
Unit 5: Dynamic analysis of systems with distributed properties, Approximate design method
Transformation factors.

1. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics Theory & Application, CBS Publ.; N-Delhi, 1995.
2. Chopra A. K., Dynamics of Structures, Theory & Application to Earthquake Engineering, 2nd
Edition., Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1995
3. Clough / Penzien, ―Dynamics of Structures‖, McGraw Hill, 1993

PGST104T-1 Elective-I: Advanced Steel Design

Unit 1: Design of eccentric connections.

Unit 2: Design of steel chimneys,
Unit 3: Design of industrial sheds, bridges of crane / gantry Girders.
Unit 4: Design of bridges – highway and railways. Foot Bridge.
Unit 5: Design of storage vessels

1. RamChandra Design of Steel structures Vol-I & Vol-II Std. book house / Rajsons Publication
Pvt. Ltd.,, Delhi, 2006
2. Gaylords, E.H. & Gaylords, C. N., Design of Steel Structures, Blackwell, 1994.
3. Dayaratnam P., Design of Steel Structures, Wheeler Publications, Allahabad, 1992
4. Ghosh, ― Analysis and Design practice of Steel Structure‖, ( Forthcoming), Phi Publisher,
New Delhi

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 6

PGST104T-2 Elective-I: Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures

Unit 1: Engineering geology of earthquakes, faults, Propogation of earthquake waves,

quantification of earthquake, magnitude, energy intensity of earthquake, accelerograph,
accelogram, recording and analysis of earthquake records, seismicity of the world,
Analysis and interpretation of earthquake data, determination of magnitude, epicenter,
epicenter distances focal depth, focal mechanism, seismic zoning
Unit 2: Causes or sources of earthquake damage, damage due to ground failure, History of a
past earthquakes, generation of response spectrum from available earthquake records,
Evolution of seismic risk, Concept of response spectra, generation of site-specific
spectrum, characteristics of earthquake ground motion.
Unit 3: Strength, ductility and energy absorption, ductility of reinforced members subjected to
flexure. Axial loads & shear detailing of RCC members beam column, Beam-column
joints for ductile behaviors, IS code previsions.
Unit 4: Guideline for achieving efficient seismic resistant design, Special aspects in Multi-storey
buildings, effect of torsion, flexible first story, P-delta effect, soil-structure, interaction on
building response. Drift limitation.
Unit 5: Study of IS: 1893, IS:13920 for analysis and ductile design of RCC structures and other
related codes.

1. Murthy, C.V.R, ―Earthquake tips‖, IIT Kanpur documents.

2. Chopra A. K., Dynamics of Structures, Theory & Application to Earthquake Engineering, 2nd
Edition., Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1995
3. Dowrick, D.J, ―Earthquake Resistant Design for Engineers and Architects‖, 2nd Edition;

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 7

PGST104T-3 Elective-I: Design of Environmental Structures

Unit 1: Design of Over Head Water Tanks.

Unit 2: Design of under Ground Tanks.
Unit 3: Design of jack well/Pump house / approach bridges.
Unit 4: Design of pretreatment units i.e. clarifloculators aerators, flash Mixture, sand filters etc
Unit 5: Design considerations including loads such as traffic load, backfill load, live load etc. for
Appurtenances like man-holes, concrete bedding and thrust blocks for sewers, rising
mains etc.

1. Ghali, A., Circular Storage Tanks and Silos, E & F N Spon, London, (1979)
2. Jain, S.K. & Jaiswal, O.R., Guidelines for seismic design of liquid storage tanks, NICEE,
IITK, 2004
3. Anchor, R.D., Design of liquid retaining concrete structure, Edward Arnold, London, (1992)

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 8

PGOPEN105T-1 Elective-II: Global Warming and Climate Change

Unit 1: Earth’s Climate System: Role of ozone in environment-ozone layer-ozone depleting

gases-Green House Effect, Radiative Effects of Greenhouse Gases-The Hydrological
Cycle-Green House Gases and Global Warming- Carbon Cycle.

Unit 2: Atmosphere And Its Components: Importance of Atmosphere, Physical Chemical

Characteristics of Atmosphere, Vertical structure of the atmosphere, Composition of the
atmosphere, Atmospheric stability, Temperature profile of the atmosphere, Lapse rates,
Temperature inversion, effects of inversion on pollution dispersion.

Unit 3: Impacts Of Climate Change: Causes of Climate change- Change of Temperature in the
environment-Melting of ice Pole, sea level rise, Impacts of Climate Change on various
sectors-Agriculture, Forestry and Ecosystem, Water Resources, Human Health,
Industry, Settlement and Society. Methods and Scenarios, Projected Impacts for
Different Regions, Uncertainties in the Projected Impacts of Climate Change, Risk of
Irreversible Changes.

Unit 4: Observed Changes and Its Causes: Climate change and Carbon credits, CDM,
Initiatives in India, Kyoto Protocol, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, Climate
Sensitivity and Feedbacks, The Montreal Protocol, UNFCCC, IPCC, Evidences of
Changes in Climate and Environment- on a Global Scale and in India.

Unit 5: Climate Change: Clean Development Mechanism, Carbon Trading, examples of future
Clean Technology - Biodiesel, Natural Compost, Eco- Friendly Plastic, Alternate Energy,
Hydrogen, Bio-fuels -Solar Energy -Wind -Hydroelectric Power.

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Efforts in India and Adaptation funding. Key Mitigation
Technologies and Practices -Energy Supply, Transport, Buildings, Industry, Agriculture,
Forestry. Carbon sequestration- Carbon capture and storage (CCS)- Waste MSW & Bio
waste, Biomedical, Industrial waste. International and Regional cooperation.


1. Dash Sushil Kumar, ―Climate Change -An Indian Perspective‖, Cambridge University Press
India Pvt. Ltd, 2007.

2. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change-Scientific Technical Analysis. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge, 2006.

3. Atmospheric Science, J.M. Wallace and P.V. Hobbs, Elsevier / Academic Press 2006.

4. Jan C. van Dam, Impacts of ―Climate Change and Climate Variability on Hydrological
Regimes‖, Cambridge University Press, 2003.

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 9

PGOPEN105T-2 Elective-II: Road Safety Engineering

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering - Basic Characteristics of Motor-Vehicle Traffic,

Highway Capacity, Applications of Traffic Control Devices, Traffic Design of Parking
Facilities, Traffic Engineering Studies; Statistical Methods in Traffic Safety Analysis –
Regression Methods, Poisson Distribution, Chi- Squared Distribution, Statistical

Unit 2: Accident Investigations and Risk Management, Collection and Analysis of Accident
Data, Condition and Collision Diagram, Causes and Remedies, Traffic Management
Measures and Their Influence on Accident Prevention, Assessment of Road Safety,
Methods to Identify and Prioritize Hazardous Locations and Elements, Determine
Possible Causes of Crashes, Crash Reduction Capabilities and Countermeasures,
Effectiveness of Safety Design Features, Accident Reconstruction

Unit 3: Road Safety in Planning And Geometric Design: Vehicle And Human Characteristics,
Road Design and Road Equipments, Redesigning Junctions, Cross Section
Improvements, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Roads, Road Maintenance, Traffic
Control, Vehicle Design and Protective Devices, Post Accident Care

Unit 4: Role of Urban infrastructure design in safety: Geometric Design of Roads; Design of
Horizontal and Vertical Elements, Junctions, At Grade and Grade Separated
Intersections ,Road Safety in Urban Transport, Sustainable Modes and their Safety.

Unit 5: Traffic Management Systems for Safety, Road Safety Audits and Tools for Safety
Management Systems, Road Safety Audit Process, Approach to Safety, Road Safety
Improvement Strategies, ITS and Safety.


1. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning – L.R. Kadiyali, Khanna Publishers

2. Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering - C.S.Papacostas, Prentice Hall India.
3. Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, C.Jotin khisty, B. Kent Lall
4. Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, Richardo G Sigua
5. Handbook of Road Safety measures, second Edition, Rune Elvik, Alena Hoye, Truls Vaa,
Michael Sorenson
6. Road Safety by NCHRP

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 10

PGST101P Matrix Analysis of Structure

Minimum Six practicals based on syllabus of PGST101T Matrix Analysis of Structure

PGST103P Structural Dynamics Lab

Minimum Six practicals based on syllabus of PGST103T Structural Dynamics

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 11

PGST201T Finite Element Method

Unit 1: Principles and discretization, Elements stiffens/mass formulation based on direct,

variational and weighted residual techniques.
Unit 2: Shape function, convergence, displacement formulation for rectangular, triangular
elements in Cartesian coordinates, Application to 2D stress analysis.
Unit 3: Natural coordinates. Isoparametric elements, Numerical integration, Convergence of
Isoparametric elements, Application to 1D problems.
Unit 4: Isoperimetric elements for two-dimensional and axisymmetric stress analysis for plane
stress/strain problems.
Unit 5: Isoperimetric formulation for thin and thick plates and shells. Modeling techniques.

1. Chandrapatla T.R., Belegundu A. D. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice

Hall India, 1991
2. Rajasekaran S, Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, S. Chand & Co.Ltd.New
Delhi, 1999.
3. Zienkiewicz O.C. and Taylor R.L., The Finite Element Method (Volume -I), 1st Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1989
4. Cook R. D. , Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 3rd Edition, Wiley India
Text books, Wiley India Pvt Limited, New Delhi, 1989.

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 12

PGST202T Theory of Plates & Shell

Unit 1: Introduction, Moment curvature relation in pure bending, Symmetrical bending of

laterally loaded circular plates, Uniformly loaded circular plates with clamped and
simply supported edges, Governing differential equations of thin rectangular plates
with various boundary conditions & loading.
Unit 2: Laterally loaded rectangular plates, Differential equation of the deflection surface
(Lagrange’s equation). Boundary conditions, Simplysupported plates under sinusoidal
loading. Navier’s solution. Finite difference method,
Unit 3: General shell geometry. Classification, Membrane theory of cylindrical shells, equation
of equilibrium, stress resultants under deed load and snow load for circular, cycloidal,
catenary, and parabolic cylindrical shells.
Unit 4: Bending theory of cylindrical shells. Finster walder theory, schorer’s theory.
Unit 5: Approximate analysis of cylindrical shells by beam arch method.

1. Timoshenko S.P and Krieger S.W, Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New Delhi, 1970.
2. Chadrashekhara K, Theory of Plates, 1st Edition, Universities Press (India) Ltd, Hyderabad,
3. Ramaswamy, G.S, Design of Concrete Shells, Krieger Publ. Co., 1984

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 13

PGST203T Foundation Design

Unit 1: Design of isolated and combined footings, proportioning of footing for equal settlements.
Unit 2: Theory of Sub grade reaction beam on elastic foundation, Foundation subjected to
eccentric loads
Unit 3: Design of rafts – I. S. code method, introduction to various methods.
Unit 4: Floating foundations, analysis and design of pile foundations, negative skin friction,
group action in piles, design of pile cap.
Unit 5: Analysis and design of simple machine foundation using I.S. code.

1. Sawmi Saran, ― Analysis and Design of Substructures‖, , Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Kurain N. P,‖ Design of foundation systems- Principles and Practice‖, Narosa Publishing
house, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Karuna Moy Ghosh , ―Foundation Design in practice‖, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
4. P. C. Varghese, ―Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations‖, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2009

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 14

PGST204T-1 Elective-III: High Rise Structures

Unit 1: Performance of buildings, behaviors of various type of buildings in past earthquakes.

modes of failures, influence of unsymmetry, infill walls, foundations, soft story & detailing
of reinforcements in buildings.
Unit 2: Frames shear walled buildings, mathematical modeling of building with different
structural systems Analysis of frames shear walled buildings, Analysis of coupled shear
walled building.
Unit 3: Special aspects in Multi-story buildings, Effect of torsion, flexible first story, P-delta
effect, soil-structure interaction on building response, drift limitation.
Unit 4: Strength, ductility and energy absorption, ductility of reinforced members subjected to
flexure, axial loads & shear. Detailing of RCC members, beam, column, Beam-column
joints for ductile behaviors, IS code provisions.
Unit 5: Design of multi-story buildings with bracings & infills.

1. Paulay, T. & Prestiley, M.J.N., Seismic design of R C & Masonry Buildings, John Willey &
Sons; 2nd Edition, 1999
2. Farzad Naeim, Handbook on Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, 2001
3. Booth, E., Concrete Structures in Earthquake Regions, Longman Higher Education, 1994

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 15

PGST204T-2 Elective-III: Design of Composite Construction

Unit 1: Introduction Steel concrete composite Analysis and of composite beams

Unit 2: Composite floors, shear connectors: factions & types
Unit 3: Steel concrete composite columns, columns subjected to axial loads and moments
Unit 4: Encased composite construction of beams and columns, concepts and design.
Unit 5: Study of IS 11384, IRC-22 and their applications

1. M. Daniel and O. Ishai, Engineering mechanics of Composite materials, Oxford

university press, 1999
2. P.K. Mallick, Fiber-reinforced Composites, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1988.
3. D. Hull and T. W. Clyne, An introduction to composite materials, Cambridge university
press, Second Edition, 1996.
4. J.N. Reddy, Mechanics of laminated composite plates and shells-Theory and Analysis,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Second Edition, 2003.
5. INSDAG course Material

PGST204T-3 Elective-III: New Engineering Materials and Technology

Unit 1: Steel fibers reinforced concrete Properties, Aspect ratio, strength, durability of fibre
reinforced plastics other types of fibers any their applications.
Unit 2: Light weight concrete. Ferro cement concrete, their types, foam concrete, workability
durability, and composition, application.
Unit 3: Fly ash blended concrete, replacement procedures, effect of admixtures, adhesives,
bond strength, durability applications.
Unit 4: High-grade concrete, high strength performance concrete, tremie concrete.
Unit 5: Concrete admixture. Accelerators, retarders, ND Testing of materials.

1. Neville A. M., Properties of Concrete, Pearson Education Limited.

2. Rafat siddhequi , Special Concretes, Galgotia Publications.
3. M Gambhir, Concrete Technology, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited.
4. Mehta P, Concrete Technology, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited.
5. Shetty M. S, Concrete Technology, S. Chand Publisher.

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 16

PGST206P RCC Design Lab

1. Review of IS 456, IS 962 Basics of Limit State Design (Beams, Columns, Slabs) Design of
Multistoried buildings
2. Design for axial force, flexural, shear and combined effects
3. Slabs (one way & two way) and slabs on grades. Preliminary sizing and modeling of RC

PGST207P Steel Design Lab

1. Review of IS 800
2. Elementary Design of Beam including open web sections
3. Elementary Design of various types of truss.
4. Design of Plate Girders
5. Structural Fasteners and Connections (Bolted/ Welded Connections all types)

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 17

PGOPEN301T-1 Elective-IV: Water Resources Management

Unit 1: Introduction: World water resources, water resources in India, water as finite resource,
variability of water in time & space, history of water resources development, water
infrastructure-problems and perspectives, present institutional framework for water
Water laws: Constitutional provisions, National Water Policy, riparian rights / ground
water owner ship, prior appropriation, permit systems, acquisition and use of rights,
scope for privatization. (3Hrs)
Economics of water: Water as economic good, intrinsic value, principles of water pricing
& water allocation, capital cost, opportunity cost, internal rate of return, benefit cost
analysis, principles of planning and financing of water resources project.
Unit 2: Probabilistic and statistical methods: statistical parameters, mean, mode, median,
standard deviation, curtosis, probability, random events, random variable, functions of
random variables, moments and expectations, common probabilistic distributions
(normal, lognormal, poission, extreme value, log-pearson etc.) estimation of parameters,
goodness of fit tests, regression and correlation analysis.
Systems engineering: Systems Engg. concepts, optimizing techniques, conventional
(LP, NLP, DP…) and evolutionary (ANN, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm), simulation,
applications of soft computing techniques for water resources planning and management
Unit 3: Flood management: causes of floods, structural and non-structural measures, mitigation
plan, flood damage assessment, use of geoinformatics, Drought management: types of
droughts, severity index, drought forecasting, damage assessment, mitigation plan, use
of geoinformatics.
Unit 4: Basin scale hydrology: Estimation of surface water, estimation of ground water draft/
recharge import/ export of water (interbasin water transfer), recycling and reuse,
Demand and supply based management: Consumptive & non consumptive demands,
irrigation demand estimation, water utilization, irrigation efficiency, water management in
irrigation sector, demand estimation in hydro/thermal/nuclear power sector, estimation &
forecasting of water demands of domestic & industrial sector, navigation and
recreational water demands
Unit 5: Environmental management: protection of vital ecosystem, water requirements for
environmental management, aquaculture, minimum flows, water quality management for
various uses.
Social impact of water resources development: direct/ indirect benefits, employment
generation, industrial growth, agro-industry, enhanced living standards, education &
health, co-operative movement, management of rehabilitation & resettlement, control of
water logging, salinity, & siltation of storages.

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 18


1. Water Resources Systems Engg, D. P. Loucks, Prentice Hall

2. A. K. Biswas; Systems Approach to Water Management, McGraw Hill Book Co, New York.
3. Chaturvedi, M.C. ―Water Resources Systems Planning and Management‖ Tata McGraw Hill
4. Water resources hand book; Larry W. Mays, McGraw International Edition
5. ANN in Hydrology; Govinda Raju & Ramachandra Rao; PHI
6. ―Handbook of Applied Hydrology‖ by Van Tee Chow- McGraw Hill

PGOPEN301T-2 Elective-IV: Disaster Management and Mitigation

Unit 1: Introduction to Disaster :Meaning, Nature, Importance of Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and
Disaster-Dimensions & Scope of Disaster Management- India’s Key Hazards -
Vulnerabilities - National disaster management framework - Disaster Management

Unit 2: Natural Disasters: Natural Disasters- Meaning and nature of natural disaster; their types
and effects. Floods, drought, cyclone, earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic
eruptions, Heat and cold waves, Climatic change: global warming, Sea level rise, ozone

Unit 3: Anthropogenic Disasters: Man Made Disasters- Nuclear disasters, chemical disasters,
biological disasters, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, air pollution, water pollution,
deforestation and industrial waste water pollution.

Unit 4: Approaches in Disaster Management : Pre- disaster stage (preparedness) - Preparing

hazard zonation maps, Predictability/ forecasting & warning - Preparing disaster
preparedness plan - Land use zoning - Preparedness through Information, education.
Emergency Stage - Rescue training for search & operation - Immediate relief -
Assessment surveys. Post Disaster stage - Rehabilitation - Social Aspect - Economic
Aspect and Environmental Aspect.

Unit 5: Disaster Mitigation: Meteorological observatory - Seismological observatory - Hydrology

Laboratory and Industrial Safety inspectorate. Technology in Disaster Management-
Emergency Management Systems (EMS) in the Disaster Management Cycle -Remote
Sensing and Geographic Information Systems(GIS) in Disaster Management.


1.Sharma.S.R, ―Disaster management‖, A P H Publishers, 2011.

2. VenuGopalRao.K, ―Geoinformatics for Disaster Management‖, Manglam Publishers and
Distributors, 2010.
3. Singh.R.B, ―Natural Hazards and Disaster Management: Vulnerability and Mitigation‖, Rawat
Publications, 2006.
4. Gupta.H.K, ―Disaster Management‖, University Press, India, 2003.
5. Gupta.M.C, ―Manuals on Natural Disaster management in India‖, National Centre for Disaster
Management,IIPA, New Delhi, 2001

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 19

PGST303P Project Seminar

Seminar based on topic for research for project

PGST401P Project

Seminar research work based on some topic related to structural


RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 20

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Scheme for absorption of students from old scheme to M Tech (Structural Engineering) CBS 2016

New Scheme CBS 2016 Equivalent Subject of Old Scheme

Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name
Semester 1
PGST101T Matrix Analysis of Structures IFST03 Matrix Analysis of Structure
PGST102T Theory of Elasticity & Elastics Stability IFST01 Theory of Elasticity & Elastics Stability
PGST103T Structural Dynamics IIFST04 Structural Dynamics
PGST104T Elective-I IFST02 Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis
Plastics Analysis and Design of Steel
PGOPEN105T Elective -II (Open) IFST05
PGST101P Matrix Analysis of Structure Lab IFST03 Matrix Analysis of Structure (Practical)
PGST103P Structural Dynamics Lab IIFST04 Structural Dynamics (Practical)
---- IFST04 Structural Instrumentation & Material Science
Semester 2
PGST201T Finite Element Method IIFST02 Finite Element Method
PGST202T Theory of Plates & Shells IIFST01 Theory of Plates & Shell
PGST203T Foundation Design IIFST03 Foundation Design
PGST204T Elective-III IIFST05 Elective-I
PGFD205T Research Methodology ---- ----------
PGST206P RCC Design Lab IIIFST01 Advanced Concrete Structures (Practical)
PGST207P Steel Design Lab IIFST05 Elective-I (Practical)
Semester 3
PGOPEN301T Elective -IV (Open) IIIFST02 Elective-II
PGFD302T Project Planning & Management ---- ----------
PGST303P Project Seminar IIIFST03 Seminar on Dissertation
IIIFST01 Advanced Concrete Structures
Semester 4
PGST401P Project IVFST01 Dissertation/Thesis (Viva Voce)

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page 21

Scheme for absorption of students from Very Old Scheme to New Scheme (CBS-2016)

M Tech in Structural Engineering

New Scheme (CBS-2016) Very Old Scheme

Subject Code Subject Name Subject Name
PGST101T Matrix Analysis of Structures Structural Analysis
Theory of Elasticity & Elastics
PGST102T Theory Of Elasticity
PGST103T Structural Dynamics Structural Dynamics
PGST104T Elective-I Elective-I
Plastic Theory & Ultimate Load
PGOPEN105T Elective –II (Open)
Matrix Analysis of Structure
PGST101P Structures Lab
PGST103P Structural Dynamics Lab Structural Dynamics (Practical)

PGST201T Finite Element Method Finite Element Method

PGST202T Theory of Plates & Shell Theory & Design Of Plates
PGST203T Foundation Design Foundation Design
PGST204T Elective-III Elective-II
PGFD205T Research Methodology ---------
PGST206P RCC Design Lab Elective-I (Practical)
PGST207P Steel Design Lab Elective-II (Practical)

PGOPEN301T Elective –IV (Open) Structural Optimization

Project Planning &
PGFD302T ---------
PGST303P Project Seminar Seminar/ Project

PGST401P Project Project

RTMNU Scheme and Syllabus of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (CBS) Page: 22

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17

First Semester
Teaching Scheme Assessment of Marks for
Assessment of Marks for Theory Duration of
Subject Clock Hours per week Theory
Subject paper in
Code Min for Univ Min for
L T P/D Total Paper CA Total CA Total hrs
Passing Exam Passing
Theory of Elasticity &
IFST01 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
Elastics Stability
Numerical Methods for
IFST02 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
Structural Analysis
Matrix Analysis of
IFST03 3 1 2 6 70 30 100 50 25 25 50 25 3
Structural Instrumentation
IFST04 3 1 2 6 70 30 100 50 25 25 50 25 3
& Material Science
Plastics Analysis and
IFST05 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
Design of Steel Structure
Total 15 5 4 24 350 150 500 250 50 50 100 50

Second Semester
Teaching Scheme Assessment of Marks for
Assessment of Marks for Theory Duration of
Subject Clock Hours per week Theory
Subject paper in
Code Min for Univ Min for
L T P/D Total Paper CA Total CA Total hrs
Passing Exam Passing
IIFST01 Theory of Plates & Shell 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
IIFST02 Finite Element Method 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
IIFST03 Foundation Design 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 - - - - 3
IIFST04 Structural Dynamics 3 1 2 6 70 30 100 50 25 25 50 25 3
IIFST05 Elective-I 3 1 2 6 70 30 100 50 25 25 50 25 3
Total 15 5 4 24 350 150 500 250 50 50 100 50

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17
Third Semester
Assessment of Marks for
Teaching Scheme Assessment of Marks for Theory Duration of
Subject Theory
Subject Clock Hours per week paper in
Code Min for Univ Min for
Paper CA Total CA Total hrs
L T P/D Total Passing Exam Passing
Advanced Concrete
IIIFST01 3 1 2 6 70 30 100 50 25 25 50 25 3
IIIFST01 Elective-II 3 1 - 4 70 30 100 50 -- -- -- -- 3
IIIFST01 Seminar on Dissertation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 150 150 -- --
Total 6 2 2 10 140 60 200 100 25 175 200 25

Fourth Semester
Assessment of Marks for
Teaching Scheme Assessment of Marks for Theory Duration of
Subject Theory
Subject Clock Hours per week paper in
Code Min for Univ Min for
Paper CA Total CA Total hrs
L T P/D Total Passing Exam Passing
Dissertation/ Thesis
IVFST01 -- -- 12 12 -- -- -- -- 400 -- 400 200 --

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17

Syllabus of for First Semester M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) Full Time


1. Analysis of Stress and strain in 2 dimensions: Introduction, Types of forces, Components of
Stresses and strains, Stress-strain relation, Plane stress and plane strain strain at a point,
Differential equation of equilibrium, Boundary conditions and compatibility equations
(rectangular coordinates), Airy’s stress function.
2. Analysis of stress and strain in 3 dimensions: Components of stress, principal stresses, stress
invariants, Maximum shearing stress, Differential equation of equilibrium, Boundary conditions
and compatibility equations.
3. Bending of cantilever of narrow rectangular section loaded at end, Bending of simply supported
beam with uniform load torsion of nori-circular sections, Elliptical cross section.
4. Differential equation for beams columns with concentrated loads continuous lateral loads and
couples for simply supported ends, Application of trigonometric series, Lateral bucking of
5. Energy method for elastic bucking of columns, Approximate method, Buckling of columns on
elastic foundation, Columns with intermediate compressive forces and distributed exial load,
Columns with changes in cross section.
6. Effect of shearing force on critical load, Buckling of built up columns, Buckling of simply
supported rectangular plates uniformly compresses in middle plane.
1. Programming fundamentals, introduction to algorithm development, interpolation &
2. Integration (central difference method, the Houbolt method, Newmark’s method, Wilson -6
method), Newton-Gauss Quadrature method.
3. Solution of linear algebraic equations, Gauss elimination, Cholesky, Gauss Cholesky methods
Given’s Householder methods, solution errors.
1. Solution of non linear Equation (Newton Raphson scheme, BFGS (Broyden et al) methods
introduction to line search algorithms
2. Eigen values problems (Jacob, QR Method, Introduction to Determinant search method,
Subspace iteration. Householder & Given’s algorithms)
3. Initial & two point boundary value problem Euler’s, Runge-Kutta, Milne’s Methods Computer
oriented algorithms

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17



1. Stiffness method for plane truss and plane frames

2. Stiffness method for plane grid and space frames
3. Analysis of building systems for horizontal loads


4. Analysis for member loading (self, temperature & Imposed), inclined supports, lack of fit, initial
joints displacements.
5. Effect of shear deformation. Internal member end releases.
6. Solution technique with banded & skyline technique, band minimization, frontal techniques


Minimum Six practicals based on above syllabus



1. Study of various transducers & Principle of their working, displacement velocity acceleration.
2. Stress-strain measurement strain gauges static and dynamics strain measurement Calculation of
stresses from measurement of strain deflections etc
3. Special materials for building constructions i.e. steel fibre reinforced concrete, fibre reinforced


4. Non-destructive testing of concrete/steel/ultrasonic techniques etc, model Analysis related to

5. Admixture for concrete theories of corrosion and its preventions.
6. Special concrete like lightweight concrete. No fines concrete. Ferro cement. Fly ash concrete etc.
high performance concrete.


Minimum Six practicals based on above syllabus

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17



1. Plastic behavior, review curves of structural steel, plastic moments, shape factors, load factors,
plastic hinge, types of collapse, collapse mechanism, collapse load factor.
2. Upper and lower bound uniqueness theorems principle of virtual work. Statical method,
minimum and maximum theorems step by step method.
3. Methods of release of restrains, load interaction diagrams method of inequalities.


4. Plastic Moment distribution applied to continuous beams & portal frames (Max two bays single
5. Effect of Axial force & shear force on (Plastic moment of resistance)
6. Design of beams continuous beams and portal frames up to two storey – two bays.
7. Minimum weight analysis, introduction to stability.

Syllabus of Examination for Second Semester M. Tech. (Structural Engineering) Full Time



1. Introduction, Moment curvature relation in pure bending, Symmetrical bending of laterally

loaded circular plates, Uniformly loaded circular plates with clamped and Governing differential
equations of thin rectangular plates with various boundary conditions & loading.
2. Laterally loaded rectangular plates, Differential equation of the deflection surface (Lagrange’s
equation). Boundary conditions, Simply supported plates under sinusoidal loading. Navier’s
3. Finite difference method, Differential equation to bent surface of anisotropic plate, Application
to grid.


4. General shell geometry. Classification, Membrane theory of cylindrical shells, equation of

equilibrium, stress resultants under deed load and snow load for circular, cycloidal, catenary,
and parabolic cylindrical shells.
5. Bending theory of cylindrical shells. Finster walder theory, scorer’s theory.
6. Approximate analysis of cylindrical shells by beam arch method.

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17



1. Principles and discretization, Elements stiffens/mass formulation based on direct, variational

and weighted residual techniques.
2. Shape function, convergence, displacement formulation for rectangular, triangular elements in
Cartesian coordinates, Application to 2D stress analysis.
3. Natural coordinates. Isoparamentric elements, Numerical integration, Convergence of
Isoparametric elements, Application to 1D problems.


4. Isoperimetric elements for two-dimensional and axisymmetric stress analysis for plane
stress/strain problems.
5. Isoperimetric formulation for thin and thick plates and shells.
6. Modeling techniques, application of FEM packages to general engineering structures.



1. Design of isolated and combined footings, proportioning of footing for equal settlements.
2. Theory of Sub grade reaction beam on elastic foundation
3. Design of rafts – I. S. code method, introduction to various methods.


4. Floating foundations, analysis and design of pile foundations, negative skin friction, group action
in piles, design of pile cap.
5. Foundation subjected to eccentric loads, pull out resistance of foundation structures.
6. Analysis and design of simple machine foundation using I.S. code.

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17



1. Fundamentals of Rigid/Deformable body dynamics, Analysis of undamped and viscously

damped, single degree freedom systems.
2. Response of single degree freedom systems to harmonic loading support motion and
transmissibility Duhamels integral.
3. Study of IS 1893-1984 and 2000 applicable to buildings and water tanks.


4. Free vibrations of lumped mass multi degree freedom systems, shear buildings orthogonality
criteria Rayleigh’s method.
5. Dynamic analysis of systems with distributed properties, Approximate design method
Transformation factors.
6. Response spectra, Introduction to vibrations due to earthquake.


Minimum Six experiments based on above syllabus



1. Design of connections.
2. Design of round tubular structures, Design of steel chimneys, Design of storage vessels


3. Design of industrial sheds, bridges of crane / gantry Girders.

4. Design of bridges – highway and railways. Foot Bridge.


Minimum Four practical designs based on above syllabus.

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17

1. Engineering geology of earthquakes, faults, Propogation of earthquake waves, quantification of
earthquake, magnitude, energy intensity of earthquake, accelerograph, accelogram, recording
and analysis of earthquake records, seismicity of the world, Analysis and interpretation of
earthquake data, determination of magnitude, epicenter, epicenter distances focal depth, focal
mechanism, seismic zoning
2. Causes or souces of earthquake damage, damage due to ground failure, History of apast
eqrthquakes, generation of response spectrum from available earthquake records, Evolution of
seismic risk, Concept of response spectra, generation of site-specific spectrum, characteristics of
earthquake ground motion.
3. Guideline for achieving efficient seismicresistant design, geotechnical design consideration,
determination of average shear wave velocity, average SPT etc.

4. Strength, ductility and energy absorption, ductility of reinforced members subjected to flexure.
Axial loads & shear detailing of RCC members beam column, Beam-column joints for ductile
behaviors, IS code previsions.
5. Special aspects in Multi-storey buildings, effect of torsion, flexible first story, P-delta effect, soil-
structure, interaction on building response. Drift limitation.
6. Study of IS: 1893, IS:13920 for analysis and ductile design of RCC structures and other related

Reference Books:

1. IS:1893 – 2002
2. IS: 19920 – 1993
3. Handbook on seismic analysis and design of structures, Farzad neaim



1. Design of Over Head Water Tanks.

2. Design of under Ground Tanks.


3. Design of jack well/Pump house / approach bridges.

4. Design of pretreatment units i.e. clarifloculators aerators, flash Mixture, sand filters etc


Four practical designs based on above syllabus

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17

Syllabus of Examination for Third Semester M. Tech (Structural Engineering) Full Time



1. Analysis and Desing of Slab type & T – Beam bridges, IRC Recommendations.
2. Analysis and Design of Elevated service Reservoirs. IS Recommendations for wind & earthquake,
Ductile detailing.


3. Analysis and design of Multistoried buildings, calculation of loads, Approximate analysis,

Preliminary sizing, IS: 87S, IS: 1893 recommendations, Ductile detailing.
4. Analysis and design of special structures i.e. pipes (underground, on ground, Elevated), silos,
Bunkers, chimneys, IS recommendations.
Minimum two Designs / Experiments based on above syllabus

Reference Books:

1. Plan & reinforced concrete Structures Vol-II. Jain & Jaikrishna

2. IS:1893-2002
3. Handbook on seismic analysis and design of structures, Farzad neaim
4. Seismic design of R C & masonry Buildings, paulay & Prestiley
5. Earthquake resistant Design for engineers & Architects, Dowrick DJ
6. Concrete Structures in earthquake regions Booth E.

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17
1. Performance of buildings, behaviors of various type of buildings in past earthquakes.modes of
failures, influence of unsymmetry, infill walls, foundations, soft story & detailing of
reinforcements in buildings.
2. Frames shear walled buildings, mathematical modeling of building with different structural
systems Analysis of frames shear walled buildings, Analysis of coupled shear walled building.
3. Special aspects in Multi-story buildings, Effect of torsion, flexible first story, P-delta effect, soil-
structure interaction on building response, drift limitation.
4. Strength, ductility and energy absorption, ductility of reinforced members subjected to flexure,
axial loads & shear. Detailing of RCC members, beam, column, Beam-column joints for ductile
behaviors, IS code provisions.
5. Design of multi-story buildings with bracings & infills.
6. Seismic design of floor diaphragm
Reference Books:
1. IS 1893-2002
2. Handbook on seismic analysis and design of structures, Farzad nealm
3. Seismic design of RC & masonry Buildings, paulay & Prestiley
4. Earthquake resistant Design for engineers & Architects, Dowrick DJ
5. Concrete structures in earthquake regions. Booth E.
6. Reinforced Concrete Structres, Park & Paulay.
1. Introduction to composite construction, basic concepts, types of composite constructions.
2. Steel concrete composite Analysis and of composite beams
3. Composite floors, shear connectors: factions & types
4. Steel concrete composite columns, columns subjected to axial loads and moments
5. Encased composite construction of beams and columns, concepts and design.
6. Study of IS 11384, IRC-22 and their applications
Minimum two Designs/Experiments based on above syllabus.
Reference Books:
1. Steel design manual – Construction steel research and development organization
2. IS:11384
3. IRC-22
4. INSDAG course Material
5. Composite Structures, GM Sabnis

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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Scheme of Examination of M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (Non CBS)
Note: This scheme is replaced by Choice Based Credit Scheme from 2016-17


1. Steel fibers reinforced concrete Properties, Aspect ratio, strength, durability of fibre reinforced
plastics other types of fibers any their applications.
2. Light weight concrete. Ferro cement concrete, their types, foam concrete, workability durability,
and composition, application.
3. Fly ash blended concrete, replacement procedures, effect of admixtures, adhesives, bond
strength, durability applications.


4. High-grade concrete, high strength performance concrete, trimix concrete.

5. Concrete admixture. Accelerators, retarders, ND Testing of materials.
6. Introduction to steel concrete composite including infill, encased section, properties of shear
connectors use of IS 11384, IRC 220.

Reference Books:


Seminar based on topic for research for project


Seminar research work based on some topic related to structural Engineering.


M Tech Structures Old Scheme Page: 33

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