Review of Related Literature and Studies: Characteristic of Self-Directed Learning

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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This study on self-directed learning readiness in a blended-learning environment is

supported by the other previous studies of related subjects. This chapter contains the following

subtopic such as characteristics of self-directed learning, application of blended learning, impact

of blended learning and self-directed learning, and the relationship of bl and self-directed


Characteristic of Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learners are capable of learning independently as believed that are

autonomous in the sense of responsibility in discovering. Throughout learning, they are in most

circumstances benefit from acquiring on how the problem is meant to be solved as they come up

with their own solution and way of learning resulting in unique and eternal potential growth and

development. (Morris, 2019). Guglielmo & Guglielmo (2018) stated that highly self-directed

learners eventually perform better in jobs requiring a high degree of problem-solving ability, a

high degree of creativity, and a high degree of change as they continue to learn. Therefore, self-

directed learners are not just about learning in class, but these abilities will help them with their

work experiences as anyone can improve their self-directed learning skills. According to Loeng

(2020), self-coordinated students have control over the time, pace, and spot for learning.

Considering all sides of the matter, a conspicuous assertion is that self-directed learning is not

primarily about control in learning techniques. Control in learning circumstance is as it were one
component of self-directed learning, other components are the ability and willingness to reflect,

critical judgment, and vital information on other option.

Factors Affecting Self-Directed Learning

Manarang and Cuevas (2019) stated in their study entitled “Relationship Between Level

of Readiness for Self-directed Learning and Learning Styles of CEU Nursing Students implies

that each learner having the same learning style does not mean that they have the

same level of self-directed learning readiness. They also conclude that between the learning

styles on each pair, there was a significant difference on their self-directed learning readiness

raw sores. According to the study of Monkaresi et at. (2015) Self-directed learning readiness in

female students was slightly more than male students but the difference is not statistically

significant. However self-directed learning readiness of students younger than 25 years is more

than other students. Furthermore, the level of readiness decreases by the age of 35 years but after

35 years, again the self-directed learning readiness will increase. In the study of Rahardjo et at,

(2016) conclude that low levels of access equipment availability is a major factor for the lack of

internet usage among UT students in the remote area. Access equipment owned by students,

cellular phones, do not adequately reach the information provided by UT. However, the students’

searching capabilities including the aspects of knowledge, willingness, as well as ability, have a

positive association with the students in using the internet. The lower capability of students in

searching information becomes the one of factors that can determine the weakness of study

completion. Furthermore, the level of internet usage in searching information and in learning

dimensions generally remains at a low level. Since the internet usage has a positive relationship
with self-directed learning, the low learning measurement in internet usage will influence the

students' self-directed learning.

Application of Blended Learning

Advancement of Blended learning’s instructional plan got audio and radio media

improvement course are relevant to be utilized for students’ studying educational programs

(Kristanto et al. 2017), they recommended to make for another blended learning media with

different materials, incorporates an interactive quiz, video conference and being more adaptable

so the learning activity implemented would be interesting. Student’s characteristics, design

features and learning results are significant elements for blended learning effectiveness.

Adopting blended learning in advanced education to upgrade learning and teachings includes

undeniably more than presenting technological developments. Absence of adequate institutional

help may diminish the motivation of the teachers to change their courses into the blended format

that can discourage their commitment to change. (Lim and Wang, 2016)

Impact of Blended-learning

Turpin (2018) pressure that utilization of a blended learning methodology in a social

studied classroom works on both increases students’ achievement and makes a more uplifting
mentality among students concerning this method for learning. Blended learning builds access

for most student cohorts and creates improvements. Dziuban et al. (2018) conducted a study in

relation to blended learning and emerging technologies and concluded that the key components

students see as significant in their learning, external and demographic variables, have minimal

impact on their decision-making. The three elements have clear developmental qualities that are

directly related with compelling pedagogy and are receptive to faculty improvement through

units which is the faculty center for teaching and learning as an example. Lombaerts et al,.(2016)

stated in their study that freedom in managing time to learn shows as a positive aspect of

Blended learning environment upon examining students’ perception. However, learning without

interaction or lack of interaction with others plays a negative impact on this learning

environment. The interaction among students in activities contributes to students; systemic and

critical thinking. As supported by Blick et al.,(2017), students’ satisfaction is influenced by the

support coming from other people as well as student’s self-efficacy to learn.

Impact of Self-directed Learning

Self-directed learning empowers learners to incorporate learning techniques that would

lead them to secure a proficient comprehension of discovering new ideas. Students are occupied

with self-directed learning when perspective form that needs an expansion of their insight and

abilities in different areas. (Kapur, 2018). Leatemia et al. (2016) conducted a study regarding

self-directed learning readiness by taking samples at five medical faculties representing

universities in India. Their study concluded that the level of self-directed learning is affected by

the academic environment in the form of learning facilities and academic atmosphere of students.

Previous studies also presented that students’ perception regarding a supportive learning
environment significantly influenced self-directed learning readiness of learners. Ramli et al.

(2018) mentioned on their work that external factors consisting of family environment and

academic environment has a significant positive effect on self-directed learning as well as

internal factors in the form of achievement motivation, interest in learning and academic self-

concept, which measured by desire to learn, self-control and self- management. They also

concluded internal factors play a significant role on self-directed learning readiness,

consequently plays a key role in online learning and/or training. Students with high achievement

motivation in learning, interest in learning and academic self-concept will highly strive in

managing their time in learning and strive independently to look for information on various

sources they need for academic purposes. The internal factors and internal motivation of learners

plays an important role in a student's self-directed learning readiness (Nyambe et al., 2016).

Relationship of SDL & BL

Self-directed learning also covers distance-learning environments, not just for traditional

settings. Upon discovery of technology, online learning emerges as a new concept in education

which has been studied in the last two decades that has become more popular and convenient to

use throughout the year (Jonas, 2016). Some studies have shown there is a significant

relationship between self-directed learning behaviors and online learning outcomes. Noh & Kim

(2019) conducted a study concerning the affectivity of a self-directed learning in request to

blended approach among nursing students in clinical practice and according to them it is an

effective educational approach that improves the performance of learners’ self-directed learning

competency and clinical practice satisfaction among nursing students in clinical practice, it

reveals that this type of coaching method help learners improve their abilities in self-
management learning. Geng (2019) investigates the impacts of self-directed learning between

students taking blended and non-blended learning in connection to technology readiness.

Blended learning groups achieve significantly higher social presence as well as technology

readiness were provided a highly stronger role in affecting its teaching presence compared to

non-blended learning. Consequently, this can be a prior training in learning technologies and can

potentially enhance students’ learning presence. It was indicated in the work of Rashid and

Asghar (2016) that use of technologies such as email, smart phone, internet and social media

positively influences learner’s level of self-directed learning, which provides a conducive context

for self-directed learning personal characteristics and process. Moreover, Perry et al. (2018)

stated that during the process of self-learning, students need guidance and appraisal to support

them in building self-esteem and motivation to set goals for skill and intellectual development.

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