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Chapter - 8

Environment Impact Assessment and

Environment Management Plan

8.0 General

The water is an essential element in all the developmental activities of

the mankind which is required throughout the year. Water is also required
for sustenance of the surrounding environment. Precipitation is the only
source of fresh water supply which is unevenly distributed both in space and
time confined to monsoon season i.e. June to September only. As such
building storage dams to store flood waters are necessary so that the
availability of water could be ensured through out the year for various
requirements including drinking water. Though reservoirs increase the water
availability leading to various developmental activities and prosperity in the
area, but some adverse impacts on the environment are also inevitable. As
such, it is necessary to identify the adverse impacts of the reservoirs to
mitigate or ameliorate the anticipated adverse impacts on the environment.

To identify both positive and adverse environmental impacts, due to

the proposed Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project and to suggest measures to
mitigate or ameliorate the anticipated adverse impacts on the environment,
the Environmental Impact Study of this Link project has been carried out
through WAPCOS Limited. Brief report of the study including baseline
information on various environmental aspects, Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) of the project, Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
and Environmental Monitoring Plan along with the costs to implement the
EMP are presented in the following paragraphs:

8.1 The Proposed Project

8.1.1 Project Background

Owing to the fact, that the most of the commercial activities and job
opportunities are urban centric, the rural population continues to migrate
towards the urban centres. Owing to increase in urbanisation there is
continuous improvement in the living standards of the people, and the pace
of industrial and other development, many of the Metropolitan cities are

expected to face acute shortage of water for domestic and industrial
purposes. The rate of population growth of Metropolitan City of Greater
Mumbai over the decades is unprecedented. With population more than 18
million, it is one of the ten largest mega cities of the world. With the
present pace of development of Greater Mumbai, it is anticipated that there
would be acute shortage of domestic water in the year – 2050.

The Union Ministry of Water Resources in the year 1980 had

prepared a National Perspective Plan (NPP) for Water Resources
Development in the country, which comprises two components: Himalayan
Rivers Development Component and Peninsular Rivers Development
Component. Damanganga-Pinjal link is one of the 16 link proposals under
peninsular rivers development component of National Perspective Plan
(NPP), involving the States of Maharashtra & Gujarat which will provide
water to augment domestic water supply of the Mumbai city.

Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project has been planned to divert surplus

waters of Damanganga river available at Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs
to Pinjal reservoir in Vaitarna basin (proposed by Government of
Maharashtra) from where the combined waters of Damanganga and Pinjal
rivers will be further taken to Mumbai city for augmentation of its domestic
water supply.

8.1.2 Project Justification

As per the assessment of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

(MCGM), the domestic water demand for Mumbai City in the year 2012
was 4529 MLD (1653 Mm3) and the cumulative water supply from all the
sources is 3675 MLD (1341 Mm3). The projected domestic water demand
for Greater Mumbai by the year – 2041 is 6680 MLD (2438 Mm3) and the
supply will be 4980 MLD (1818 Mm3) (on completion of Gargai and Pinjal
projects) leaving a shortage in supply of 1700 MLD (620 Mm3). The
shortage in water supply will further increase, as the demand will reach to
7000 MLD (2555 Mm3) by the year - 2060 as the cumulative water supply
from various sources including from middle Vaitarna, Bhatsa and Gargai
projects will remain at 4980 MLD (1818 Mm3) only. Damanganga-Pinjal

link project will augment about 895 Mm3: 579 Mm3 (1586 MLD) from
Damanganga basin; and 316 Mm3 (865 MLD) from Pinjal basin.

8.1.3 Project Description

Damanganga – Pinjal link project envisages construction of following


i. A 851.50 m long composite embankment (concrete faced rock fill) -

cum - concrete dam across river Damanganga near village Bhugad
with FRL 163.87 m and corresponding gross storage capacity of
427.070 Mm3. The length of concrete faced rockfill portion of the
dam is 527.50 m and the length of concrete non overflow section and
spill way is 324 m. The dam axis is located at Latitude: 200 12’ 30” N
and Longitude: 730 17’ 32” E;
ii. A Power house at the toe of Bhugad dam with 2 units of 1.0 MW
installed capacity each;
iii. A 618.20 m long composite embankment (concrete faced rock fill) -
cum - concrete dam at Khargihill across river Vagh (a tributary of
Damanganga river) near village Behadpada with FRL 154.52 m and
corresponding gross storage capacity of 460.896 Mm3. The length of
concrete faced rockfill portion of the dam is 341.0 m and the length of
concrete non overflow section and spill way is 277.20 m. A saddle
dam of 400 m length and 25.92 m height with FRL 154.52 m is
proposed on the left flank of the reservoir. The main dam is located at
Latitude: 200 05’ 05” N and Longitude: 730 16’ 27” E. The saddle
dam is located at Latitude: 200 05’ 18” N and Longitude: 730 15’ 22”
iv. A Power house at the toe of Khargihill dam with 2 unit of 1.5 MW
installed capacity;
v. A tunnel of about 17.488 km long with 3.20 m diameter and bed
slope of 1:1342 connecting Bhugad reservoir with Khargihill
vi. A tunnel of about 25.224 km long with 4.00 m diameter and bed
slope of 1:1717 connecting Khargihill reservoir with Pinjal reservoir;

vii. A 545 m long Roller Compact Concrete Gravity dam across river
Pinjal (a tributary of Vaitarna river) proposed by Government of
Maharashtra and MCGM near village Khidse with FRL of 145.0 m
and corresponding gross storage capacity of 483.0 Mm3 and a saddle
dam of about 190 m long and 11.4 m high on the right flank. The
main dam is located at Latitude: 190 47’ 00” N and Longitude: 730
13’ 00” E.
viii. Conveyance system beyond Pinjal dam to carry water upto Mumbai
city to be planned by MCGM.

8.1.4 Study Area

The study area considered for the environmental impact assessment studies
and preparation of environmental management plan comprise the following:

i. Area to be acquired for various project appurtenances including

reservoir submergence;
ii. 10 km either side of the tunnels;
iii. 10 km radius around the project area from the periphery of the
project; and
iv. Catchment area intercepted at each dam site

8.2 Site Selection

As discussed in earlier Paras the Municipal Corporation of Greater

Mumbai (MCGM) has assessed the domestic water demand for Mumbai
City as 7000 MLD (2555 Mm3) by the year - 2060 and the cumulative water
supply from various sources including from middle Vaitarna, Bhatsa and
Gargai projects will be4980 MLD (1818 Mm3) only. To bridge the gap of
about 2020 MLD new projects north of Vaitarna basin are to be planned. As
such, Damanganga – Pinjal link has been planned which will provide
additional 1586 MLD (579 Mm3) of water from Bhugad and Khargihill
reservoirs of Damanganga basin and about 865 MLD (316 Mm3) of water
from Pinjal reservoir of Vaitarna basin. The Bhugad reservoir has been
proposed across Damanganga river near village Bhugad in Trimbak taluka
of Nashik District in Maharashtra and Khargihill dam has been proposed

across river Vagh (a tributary of Damanganga river) near village Behadpada
in Jawhar taluka of Thane district in Maharashtra State.

8.2.1 Alternative Site

Bhugad Dam Site: Based on the study of aerial photographs of the project
area two alternative dam alignments were selected for study. The dam axis
A - I is about 250 m upstream of Bhugad village while dam axis A - II is
located about 300 m downstream of Bhugad village. Detailed geotechnical
evaluation of alternative dam axis A –I and A –II was done. On comparative
evaluation, the dam axis A-II has been opted for (i) Shorter length of the
dam as compared to A-I axis, (ii) Shallow foundation in the central river and
on right bank, (iii) Retaining wall needed only on left bank as compared to
high retaining wall on either banks required for A-I axis and (iv) Suitable
conditions available to house spillway on central river bed with proper
location for stilling basin and flood routing.

Khargihill Dam Site: Based on aerial photo studies three alternative

alignments: (i) Near village Behadpada; (ii) Near village Buruj upstream of
village Behadpada; and (iii) Near village Butarshet downstream of village
Behadpada, close to the tail end of Madhuban reservoir were suggested by GSI,
Nagpur for study. On further examination, especially on Engineering
consideration with a view to optimize the reservoir capacity with a minimum
submergence, dam site near village Behadpada is selected for further
geotechnical evaluation. The detailed geotechnical investigation of dam site
located near village Behadpada was taken up. Three alternative dam axis
alignments were considered and based on geotechnical merits, alignment No. A-
III has been found feasible on merit consideration of (i) shorter length, (ii) Bowl
shaped depression between two residual mounds of residual fill due to easterly
flowing nala which offer shallow foundation and suitable topographic condition
to house the left embankment section, (c) The alignment is fairly upstream of
the d/s apex / nose of the triangular plateau on the right abutment and the nala
lies at considerable distance from the distal end of the dam. Based on these
considerations the dam axis alignment A-III has finally been found most

8.2.2 No Project Option

As per the water availability study of Damanganga – Pinjal link

project by Central Water Commission during January, 2013, about 284 Mm3
and 401 Mm3 of surplus waters at 100% dependability are available (after
accounting for in-basin water requirements for various purposes in
foreseeable future) at proposed Bhugad and Khargihill dam sites. If the
proposed Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs (involved in Damanganga –
Pinjal link) are not constructed the above surplus waters will go un-utilised
into the sea. On the other hand the Mumbai city is facing water shortage for
meeting its domestic requirements and this shortage will further increased to
2020 MLD by the year 2060, so if the proposed reservoirs at Bhugad and
Khargihill of Damanganga – Pinjal link are constructed, the project will
augment about 1586 MLD of water to Mumbai city for meeting the shortage
in domestic water supply. In the absence of this project Mumbai city will
continue with a shortage of 1586 MLD of water. The project will also
provide water to the local population in the vicinity of both reservoirs for
meeting various requirements and also provide regulated release down-
stream of dam in to the river for meeting the ecological needs of the river
down-stream of dam. Due to construction of project and allied activities lot
of employment opportunities will be generated in the area. The proposed
Damanganga - Pinjal Link Project is expected to result in socio-economic
upliftment of the people in the project area at reasonable cost.

8.3 Legal Status of the Project

The Water Resources project when implemented provide the

immense benefits to the society in the form of increased availability of
water for irrigation, domestic, industrial, and other uses. On the other hand
these projects have impacts, both positive and negative on the environment
of the project area and in vicinity and also affect the socio- economic
conditions of the population in the region. The Water Resources project
before implementation required statutory clearance from Ministry of
Environment & Forests. As stipulated in the EIA Notification of 14th
September, 2006, the Terms and Conditions for carrying out the
Environmental Impact Assessment study of Damanganga-Pinjal Link
Project were submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF)

for approval. The MoEF vide letter No. J-12011/56/2008-IA.I dated 3rd
December, 2008 (Annexure – 1.11 in Volume - II) indicated that the
Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project being drinking water supply project does
not cover under the provisions of EIA Notifications – 2006. As such,
Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project will not require clearance from the
Ministry of Environment & Forests. The Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs
of Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project will involve the shifting of the families
residing in the villages likely to be affected by these reservoirs. This project
affected families are required to be resettled at the new locations. Therefore,
with a view to compensate the Project Affected Families (PAFs) ensuring
that the proper facilities in the re-settlement colonies are provided, a
Resettle & Rehabilitation Plan has been evolved. While formulating the
Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan, the provisions of National Policy on
Resettlement & Rehabilitation (NPRR) - 2007 have been kept in view.
Various provisions of the Resettlement & Rehabilitation Policies of Gujarat
and Maharashtra States are compared with the provision of NPRR – 2007
and best of the provision have been adopted. The project is lying in the
tribal area as such the R&R plan required clearance from Ministry of Tribal
Affairs. The Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project is required about 1008 ha of
forest land, as such forest clearance under forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is
required. A provision for afforestation in double the area in de-graded
forests has been kept as per the Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980. No Wild
Life Sanctuaries or National Parks are located in the project area. The
project will also require Techno-economic clearance from Central Water
Commission; investment clearance from Planning Commission; and
Consent to Establish from Maharashtra and Gujarat Pollution Control
Boards under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 and
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981.

The Geological Survey of India (GSI), Nagpur vide their letter No.
329/EG/GSI/2010 dated 26th July, 2010 (Annexure – 2.3 in Volume - II) had
indicated that the area of Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project is devoid of any
minerals of significant importance. Similarly, Archaeological Survey of
India, Aurangabad vide their letter No. 12/2009-10/Tech-3036 dated 17th
February, 2011 (Appendix – 2.1 in Volume – III(A)) have submitted the
brief report on archaeological exploration and informed that no monuments
or remains of archaeological Importance were noticed in the area of

Damanganga-Pinjal Link Project. As such, the No Objection Certificates
(NOCs) from Ministry of Coal & Mines and Archaeological Survey of India
are not required.

8.4 Baseline Environmental Data

It is essential that the baseline levels of environmental parameters

which could be significantly affected by the implementation of the project
are to be ascertained before implementation of the project. The baseline
status shall involve both field work and review of data collected from
secondary sources. A similar approach has been adopted for conducting
comprehensive environmental impact assessment study for the proposed
Damanganga-Pinjal link project.

The baseline survey planning commenced with the short listing of

impacts and identification of parameters for which the data needs to be
collected. Baseline status has been ascertained for air environment, water
environment, land environment, public health and biological (terrestrial and
aquatic) environment. The baseline status has been divided into three
categories: Physio-chemical aspects; Ecological aspects; and Socio-
Economic aspects.

8.4.1 Air Environment Ambient Air Quality

The sources of air pollution in the study area are vehicular traffic,
dust arising from unpaved village roads and domestic fuel burning. The
prime objective of the baseline air quality study was to establish the existing
ambient air quality of the area. The baseline status of the ambient air quality
has been established through a scientifically designed ambient air quality
monitoring network. The monitoring of ambient air quality has been done
for summer and winter seasons. The Ambient Air Quality in the project area
has been Monitoring at 19 locations. The list of ambient air quality
monitoring stations monitored is in Table - 8.1. The parameters such as
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Respirable Suspended Particulate
Matter (PM10), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) have
been monitored.

Location of Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Monitoring Stations
Stations Sampling Dam site Direction Distance
Location w.r.t site (Km)
A1 Toranmal Bhugad E 3
A2 Khadki Bhugad E 6
A3 Torangan Bhugad SE 1
A4 Harsul Bhugad S 2
A5 Kotambi Bhugad E 7
A6 Mulvad Khargihill N 2
A7 Ozarkhed Khargihill N 1
A8 Dhadhri Khargihill Catchment --
A9 Mokhada Khargihill S 11
A10 Chas Khargihill SE 7
A11 Brahmanpada Khargihill E 6
A12 Peint Bhugad NE 6
A13 Ambai Khargihill NE 8
A14 Gavtha Khargihill E 2
A15 Pipalset Bhugad N 4
A16 Sarvartai Bhugad N 6
A17 Kaprada Bhugad NW 14
A18 Bapanvihir Link E 1
A19 Khadaohel Link E 1

The testing procedure adopted for monitoring of various ambient air quality
parameters is in Table – 8.2.

Table – 8.2
Testing Procedure Adopted for Various
Ambient Air Quality Parameters
Parameter Description IS Code Testing Procedure

PM10 Respirable IS:5182 (Part-23) : Respirable

Suspended 2006 Particulate matter
Particulate Sampler
SPM Suspended IS: 5182 (Part - 4), High Volume
Particulate 1999 Sampling Method
SO2 Sulphur IS: 5182 (Part - 2) : Improved West and
dioxide 2001 Geake Method
NOx Oxides of IS: 5182 (Part – 6) : Jacobs and
Nitrogen 1975 (Reaffirmed Hochheiser’s
1998) Method

The result of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring indicates that:

i. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) values ranged from 1.12 to 8.77 g/m3 in

summer season and 6.6 to 13.17 g/m3 in winter season which are
well below the permissible limit of 50 g/m3 specified for industrial,
residential and rural areas (absence of industrial sources, low
vehicular density in the project area can be attributed to low SO2
ii. Average NOx values ranged from 2.16 to 14.5 g/m3 in summer
season and 7.4 to 15.9 g/m3 in winter season which are well below
the permissible limit of 40 g/m3 specified for industrial, residential
and rural areas (absence of pollution sources in the study area is the
reason of low NOx level);
iii. Average RPM values ranged from 24.93 to 40.87g/m3 in summer
season and 24.8 to 48.27 g/m3 in winter season which are well below
the permissible limit of 60 g/m3 specified for industrial, residential
and rural areas (RPM level was marginally higher in summer season
as compared to winter season because lower moisture content in soil
and vegetal cover in summer season).

Based on the findings of the ambient air quality survey, conducted for
the summer and winter seasons, it can be concluded that the ambient air
quality is quite good in the area. The values of these parameters were well
below the permissible limits specified for residential, rural and other areas.
The absence of industries and low vehicular traffic can be attributed for
good ambient air quality in the project area. Noise Environment

Noise level was monitored at 9 locations: Pipalset, Toranmal,

Mulvad, Brahmanpada, Khadaohel, Kotambi, Chas, Bapanvihir, Sarvartai in
the study area. Monitoring was conducted for two seasons namely summer
(June 2010) and winter (December 2010). The noise levels were monitored
continuously for 24 hours from 6 AM to 6 AM at each location and hourly
equivalent noise level was measured.

As per the observations day time equivalent noise level at various

sampling stations ranged from 39.54 to 61.24 dB(A) in summer season and
48.3 to 59.2 dB(A) in winter season. The noise level within the permissible
limit of 55 dB(A) specified for residential areas, 65 dB(A) specified for
Commercial area, 75 dB(A) specified for Industrial area and 50 dB(A)
specified for silence zone. The night time equivalent noise level at various
sampling stations ranged from 29.34 to 38.97 dB(A) in summer season and
43.8 to 53.6 dB(A) in winter season, which were well within the permissible
limit specified for various categories. Meteorology

Climatologically, the calendar year in the project area can be

categorized into: Winter season from November to February; summer
season from March to May; Monsoon season from June to September; and
Post monsoon/Transition season during October.

The climatological data of IMD station at Nasik were collected and

analysed. The data indicates that the mean maximum temperature is 37.1°C
during May while mean minimum temperature is 10.2°C during January.

The average rainfall in the project area is 2245 mm. Most of the
rainfall is received during monsoon season i.e. from June to September.
There is wide variation in the occurrence of rainfall in the project area
ranging from 1657 mm annual at Harsul rain gauge station to 2983 mm
annual at Jawhar rain gauge station.

Relative humidity as recorded at Nasik IMD observatory is highest

during August where it is close to 87%. During March month the humidity
is lowest where it is recorded close to 46 %.

8.4.2 Water Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring

The water quality monitoring has been done in the study area for
three seasons: Summer Season (June, 2010); winter season (December,
2010); and Monsoon Season (August-September, 2011). The quality of
surface water has been ascertained from the chemical and physic-chemical
analysis of water samples collected from different river bodies. Grab
sampling method was used for collection of water samples. Ground water
samples were taken from the hand pumps. The methods adopted for water
testing are given in Table – 8.3 and the sampling locations are listed in
Table – 8.4

Table – 8.3
Protocols Adopted for Analysis of Various Water Quality Parameters
Parameters Unit Protocol
IS :2488 Part – 1 Electrometric
pH @ 25 oC -
1966 Method
APHA (21st Edition)- Thermometry
Temperature (0C)
2550 B : Page 2 -61 Method
Dissolved Oxygen, IS – 3025 (Part–38): Wrinkler's
DO 1989 Method
IS – 3025 (Part–44):
Biological Oxygen 1993
mg/l Wrinkler's
Demand ,BOD (Reaffirmed 1999)
Edition 2.1 (2000 -

Parameters Unit Protocol
APHA (21st Edition)-
Chemical Oxygen Dichromate
mg/l Open Reflux Method
Demand, COD Reflux Technique
5220 B Page 5-15
IS: 3025 (Part-16) Water bath
Total Dissolved
mg/l 1984 (Reaffirmed Evaporation
Solids TDS
1996) Method
IS: 3025 (Part-17)
Total Suspended Filtration & Water
mg/l 1984 (Reaffirmed
Solids, TSS bath Evaporation
APHA (21st Edition)
Calcium as Ca+ mg/l – 3500 – Ca B : Page EDTA Method
APHA (21st Edition)
Calcium Hardness Calculation
mg/l – 3500 – Ca B : Page
as CaCO3 Method
APHA (21st Edition)
Magnesium as Calculation
mg/l – 3500 – Mg B : Page
Mg+ Method
Magnesium APHA (21st Edition)
Hardness as mg/l – 3500 – Mg B : Page
CaCO3 3-84
Total Hardness as APHA (21st Edition)
mg/l EDTA Method
CaCO3 – 2340 C Page 2 - 37
APHA (21st Edition) Flame
Sodium as Na mg/l – 3500 – Na B : PagePhotometric
3-98 Method
APHA (21st Edition)
Potassium as K mg/l Photometric
– 3500 – K B :
Absorption Ration -- --
Nitrogen APHA (21st Edition) Titrimetric
Ammonia NH3-N – 4500 – NH3 C Method

Table – 8.4
List of Water Sampling Locations
Sr. Project River Village Sampling Location
No. component
A Winter and Summer Seasons
1 Bhugad Damanganga Khadki Khadki
2 Bhugad Ras River Khadki 2 km Before
3 Bhugad Kakad Jogmodi Jogmodi
4 Khargihill Chasna River Chas Chas
5 Bhugad Ground Water Torangan Hand Pump
6 Bhugad Ground Water Peint Restaurant
7 Bhugad Damanganga Savda Between Bila and
8 Link tunnel Tan River Khalachipada Khalachipada
9 Link tunnel Vagh river Ojerkhed 2 km From
10 Bhugad Damanganga Kotambi Kotambi
11 Bhugad Ground Water Harsul Villager’s House
12 Bhugad Ground Water Toranmal Hand Pump
13 Khargihill Lendi River Dhadhri Dhadhri
14 Khargihill Bet (Vagh) Mulvad Mulvad
15 Khargihill Vagh River Baldhapada Between Chas To
16 Khargihill Ground Water Mokhada Villager’s House
17 Khargihill Lake Water Mokhada Near City Survey
18 Khargihill Dhamni River Mokhada 2 km From
19 Khargihill Ground Water Ambai Hand Pump
20 Khargihill Ground Water Vavar Gram Panchayat
21 Khargihill Ground Water Gavtha Hand Pump
22 Khargihill Vagh River Pehadpada Pehadpada
The result of Water Quality Monitoring indicates that:

i. pH level in the study area ranged from 6.85 to 8.06 in summer

season; 7.1 to 8.0 in winter season; and 7.2 to 7.9 in Monsoon season
at various samples sites. The pH level indicates neutral nature of the
water, and is within the permissible limit of 6.5 to 8.5 specified for
meeting drinking water requirements.

ii. The TDS level in the study area ranged from 122 to 425 mg/l in
summer season; 68 to 400 mg/l in winter seasons; and 88 to 225 mg/l
in Monsoon seasons. The TDS level of various samples is well within
the permissible limit of 500 mg/l specified for drinking water and also
within the cause for rejection limit of 1500 mg/l.

iii. The hardness level ranged from 40 to 160 mg/l in summer season; 20
to 135 mg/l in winter seasons; and 76 to 120 mg/l in monsoon season
which indicates the soft nature of water. The hardness level is well
within the permissible limit of 200 mg/l specified for drinking water

iv. In monsoon season DO level ranged from 5.6 to 6.1 mg/l ; BOD
values are not detectable at many locations only at two or three
locations it is found in range of 1 to 3 mg/l well within the
permissible limits, which indicates that the organic pollution loading
entering the water bodies is well within the carrying capacity. The
low COD values also indicate the absence of chemical pollution
loading in the area. The marginal quantity of pollution load which
enters the water bodies gets diluted. The concentration of boron is in
range of 0.05 mg/l to 0.2 mg/l which is well within the permissible
limit ; concentration of Chloride is in range of 36 mg/l to 65 mg/l
which is well within the permissible limit of 200 mg/l for drinking
water quality; concentration of Sulphates is in range of 7 mg/l to 14
mg/l which is well within the permissible limit of 200 mg/l for
drinking water quality; concentration of Fluorides is in range of 0.4
mg/l to 0.55 mg/l use of water with fluoride level less than 1.0 mg/l
can lead to dental caries.

450 Ground Water Quality Monitoring

The Ground Water quality monitoring in the study area was done
during monsoon season at 8 sampling locations. The analysis of the
collected samples was carried out in the laboratory as per the standard
respective protocols. The summery of monsoon season ground water
monitoring is given below:

pH level in the study area ranged from 7.3 to 8.1 which indicates the
neutral nature of the water, and are within the permissible limit of 6.5 to 8.5
specified for meeting drinking water requirements; TDS level ranged from
136 to 197 mg/l which is well within the permissible limit of 500 mg/l
specified for drinking water and also within the cause for rejection limit of
1500 mg/l; hardness level ranged from 80 to 160 mg/l indicating soft nature.
The hardness level generally is well below the permissible limit of 200 mg/l
specified for drinking water.

The permissible limit for class E water (Irrigation use) as per IS: 2296
for Boron is 2.0 mg/l. The concentration of boron is in the range of 0.04
mg/l to 0.13mg/l which is well within the permissible limit.

The concentration of Chloride is in range of 38 mg/l to 64 mg/l which

is well within the permissible limit of 200 mg/l specified for drinking water
quality. The concentration of Sulphates is in range of 8 mg/l to 22 mg/l
which is well within the permissible limit of 200 mg/l specified for drinking
water quality. The concentration of Fluorides is in the range of 0.38 mg/l to
0.51 mg/l. Use of water with fluoride level less than 1.0 mg/l can lead to
dental caries.

8.4.3 Land Environment Land Use

The land use and land cover information of the catchment area of
Bhugad and Khargihill dams has been mapped using the satellite data of
dated 24th December, 2008; 16th February, 2008; and 10th February 2009
of IRS P6 LISS IV MX sensor of the IRS series of satellite having
resolution of 5.8 meters. Various major categories like Agricultural land,

Wasteland, Water body, etc. were identified and mapped. Area statistics is
calculated for different Land use/Land cover categories and furnished in
Table - 8.5 and 8.6 respectively for the catchment area of Bhugad and
Khargihill dam sites.

Table: 8.5
Catchment Area of Bhugad Dam - Land Use/Land Cover Statistics
S. No. Description % Area Area (Km2)
1 Built-up area (Residential
& Industrial) 1.07 7.56
2 Agricultural Land 9.98 70.69
3 Scrub 1.59 11.23
4 Dense Forest 33.38 236.31
5 Open Forest 50.84 359.94
6 River/ Water bodies 3.14 22.26
Total 100.00 708.00

Table: 8.6
Catchment Area of Khargihill Dam - Land Use/Land Cover Statistics
S. No. Description % Area Area (Km2)
1 Built-up area (Residential
& Industrial) 0.96 6.19
2 Agricultural Land 1.61 10.44
3 Scrub 1.16 7.46
4 Dense Forest 36.21 233.94
5 Open Forest 57.16 369.28
6 River/ Water bodies 2.90 18.71
Total 100.00 646.00 Mineral Deposits

The catchment areas of Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs are lying in Nasik
and Thane districts of Maharashtra state and Valsad district of Gujarat state.
The Engineering Geological Division of GSI, Nagpur vide Letter No.
329/EG/GSI/2010 dated 26th July, 2010 (Annexure – 2.3 in Volume - II)
informed that both the reservoirs are devoid of any mineral of economic

452 Historic/Archaeological Monuments

The Archaeological Survey of the project area has been carried out by
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Aurangabad Circle during May, 2009
and December, 2010. The Superintending Archaeologist, ASI, Aurangabad
Circle vide their F. .No.12/2009 -10/Tech-3036 dated 17-2-2011 (Appendix
– 2.1 in Volume – III(A)) submitted the brief report on the archaeological
survey and informed that no monuments or any remains of archaeological
importance were noticed at dam sites and in the submergence area of
Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs proposed under Damanganga - Pinjal Link
Project. Geology

The local geology of the link project area, which lies west of Trimbak in
northern part of Western Ghats is made up of a thick pile of Deccan lava
flows consisting of compound Pahoehoe; and simple flows that are grouped
as Salher and Ratangarh formations. The Bhugad reservoir lies in the
Deccan Volcanics. The rock assemblage exposed is classified as Salher
formation, which comprises of group Pahoehoe flows successions. No major
fault or shear zone was noticed in the area. The rock type encountered is
moderate to highly amygdular basalt, which is generally non-porphyritic in
nature with occasional thin bands of massive basalt occurring in it. The
Khargihill reservoir area is made of Pahoehoe and flows of Deccan
volcanics belonging to lower part of Salher Formation. The rocks are hard
massive, and devoid of any fault or shear zones. The rocks encountered are
massive basalt and amygdular basalt. Soils

Damanganga – Pinjal link has been planned as drinking water supply project
which is devoid of any irrigation component, as such, the soil quality was
monitored at various locations in the catchment area only. The monitoring
has been conducted for three seasons, i.e. summer season (June, 2010),
winter season (December 2010) and Monsoon (Septmber-2011). The lists of
parameters monitored along with Protocols used for analysis are given in

Table – 8.7. The list of Sampling Locations is given in the Table – 8.8. As
per EIA manual, the soil sample has been collected once in a season.

Table: 8.7
Soil Quality Parameters Monitored and the List of Protocols

S. No. Parameter Protocol

1 pH @ 25 oC Electrometric Method
2 Electrical Conductivity, EC Electrometric Method
3 Texture Field Method
4 Porosity Calculation Method
5 Available Moisture Content Evaporation Method
6 Calcium as Ca+ EDTA Method
7 Magnesium as Mg+ Calculation Method
8 Sodium as Na Flame photometric Method
9 Potassium as K Flame photometric Method
10 Sodium Absorption Ratio, SAR Calculation Method
11 Total Phosphorus Colorimetric Method
12 Total Nitrogen Modified Kjeldahl Method

Table: 8.8
List of Soil Sampling Location

S. No. Village Sample ID

A winter and Summer Seasons
1 Toranmal S1
2 Khadki S2
3 Harsul S3
4 Mulvad S4
5 Ozarkhed S5
6 Mokhada S6
7 Chas S7
8 Brahmanpada S8
9 Ambai S9
10 Gavtha S10
11 Pipalset S11
12 Sarvartati S12

The season wise findings of soil monitoring are briefly described below:

i. Summer season: pH value @ 25 oC ranged between 5.63 to 7.16;

Electrical Conductivity is in range between 61.6 μS/cm to 1500
μS/cm; Porosity is in range between 32.34 % to 56.32 %; Available
Moisture Content is in range between 0.84 % to 18.07 %;
concentration of Calcium is in the range between 240.48 mg/kg to
2404.08 mg/kg; concentration of Magnesium is in the range between
47.63 mg/kg to 533.63 mg/Kg; concentration of Sodium is in the
range between 87.2 mg/kg to 2040.4 mg/kg; concentration of
Potassium is in the range between 0.01 % to 1.60 %; concentration of
SAR is in the range between 0.83 to 15.17; concentration of Total
Phosphorus is in the range between 0.2 % to 0.35 %; and
concentration of Total Nitrogen is in the range between 0.08 % to
0.31 %.

ii. Winter season: pH value @ 25 oC ranged between 6.3 to 7.3;

Electrical Conductivity is in range between 110 μS/cm to 1700
μS/cm; Porosity is in the range between 34.5 % to 52.1 %; Available
Moisture Content is in the range between 2.0 % to 5.8 %;
concentration of Calcium is in the range between 0.396 gm/kg to
2.140 gm/kg; concentration of Magnesium is in the range between
0.038 gm/kg to 0.620 gm/Kg; concentration of Sodium (Na) is in the
range between 0.096 gm/Kg to 2.140 gm/Kg; concentration of
Potassium (K) is in the range between 0.001 % to 0.174 %;
concentration of SAR is in the range between 0.142 to 2.595;
concentration of Total Phosphorus (P) is in the range between 0.16 %
to 0.37 %; and concentration of Total Nitrogen (N) is in the range
between 0.07 % to 0.28 %.

iii. Monsoon season: pH value @25 OC ranged between 6.8 to 7.0;

Electrical Conductivity is in the range between 185 µS/cm to 1310
µS/cm; porosity is in the range between 40.6 % to 43.8 %; Available
Moisture Content is in the range between 2.2 % to 4.1 %;
concentration of Calcium (Ca+) is in the range between 0.76 gm/Kg
to 2.59 gm/Kg; concentration of Magnesium (Mg+) is in the range

between 0.074 gm/Kg to 0.38 gm/Kg; concentration of Sodium (Na)
is in the range between 0.092 gm/Kg to 0.97 gm/Kg; concentration of
Potassium (K) is in the range between 0.006 % to 0.279 %;
concentration of Total Phosphorus (P) is in the range between 0.16 %
to 0.23 %; and concentration of Total Nitrogen is in the range
between 0.07% to 0.26 %.

8.4.4 Terrestrial Ecology Delineation of Flora in Study Area

The study area falls in the South Indian Tropical Moist Deciduous
forests. Mainly two categories of the forest types are found in the study area
are: (i) Southern Indian Moist Deciduous Forests; and (ii) Southern Dry
Deciduous Forests. Detailed ecological survey in the area of Damanganga –
Pinjal link project was conducted for three seasons: (i) Winter season
(February, 2012); Summer season (April, 2012); and Post Monsoon season
(October, 2012). Status of flora was assessed using circular plot of various
sizes for trees, shrubs, herbs and grass species. Fifteen, ten and 2 m radius
plots were used to quantify trees, shrubs and herbaceous (herb and grass)
species respectively. Trees with > 25 cm GBH were considered as matured
trees and rest will be classified in the recruitment and regeneration classes.
Within the plots all the trees and shrubs were identified and enumerated. For
grass and herbs species list and cover availability were estimated visually.
Efforts were also made to identify the plants from the fresh material; those
that could not be satisfactorily identified in the field were brought to the
laboratory and identified by checking it with monographs, herbarium
specimens and other available literature on regional and state floras.

The forests of the study sites belong to the subgroup Southern moist
deciduous forest, and within this are more specifically classified as moist
teak forests. They are named as the Tectona-Terminalia-Adina-Anogeissus
series. The forests are known to be the richest in Maharashtra and contain
many invaluable timber species as well as medicinally important species.
Teak (Tectona grandis) is the most dominant species in study sites and
occurs throughout the area. Other dominating tree species are bamboo,
shisam (Dalbergia sisoo), khair (Acacia catectu), dhavdo (Anogeissus
latifolia) and kadam (Anthocaphalus sp.). The other indigenous tree species

available in the forest are Anogeissus sps. (dhav, dhavdo), Bauhinia
racemosa (asitro), Butea monosperma (khakharo, kesudo), Terminalia
crenulata (sadad), Lannea coromandelica (modad, golado), Boswellia
serrata (salai, halar, gugur), Diospyros melanoxylon (timaru, bidi patta),
Cassia fistula (garmaro), Syzygium cumini (jamu), Prosopis juliflora (gando
bavar), Eucalyptus sp (nilgiri)., Gmelina arborea (shevan), Termenelia
arjuna (arjun sadad), Cassia auriculata (avar), Emblica officinalis (amara)

For assessment of ecosystems, the study area was categorized into

different land uses under the land ownership and different levels of
productive potential. However, for the study purpose they have been
delineated into five major habitat types according to the nature of vegetation
existing in it.

i. Stream Beds: This includes the area on the banks of seasonal

rivers, stream and small nalla.
ii. Wetland: Since these water bodies (manmade village ponds) are
located within the buffer zone of the proposed dams/reservoir area,
aquatic plants were counted and discussed under wetland habitats
(at preliminary level).
iii. Agro-ecosystem: It means areas under the agriculture use
(irrigated lands, un-irrigated lands, cultivable waste/fallow land)
and its surrounding hedge vegetation (locally known as – khetars
or wadis) owned by the private people.
iv. Open scrub or degraded Forest: mainly small patches of waste
lands and Gauchar lands with scrub vegetation and scattered tree
species which belongs to revenue or government.
v. Moist deciduous Forest: All the categories of forest lands
including species specific as well as composition of dominant tree
species belongs to forest department.

Visible observation of study area, tree and shrub covers suggest that:

 The maximum diversity in buffer zone is beyond 2-5 km radius from

proposed sites. The density and diversity of tree and shrub covers
decrease away from the proposed sites. The forest lands found to be

most suitable habitat for all floral components which was followed by
degraded-open lands. Teak is planted at some places as a part of
reforestation process.

 Different types of forests that constitute varied habitats are moist

mixed deciduous forest, moist teak forest and very rarely seen
bamboo brakes. Bamboo forms thick middle storey in large area with
tree cover having moderately dense canopy.

 The natural vegetation of the proposed project sites is a three-tiered

forest adapted to the monsoon and dry season climate. The forests
typically have an upper canopy at 10–15 meters, 5-10 meter
understory of smaller trees and large shrubs, and 3-4 meter
undergrowth. Status of Fauna

The study area of Damanganga – Pinjal link is devoid of any National

Park/ Wild life sanctuary. As per the survey conducted and also enquiry
from local villagers major fauna: Pea fowl, Indian cuckoo, Indian cobra/
Nag, Rat snake, Monitor lizard were seen. As per the secondary data
available, the common mammals found in the project area are Hanuman
Langur, Leopard, Jungle Cat, Indian Fox, Jackal, Common Mongoose,
Small Indian Civet, Four-horned Antelope, Wild Boar, Common Indian
Hare, Indian Porcupine, Three-stripped Squirrel, Rat, Indian Flying Fox.
However, very low direct and indirect evidences found during survey.
Primary observation on the avifaunal diversity in the region indicates that 78
avian species were observed during the winter season in the study area. 78
species of insects (including wide variety of butter flies and bees)
representing 67 genus were observed in the region Fish Fauna

Total five species were observed from the area. Mastacembalus

armatus is commonly found in the region. Grass carp like
Ctenopharyngodon idella, C. catla and other major carp, minor carp and
common carp are found in the region. Channa marulius and Cyprinus

carpio are also preferred fish catch of the local people. None of the fish
species observed till date show long migration pattern.

8.4.5 Public Health Facilities

The information regarding health facilities including availability of hospital,

maternity & child welfare centre and Primary Health Centre (PHC) etc. are
collected and found that Hospital facility is available for all the villages but
its average distance is more than 10 km. Similarly, Maternity and Child
Welfare Centre are also available at the average distance of more than 10
km. Village wise availability of medical facilities in the affected villages are
given in Table - 8. 9 and 8. 10.

Table – 8.9
Village wise Medical Facilities in Bhugad Reservoir Area
Medical facilities (within range (km)
Village Allopathic Maternity and Child Primary Health
hospital welfare centre Centre
1 Bafanvihir > 10 > 10 > 10
2 Deodongara > 10 > 10 > 10
3 Goldari > 10 > 10 5
4 Dolmohal > 10 > 10 5
5 Kas > 10 > 10 > 10
6 Kharshet > 10 > 10 5
7 Kharpadi > 10 > 10 > 10
8 Borpada > 10 > 10 > 10
9 Khamshet > 10 > 10 > 10
10 Malghar > 10 > 10 > 10
11 Vadoli > 10 5 5
12 Aslona > 10 > 10 > 10
13 Shahuda > 10 > 10 > 10
14 Bilia > 10 > 10 > 10

Table – 8.10
Village wise Medical Facilities in Khargihill Reservoir Area
S. Village Health / Medical facilities (within range (in km)
No. Allopathic Maternity and Primary Health
hospital Child welfare centre Centre
1 Vavar >10 >10 >10
2 Vangani >10 >10 >10
3 Sawarpada >10 >10 >10
4 Karnijjali >10 >10 >10
5 Hateri >10 >10 within 5
6 Ase >10 >10 >10
7 Chas >10 >10 >10
8 Ghiwande >10 >10 >10
9 Vatakpada >10 >10 >10
10 Rayate >10 >10 >10
11 Dadhari >10 >10 >10
12 Sarsun >10 >10 >10
13 Suryanagar >10 >10 >10
14 Walan >10 >10 5 to 10
15 Mulwad >10 >10 >10
16 Chauripada within 5 >10 within 5

8.4.6 Drinking Water Supply

Data on sources of water for drinking purpose indicates that the

villagers fetch water from different sources including well, hand pump, tube
well, river etc. These sources of water are being used for other purposes also
like sanitation, washing of utensils, bathing of cattle etc. The wells are
available in all the villages.

8.5 Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of

assessment of both positive and negative impacts on the environment due
to implementation of the developmental projects. The primary objective
of EIA is to encourage the inclusion of environmental considerations in
planning and decision making and to ultimately arrive at actions that are

environmentally more compatible. Based on the project details and the
baseline environmental status, potential impacts as a result of the
construction and operation of the proposed Damanganga-Pinjal Link
Project have been identified. The Impact Assessment for quite a few
disciplines are subjective in nature and cannot be quantified. Wherever
possible, impacts have been quantified and otherwise, qualitative
assessment has been undertaken. The impacts on various aspects of
Environment have been assessed for construction as well as operation
phases of Environment.

8.5.1 Impacts on Air Environment Impact on Air Quality

(i) Construction Phase: The air pollution Impact on surroundings shall be

mainly during construction phase:

(a) Pollution Due to Fuel Combustion by Various Equipments: The

operation of various construction equipments requires combustion of fuel.
Normally, diesel is used in such equipment. The major pollutant which gets
emitted as a result of diesel combustion is SO2. The SPM emissions are
minimal due to low ash content in diesel. The short-term increase in SO2,
even assuming that all the equipment are operating at a common point, is
quite low, i.e. of the order of less than 1g/m3. Hence, no major impact is
anticipated on this account.

(b) Fugitive Emissions from Various Sources: During construction phase,

lot of construction material like sand, fine aggregate is to be stored at
various sites. Normally, due to blowing of winds, especially when the
environment is dry, some of the stored material can get entrained in the
atmosphere. However, such impacts are visible only in and around the
storage sites. The impacts on this account are generally, insignificant in

(c) Impacts Due to Vehicular Movement: During construction phase,

increase in number of vehicles is anticipated for transportation of
construction material. The increase in number of vehicles is expected to be a
maximum of 35/hour. As such, no major impacts on ambient air quality is

anticipated due to increase in a vehicular movement during construction

(ii) Operation Phase: During operation phase, no major impacts are

envisaged. Impacts on Noise Environment

(i) Construction Phase : The impacts on ambient noise levels are expected
during the project construction phase only, due to earth moving machinery,
increased vehicular movement, etc. The present Noise level was monitored
at 9 locations in the project area. No increase in noise levels is anticipated as
a result of various activities during the project construction phase. There
could be marginal impacts on the population residing in proximity to the
tunnel alignment during construction phase as a result of various activities.
However, based on past experience in similar projects, the impact however,
is not expected to be significant.

During construction phase, there will be significant increase in

vehicular movement for transportation of construction material. At present,
vehicular movement near the dam site is of the order of 10-15 trucks/hour.
During construction phase, the increase in vehicular movement is expected
to increase up to a maximum of 45 to 50 trucks/hour. The impact on noise
level due to increased vehicular movement was studied using Federal
Highway Administration model. No significant impact on this account is

(ii) Operation Phase: Noise pollution occurs mainly during project

construction phase. During project operation phase, no major impacts are

8.5.2 Impacts on Water Resources and Quality

(i) Construction Phase

(a) Impacts Due to Sewage Generation from Labour Camps: The

major source of water pollution during project construction phase is the
sewage generated from the labour camps/colonies. The project

construction is likely to last for a period of 7 years. About 2,000 workers
and 500 technical staff are likely to migrate during project construction
phase. The employment opportunities in the area are limited. Thus,
during the project construction phase, many of the locals may get
employment. The construction phase also leads to mushrooming of
various allied activities to meet the demands of the immigrant labour
population in the project area. The increase in the population is expected
to be of the order of 6200. The total domestic water requirement of the
labour population (including families) is expected to be of the order of
0.434 MLD @ 70 LPCD. It is assumed that about 80% of the water
supplied will be generated as sewage. Thus, the total quantum of sewage
generated is expected to be of the order of 0.35 MLD. The total BOD
load contributed by various labour camps/colonies will be about 261
kg/day. Disposal of sewage without treatment could lead to adverse
impacts on land environment or water environment in which the
effluents are disposed. In this project the sewage generated from various
labour camps will be treated prior to its disposal.

(b) Impacts Due to Runoff from Construction Sites: Substantial

quantities of water would be used in the construction activities. Waste
water from construction activities would mostly contain suspended
impurities. Adequate care would be taken so that excess suspended
solids in the wastewater are removed before these are disposed into
water body or over land. Similarly, effluents due to washing from truck
parking area, workshop, etc would have high concentration of oil and
grease. The effluent quality is too small to cause any adverse impact.
However, the effluent from these units/areas will be treated by oil and
separator unit, to ameliorate even the marginal adverse impacts likely to
accrue on this account.

(ii)Operation Phase

(a) Impacts on Downstream Users: A total quantity of 579 Mm3 is

proposed for diversion from Damanganga basin to Pinjal reservoir (210
Mm3 from Bhugad reservoir and 369 Mm3 from Khargihill reservoir,
both at 100% dependability), a quantum of 316 Mm 3 from Pinjal
reservoir is also proposed thus total 895 Mm 3 of water is proposed for

transfer to meet the domestic water requirement of Greater Mumbai city.
This is a beneficial impact to the population of Greater Mumbai by
overcoming the shortage in meeting the domestic water requirement.
Also, it is considered that before affecting the transfer of water to
Mumbai city the water requirement of the people in the vicinity of the
proposed reservoirs and in the downstream of dams will be met on

(b) Impacts on Existing Water Bodies Upstream of Dams in the Project

Area: As mentioned earlier, the proposed Damanganga Pinjal Link project,
envisages construction of two reservoirs, namely Bhugad and Khargihill
reservoirs. Water from Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs is to be diverted to
meet the domestic water requirement of Greater Mumbai city. The water
sources of existing projects/water bodies upstream of the proposed two
proposed dams will not be diverted for the Bhugad and Khargihill dams and
hence this project will not have any impact on the water sources of upstream
existing water bodies/dam.

(c) Impacts on Downstream Water Quality Due to Diversion of Water

from Various Dams: A total quantity of 579 Mm3 is proposed for diversion
from Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs in Damanganga basin against the net
yield in an average year for Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs (667.7+871.3)
1539 MCM. Thus, water to be diverted is about 37% total yield in an
average year for Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs. Thus, about 63% of
water will be released downstream. Also, to meet the ecological requirement
of the river down-stream of dams a quantity of water equal to the 10% of
average annual lean season flow will be released. There are no major
sources of pollution in the downstream stretch (upto existing Madhuban
reservoir). Thus, no major adverse impact on downstream water quality due
to diversion of water from Bhugad and Khargihill dams is anticipated.

(d) Impacts on Performance of Existing Projects Due to Diversion of

Water for Drinking Water Purpose: No existing project is coming under
the submergence of the proposed Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs. Existing
Madhuban dam is located across Damanganga river in the down-stream of
proposed Bhugad reservoir. About 141 km2 of catchment area of existing
Madhuban reservoir lying in the Gujarat territory will be intercepted by

proposed Bhugad reservoir. To ensure that the functioning of Madhuban
reservoir is not affected by the proposed Bhugad reservoir, 91 Mm3 water
will be released from Bhugad reservoir which will compensate the quantity
of water that could have been generated from the Gujarat catchment area of
Madhuban dam intercepted by proposed Bhugad reservoir. As such no
adverse impacts on existing water bodies/lakes/reservoirs is anticipated.

(e) Impacts Due to Effluent from Project Colony: During project

operation phase, due to absence of any large scale construction activities,
the cause and source of water pollution will be much different. Since,
only a small number of O&M staff will reside in the area in a well
designed colony which will have a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and
other infrastructure facilities, the problems of water pollution due to
disposal of sewage are not anticipated.

(f) Recharge of Ground Water: Damanganga – Pinjal link envisages

creation of Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs. Due to these reservoirs ground
water recharge in the area down-stream of dams will take place. This will be
a positive impact of the project.

8.5.3 Impacts on Land Environment

(i) Construction Phase: The construction of the proposed Damanganga-

Pinjal Link Project Scheme is expected to be completed in about 7 years.
Majority of the environmental impacts during construction phase are
temporary in nature, lasting mainly during the construction phase and for
small duration beyond the construction period. The major impacts
anticipated on Land Environment during construction phase are as

 Environmental degradation due to immigration of labour

 Operation of construction equipment
 Soil erosion
 Solid waste management

(a)Environmental Degradation Due to Immigration of Labour
Population: The peak labour and technical staff congregation would be
of the order of 2,000 and 500 respectively. The population of
construction labour, technical and other work force for construction and
related activities and service providers including their families is
expected to be 6200. Separate accommodation and related facilities for
workers, service providers and technical staff are to be provided as a part
of the project. The congregation of labour force is likely to create
problems of sewage disposal, solid waste management and felling of
trees for meeting fuel requirements, etc.

(b) Operation of Construction Equipment: During construction phase,

various types of equipment will be brought to the site. These include
batching plant, earth movers, etc. The sitting and storage of these
construction equipments would require significant amount of space. The
site for storage of construction material and equipment will be selected
such that it causes minimum adverse impacts on various aspects of
environment. Efforts shall be made that such facilities are located on
government or panchayat land only, so that hardships caused as a result
of land acquisition, though temporarily on this account are minimized to
the extent possible.

(c) Soil Erosion: Due to various construction activities such as

construction of colonies /houses /toilet blocks etc. soil erosion in the
project area is bound to increase. During construction activities, the
share of the forest cover will be adversely affected which in turn will
cause loosening of the soil particles, thus increasing the rate of soil
erosion and hence degradation of land environment. Substitute Plantation
will mitigate the adverse affect of soil erosion.

(d) Solid Waste Management: The labour colonies will generate

substantial amount of municipal wastes. In view of the condition that
normally exists in the labour camps of such projects, the solid wastes is
likely to contain mainly vegetable matters followed by paper cans and
glasses. About 6,200 persons are likely to congregate during the
construction phase at various construction sites resulting in generation of
about 1.3 tonnes of solid waste/day. Adequate facilities for collection and

conveyance of municipal wastes generated to the disposal site shall be
developed. At each labour camp, covered trailers to collect the solid waste
from the common collection point and transfer it to the disposal site needs to
be put to service.

(e) Muck Generation: Damanganga – Pinjal link envisages construction of

two dams, two tunnels of total about 42 km length and two power houses.
These activities shall invariably lead to generation of muck causing
degradation of land and loss of biomass. Appropriate action will have to be
taken for muck disposal to avoid unnecessary hazards.

(f) Inundation of Mineral Resource: As per the present level of

information, no mineral sources are likely to be affected on account of the
Damanganga-Pinjal link project. As such, impact due to inundation of
mineral resources is not envisaged.

(ii) Operation Phase

(a) Acquisition of Land: The proposed project envisages acquisition of

land for various project appurtenances. About 3461 Ha of land will be
acquired for proposed Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs. The details of
are given in Table -8.12
Table – 8.12
Land to be Acquired under Reservoir Submergence of Various Dams
Type of land Bhugad Khargihill Total
Forest Land (ha) 289.55 676.20 965.75
Private Land (ha) 810.41 611.44 1421.85
Other Land (ha) 803.04 270.36 1073.4
Total 1903 1558 3461

About 2302 families will be affected due to the submergence of these

reservoirs, of which 1098 families will be affected due to Bhugad reservoir
and remaining 1204 will be affected by Khargihill reservoir.

(b) Water Logging and Salinisation: The project has been planned as
drinking water supply project to augment the domestic water supply of

Mumbai city. The transfer of water is through the lined tunnels, as such,
water logging is not expected due to this project.

8.5.4 Impact on Biological Environment Terrestrial Environment Impacts on Forest Cover

(i) Construction Phase: During project construction phase, labour

population is likely to congregate near various construction sites.
Workers and other population groups residing in the area may use fuel
wood (if no alternate fuel is provided). To minimize impacts, community
kitchens will be provided. These community kitchens shall use LPG or
diesel as fuel.

(ii) Operation Phase: Total forest area to be acquired in the reservoir

submergence of Bhugad and Khargihill dams is 965.75 ha. In addition,
about 42.55 ha of forest shall be affected due to construction of tunnels.
Thus, a total forest area of (965.75+42.55) 1008.3 ha of forest land is to
be acquired for the project. Details are in Table 8. 13.

TABLE – 8.13
Details of Forest Land to be Acquired for
Damanganga-Pinjal Project
Project Component Forest area (ha)
Bhugad dam 289.55
Khargihill dam 676.20
Bhugad to Khargihill 16.85
Khargihill to Pinjal tunnel 25.70
Total 1008.3

As per the findings of the study, rare, endangered and threatened

species are not reported in the study area. The impacts due to acquisition of
forest land shall be mitigated through compensatory afforestation measures
and implementation of a detailed set of bio-diversity conservation measures
outlined in the EMP Volume.

468 Impacts on Wildlife

(i) Construction Phase: During construction phase, a large number of

machinery and construction labour will have to be mobilized. The
operation of various construction equipments and blasting is likely to
generate noise. These activities can lead to some disturbance to wildlife
population. The area does not have significant wildlife population and
also not appear to be on the migratory routes of animals and therefore the
construction of the project will not affect the animals.

(ii) Operation Phase

(a) Impact Due to Habitat Change Having Effect Like Corridor Loss
and Loss of Migratory Path for Wildlife Including Birds: The proposed
dams and reservoir do not lie on migratory path of any wildlife and also not
affecting the corridor of wildlife movement. Thus, no major adverse impact
of corridor loss is anticipated. Also, the project is not likely affect the
migratory path for wildlife.

(b) Impact on Breeding Grounds of Species: The total forest area to be

acquired in the reservoir submergence of Bhugad and Khargihill dams is
about 965.75 ha and about 42.55 ha of forest shall be affected due to
construction of tunnels. Thus, a total forest area of (965.75+42.55) 1008.3
ha of forest land is to be acquired for the project. The forest land to be
acquired is expected to lead to loss of breeding grounds of species.

(c) Impacts on Access of Animals to Food and Shelter: The total forest
area to be acquired for the project is 1008.3 ha. The acquisition of forest
land will lead to loss of major and minor forest produce. The animals in the
forest area to be acquired will migrate to other areas, leading to pressure on
existing forest resources. The loss of forest will not only lead to loss of
shelter but food resources as well. This can lead to animal to animal
conflict. In some cases, man-animal conflict as well. Thus, the project will
have an adverse impact on access of animals to food and shelter.

469 Impacts on Aquatic Ecology
(i) Construction phase

(a) Impacts Due to Excavation of Construction Material from River

Bed: During the construction phase a large quantity of construction material
like stones, pebbles, gravel and sand would be extracted from borrow areas
in the river bed. The extraction of construction material may affect the river
water quality due to increase in the turbidity levels.

The dredging and deposition of dredged material may affect the

survival and propagation of benthic organisms. The macro-benthic life
which remains attached to the stones, boulders etc. gets dislodged and is
carried away downstream by turbulent flow. The areas from where
construction material is excavated, benthic fauna get destroyed. In due
course of time, however, the area gets recolonized, with fresh benthic fauna.
The density and diversity of benthic fauna, will however, be less as
compared with the pre-dredging levels.

The second important impact is on the spawning areas of fishes. The

spawning areas of various fish species are found amongst pebbles, gravel,
sand etc. The eggs are sticky in nature and remain embedded in the gravel
and subsequently hatch. Any disturbance of stream bottom will result in
adverse impacts on fish eggs.

Thus, if adequate precautions during dredging operations are not

undertaken, then significant adverse impacts on aquatic ecology are

(ii) Operation Phase

(a) Impacts Due to Damming of River: The damming of river due to

construction of various dams will result in creation of reservoir of varied
areas. The dam will change the fast flowing river to a quiscent lacustrine
environment. The creation of a pond will bring about a number of
alterations in physical, abiotic and biotic parameters both in upstream and
downstream directions of the proposed dam site. The micro and macro

benthic biota is likely to be most severely affected as a result of the
proposed project.

(b) Impacts on Migratory Fish Species: The obstruction created by the

dam would hinder migration of various migratory species. These fishes
undertake annual migration for feeding and breeding. Therefore, fish
migration path may be obstructed due to the dams and fishes are expected to
congregate below the dam wall. Under this situation poaching activities may
increase in the area. Most of the species will shift to the section of the river
where they find favourable environment for breeding. However, it is
proposed that the artificial seed production in hatchery may be adopted
which can be stocked in the river stretches downstream and upstream of the
proposed dams.

8.5.5 Impact on Socioeconomic Environment

(i) Construction Phase

(a) Impacts of Influx or Migration of Labour: The construction phase

will last for about 7 years. The peak labour force and technical staff required
is estimated at about 2,500. The total number of persons inhabiting the area
including the service population will be about 6,200. The project will open a
large number of jobs to the local population. Job opportunities will
drastically improve in this area. The availability of infrastructure is
generally a problem during the initial construction phase. Though the
construction workers can be subsidized for certain facilities like health,
education, etc. The facilities of desired quality are often not made available
in the initial stages. The adequacy of water supply, sewage treatment,
housing, etc. should therefore, be ensured before and adequate measures
would be taken at the very start of the project.

(ii) Improvement in Water Availability: A total quantity of 579 Mm3 is

proposed for diversion to Pinjal River (210 Mm3 from Bhugad reservoir,
369 Mm3 from Khargihill reservoir both at 100% dependability) a quantum
of 316 Mm3 from Pinjal river reservoir is also proposed besides providing
water to the locals in the vicinity of project area for meeting their various
water requirements. Thus, a total of 895 Mm3 of water is proposed to be
diverted for augmentation of domestic water requirement of Greater

Mumbai city and providing 10 Mm3 to the local public to meet various
requirements .Thus, the project will improve the water availability in the
project area and will provide an impetus for development.

(iii) Impacts of Loss of Common Property Resources (River, Forest,

Land Etc.) on Livelihood: The total forest area to be acquired in the
reservoir submergence of Bhugad and Khargihill dams is 965.75 ha. In
addition, about 42.55 ha of forest shall be affected due to construction of
tunnels as a part of the project. Thus, a total forest area of (965.75+42.55)
1008.3 ha of forest land is to be acquired for the project. The loss of forest
land would mean that locals who are dependent on major and minor forest
produce will be deprived of this benefit. In addition, fodder for livestock too
will be reduced on account of acquisition of forest land. Due to loss of
common property resources, livelihood pattern will be changed and
accordingly occupations of the project affected families will change.

(iv) Impacts on Change in Occupational Profile: Expropriation of land

removes the main foundation on which people build productive systems,
commercial activities, and livelihoods. Often land is lost forever, sometimes
it is partially replaced, and seldom is it fully replaced or fully compensated.
About 2302 PAFs who are likely to displaced from their lands in varying
proportions due to the process of land acquisition. The villagers depend on
their lands for their livelihood. In addition, there are a number of families
that are dependent on these lands for their livelihood, who work as
agricultural labour work force. Acquisition of lands would invariably affect
their means of livelihood and sustenance. Thus, landowners who are
working as farmers will be forced to work as labour once their land is
acquired for the project. As the villagers are not much educated and
moreover, they do not possess adequate skill for taking jobs in organized
sector, therefore, villagers will be forced to work in unorganized sectors
which are not adequately remunerative for them. Moreover, in the project
area, adequate number of jobs at later stage level will also not be available.
Therefore, there will be an impact of influx or migration of labours, due to
non-availability of employment opportunities as depletion of common
property resources will take place.

(v) Impacts on Sensitive Locations like Archaeological Sites: As
indicated in Para no monuments or any remains of archaeological
importance were noticed at dam sites, in the submergence area of Bhugad
and Khargihill reservoirs and both the tunnels proposed under Damanganga
- Pinjal Link Project. As such, project will not have any impact on
archaeological sites. However, a few village temples may be affected,
which shall be shifted/reconstructed at the resettlement sites.

(vi) Impacts on Tourism: The Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs can be

developed as tourist spots. Adequate infrastructure will be developed at the
dam sites to cater for the needs of tourists.

(vii) Impact on Public Health Due to Vector Borne Diseases

Construction Phase: The construction phase of project could lead to

increased incidence of various water-borne and vector-borne diseases, if
adequate precautions/ control measures are not undertaken. The health risks
specific to water resources projects emanate from congregation of labour at
various construction sites. During construction phase, new groups come and
go constantly keeping the human population in a flux. These groups are
usually housed in temporary dwellings without proper sanitary conditions
and water supply. In the final stages, colonies for project maintenance,
townships are built. Population migration induced by actual or possible
opportunities for work can aggravate problems as a result of housing
difficulties, over-crowding, rise in cost of living and some unpredicted
social problem, as well as the introduction of new sources of diseases or
new diseases or immigrants immunologically susceptible to the endemic
diseases prevalent in the areas of development.

Many of the immigrant population could be reservoir of infection for

various communicable diseases. Once they settle in labour camps/colonies,
there could be increased incidence of various diseases. This aspect needs to
be looked into with caution, and efforts must be made to ensure that a
thorough check up of the labour population congregating in the area is
conducted. Those affected by any ailments need to be properly quarantined
depending on the ailment with which they are suffering.

Operation Phase: Improvement in availability of water for various uses,
increased agricultural production, availability of diversified food,
strengthening of educational and health facilities significantly improves
public health in the project area. On the other hand, water resources
development also has negative impacts, since, it could increase the habitat
of certain vectors like mosquitoes. Malaria is a common vector borne
disease in the project area. The project may create favourable conditions for
breeding of new pathogens or vectors such as mosquitoes, etc. Most of the
water borne diseases can largely be prevented by adequate hygiene. With
the increased water availability, quality of water being supplied is expected
to improve the incidence of water-borne diseases will reduce. However,
adequate measures in the form of strict public health measures are proposed.

8.5.6 Impacts on Micro-Climate

The increase in surface area of water and Forest cover in the project
area may on a local level moderate the temperature, i.e. lead to reduction in
the number of days of high temperature, if not in the maximum temperature
itself. The higher humidity as a result of higher evapo-transpiration is likely
to raise the minimum temperature and increased occurrence of fogs during
the cooler months. The increased humidity level may also increase the
instances of fog due to increased moisture content in the atmosphere. At the
current level of knowledge a qualitative assessment on the above item is not

8.5.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The major Green House Gases (GHGs) are carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases are emitted from both
natural aquatic (lakes, rivers, estuaries, wetlands) and terrestrial ecosystems
(forest, soils) as well as from anthropogenic sources. In last few years GHG
emissions from freshwater reservoirs and their contribution to the increase
of GHGs in the atmosphere are also being considered as a source of
greenhouse gas emissions. In the case of reservoirs, it is known that the
amount of GHGs emitted at the air water interface varies over time. In fact,
there is an initial peak which occurs immediately after impoundment. The
increase of GHG emissions in reservoirs shortly after flooding is related to

the release of nutrients, enhanced bacterial activity and decomposition of
labile carbon. Magnitude of emissions for both reservoirs and natural
aquatic systems depend on physico-chemical characteristics of the water
body and on the incoming carbon from the watershed.

The issue of reservoir emissions has been recognized at the international

level by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board
(UNFCCC, 2006b) as well as the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate
Change (IPCC, 2006). Beyond such preliminary developments, progress in
the policy arena remains at a very early stage and is generally held back by a
number of scientific uncertainties.

Based on available literature, greenhouse details of gas emissions from

reservoirs in India are given in Table - 8.14.

Gas emissions from Reservoirs in Tropical Countries
S.No. Project Predicted gross* annual Predicted gross* annual
Name CO2 diffusive flux (mg C- CH4 diffusive flux (mg C-
CO2 m-2d-1) CH4 m-2d-1)
Predicted 67% Predicte 67%
value confidence d value confidence
interval interval
Lower Upper Lower Upper
limit limit limit limit
1 Sardar 1156 503 2659 238 67 846
2 Pong 361 157 829 55 15 195
3 Bhadra 354 154 815 62 17 220
4 Sabarigiri 361 157 830 56 16 200
5 Madhikhera 1115 485 2565 231 65 820
6 Doyang 744 324 1712 19 5 67
7 Hirakud 679 295 1561 75 21 266

8.6 Environmental Management Plan
8.6.1 Pollution Control at Construction Sites Air Pollution Control

Emissions from construction vehicles, equipment and DG sets, and

transportation traffic will cause Minor air quality impacts. Following
measures are recommended to control air pollution:

 Proper maintenance of construction equipment to minimize exhaust.

 Construction equipment shall be turned off when not in use
 Unnecessary idling of construction vehicles to be prohibited.
 Effective traffic management to be undertaken to avoid significant
delays in and around the project area.
 Prompt repair and maintenance of roads
 Location of DG sets and other emission generating equipment should
be decided keeping in view the predominant wind direction and stack
height of DG sets to be kept in accordance with CPCB norms

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued emission limits. To

ensure the emission limit air quality parameters such as NOx, HC, CO, PM,
smoke limit etc shall be monitored at required frequency by the project

To minimize dust generation during construction phase following measures

have been identified:

 Identification of construction limits

 Stockpiling of excavated material will be covered or staged offsite
 Excessive soil on paved areas will be sprayed (wet) and/or swept and
unpaved areas will be sprayed and/or mulched.
 stockpiled soils and trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose
materials will be covered
 Effective traffic management at site
 Construction area and vicinity shall be swept with water sweepers on
a daily basis or as necessary

An amount of Rs. 162.96 lakh is earmarked for air pollution control Noise Control

(i) Noise Generation from Construction Equipments: The construction

equipments, Vehicles, DG sets etc shall be properly maintained and
occupational safety and health standards shall be complied. The
construction equipment will be required to use available noise suppression
devices and properly maintained mufflers.

 Vehicles to be equipped with mufflers recommended by the

vehicle manufacturer.
 Staging of construction equipment and unnecessary idling of
equipment within noise sensitive areas to be avoided whenever
 Notification will be given to residents within 100 m of major
noise generating activities. The notification will describe the noise
abatement measures that will be implemented.
 Monitoring of noise levels will be conducted during the
construction phase of the project.
 A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the
DG set should be set and followed in consultation with the
manufacturer which would help prevent noise levels from
deteriorating with use.

(ii) Noise Generation from Controlled Blasting Operations

 Controlled blasting will be done as per the previsions of Indian

Explosives Act.
 Blasting will not be undertaken in night hours.
 Workers at blasting sites will be provided with proper earplugs and
 Explosives used for controlled blasting will be kept in safest custody
under lock and key as per the previsions of Indian Explosives Act

(iii) Noise Due to Crusher: The exposure to labour operating with crushers
shall be restricted upto 30 minutes on a daily basis. Alternatively, the

workers need to be provided with ear muffs or plugs, so as to attenuate the
noise level near the crusher by atleast 15 dB(A). The exposure to noise
level in such a scenario to be limited upto 4 hours per day.

8.6.2 Water Pollution

Sewage generated from various labour camps during project

construction phase shall be treated in a sewage treatment plant prior to
disposal. Efforts shall be made to discharge the treated effluent only in these
water bodies, which are not used for meeting domestic water requirements.

The effluent generated from the crushers will have high-suspended

solids and needs to be treated before disposal. Settling tanks of appropriate
size for treatment of effluent from various crushers should be provided. The
sludge from the various settling tanks can be collected once in 15 days and
disposed at the site designed for disposal of municipal solid wastes from the
labour camps. The sludge after drying could also be used as cover material
for landfill disposal site. An amount of Rs. 15 lakh needs to be earmarked
for construction of various settling tanks.

8.6.3 Land Management Plan Disposal of Muck and Reclamation of Muck Disposal Sites

Damanganga – Pinjal link project envisages construction of two

dams, two tunnels of total about 42 km long and two power houses. A large
quantity of muck is expected to be generated as a result of tunnelling
operations and excavations of foundation of both dams. Based on the
geological nature of the rocks and engineering properties of the soil, a part
of the muck can be used as construction material and balance muck requires
to be suitably disposed in muck disposal sites in the project area. The muck
disposal sites are planned along the river course and in low level areas or
depressions. The dumping of muck will be done in the scientific manner by
providing appropriate protection walls with deep foundations so that muck
will not flow and washed away in the river. Protection structures in the form
of masonry work, crate work and check dam will also be provided,
wherever, necessary in order to avoid the chances of soil erosion and to
ensure flow of silt free water. Besides these engineering measures, proper

plantation will be done at the dumping sites for reclamation of the dumping

Muck generally lacks nutrients and therefore, are difficult to re-

vegetate. However, if no attempts to vegetate the slopes are made, the muck
could slide lower down during rain and may eventually wash off the check
dams also. Bio-fertilizer technique developed by National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) can be adopted in the proposed
project. Unused excavated material will be piled and stacked with proper
slopes at the designated muck disposal sites. The slopes are broken up by
creating benches across them. This is done to provide stability to the slopes
and also to provide ample space for planting of trees that would further help
in holding and consolidating biotechnological approach. The afforestation
with suitable plant species shall be done in consultation with the forest
Departments of Gujarat and Maharashtra States. A provision of Rs. 250 lakh
has been kept towards restoration of muck disposal sites. Restoration Plan for Quarry sites

The Damanganga-Pinjal link project would require significant

amount of construction material. The aggregate requirement for concrete is
proposed to be met from nearby quarries. The proposed project would
require significant amount of fine material, which shall be met by crushing
the aggregates. The quarrying operations are semi-mechanized in nature.
Quarrying is normally done by cutting a face of the hill. A permanent scar is
likely to be left, once quarrying activities are over. With the passage of time,
the rock from the exposed face of the quarry under the action of wind and
other erosion forces, get slowly weathered and after some time, they become
a potential source of landslide. Thus it is necessary to implement
appropriate slope stabilization measures to prevent the possibility of soil
erosion and landslides in the quarry sites. After excavation of the required
material, these quarry sites will be restored by adopting appropriate
engineering, bio-engineering and biological measures. A provision of 331
lakh has been earmarked for restoration of Quarry sites

479 Restoration of Colony and Office Complex areas

The working area of dam site, Labour colony, Project Colony areas
have been selected for beautification of the project area after construction is
completed. The reservoirs created due to the construction of dams may be a
local point of tourist attraction. This could be used for sport fishing, so there
is a need to construct benches for sitting, development of resting sheds and
footpath. The beautification would be carried out by developing flowering
beds for plantation of Ornamental plants and flower gardens, creepers, and a
small park, construction of benches for sitting, resting sheds, walk way and
fountain. A provision of Rs.50 lakh has been earmarked for landscaping and
beautification of the area.

The total provisions of Rs. 381 lakh (Rs. 331 lakh + Rs. 50 lakh) has
been kept for Restoration of quarry and borrow areas, reclamation of
construction sites landscaping and beautification.

8.6.4 Biodiversity Conservation and Management Plan Compensatory Afforestation

As already described in preceding paras total 1008.30 ha (965.75 ha

due to reservoirs +42.55 ha due to tunnels) forest area will be affected. No
wildlife sanctuary or national park etc is located within the study area. No
rare, endangered and threatened species are reported in the project area. To
compensate the forest land the afforestation will be done in 2016.60 ha
(double the area of forest land likely to be affected) in degraded forest land
as per the provisions of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.The afforestation
work is to be done by the Forest Department of concerned State
Governments. A provision of Rs. 1728.48 lakh has been kept for
compensatory afforestation. In addition the NPV and cost of trees will be
paid to the Forest Department, which shall be estimated by the Forest
Department, as a part of Forestry clearance.

480 Biodiversity Management Plan

(i) Forest Protection Plan: About 1008.30 ha of forest area is proposed to

be acquired for Damanganga - Pinjal Link project. The following measures
are proposed as a part of Forest Protection Plan:

 The workers who are well acquainted with the area will be engaged for
gathering information for anti-poaching and better vigilance. These
youth could be hired on a contractual basis.
 Arrangement of an office for this purpose would be essential to monitor
all these activities.
 Organizing public awareness programmes, conducting training camps,
 Provision of fire lines within critical areas to protect the forest from
accidental fires.
 For improvement of vigilance and measures to check poaching, check
posts and watch towers will be needed. Officers of State Forest/Wildlife
Department shall be provided with necessary equipment that would
increase their capability and efficiency.
 Construction of bridges, road, and inspection paths for more effective
and meaningful patrolling of the staff shall be undertaken.
 Improvement of vigilance by procurement of field vehicles and
 Creation of veterinary facilities and rescue camps for healthcare of wild

An amount of Rs. 250 lakh has been earmarked for implementation of

Forest protection Plan.

(ii) Measures to Improve Habitat of Avi-fauna: Forests are vital for the
survival, foraging, breeding and nesting of avifauna. Natural forests provide
a variety of food materials to the birds not only in the form of nectar of
flowers, fruits, seeds etc. in the trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses but they
also contain a large number of insects eaten by birds. In the forests, food is
always available for the faunal component. Although most floral species
flower during spring through summer but fruit maturation and seed ripening
takes place in them throughout the year. Therefore, first strategy of

improvement of habitat for birds is avoiding nest predation or brood
parasitism through maintenance of large contiguous forest tract. These areas
have the ability to support the largest number of forest interior birds and will
also be more likely to provide habitat for area sensitive species. It is more
practicable to protect the existing forest area rather than creating new forest
area. Another measure for habitat improvement for avifauna is to be
installation of artificial nest boxes in the influence zone and catchment area
of the project after consultation with the forest department as well as local
NGOs. It is proposed to provide wooden boxes around water bodies in the
study area. About 400 nest boxes are proposed to be kept along the
periphery of Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs. In addition about 400 nest
boxes are proposed to be provided along the periphery of various water
bodies namely, reservoirs, tanks, rivers, etc. It is proposed that one qualified
person be hired for a period of nine 7 years. An amount of Rs. 195.0 lakh
has been earmarked for habitat improvement of avi-fauna in the study area.

(iii) Wildlife Management Plan: An amount of Rs. 120 lakh has been
earmarked for implementation of Wildlife Management Plan.

(iv) Anti-poaching Measures: There are no ecologically sensitive areas

around the project sites. However, the forests at the site and in the vicinity
serve as a habitat for wildlife. Due to construction activities and increased
human interferences, as a result of immigration of large labour population
and their family members, some adverse impacts may take place on wildlife
during construction phase. To implement anti-poaching measures check
posts with adequate communication equipment will be installed near major
construction sites and labour camps, which shall be operational during
construction phase. Each check post shall have 3 guards to ensure that
poaching does not take place in the area. One watch tower is also proposed
to be established at an identified place having high pressure of biotic
interference. Anti-poaching huts, rock shelters development and residential
quarters for forest guards shall be developed. An amount of Rs.438.14 lakh
has been earmarked for this purpose.

(v) Eco-Tourism: The reservoir will have great tourism potential and it can
create many income generating resources to the local people in many ways
viz ; boating , angling competition , guide, creation of the paying guest

houses, travellers’ tour packages to the nearby sight seeing places,
development of camping sites, birds watching etc. As such, proposed
Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs will be developed as Eco-tourist spot. A
provision of Rs. 70 lakh has been earmarked for development of eco-

(vi) Budget for Biodiversity Conservation and Management Plan: A

total provision of Rs.1073 lakh has been earmarked for biodiversity

8.6.5 Green Belt Development Plan

Forest loss due to reservoir submergence and other project

appurtenances have been compensated as a part of compensatory
afforestation. However in addition to above, it is proposed to develop
greenbelt around the periphery of various project appurtenances, selected
stretches along reservoir periphery, etc. The greenbelt development plan
aims to overall improvement in the environmental conditions of the region.
The plan with a five-fold objective addresses issues such as prevention of
land degradation due to activities during construction phase; enhancing the
forest cover for increasing the biodiversity of the region; providing aesthetic
value to the project area and consequently inviting a proportionate tourist
flux; enhancing the ecological equilibrium of the area; and to a large
proportion in combating soil erosion. A provision of Rs. 40 lakh has been
kept for Green belt Development. The plantation for this purpose will be
carried out by Forest Departments of Gujarat and Maharashtra States.

8.6.6 Environmental Management in Labour Camps

The aggregation of large number of workers in the project area during

the construction phase is likely to put considerable stress on the prevailing
biotic and abiotic environment of the area. The stress could be on account of
increased water demand, sewage and solid waste generation, fuel wood
requirements etc. The aim of the EMP is to minimize these stresses. The
construction activities are likely to be concentrated at various locations at
dam site and along the tunnel alignment. The estimated peak labour force
for the proposed project is around 2,500. The total increase in population

considering the fact that some of the labour will be staying along with their
families shall be about 6,200. Community kitchens will be provided to
worker families and the kerosene/LPG will be provided at subsidised rates.

It is proposed that each of the labour family involved in the

construction activities shall provided a living units of 30-40 m2 with proper
ventilation. Adequate facilities for water supply and sanitation shall also be
provided. One community toilet needs to be provided for 20 persons. The
wastewater generated from the colonies will be collected and disposed in
specifically designed soak pits and Septic tank. The wastewater and sewage
generated will not be allowed to flow into the rivers and streams of the area.
The sanitary facilities at the colonies should be of standard municipal design
for hill areas. However, efforts shall be made to ensure, that treated effluent
is disposed only in these water bodies, which are not used for meeting
domestic water requirements. Adequate facilities for collection and
conveyance of municipal wastes generated to the disposal site shall be
developed. At each labour camp, covered trailers to collect the solid waste
from the common collection point and transfer it to the disposal site needs to
be put to service.

All necessary safety appliances such as helmets, masks, ear plugs, etc.
shall be provided to the workers and staff. The regulations regarding
working platforms, excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress
shall be strictly complied. Efficient lighting and safety signs shall be
installed on temporary roads during construction and adequate traffic
regulations shall be adopted and implemented for temporary roads. All
facilities to be constructed shall be fully equipped with the fire protection
equipments as per IS standards. A provision of Rs. 3838.03 lakh is kept for
implementation of various environmental measures in labour camps.

8.6.7 Public Health

(i) Control of Malaria: Increase in water fringe area provides suitable

habitats for the growth of vectors of various diseases, which is likely to
increase the incidence of water-related diseases. Malaria could be the major
in the months of September and March. The preferred habitat is stagnant or
slow moving fresh water open to vector-borne disease in the area. The main

breeding seasons of the anopheline mosquito (malaria vector) is sunshine or
moderate shade. Mosquito control and mosquito proofing measures have
been recommended to control malaria. The anti-malarial operations can be
coordinated by various Primary Health Centers located in villages close to
the submergence area of Bhugad and Khargihill dams.

(ii) Development of Medical Facilities: It is proposed to develop 3 first-aid

posts manned by a doctor each and supporting staff during construction
phase. The first-aid posts should be located such that they are close to major
construction sites. The doctor posted at the first-aid posts shall also
coordinate the anti-malarial campaign be carried out under his immediate
personal supervision. A systematic campaign shall be conducted in the
months of March and September which are the breeding months of

There shall be regular fumigation and sprays of insecticides in the

areas where water is likely to be stagnant, to prevent the growth of malarial
larvae. The project proponents shall seek an expert opinion before selecting
the appropriate insecticide for malaria control. The National Centre for
Communicable Diseases (NCDC), Delhi can provide assistance to the state
government in the matter.

(iii) Health Extension Activities: The health extension activities will have
to be carried out in the villages situated close to the dams being developed
as a part of the project. There would be possibility of the transmission of
communicable diseases due to migration of labour population from other
areas at the construction site. The doctors from the dispensary constructed
as a part of the project and other dispensaries in various villages in the
project area will make regular visits to the villages and organize health
promotional activities with the active participation of the local village
leaders, NGOs and available local health functionaries.

(iv) Water-borne Diseases: Following measures are recommended for

control of water-borne diseases:

 Details of incidence of various water-borne diseases in the project

areas be collected and analysed to defect any particular trend.

 A detailed water quality monitoring programme be designed and
implemented. In areas showing incidence of water-borne diseases,
intensive water quality monitoring shall be done.

(v) Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste: Dispensaries use a variety of drugs

including antibiotics, cytotoxics, corrosive chemicals etc. a part of which is
generated as a solid waste. With greater emphasis on disposables, the
quantum of solid waste generated in a hospital is quite high. The bio-
medical waste must be segregated in accordance to the guidelines laid under
Schedule-I of Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) rules
notified by Ministry of Environment and Forests. The bio-medical waste
shall be treated prior to its disposal.

(vi) Cost Estimates: The total budget earmarked for Public Health delivery
system shall be Rs.1486 lakh.

8.6.8 Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan

The catchment area of Damanganga basin upto proposed Bhugad dam

site is 708 km2 and upto proposed Khargihill dam site is 646 km2. It is a
well-established fact that reservoirs formed by dams on rivers are subjected
to sedimentation. The process of sedimentation embodies the sequential
processes of erosion, entrainment, transportation, deposition and
compaction of sediment. The study of erosion and sediment yield from
catchments is of utmost importance as the deposition of sediment in
reservoir reduces its capacity, and thus affecting the water availability for
the designated use. The eroded sediment from catchment when deposited on
streambeds and banks causes braiding of river reach. The removal of top
fertile soil from catchment adversely affects the agricultural production.
Thus, a well-designed Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan is essential to
ameliorate the above-mentioned adverse process of soil erosion. The
Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) plan highlights the management
techniques to control erosion in the catchment area. The various steps
involved in planning an effective CAT shall involve data acquisition,
estimation of soil loss and Silt Yield Index (SYI) and prioritization of
various watersheds. The characteristics of catchment areas that need to be
considered are land use and land cover, slopes and soils characteristics.

The catchment area of Bhugad and Khargihill dam sites has been
divided in to 16 and 20 water sheds respectively. Based on SYI index these
water sheds have been categorised and are detailed in the Table - 8.15 and
8.16 respectively for Bhugad and Khargihill catchment area. The area under
different categories upto Bhugad and Khargihill dam catchments is
summarised in Table 8. 16
Table – 8.15
Erosion Intensity Categorization as per SYI
Classification in Bhugad Dam Catchment Area
Watershed Area SYI Category
number (ha) values
W1 3435 1110 Medium
W2 3232 1140 Medium
W3 4931 1220 High
W4 4604 1240 High
W5 3703 1210 High
W6 3739 1220 High
W7 4532 1190 Medium
W8 3755 1180 Medium
W9 4155 1160 Medium
W10 6202 1150 Medium
W11 4795 1230 High
W12 4984 1220 High
W13 5186 1210 High
W14 5386 1150 Medium
W15 3252 1050 Low
W16 4909 1080 Low
Total 70800

Table – 8.16
Erosion Intensity Categorization as per SYI
Classification in Khargihill Dam Catchment Area
Watershed Area SYI Category
number (ha) values
W1 3485 1330 Very High
W2 3409 1320 Very High
W3 4199 1150 Medium
W4 3161 1210 High
W5 3532 1220 High
W6 3840 1270 High
W7 1709 1150 Medium
W8 1384 1230 High
W9 3298 1170 Medium
W10 4734 1210 High
W11 3644 1180 Medium
W12 2173 1160 Medium
W13 2633 1090 Low
W14 2104 1050 Low
W15 4136 1210 High
W16 3328 1190 Medium
W17 4394 1140 Medium
W18 2537 1150 Medium
W19 3485 1310 Very High
W20 3415 1310 Very High
Total 64600

Area under Different Erosion Categories
Category Bhugad dam (ha) Khargihill dam (ha)
Very low - -
Low 8161 (11.5%) 4737 (7.3%)
Medium 30697 (43.4%) 25282 (39.1%)
High 31942 (45.1%) 20787 (32.2%)
High - 13794 (21.4%)
Total 70800 (100%) 64600 (100%)

The objective of the SYI method is to prioritize sub-watershed in a
catchment area for treatment. In Bhugad dam, area under high erosion
category is 31942 ha. In Khargihill dam, total area under very high and high
erosion categories is 13797 ha and 20787 ha respectively. Various
engineering and biological measures have been suggested for catchment
area treatment in the 7 watersheds categorised under high erosion category
in the catchment area upto Bhugad site and 10 watersheds categorised under
very high and high category in the catchment area upto Khargihill dam site.
Total cost of the CAT plan worked out as Rs. 2489 lakh.

8.6.9 Disaster Management Plan (DMP)

Dam Break may be summarized as partial or catastrophic failure of a

dam leading to uncontrolled release of water. Such an event can have a
major impact on the land and communities downstream of the failed
structure. A dam break may result in a flood wave up to several meters high
travelling along the valley at very high speed. The impact of such a flood
wave on the inhabitation downstream areas can be disastrous and may
sweep away infrastructure such as roads, railways, bridges and buildings, in
addition to endangering several human lives and livestock. Such destructive
force results in heavy loss of life and property, if advance warning and
evacuation is not made. Keeping all these in view, the disaster preparedness
for such likely events is necessary.

The disaster Management Planning for dam break scenario consist of:
Identification/ construction of Evacuation path; setting up of alarms and
warning systems at appropriate locations; establishing communication
system; Dam safety and maintenance manual; Emergency Action Plan
(EAP); Administration and procedural aspects; Preventive action;
Evacuations plans; Evacuations team; Public awareness for disaster
mitigation; Notifications; Notification procedures; and Management after
receding of flood water.

In the event that the failure is imminent or the failure has occurred or
a potential emergency conditions is developing, the observer at the site is
required to report it to the Junior Engineer / Assistant Engineer who will
report to the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer for their

reporting to the Chief Engineer through a wireless system or by any
available fastest communication system. The Engineer-in-Charge is usually
responsible for making cognizant with the developing situation to the Civil
Administration viz. District Magistrate, Thane & Nasik and concerned sub-
divisional magistrates and tehsildars.

The Engineer-in-Charge will be responsible for the entire operation

including prompt determination of the flood situation time to time. Once the
red alert is declared the whole state machinery will come into swing and
will start evacuating people in the inundation areas delineated in the
inundation maps. For successful execution, annually demo exercise will be
done. The District Magistrate is to monitor the entire operation. A provision
of Rs.200 lakh has been kept for implementation of dam break management
plan for mitigation and prevention of hazard from the dams.

8.6.10 Environmental Monitoring Programme

Environmental Monitoring is an essential tool in relation to

environmental management as it provides the basis for rational management
decisions regarding impact control. Environmental monitoring shall be
performed during construction, commissioning, and operation phases to
ensure that the adverse impacts have been mitigated efficiently and to verify
the impact predictions. The monitoring program will indicate where changes
to procedures or operations are required, in order to reduce impacts on the
environment or local population. The monitoring program will be
undertaken to meet the following objectives:

 To monitor the environmental conditions of reservoirs areas and

areas benefited and impacted by the project
 To check on whether mitigation and benefit enhancement measures
have actually been adopted, and are proving effective in practice
 To provide information on the actual nature and extent of key
 Effectiveness of mitigation and benefit enhancement measures
which, through a feedback mechanism, can improve the planning
and execution of future, similar projects.

From the monitoring point of view, the important parameters are
water quality, air quality, noise, erosion and siltation, afforestation, fishery,
etc. An attempt will be made to establish early warning of indicators of
stress on the environment. Suggested environmental monitoring plans are
described in the following sections. The monitoring programme for
monitoring of various parameters in construction and operation phases is
summarised in Table - 8.17 and 8.18 respectively.

Table 8. 17
Environmental Monitoring Programme during Construction Phase
S. No. Particulars Parameters Frequency Location
1. Treated waste pH, BOD, COD, Once Before and after
water from TSS and Oil & every treatment from
STPs Grease month the STPs at
various labour
2. Ambient Air SPM, RPM, SO2, Once At major
quality NOx and CO every construction sites
3. Noise Equivalent noise Every At major
level (Leq) month construction
4. Water-related Identification of Once Labour camps
diseases water related every and nearby
diseases, season settlements
adequacy of local
control and
curative measure,

Table – 8.18
Environmental Monitoring Programme during
Project Operation Phase
S. No. Particulars Parameters Frequency Location
1. Water pH, Turbidity, Total Pre Reservoirs.
Dissolved Solids, monsoon
Calcium, Season and
Magnesium, Post
Chlorides, Sulphate, monsoon
Nitrates, Iron, DO, season
BOD, COD etc.
2. Treated Waste pH, BOD, COD, Once every Before and
Water from TSS, and Oil & month after
STP Grease. treatment
from STP
3. Ecology Status of Once in 5 --
afforestation years
4. Fisheries Phytoplanktons, Twice a Reservoirs.
zooplanktons, year
benthic life, fish
5. Incidence of Cause and control Once in a Settlements
water-related measures for various year around
diseases diseases. Reservoirs
and in
6 Meteorological Temperature, Continuous At a location
Parameters rainfall, humidity, close to each
cloud cover, wind of the two
speed and direction, dam sites
Solar Insolation,
Evaporation Rate

The cost of Environmental Monitoring Programme will be Rs. 356.5
lakh for construction phase and Rs. 26.0 lakh per year during project
operation phase.

8.6.11 Cost of Environmental Management Plan

The total estimated cost for implementation of Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) is Rs. 12142 lakh (excluding the cost of R&R
Plan). The details are at Table – 8.19:

Table – 8.19
Details of cost for Implementation of Environmental Management Plan
S. Cost
No. (Rs. lakh)
Compensatory Afforestation and Bio-
1 2801.0
diversity conservation
2 Greenbelt Development Plan 40.00
Environmental Management in labour
3 3838.03
4 Public health delivery system 1486.0
Restoration and Landscaping of
5 381.0
construction sites
6 Muck Disposal plan 250.0
7 Water Pollution Control Measures 15.0
8 Air Pollution Control Measures 162.96
9 Energy Conservation measures 100.00
10 Catchment Area Treatment Plan 2489.0
11 Disaster Management Plan 200.00
Environmental Monitoring during
12 356.50
construction phase
13 Purchase of noise meter 1.50
14 Purchase of meteorological instruments 20.00
Total 12142 lakh


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