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Jump Start Guide: Relief Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus V8.

A Brief Tutorial (and supplement to training and online documentation)
Anum Qassam, Product Management, Aspen Technology, Inc.
Jennifer Dyment, Product Marketing, Aspen Technology, Inc.
Wilfried Mofor, Product Management, Aspen Technology, Inc.

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS/Plus

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Initial Set Up .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Adding a Pressure Relieving Device to a Simulation ..................................................................................... 2
Entering the Simulation Environment ...................................................................................................... 2
Adding a PRD to the Safety Environment ................................................................................................. 3
Initial PRD Set Up .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Equipment Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 6
PRD Data Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Rating Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Creating A Scenario ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Scenarios Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Scenario Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Sizing Results ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Custom Orifice Sizing .............................................................................................................................. 14
Line Sizing................................................................................................................................................ 15
Equivalent Length Calculation ................................................................................................................ 17
Documentation Builder ............................................................................................................................... 18
Importing Valve Sizing and Scenarios within Aspen Flare System Analyzer from Aspen HYSYS/Plus ........ 24
Relief Valve Sizing and Dynamic Simulation ............................................................................................... 28
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 31
References .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Additional Resources .................................................................................................................................. 32

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

When designing a chemical process and its equipment, safety is of substantial concern. All possible
strategies should be considered to eliminate the risk of accident and injury when implementing a
process design.

One safety concern that occurs frequently in a plant is the over-pressurization of equipment or piping.
In order to prevent dangerous bursts, explosions, and fires, pressure relief valves are designed and
installed to bleed out excess liquid or vapor causing pressure build-up.

Process conditions vary vastly at each location of a pressure relief valve. Because of this, and the strict
regulation of safety equipment, completing a design of a pressure relief valve by hand can be a time
consuming and laborious exercise. To solve this problem, Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus have a pressure
safety valve sizing feature available within the Safety Analysis environment, which uses data from a
process simulation to help automate PSV calculations.

The Safety Analysis environment uses common valve design standards, most notably API 520, 521, to
determine pressure relief valve sizing information and values. 25 common overpressure scenarios are
included in the program, and can be analyzed and sized for.

The Safety Analysis environment also features a line sizing functionality, allowing the user to quickly
choose the schedule and diameter according to pressure drop and fluid velocity constraints for piping
entering and leaving the pressure safety valve. Line sizing is completed in the Safety Analysis
environment without having to perform any fluid flow computations.

The documentation builder pulls valve sizing and process variable information directly from simulation
to automatically complete required forms normally requiring manual incorporation.

This Jump Start guide will walk the reader through the process of using the pressure relief valve features
within the Safety Analysis environment of Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus to design a pressure relief valve.
AspenTech recommends that a range of other resources be called upon in conjunction with this
document to give the user a comprehensive view of how to use Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus. These
may include:

 AspenTech support website (support.aspentech.com) – this website has a wealth of information

on the use of AspenTech products and provides answers to frequently asked questions.
 AspenTech courseware available in on-line and in-person versions
 AspenTech business consultants

This document will show how to size pressure safety valves using Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus. It
assumes that the user has Aspen HYSYS or Aspen Plus V8.6 or higher installed on her or his computer
and a functional process design completed.

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

Initial Set Up
All examples and screenshots in this guide are based on the example file “PRESSURE RELIEF
STARTER.hsc” in Aspen HYSYS. If more familiar with Aspen Plus, users can use the “Safety Analysis
without PRD.bkp” file instead. Make sure that the correct units are selected when specifying
parameters when prompted.

Adding a Pressure Relieving Device to a Simulation

This section of the document describes how to enter the Safety Analysis environment and how to add a
relieving device to the flowsheet.

Entering the Simulation Environment

In order to add a pressure safety valve to a process flowsheet, the user must enter the Safety Analysis
environment. This environment provides a setting for relief scenario setup and PSV sizing and

After designing a process in Aspen HYSYS or Aspen Plus and converging the simulation, click on ‘Pressure
Relief’ in the Home ribbon of the Simulation environment to enter the Safety Analysis environment.
Alternatively, the Safety Analysis button, located on the bottom left of the program, can be used. The
various options to enter the Safety Environment are shown in the figures below.

Figure 1: Pressure Relief Button on Home Tab in Aspen HYSYS

Figure 2: Pressure Relief Button on Home Tab in Aspen Plus

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Figure 3: Safety Analysis Button on Navigation Pane

Adding a PRD to the Safety Environment

After entering the Safety Analysis environment, select the Unit Operations heading in the navigation
pane on the left side of the screen. This will display all the unit operations and subflowsheets present in
the simulation for which a pressure safety valve can be designed. Also in the navigation pane is the
Unattached Streams heading, in which floating/dangling streams with no connections to process models
are listed. The last heading, Storage Tank Protection, lists any additional low pressure storage tanks
created in the Safety Analysis environment. Storage tank protection is discussed in detail in the guide
Jump Start Guide: Storage Tank Protection in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus.

Figure 4: Location of Unit Operations and Unattached Streams Menus in Safety Analysis Panel

To add a PRD to a simulation, the user can click the Add PSV or Add Rupture Disk button on the Home
tab of the ribbon in the Safety Analysis environment, shown in Figure 5.

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Figure 5: Add PSV Button in Safety Analysis Environment

This switches the cursor into attach mode. When the user hovers over attachable objects on the
flowsheet, a blue box will appear to indicate where to click to make the attachment to the stream; click
on the blue box to add the safety valve to that stream. See Figure 6 for more detail.

Figure 6: Attach Mode in Safety Analysis Environment

A PSV or Rupture Disk can also be added using the navigation pane. Expand the Unit Operations or
Unattached Streams node and right click the desired block or stream. Scroll to highlight either the

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

Create PSV or Create Rupture Disk option. The user can add either a PSV or a Rupture Disk to any stream
exiting a unit operation (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Adding a Pressure Safety Valve From Navigation Pane

For the user that is following along with the example file, the flowsheet should now look like the
flowsheet in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Flowsheet with Added PSV in Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS

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Initial PRD Set Up

This section of the document highlights the Equipment, PRD Data, and Rating tabs. Double click the
relief device on the flowsheet to open the PRD form.

Equipment Tab
The PRD form opens to the Equipment tab. The Equipment tab, shown in Figure 9, allows the user to
specify the operating and design conditions of the limiting unit operation within the PRD system.

Figure 9: PRD Form - Equipment Tab

 Tip - On the equipment tab, the user can manually specify the operating and design
temperatures and pressures by selecting ‘Manual’ in the dropdown menu. The user can
reference the temperatures and pressures of the stream to which the PRD is attached by
selecting ‘Reference’ in the dropdown menu. If the stream conditions in the flowsheet are
changed, referenced values will automatically update.

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PRD Data Tab

The PRD Data tab, shown in Figure 10, allows the user to fully specify PRD-specific parameters. This tab
is also used to create multiple valves to protect the system. This tab is discussed in detail in the guide
Jump Start Guide: Multiple Relief Valve Analysis in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus.

Figure 10: PRD Form - PRD Data Tab

Rating Tab
The Rating tab, shown in Figure 11, allows the user to design one or more valves for the sizing case
scenario. The Rating tab further allows the user to see the effect of the chosen PRD configuration on all

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Figure 11: PRD Form - Rating Tab

Creating A Scenario
This section of the document describes how to create a scenario for analysis.

Scenarios Tab
The Scenarios tab, shown in Figure 12, allows the user to manage multiple overpressure scenarios on
the System. In this tab, the user can also specify which of the scenarios is the sizing case. The sizing case
will be used to design the PRDs that protect the system.

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Figure 12: PRD Form - Scenarios Tab

The user can create a scenario by clicking the Create Scenario button, shown in Figure 13. The user can
open the scenario by selecting the scenario and clicking the Open Scenario button. The user can also
delete scenarios using the Delete Scenario button. In Aspen HYSYS, the user can Duplicate a scenario by
clicking the Duplicate & Rename button. This capability is not available in Aspen Plus.

Figure 13: Scenario Tab Options

Click the Create Scenario button to add a scenario to the table as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Newly Created Scenario

Double click the scenario from the table to open the Scenario Setup form.

Scenario Setup
After double-clicking on a scenario from the Scenarios tab or choosing a scenario from the navigation
pane, the Scenario Setup tab, shown below, appears (Figure 15).

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Figure 15: Scenario Setup Tab

The user can enter the Scenario Name, which is used for documentation purposes. Next, the user should
select the Scenario Type from the dropdown menu. Scenariosthat are highlighted in the dropdown have
additional optional associated calculation methodologies to determine the Required Relieving Flow.

Enter the relieving temperature necessary for the given relief scenario being analyzed before proceeding
to the calculation of the relieving pressure. Click the Edit button next to the Relieving Pressure box to
bring up the window shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Relieving Pressure Calculation Window

In the Relieving Pressure Calculation window, the user can specify the Allowable Overpressure for the
scenario. The Relieving Pressure is determined from the specified Allowable Overpressure. Verify that
the relieving pressure is correct, then click OK to continue.

Similar to the Relieving Pressure Calculation window, clicking Edit next to the Total Backpressure box
opens the window displayed in Figure 17. In this window, the user can specify the Variable
Superimposed BP and Built-up Backpressure to calculate the Total Backpressure. Furthermore, the user

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can specify the Maximum Allowable BP % and the Backpressure (BP) Factor (Kb). Verify that the
parameters are correct, then click OK to continue.

Figure 17. Backpressure Calculation Window

To obtain a relieving flow load, a manually calculated value can be entered or the reference flow value
from the Reference Stream can be used. Figure 18 shows a completed scenario calculation. The guide
Jump Start Guide: Fire Overpressure Analysis in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus provides more detail for
calculating a Required Relief Flow.

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Figure 18: Completed Example of Scenario Calculation

When all scenario input is complete, the PSV Results box will display the valve sizing results in the table
on the right-hand side of the tab, detailed in the next section of this guide.

Sizing Results
After finishing parameter input in the Valve Design and Scenario Setup tabs, the valve sizing results will
be displayed in the Valve Results table (Figure 19), located within the Scenario Setup tab.

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Figure 19. Valve Results Table inside ‘Scenario Setup’ Tab

The results table includes important information required to choose an appropriate safety valve for
installation. The calculated orifice area and valve coefficient are given. Also provided is the level of
noise, in decibels, that the valve will make at a given height when in use.

Using the calculated orifice area, the user is prompted to select an actual standardized orifice size for
the valve from a dropdown menu in the Valve Results table. It is recommended to pick the next largest
orifice size from calculated orifice size in order to ensure correct valve operation. For example, in Figure
20, because the calculated orifice is 9.152 in2, the user should select the 11.050 2 option from the
dropdown menu. After selecting an orifice size, the valve’s rated capacity and capacity used is
displayed, along with orifice design information and in and out flange sizing.

Figure 20. Selected Orifice Dropdown Box with Options

If the scenario being analyzed is the basis case for which the valve is sized, select the ‘Sizing Case’ box,
next to the Scenario Name input box. Then return to the Valve Design tab to proceed to line sizing for
the relief valve.

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For Rupture Disk (RD) devices, a list of commonly available disk sizes is used based on common disk sizes
as shown below (Figure 21).

Figure 21. Rupture Disk Device Orifice Selection

Custom Orifice Sizing

The selectable orifice sizes that come standard in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus are based off of API 526
standards. If different orifice sizes are necessary, custom orifice sizes can be specified by going to the
‘Customize’ tab on the ribbon in the Safety Analysis environment and clicking the ‘Custom Orifices’
option (Figure 22).

Figure 22. Accessing Custom Orifice Editing

Clicking the ‘Custom Orifices’ option opens a window in which the selectable orifice areas and displayed
names can be updated to fit the user’s needs. To edit an orifice, check the box under the ‘Add Custom’
column, and then type the appropriate name and orifice area. The Custom Orifices window is shown in
Figure 23.

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Figure 23. Custom Orifice Area Editing

Line Sizing
After the orifice area has been selected for the appropriate sizing scenario, return to the Valve form.
The scenario list in the Valve Design tab will now be populated with sizing information regarding each
scenario. If not done before, use the ‘Sizing Case’ check box on the scenario list, pictured below (Figure
24), to choose which failure scenario the valve will be sized for.

Figure 24. Scenario List Table Inside Valve Design Tab with Selected Sizing Case Scenario

Selecting a sizing case enables the ‘Line Sizing’ tab for selection. Click the ‘Line Sizing’ tab, as shown in
Figure 25, to begin line sizing for the pressure safety valve.

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Figure 25. Location of Line Sizing Tab

Under the line sizing tab, the piping in and out of the pressure safety valve can be chosen. If the pipe
size chosen by the user is too small to accommodate relief flow or too large such that the pressure
gradient will not allow for relief flow, the Safety Analysis Environment will alert the user using the bar on
the bottom of the tab, so that an incorrect design is not selected. If the bar is green, it means that an
appropriate line size has been selected, while yellow means there is either a fluid pressure or velocity
constraint being violated by the chosen line sizing.

Specify the nominal diameter and schedule of the piping for the in and out lines. the Safety Analysis
Environment will use the rated flowrate through the pipes to calculate the change in pressure and
velocity. (For most cases, rated flowrate is used. The design/required flow through the PSV is used for
liquid or fire scenarios; The user has the ability to change this value if the Safety Analysis Environment
defaults do not match.) These results are displayed in the ‘Line Sizing Results’ table. Figure 26 shows
the Line Sizing tab layout.

Figure 26. Layout of Line Sizing Tab

The pressure drop and fluid velocity constraints for line sizing are preset according to API standards. To
change these constraints, click the ‘Constraint Setting’ button in the Line Sizing tab, and the following
window (Figure 27) will open allowing the user to change line sizing constraints as desired.

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Figure 27. Line Sizing Constraint Settings

Equivalent Length Calculation

The equivalent length of the piping can be entered in the appropriate field inside the Line Sizing tab.
There is also a feature in the Safety Analysis Environment which calculates the equivalent length of the
piping. To access this feature, check the ‘Calculate Equivalent Length’ box. This will bring up a menu
within the Line Sizing tab in which the quantity of the present pipe fittings can be specified along with
their L/D ratios. After entering the number of fittings, a calculated equivalent length will appear.

Figure 28. Calculate Equivalent Length Function

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Documentation Builder
After completing all design and sizing for a pressure relief valve, filling out documentation is required in
order to meet regulated safety compliances, and for valve vendor submission. In order to reduce
tedium in this area, the simulators have a documentation builder function inside the Safety Analysis
environment, which pulls data from the simulation and valve sizing, to automatically complete required
forms. To access the customizable documentation builder, click the ‘Documentation Builder’ option
from the home ribbon. Similarly, to obtain a built-in PRD report, choose the desired option, located to
the left of the ‘Documentation Builder’ option

Figure 29. Documentation Builder and Built-in Simulator Reports Options While in Safety Analysis

The Built-in Safety Analysis Environment Reports feature provides instant documentation of valve
parameters and relieving conditions gathered directly from the safety analysis relief scenario being
analyzed. Built-in reports are not editable; the Documentation Builder should be used for more in-
depth, editable reporting. Shown in Figure 30 is an example built-in calculation sheet .

This calculation sheet (built-in) is the report used for the storage tank analysis and works either in
context with the tank protection system or while on the “Tank Manager” form. For Storage Tanks and
Fire Relief Load Calculation reports, the built-in reports are available in both SI and EN sets.

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Figure 30. Example Built-in Safety Analysis Environment PSV Calculation Report (Only Report Available
for Storage Tanks)

Clicking the Documentation Builder option initiates Microsoft Access, which houses the customizable
forms to be completed after designing and sizing a pressure relief valve. From the documentation
builder’s home screen, shown below in Figure 31, a list of relief devices sized in the Safety Analysis
Environment can be edited or viewed. Additionally, process data sheets, mechanical data sheets,

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calculation summary sheets, or relief load summary sheets can be constructed. Information from the
sheets can be exported to Microsoft Excel by selecting any of the respective ‘Export’ options.

Figure 31. Microsoft Access Documentation Builder Selection Screen

Choosing the edit option for any of the forms from the documentation builder brings up a screen
allowing the user to change the information that will appear in the final, viewable report. Many entries
are already populated by values pulled directly from the Safety Environement. These are denoted in
grey/green. The spaces in white require user input to be completed. A sample edit page for a
mechanical data sheet is shown in the following figure.

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Figure 32. Edit Page for Mechanical Data Sheet

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After entering the pertinent information for a datasheet on its edit page, return to the documentation
builder home screen, then select ‘View’ to see a copy of the finalized version of the document chosen.
After opening a document using the ‘View’ option, it can then be saved electronically or printed. Figure
33 shows a completed sample mechanical data sheet, given the input information from the edit page
shown in Figure 32.

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Figure 33. Completed Example Mechanical Data Sheet

Completing documentation using the documentation builder reduces the time needed to complete
safety valve paperwork to submit to regulatory agencies and valve vendors.

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Importing Valve Sizing and Scenarios within Aspen Flare System

Analyzer from Aspen HYSYS/Plus
When using Aspen HYSYS V8.4 and Aspen Plus v8.6 or higher, relief valve sizing and scenarios can be
imported within Aspen Flare System Analyzer V8.6 or higher, in order to assist in the designing and
rating of a process’ flare system.

To successfully import relief valve sizing results, the Aspen HYSYS/Plus file must first be saved as either
an ‘Aspen HYSYS/Plus Compound File’ (.hscz/.apwz) (prefered), or as an ‘Aspen HYSYS/Plus Simulation
Cases’ (.hsc/.bkp/.apw) in the same folder as the relief valves Microsoft Database (.mdb) file. To do this,
navigate to the ‘Save As’ window from the File menu in Aspen HYSYS/Plus, and then save the file as a
compound file, as depicted in Figure 34. Alternatively, a save file message will also be displayed if the
simulator is closed before saving.

Figure 34. Saving as a Simulation Case or a Compound File

Once the simulation file is saved in the proper format, open Aspen Flare System Analyzer. When the
program is opened, navigate to the File menu, scroll over ‘Import Sources’, and then click the ‘Aspen
Plus / HYSYS Relief Valve Sources…’ option, shown in Figure 35.

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Figure 35. Importing Aspen Plus/HYSYS Relief Valve Sizing Results

The import window for relief valves sized in Aspen HYSYS/Plus will be queued. Click the ‘Browse’
button, and select the simulation file in which relief valves were sized. Finally, click the ‘Upload File’
button to bring in the information.

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Figure 36. Uploading an Aspen HYSYS/Aspen Plus File for Import

When a simulation file has been uploaded, the window displays the device names for each PSV imported
from Aspen HYSYS/Aspen Plus. Rupture disk devices are ignored for these flare systems. Flare sources
should then be specified for each valve being used in the flare network. Flare sources can either be
selected from a blocks present on the flare flowsheet, or can be created by typing a name in the Flare
Source column and hitting enter. Flare Analyzer v8.6 will automatically detect and map PSVs with
similar names between the simulators and the flare. After the mapping is done once, the other flare
scenarios will remember the source mapping to simplify the creation of extra scenario mappings. The
user can also decide to rename the flare sources to match the Apen Plus/HYSYS names so that these
names are automatically recognized by flare analyzer for future importing. The information imported
from Aspen HYSYS/ Aspen Plus can also be used for multiple flare cases using the Flare Scenario view on
the left. To create a new flare scenario, click the ‘<Add New>’ option and enter a name. A single import
file is used to house all the mappings for multiple flare scenarios from one simulation case.

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Figure 37. Entering Flare Sources and Multiple Flare Scenarios

Adding overpressure protection scenarios for each flare source can either be done manually, or through
the Auto-Map Scenarios feature. The Auto-Map Scenarios feature allows for quick look up and selection
of overpressure protection scenarios that adhere to a certain criteria. For example, if a flare scenario
was being designed to only handle fire relief contingencies, the Auto-Map tool could be used to look up
all fire contingencies imported.

First, after opening the Auto-Mapping form, choose the flare scenario for which overpressure cases are
being selected. Then, choose whether to search HYSYS or Aspen Plus valves and contingencies by
overpressure scenario type or name. Figure 38 shows a flare scenario being mapped for only fire
protection cases.

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Figure 38. Auto-Mapping for Different Scenarios

It is recommended to save the imported set of valve sizes, by clicking ‘Save Import Set’ before
continuing with subsequent flare system design and rating. In Flare Analyzer v8.4 onwards, exiting this
form will prompt you to save the file. After importing the relief valve sizing results from the simulators
into Aspen Flare System Analyzer and saving the set, click ‘OK’ to continue to flare system design.

Relief Valve Sizing and Dynamic Simulation

The Safety Analysis Environment in Aspen HYSYS is compatible with dynamic simulation using Aspen
HYSYS Dynamics. This feature is useful when relieving conditions and fluid properties differ from those
at steady-state operation, namely when a relief scenario is triggered by a disturbance to steady-state
operation. Dynamic simulation allows the user to obtain precise fluid property measurements at a given
point that can then be automatically referenced by the relief valve sizing tool.

In Aspen Plus Dynamics, a relief valve unit operation can also be added but this analysis is completely
independent of the Safety Analysis Envrionment in Aspen Plus Steady State. In Aspen Plus, the Pressure
Relief module was also kept for alternate Pressure Relief Device (PRD) analysis. This section describes
the interaction of the Safety Analysis Environment with the HYSYS dynamics mode.

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

To use Aspen HYSYS Dynamics and relief valve sizing together, a dynamic model must first be set up and
run in Aspen HYSYS Dynamics. For more information on completing this task, please refer to the Aspen
HYSYS Dynamics Jump Start Guide by going to http://www.aspentech.com/Jump_Start-

When the dynamic simulation has reached the process conditions at which relief valve sizing is desired,
simply stop the dynamic simulation by selecting the ‘Stop’ option under the Dynamics tab on the Aspen
HYSYS ribbon, as shown below. Strip charts are helpful in showing the progression of a dynamic
simulation and can be used to determine when to stop the dynamic simulation.

Figure 39. Stopping Dynamic Simulation

After dynamic simulation is stopped, proceed to the Safety Analysis environment using one of the
options displayed in either Figure 1 or Figure 2. Then, the workflow for setting up and completing sizing
for pressure relief valves that was described in the previous sections of this guide should be followed in
order to size a PSV.

Aspen HYSYS Dynamics can also be used to rate relief valves after obtaining a valve size in the Safety
Analysis environment. After adding a relief valve block to a simulation from the model palette, the set
pressure and full open pressure for the valve should be defined in the Design tab, followed by entering
the sizing information under the Rating tab for the valve, as shown.

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

Figure 40. Adding and Defining a Relief Valve for Dynamic Simulation

Once the valve is set up, a dynamic simulation can be run to see the valve’s performance when a
process’s steady-state operation is disturbed.

Pressure relief valve design and sizing can be a tedious, lengthy process. Relief valve sizing in Aspen
HYSYS and Aspen Plus allows the user to design pressure relief valves quickly using a small amount of
process information at the location of the valve. Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus now encompasses all

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Jump Start: Pressure Relief Valve Sizing in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus

facets of the valve design process into one convenient location. In addition, various scenarios involving
multiple valves can be explored to find the most optimal relief schedule for a unit.

Aspen Plus/HYSYS can also serve as an accuracy check to ensure that safety equipment has been
properly rated and will perform properly if needed. It helps designers complete their work faster, so
that safety equipment can be installed and implemented sooner. All processes need to have proper
safety precautions to avoid disaster, and Aspen HYSYS/ Aspen Plus continues to help make all processes
as safe as possible with each use.

1. American Petroleum Inst., “Sizing Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in
Refineries,” ANSI/API RP 520, 8th Ed., Part 1: Sizing and Selection, Washington D.C., Dec. 2008.

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AspenTech YouTube Channel:


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