David Thomas, Honor Woods Working With People With Learning Disabilities - Theory and Practice 2003
David Thomas, Honor Woods Working With People With Learning Disabilities - Theory and Practice 2003
David Thomas, Honor Woods Working With People With Learning Disabilities - Theory and Practice 2003
of related interest
Lessons from Research with People with Intellectual
Jan Walmsley and Kelley Johnson
ISBN 1 84310 061 4
The right of David Thomas and Honor Woods to be identified as authors of this work
has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
Acknowledgements 8
Disclaimer 8
Introduction 9
1 What is a Learning Disability? 11
2 Application of Theory 33
3 Anti-Discriminatory Practice
and Anti-Oppressive Practice 45
4 What is Normalization? 65
5 Communication Methods 81
6 Advocacy, Empowerment, Participation and Choice 99
7 Universal Human Experience in the Lives of People
with Learning Disabilities 117
8 Values, Ethics and Contrasting Approaches:
Person Centred and Behavioural 141
9 Practical Theories and Methods 177
10 Society’s Influences on Practice 215
11 The Way Forward 243
Conclusion 259
References 261
Subject Index 273
Author Index 286
We would like to thank all the people that have helped and supported us throughout
the process of writing this book. In particular, and at the forefront, we would like to
thank our immediate families and friends for their understanding and support. Each
has played a crucial part through their encouragement, time spent listening to ideas,
reading and debating. A very special thanks is extended to Mary, Greta and Jill for
their time and inspiration given so readily. We would like to thank the many people
with a learning disability who have provided us with information, understanding
and insight and have taught us so much. The support provided by the publishers has
been greatly appreciated and their guidance on how to transform ideas into a
manuscript and then into a book has been invaluable.
The case studies used within this book are based on realistic working
situations; however, the people appearing in the studies are all fictitious. Any
resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. The authors
have been meticulous in making certain that confidentiality has not been
The book is written to be used in two ways. One as a book, the contents
of which make a journey which starts from the initial understanding of a
learning disability. It moves through the process of theory to practice, look-
ing at oppression, discrimination and the use of different theories leading to-
wards a way forward in using theoretically based practice.
The book can also be used as a text that can be dipped into as required,
each chapter standing on its own. As different areas of study or work are un-
dertaken, specific chapters can be used. Case studies are given in most chap-
ters and are presented in a way that draws evidence and reasoning from the
general theories being discussed. Each case study highlights how theory can
be used to inform and underpin practice and thus positively support and em-
power people with learning disabilities.
The authors have considered not only the practice teacher and student
roles but the diversity of people who may use theory to inform and underpin
practice within the field of learning disabilities. It appeared logical to write a
book that could be used as a learning tool for students and a learning guide
for practitioners. The book is consequently aimed at any person who is ac-
tively involved with, or has an interest in, people with learning disabilities.
For example, people within:
• social care
• social work
• nursing
• voluntary sector care
• private sector care
• university and college social care, social work and nursing courses.
It is hoped it will also be of interest to anyone who may have a family
member or friend that has a learning disability and wants to understand in
more depth some approaches that are used in care and support. Whilst they
predominantly focus on the social model of care, case studies are used that
are applicable to all sectors of the readership.
The book therefore is designed to be broadly accessible and a practical
guide to a variety of theoretical perspectives and their application. It also
gives references enabling a deeper insight into areas as required. It is hoped
that each chapter will provoke thought, raise questions and enable develop-
ment of the care and support roles.
The authors have aimed to show the importance of theory informing
practice and how this can enhance personal and professional development.
In this initial chapter we will explore what is meant by a learning disability
from a variety of perspectives. The exploration will start with a definition
and to offer contrast will identify names and descriptions used over the
previous 100 years or so. Through this we hope to develop an understanding
of how some terms previously used to describe learning disabilities are still
apparent and in use today. The implications of using outdated terminology
in the present complex care structure will be explored.
Consideration will be given to the medical and social models of disabil-
ity as each holds its own values and powers, both positive and negative. The
influence of the different models will be examined and the effect they have
on people with learning disabilities highlighted. The methods used to diag-
nose learning disabilities and some relevant terminology will be explored.
The need to categorize and label a person in a given model and the attendant
potential for discrimination will be considered. Two case studies based in
practice settings will be used to illustrate some issues raised in this chapter.
Even though the idea was positive the terminology used remained, from
today’s perspective, negative and discriminatory.
In the USA in the 1950s the term ‘subnormal’ was introduced. This was
followed by the vogue description of the time, ‘backward’. In 1946 the As-
sociation of Parents of Backward Children was founded and as this associa-
tion evolved it changed its name and is currently known as Mencap.
The Mental Health Act 1959 used the terms ‘subnormal’ and ‘severely
subnormal’. In the 1970s the terminology ‘the mentally handicapped’ came
into use. Handicapped was used as a term to identify people unable to look
after themselves, requiring support or charity from others. In 1972 the Brit-
ish Institute of Mental Subnormality was formed; this has now been changed
and is known as the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, often referred
to as BILD.
In the 1980s ‘people with mental handicap’ became the preferred term
of those in power. For the first time acknowledgement was given that people
with learning disabilities were firstly people. The introduction of advocacy
and the People First movement in the mid-1980s brought people together
and started the process of enabling people with learning disabilities to have a
voice. At that time the consensus of people with learning disabilities was to
be called ‘people with learning difficulties’. This term is still used and is gen-
erally applicable to children in education. However, this term still does not
escape criticism; the main concern is its vagueness. A learning difficulty may
not necessarily be related to people who function at an intellectual level that
is significantly lower than the average level of people in society. A conflict
arose between the labels placed upon people and what the people themselves
wanted to be called.
In 1990 the Department of Health officially adopted the term ‘people
with learning disabilities’. This has been predominantly used since that time
even though many individuals and advocacy groups have challenged it. The
original wish of the advocacy groups and self-advocates was recognized by
the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW
1992). This was effected by using the term ‘learning difficulties’ throughout
the paper that looked at new services for people with learning disabilities.
Terminology used to define a learning disability will now be explored in
relation to legislation (legislation is covered in more depth in Chapter 10).
The key piece of legislation that underpins community care is the Na-
tional Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. Specific terminology
The definition of disability has mainly come from two perspectives, medical
and social. It is useful to understand the difference and the theories
underpinning each. This will place them in context and enhance under-
standing of many issues raised throughout this book when we look at
medical and social need. Each definition uses the term ‘disability’; this can
relate to physical disability or learning disability. We will look at the
definitions and focus specifically on a learning disabilities perspective.
The Union’s focus on disability looked at the impact that society had on
restricting people that were not like the majority. It challenged the norms
and values that society held, looking at aspects such as the accessibility of
buildings and public transport. If society did not meet the needs of all the
people in it irrespective of their physical ability and their mental intellect,
then it was society that was causing the disablement, not the medical
condition used to explain the function of the person’s mind or body.
The medical model may limit its consideration of the whole person with a
disability, either directly or indirectly, for a number of reasons, based on such
factors as:
• the focus remaining on diagnosis through academic medical
• treating people as medical cases that need to be cured
• focusing mainly on continuing to strive to eliminate impairment
and disability
• the thought that physical or mental impairment is the cause of
• labelling, stereotyping and subsequent stigmatization
• lack of inclusion of the person, ‘drawing on a “medical model”:
acting as an “expert” who decides what to do without reference to
the people concerned’ (Thompson 2000, p.134).
A social model of care and support has many positive attributes that
empower people with learning disabilities; these include:
• focusing on the person and not the disability
• challenging social exclusion within the wider society
• focusing on the environmental and social barriers excluding people
with a disability from mainstream society
• understanding the need for informed medical diagnosis and health
care support
• acknowledgement that even with barriers removed, issues
associated with impairment and chronic illness will continue to
need addressing
• presenting a continual challenge to institutionalized oppression
and discrimination.
The social model can also be challenged since reliance on this model alone
• not be fully realistic and may be seen as an idealistic approach
• restrict the opportunity for diagnosis and miss the opportunity to
help inform and understand an individual’s medical situation
• restrict funding due to lack of medical diagnosis.
The above suggestions about the two models are in no way intended as a
definitive guide. Some omissions may be identified by the reader that
promote discussion or criticism. The aim, however, has been to show the
impact, whether positive or negative, that both models can have on people
with learning disabilities. A medical model of disability should not be
confused with health care provision or practice. Enhancing a person’s ability
through health care intervention should promote and enable well being and
is an important part of enabling a person within society. Health care and
social provision are complementary in making appropriate provision for
people with learning disabilities. We will highlight this by considering the
support a person may require in practice. A health care and social skills
assessment may be required to identify the care and support needed. A
health care assessment would look at health needs, take diagnosis into
account and include appropriate medication and therapeutic treatment. A
social model assessment might look at the broader aspects of care, the social
environment, what the person’s choices are, where the person might live, the
level of care and support required and social opportunities. Joint working,
health care and social care assessments may be required to ensure full
assessment, funding and support is given to meet individual needs.
People who provide medical care may provide some level of social sup-
port or care and people who provide social care may work towards meeting
health needs. The medical model and social model of care are two different
approaches that go towards explaining the impact of disability within soci-
ety. Through having an understanding of each and how, to an extent, they
overlap, a more informed approach to practice can be taken.
One of four different levels of support would be identified using the AAMR
1. intermittent or as needed support
2. limited support, needed regularly but for a short period of time
3. extensive support
4. pervasive support.
The AAMR draws together the above concepts and provides a three step
procedure for classifying and identifying the required support:
1. to determine the eligibility for support (IQ 70–75 or below, onset
prior to the age of 18 and significant disabilities in two or more of
the adaptive skill areas)
2. to identify the strengths and weaknesses and the need for support
across the four dimensions (present growth, environmental changes,
educational activities and therapeutic interventions)
3. to identify the kind of support and the intensity required for each of
the four dimensions.
(Adapted from Hawkins-Shepard 1994, p.2)
There are many people with learning disabilities who were diagnosed prior
to the changing of definitions and methods of assessment discussed above.
Many people may have been assessed predominantly through IQ testing.
Some case files and records may show an intelligence quotient (IQ ), mental
age (MA) and chronological age (CA). It is important to recognize that
mental age does not describe the level of ability and the nature of the
person’s life experience or capability to function within society or comm-
unity living. Mental age is derived from chronological age and intelligence
quotient, and thus a fixed mental age cannot be given, as this will vary with
chronological age. To enable a better understanding of the levels we will
briefly describe the five categories that were often used: borderline, mild,
moderate, severe, and profound. We will highlight the difference between
each classification identified through IQ testing as these are often referred
• Borderline is measured within the IQ range of 70–80. This would
be characterized by the person having had some learning
difficulties at school. In adult life the person should be able to
have good social relationships, be a part of, and contribute to,
society as a whole.
The AAMR and the WHO definitions and approaches used to identify a
learning disability draw together the medical model IQ testing and social
model adaptive functioning. The complex nature and the changing face of
classification remains a prevalent issue and one that will continue to impact
on people with learning disabilities.
In this chapter we have explored how diagnosis and classification when
identifying a learning disability takes place. Such classification often creates
a label as a means of identification. The label may be ‘learning disability’ or
of a particular syndrome; whatever the label is, it can impact upon a person
throughout his or her life. We will now consider this in more depth.
Being labelled
Labels can be placed on individuals as well as groups and the impact and
implications of being labelled may be far reaching and should not be
underestimated. Labels can be seen as both positive and negative. They have
the potential to create negative influence, to stigmatize and affect the person
who is labelled. Some of the causes of oppression and discrimination
associated with the labelling process will be highlighted.
Consideration will be given to the need for labelling in order for a per-
son to receive a service. An assessment needs to take place and a diagnosis
made of, for example, learning disabilities or mental health for the purposes
of service allocation. A person not only has to be labelled to receive many
support services but also has to face the impact of being so labelled. These is-
sues will be explored by investigating labelling theory.
that are white, middle-class and western European (Baxter et al. 1990). This
may further oppress and discriminate through racial and cultural bias and
should be taken into consideration when providing support. Whatever label
is placed, the person should remain central.
The label placed on a person can have a major impact on how the indi-
vidual copes or is accepted within society. However, without various labels it
would be difficult to access many of the services restricted by rigid eligibility
criteria. By considering and understanding the impact and power of label-
ling the risk of stigmatizing or marginalizing can be reduced.
We have explored some of the complex aspects of the medical and social
models of disability. The relevance of each model and their intertwining
when providing care is an intrinsic part of working in the learning disa-
bilities field. The impact of classification and labelling has also been
explored. The following case studies will highlight aspects of these per-
spectives in a practice context.
Application in practice
Ivan was struggling to cope with his adult son. Ivan’s two other sons had
recently left home and without their support and presence Ivan felt in-
creasingly isolated and overwhelmed. The family were not known to social
services; until this time they had always supported Serge within the family
group. The family had come to live in Britain when Serge was already an
adult so there were no childhood records of him. The problem for the social
worker lay in the fact that without a diagnosis she could not allocate Serge’s
case to a specific team and thus it would be difficult to access resources for
Serge and Ivan.
In this instance even the resources of social services relied upon the
Western medical approach, the medical model, of needing a diagnosis to en-
sure eligibility before structured support could be put in place. It would have
been theoretically possible for the social worker to make an assessment of
need without the formal diagnosis by talking to Serge and Ivan and others
involved. This however may not fit within the protocol and procedures and
subsequently not be acceptable in the face of restricted resources and budget
allocation. The diagnosis gave credence and enabled allocation to a specific
team and the subsequent arrangement of a care package.
Application in practice
To receive a social needs assessment Evalyn first had to have some form of
label, in this instance learning disabilities. She could then be assessed by the
community learning disability team. As main support provider Lillian had
the label of carer placed upon her, thus enabling a carer’s assessment to be
We have identified what a learning disability is and shown that its classi-
fication is by no means a straightforward process. Consideration of aspects
of diagnosis and classification enables a more structured understanding of
the developing approaches for working with people with learning dis-
abilities. Whilst classification and labelling may enhance understanding and
enable care provision, the impact of such classification and labelling can be
powerful, discriminatory and oppressive. By listening to people with a
learning disability we can work towards a greater holistic understanding of
the impact of being labelled learning disabled.
It is important to remember that whatever title, label, diagnosis or syn-
drome has been given to a person that they are firstly that – a person. It is not
about concentrating solely on meeting the needs identified through specific
diagnosis or classification, it is about spending time to get to know and un-
derstand the person holistically.
Key points
• Learning disability and learning difficulty are two descriptions
used to mean the same thing. There is an ongoing long-term
debate about which, if either, should be used.
• There are many other terms and descriptions used to describe
people with a learning disability; these are especially found in
legislation. Many of these terms are outdated and unacceptable
in today’s society.
• There are various degrees of learning disability; these are
identified through IQ testing and functioning assessments.
• A medical model perspective locates the disability in the person
– not necessarily in strict medical terms, but as a characteristic of
the person.
• A social model perspective focuses on the person’s social needs
and focuses on how individuals can be supported within society.
• The process of care between the two models is different and an
awareness of the impact of each is important.
• Labelling theory has its origins in sociological perspectives.
• Labels can be both positive and negative.
• Everyone has some type of label placed on them; for example,
mother, son, colleague, friend, nurse or care worker. Many of
these labels may be perceived as positive.
• Labels can lead to the stigmatization and stereotyping of people;
for example, labels such as ‘learning disabled’ and ‘mentally ill’.
• Legislation plays a part in reinforcing definitions and labelling
people. Some pieces of legislation used today in the learning
disabilities field are over 50 years old and contain archaic
• At times labels are required to enable a person to be categorized
to gain financial support.
• The impact and power of labels should not be underestimated.
Application of Theory
In this chapter we will explore the importance of developing an under-
standing of what theories are, the diversity of where theories may originate
and how they can be used. We will introduce three of the main theoretical
perspectives, social science, psychology and political science, that provide a
structural framework for many of the theories that are used to inform day to
day social and health care practice. Throughout this book we seek to
demonstrate how theories can link directly to practice and the benefits of
using them in a variety of applications. The importance of knowledge and
theory being integral to practice is reinforced when considering the Central
Council for Education and Training in Social Work criteria. ‘It is essen-
tial…that students…demonstrate that they not only know about a range of
social work methods and theoretical approaches, but that they can select and
make skilled use of them in their practice’ (CCETSW 1996, p.17).
We will explore how support and practice can become informed support
and practice through the use of a theoretically based approach. Following
chapters will go on to explore specific theories and their use in day to day
practice. Two case studies will be provided, one to illustrate how theories can
be used to inform practice, the other to illustrate the importance of develop-
ing informed practice using reflective learning underpinned by theory.
There are various disciplines associated with the term ‘social science’. We
will highlight three that have particular relevance: sociology, psychology
and what is sometimes referred to as political science. Sociology and an area
of political science, social policy, are explored in more depth in Chapter 10.
It is not an easy task to find one explanation that clearly and fully describes
the diversity of sociology and sociological studies. An explanation formed
through reading and interpreting many authors’ perspectives is that socio-
logy is a study of the social structures that surround us, what they are, what
they do and how they have evolved. The study of sociology focuses on
people’s different life experiences within these social structures. Expla-
nations of structural influence through social class, gender and race can all be
made with an understanding gained from sociological studies.
Sociology enables and informs an understanding of the social institu-
tions and relationships that affect individuals and groups. Sociology has
Psychology can be described as the scientific study of behaviour and of the
mind. This includes the mental processes that are undertaken by each of us,
including memory, thinking, perception, understanding, social relationships
and social interaction. Specific psychology for social care and social work
will not be explored in depth here; other texts undertake that task (for
example, Messer and Jones 1999; Robinson 1995).
Psychology is able to offer conceptual and theoretical insight that can
have an impact on social care and support work. Many different theories or
therapeutic strategies are used in the care and support of people with learn-
ing disabilities. Often there is not an awareness of the links these approaches
and methods have to psychology and psychological research. Some of these
theoretical approaches and methods of working are:
• systems theory
• crisis intervention
• loss and bereavement
• group work
• counselling
• psychotherapy
• behaviour modification
• social interaction work.
(Adapted from Herbert 1981)
In many working situations more than one theory can be used to inform and
enhance practice. For example, following a crisis situation; insight may be
gained from the use of systems theory and, subsequently, counselling may be
helpful once the crisis has been worked through. Using theories from
different disciplines can also inform and enhance practice.
Political science
Political science focuses on studying power and the distribution of power
within different types of political systems. Aspects of political power might
• the sources of power
• how power is exercised and used
• how constraint is achieved
• how control is operated
• those that win and those that lose power struggles.
The diversity of those involved in policy making includes various political
institutions, political parties, the state and interest groups. Political systems
may also be influenced by such institutions as the European Union and
worldwide political agendas. All have relevance to how policy creation may
influence and affect people with learning disabilities, either directly or
Political science and policy making can be explored specifically in rela-
tion to disability policies. As discussed in Chapter 1, the medical and social
perspectives of disability affect the way policies are created. Medical per-
spectives often hold power in setting criteria and accessibility to services de-
fined by specific policies created by the state. ‘Human values and aspirations
are realised by an exercise of power channelled through some process, sys-
tem or conduit and that which converts understanding and definitions of
disability into tangible policy is the state’ (Drake 1999, p.18).
Thompson (1996) explains the principles of theory and practice in health
and social welfare settings. A core issue suggested by Thompson is that of
informed practice. The benefits of using an informed approach are summed
up as necessary to:
• do justice to the complexity of the situations social and health care
workers so frequently encounter
• avoid assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes that can lead to
discrimination and oppression
• lay the foundations for a developmental approach, one which
permits and facilitates continuous personal and professional
• ensure a high level of motivation, challenge and commitment.
(Thompson 1996, pp.1–2)
Theory can provide guidance and insight to inform and aid reflection and
analysis of practice. Specific theories can provide a structured approach to
working that can promote confidence and understanding for care and
support workers. In some working environments the workers may be left to
work predominantly on their own where practice may not frequently be
observed or examined. This could lead to an environment mainly reliant on a
‘we have always done it this way’ approach rather than a theoretically
informed approach. Goffman (1961) wrote of the ongoing institutionalized
behaviour of support and care workers through a learnt behaviour strategy,
rarely challenging or questioning working practice or ethical issues that
surround care:
Social workers [and care workers of any description], to be truly effec-
tive, need to be constantly asking why. It is in this quest for understand-
ing about, for example, why situations arise, why people react in certain
ways and why particular interventions might be utilised, that theory
informs practice. (Coulshed and Orme 1998, p.9)
Each person and situation should be seen as individual; however,
knowledge, skills and the understanding of theories can be used to inform
and enhance all aspects of practice.
The first case study that follows will illustrate the application of theory
and provide an example of how individual theories discussed later in this
book can be used to help practice become informed practice. The second
case study will reinforce the benefit of reflecting upon and analysing how a
person is supported and of using theory to inform the development of
Application in practice
This case study can be considered from a variety of perspectives. The wider
picture of care and support in residential homes within the community can,
in part, be explored through sociological theory. There are many socio-
logical studies that have been undertaken that look at the structure of society
and the expectations of people within it. For example, there are studies on
care provision and how people should be supported, educated and, at times,
Psychological theories can inform and lend insight into why people be-
have in certain ways. Every person has some level of learned behaviour or
family scripts informing him or her of the ‘best’ way of doing things.
Looking at the practice in this case study, to the staff it appeared that the
‘best’ way of doing things was for the residents to go to bed earlier. Through
the staff ’s family scripts, they had learnt ‘early to bed, early to rise’ and im-
posed this upon the residents. The staff ’s approach, however, did not allow
the residents to learn from their own experience. If the residents had been
able to continue their late nights and experience the consequences of late-
ness or absence from college they may have been able to adapt their habits
accordingly. However, it should also be considered that the social care remit
to provide a safe and supportive environment might, on occasion, require
protection and control to minimize the risk of harm. Balancing rights and
risks requires working in partnership with the individuals involved.
In this instance the staff had oppressed the residents and discriminated
against them as adults by their imposition of a 10pm bedtime (see Chapter
3). The staff were aware of college expectations concerning attendance but
their practice did not allow the residents to learn this for themselves. If the
‘learned’ approaches had been evaluated and used in conjunction with theo-
ries such as role theory (Chapter 9) or social learning theory (Chapter 8),
then more informed practice may have taken place.
the required support. Mtembe needed to inform his practice and adapt his
ways of working. Thus he requested to attend a communication course to
improve his ability to work with Jacob. On the course Mtembe learned to
look more widely at aspects of communication including the use of symbols
and computer software. He also learned about environmental and other bar-
riers to communication.
Application in practice
Through Mtembe’s reflection about Jacob and his communication needs he
had identified factors that could be improved. Mtembe was fairly fluent in
Makaton but recognized certain staff were not; it was not a signing
environment. When the staff team discussed their approaches, incon-
sistencies were identified in the systems (Chapter 9) around Jacob and a more
uniform approach was decided upon when working with him.
Through reflection upon his work Mtembe thought that a better under-
standing of communication methods (Chapter 5) and of possible barriers
that restricted communication would improve his knowledge and skills. This
informed practice would enable him to be a more effective key worker to Ja-
cob. Mtembe was thinking about his own and others’ practice, what worked
well and what did not work so well and what could be done differently.
Mtembe thought about what he had learned and used these ideas in
partnership with Jacob and staff to enhance Jacob’s quality of life. Mtembe
was thinking and doing, using theory to enhance practice. From the doing
they could decide what was most helpful to Jacob and what was not so help-
ful and further modify practice. Thus, support and practice became informed
support and practice.
The use of theory is summed up by Payne (1997):
…theory is practically useful, and…its variety and confusion can be or-
ganised and understood. The relationships and oppositions between
theories provide a context in which their value can be assessed against
one another, and against the modern social context in which they must
be used. (Payne 1997, p.71)
An understanding of what a theory is and the diversity of theories that can be
used in day to day practice has been suggested. The benefit of the use of
theories is twofold: meeting the needs of the person who is being supported
and as a way of learning. Theories are important in developing personal
understanding and insight into providing effective care that can be assessed
and validated in its delivery. We have looked at theory informing practice
and the use of an underpinning theoretical framework. We will progress
chapter by chapter to provide a more in-depth theoretical framework that
can be used when working with people with learning disabilities.
Key points
• Theories originate from many different perspectives and are
tried and tested methods of explaining and informing given
• Theory can be used to provide insight and guidance and to aid
reflection upon and analysis of practice.
• Theories can be used to inform practice by providing an
understanding about different ways of working and supporting
people with learning disabilities.
• More than one theory can be used at a time.
• Theories discussed in this book can be used to help inform
practice with other groups such as older people, those with
mental health issues and children and families.
• Social work and health care training bodies reinforce the
importance of theory being used to inform and underpin
Anti-Discriminatory Practice
and Anti-Oppressive Practice
Anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice are terms often
heard within care and support work. In this book we are focusing on people
with a learning disability, but we must stress that the principles discussed can
be applied and used to inform practice in other fields of care work.
In this chapter we will start by briefly exploring some of the underpin-
ning ideas that help to highlight issues of discrimination and oppression. We
will go on to explore what is meant by discrimination and oppression. This
will be achieved by considering some of the forms each can take. Exploring
these different forms will develop a focus upon the impact each can have.
The information gained will subsequently provide and reinforce an under-
standing of how a theoretical framework can be used to promote an
anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approach.
The idea of anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice is funda-
mental; it should underpin day to day practice and will consequently be used
throughout the book. The importance of this as an intrinsic part of practice
will be emphasized as this chapter unfolds. An anti-discriminatory and
anti-oppressive approach will be placed in a practice context of working
with people with learning disabilities through two case studies.
An understanding of issues relating to discrimination and oppression has
predominantly developed from sociologically based studies. Some psycho-
logical work has further informed specific situations. Sociological explan-
ations of the structure of society provide insight and an understanding of the
impact created by difference. For example, insight is gained through studies
affected through race, age, gender, disability, class and sexual orientation.
This type of discrimination is sometimes referred to in the context of an
An ‘ism’ can be used to group descriptions of people who are affected by
discrimination and relates to an ideology of superiority. The supposed
superiority is of one group over another and is imposed on those ‘inferior’
groups. Such imposition is often used as a method of trying to justify
oppression and unfair judgements on others. We will explore some of the
isms and examine how they can be used to provide an understanding of areas
of discrimination.
Racism relates to discrimination against people from different races, eth-
nic groups and countries, and against some collective groups within society.
The discrimination can be manifest in people’s ideas, attitudes and behav-
iours. The discrimination is supposedly justified because the oppressing
group of people believe in a presumed inherent biological superiority over
those that are oppressed. Ageism focuses on discrimination and prejudice
against people due to their age. Bytheway describes ageism, highlighting its
diversity: ‘Ageism is about age and prejudice…it appears in all sorts of situa-
tions and affects people of all ages’ (Bytheway 1995, p.3). Sexism relates to
discrimination on the grounds of a person’s sex or gender. It particularly fo-
cuses on the discrimination and oppression of women by men and the male
dominant attitudes found within parts of society.
Over time other isms have developed. Classism relates to the effect of
discrimination and oppression through class hierarchy. The conflict arises
where one class believe themselves superior and oppress people of another
class. Disablism, sometimes spelt as disableism, relates to the impact of dis-
crimination and oppression on people who are seen as disabled in compari-
son to the majority of society. Thompson describes disablism as ‘the
combination of social forces, cultural values and personal prejudices which
marginalises disabled people, portrays them in a negative light and thus op-
presses them’ (Thompson 1997, p.105).
Other areas of oppression occur that do not necessarily have a specific ism to
their name. We will highlight some of these to underline how wide the issues
of discrimination and oppression are within society. An individual’s sexual
identity may have an impact on how they are, or are not, accepted. If a
person is a male homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual this may have
an impact on how they are viewed and accepted by society. Different values
or beliefs may affect how a person is treated. Equal opportunities policies are
used by some employees as a way of reinforcing that people should not be
treated differently due to their sexuality. Although acceptance may be
increasing in society, the discrimination and oppression faced by a person
due to his or her sexuality needs to be considered and challenged. A person’s
religious beliefs may affect others. Expectations through religious under-
standing may be deliberately, or inadvertently, placed on others. Religion
and religious beliefs can be fundamental to a person’s life-guiding actions
and moral principles. This in turn can create a level of cultural normality
where different cultures, religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs may not be
accepted or understood.
The language used by a person may not be understood or accepted in the
wider society. An example of this could be a first language that is different
from the majority. Languages often link closely with ethnicity:
[Ethnicity]…relating to or characteristic of a human group having ra-
cial, religious, linguistic and certain other traits in common…relating
to the classification of mankind into groups especially on the basis of
racial characteristics. (Collins Dictionary 1986, p.524)
Within different ethnic groups communication used may differ through
dialects and localized language which can vary from region to region.
Through these differences marginalization of individuals and groups may
take place.
The culture of a person or a group also has an influence. Culture com-
bines a shared understanding, a way of seeing things, of thinking and a way
of carrying out tasks. ‘The character and validity of a culture is to a large ex-
tent language dependent. Language helps to preserve traditions, shape
modes of perception, and profoundly influences patterns of social inter-
course’ (Carter and Atchinson in Hume and Pryce 1986, p.18).
Any factors that relate to a person being perceived as different from the
majority increase the possibility of discrimination and oppression. This ex-
tends to groups as well as individuals and this type of discrimination and op-
pression is prevalent and can be seen on a daily basis on the news and within
media coverage. The media has a great amount of power in reinforcing stig-
matization of people and groups. The methods and style used for reporting
on issues relating to mental health is a good example of the media’s power to
stigmatize. Often mental illness is portrayed as schizophrenia, paranoia and
associated disorders related to murders or major criminal acts. This rein-
forces the notion that all people with schizophrenia or paranoia are likely to
commit heinous crimes, which is clearly far from the truth. The negative
hold little, if any, significance. A person who uses a wheelchair and is not
able to access the local night club due to the physical barriers created by
stairs and doors, is marginalized.
Covert discrimination is usually not obvious to the person being discrimi-
nated against. For example, when someone with a learning disability applies
for a job and the employer rejects that person based on his or her learning
disability but says it is because the position is already filled. Another exam-
ple of covert discrimination is that of accommodation being advertised and
the caller being told the accommodation has been let when it has not, be-
cause the advertiser has a prejudice against the caller’s accent, dress or looks.
Overt discrimination is openly done. An example of this may be found in
pubs with signs saying, ‘Travellers will not be served’. Another example of
overt discrimination is that of accommodation-to-let postcards in windows
that state people on benefits need not apply.
Positive discrimination is permitted when it is used in the context of educa-
tion, teaching or welfare to meet the special needs of a person or a particular
group. An example would be advertising for female-only staff to work in a
teenage mother unit.
Discrete discrimination may occur, for example, when a woman goes for a
job interview and is asked about her intentions regarding marriage and chil-
dren but a male candidate is not asked the same question. The treatment of
one person less favourably than another due to colour, race or ethnic origin
are other examples.
An example of indirect discrimination is when there is a requirement for
someone to speak English where a person using a different first language
could carry out the job equally well.
Individual, group, institutional, structural and societal discrimination can oc-
cur. Studying the feminist perspective of social work in authors such as Tay-
lor and Daly (1995) can provide a valuable insight into the developmental
process of oppression. Taylor and Daly considered the historical develop-
ment of women’s roles as being subservient to that of men, this being preva-
lent in many aspects of life such as social convention, law, and medical and
religious practice. This is another example of the power that can be held by
one group in society over another.
Some areas of discrimination and oppression have been challenged by
sections of society, and legislation has been introduced to try to address
Various pieces of legislation have been introduced over time as part of the
ongoing battle against discrimination and oppression.
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 was set up to eliminate discrimination
in relation to gender. This focused on employment, education, housing,
goods, facilities, services and advertising. A main part of the Act supported
women who faced discrimination through marital status when applying for
employment and when jobs were being advertised. The Act was updated by
the Sex Discrimination Act 1986. The Act made it illegal to discriminate on
the grounds of a person’s gender and applies to both men and women.
The Race Relations Act 1976 was set up to promote good and positive
relationships between ethnic groups. The ideal was to combat and alleviate
racial discrimination. The Commission for Racial Equality was formed
through this legislation. The Commission was set up to investigate alleged
discrimination with the aim of ordering organizations to amend their poli-
cies and practice.
The Disabled Persons (Services Consultation and Representation) Act
1996 was intended to make improvements for people who had physical dis-
abilities, learning disabilities and issues of mental health. The Act was to sup-
port assessment, representation, consultation and service development.
Unfortunately not all sections of this Act were implemented, probably due to
cost implications.
The Criminal Justice Act 1991 required the Home Secretary to provide
and publish annual information to support the justice administrative system
in not discriminating on the grounds of race, sex or any other ‘improper’
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was introduced to alleviate dis-
crimination on the grounds of disability, it being defined as ‘a physical or
mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on
ability to carry out normal day to day activities’ (Disability Discrimination
Act in Brayne and Martin 1997, p.416). It is unlawful to discriminate on
grounds of disability in employment, except for education, the police, the
armed forces, the prison service and any firm that employs less than 20 peo-
ple. Discrimination should not occur in services such as shops and restau-
rants and in property selling and letting. This piece of legislation appears
weak in challenging discrimination. It may well highlight some of the issues
and start to challenge and alter culture but does not appear powerful enough
to abolish it. In Hansard the Act is described as ‘riddled with vague, slippery
and elusive exceptions making it so full of holes that it is more like a colan-
der than a binding code’ (Gooding 1995).
The Children Act 1989 provides specific instruction to authorities stat-
ing they must give regard to racial groups. When making day care arrange-
ments for children or selecting foster parents, racial needs must be taken into
consideration. The decision has to be made with the best interest of the child
at the forefront of concern. This means that a child may or may not be placed
with a person of their own racial background or nationality.
The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 focuses on the rights of children and
the responsibilities of adults and public bodies to provide care and protec-
tion for them. The Act encompasses the broad principles of commitment to
children made under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Children and the European Convention on Human Rights.
The National Health and Community Care Act 1990 requires planning
at community level. Services are to be devised that meet the needs of the
population. The statutory authority has a duty to plan and provide an assess-
ment of need; however, it is at the discretion of the authority whether or not
to provide services. Therefore the needs of minority groups may not be met.
The Human Rights Act 1998 was intended to create a cultural shift
focused on individual rights. The intention appears to be far reaching,
including playing a part in the decision making of Government and legal
systems. The understanding that people with disabilities have the same
human rights as any other person is not something that society has histori-
cally been supportive of:
The withdrawal or restriction of medical services, the abuse and de-
grading treatment of disabled people in institutional care, and preju-
diced judgments…are just some of the areas where the Human Rights
Act may help disabled people live fully and freely, on equal terms with
non-disabled people. (Daw 2000, p.i)
The Disability Rights Commission will work with other organizations
towards achieving equality. At the moment the effectiveness of this legi-
slation is being observed. Until challenges are made to human rights
violations through the court system and legal decisions are given clarifying
such violations the full impact of the Act cannot be accurately judged.
The Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 introduces a new struc-
ture of supporting people who do not have the capacity to make decisions
for themselves due to mental disorder or an inability to communicate.
Doctors will be involved in assessing capacity, completing certificates of
incapacity and treatment. The Act recognizes that incapacity is not an ‘all or
nothing’ situation and that some adults may be able to make simple or
straightforward choices. However, some may not be able to decide on more
complex issues involving money, property or their own personal welfare.
The Act introduces new provisions that will enable adults with incapacity to
maximize their ability, encourage the development of new skills and ensure
that whatever intervention is provided it is the least intrusive possible. This
may help to challenge many issues of oppression and discrimination faced
by ‘Adults with Incapacity’.
The majority of agencies, statutory, voluntary or private should have
their own policies and procedures to challenge discrimination and oppres-
sion within their specific practice. These should be readily available to en-
able them to be studied and implemented.
We hope to have shown that discrimination and oppression occur in
many different forms and legislation has been implemented to try to chal-
lenge these. However, the limitations of the legislation, the weakness of
wording and restricted implementation all indicate that this has not been al-
together successful. The majority of the issues discussed so far in this chapter
are pertinent to working with people with learning disabilities. Working in
an anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive way is far from easy in a society
and legislative framework that frequently does not support equality. In the
next sections we will start to explore methods that inform working in an
anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive way and practice examples will be
given in case studies.
The importance of and need for an intrinsic value base that promotes
equality through an understanding of the structure of discrimination and
oppression is clearly highlighted within the requirements for nursing evi-
dence based practice (UKCC 1992) and social work training (CCETSW
1989, 1995, 1996).
Application in practice
Iyawo was admitted in an emergency and at that time thought was not given
to her cultural needs as finding her a bed took precedence. Iyawo was visited
by a social worker once she was safely placed but her personal care needs
were not raised as a specific issue by her or by the residential staff.
The staff in the home were all white and did not have experience of the
cultural needs of an African-Caribbean person. They were without experi-
ence in how to offer appropriate personal care for Iyawo. None of this was
questioned by them or by management staff. They had wrongly assumed
that the regular shampoo found in the bathroom would be suitable. They
had also assumed they would be able to comb Iyawo’s hair in the way they
tended to the other residents who were white. They were then unable to style
Iyawo’s hair which left her looking unkempt and took away her dignity.
Due to staff not thinking about Iyawo’s cultural needs, she was discrimi-
nated against both in her personal care and in her diet. Iyawo may have used
the regular shampoo, but in fact at home used a specialist shampoo and con-
ditioner which should have been checked out. At home Iyawo also always
used body oil to condition her skin after bathing and this also was neglected.
Iyawo was expected, along with the other residents, to choose from the
two main meals on offer, although this did not take into account the type of
food she particularly enjoyed and was used to at home. Whilst this was not
intentionally done, the lack of thought about her cultural needs meant that
Iyawo did not receive the appropriate care that she was entitled to. Lack of
thought about practice resulted in discrimination.
Application in practice
Heinrique was oppressed and discriminated against in several ways. As a
person with learning disabilities he was not accepted by some people within
his local community or by some people in wider society. As a wheelchair user
he was also denied access to many places due to inaccessible kerbstones and
doorways. Additionally, there were no local taxis that were wheelchair
accessible to enable him to go out independently without staff.
Heinrique required support but resources were limited and did not allow
for a regular one to one ratio to enable him to attend church. Nor was he able
to attend his preferred church due to the inaccessibility of the building.
The local vicar was able to offer Heinrique the opportunity to attend a
service she held in a local residential home once a month. This was accepted
but did not prevent the discrimination faced by being unable to access the
church building and church services. Additionally, it meant Heinrique
having to rely upon others for support when he would have preferred
Various types of discrimination and oppression have been explored and isms
have been considered. Theoretical approaches that go towards explaining
and challenging the structure of discrimination and oppression have been
highlighted. These provide a framework that suggests how anti-discrimi-
natory and anti-oppressive practice can be continually developed.
In reality, care and support workers can challenge discrimination and
oppression but are, to an extent, restricted by the legislative and structural
framework of care provision. The promoting of rights, choice, positive edu-
cation and awareness in society must play a key part in achieving equality.
The following points may help in reflecting upon practice in a positive,
person-led way, taking into consideration the power that comes with a care
or support role:
• The ability to recognize and challenge discrimination in a positive
• Having a universal commitment to equality within the learning
disabilities field.
• Understanding the misuse of power.
• Having access to anti-discriminatory practice training.
• Being aware of the need to use non-jargonistic language.
• Remaining open and critical to personal working practice.
• The use of theories such as Thompson’s PCS model to understand
how inequalities and discrimination feature in social circumstances.
These perspectives can help to provide part of the structure that is required
for realistic anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. They are just
some of the ways that anti-discriminatory practice can be worked towards
and should be an intrinsic part of everyday practice. The consequence of not
practising in such a way and of the person being diminished or treated in a
tokenistic way is powerfully summed up by Thompson:
…practice which does not take account of oppression and discrimina-
tion cannot be seen as good practice, no matter how high its standards
may be in other respects. For example,…intervention with a disabled
person which fails to recognise the marginalised position of disabled
people in society runs the risk of providing more of a disservice than a
service. (Thompson 1996, p.10)
Key points
• Discrimination and oppression can take many different forms.
Sometimes it is clearly visible and at other times subtle and more
difficult to identify.
• Discrimination and oppression can be faced by people for many
reasons, e.g. due to race, colour, culture, gender, age, class,
ability, religious views and sexuality.
• Personal, cultural or societal views and understanding can
impact on the level of discrimination and oppression a person or
group of people may face.
• There is legislation that challenges aspects of discrimination;
however, legislation does not support all people and all
• Theories can aid understanding and subsequently inform the
challenging of aspects of discrimination and oppression.
Theories can be used to underpin the majority of care and
support work undertaken within the learning disabilities field.
• The value base suggested as an underpinning to social work
training highlights the need for anti-discriminatory and
anti-oppressive practice to be an intrinsic part of care and
support work.
• Informed, evidence based practice is crucial.
• Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice needs to be an
integral part of everyday practice.
What is Normalization?
In the 1970s and 1980s, normalization was a theory of great influence
informing the field of learning disabilities. Today it still holds an important
place in explaining how learning disability services and care provision have
developed. In this chapter, brief consideration will be given to what is meant
by normalization and where the idea originated. We will then go on to
explore in more depth what impact normalization and related theories have
on today’s care structure. This chapter is not intended to be a definitive
guide, rather an introduction to the concept of normalization. Two case
studies will be used to help place normalization into a practice context.
Wolfensberger and Thomas suggested the possibility that such terms could
devalue and label people and consequently could be used as powerful social
influences and methods of control. If people are treated in a particular way
by society according to the label placed upon them, they may face opp-
ression and discrimination (see Chapter 1 for labelling theory). If people are
During the 1960s and 1970s in England and Wales there were scandals
reported of neglect and abuse that had occurred within ‘hospital’ settings,
Howe Report (Department of Health and Social Security 1969). The
normalization principle played its part as a factor in identifying and
persuading policy makers and relevant professionals to reject long stay
hospital based services in the UK for people with learning disabilities (Kings
Fund Centre 1980). Additionally, other factors, including the belief that
community care would be a cheaper option, reinforced the need for change.
The emphasis was placed on services needing to deliver a high quality of life
for people with learning disabilities. This would supposedly be achieved by
reproducing the lifestyle that was experienced by people who were
non-disabled. This would be realized if:
• day to day living was achievable
• progression through the course of life took place
• there was the ability to choose and have self-determination
• there was the opportunity for equality in economic standards.
Community living
The ideas of An Ordinary Life helped to pave the way for the development of
services, which enabled many people with learning disabilities to move into
and live in their ‘ordinary’ houses. We now see many different models of
living within the community. These range from people with their own
tenancies to individuals living in houses with 24 hour staff support, and all
the designs for living in between. Unlike hospital or large group living, this
range of housing options better promotes choice and inclusion and better
enables people with learning disabilities to live ‘in the mainstream of life’,
thus achieving part of the Kings Fund goal (1980).
Allen (1994) highlighted that although the initiatives of An Ordinary
Life had a considerable impact on the way residential services were provided
they did not have equal impact on day care service provision. We will now
briefly highlight the development of day services to enable an understand-
ing, and the impact of ideas influenced by the normalization principle.
out was often mundane and repetitive. There were also concerns of exploit-
ation due to the minimal monies offered for the tasks completed (Allen
1994). The National Development Group (1977) was a body set up by the
Government to advise on policies in relation to people with learning
disabilities. Recommendations were put forward for ATCs to become ‘social
education centres’ and to focus on people’s education, social and daily living
skills. In line with the development of day services, legislation was also
developing and guiding the way forward.
The White Paper Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped (DHSS and
Welsh Office 1971) and the Scottish counterpart (Scottish Home and Health
Department 1972) were published, setting targets for change and the devel-
opment of community based services. The English and Welsh Office recom-
mended an expansion of day care places. In 1970, there were approximately
26,400 places available. The recommendations suggested that this should
increase to over 75,000 during the following 20 years. In part, the increase
was supposed to enable people leaving the long stay hospitals to receive day
care; however, the targets were never achieved. There were two factors that
played a part in this: first, the difficulty in releasing monies from hospitals
and, second, the changing views, rights and roles of people with learning
disabilities within society. O’Brien was key in highlighting and suggesting
how their rights could be better enabled and achieved.
The work of O’Brien has had considerable impact upon the ideas and
development of community based services in the UK and internationally.
O’Brien suggested the notion of ‘five accomplishments’ that should be
aimed for and ideally met by community based services. These five accom-
plishments are described below and each is followed by an explanation of
how it can be related to practice within the learning disabilities field.
A basic and fundamental right is to have autonomy and control over
decisions about all aspects of life, day to day issues and about major life
events. Promoting the rights of people with learning disabilities and treating
them with respect and dignity is a core activity for the caring services. It
means making sure that opportunities are provided for them to learn about
and exercise their rights, to learn how to choose effectively and accountably.
People with learning disabilities should have the opportunities to develop
skills and reach their full potential. This relates to how the caring services
assist them to use the same facilities, be in the same places, and do the same
sorts of things as other people, at the same times of the day, week and year. It
requires effort to ensure that they are visible in valued ways at home, work
and in leisure.
This refers to the rights of people with learning disabilities to be able to have
a valued role within society, to have opportunities to develop their roles, to
learn and grow in the sense of their full humanity, from skills and social
competence to feelings and self-awareness. To be competent in a range of
ways helps in other areas of life and increases the chances that they can
contribute to their own and others’ lives.
Community participation
A key feature of community life is that a person develops a wide variety of
relationships with a range of people, from casual acquaintances and neigh-
bours, to deep, warm friendships and lifelong partnerships. It is necessary for
the caring services to find ways that people with learning disabilities can be
supported in developing an extensive network of others to interact with, in
positive and meaningful ways. It is about being an active participant in
everyday life.
O’Brien’s five accomplishments can help guide the process of integration
and inclusion with people with learning disabilities. They highlight the
importance of people with learning disabilities being supported in having
their own social networks, living accommodation, relationships, and work
opportunities similar to others in society. Ties and Connections: An Ordinary
Community Life for People with Learning Difficulties. (Kings Fund Centre 1988)
with dilemmas in day to day work where they are expected to help people
‘fit into’ available services:
…the role of [support or care workers] in challenging it [structural op-
pression] is emphasised, in practice much of the work they do is about
helping people with disabilities ‘conform’ to what is accepted as ‘nor-
mal’ behaviour. (Banks 1995, p.116)
The power that care and support workers hold in adapting someone to fit
into society’s norms should not be underestimated. If the person does not
conform and adapt they may not be seen as successful in the normalization
process. The appropriateness of people being excluded from receiving care if
they do not conform to what is considered normal is clearly questionable.
This can also be considered in the wider context of society’s barriers; for
example, a lack of awareness and understanding by those in society of the
needs of people with restricted mobility may have adverse effects upon less
mobile individuals. Additionally, the physical barriers found within society
may impede day to day living. Examples of physical barriers include
buildings and transport that do not have wheelchair access. These barriers
accentuate the difficulties of fitting into the norms of society. The ideo-
logical base of beliefs and attitudes needs fundamental change to promote an
inclusive society, to enable and support people with learning disabilities to
have fulfilling roles and equal rights.
Tyne and O’Brien (1981) have identified many of the difficulties faced by
people with learning disabilities. The Faculty of Health and Community
Care suggests that the principle of normalization can help ‘to break the
vicious circle’ faced in day to day living by:
• changing others’ expectations
• giving greater exercising of rights and responsibilities
• encouraging more decision making by service users
• encouraging more self-advocacy.
(Faculty of Health and Community Care 2002, p.1)
Application in practice
Whilst some people had been consulted, Melina and the other residents in
her home had not been consulted about the changes that took place. The
changes had been imposed upon them as part of a strategic plan in that
locality. They had been informed of the changes before they occurred but
the reality of how this would affect them was unknown at the time.
As the service users had not been part of the consultation process, their
choice and interests had not been promoted. One of the most important peo-
ple in Melina’s life, her key worker, had been changed without consultation
and without Melina having a say in the process, which upset her greatly. That
Melina had not attended her club was due to staffing levels over the summer,
which therefore affected her ability to get out into the community.
Melina was in a position of depending upon others to meet her needs.
Through her aunt’s intervention, Melina’s wishes were listened to more care-
fully. A plan was made to enable a handover time to say goodbye to her pre-
vious key worker and for Melina and her new key worker to get to know
each other.
On this occasion Melina was treated in an institutional way and was re-
stricted in the service she received through having little available choice. Af-
ter the event and following her aunt’s intervention, recognition was made of
the amount of changes Melina and other residents had had to cope with as
part of the strategic plan. If the principles of O’Brien’s five accomplishments
had been considered and had underpinned practice, then Melina may have
been better empowered and included. She could have played an active role in
the process of change instead of being made a passive recipient.
The community support team were involved, and through talking to Sid
and Reggie and assessing their skills and abilities they worked in partnership
to identify aspects of support needed. Through this process, they were able
jointly to identify the level of support Sid and Reggie would require when
living in the community. The process also stimulated independent actions
such as Sid joining a Budgeting for Beginners class run at a local college.
Over a year later Sid and Reggie moved into supported housing run by a
housing association in their local area. They have been settled there for five
years and their only regret was not starting the process sooner.
Application in practice
If the process that Sid and Reggie went through is looked at in terms of
O’Brien’s five accomplishments then it was, in the main, successful. In terms
of status and respect, Sid and Reggie had their own network of friends and
acquaintances that they had built up over time. They were active in their
local community and participated in it as valued members socially, through
work and through their daily presence.
Sid and Reggie were able to make informed choices and had autonomy
and control over the decisions made. They were strengthened in this
through the process of advocacy and had support from residential staff and
the community support team. Their interests were respected and they were
supported to think through the process of moving and to look at different
aspects of exercising their rights.
Sid and Reggie were valued in different areas of their lives. Sid was val-
ued at work and Reggie at the day centre, and socially both participated in
the same places and same ways as others in the local community, according
to their personal choice. The wish to move on came from Sid and Reggie;
they had opportunities in their lives for growth and development, which had
strengthened their skills, social competence and self-awareness. These op-
portunities had enabled them to network further and indeed had led them to
their local advocacy unit for support.
Sid and Reggie had an active life in the community and friendships
through some of the clubs to which they belonged, including the local foot-
ball supporters’ club. They had relationships in different forms: their
long-term friendship, friendships with others within and outside the resi-
dential home, friends and acquaintances at their clubs and as valued custom-
ers at local shops. Sid and Reggie were part of their community and
participated in that community.
Many texts can be found that explore the principle of normalization in
greater depth and some of these have been highlighted during this chapter.
This introduction to normalization has been written as a way of exploring
the idea, to acknowledge both its positive attributes and its shortcomings.
That society needs challenging, educating and developing to enable equality
for people with learning disabilities is the underpinning message. We believe
that this needs to be considered from birth, through childhood, schooling
and into adult life. The processes and structures that promote exclusion need
to be identified, recognized and challenged.
Key points
• Normalization was a dominant theory in the learning disabilities
field in the 1970s and 1980s. Although times have moved on, it
can still provide insight into a variety of service development
• Normalization played a part in the development, recognition
and importance of integration and inclusion and reinforced the
belief that people with learning disabilities should have the same
rights and roles as others to live within society and be part of it.
• Society needs to adapt and change to support and enable people
with learning disabilities to live within the mainstream.
• Five accomplishments were suggested by O’Brien: community
presence, choice, competence, respect and community
participation (1987a). These have provided an underpinning and
guidance for service development and support.
• Advocacy, empowerment, participation and involvement are key
issues when considering making informed choices about life.
Having the opportunity to make informed choices and to be a
valued member within a community is a fundamental right of all
people with learning disabilities.
Communication Methods
In this chapter we aim to explore different aspects of communication. We do
not, however, intend to explore in any depth how communication develops
or give an overview of communication theory as this is a vast area and one
that could not be satisfactorily achieved within the remit of this book. Many
other authors have undertaken the task of exploring developmental commu-
nication and developmental theory and we will signpost some of the
relevant texts. We intend to focus predominantly on the practicalities and
methods of communication in practice. Communication can take many
forms including written and spoken word, signing such as British Sign
Language (BSL) and Makaton and use of word boards. Non-verbal commu-
nication such as body language can extend from the full use of the body and
a whole range of facial expressions, to communication through a single
movement or flutter of the eye. Each method can be enhanced through
knowing the person being supported, befriended or cared for and under-
standing individual needs and styles of communication.
Effective communication can be restricted by various barriers, including:
power imbalance, lack of confidence, fear, anxiety, place and expectations of
those involved. We will explore some of these barriers and suggest ways that
they can be challenged and overcome.
Throughout the chapter we will promote the need to be flexible and
adaptable in approach. The ability to listen to the person with a learning
disability and to use relevant services that have a clear knowledge about
communication is important. We will highlight alternative and additional
methods that can enhance communication. Two case studies will be used
that will place the importance of effective communication in a working
The reason for approaching communication in a general context is to
reinforce the diversity and range of methods that may be used by people
with learning disabilities. Some individuals may require specific support that
enables their communication needs to be recognized and met. Each person is
unique and differently abled, and fully supported communication should
enable participation in all areas of life. We will start by considering what is
meant by communication.
‘Communication – the exchange of information, or the use of a common
system of symbols, signs, behaviour, etc for this’ (The New Penguin English Dic-
tionary 2001, p.278). In today’s society communication is associated with
the exchange of information through a variety of methods. Exchanges occur
through speaking, writing, use of pictures, diagrams and computer gener-
ated images, each one dependent on the information to be exchanged. The
diversity of methods used for information exchange are often commonly as-
sociated with the use of machines or electronic aids:
• mobile phones
• text messages
• faxes
• electronic mail (e-mail)
• data transfer
• computer disks
• CD ROMs.
These different forms of communication and their individual usage may vary
across the world. Within some areas of society and within some developing
countries the use of electronic aids may be limited; reliance may be upon
word of mouth, the written word, radio communication, visual sign or
sound. All methods are dependent upon those who use them and societal
expectations, and can be affected by financial and resource constraints.
Each method of information exchange has value in individual situations
such as personal, family, social, educational or business. Communication
takes place all the time in a variety of contexts – it is the methods used that
differ. There are many barriers that can restrict successful communication,
some of which are given below:
Stern (1977) looked at the use of face to face behaviour, holding eye contact,
looking away, smiling and moving head and hands in time with what was
being said. Stern suggested that this behaviour all related to fun and mutual
enjoyment of the communicating experience.
These explanations of developing attachment and communication all
relate to a child who can see, hear and has the mental ability to develop in
line with the majority of children in society. What these studies neglect is
disability and the impact of disability upon development and commu-
nication. As mentioned, other studies provide further insight into these
issues; for example, from a child perspective (Gaag and Dormandy 1993)
and from an adult perspective (Law and Parkinson et al. 1999). We suggest
that the developmental process of a person and the individual’s opportunity
to develop can help inform how that individual has learnt to communicate.
Eye contact, head or hand movements, hearing and concentration may be
affected for people with learning disabilities. The person’s individual
communication style and ability needs to be identified and understood. Thus
having an understanding of development and the effect this may have upon
communication can play a part in removing barriers to effective
Many people labelled as having a learning disability are able to hold a verbal
conversation. The learning disability may have only a minimal influence on
the ability to communicate. People with a profound or severe learning
disability may be able to use specific words or short phrases or sounds to
mean words. Support and care workers need to consider methods and
options for promoting effective communication for people being supported.
Makaton is a licensed type of sign language that appears to be used
predominantly by people with a learning disability. Licensed type refers to
one that is registered and often has a copyright; software, books, educational
packs and the licence have to be purchased. Makaton is particularly used
with people who have limited verbal expression and it makes use of a limited
amount of signs underpinned by BSL. The specially selected vocabulary is
considered as the most essential and useful in providing basic
communication. Makaton is structured in stages of increasing complexity. It
follows a pattern of language development; the first stage provides signs to
This is a system that uses embossed or raised dots on a paper; each set of dots
represents a letter of the alphabet. Braille consists of two levels: grade one is
where each word is fully spelt out and grade two uses contractions to explain
groups of words that are frequently used. This alleviates the need to spell out
each word. Braille relies on the ability to be able to feel, and move the fingers
over many dots and understand their meanings.
Moon is a form of tactile reading used by people with visual impairment and
uses a simplified version of the Latin alphabet. This method is sometimes
used as a way of communicating with people with a learning disability and
visual impairment.
Bliss is a symbolic communication system designed for people who have
limited speech and hand functions. The system can range from very basic to
quite sophisticated and is often used before moving on to more complicated
methods of communication. The symbols are often set out on a board and
their meanings relate to the individual using Bliss. The indication of the
symbols may be made by hand, fingers, eye contact, pointers or electronic
aids. Sometimes the symbol might be quite different to the actual word’s
meaning; for example, the symbol might be of a cat but the word that is
Word boards
Electronic word boards or keyboards are a further development of the Bliss
concept. The signs pressed can spell out the required words onto a screen, or
may be attached to some form of voice synthesizing unit. A speaking unit
enables the person’s chosen signs to be voiced. There are many different
ways that these can be operated: with a hand, finger, pointer and attachment.
With the fast moving development of technology new ideas are emerging
that may further enhance the effectiveness of electronic communication.
Widget is a licensed computer software program that provides a method of
working with symbols. It enables words that are typed into the computer to
be reinforced with a picture above them. The program also has a speech
facility so that when words are typed they are heard through the computer
speakers. A written document can be read by the computer either as a
sentence, paragraph or in its entirety. The range of pictures available is fairly
extensive which enhances its use. The program appears to be used more
often in educational settings than in social or medical ones.
There are other methods of communicating that have not been mentioned
here that may suit different individuals and their circumstances. Exploration
of different formats can promote communication tailored to individual
Exploring the environment where communication takes place can pro-
vide insight into how it may impact upon an individual. For example, a per-
son may be able to sign but others within the environment may be unable to.
Thus the non-signing environment inhibits the individual’s communication
style. The use of assisted and augmented communication is dependent upon
the environment and a working example to reinforce this is given in case
study one.
We will now go on to explore support facilities that can enhance
There are various support facilities that can be found either within the
expertise of a person or in a developmental programme aimed at increasing
communication opportunities.
The use of interpreters can be beneficial in promoting and opening
communication channels. In a multicultural society we may work with
people whose first language is not English and it is important to effectively
communicate. This may be achieved through the use of an interpreter.
Interpretation services extend to people who use different forms of
communication. This can include specialist signers in BSL, Makaton,
deaf-blind signing, or in reality most of the communication methods already
There are particular issues that can cause dilemmas whilst using inter-
preters, so their use should be carefully considered (Freed 1988). An inter-
preter is useful as a channel for communication between two parties.
Confidentiality, neutrality and providing accurate interpretation of the tone
of the interaction and of the information being discussed are all critical as-
pects of good interpretation. The person being supported may be put in the
situation of having to share personal information with the interpreter as well
as the worker or supporter involved and this could affect the conversations.
An interpreter may have a personal view of the information being given;
however, a trained interpreter would be aware of this and remain neutral in
accurately relaying information. The use of an independent interpreter can
obviously have an advantage over using family members or people from the
person’s community. The independence provides objectivity, autonomy and
confidentiality. Consideration of cultural expectations is important as these
can have an impact and influence upon the work being undertaken (Ahmed
Speech therapy
A speech therapist is an expert in assessment and diagnosis, treatment and
support of communication and aspects of feeding. A formal assessment and
observation are combined to identify the nature of the support that is
required. These might include aspects such as:
A physiotherapist works towards optimizing the physical function of an
individual. This is achieved by facilitating and developing fine motor and
sensory performance and co-ordination. The physiotherapist can assess and
analyse movement and work with physical aspects such as neuromuscular,
muscoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms. If someone is
supported in developing or improving his or her fine motor control,
breathing, or eye to hand co-ordination this can then assist communication.
Physiotherapy intervention can include the treatment of acute clinical
conditions such as respiratory problems and orthopaedic injuries. Through
motor and sensory stimulation a person’s mobility, positioning, balance and
co-ordination may all be improved. Physiotherapists also undertake group
work to stimulate social awareness and interaction. Many of the above
activities could be seen as having little to do with communication; however,
all could be relevant to its enhancement.
Occupational therapy
The role of the occupational therapist, as that of the physiotherapist, may not
be immediately apparent when considering communication. The occu-
group interaction. The methods and way the sessions are used can be
adapted to the needs of individuals and can be used with people of different
abilities. The aim of these therapies is to develop physical and mental re-
sponses, promoting confidence and communication. By their very nature
these therapies are not dependent upon the ability of individuals to verbalize
their feelings. Self-expression through different methods is an important
way of promoting inclusion. As with many services the cost and availability
may vary depending upon the locality. A wider exploration of the support
and resources available may be necessary.
Listening is another aspect of interpersonal skills, a key part of commu-
nication. Finding different ways to enable effective communication is
obviously important, but holds little value if the information being ex-
changed is not heard. Listening skills require both a cognitive and social
dimension. The cognitive part is about the listener understanding what is
being said. This understanding must include the overall context of the
conversation and the specific relevant details. The listener being able to
understand these details is not the only or final issue. The listening ability
needs to include clarifying the information received with the person
concerned, and making certain that it has been fully understood. The social
skills aspect focuses on enabling the person being supported to commu-
nicate and, if required, discuss relevant issues. This needs to be done in such a
way that all the relevant information is shared and that important parts are
not ignored. McLeod (1993) suggests that cognitive and social skills can be
combined to inform our understanding. This is about making connections
between what you see, what you hear and what you do when commu-
nicating. This may include such aspects as:
• empathy
• body language
• facial expression
• body posture
• appropriate encouragement and reassurance to the person
providing the information
• accurate and clear listening
• hearing what is actually being said
• summarizing and checking the information
There are many different ways that communication can be undertaken and
understood. However, it is not only the methods that are important for its
success, it is also the skills of listening and working in a way that ensures
equality. The way information is processed, the evaluation of beliefs and
values and how a person listens and talks are key issues in using communi-
cation methods in practice. Information given should be listened to carefully
and checked that it has been heard correctly. Likewise information given
should be accessible and understandable to those involved. Combining a
thoughtful approach with relevant support should ensure equality and
inclusion. The awareness and use of other theories can also help in this
Communication has strong links to many other theoretical approaches.
Systems theory and the interaction of the systems a person functions within
will be affected by communication. If a person is unable to effectively com-
municate with or understand other people within a system then he or she is
likely to become marginalized or excluded (see Chapter 9). Some aspects of
behavioural work rely upon the interpretation of what a person
Application in practice
Identifying the communication difficulties experienced by Kim was im-
portant. The environment that Kim had moved into was not one that readily
used BSL; the impact on her was profound. The six week review enabled
joint discussion of how the situation could be improved. Kim’s base group
within the day centre was changed to one where the staff member had level
one BSL and was keen to undertake level two. Joint signing better enabled
Kim’s inclusion and encouraged issues of importance to her to be discussed.
Kim also joined a group facilitated by a staff member and speech therapist as
part of a multi-disciplinary approach. The group focused on the personal
interests of members and enhanced communication. The speech therapist
was also able to identify some individual speech work with Kim.
With Kim’s consent, her base group worker contacted both her previous
college and school to gain ideas of improving communication. It was evident
that in the wider systems of education and social services that similar meth-
ods were not being used. It was disabling to Kim to have come from a sign-
ing environment to one which was not predominantly signing and this
caused frustration. The lack of conformity between services needed to be ad-
dressed, to look at continuity for those moving from one service to another
and at removing barriers to communication.
Application in practice
Yasmin could not speak her unhappiness at no longer attending a favourite
respite unit or the loss of her friends there. She communicated her un-
happiness through her actions both at home and in the day centre. This was
recognized through careful work with her. The worker particularly spent
time in getting to know Yasmin, building a relationship and communicating
with her. He also took the time to talk to everyone else involved.
There are two concepts that we would like to look at as a conclusion to
communication: these are the dissemination of information and the way to
move communication forward.
Disseminating information
Some of the intricacies of communication and ways of enhancing it have
been highlighted. These can then be taken a step further. Organizations,
whether social, medical or educational, need to provide information about
their services. This needs to be quality information. There is no point writing
pages of service specification if it cannot be read and understood by the
people for whom it has been written. The information needs to be in
accessible formats. These may include video with signing, audio, large print,
picture and word and picture format. It needs to explain the function of the
agency or service and what can be provided. The information should not use
jargon or be written in a way that prevents it being understood. What we are
suggesting is that real meanings are not obscured by the latest vogue
terminology. Information should be presented in a clear format that avoids
the chance of misunderstanding.
Health and social care agencies need to develop effective channels to en-
hance communication. Collaboration and working towards a joint goal of
easily accessible information is important. The involvement of people with
learning disabilities in developing this process is of paramount importance.
They are the experts in understanding their communication needs. Commu-
nication and its importance in social care practice can be studied in more
depth through the work of, for example, Banks (1995), Coulshed and Orme
(1998), Nelsen (1980,1986), Payne (1997) and Trevithick (2000).
Key points
• Communication takes many different forms and is not solely
about verbal communication used by the majority of people
within society.
• Learning to communicate is part of developmental learning. If
the developmental process is restricted then communication may
be affected; however, this does not mean that a person is unable
to communicate.
• An awareness of the barriers that might restrict successful
communication is critical.
• Within the learning disabilities field there are many recognized
methods developed to enable communication; these include:
signing, picture format and computer programs.
• There are a variety of people trained to help others to increase
communication skills, and their specialist knowledge and
training can be invaluable.
• Listening is a critically important part of communicating; if what
is said by a person is not actively listened to, then the
communication taking place holds little value.
• There are a variety of specific theories that can provide insight
and help inform this area of study.
• Working closely with a person, by getting to know the
individual and how he or she communicates, is a key factor to
Advocacy, Empowerment,
Participation and Choice
In this chapter we will initially introduce and then explore the concept of
advocacy, highlighting the various ways that it can be used. The link
between advocacy and empowerment will be made and consideration will
be given to how both can be used as practical methods of helping and
supporting someone with learning disabilities. These methods may include
empowering the person, supporting participation and providing the oppor-
tunity to make informed choices – thus enabling more control of his or her
life. The ultimate aim of the approach is to make sure that the voices of
people with learning disabilities are really heard and not just acknowledged
as a tokenistic gesture.
The development and practical application of advocacy and empower-
ment will be considered and the barriers that are often faced explored. The
links as to how advocacy and empowerment can play an important part in
many theoretical approaches will be made. Two case studies showing advo-
cacy and empowerment enabling participation and choice will reinforce the
use in practice.
One definition of advocacy is: ‘the representation of service users’ interests
in order to improve their situation’ (Thomas and Pierson 1996, p.11). It is
important to note that the representation can come from many different
perspectives. Before exploring the different forms that representation can
take, we wish to consider the development of advocacy. There is a difference
between ‘independent advocacy’ and of people advocating within the remit
and guidelines of their jobs and working to their codes of practice. Payne
(1997) suggests that ‘advocacy’ has particular links in its origin to the legal
profession. Solicitors and lawyers take on the role of being an advocate for
the clients that they are representing. Payne also identifies the advocacy role
as intrinsic to some professional codes. ‘For example, UK professional codes
enjoin nurses to undertake advocacy in the sense of raising problems in the
resourcing or management of services which might lead to detriment to
their patients’ (Payne 1997, p.267). In these examples the power can be seen
as very one-sided and mainly held by the person with the skills and abilities
to deal with the relevant information. A lawyer has the professional training
and has the knowledge to guide the client through the legal process. An
understanding of the law, court procedures and legal expectations all play a
part in that particular advocacy role. A nurse may personally see aspects of
care that are not meeting the patient’s needs. The concerns raised could then
be taken by the nurse to identify the need to management. In each example
the decision to represent the person predominantly lies with the
professional, although patients and carers may make their own
representations. This type of representation is being undertaken as part of
the person’s job and role and is not advocacy in the true context of
‘independent advocacy’ support.
In the 1980s much of the focus for advocacy was directed upon promot-
ing the ability and increasing the quality of care and life for people in the
fields of mental health and learning disabilities. There was an increase in
awareness of advocacy and its uses as it became more widespread. This was
linked to the changing views concerning long-term institutionalized care.
With the increase in understanding of human rights and society’s greater
awareness of hospital based institutional care, the style and remit of care pro-
vision was challenged. The proposed introduction of community care and
the move away from institutions reinforced the importance of people having
their views and wishes heard. The advocacy development work undertaken
in the field of mental health played a part in informing and supporting advo-
cacy in the field of learning disabilities. The difference between mental
health and learning disabilities must not be confused as they are, of course,
each very different.
In the UK the United Kingdom Advocacy Network (UKAN) was formed
by mental health service users as a way of supporting others with mental
health needs. One of the ways of achieving this was by providing advocacy
support. The Mental Health Task Force worked with and listened to people
who were using mental health services. The aim was to understand what
worked well for service users and what was less successful for them. This was
seen as a major step in being able to develop services that met the individual’s
The advocacy code was subsequently adopted by UKAN in 1994 and used
in their advocacy handbook (Conlan et al. 1994). The work undertaken by
UKAN and others played a key role in informing other areas of service
provision of the development of advocacy services. In summarizing the
variety of ideas and views of advocacy, it appears that the main focus is
representing the interests, needs and wishes of people who may be perceived
as powerless in society. Their interests, needs and wishes are represented to
those who hold power and who control how care, support and social
inclusion are structured in society. The development of advocacy in the
learning disabilities field can be studied in greater depth through the work
of Gray and Jackson (2001).
The definition given earlier by Thomas and Pierson (1996) suggests that
advocacy relates to the representation of people. This definition needs to be
expanded upon as representation can come from a variety of perspectives:
family, friends, partner, key worker, social worker, nurse, doctor – the list
could go on. Very importantly, the list should also include self-repre-
sentation; it is critical to acknowledge that self-advocacy is a realistic con-
cept for many people with learning disabilities. People can be empowered to
be able to speak up for themselves. With the many different people that can
take on the role of representation there is, of course, the risk of conflicts of
interest and of personal agendas. This will be discussed later in the chapter.
Empowerment is defined as: ‘…concerned with how people may gain
collective control over their lives, so as to achieve their interests as a group,
and a method by which social workers [and other care providers] seek to
enhance the power of people who lack it’ (Thomas and Pierson 1996,
p.134). Payne’s explanation also includes the issue of power and its part
within empowerment: ‘Empowerment seeks to help clients gain power of
decision and action over their own lives by reducing the effect of social or
personal blocks to exercising power and by transferring power from the
environment to clients’ (1997, p.266).
Empowerment has direct links with methods of working that aim to
achieve equality for minority or other oppressed groups. In the 1970s a radi-
cal social work approach was proposed as a method of challenging the op-
pression faced by some groups in society. With a greater awareness of the
needs and interests of minority groups then equality could be worked to-
wards. Empowerment as a theory provides a framework that supports an un-
derstanding of the discrimination, oppression and devaluation faced by
some minority groups. These groups could include people with learning dis-
abilities and people with issues of mental health.
Feminist and anti-racist perspectives can be used to explain the princi-
ples of empowerment in practice. An understanding of the issues of power –
who holds power and how it is used – is key to the success of empowerment.
Without first identifying where the power lies, the ability to enable others to
take power is bound to be unsuccessful. Without power people may not be
able to make their needs and wishes heard. The decisions about what to do,
when to do it and how to do it remain with others.
Without empowerment a person may remain helpless. Learned helpless-
ness was a process suggested by Seligman (1975), who carried out research
on how animals and humans learn. Further ideas about learned helplessness
have been developed by Barber (1986), who considered it in the context of
social care. Payne provides an explanation of how learned helplessness may
that they are not socially excluded and so that their needs and wishes are
heard. The support is provided predominantly in a voluntary capacity to
give independent, objective support. There are many voluntary advocacy
agencies that advertise for volunteers, carry out checks on potential advo-
cates, train them and supervise their supporting role.
A valued citizen who is unpaid and independent of human services so-
cial workers creates a relationship with a person who is at risk of social
exclusion and chooses one of several of many ways to understand, re-
spond to and represent that person’s interests as if they were the advo-
cate’s own. (O’Brien 1987b, p.3)
In the 1970s the approach was introduced in the UK and started to be used
more within the changing role of social care and support for people with
learning disabilities. The need for ‘professional’ advocacy services continued
to become more apparent (Croft and Beresford 1990). The term
‘professional’ was used in the context of an independent service that had
training, standards, a code of conduct and an operational framework. It did
not mean an employed professional such as a nurse or social worker, as these
would not be independent due to the nature of their work. The need for
advocacy to be underpinned by principles that genuinely value the person
and do not compromise the role are, of course, critical. There are many
different types of advocacy support that have developed from the initial idea
of citizen advocacy. Recognizing that clear principles guide quality
advocacy and empowerment is important. We will go on to examine some of
the various forms that advocacy support can take.
One to one advocacy (as citizen advocacy is now frequently referred to)
is often used with people who have limited verbal ability and are more reliant
on others to voice their views, needs and wishes. A longer term advocacy
partnership may be set up so that someone independent can get to know the
person requiring support. The time spent by the independent advocate with
the person being supported and with others who have influence in that per-
son’s life may highlight specific issues that need addressing. As the advocate,
it is hoped, gains a good working relationship and understanding of the per-
son’s needs, he or she is better able to put forward views developed from the
working knowledge. This enables the person’s voice to be heard, albeit
through a third party. The individual need for an advocate can be varied and
one to one support can occur in many situations. It may take place when
someone is moving from hospital care to another style of living, trying for
employment or lacks family support.
An advocate is someone who is independent of services and free from any
conflict of interest, someone not in the paid employment of statutory social
or health services. Often these are voluntary advocacy organizations or those
that are independent but receive joint funding from social and health care
services. The funding should not create conflict of interests as the organi-
zation’s voluntary state supports its independence.
An independent advocate allocated to work with a partner should be
able to offer impartial support. The first loyalty of the advocate should be to
his or her partner, not to a group, relatives, carers or the people who provide
services. However, a joint working strategy is not ignored and plays an im-
portant part in the secondary role of the advocate. The advocate should
check that the person really wants to receive advocacy support. If communi-
cation issues make consent difficult then the advocate would need to work
with the wider systems around the person as a way of reinforcing the appro-
priateness of the advocate’s role.
If the advocacy partnership begins and communication issues make ad-
vocacy difficult, the advocate may ask questions on behalf of the person and
make sure that the person’s rights are safeguarded. As the partnership devel-
ops the understanding of the advocate about what his or her partner wants
should become clearer. This then, it is hoped, leads to the partner being able
to gain more independence and their voice in stating their needs and wishes.
We suggest advocates should strive to enable their partners to:
• communicate what they want to say
• make decisions for themselves
• play an active role in their own lives
• have choices
• obtain their rights
• be able to express feelings and thoughts.
The purpose is to value the individual for the person he or she is, widen the
individual’s experience and promote participation and choice. Advocates
should support their partners to speak up and to do things for themselves
wherever possible. If this is not possible the advocate should ensure that his
or her partner agrees to the advocate speaking or acting on his or her behalf.
The key tasks of advocacy support are:
• to make sure a person is supported in speaking up
• to make certain the person’s voice is heard
• to make sure that the person knows his or her rights in order to
work towards gaining entitlements
• to remove barriers that restrict a person being able to move
forward in life
• to make sure that the person receives the services that he or she
Any of the above actions could be provided through the different styles that
advocacy support takes: self, group and one to one/citizen advocacy. Each
style can provide invaluable support in meeting people’s needs, helping them
gain control over their lives, in participating and making informed choices
on aspects of day to day living.
We will now look at some of the difficulties, potential barriers and
restrictions that can occur when using advocacy and empowerment in
practice. By doing so we hope to provide an understanding of how people
being supported can receive the maximum opportunity to participate, be
involved and take control of their lives.
Throughout this chapter we have talked about how advocacy can be used,
the importance of empowerment and the fundamental right of people with
learning disabilities to participation and choice. Advocacy and empower-
ment can have a direct involvement with many theories and approaches
discussed in this book. We will briefly explore how advocacy and empower-
ment can be considered in the context of three theories covered in other
If communication took place and a person was unable, for whatever
reason, to be involved in the discussion or in negotiating choice then disem-
powerment would occur. Finding the most appropriate and least restrictive
way of communicating with a person is a form of empowerment (Chapter 5).
Sometimes people are unable to communicate in the same way as the major-
ity and extra time and support may be required. Individuals may need some-
one to advocate for them and help their voices be heard or arrange
appropriate support networks to be set up. This type of involvement can
promote the right of participation and choice.
When using a task centred approach (Chapter 9), the need to empower
people so they are able to take a measure of control over the tasks they want
to undertake is critical. Task centred work focuses on participation and the
need for individuals to make choices about how they intend to approach a
situation. If individuals face difficulties in considering the tasks ahead then
an advocate or advocacy support may play a key part in helping them move
If a person is facing concerns or anxieties over his or her role (Chapter
9), then advocacy based support can sometimes be useful. For example, if a
person is facing conflict within the family setting concerning attending col-
lege, an independent person could work with the individual to help explore
how the situation could be moved forward. The advocacy role could help
empower a person to make choices.
We are not suggesting that advocacy is an infallible way of ensuring that
empowerment, participation and choice happen. We are, however, suggest-
ing that advocacy and empowerment can play an important part when con-
sidering ways of supporting people with learning disabilities in their day to
day lives.
We will now put advocacy, empowerment, participation and choice into
practice using two case studies. The case studies will demonstrate the use of
advocacy concerning a tenancy and one involving day to day care. Our aim
is to demonstrate the diversity of situations that advocacy can support.
Application in practice
By having a forum in the community advocacy group, Rita was able to voice
her concerns about her rights to tenancy and gained relevant information
which she then used in discussion with her sister. Participation in the group
enabled Rita to test out her ideas and gain support, knowledge and insight
from others. Rita was then herself able to raise the issue with Angela for
further discussion. Rita was able to make an informed choice about wishing
to take on a joint tenancy and with it the responsibilities it involved. Whilst
Angela had believed she was acting in Rita’s best interest she had actually
been denying her the opportunity to choose and participate. What Rita
demonstrated, using the support and empowerment of her group, was that
she had a voice, understood the responsibility of her choice and that she was
the best person to know what was right for herself.
Application in practice
Gerry represented Albert’s wishes and supported him to gain his rights.
Gerry questioned the institutionalized rules of the home and promoted
flexibility to meet Albert’s wishes. Gerry also advocated on Albert’s behalf,
pointing out that Albert’s behaviour had been the product of an inflexible
system and he thought this unfair.
The right to be able to take control and make informed decisions about day
to day living and other aspects that affect the life of a person should be
fundamental. Decisions can be small or large and cover mundane issues such
as what to eat or wear, through to life changing decisions about relationships
or style of living. These decisions are taken for granted by the majority of the
population but such choices are not always available to people with learning
disabilities. The barriers that restrict integration should always be chall-
enged, as anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory attitudes are critical in the
ongoing battle for inclusion and equality.
Thompson (1997) provides a powerful explanation of the use of em-
powerment to promote and achieve greater equality within society:
Perhaps the central concept in the development of anti-disablist prac-
tice is that of empowerment. Traditional approaches to disabilities [in the
context of this book, learning disabilities] continue to disempower peo-
ple…to deprive them of aspects of control over their own lives. They
are disenfranchised by marginalization, isolation and dehumanization
at a personal level through prejudice and misdirected pity; at a cultural
level through negative stereotypes and values; and at a structural level
through a society dominated by capitalist notions of ‘survival of the fit-
test’ and charity for those who are ‘handicapped’ from competing. Em-
powerment amounts to working alongside disabled people to help
overcome and challenge the oppression they experience. (Thompson
1997, p.130)
Thompson goes on to suggest that this is achievable through the use of
person centred work, by developing the confidence of the individual and
through the use of advocacy to help promote and reinforce the right to
inclusion and equality within society.
In this chapter we have discussed how advocacy and empowerment can
help to support and promote participation, choice and inclusion. The role of
advocacy and the different ways it can provide support has been high-
lighted. One important aspect to consider is that whilst a person is being
supported the supporter still holds the majority of power, due to the nature
of the relationship. We believe that self-advocacy and self-empowerment
are the ultimate goals as, when achieved, people have greater control over
their lives:
…advocacy and empowerment represent an ideology of treatment
which is radically different, or at least is experienced differently by cli-
ent and, perhaps, worker. However, power given by a worker leaves the
power with the worker. Clients must take power, and it is the role of so-
cial work to organise the institutional response which makes this possi-
ble and accepts it when it occurs. (Payne 1997, p.284)
Key points
• Advocacy can be used as a way of enabling people to speak up
for themselves. This can be achieved through spending time
getting to know people’s views, by supporting them to speak up
and by representing them.
• Advocacy support can take many different forms, e.g. citizen,
group, community, individual and crisis.
• Empowerment focuses on people taking control and being able
to make decisions about things that they want to do and factors
that affect their lives.
• Participation focuses on the rights of people to be fully involved
in their lives, both in decision making and doing. It is about not
being excluded from everyday issues or places due to level of
• Choice should be a fundamental right for everyone and not
restricted by society’s barriers and attitudes.
• Advocacy, empowerment, participation and choice are not
infallible. Legislation, society’s structures, attitudes, prejudices
and ignorance can all hinder the process of people with learning
disabilities being fully accepted.
• An ongoing commitment to enable people with learning
disabilities is fundamental to all aspects of care and support
Whilst this book predominantly explores the application of theory to
practice when working with people with learning disabilities, the theories
discussed are not always designed specifically for working with this client
group. In this chapter we are going to consider two universal human
experiences not always readily associated with people with learning dis-
abilities: sexuality, and loss and bereavement. Each individual’s sexuality is
an intrinsic and defining aspect of the person. Loss and bereavement are
faced by each person at some point in life. The way that sexuality and loss
and bereavement are understood and approached may vary greatly from
person to person. In this chapter we intend to highlight the importance of
supporting and enabling people with learning disabilities to be as fully
involved as possible with their own life experiences. We aim to highlight
how theoretical knowledge and understanding of the universal human
experiences of sexuality and loss and bereavement can be used in practice
settings through the use of case studies.
A person’s sexuality needs to be recognized and accepted as an integral part
of the complex characteristics of human existence. However, within the
learning disabilities field this does not always appear to be the case.
Literature can be found that provides information about sexuality and
learning disabilities, but this often seems to focus on disability and sexuality
from the perspective of it being a problem. We will endeavour to explore this
perspective and also look at other implications for practice when working
with people with learning disabilities.
We will start to explore the links between sexuality and gender and the
influence of historic and current social pressures. We will look at the rights of
people to their own sexuality, sexual relationships and sexual health. We will
also examine some of the restrictions, safety structures and aspects of protec-
tion created by policies and legislation. By doing this we aim to enhance un-
derstanding of some of the complexities in working with issues of sexuality.
You couldn’t mix with the men. You could go to a dance but you’d have
men on one side, women the other. You could dance with them, but
they had to go back, men one side, women the other side. Even in the
dance hall there were two loads of staff in the middle. (Cooper in
Atkinson, Jackson and Walmsley 1997, p.25)
This level of control and segregation is still remembered by many people
today. This includes care and support workers and the people with learning
disabilities who were placed in the hospitals and institutional settings.
Goffman looked at how the institutionalized way of life can continue when
staff and patients move on from that environment (1961). The changing
policies and legislation over the following decades and the introduction of
Community Care have led to the closure of many of the large institutional
The move from institutional care to community based care has not been
unproblematic. The issues of segregation, control and restrictions are still ap-
parent in some areas of care; residential units catering for men or women
only are an example of this. At times it may be argued that these are in the
best interest and safety of the people being supported. However, this can still
restrict and impinge upon the rights of individuals. This oppression has been
highlighted and challenged by the development of advocacy services (see
Chapter 6). Many advocacy groups have argued against and highlighted the
restrictions placed by the ‘establishment’ (Bateman 2000). This type of ad-
vocacy work has increased the awareness of the marginalization still faced
by people with learning disabilities. It has also raised awareness of the con-
trol that can still be exerted through the medical, social and political com-
plexities of care provision. This control continues to play a part in the issues
surrounding sexuality.
Sexuality can be explained in various ways, such as: ‘Sexuality is not a simple
or uniform phenomenon: it embraces many aspects of human existence’
(Horrocks 1997, p.1). Gender, sexism and sexual discrimination can all be
seen as relevant to sexuality as well as the right to have sexual feelings and
sexual relationships. We will briefly explore gender, sexism and sexual
discrimination and then go on to look at sexual feelings and relationships in
more depth. Through this exploration we hope to provide some initial
thoughts around the subject and aid consideration of some of the complex
issues around sexuality.
such as staff training and rights and responsibilities, are addressed by, for
example, McCarthy and Thompson (1997, 2001).
When considering sexuality and sexual rights another aspect that re-
quires attention is
that under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 it is an offence for a man to
have sexual intercourse with a woman knowing her to be ‘of arrested or
incomplete development of mind, which includes severe mental impair-
ment of intelligence and social functioning’. Staff encouragement, or
merely allowing it to happen, could be deemed ‘aiding and abetting’
such an offence. Thus it may be crucial to determine the degree of sever-
ity of…[a woman’s] mental disability, though in practice this legisla-
tion, intended to protect from abuse or exploitation, runs counter to
developments in awareness of the sexual rights of people with learning
difficulties. It will still be important, however, to establish that…[a
woman’s] participation is voluntary and that…[she] is not being
abused… (Braye and Preston-Shoot 1997, p.134)
With such legislation in mind, consent is clearly an important issue. The
Human Rights Act 1998 may affect individual cases concerning sexuality
and consent; time and case law will provide further insight.
None of the questions or issues raised above are particularly easy to an-
swer. They do, however, highlight the importance of empowerment, of get-
ting to know the person involved with well and the need to believe in the
rights of people with learning disabilities. If any of the above issues raise
concerns, a multi-disciplinary approach may be taken in a decision making
process. Ultimately the issue of consent may have to be decided by the court.
These are important aspects in the protection of vulnerable adults.
Joint working, for example, with the community nursing teams can be
beneficial. Access to sex education, and sexual health and safety awareness
training, through Health Action or local colleges may also prove helpful. In-
dependent advocacy support could be used to enable the person’s views to
be put forward. As a support worker or carer, an awareness of legislation and
agency policies is essential to ensure work remains within the legal bound-
aries of a role. Some agencies provide specific guidelines on how to give sup-
port in relation to issues of sexuality.
A person wanting or having a same sex relationship should, in theory,
have the right to be supported. However, it is critical to be aware of and work
within the legal framework that encompasses this aspect of care provision.
Same sex relationships may impact upon how care and support is provided.
For example, two men wishing to have a sexual relationship may be treated
Sexual relationships that are illegal or abusive must be dealt with in the
appropriate manner. If at any time there is concern that there is an abusive sit-
uation it is critical that the line manager be informed immediately and appro-
priate action taken. Many agencies and organizations have policies that
cover adult abuse and sexual abuse. Consultation of the relevant policies can
provide guidance. An understanding of abuse and possible signs that abuse is
taking place is a critical tool to have as a care and support worker, whether
providing educational, social or medical care. Low self-esteem, depression,
difficulties in developing and maintaining relationships, emotional disor-
ders, injury or self-injury can all be an indication of abuse (Corby 1993;
Finkelhor 1990; Trevithick 1993). Any concerns that abuse may have taken
place, or be taking place, must be addressed immediately and the person be
supported appropriately. A client centred approach involving empathy, con-
gruence and unconditional positive regard (see Chapter 8) can often em-
power the person in working through issues of abuse. Time, patience and
sensitivity are required in helping a person who has been abused work
through the emotional issues (Copley and Forryan 1997; Corby 1993;
Doyle 1997).
It is important to consider that abuse can be sexual, physical, emotional
and financial and can occur at any age. Many other texts have been written
that consider abuse and suggest methods of intervention. Child abuse issues
can be studied through the work of, for example, Corby (1993) and Doyle
(1997). Abuse against people with learning disabilities has been researched
and guidance can be found in the work of, for example, Brown and Craft
(1989) and C. Williams (1995). Elder abuse has been studied by, for exam-
ple, Action on Elder Abuse (1995), Bennett and Kingston (1993) and
Bennett, Kingston and Penhale (1997). Having an understanding and
awareness of aspects of abuse can promote supportive intervention to pre-
vent its continuance. The importance of such supportive intervention for the
individuals involved should not be underestimated.
We will place some of the aspects discussed in this section into a working
context through two case studies.
were confused about some issues. Barbara was also particularly worried
about getting pregnant and wished to know more about contraception.
Whilst able to give some advice and information, the residential staff
asked Stefan and Barbara if they would consider a referral to the community
nurse who had specialist training and knowledge. With their agreement they
were also referred to their local advocacy unit for further support. Barbara’s
parents were not happy with the relationship; they were concerned that
Barbara might be being pressurized into a sexual relationship. They dis-
cussed this with the residential staff.
Application in practice
For the staff involved one of the main issues in supporting Barbara and
Stefan was that of ensuring they were both making an informed choice
about their relationship. Issues were discussed with them separately on
several occasions to identify their individual understanding, perspectives
and wishes. Stefan was able to readily communicate his thoughts, concerns
and questions, but for Barbara this was less straightforward due to her
spoken communication. The staff had to establish that Barbara was con-
senting and that there was no abuse taking place. They took the time to
establish what she wanted and discussed options of representation or an
independent advocate to work with her.
The referral of the couple to the community nurse for advice enabled
Stefan and Barbara to look at their relationship in more depth. They were
able to think about and discuss many aspects of it. The referral to the advo-
cacy service was another way of ensuring both Barbara and Stefan were able
to individually explore their needs concerning sexuality, make informed
choices and alleviate further any risk of abuse. With Barbara’s permission the
residential staff also worked with Barbara’s parents to support them in un-
derstanding her rights to a sexual relationship. The staff were able to explain
that the purpose of having an individual advocate was about ensuring in-
formed choice for Barbara and a further safeguard for her.
A key issue to be considered is the aspect of confidentiality. Most of us
are able to enjoy privacy concerning personal and sexual relationships.
Barbara and Stefan not only needed to discuss theirs with residential staff
but also with the community nurse and their advocates. It may be embarrass-
ing enough to share such information with one person let alone three or
more who may become involved, however positive the reasons. It is also
worthy of note the power and influence that parents and carers may still have
when their adult children are in residential or other forms of care. We recog-
nize it is very important to listen carefully to parents’ and carers’ views and
Application in practice
Alistair had a problem with Monique and Freda’s wishes. He was not able to
acknowledge their lesbian relationship as this was in conflict with his
religious and personal beliefs. His advice was based upon his personal values
and not on the promotion of his clients’ rights to self-determination. Alistair
was disadvantaging Monique and Freda through his advice to them.
Although Alistair supported them in seeing a housing officer, they had
not realized his advice had disadvantaged them. The women did not initially
get the best advice due to Alistair’s bias around homosexuality and lesbian-
ism. That Monique and Freda sought help from the group home manager
brought these issues to her attention. Taking into consideration Alistair’s re-
ligious beliefs, the manager was then able to give Alistair appropriate super-
vision and look at suitable training for him on aspects of work with sexuality.
Supporting individuals within the learning disabilities field on issues of
sexuality can be difficult, but should not be avoided. It is important to know
where to access information to improve the support given. The perceived
balance may be a fine one between supporting a happy sexual relationship
and being involved in an abusive situation. Joint working and inter-agency
support are crucial. Working closely with the people being supported,
actively listening to what they say and acknowledging their rights and
responsibilities will help the situation. As previously discussed, it is im-
portant to be aware of the policies and procedures of the organization.
Above all, consideration needs to be given to the right of people with
learning disabilities to have fulfilling relationships.
Key points
• Sexuality is an integral part of the complex characteristics of
human existence.
• Sexuality and gender roles are both affected by historic and
present day social expectations.
• People with a learning disability should be entitled to their
sexuality, sexual relationships and sexual health as are other
people in society.
• Legislation provides a safety structure to protect vulnerable
people against abuse and inappropriate sexual activity.
• Legislation can restrict some people, in particular male
homosexuals, to their right to have a same sex relationship and
to receive support and guidance equal to that available to
heterosexual couples.
• Informed choice is critical within all relationships.
• Any concerns of possible abusive situations must be dealt with
immediately in an appropriate manner. This may be effected
through the guidance of managers, policies and procedures of an
agency, legislation or by police involvement.
• Joint working and inter-agency support can play a crucial role in
enabling a person to achieve his or her right to sexuality and
safe, respectful sexual relationships.
have discovered liberation in learning new skills that they had not pre-
viously had the opportunity to learn.
In some cases people with learning disabilities who are bereaved may
have to adjust to another person taking on some roles of the deceased. Ad-
justment needs to take place in a variety of situations, not only following a
death: when the main care provider has left home, when a long-term key
worker changes job, or a residential home is shut down.
Bereaved individuals may have in some way felt themselves partly de-
fined through the person’s role or status in life and will need time to adjust to
no longer being defined in such a way. ‘Not only do the bereaved have to ad-
just to the loss of roles previously played by the deceased, but death also con-
fronts them with the challenge of adjusting to their own sense of self ’
(Worden 1991, p.15).
In redefining self and through acquiring skills comes the discovery of
new strengths and abilities. In time an ability to manage the roles previously
fulfilled by the deceased is learnt, or a new person fulfilling that role is ad-
justed to.
Task IV: To emotionally relocate the deceased and move on with life
Having reached the place and time to move forward in life, bereaved
individuals have spent time and energy in acceptance, mourning, adjusting,
learning, acquiring skills and growing in new ways. This part of the journey
is where bereaved people are able to identify a place inside themselves where
memories of the deceased or person lost are held. The person who has gone
is not forgotten; they remain loved or remembered, yet there is room to move
Exploring these tasks highlights the necessity of a flexible approach when
providing support or care following a loss. There is no set time for mourning.
A consensus appears to be that the process will take about two years,
sometimes less, sometimes more. Each person’s experience of loss is diff-
erent. The period of mourning will depend upon the strength and nature of
the attachment and how long it takes to work through. Recovery does not
mean having to forget – it is about acceptance, adaptation and moving on.
When supporting people with learning disabilities through a bereavement
there are various aspects to consider. Our suggestions are based on the
bereavement process outlined above and on personal experience. This is, of
course, not a definitive approach. Each person must be seen as individual and
supported in a way that is appropriate to his or her need.
If the loss relates to death there is not a right way of providing support;
this applies to most situations of loss and bereavement. The following mate-
rial explores ways of working after a death; however, the principles could be
transferred and used in many situations of loss.
It may be useful to have time to consider how to break the news, the
words to be used and where this will take place. When breaking the news it is
important to use clear and accessible language. It is best to use language that
has no other meaning; words such as ‘died’ and ‘dead’. If using sign lan-
guage it is just as important to ensure there is no confusion of what is being
said. In using such phrases as ‘gone to sleep’, ‘gone on a journey’ or ‘passed
away’ mixed messages can be given. Such phrases may only serve to confuse
people who have been bereaved in leading them to believe that the deceased
will wake up from that sleep or return from the journey. Clear language best
supports the person with a learning disability to accept the reality of the loss.
The person needs to be given time to take in what has been said. The be-
reaved person may wish for a time of quietness or to ask questions and may
not take in the answers all at once. If the situation is of a death, the person
may ask to see the body and seek support to do so. Sensitive listening plays
an important role. Some people gain comfort from expression of religious
beliefs and may ask about heaven or other belief. It may be useful to clarify
what that means to the individual and to support him or her to explore the
issue. It is important to give time and undivided attention to the bereaved
The importance of the genuineness of the supporter or worker – the
respect demonstrated and the kindness shown – should not be under-
estimated. Although support workers do not know how bereaved individ-
uals feel, they can demonstrate empathy for their situation and feelings. This
can be strengthened further by not making assumptions, by active listening
and by ensuring adequate time is given to the person. In looking at the role
we take, Spall and Callis say:
Perhaps the most important thing that can be said…is that there are no
right words to say. There is nothing that anyone can say that will make
it right or make it better. Often just being there with the bereaved is
more valuable than anything we might say. What is said is often forgot-
ten anyway, but the sense of ‘presence’ may be treasured for a long time.
A touch of hand or an expression of care can often be more powerful
than a whole host of words. (Spall and Callis 1997, p.78)
Following a loss people may suffer disruption to their usual patterns. There
can be disrupted sleep with symptoms such as disturbing dreams and night-
mares, and also fear of going to sleep. Eating patterns may change and loss of
appetite frequently occurs. Loss of concentration, confusion and feelings of
anxiety can occur. Individuals may become restless and this may take
different forms; some people pace up and down whilst others may take to
walking long distances. Repetition and wishing to go over an event or
explanations are common behaviour in the process of working through
There can be increased physical ill health with a wide variety of symp-
toms such as stomach upsets and asthma. Whilst symptoms are a common
occurrence, they should be noted and checked. People may well need extra
support in taking care of themselves and steps may need to be taken to pre-
vent self-neglect. In recognizing these factors we can support individuals
through the process and can be reassuring.
loving again as an aspect of their new life. Chronic grief occurs where peo-
ple are unable to adapt to life without the deceased, lost person or way of life
and see no future for themselves. Some lives may be preoccupied by memo-
ries and by missing the person with an intensity of feeling.
Usually with support the people can work through their bereavement.
Sometimes individuals may become stuck in the process and it may be possi-
ble to help by suggesting tasks or by supporting visits to a particular person
or place. On some occasions more specialist help such as grief counselling
may be required, to enable the person to work through their thoughts and
Aspects of loss and bereavement will now be placed into a working context
through the use of two case studies.
Application in practice
It transpired that Joe’s father had died about two months previously. His
family had thought it best if he did not attend the funeral as they did not
want him upset and were adamant about this. Searching is a part of the early
process of grief and it would seem that Joe had been literally searching for
his father. He had become lost, upset and confused and ended up sitting
downcast on a stranger’s lawn.
Joe had been excluded not only from the funeral arrangements, but also
from the funeral itself. His family had believed this to be in his best interest.
Taking this course of action left Joe bereft of participating in the process of
saying goodbye and in the funeral proceedings. He had not been part of the
group of mourners of both family and friends and by his exclusion had be-
come further confused.
Following this event Joe’s key worker, Annie, helped alleviate the imme-
diate situation by further talking through with Joe what happens when
someone dies. She used some illustrated books borrowed from the commu-
nity nurse to help explain to Joe in more detail about death and loss. She left
them with him to look at and to ask any further questions when they next
Annie also supported Joe by encouraging his family to talk to him about
his father and their happy memories as well as their sadness at his death. Joe’s
brother was asked to support Joe to put a memory book together, and
through this they were also able to share their grief and further explore their
loss. Annie also took Joe to visit his father’s grave and to lay his chosen
wreath upon it.
Joe had a right to grieve, to say goodbye and mourn his loss, and this was
the beginning of the process of accepting the reality of the loss. It may have
been a less confusing process for Joe if he had been able to fully participate in
the funeral and its arrangements from the beginning of the bereavement. By
discussing issues, asking questions, visiting the grave and with support from
his brother, Joe was able to begin his grief work. He started to work through
the process of bereavement and begin his personal journey of grief.
sometimes weepy and quiet over the following months, showed no signs of
undue distress. She seemed to adapt well to living on her own and any help
she sought was on a practical level.
During a routine visit from her social worker about six months after her
mother’s move to residential care, Charmaine started shouting and blaming
the hospital for her mother being ‘taken away’. She also blamed the social
worker for allowing this to happen and her sister Mandy for living away and
not doing anything about it. She was angry at being left to live alone at home
and angry about not being able to care for her mother.
Application in practice
An explanation for Charmaine’s anger can be found within the context of
bereavement theory. She was still in the process of both working through her
feelings of loss and of adjusting to her loss. She missed her mother terribly
and had not been able to express this fully to anyone. She had put her
mother’s needs first and not expressed her own needs.
Charmaine, although consulted about her mother’s move to residential
care, felt powerless in the situation. She also lacked her mother’s constant
companionship. She wanted her mother to be well cared for, but did not
want someone else to care for her as well as she could.
Charmaine was able to relieve her pent-up feelings by expression of this
anger, although she did not do this as a conscious measure. She was then able
to express her feelings of loss of control of her situation and to explore her
needs more fully. She was someone who needed kindness, understanding
and support to work through her bereavement and to safely work through
her feelings of anger, which she herself found quite frightening.
Loss and bereavement are complex issues requiring thoughtful support. This
is highlighted by Schwartz-Borden:
Along with the need for focus comes the need for balance. The be-
reaved must achieve some balance that allows them to experience their
pain, sense of loss, loneliness, fear, anger, guilt, and sadness; to let in
their anguish and let out their expression of such anguish; to know and
feel in the very core of their souls what has happened to them; and yet to
do all this in doses, so they will not be overwhelmed by such feelings.
(Schwartz-Borden 1986 in Worden 1991, p. 47)
Key points
• Loss and bereavement are not only about death, they may also
encompass loss of health or way of life, change of work or
residential setting and through the loss of familiar people.
• Each bereavement is different; however, there is a process that
most people will experience.
• People with a learning disability suffer loss and grief with the
same range of emotions and reactions as the population as a
whole and their needs should be fully considered.
• People with learning disabilities have the right to grieve, mourn,
receive support and be given time to recover.
• Support should be provided in a way that is appropriate to the
person’s individual needs.
• There are a number of theories that can be used to help
understand the process of loss and mourning.
• Respect and consideration is needed for different cultural and
religious processes of mourning.
In this chapter we will start by looking at values and ethics that inform and
underpin care and support work and go on to consider two contrasting ways
of working, a person centred approach and a behavioural approach. Some
underpinning ideas of a person centred approach will be explored and in
contrast some behavioural approaches will be looked at. In exploring
behavioural approaches, consideration will be given to what is meant by
behaviour, how behaviour is learnt, and some of the different ways that the
approach can be used. Aspects of power difference and potential issues of
control will be highlighted. Our aim is threefold: first, to highlight the
importance of practising using a sound value and ethical base; second, to
briefly explore aspects of person centred and behavioural approaches; and
third, to reinforce the need to consider the implications of working in
specific ways.
Values and ethics, person centred work and behavioural approaches will
all be placed into a practice context using case studies.
ethics within care and support work will be explored. Two case studies will
be used to highlight issues discussed in this section.
One definition of values is given as ‘a belief that something is good and
desirable. It defines what is important, worthwhile and worth striving for’
(Thomas and Pierson 1996, p.390). This appears a sound explanation of
what values should be about; however, are values really as easy and
straightforward when put into practice? Banks (1995) highlights some of
the difficulties that are associated with the concept of values.
‘Values’ is one of those words that tends to be used rather vaguely and
has a number of different meanings. In everyday usage, ‘values’ is often
used to refer to one or all of religious, moral, political or ideological
principles, beliefs or attitudes. In the context of social work, however, it
seems frequently to mean: a set of fundamental moral/ethical principles
to which social workers are/should be committed. (Banks 1995, p.4)
Values are intricately involved in the role of care and support. Activities
undertaken in care and support are influenced by the views of people in
society and expectations of how care should be provided. The values of the
society we live in influence our thinking, our actions and, to an extent, policy
and legislation.
Another aspect to consider is that each of us will have our own beliefs,
views and values. These beliefs, views and values will come from a variety of
perspectives and be influenced by each individual’s experience. Our race,
cultural background, family history, perceived position and gender all play a
part in how we view the world and each situation. There is a need to be aware
of our personal value bases and to think how we might influence others. The
influence we exert may be deliberate or inadvertent.
If we allow our personal value base to impinge upon someone we work
with or support this may be both oppressive and discriminatory. Thomp-
son’s (1996) PCS Analysis considers the aspect of personal beliefs as central
and the easiest to challenge. These personal beliefs are surrounded by cul-
tural views and all are encompassed by society’s views. He suggests that the
place to start is by challenging our own personal views, then, when individ-
uals have developed a sound personal value base, to move on to challenge
cultural and societal views.
In principle, this appears a straightforward process, but how is a sound
value base identified? In discussion of social work values, Banks outlines and
• identify and question their own values, and their implications for
• respect and value uniqueness and diversity, and recognize and
build on strengths
• promote people’s rights to choice, privacy, confidentiality and
protection, while recognizing and addressing the complexities of
competing rights and demands
• assist people to increase control of and improve the quality of their
lives, while recognizing that control of behaviour will be required
at times in order to protect children and adults from harm
• identify, analyse and take action to counter discrimination, racism,
disadvantage, inequality and injustice, using strategies appropriate
to role and context
• practise in a manner that does not stigmatize or disadvantage
either individuals, groups or communities.
(CCETSW 1998, p.7)
One definition of an ethical code is:
…a body of guiding principles for professional organisations to set the
standard for good practice in relation to service delivery, client and pro-
fessional relationships, and relationships between the professional and
other occupational groups. (Thomas and Pierson 1996, p.140)
Ethics and values are intertwined and one informs the other. The British
Association of Social Workers (BASW) has produced a code of ethics for
social workers and this can provide a basis for consideration for anyone
associated with the care and support of people with learning disabilities. The
code suggests a framework for practice. This is a useful tool to enable us to
think about our practice. The code of ethics links closely to the value base
outlined earlier. The ethical guidelines suggested are:
• To value and treat each person with dignity.
• The need to encourage the self-realization of each individual
person with due regard to the interests of others.
• To relieve and prevent hardship and suffering.
• The need for individual practitioners to develop and improve their
Application in practice
Alice finally decided that she must care for Owen at home and thus Damon
would need to move. Her decision was made in the recognition of her own
mortality and the wish to see Damon settled with appropriate care and
support for the long-term future, which at that point was not an option in the
family home. Damon was very upset and thought this unfair and that his
wishes had not been properly considered. His social worker spent time
discussing this with him and trying to help him find positive aspects of his
other choices for the future.
In valuing choice, then ultimately whose choice should be respected? It
was impossible to promote each person’s right to choice equally within the
family situation. In order to improve Alice’s quality of life, Damon’s quality
of life had to change, not necessarily for better or worse, but change, never-
theless. However, each person was consulted, respected and treated as a
unique individual.
Application in practice
In reality, if Sebena wanted to stay within distance for her family to visit
regularly then she had no other real choice of home that could meet her
needs. If she chose to move further away then there were other possibilities;
these would also depend upon the available finances to fund the change.
What the worker could do was to investigate the concerns expressed by
Sebena and her family and to deal with these appropriately. She was also able
to alert Sebena and her family to their right to complain and to discuss their
concerns with the county’s inspection and registration department.
It is important to question the values and ethics that are used to underpin day
to day practice. By doing this we work towards evaluating how practice is
provided and measure the standard of delivery. Whilst working within the
framework of values and ethics the person being supported must remain the
central focus.
Clark suggests eight rules for good practice. We would like to conclude
this section with these and suggest they be used as an underpinning frame-
work when considering values and ethics:
• be respectful
• be honest and truthful
• use a sound knowledge base and relevant theory based skills
• be careful and diligent when working
• be effective, helpful and supportive
• practise in a legitimate and authorized way
• be collaborative and accountable
• be reputable and creditable.
(Adapted from Clark 2000)
It is useful to consider each of these rules and reflect upon how they link
with our own value base. This may lead to an enhanced awareness of values
and ethics and their role in the development of practice.
Key points
• Values and ethics should be an intrinsic part of care and support
• A sound and recognized value and ethical base is critical for
providing quality care.
• The CCETSW provides a value base that is still used in the
training of social workers. It provides clear insight and structure.
• Our own beliefs or views could impact upon a sound value base.
Recognizing and testing our individual values against a
recognized framework enables validation of working practice.
• There will be a variety of external pressures that may challenge
and impinge upon values. Reflection using a recognized value
base and ethical framework can help in the validation of care
and support work and promote anti-discriminatory and
anti-oppressive practice.
Conditions of worth
A person learns that to be regarded positively it may be necessary to behave
in a certain way. If particular behaviour invokes a critical response then the
person usually learns that this behaviour needs adjusting or adapting in
order to gain approval. Conditions of worth are imposed through inter-
actions with parents or carers. If a child is told by the parent or carer that it is
bad to show anger then a condition of worth has been imposed. To be loved
and approved of, the child learns to live up to the conditions of worth
imposed by adjusting, not showing the anger felt, or by denial of the
feelings of anger.
From such interactions a self-concept and sense of worth is developed.
Distress is caused by a tension between the real self and the self-concept. In
extreme cases where many conditions of worth are imposed, the person may
try to live up to them by denying his or her own thoughts and feelings and
this can then be extremely limiting to the individual.
A person-centred practitioner understands distress and disturbance in
terms of conflict between the real self, usually referred to in per-
son-centred theory as the organismic self, and the self-concept. The lat-
ter is the constructed, internalized, sense of self and the denials and
adjustments the individual makes to gain the approval and positive re-
gard that are essential for emotional well being. (Mabey and Sorenson
1995, p.25)
A person may decide to express his or her own thoughts or feelings and, by
doing so, risk disapproval or ultimately rejection from the very person from
whom approval was originally sought. In dealing with such distress and
conflicts, the individual may seek the support of a counsellor to work
through these feelings and conflicts. In person centred counselling it is one
of the core conditions of the counselling relationship that unconditional
positive regard is given to the client. The importance of unconditional
positive regard is explored later in the section.
Locus of evaluation
Those who have experienced positive regard and approbation in their
relationships will develop an ‘internal locus of evaluation’. There is a
personal strength and confidence to judge the individual’s own behaviour
and place it in the world. The person is able to say, ‘This is what I want, this is
right for me.’
On the other hand, those people who have had many conditions of
worth imposed upon them will rely on others for endorsement and be less
able to trust in their own judgement. They will rely upon an ‘external locus
of evaluation’.
Congruence is also known or described as genuineness, authenticity or
realness. When congruent with someone we do not hide behind a role, title,
profession or position of expertise. There is no discrepancy between words,
actions and emotions; responses given match what is felt inside. There is an
openness and equality in the relationship and a build up of trust. The
recognition that the supporter or worker is fallible enhances the congruent
relationship. Congruence does not involve inappropriate self-disclosure or
offloading by the worker or supporter on to the person being supported.
Empathy requires more than sympathy and having similar feelings, it
involves sensing the person’s world. In describing empathetic understanding
Rogers said: ‘To sense the client’s private world as if it were your own, but
without ever losing the “as if ” quality – this is empathy…’ (1961, p.284).
The person’s world is adopted and there is experience of what it is like to be
that person in his or her world. However, whilst doing this the ‘as if ’ quality
is respected and an awareness of the separateness from the person is
maintained. Empathy requires the use of emotional engagement in under-
standing the person’s world; it does not mean having all the person’s
feelings. The person will instinctively know when there is empathy; there is
an equal feeling, a common human bond.
In looking at a social work value base and the use of empathy, Thompson
…this is a very skilful activity, as it involves having a degree of control
over our own feelings whilst remaining open and sensitive to the other
person’s feelings. If we do not manage to achieve the former (a degree
of control over our own feelings), then we run the risk of becoming
emotionally involved at too deep a level, and also of exhausting our-
selves through emotional overload. (Thompson 2000, p.114)
Empathy is an important aspect of work with people with learning
disabilities. However able the person or however complex his or her needs,
the use of empathy is fundamental to the working relationship and the
understanding of the person.
A code of practice can be found through the work of the Michigan De-
partment of Community Health. This mental health code can be used to in-
form practice within the learning disabilities field:
A. Each individual has strengths, and the ability to express preferences
and to make choices.
B. The individual’s choices and preferences shall always be considered
if not always granted.
C. Professionally trained staff will play a role in the planning and
delivery of treatment and may play a role in the planning and
delivery of supports. Their involvement occurs if the individual has
expressed or demonstrated a need that could be met by professional
D. Treatment and supports identified through the process shall be
provided in environments that promote maximum independence,
community connections and quality of life.
E. A person’s cultural background shall be recognized and valued in the
decision making process.
(Michigan Department of Community Health 1996, p.2)
The above code reinforces the importance of the person being at the centre
of the process. There are other explanations of person centred planning;
each provides a similar focus of the person being central in deciding,
planning and arranging the required care and support.
Essential lifestyles planning begins with the premise that for each
individual there will be a set of ‘non-negotiables’: key features of any
service that must be in place for the service to work. The list of
non-negotiables is developed in partnership with the individual and his
or her family or supporters and is then used as a basis for specifying the
service that will be needed. The process also looks for features that
would be ‘highly desirable’ (elements of the service that ought to be in
place, but which at a pinch, the person could manage without) and
‘desirable’ (features which the person would like, but are less critical).
(Simons 2000, p.55)
The process of person centred planning has been described as providing a
‘circle of care’, with the person being supported as central and the supporters
and facilitators surrounding the individual. All people involved work
together in a joint, multi-agency approach to meet the needs of the person.
This process draws together a diversity of service providers to ensure that the
• life now
• things that are liked
• things that are disliked
• things important to the individual
• dreams
• hopes
• wishes
• support needed
• goals
• action plan.
(Adapted from personal planning material from:
South and East Belfast Health and Social Services;
Hackney Social Services; Newham Community NHS Trust)
It will be difficult to assess the success of person centred planning until the
approach develops further. The process will run alongside care management
and it should become clearer how the two would work together as time
progresses. The principles of person centred planning are positive, making
people with learning disabilities central and in control of their care.
Timescales, levels of commitment, and services, resources and funding
available will all affect the implementation and success of the approach. This
concept may begin to bring a greater level of equality within society to a
group of people who largely remain marginalized.
A person centred approach and person centred planning are an important
part of the way care and support work is undertaken; however, as with many
approaches, difficulties may be faced. We now intend to highlight some of
the potential difficulties that may be found in practice.
An awareness of the restrictions and obstacles that stand in the way of using a
person centred approach will offer support in the challenging of such
barriers. Rogers’ idea of ‘personal power’ may help in this challenge. Rogers
suggested the use of ‘personal power’ in community work as a way of
enabling the person to challenge organizations and achieve political change.
Each person holds ‘personal power’ and the individual can be enabled to use
this to achieve change in the surrounding structures (Rogers 1977).
The development of trusting relationships is a key to success in many sit-
uations. However, consideration needs to be given to the risk of dependency
within working relationships. This could be dependency on either side,
dependency by those being supported or by those providing support.
Working relationships should be developed in a way that enables, but
minimizes a dependency risk. Joint working with others within a team,
through other agencies or support networks, may be a way of achieving this.
The core conditions of congruence, unconditional positive regard and em-
pathy should be striven towards in day to day practice as a way of achieving
respect for each person.
We will illustrate the use of a person centred approach in practice using two
case studies.
Application in practice
By respecting Jim and his wish to do something different away from both
other residents and staff, Dean and Jim were able to look constructively at
the idea of the holiday. In seeing the person and not the potential impedi-
ments, Dean was able to help Jim think about various aspects of the holiday
such as travel, catering, managing money and mobility. They were then able
to look at ways in which Jim could be supported.
Jim recognized there were risks involved in going on holiday without
staff. Dean respected Jim’s ability to make such a decision and take account-
ability for it. Dean had to work with several staff members who were con-
cerned about Jim’s holiday plans and about his right to try something new,
providing the risks were assessed. The team were then able to look at the re-
strictions and barriers placed in Jim’s way and at how he could be enabled to
fulfil his wish.
Application in practice
In using unconditional positive regard in her work with Kevin and Eddie,
and by respecting them as individuals, Amina enabled them to put forward
their viewpoints and discuss their feelings. Amina was aware of the power
accorded by her position. She did not accuse or judge, she actively listened
to what both individuals said. Whilst not approving of some of the
behaviour involved, Amina was able to separate this from the individuals.
Through relationships built on trust and respect, both Kevin and Eddie were
able to talk about what had happened and discuss their part in it. In this
work, Amina was being congruent; her feelings matched her responses. She
acknowledged her feelings of unhappiness at some of the behaviour and her
appreciation of the individuals’ wish to sort it out appropriately.
We believe that person centred work and its underpinning values are
fundamental to the care and support role and are central when working with
people with learning disabilities. By ensuring respect for the person and
working in a non-judgemental and accepting way, we have the basis for a
trusting relationship. By being congruent, giving unconditional positive
regard and being empathetic, we hope to create an environment where the
person feels safe and is able to develop. The use of person centred planning is
a positive way of working with people with learning disabilities to identify
their aspirations, wishes and goals. The process enables people to be central
in making decisions about the care and support needed to achieve the
identified goals. A person centred approach can be used in conjunction with
many other theories; in particular, respect for persons is fundamental to
anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice.
Key points
• A person centred approach is often associated with counselling.
• The ideas and terminology used are relevant in the learning
disabilities field.
• Respecting the person is the key to person centred work.
• The approach moves away from a directive method of working
to a non-directive one.
• The person being supported is seen as central, with a focus on
seeing and hearing the individual.
• The approach is underpinned by three core conditions:
congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy.
• Person centred planning is underpinned by the concepts of a
person centred approach.
• A person centred approach is not infallible; issues of power,
funding and legislative control may all challenge its
underpinning principles.
Behavioural approaches provide some understanding of the various ways
that behaviour can be learnt and how it can be changed, modified or
adapted. Behavioural approaches provide methods of working that can be
used to increase behaviours that are considered desirable and decrease or
eliminate those considered undesirable. In some situations, a behavioural
method of working can be useful and supportive, in others controlling and
possibly manipulative. Potential aspects of oppression or discrimination
through the use of behavioural approaches are highlighted in this section.
The power the worker holds requires careful consideration, as does the need
to work openly and in partnership with the individual concerned.
Some behavioural approaches and aspects of their use will be explored
to provide an understanding of the use and power of behavioural theory. The
theory will be put into practice using two case studies.
Respondent learning
Respondent learning is also sometimes referred to as ‘classical’ or Pavlovian
conditioning (Pavlov 1927). This type of behavioural approach is pre-
dominantly used when change in a person’s behaviour is required, speci-
fically in behaviour over which a person has little conscious control, such as
reflexes, anxiety and anger. Respondent learning uses a variety of methods
including conditioning and counter-conditioning.
For children, the control of bed wetting can be effected through the pro-
cess of respondent learning. A buzzer is connected to moisture pads in the
bed and the buzzer is activated when the child urinates. The sound of the
buzzer wakes the child and alerts him or her to the need to use the toilet.
Gradually the child becomes conditioned so that when the bladder is felt to
be full then he or she wakes up prior to the buzzer sounding. In this situa-
tion, the controlling of what a child can learn is both acceptable and helpful.
Operant conditioning
Operant conditioning is sometimes referred to as ‘instrumental’ or
Skinnerian conditioning. Skinner (1938) is the psychologist credited with
the development of theories using the approach. Unlike respondent learning
that focuses on involuntary behaviour, operant conditioning is concerned
with bringing about change in voluntary behaviour. This is achieved by
manipulating the factors that lead up to the behaviour (called the ‘ante-
cedents’) and those that follow the behaviour (the ‘consequences’). This is
often referred to as the ‘ABC’ of behaviour. The theory suggests that a person
learns to do, or refrain from doing, something by experiencing the con-
sequences of the behaviour in certain identifiable situations. An increase in
the frequency of the desired behaviour can be achieved by rewarding it,
referred to as reinforcing, and the behaviour can be decreased by ‘punishing’
or ‘extinguishing’ it. Different types of ‘reinforcement’ and ‘punishment’ are
used in the process:
• ‘Positive reinforcement’ is used where desired behaviour is
increased by positively rewarding it. A reward or reinforcement,
such as a trip out, is offered following work towards achieving a
desired outcome.
• ‘Negative reinforcement’ is used to reinforce desired behaviour by
stopping something unpleasant happening; thus, for example,
‘children may keep quiet if only to avoid the pain of being shouted
at’ (Coulshed and Orme 1998, p.157).
• ‘Punishment’ is used where undesirable behaviour is decreased by
punishing it. An example of this could be a person being asked to
leave a communal area when undesirable behaviour is manifest
there. Undesirable behaviour may also be decreased by stopping
Social learning
Social learning is used to help people modify their behaviour by modelling
how to react to and learn from behaviour presented (Hudson and
MacDonald 1986). For example, this approach is sometimes used when
people move from institutional to community living. For a person to live
within and be part of the community there are certain roles and expectations
involved. To an extent, these can be learnt through a social learning process.
Behaviour can be learnt by observing the behaviour of others (Bandura
1977). The tendency to learn from others is increased if:
• the person modelling the behaviour has high standing with us
• the person modelling the behaviour is moderately similar to us
• the person sees their behaviour being reinforced by others as
• the person has a chance to practise the behaviour soon after seeing
it modelled
• positive behaviour is reinforced.
This can be achieved if the worker supporting the person:
• defines the desired behaviour clearly and ensures that attention to
detail is given
• gives or arranges a demonstration
• encourages the person to copy and practise the behaviour
• gives feedback and reinforcement
• provides further support in the process if required.
(Developed from the concept of modelling:
Hudson and MacDonald 1986)
Cognitive therapy
Cognitive therapy works on the premise that thinking, feeling and
behaviour are interconnected. In this work, unhealthy emotional responses
are seen as originating in the way people perceive, interpret, and are
influenced by the world. The approach aims to help the person see more
clearly, to interpret more accurately and to deal with issues rationally. This is
achieved through exploring and changing the way a person thinks. Thus,
cognitive therapies are interventions aimed at alleviating emotional distress
or dysfunction due to thinking errors based on beliefs and assumptions. If
the thoughts, perceptions and interpretations causing the emotional distress
are dealt with, then the emotional response will cease to cause problems. The
client and therapist form a collaborative relationship and between them
formulate what the problem is. Unhelpful thinking is examined and
questioned and a range of techniques is used to work towards the identified
goals. Various texts can be found that explore this area in more depth.
Material looking at conditions such as anxiety, neurosis and depression was
drawn together by Ellis (1962), while the separation between mind and
behaviour has been explored by Sheldon (1995). The links between
emotional disorders and cognitive therapy were studied by Beck (1989).
Scott and Dryden (1996) provide a classification of four cognitive thera-
pies that can be used: coping skills; problem solving; cognitive restructuring;
and structural. Thomas and Pierson describe cognitive therapy as ‘a form of
therapy that aims to change the way people think about themselves and their
environment’ (1996, p.76). Research has shown that cognitive approaches
are valid (Sheldon 1995). They can be used when dealing with emotional
problems such as depression, anxiety and anger control. However, the suc-
cess of cognitive approaches in the learning disabilities field is not so well
documented. It could be questioned whether they are suited for use with all
people with learning disabilities, as the process of thought may be impaired
to an extent which could prohibit success. Expert opinion, careful planning
and joint working would therefore be critical when considering the appro-
priateness of cognitive behavioural therapies within the learning disabilities
Additionally, the techniques may be used with adults and children with
learning disabilities for skills acquisition and issues of challenging
behaviour. Consistent and accurate use of the approaches is required for
their success. These techniques are often used in specialist settings; these
include hospital and residential units, child and adult mental health centres
and establishments for children and adults with behavioural problems.
Some uses of and reservations about behavioural work have been ex-
plored above. The process is essentially about changing the behaviour of the
person. The approach is used to bring about changes in the person’s behav-
iour and we suggest it is important that these changes are wanted by the indi-
vidual. Payne reinforces some concerns:
There are also objections on ethical grounds, since the worker manipu-
lates behaviour rather than it being under the control of the client.
When using a behavioural approach the power difference could be used
inappropriately in the control of an individual. This could lead to be-
haviourist techniques imposing workers’ wishes on unwilling clients, in
pursuit of social or political policies which could, at the extreme, be
used for authoritarian political control. (Payne 1997, p.123)
The person should be aware when a behavioural approach is being used and
should give permission for its use. Watson (1980) in Payne suggests:
The only ethical position, which maintains clients’ rights to self-
determination, is to use the technique only where the client’s own
purpose is to free themselves from behaviour; for example, where it is
compulsive, and clients cannot, but wish to, control themselves. (Payne
1997, p.123)
We acknowledge that this may not be viable in all situations. However, it
cannot be ignored that power imbalances will exist between the person and
the worker.
As highlighted above, there are many different approaches to behaviour
therapy and ways of changing an individual’s behaviour. Behavioural
approaches contrast with the humanistic, person centred approach explored
in the previous section, which works with emotions and feelings. However,
person centred attributes such as respect, warmth and empathy should be
inherent to behavioural approaches. To illustrate some of the contrasts in-
volved we now draw some brief comparisons between one behavioural ap-
proach, cognitive therapy, and a person centred approach.
This brief outline of some of the contrasts between the two approaches
begins to highlight some of the aspects of choice, power and control
involved in them. Similar comparisons could be made with other behav-
ioural approaches. The differences identified will need careful consideration
when any work is undertaken. Working approaches can be informed and
underpinned through careful use of a sound value and ethical base, as
discussed at the beginning of this chapter. We will now go on to consider the
use of behavioural approaches in two case studies.
Maisie worked mainly with two support workers, Mary and Sally, who
themselves also lived in the local community. She liked both women and had
a good rapport with them. Maisie prioritized what she needed to learn and
how to achieve this. As part of this plan, Maisie wished to access a leisure
centre and was supported in doing so. On several occasions, Maisie accom-
panied either Mary or Sally to the centre and watched how they used the fa-
cilities, then followed their example. Through this Maisie quite quickly
gained the confidence to go and use the facilities on her own.
During her time in the training flat, Maisie was also supported in making
choices about her new lifestyle, including her daily occupation, where to
shop, how to pay her rent and how to spend her leisure time.
Application in practice
As part of her preparation to move into supported community living, Maisie
worked with Mary and Sally. There was a plan made, discussion beforehand
and encouragement for Maisie to learn and participate. Part of the social
learning undertaken by Maisie was through Mary and Sally’s modelling of
behaviour. This was reinforced by their good working relationship with
Maisie and the fact that they too lived in the local community. Maisie’s
learning was also strengthened by being able to practise the behaviour
modelled. Mary and Sally reinforced the social learning process through
praise and encouragement.
However, Vikram’s presence was triggering Samuel’s agitation and this had
to be resolved.
Application in practice
Having communicated with Samuel and systematically observed what led up
to his agitation, the situation became clearer to the staff. They noted that
Wednesdays were Samuel’s nights to cook, which he enjoyed. There were no
problems on the Wednesdays that Vikram was absent. When Vikram came
for tea, Samuel did not want him in the kitchen as he enjoyed the staff
member’s individual attention whilst preparing the meal. When he became
agitated, he again received individual attention from the staff member. In
terms of operant conditioning, the antecedent to Samuel’s behaviour was the
presence of Vikram. The consequence of his agitation was receiving the staff
member’s undivided attention.
Once this was clear, the staff were then able to work with Samuel on this
issue. They recognized it was Samuel’s home and reminded him he and the
other residents had been asked if Vikram could come for tea. Samuel knew
Vikram liked to see him and the other residents as they could sign to him. Af-
ter discussion, Samuel and the staff agreed that, as usual, they would spend
time individually with Samuel whilst preparing tea and Vikram could arrive
later in time to eat. The staff then used the positive reinforcement of a game
of cards after tea to reward Samuel if he did not become agitated by Vikram’s
presence. The staff explained their intentions to Vikram, saying they wished
to find out what was upsetting him. They treated him with respect, warmth
and genuine understanding whilst using a behavioural approach which fos-
tered engagement and enabled rapport.
In some situations, the behavioural approach is beneficial: ‘Behavioural and
cognitive approaches are clearly valid and widely applicable forms of
treatment whose effectiveness is supported by research’ (Payne 1997,
p.135). However, behavioural work uses a very structured approach and
sometimes this may not sit well with the empowering and more client-led
approaches often associated with social care. Whatever the intervention
used, the worker holds an element of power. With behavioural approaches,
the power of the worker or therapist is both visible and evident. Some
nurses, social workers and care workers may struggle with the idea of the use
of some behavioural techniques as they seem contrary to their value base or
code of ethics. To change a person’s behaviour and responses to given
situations may sit less easily than exploring the feelings and emotions
involved and working through them. Thus, the contrast between person
centred and behavioural approaches becomes important and the power and
control elements require careful thought. However, not to intervene may be
a decision in itself, and this too holds power. Sheldon is potent in his
assertion concerning this in relation to behavioural work:
In which case, given that lots of things are already happening, not inter-
vening is an influential decision just as much as intervening is. The deci-
sion not to intervene, or excessive procrastination about the issues
raised by intervention, means that the behaviour of the individuals con-
cerned is governed by forces which the therapist has decided not to try
to control; not to replace with other, hopefully more benign influences;
and which he has not taught the client how better to control himself.
Sometimes it is right, or judicious, or necessary to stay out of a case, but
this should be recognized as to some extent an abandonment of the cli-
ent to other controls, and not as a simple decision not to seek control.
There are no vacuums in social life and some influence or other will pre-
vail. Therapeutic ‘sins of commission’ must therefore be weighed care-
fully against equally damning ‘sins of omission’. (Sheldon 1982, p.224)
Whilst some of the dilemmas concerning power and control are not unique
to behavioural work, the nature of the techniques and their effectiveness in
bringing about change call for those involved to apply high ethical
standards in their work.
Key points
• Behavioural approaches have been developed from
psychological perspectives.
• Behaviour can be learnt and also unlearnt.
• There are various theories that help explain how the learning of
behaviour is undertaken.
• There are theories that explain how behaviour can be changed
by using structured theoretical approaches.
• In certain situations behavioural approaches work well.
• The person deciding to change behaviour holds much power.
• Careful consideration should be given to the reasons behaviour
changes are required.
• If a person’s behaviour is being changed to fit the individual
into social norms, the appropriateness of the norms must first be
carefully considered.
• The concern that a person’s behaviour could be changed
without them realizing should not be overlooked.
• Although a person centred approach appears to contrast with
behavioural approaches, many aspects of behavioural work
should be underpinned by the same principles of a person
centred approach.
Whether a social worker, nurse, support worker or a person who provides
care for people with learning disabilities, the support afforded is part of an
ongoing process. The work may take place in a residential, day care, hospital,
work or home setting. Whatever the role or setting, different methods of
working are often used without consideration of the theory that underpins
those methods. It would seem illogical to go about each day thinking, ‘What
theory shall I use now?’ However, by having a working knowledge of
theories and an understanding of their use in practice, support and care work
can be enhanced.
There are many different theories that can be used to inform and under-
pin social and health care work. In this chapter we will explore four of the
practical theories and methods that are often used in day to day work:
• systems theory
• task centred theory
• role theory
• crisis intervention.
Each theory/method may be used on its own or combined with others to
inform practice. We will explore this further by briefly introducing the four
theories/methods and then go on to present a practice based case scenario.
This case scenario will set the context of how practical theories and methods
can be used together to inform day to day practice. Following the case
scenario each theory/method will be explored in more depth to aid
understanding and provide insight into their use.
A person may have family, friends, work colleagues, attend social clubs
or day services – people and places that are important to the individual.
These people and places are all part of the systems that surround each of us
during our lives. If an individual’s systems are identified this may help to
place the person in the overall context of his or her environment. This en-
ables a more holistic view of the person whilst retaining the individual as the
key focus. Later in this chapter we will consider the principles of systems
theory and its application in practice.
If difficulties or problems are faced then methods of solving these prob-
lems are sought. Sometimes it appears easier to sort out the difficulties peo-
ple face for them rather than with them. A task centred approach is a method
of working where responsibilities are jointly negotiated and manageable
tasks are taken on by the person being supported and the supporter.
Through this process of shared responsibility the person is enabled to take
control of the situation. This approach would not work in every case but an
understanding of its principles would inform a decision for its use.
How individuals act in different situations will depend upon their role
and the roles of others at that particular time. A person may behave in one
way when with friends and in a very different way at work, as a family mem-
ber or whilst out shopping. Other people’s roles may affect how an individ-
ual acts. Role theory provides an interesting explanation of the different
roles and consequent conflicts that may occur in day to day life.
It is often said that a crisis has occurred, but how is it decided that a per-
son is in crisis? Is it really the person, or is it the staff or service that is in cri-
sis? Insight and practical guidance can be gained by exploring the principles
and use of crisis intervention theory.
The following case scenario will highlight aspects of the above four
theories with the aim of drawing them together to demonstrate their
practical use.
Monday, Chris received a telephone call saying that Charlie had not arrived
at the coffee shop and the staff were worried about him.
Chris tried to telephone Charlie but there was no response. Chris tele-
phoned Charlie’s family and other people known to Charlie including staff
at the day centre, college, local shop and at the doctor’s surgery. All of these
were part of the ‘systems’ surrounding Charlie – his family, workplace,
friends and those in community services. An awareness of these systems en-
abled Chris to network with others to try to locate Charlie.
Some time later, Chris received a call from the local resource centre say-
ing that Charlie had just arrived there and was asking for Chris. Chris went
to pick up Charlie and they started to talk through the situation. Charlie was
unhappy at the coffee shop as he was only ever allowed to wash up and
wanted to do other jobs. He also said he was unhappy with some of his
groups at the day centre. Chris worked with Charlie to identify ways that the
situation could be dealt with: talk to the coffee shop manager about doing
other work, talk with the key worker at the day centre, look at other options
for day care. Chris enabled Charlie to identify what was most important to
him and then make a list of things to do. Charlie agreed to do some tasks and
Chris others; a ‘task centred approach’ was being used.
Chris thought about Charlie’s ‘role’ at the coffee shop and how Charlie
saw himself. Chris also considered how Charlie might be viewed by others
at the coffee shop as the ‘washer up’. Charlie wanted more than this, he
wanted to be thought of differently. Role theory provided a way of thinking
about the role expectations of Charlie and the other staff and how these
could begin to be addressed.
Chris considered Charlie’s support systems, looked at his role in the cof-
fee shop and with him jointly agreed tasks to work towards, thus averting a
potential situation of crisis. On this occasion, a proactive approach avoided a
crisis. If this had not been possible and Charlie had been in a crisis situation,
then crisis intervention theory would have provided insight and guidance.
We will now go on to explore each of the theories/methods highlighted in
the scenario in more depth in the following four sections.
In this section we will consider the use of systems theory. This will include
general and ecological systems theory – both sociologically based theories.
A system can be described as a set of objects, thoughts or feelings that are
interdependent and integrated, so that together they function as a single
unit. The word ‘system’ is frequently used in everyday life; for example, a
computer system. A computer system requires a keyboard, monitor, power
unit and printer to be a complete system. Each part on its own is an
individual component and these components can only produce something
meaningful when they work in relationship with each other. Each unit
cannot function as a computer system on its own. This generalized expla-
nation of a system can be transferred to examine further the systems that
surround each of us.
In life we are all surrounded by systems that affect us in one way or an-
other. These systems may include areas such as work, family and friends.
Each one is, to an extent, related to the others; if one area (or system)
changes, the other areas may be affected. The impact of changing systems
can be explored. For example, the loss of a friend through bereavement may
affect a person’s work, social life or relationships. Systems change, however,
and as the individual becomes used to the loss over time adaptation usually
takes place. This will be explored further later in the chapter.
The systems approach that is used in social work has close links to the
general systems theory (von Bertalanffy 1971). This approach considered
that all organisms are part of systems, each being composed of micro-
systems and sub-systems, and in turn each part belonging to a super-system.
The human body can be likened to a super-system; it has need of a heart,
lungs, brain, kidneys and liver as major sub-systems. It also has a circulation
system comprising of fluids and cells, which form part of the micro-systems.
Each part is individual but reliant on the other parts to function as a human
The theory of sub-systems and super-systems can be transferred and
used when considering social systems. Not only do individuals have their
own biological system but are also part of social systems. A person’s social
system may comprise friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and groups. It
also comprises the other aspects of a person’s place within society such as
local, community, work and social settings.
In the late 19th century some social surveys were carried out. Joseph
Rowntree looked at the influence of aspects of society and, in particular, the
impact of poverty (Rowntree 1901). These studies started to highlight that
people were affected by the systems that surrounded their day to day life and
were also part of a wider systems structure. A person may be living in poverty
and this may be caused by various factors such as the lack of family income
or the size of the family. This may affect the person’s housing situation and
the health of those within the home. In turn, the health factors may affect
working capabilities; the implications are immense. Change in one system
can have impact on the other systems. Consideration of the systems that
operate around a person enables the person to be seen as a ‘whole’ (Hanson
1995).Thus this does not ignore parts of a person’s life that may be critical
and influential. The person is considered as part of, and within, the
surrounding systems.
We will now look at a different aspect of the systems approach. Consider
that each system is individual; it has a boundary surrounding its physical and
mental energy. This energy may be exchanged with other systems and when
this happens these are called ‘open systems’. If a system cannot exchange
energy with others then it is a ‘closed system’ (Siporin 1980). This can be
considered further by looking at the work of Greif and Lynch. They provide
a set of concepts that offer an explanation of how systems work: ‘Input,
throughput, output, feedback loops, entropy’ (Greif and Lynch 1983). The
input is the energy being fed into a system. Whilst researching this book, the
information we read was our input; this affected how we understood the
theories that we have written about. The information we found was
and Pierson 1996, p.125). This predominantly focuses on the ‘adaptive and
reciprocal relationship’ (Thomas and Pierson 1996) that individuals achieve
in relation to their environment during their lifetime. It also considers how
the person may affect the environment in which they live. The life model
sees people as constantly adapting within the many aspects of their environ-
ment (Germain and Gitterman 1980). It looks at the connection between a
person’s problems, needs and goals and the relationship to social, economic
and physical environments. Tools that can be used to help identify these re-
lationships are ecomaps and genograms.
Ecomaps and genograms are visual methods of focusing on the network
of family and support in a person’s life. They provide visual diagrams of the
person’s systems network (Gilgun 1994). This enables a better under-
standing of social networks in relationship to environments. Ecomaps can be
used to identify and visually describe a person’s social situation. Genograms
can be used to identify and visually describe a person’s family tree.
Genograms are particularly useful in life story work (Thomas and Pierson
1996, p.159). These visual aids are completed in partnership with the
person being supported, who is the central figure. They can show those who
are closest to the person and those farthest away. These methods can be used
to identify and reinforce existing support networks and resources and high-
light those missing.
To place this in context, let us consider someone with a learning and
physical disability who wants to move from a residential unit into independ-
ent living. There are various systems that may play a part in the person’s
resettlement. These may include informal systems such as family, neighbours
and friends. An ecological approach could also be used to identify the social
systems that surround the person, such as educational facilities, and health
and social support services. This approach may also highlight aspects of
social exclusion, by identifying absent support structures. This would pro-
vide valuable insight when considering the appropriateness of the move, the
support needs and care package that would be required. The balance
between resource-led provision and needs-led support could be considered
in the overall context of the person’s life.
It is crucial that workers and supporters of people with learning
disabilities ensure that it is the systems regarded by individuals as of impor-
tance that are fully considered. The influence of our own judgement and the
perceptions of family or friends, concerning systems that are important to
the individual, require careful reflection to ensure the individual’s needs and
wishes are properly taken into account. This may take time to achieve but
When considering and dealing with situations or problems that arise from
environmental pressures, intervention can be made through:
• mediating: helping the client and the system meet and deal with
each other in rational and reciprocal ways
• advocating: pressurizing other agencies or individuals to intervene,
including taking up social action
• organizing: such as putting the client in contact with or creating
new social networks.
(Adapted from Payne 1997, p.149)
The more a support worker understands the various systems involved, the
greater the information gained to inform the situation. There is a need to
consider how to work, who is included or excluded, cultural expectations,
experience and communication patterns.
Other theories may also inform practice when using a systems approach;
for example, role theory. If a person’s role is identified within a specific
system, it may provide a clearer understanding of that person and his or her
actions. The use of more than one theory to explore a situation can enhance
understanding and the provision of care and support.
The following case studies illustrate the use of systems theory in
Application in practice
From drawing the ecomap and from their discussions, Walter was able to get
a picture of the systems important to Margaret. This was used to help them
consider and plan the future move. As part of her informal systems, Margaret
wanted to be able to see her father with ease (and he too wanted this). She
also expressed a wish to be near her close friend Shelley, whom she had
known from school days and whom she met up with at least weekly.
Margaret also wanted to carry on singing in the choir.
As part of her formal systems, Margaret wanted to continue her work in
the cafe. Her links to societal systems were made when she and her father
contacted social services for information and advice and followed this up by
working with the community support team. They also linked in with the
health care Margaret received from the local health trust.
The support team worked with Margaret over several months to facili-
tate her move and maintain contact with those she considered important to
her. They enabled her to find accommodation with an appropriate level of
support and encouraged this positive move. They also taught Margaret some
skills that would promote her independence, such as basic budgeting. The
team mediated in such ways as finding a supportive female GP with whom
she could register. They organized to ensure that when she moved Margaret
had familiarized herself with her new locality, that she knew the local shops
and cafes, social centre and library. They advocated on Margaret’s behalf
with the benefits agency. Without considering the systems that surrounded
Margaret, many of these important aspects could have been overlooked or
the hostel with whom she chose to spend most time. Three of the other peo-
ple Colette lived with had issues of mental ill health additional to their learn-
ing disabilities. Sometimes, when their mental health deteriorated, this
would have an impact upon her. These residents needed more staff attention
and Colette and others therefore received less. It sometimes meant visits
from outside professionals, who came into the hostel to work with individu-
als. Over time, Colette found herself becoming more physically vulnerable
and isolated within the hostel and less able to get out.
Colette continued to attend the day centre, which she enjoyed. She was
able to meet up with friends from outside the hostel and attend groups of her
choosing. She also managed to get out into the community twice a week.
Colette had several outbursts at the day centre followed by bouts of crying,
unusual behaviour for her. Day service staff discussed this with Colette and
contacted hostel staff.
With all this in mind, Colette’s key worker, Narinda, discussed the issues
with her and they devised a plan to maintain Colette’s links to the local com-
munity. She enrolled in a tapestry night class at college that was accessible to
her as a wheelchair user and she used Dial-a-Ride transport. Colette was also
put in touch with, and later joined, her local PHAB (physically handicapped,
able bodied) club where she could socialize, and which provided voluntary
One of the things Colette most looked forward to was her summer holi-
day, and she saved for this from her personal allowance. Due to service pol-
icy, Colette had to fund her own holiday, including staffing costs. The
impact of her deteriorating physical health and increased wheelchair use
meant the rise of her holiday costs. Narinda understood Colette’s wish to
take a summer holiday and get away from it all. She accessed money to sup-
port the extra costs of Colette’s holiday from a national charity.
Importantly, they also discussed the impact of all this upon Colette and
started to explore her housing options. They looked at several, including a
specially adapted group home. In the short term, Colette said she preferred
to stay where she was as she was with close friends. She felt that some posi-
tive changes had been made, but decided to look at it again if circumstances
changed further. She only wanted to move if she and her two close friends
could be housed together.
Application in practice
For many years Colette’s home system had satisfied her needs adequately.
The hostel was an open system, exchanging ideas and energy with other
informal systems such as the carers and families and the neighbourhood. It
We have explored systems theory by looking at general and ecological
systems theory. Systems theory is a useful tool when looking at the overall
situation a person is in; however, it does not tell us which system is important
or needed and which is not. This can be explored further by working with
the person to understand who and what is important to them. The process
can be used to identify areas where support is required. The use of systems
theory combined with others, such as role theory, enables a joint exploration
with the person. The systems approach enables the person to remain the
central focus.
Key points
• Systems theory has developed from a number of different
perspectives; however, the common theme running through each
is that a structure is made up of many parts and each part plays a
role in the overall composition, system or arrangement.
• There are formal and informal systems, super-systems and
sub-systems, and macro- and micro-systems.
• Identifying the structure of systems surrounding a person or
organization can give insight into a variety of situations.
• Systems can work with each other or conflict. Being able to
identify different systems can aid consideration of how the
overall structure is operating.
• Systems that conflict can be challenged and change supported to
enable development.
• Although systems can be identified, the theory does not tell us
which systems are considered important or needed by a person.
The person being cared for and supported should be consulted
• Ecomaps and genograms are good tools to show systems in a
visual format and can be undertaken with the person.
• Systems theory can identify the important systems, or lack of
them, surrounding a person. Other theoretical perspectives can
then be used to inform ways of working to support a person or
given situation.
it. Negotiation takes place to decide what tasks need to be undertaken and
who is going to carry them out. Tasks can then be taken on individually
whilst working towards resolution of the whole problem or issue. Achieving
each task or small goal helps the person to build up self-esteem and
self-confidence. If a small goal is not achieved, the failure is nowhere near as
great as if the whole task were unsuccessful.
will end. We will now explore the use of a task centred approach in the
following two case studies.
Application in practice
Leroy’s overall aim was to take the new job, earn more money and meet some
new people. He discussed his situation with the social worker, Vanessa, and
together they identified what the problems and issues were. Leroy wanted
the new job but was concerned about how he would get there and the cost of
travel. He also raised concerns about his benefits possibly being affected.
They discussed the possibility of different forms of transport: train, bus,
taxi and bike. After some discussion, Leroy decided using his bike was not an
option due to the busy town centre route he would need to take. They then
set out the tasks that needed doing to find out other essential information.
Leroy lacked confidence in using the phone, so they agreed the tasks as fol-
lows. Leroy would go to the bus station, get a timetable and ask about bus
routes and fares. He would also go to the local taxi company and find out fare
Vanessa agreed to telephone the railway station about times and fares
and ask the benefits adviser how the salary offered would affect Leroy’s ben-
efits. They agreed to meet up in a couple of days to consider the options
again when they knew more facts about time and costs. They could also dis-
cuss any possible effects of earnings upon Leroy’s benefits. They had set a
time limit to the first set of tasks.
When they met up, both had achieved their set tasks and exchanged in-
formation. Consequently, Vanessa was able to advise Leroy that his benefits
would not be affected under the therapeutic earnings regulations, but could
be if he earned any more money. They also discussed transport and identified
the bus as being the best form of direct transport at a cost within Leroy’s
Leroy decided to take the job. They both agreed the next task was to en-
able Leroy to learn the bus route as soon as possible. The community support
team agreed to undertake this with him.
Application in practice
During further discussion of the issue, Alan had told Bal what he wanted was
a girlfriend. Bal explained to Alan that he obviously could not arrange for
him to meet a girlfriend. He could, however, arrange for someone to support
Alan in attending local clubs. Then Alan could see what they were like and
could meet new people. They looked in the local paper and library for
possible clubs of interest for Alan to attend. They identified two that were
potentially suitable within town. They agreed the next step was for Alan to
go and see if he enjoyed himself and, if he did, the following step would be
to look at how Alan could attend independently. Bal arranged support for
Alan to attend both clubs for one month and then to jointly review the
When this review took place it transpired that Alan had not enjoyed at-
tending the clubs and doing so had caused him further anxiety and depres-
sion. Bal tried to find out exactly why attending these clubs had been
unsuitable for Alan. Upon further discussion, Alan told Bal that he really
thought he was gay and he did not feel he fitted into the clubs he had
As Alan had not been open about thinking he was gay, the focus of the
task centred work had been inappropriate. This had worsened his anxiety
and compounded his depression. Bal had endeavoured to support Alan with
the inaccurate information he had been given. Thus, whilst the step of at-
tending the clubs had been achieved, it was not a success. Alan’s hidden
agenda had prevented the success of the task centred work.
Before any further work could take place Alan needed to restore his
equilibrium. He needed further advice and information and to be able to
discuss gay issues. He may have needed more specialist counselling to help
him resolve issues around his sexuality. Differently focused task centred
work to enhance Alan’s social life could only take place when these other as-
pects had been addressed.
The effective use of a task centred approach has been reinforced through
research studies (Reid and Hanrahan 1981). The emphasis underlying this
approach is on partnership with the person being supported. This partner-
ship should underpin all aspects of task centred practice (Marsh 1990).
However, it should not be forgotten that the approach provides a minimal
response to the severe social problems often found in society. These may
include inadequate resources, funding restrictions, poverty and social in-
equality. Other theories may be used to complement task centred work and
enhance understanding of the presenting situation in a more holistic way.
Key points
• A task centred approach can be used in many different care and
support environments.
• Work is undertaken jointly with the person rather than on or for
the individual.
• The emphasis is placed on the problem solving of issues that are
important to the person being supported. If the problems are
large they can often be broken down into smaller, more
manageable tasks.
• People are more likely to achieve goals they have set themselves.
• Throughout the work the focus remains on the person
concerned, the individual is central to the process and work is
undertaken to meet his or her needs.
• The task centred process needs to be structured, time focused
and reviewed regularly.
• The approach works on strengths not weaknesses and this
supports confidence building and personal development.
• Task centred work provides only a minimal response to severe
social problems such as lack of funding, poverty and social
inequality. Other theories may need to be used to underpin
practice challenging such issues.
What is meant by role and role theory? We will have our own interpretations
of what a role is and what it means. It may be seen as a part that an actor will
play, a specific action, or a function that is carried out by someone. It may be
the part we see ourselves fulfilling within our family, with friends, in work or
in society. All of these may be accurate and, when thought about, may
provide some level of explanation about how we think someone should act,
how we ourselves should act and, conversely, how we should not act.
A definition taken from a social work text that provides one explanation
of a role is: ‘Role. Expectations and obligations to behave in a particular way,
arising from a recognised social position or status’ (Thomas and Pierson
1996, p.331). This places into context that expectations and obligations
play a part in how a role is perceived. The point to consider is, who places
these expectations and obligations and why? With this in mind we will intro-
duce role theory.
be seen as his or her role within that society. Different expectations of how
people should act and what they should or should not do are maintained;
this reflects or impacts on their position within society’s structure. If this ap-
proach was considered in more depth it would show that roles are always in-
fluenced in the context of their relationship with the rest of society. The role
that we follow appears to create our identity in society and, along with this,
the way others react to us may reinforce our own idea of our identity. An ex-
ample of this is the title of Doctor. It may be a Doctor of Medicine or a Doc-
tor of Philosophy – very different roles; however, the title of Doctor
specifies a role and can convey a stereotypical identity.
In social psychology role refers to the kind of behaviour expected of a
given person in a given situation (Statt 1998). The idea of social interactions
is important; they occur within a context that can influence how we act. So-
cial interactions occur at all levels: a cultural level, environmental level,
through social groups, family and friends. Each can have great relevance to
how we act, what we say and what we do. To explain this further, a brief un-
derstanding of scripts may help. Schank and Abelson (1977) proposed that
the majority of social action in which we engage is part of planned se-
quences. Everything is regulated and expected; this was likened by them to
the script of a play. An example of this could be taken from a visit to a hospi-
tal. The bus driver, car park attendant, receptionist, nurse, doctor, consultant,
other patients and friends may all be involved. The sequence of who should
do what and when is quite familiar, although these people may be strangers
to us. We would know roughly what to expect at any given point – how each
person should behave – and a fairly logical process will be followed. This
was the underpinning of Schank and Abelson’s argument that all people in-
volved act according to the same scripts and make social interaction run
fairly smoothly. The concept of role then fits in with the expected scripts that
we follow. We would play our role as others would play theirs.
Roles may develop from our own or others’ expectations; this is where a
role is ascribed as a result of circumstances. Examples of ascribed roles are:
being a woman, a man or disabled. Other roles are attained by something we
have done, such as becoming a singer, politician or teacher.
Having an understanding of these different explanations of roles will
support appreciation of how they can be used to inform social work practice.
During an ordinary day we usually play a number of different roles. These
may include long-term roles, such as being a parent, partner in a relationship
or a child. Alternatively, some of our roles may be very brief, passing ones,
such as going on the bus as a passenger or speaking to a stranger. On some
occasions the role may be temporary but on a longer term basis; examples of
Application in practice
Whilst Jess was going to work, college, and spending her spare time with
Donna, no role conflicts arose. Her position in her social structure was clear
and known. She was a good best friend, reliable and fun; she was also a good
daughter spending time with her parents and visiting her Granny at
weekends. These roles were complementary, with behaviour and expectation
nicely balanced.
The role conflict arose when Jess took a more independent stand and
wanted to have a relationship with Phil. She was then less apt to fit in,
asserted her wishes more and there was inter-role conflict between being a
best friend to Donna and partner to Phil, both of whom wanted her time.
Donna experienced jealousy at having to share her best friend and she
needed time to adjust to this.
Jess’s parents, whilst having supported her to move on and live more
independently, still held a role expectation of Jess as the dutiful daughter
who spent time with them as a matter of course, and this role expectation
certainly did not include Jess being a sexually active woman. Jess experi-
enced intra-role conflict through the different set of expectations held by
her parents and by herself for her role as daughter.
Application in practice
The role expectations of the key workers then were that Ghita and Prem
were in the hostel as they required a high level of support. They should
behave as individual residents maintaining the status quo as it worked well
enough and it did not stop them enjoying a sexual relationship. Ghita and
Prem were thus dependent upon the staff. The roles that Ghita and Prem
wished to attain were those of a married couple living independently
without staff telling them what to do or having to discuss each issue as it
arose, however therapeutic the staff deemed this to be.
The intra-role conflict occurred between behaviour the staff expected of
Ghita and Prem’s position within their social structure and Ghita and Prem’s
ideas of their position and the possibilities for change. The hostel staff did
not wish to hold Ghita and Prem back from marriage through malice, but
feared their independence leading to isolation would in turn lead to
deterioration of their mental health. In a sense they had accepted the labels
given to Ghita and Prem. Thus, staff perpetuated their dependence without
recognizing their potential for change, given the right knowledge and
support, and their rights as individuals to consent to marry.
The advantage of using role theory is that its general principles can easily be
understood and can therefore be applied in a wide context. Again, the
importance of not seeing an individual theory as the only way of explaining
a situation has been suggested. Role theory can be used to offer insight and
clarity and help explain the impact and differences of roles that people may
have as part of the systems surrounding them.
Key points
• Role theory is a way of understanding and gaining insight, not a
method of working.
• Role theory is relatively straightforward to understand and to
• Role theory can be used with other theories as an additional
way of helping to inform practice.
• Insight into particular behaviours may be gained through
consideration of roles and role theory.
• A person’s role, real or perceived, can help explain his or her
position within society.
• Role theory can provide a useful and flexible approach that may
offer insight into people and their situations.
To enable a focus on crisis intervention we will use the following definition:
‘An attempt to understand the nature of episodes that people find extremely
difficult or impossible to handle, and to understand how services might be
organised to help people through such events’ (Thomas and Pierson 1996,
p.98). Who is in crisis, the person, staff, service or funders? The word ‘crisis’
is often used to describe a situation that is stressful or urgent. If someone is
supported whilst in a stressed or urgent state the work undertaken is not
necessarily crisis intervention. To claim the application of any particular
theory there is a need to use the principles and techniques underpinning that
theory. This provides a framework against which the actions used can be
judged and measured. Therefore, understanding the principles of crisis
intervention is important in order to know how the theory can be used
The theoretical principles of crisis intervention are explained in this sec-
tion. We will explore the background of crisis intervention and, by doing so,
aim to provide insight into the approach. Crisis intervention can be a valu-
able way of explaining and working with a given situation. However, on its
own it does not provide a full explanation of how to support a client during a
period of crisis. Other theoretical perspectives can additionally be used to in-
form working approaches that will enable individuals to move on from a cri-
sis. Links to other such relevant theories and their use in crisis work will be
highlighted. The case studies at the end of this section will demonstrate the
use of crisis intervention in practice.
minimized and ideally prevented and, when crisis has already occurred, how
a satisfactory resolution can be achieved.
Crisis intervention additionally uses some elements of other theories in
its underpinning. The principles of ego-psychology from a psychodynamic
perspective can be used. This perspective focuses on people’s emotional re-
sponse to external events such as a crisis and their ability to deal with this ra-
tionally. Crisis intervention theory concerns itself with failures in people’s
capacity to effectively manage problems and challenges in life. Ideas found
in systems theory such as homeostasis and equilibrium can be used in the un-
derstanding of crisis intervention.
5. However, if the problem solving does not work, tension and stress is
suffered, increasing the state of vulnerability.
6. If a major new challenge occurs when in a ‘vulnerable state’, this is
known as a ‘precipitating factor’. If this occurs a state of ‘active
crisis’ may develop. This is when problem solving capabilities are
(Adapted from Golan 1978)
In life, most people are in the position that a major single event or series of
small events may prove too much to handle and become unmanageable. It is
important to remember that it is not the event itself that is the crisis, but the
inability of the person to manage the event. It is the reaction of the individual
to these events that determines whether there is a crisis or not. An event that
precipitates crisis for one person will not necessarily do so for another. It is
the individual’s perception of the event and its meaning for them that will
determine whether the situation becomes a crisis or not.
Golan (1978) suggests that the more problems that have been success-
fully managed and dealt with in the past, the better the coping strategies
available to meet new challenges. By developing these new coping strate-
gies, the likelihood of active crisis occurring in the future diminishes. If there
are unresolved problems from the past, then the person is more likely to find
it difficult to cope with hazardous events and thus fall into crisis.
At this point, Christine and the other workers were informed that the
sheltered workshop was to cease trading and would be closed down. They
were told that all workers would be made redundant. Christine became upset
and then withdrawn. She stayed at home in her flat crying most of the time
and gave up visiting friends and family.
Application in practice
Before being told of her imminent redundancy, Christine had already
experienced a loss of equilibrium through Darrell’s leaving her and through
her subsequent debt. She had entered a vulnerable state with these events.
On her own she had not been able to fully solve these problems and had
suffered tension and stress. After a time and with intervention, she had found
encouragement and advice from her family and support workers that had
enabled her to find resolutions to these problems. Christine had restored her
equilibrium but remained somewhat vulnerable.
The announcement of the closure of the sheltered workshop, and that
she was to be made redundant, was the major event and precipitating factor
that caused an active crisis for Christine. This was about the loss of her way
of life, about her role and purpose and the potential loss of support systems
that surrounded her at the sheltered workshop. Christine was unable to cope
with the prospect of this event. Her problem solving capabilities became
overwhelmed. Christine was not managing her feelings and regular coping
mechanisms were not working for her. Christine needed further support to
enable her to work through the active crisis towards a satisfactory resolution.
home and sat with head in hands. The staff were concerned about Jason and
wished to support him in his loss, and thus contacted Jason’s social worker.
Jason’s social worker first listened to him and gave him time to express
his grief and cry. She spent the immediate time listening to Jason and asking
questions to clarify the situation, and a little later took him home. In the
short term, she arranged to see him the next day and subsequently made a
plan with him and his family about how to manage the next few weeks. In
the longer term, she arranged a strategy in consultation with Jason for him to
have specialist bereavement counselling to help him better understand and
come to terms with his loss.
With the support of his family, friends, college staff and the counselling,
Jason was able to work through his bereavement and in time come to terms
with his grandfather’s death. Two years later, Della, a friend of Jason’s from
childhood, became terminally ill and he was told about this. Through the ex-
perience of his grandfather’s death, Jason had learnt some ways of dealing
with bereavement and therefore had more personal resources to think about
and deal with this subsequent event.
Application in practice
When Jason was undergoing the transition from school to college, he found
this change difficult, his equilibrium was challenged and he entered a
vulnerable state. Over the time of the transition, Jason found ways of
adjusting to the new situation but was not yet comfortable with it. It was at
this stage that his grandfather’s unexpected death became the precipitating
factor that pushed Jason into active crisis.
Over the days, Jason was not able to make sense of his loss and, when his
grandfather did not return as he so fervently hoped he would, he became
overwhelmed. In her intervention, his social worker asked Jason what had
happened and then listened to his explanation. She gave him time to express
his feelings and acknowledged how difficult it must be for him. She then
asked him what help he would most like. Jason was able to identify being
afraid of and yet wanting to attend the funeral. He also said he wanted help
with certain activities that had been habitually supported by his grandfather.
Together they then drew up an initial plan with achievable tasks which
enabled Jason to take back some of the control that he felt he had lost. The
first task the social worker agreed to undertake was to discuss the whole situ-
ation with Jason’s family, which she did when she took him home. A more
detailed explanation of what would happen at the funeral was made to Jason,
and one sister said she would take special care in supporting his attendance.
Jason and the social worker agreed to have weekly meetings over a six
week period where tasks were identified and agreed. Through this process
he was able to begin to adapt to the situation and find alternative strategies
and support mechanisms to cope with life without his grandfather. In the
longer term, the bereavement counselling was an additional support mecha-
nism that enabled further growth and adaptation on Jason’s part.
When the sad news of his friend’s terminal illness was made known to
Jason, he had some knowledge of death and some resources to draw upon.
He had learned through the experience of his grandfather’s death new ways
of handling such a difficult situation and of adaptation over time. Jason was
able to express his sadness to Della and her family and to visit her several
times. Later he dealt with her death with great sadness, but without becom-
ing overwhelmed by the event or it becoming a crisis for him.
It is critical to identify who, or what, is in crisis and how best to work with
this. O’Hagen (1994) clearly identifies the risk in trying to rescue people in
crisis. A structured plan is required and a methodical approach beneficial. It
is important not to jump in and undertake a rescue of the person. Instead,
there is a need to work with the person, supporting the individual through-
out the recovery process. This can be achieved by working at the person’s
speed, using the individual’s preferred communication methods and by
using theory to inform practice. When work is undertaken with someone
who is in active crisis and unable to manage, the use of crisis intervention
may be beneficial. It is also important to evaluate how the person will be
enabled to develop mechanisms and skills to cope.
Crisis work is demanding and the workers involved often need to
commit themselves to being available during the following days to give
adequate support. This can be intensive and time consuming, but if carried
out effectively should achieve the best possible result for the person.
Key points
• Consideration of who is actually in crisis needs to be made,
whether it is the person being supported, someone else such as
the staff team or the service or organization.
• Crisis intervention can be a valuable way of explaining and
working within a given situation. However, on its own it does
not provide a full structure of how to support a person during a
• Other theoretical perspectives can be used to help inform ways
of providing care and support for a person when they are in
crisis, such as task centred work.
• Crisis intervention is not about rescuing a person but providing
a structured and methodical support process.
• There are formulated approaches that can be used to help
understand each step of a crisis.
• The more problems a person is able to work through and
resolve during a crisis, the better the person’s coping strategies
will be for future situations (Golan 1978).
• Crisis intervention is provided through a quick, intensive
response and only really works over a short period of time.
In this chapter, we will explore some of the influences that society can have
on the provision of care and support – influences that can affect groups
within society, including people with learning disabilities. The influences to
be explored are from three specific areas: sociology, social policy and
We will start by looking at sociological development and the structure of
society and go on to consider how these can influence care and support. The
way that care provision has developed and how the care role is perceived will
be explored in the context of today’s society. In the second section, we will
briefly look at social policy and political development. This will focus on the
impact of Governmental power, some policies that are on the political
agenda and the consequent money and resources available to meet care and
support needs. The third section will focus on legislation, policy and proce-
dure. These can be both supportive and controlling, either in promoting or
restricting care provision. There is a legislative framework that provides
guidance to care provision; however, it is not always straightforward and as-
pects of this will be explored.
In looking at the influences of society, sociology lends insight into the
position of people with learning disabilities within society, how this minor-
ity group has been oppressed and discriminated against, and why this may
occur. Through the development of social policy and legislation, ways of
challenging oppression and discrimination have evolved and, in part, been
implemented. Whilst such challenges go towards positive change, their aims
are not always fully achieved in practice. From our brief exploration, full jus-
tice to these influences cannot be accomplished. Our aim, however, is to raise
awareness of the influence of society on people with learning disabilities.
This basic understanding then enables further thinking about some of the is-
sues involved.
Issues from each section will be illustrated using two case studies.
Sociology is a vast and well documented discipline and in this section we
intend to consider some of its aspects and their relation to practice. Initially,
we will mention some of the people and perspectives that have had a major
influence on the development of sociological explanations. This will be
followed by some of the sociological concepts and models that can help
inform or support understanding of the influence of society on the people
who live within it. As mentioned in the chapter introduction, this is a
theoretical perspective that can inform us about the structure and aspects of
society, but does not provide a hands-on approach to practice.
We aim to consider how society’s perception of an individual’s place and
position in the world may affect his or her life. The understanding of socio-
logical perspectives, and how they can inform practice when working with
people with learning disabilities, will be reinforced through two case studies.
Human beings need to eat and sleep, need to have warmth and shelter and
can make use of some, if not all, senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
People undertake tasks and do specific things for social, cultural, economic,
political and psychological reasons. These are fundamental and occur
throughout the world but are not always carried out in the same way. The
above factors play a part in social phenomenon. Each area of social
phenomenon such as culture, economics and politics can be studied.
Sociology endeavours to undertake study at a holistic level and tries to
take account of the fullest possible explanation of human behaviour. Studies
may inform us of many different aspects of a person within society and ex-
plain why the person may not be accepted. Although sociology helps to
identify the issues, it does not in itself solve the problem being faced. How-
ever, if the problem is identified, it can be acknowledged and social and po-
litical solutions worked towards. An awareness of the impact of society on
people with learning disabilities starts to provide an underpinning of how
areas of oppression and discrimination can be challenged, minimized or
To enable an understanding of social problems there is a need to carry
out informed, thorough and objective analysis of the related issues. From this
we begin to understand where views, attitudes, prejudices and emotions
originate. It also helps to identify how people with learning disabilities have
come to be in the positions that they are within society. A basic question that
can be asked to help inform a situation is: ‘What is happening here?’ Addi-
tional questions could then be asked in order to think more widely. Such
questions could include:
• What behaviour is taking place and why?
• Who or what are the influences on the situation?
• What are the gender, age, culture and race issues?
• How are people relating to each other?
By asking such questions, the effect these aspects have on the situation can
be thought about. Then direct action, support or influence on a change of
policy or way of working can be made. The questions and observations
undertaken can be considered within the theoretical framework that informs
sociologists – the framework in which observations, experience and inter-
pretations of society are made.
Application in practice
From a feminist perspective looking at disempowered groups in society,
Serena was affected as a woman with learning disabilities. She had proved a
steady and reliable worker, but not good enough to be taken on as a paid
worker. Both her learning disability and her gender proved a negative
influence upon her employment. There was an expectation about the role of
the garden centre worker and the need to be fit and strong. Whilst Serena
fulfilled these expectations, other perceptions of her prevailed. Prior
knowledge of her learning disability, and the few tasks she was unable to
undertake, had also influenced the decision not to employ her.
There had not been any thought given to the structure of the organiza-
tion and how it disempowered Serena as a potential paid worker. Had mini-
mal organizational changes and small alterations to job allocation been
considered, then these would have enabled Serena to realistically compete
for, and satisfactorily carry out, the job.
Application in practice
Despite living in a flat in the community, there were still some barriers to
Okolie’s social inclusion. There was the barrier of his being unable to use
Some of the sociological theories discussed may appear to relate to practice
more readily than others. Sociological theories that deal with interpersonal
relationships on a small scale may seem more pertinent to individual
experiences. On the other hand, sociology that looks at the large-scale social
structures may appear removed from the hands-on support for people with
learning disabilities. Both small- and large-scale perspectives can help to
identify differences of power, inequality and the constraints of society. Their
relevance to everyday practice, and to issues such as inclusion and exclusion,
may give useful insights and provide a focus for action.
Key points
• Various writers have influenced the sociological understanding
of society; their ideas differ, but the majority try to provide an
explanation of social structures and the people within them.
• Some sociological concepts can offer explanations and inform
understanding of the impact of society upon people with
learning disabilities.
• Sociological concepts can also help identify and increase
understanding of an individual’s place in the world.
• Social phenomena occur throughout the world but may vary due
to culture, economics and political reasons.
• A feminist perspective is very useful when considering
disempowered groups within society.
• Although sociology exists to explain society, it does not provide
clear and structured solutions to society’s problems.
• Sociology does not provide a hands-on approach to working
with people with learning disabilities; however, it informs us
about the structure of the society in which we live.
In this section, we will explore some of the issues surrounding social policy.
Governmental policy in the area of social welfare, policy development and
policy implementation may not necessarily be fully understood by support
and care workers. However, the ability to analyse the impact of policy either
directly or indirectly on people with learning disabilities can prove useful.
Social policy affects so much: education, health, housing, benefits and social
services. An understanding of the different perspectives of political parties
can offer some explanations of how social policy develops. This section aims
to provide a brief outline of social policy; it is not intended to explore
specific polices. However, the principles of policies and how they may
influence resources and support work with people with learning disabilities
will be considered. Case studies highlighting the influence of social policy
will be used.
purchase services to meet their needs from the independent sectors. Ideally,
this would lead to less dependence upon state welfare. Additionally, the
New Right argued that welfare benefits created a disincentive to work as
they were too generous, causing dependency upon the state.
The National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 was insti-
gated during the early part of the 1990s and reinforced the need for a variety
of care provision. With the opening up of the care market and subsequent
changes within the statutory sector, a split occurred between the purchasers
and providers of services. Statutory services such as social services would
carry out assessments and then purchase care from the open market. Some
schools, GP practices and hospitals became fund holders and managed
themselves. Even with these schemes, the public interest in a welfare state
survived. The change of government to Labour in 1997 has had its own level
of impact on social welfare and its changing structure.
The idea of purchasers and providers of care still operates within the
changing structure of care provision. One of the main changes the present
Government has worked towards has been benefit reform. Eligibility criteria
for access to local authority services and benefits changed further. More reg-
ular checks and independent assessments are carried out on claimants, fraud
squads have been further developed and incentives for people to return to
work introduced.
The development of social welfare and social policy is an ongoing pro-
cess. The political party in power at a given time, the economy of the coun-
try, social perspectives and market forces all play a part in the process of
social welfare provision. The overall costs of paying benefits and providing
welfare support have continued to place a heavy burden on the government
of the day. There is a focus on how the best possible services can be provided
at the best possible price. The concept of ‘Best Value’ is one of the current
initiatives in the quest for value for money and quality services where perfor-
mance and provision are monitored, whether they are provided by the statu-
tory, voluntary or private sector.
As social welfare is continually changing, it is useful to pay attention to
how individual agencies are affected. Current initiatives, policy changes, re-
source expenditure and priorities of need may be the outcome of such
changes. An understanding of social policy and its influence can help inform
aspects of practice.
The impact that the medical and social models of disability have on how
people are perceived within society has an influence over policy making.
Disability pressure groups have been formed that have highlighted the need
for social model inclusion in policy development.
The budget restrictions prevalent in services for people with learning
disabilities need to be challenged if realistic, needs-led care and support are
to be achieved. ‘The liberation of disabled people threatens powerful profes-
sional interest groups, it brings into question the legitimacy of the welfare
state and it challenges the economic imperatives of capital accumulation’
(Priestley 1999, p.12). This sums up the battle facing the ongoing develop-
ment of disability related social policy. A far greater insight into the com-
plexity of disability politics and social policy development can be found in
Priestley (1999) and Drake (1999).
We will highlight some of the issues relating to social policy and people
with learning disabilities through the use of two case studies.
Application in practice
As part of the developing philosophy of community living, Rozia was
enabled to make informed choices both about her style of living and daily
activities. Due to changes in social welfare and social policy brought about
Application in practice
Rob applied for a social welfare benefit believing in his entitlement. In the
first instance, his application was rejected. He did not feel able to self-
advocate concerning his entitlement and so asked for support and advice
from the advocacy service. With the support of an advocate to work through
the process of appeal, Rob was ultimately able to receive the care component
of the benefit.
Advocacy services are part of the developing changes in social welfare
(see Chapter 6). Many people with learning disabilities have access to self-
advocacy groups. Access to independent advocates is often available to
support individuals with many different aspects of their lives. In England,
Valuing People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century, issued
by the Department of Health (2001a), indicates the strong commitment to
developing and supporting advocacy services and moneys have been allo-
cated to achieve this in a variety of ways. The importance of social inclusion,
support networks and advocacy is also reinforced in Scottish policies such as
‘The Same as You?’ A Review of Services for People with Learning Disabilities
(Scottish Executive 1999). The introduction of Valuing People and ‘The Same
as You?’ are good examples of how social policy affects working issues.
In a section as short as this it is impossible to provide a complete or in-depth
guide to social policy. What we have endeavoured to show is that govern-
ment and social policy have a direct effect on resources available and how
services are provided. The payment of benefits and the opportunity to
integrate into society are influenced by social policy. We believe a strategy of
including people with learning disabilities in policy development is
Pressure groups and user groups supported by advocacy, empowerment
and participation can play a part in the ongoing challenge of social policy.
Without the acknowledgement of people’s needs, social policy cannot be
challenged and changed, and marginalization will continue. We believe ap-
propriate benefits to meet needs and to enable people to live and function
within society should be provided. As care and support workers, the impact
of social policy on people with learning disabilities should not be underesti-
mated, and when policies restrict people, relevant support to promote
change should be considered.
Key points
• Social welfare has developed considerably over the last 60 to 70
years; welfare reform moved on following the Second World
War. The Beveridge Report played a key part in the
development of social welfare.
• Different perspectives may be held by political parties; these can
influence social policy development.
• Welfare ideals changed during the mid-1970s; this affected how
social care was provided.
• Community Care in the 1990s changed the ethos of care and
brought about an increase in voluntary and private care
Information about specific legislation that is used by statutory services and
health, voluntary and private agencies can be presented in different formats
of legal documents. Thompson (2000) provides an explanation of some of
the formats:
There are four main levels at which legislation can be interpreted: ‘Statutory
guidance; local policies; precedent; direct practice’ (Thompson 2000, p.34).
Each can influence the care that is provided for people with learning
disabilities. Statutory guidance is issued by governments and directs how
particular pieces of legislation are to be implemented. This informs how
services are to be structured and provided. Local policies are developed by
the local authorities or other agencies providing social care and support.
These policies are devised by the individual agencies to provide explanations
and guidance of the agency’s interpretation of the law and may give
procedures to follow. Precedent describes the development of law following
court cases that make decisions in specific situations. This process is
sometimes referred to as case law and will be explained in more depth below.
In some direct practice situations, the law can provide guidelines and at times
identify specific tasks to be undertaken. However, a level of individual
discretion is sometimes available to workers as legislation does not provide
guidance for all working situations (adapted from Thompson 2000).
Case law is where a specific piece of legislation has been challenged
through the court system. The outcome of the court case can set a precedent
that future court hearings would use as a basis for their decision making.
This process could affect how statutory, voluntary and private agencies pro-
vide a service and may ultimately affect practice. The ongoing process of
testing legislation through case law is an important part of the developing
framework of legislation and its influence over practice. Case law outcomes
are often published or broadcast on the television after court hearings.
This broad description includes people with learning disabilities. With the
identification of the person’s vulnerability, an assessment can be undertaken
and other pieces of legislation used to inform the nature of the support
required and subsequently provided.
The National Assistance Act 1948 instructs on the need to provide guid-
ance and information about services available, sheltered employment, train-
ing facilities and residential accommodation. The Chronically Sick and
Disabled Persons Act 1970 states that vulnerable adults should be supported
with specific services such as practical assistance and providing or helping
with adaptations or special facilities in the home. Other legislation may also
be required to inform practice. Some of the Acts that may be used include:
• Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000
• Human Rights Act 1998
• Housing Act 1996
• Disability Discrimination Act 1995
• Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act
• Registered Homes Act 1984
• Sex Discrimination Act 1975
• Sexual Offences Act 1956
There are other pieces of legislation that may be used by or affect people
with a learning disability.
Following an initial assessment, if services are required then a referral is
made to the relevant team or organization. For example, the referral could
involve health, housing, education and services for mental health, older age,
physical disabilities or child care. Other legislation may then be used to
inform practice. It is not practical to go into all of these in this section and
other texts that specialize in legislation may be of interest (for example,
Braye and Preston-Shoot 1997; Brayne and Martin 1997; Mandelstam
1998, 1999).
through the work of, for example, Kemshall and Pritchard (1996, 1997)
and Parsloe (1999).
We will now use two case studies to demonstrate the importance of
legislation in practice.
Application in practice
The social worker undertook Connor’s assessment of need as a duty under
Section 47 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.
Connor and his family were then enabled to access information about
resources and services available in both the statutory and independent
sectors. Later, the aids and adaptations for Connor were provided, guided by
powers of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
Kathy provided a substantial amount of care on a regular basis to
Connor. Thus she was assessed as a carer in accordance with Section 1 of the
Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000. This Act enables local authorities,
for example, to offer carers support and provide services direct to carers.
These services could include helping the carer care for the person, direct
payments being made to the carer and vouchers provided for short-term
breaks. These benefits might be means tested. The social worker was able to
work with Kathy and Connor to identify the best way forward.
Application in practice
Following Anna’s emergency admission to hospital and the change of
circumstances, Lara’s needs were reassessed under Section 47 of the National
Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. As a person with complex
needs requiring 24 hour care, Lara was assessed as meeting the criteria
defining a vulnerable adult under Section 29 of the National Assistance Act
1948. In this emergency situation, a short-term place in a residential home
was found under Section 21 of Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948.
This allowed the social worker to arrange residential accommodation as Lara
was in need of care. In the longer term, Part III accommodation was not
considered the most appropriate option. In line with the aims of the National
Health Service and Community Care Act 1990, Lara and Anna considered
the feasibility of Lara returning home with a more intensive care package.
They also looked at possible options for the future of independent supported
housing offering 24 hour care.
Legislation can be interpreted at a variety of levels and either directly or
indirectly informs and underpins the majority of care work. Some legislation
states that there is a duty to undertake specific pieces of work and/or a
power to decide if resources will be provided. Other legislation guides the
development of policies and procedures that can inform and instruct specific
ways of working in a variety of situations. There is also legislation that
identifies the duty to control people in specific or given situations; for
example, if they are a risk to themselves or others. An understanding of the
diversity of how legislation can inform can help when considering its use in
practice. A person can then be better informed of the legal framework and
structure that underpins and guides care provision.
In the UK, legislation relating to people with learning disabilities may
vary between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Whatever the
locality, legislation is not a static subject, it will go through a process of up-
date and change. Wherever a person works, legislation and policies will be in
operation that inform and guide much of the day to day care work. Some-
times their use can be clearly seen and understood, at other times the links
may seem more obscure. Nevertheless, by having an understanding of the
relevance of legislation to practice, its impact upon people with learning dis-
abilities can be better understood.
Key points
• Working within a legislative framework is a critical part of care
and support within the learning disabilities field.
• Legislation and policies relate to, inform and guide practice that
directly affects care provision.
• There are ‘duties’ which have to be undertaken and ‘powers’
that the provider can choose to undertake.
• Most legislation that is used today that specifically relates to
people with learning disabilities dates from 1948 onwards.
Some appears archaic and uses what is now considered
derogatory terminology.
• Many agencies have their own specific policies about a variety of
• Legislation can inform many areas including the need for an
assessment, the level of care to be provided, financial support,
adaptations and, in some situations, enforced control.
• Some legislation appears at face value to be supportive, but
unfortunately may not stand up as well as expected.
• Legislation continues to develop and change, and is influenced
by social policy.
• Legislation is developing separately in England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland and may vary in some aspects.
As discussed in previous chapters, there are various pieces of legislation and
policies relating to people with learning disabilities, including: in England,
Valuing People (Department of Health 2001a); in Scotland, ‘The Same as You?’
A Review of Services for People with Learning Disabilities (Scottish Executive
1999); in Wales, Fulfilling the Promises: Proposals for a Framework for Services for
People with Learning Disabilities (Learning Disability Advisory Group 2000).
In this chapter we will use one example of an English governmental policy to
show how legislative development is playing a part in informing the way
forward. For the first time in 30 years, in England, a White Paper has been
produced that focuses on learning disabilities. The implications of Valuing
People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century will be looked
at and its potential impact on future practice considered.
We will go on to explore research, its importance, and how it can be used
effectively as a method of developing service through joint working. Links
will be made with previous chapters and some of the theoretical perspectives
that have been explored throughout the book. The importance and value of
theory being used to inform practice will be reinforced throughout.
People with learning disabilities are amongst the most vulnerable and
socially excluded in our society. Very few have jobs, live in their own
homes or have choice over who cares for them. This needs to change:
people with learning disabilities must no longer be marginalized or ex-
cluded. (Department of Health 2001a, p.2)
The chapter on advocacy, empowerment, participation and choice (Chapter
6) explored some of the ways that advocacy can help a person become
empowered within society. The need for people to be able to take control of
their life choices is fundamental. The importance for people with learning
disabilities to be able to achieve this has been acknowledged and the
Government has stated a commitment to addressing inequalities:
Valuing People sets out how the Government will provide new opportu-
nities for children and adults with learning disabilities and their fami-
lies to live full and independent lives as part of their local communities.
(Department of Health 2001a, p.2)
Valuing People identifies 11 core areas seen as major problems that need
addressing to achieve inclusion within society. With an awareness of these
problems, consideration can be given to the required development:
• Poorly co-ordinated services for families with disabled children
especially for those with severely disabled children.
• Poor planning for young disabled people at the point of
transition into adulthood.
• Insufficient support for carers, particularly for those caring for
people with complex needs.
• People with learning disabilities often have little choice or
control over many aspects of their lives.
• Substantial health care needs of people with learning disabilities
are often unmet.
• Housing choice is limited.
• Day services are often not tailored to the needs and abilities of
the individual.
• Limited opportunities for employment.
• The needs of people from minority ethnic communities are
often overlooked.
exploring new ideas and identifying the impact upon practice. Research is a
powerful tool and not one that should be solely owned by the academics
within society. We would now like to explore some different types of re-
search and look at how it can be carried out as a joint process in planning
and developing the way forward.
Research can be used to explore a variety of issues such as the planning and
development of services. Research is one way of exploring what is required
and how to meet identified needs. We will initially explore research as a
general process and go on to show how it can be needs led and inclusive in its
approach. A fuller explanation of research can be found in specific research
based texts: for example, Alston and Bowles (1998), Bell (1992), Blaxter et
al. (1998), Everitt et al. (1992) and Humphries (2000). In this section, we
aim to consider the differences between some research methods and suggest
some approaches that can be used to undertake joint research in the learning
disabilities field.
Research can be undertaken from a variety of perspectives, including
social, medical or joint research, each important in its own right. There is a
vast amount of medically based research undertaken that explores, for exam-
ple, syndromes and their implications, why they may occur and the impact
they can have on a person’s development. However, we intend to look at re-
search from a social perspective. One explanation of social research is ‘the
systematic observation and/or collection of information to find or impose a
pattern, to make a decision or take some action’ (Alston and Bowles
1998, p.6).
Research can take many different forms dependent on the beliefs, values
and process/methods used by the researcher. The methods used can, of
course, have some impact on the outcome of the research. Researchers may
have their own agendas for carrying out a piece of work, or undertake it on
behalf of others. Funding for research may be provided by organizations em-
ploying the researcher. Such aspects require careful consideration, as possi-
ble bias could affect the validity of the research and its outcomes. To enable
the research process to be explored and understood further, we will briefly
highlight some types of research often used in the social field; for example,
quantitative, qualitative, emancipatory and feminist.
Quantitative research
Mark (1996) describes quantitative research as the oldest form of social
research. It dates back to the natural science ideals held in the 18th and 19th
centuries, known as ‘positivism’. The idea operates on the assumption that
there is an objective ‘reality’ that can be measured accurately within natural
laws which can be ‘discovered’ by rigorous and objective research. Quanti-
tative research applies a rigorous scientific approach and works to hypo-
theses being proved or disproved. The quantitative approach sees the
researcher’s influence as minimal or non-existent, with the researcher being
objective and detached. Techniques that can measure quantities are pre-
dominantly used, which enables the collection and analysis of data, such as
surveys and questionnaires. The approach is based upon using data in the
form of numbers and undertaking work that is replicable. Quantitative
research can be useful in some circumstances and can deal with large
numbers. However, it does not undertake research in a way that enables a
better understanding of the interpretation of the views and meanings of
people. Qualitative research provides a different approach.
Qualitative research
In contrast to a quantitative approach, qualitative research does not rely on
hypotheses and the development and testing of theories. Qualitative
research develops from observations and experiences that are going on in the
world and theories and ideas are then developed from the patterns observed:
‘…qualitative researchers are more interested in understanding how others
experience life, in interpreting meaning and social phenomena, and in
exploring new concepts and developing new theories’ (Alston and Bowles
1998, p.9). Qualitative researchers acknowledge that their presence will
have some impact on the research being carried out and that people’s
experiences and how they see life are key. Participant observation, in-depth
interviews, observation and group work are some of the techniques used in
qualitative research. There are many different theoretical stances that under-
pin qualitative research and these can be studied in more depth in many
social research based books: for example, Alston and Bowles (1998) and
Berg (1995).
Many people have suggested that quantitative and qualitative research
can work together and are complementary to each other: for example,
Babbie (1992), de Vaus (1995), Orcutt (1994) and Reid (1994), . For in-
stance, whilst undertaking a piece of research, a researcher may wish to find
out why a group of people are behaving in a specific way and the issues
Emancipatory research
During the 20th century, the power and use of research started to be
questioned. Research may have been undertaken for the ‘good’ of a few but
not for universal good. It had been used for political ends, the powerful
researching the powerless, mainly using a top down approach. Some people
being researched started to challenge the validity of the research being
undertaken. Some wished to be involved and, more importantly, have a part
in the decision making process about what was to be researched (Alston and
Bowles 1998). As the human rights, consumer and liberation movements
started to develop, some research was challenged. People from minority
groups that in the past had been the ‘objects’ of research demanded the right
of inclusion and to benefit from research undertaken. The time had come for
researchers to be accountable not only to the people that funded the research
projects, but also to the people that were being researched. Emancipatory
research has played a part in addressing this imbalance.
Emancipatory researchers do not focus purely on studying the world, as
is often associated with quantitative and qualitative research; it focuses on
trying to change it (Masters 1995).
The power of research as a tool for social change is fundamental to our
understanding of the place of research… Just as the goals of social work
involve not just understanding the world, but actively intervening to
change things in some way, so, too, does social…research involve ac-
tion, decisions and change. (Alston and Bowles 1998, p.6)
The argument that research has remained in the hands of the powerful and
neglected the rights of the powerless for too long is key to the importance of
the approach within many fields and, from our perspective, in the field of
people with learning disabilities. Alston and Bowles sum up the role of the
emancipatory researcher:
Feminist research
Feminist research is inclusive and participative; the researcher engages with
the participants on an equal basis. It is more about the approach than the
methodology and is based on egalitarian tenets. The feminist researcher will
get together with participants to explore and address research questions, take
data and analyse it. The researcher shares the emerging knowledge, checks it
out and constantly listens to feedback. It is a shared process and credit is
given to the participants. Feminist researchers uphold a code of ethics and
work with informed consent as a process, not an event.
Reinharz provides ten themes of feminist research methodology:
• Feminism is a perspective, not a research method.
• Feminists use a multiplicity of research methods.
• Feminist research involves an ongoing criticism of non-feminist
• Feminist research is guided by feminist theory.
• Feminist research may be transdisciplinary.
• Feminist research aims to create social change.
• Feminist research strives to represent human diversity.
In the last two decades, feminist research has impacted upon general social
research and, in particular, the role of women (Sarantakos 1993). Feminist
research has exposed the male dominant sexism found within society and
also within social science and research (Oakley 1985). The feminist
approach has shown how traditional research methods have ignored the
female viewpoint in many studies. This can be extended further to show
how many viewpoints of marginalized or disadvantaged groups within
society have also been ignored, silenced and controlled by those with the
power to undertake the research. The feminist approach has been criticized
by some who suggest that feminist research is still dominated by a middle
class perspective (Gunew and Yeatman 1993). Nevertheless, the concept of
groups marginalized by, and within, society being involved in and under-
taking research is of great importance. We will now consider this in relation
to people with learning disabilities.
there is a far better chance of active involvement. The starting point is the
joint identification of the problem or issue to be explored or investigated.
Research may be major, or focus on smaller issues of importance to partici-
pants. Some examples of research questions are:
• Is the day service providing enough activities?
• Does the residential unit have enough staff to enable people to get
• Do local community facilities meet the needs of people with
multiple disabilities?
• Are there enough health drop-in services in the local community?
• Are local health care facilities easy to use?
The above questions were based on issues raised by people with learning
disabilities. The methods subsequently used to inform and guide the
research process were based on a participatory approach.
An initial point of consideration must focus on the right of people to be able
to make an informed choice about being involved in any research project.
Additionally, the time required to fully involve people should be taken into
consideration to avoid tokenism. Informed consent is of paramount im-
portance; a researcher must be certain that someone who agrees to be
involved in the research process is able to make an informed choice. A
person’s ability to be able to understand what the research project is about
and how their answers would be used must be ascertained. Stalker (1998)
highlighted the time implications and, at times, the need to seek and gain
permission from a range of people before actually talking with people with
learning disabilities. This process might include ethics committees, parents,
carers and volunteer advocates. However, some aspects of talking to others
could be seen as going against the process of participatory research, but
necessary due to legislation.
Often an ethics committee is used as a way of judging if the correct stan-
dards and safety structure have been set up in a proposed research project.
The ethical criteria would include: informed consent, confidentiality, not do-
ing harm to anybody, doing good and positively contributing, carrying out
research that is just and something that will positively contribute to knowl-
edge in the area of study (adapted from the work of Beauchamp 1982).
These points need to be considered and a strategic plan set up when consid-
ering a research project.
Making sure that people with learning disabilities have as much oppor-
tunity to make an informed choice as possible is of vital importance, and a
systems theory approach (see Chapter 9) may be used to support the process.
Information about the project may need to be presented in different formats:
written, picture/word and widget (see Chapter 5 on communication meth-
ods). Questionnaires may need to be available in different formats, including
video, to enable signing to be available. If direct interviews are taking place
then a signing interpreter may be required. Many other ethical issues could
be raised and discussed but the available space within this chapter restricts
this. What we have tried to do is draw the reader’s attention to the implica-
tions and importance of ethical issues and the way working is approached.
The need for the researcher to adopt a flexible approach when enabling and
When the research has been completed and the findings are being analysed,
an inclusive approach is again important. It enables participation and
inclusion during the analysis process. The findings from research can be
disseminated in a variety of different formats and again we refer to Chapter 5
and communication methods. By being flexible in how the findings are
produced (written word, widget, picture and word, audio tape, video tape), it
tries to make certain that the research findings are open and accessible to as
many people as possible. Choosing to Change (Lawton 2002) is a positive
example of a research study being undertaken with people with differing
levels of learning disabilities. It shows how issues of informed consent,
ethical approval and participation were managed. Lawton presented the
findings in a variety of formats to enable its accessibility. Lawton’s piece of
participatory action research included findings published in a full report,
report summary, short report using large type and pictures, and audio/video
options if required. The preparation of the findings obviously took longer
than just completing a full report, but with the help and guidance of the
people with learning disabilities involved in the research process, Lawton
made certain that the findings were presented in ways that those involved
wanted. Other studies undertaken can provide further insight into the
concept of research with people with learning disabilities: for example,
Moore et al. (1998) and Stalker (1998).
The approaches outlined above can be used in many situations. The
identification of what will be studied and the research itself can be under-
taken in a participatory way. This promotes empowerment and inclusion
(Chapter 6) and is also person centred (Chapter 8). Many of the other
theories in this book – systems theory, task centred theory, role theory – can
be seen as important and informative when considering research.
The 11 core issues identified in Valuing People and discussed earlier in
this chapter could all be explored further through participatory action re-
search. An evidence based approach could be used to see if ideas put into
practice have been successful in meeting people’s needs. People’s views are
gained through research and the findings analysed to provide evidence of
the outcomes.
An example of larger scale planned research can be seen in the proposals
given by the Department of Health, who have agreed funding for a research
initiative of between six and ten studies, which will cost approximately £2
million. The overall study will be called People with Learning Disabilities: Ser-
vices, Inclusion and Partnership. It is envisaged the study will commence in
2001/02 and will be carried out over a four year period. The research will
study areas such as:
• service delivery in health and social care and its effectiveness to
identify elements of good practice, implementation and
• social inclusion, including access to good health care, and the
factors which create disability barriers in people’s lives
• organisation development to show how staff performance in
learning disability services can be supported to achieve better
(Department of Health 2001a, p.114)
Research within the learning disabilities field will also continue through
NHS research funding. At present over 130 separate research projects are
being undertaken and are registered with the National Research Register
(Department of Health 2001a). It is to be hoped that the research findings
will provide more information and guidance on aspects such as quality of
care, quality of support and joint working. The findings may then be used to
provide a framework to underpin quality support and practice. Many other
small-scale research projects are also being undertaken through, for ex-
ample, The King’s Fund, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and BILD.
Research is an ongoing process and can be used as a method for personal
and practice development. Thompson suggests that ‘research minded’ prac-
tice provides ‘a positive basis for integrating theory, research and practice,
thereby contributing to an informed practice and a theory base which is not
divorced from the demands of practice’ (Thompson 1996, p.53). Individual
workers also play a part in research development. Everitt et al. (1992) pro-
vide some suggestions of how individuals can be involved in an ongoing re-
search minded approach. Two of their points, about bringing ‘to the fore
theories that help make sense of social need’ and using theory to ‘assist in de-
cision making’ and inform practice, sum up the purpose of this chapter and
our complete book. The drawing together of knowledge that relates to the
learning disabilities field, the understanding of how theory can inform
working approaches, and the use of research in guiding and informing fu-
ture development are of prime importance. This drawing together will, we
hope, enable care and support workers to continue developing their work-
ing skills and move toward achieving social change.
The way forward involves change and evaluation as an ongoing process.
Government proposals will continue to be made in response to consultation
and by listening to what the people who use the various services and support
networks want for themselves. Changing attitudes within society and public
demand or pressure will also influence Government thinking.
The developmental nature of care and support work and external influ-
ences upon it provide the opportunity for services and care facilities to prog-
ress and move on. It is to be hoped that the days of institutional working are
drawing to an end. An awareness of the difficulties of leaving institutional
practices fully behind was identified by Goffman (1961) over 40 years ago.
Some of Goffman’s observations of institutional practice are still relevant to-
day. With considered and theoretically informed practice, the remains of in-
stitutional working will be challenged and, it is hoped, eradicated during the
early part of this century.
As mentioned earlier, the underpinning principles set out in legislation –
for example, in England Valuing People (Department of Health 2001a); in
Scotland ‘The Same as You?’ A Review of Services for People with Learning Disabil-
ities (Scottish Executive 1999); in Wales Fulfilling the Promises: Proposals for a
Framework for Services for People with Learning Disabilities (Learning Disability
Advisory Group 2000) – will continue to guide the way forward. The devel-
opment of person centred planning, joint working, advocacy and evidence
based practice provides the potential foundation for further positive changes
in service structure. We would suggest that this can be supported through an
awareness of individual working practice and the ability to use theoretically
underpinned approaches. Drawn together, these ideas, theories and issues
are key when considering the way forward.
Key points
• The structure of care is continually changing.
• Legislation and governmental guidance for working and
supporting people with learning disabilities reinforces the
importance of each person’s uniqueness, individuality and
differing abilities.
• New legislation has been introduced throughout the UK.
• In England the process of care management associated with
community care is evolving and a person centred approach is
being further developed.
• Research is a crucial part of service development.
• There are various approaches that researchers can use; an
emancipatory approach reinforces the importance of inclusion in
the research process.
• Research can be participatory and people with learning
disabilities can be fully involved throughout.
• Research findings can help to shape and develop the services of
• There is a fundamental need to work within an
anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive framework to ensure
good practice.
• Ongoing training to aid personal and professional development
is always required.
• People with learning disabilities are people first and foremost and
must be respected and treated accordingly.
When we first considered writing a book that would explore the links
between theory and practice in the learning disabilities field, we did not fully
realize what we were letting ourselves in for! On reflection, we set ourselves a
difficult task in writing about the number of theories and approaches
subsequently covered. Without the ongoing support of Jessica Kingsley
Publishers and our ‘expert readers’ we may never have finished the task.
However, the work carried out did reinforce to us how many differing
perspectives there are, and how theories and approaches can genuinely
provide insight, guidance and inform day to day practice.
We have endeavoured to explore some of the changes that have taken
place within learning disabilities care and support services during the last
century. New ideas have come into practice, legislative changes have taken
place and public perception and understanding have altered. Different ways
of working and providing care and support have been used, some successful
and others fashionable for a limited time. This process of progression and
change has, however, provided a framework on which to further build and
develop an approach, mindful of the potential dilemmas and barriers to ef-
fective practice. Care and support for people with learning disabilities
should continue to move forward, striving to meet individual needs and
challenging the barriers so often encountered in this field. Achieving this
will not necessarily be straightforward or easy and should involve ongoing
opportunities for people to make informed choices and decisions about is-
sues affecting their lives. People with learning disabilities should also have
the opportunity to be involved in the research and development of services.
People with disabilities are first and foremost individuals and should
have the same opportunities to be fully involved within their local communi-
ties and society as the next person. The use of many of the theories and ap-
proaches explored in this book can help to enhance and develop working
practice and enable participation and inclusion. Theory can provide a struc-
tured approach to working that promotes confidence and informs under-
standing for care and support work.
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regarding sexual freedoms see also advocacy;
Subject Index 119, 122 anti-discriminatory
in risk assessment 239 practice; empowerment;
social rights 108 social inclusion
in support work 184 anxiety, reaction to grief 133
AAMR, classification of
types 103–6 applied behaviour analysis
support 19–20
working practice 108–9 167
abnormality, view of disability
see also anti-discriminatory art therapy 91–2
practice; assessment
abusive sexual relationships
anti-oppressive case studies 30, 30–1,
121–2, 124–5
practice; choice; 240–1
accessibility 16
empowerment; for statutory services 237
of information 97
participation; social to identify needs 18
action research 252
inclusion for communication
Acts of Parliament 37
advocacy services, investment 89–90
see also individual Acts;
and developments 245 Association of Parents of
advocacy support 112, 184 Backward Children 13
‘adaptive and reciprocal
ageism see also Mencap
relationships’ 183
definition 47 ATCs 68–9
adjustment after loss
multiple discrimination 120 attitudes
for people with learning
Albert, case study 113–14 to same sex relationships
disabilities 132
American Association of 124
stage in bereavement 131
Mental Retardation see also beliefs; cultural
Adult Training Centres 68–9
(AAMR) 19–20 values; religious beliefs;
Adults with Incapacity
anger, reaction to grief 133 stereotyping;
(Scotland) Act 2000
anti-discriminatory practice stigmatization; values
definition 46
advisory support, purpose 109
in person centred planning ‘backward’ 13
advocacy 79, 99–115
158 barriers
barriers to success 110–11
promotion through in communication 81, 83,
case studies 77–8, 112–13,
challenge 56, 57 93–4
185–6, 186–8,
research 248 to achievement of social
role of care workers 61–2 inclusion 244–5
rights to marriage
in social care 45–62 to advocacy 110–11
see also advocacy; to people with disabilities
sexual relationships
anti-oppressive 73
practice; empowerment; BASW, code of ethics 145–6
and choice 71, 74
social inclusion behaviour, definition 164
code of practice 101
anti-oppressive practice behaviour modification 164
in communication 98
definition 46 behavioural approach 164–75
definitions 99, 101
ethical problems 146 cognitive therapy 169
development 100–1
in person centred planning comparison with person
independence of advocate
158 centred planning 171
promotion through key points 175
key points 115
challenge 56 operant conditioning 166
in person centred planning
promotion through respondent learning 165–6
challenging of social learning 168
principles 107
oppression 57 use of techniques 169–71
in professional roles 100
in social care 45–62 behavioural assessment 164
provision 230–1
by carers 110 behaviourism 165
industrial training, at ATCs Jason, case study 210–11 legal advocacy 106
68–9 Jess, case study 201–2 legislation 232–42
information, accessibility and Jim, case study 161–2 against discrimination
dissemination 97 Joe, case study 136–7 52–4, 63
information exchange 82 in area of sexuality 120,
see also communication Kevin and Eddie, case study 122, 238
informed consent Carers and Disabled
participation in research Children Act 2000
Kim, case study 95–6
projects 253 238
see also consent case studies 240
informed practice 39 labelling 25–9 Children Act 1989 53, 234
input, in systems theory key points 32 Children (Scotland) Act
181–2 power of 26, 27 1995 53, 234
institutional care see also labels; terminology Chronically Sick and
restriction of sexual labels Disabled Persons Act
freedoms 118–19 case study 29–31 1970 14, 28, 235
see also residential care definition 25 Criminal Amendment Act
instrumental conditioning 166 effect of 25, 66 1885 123
insurance scheme, for social effect of stereotypical terms Criminal Justice Act 1991
welfare 226 14 52
integration of learning disabled historically applied to Criminal Justice and Public
into community 68, 74–5 learning disability 12 Order Act 1994 123
through five in media 27, 49 Disability Discrimination
accomplishments need for 26, 28, 29 Act 1995 52, 72, 238
69–70 Labour Party, government 227 Disabled Persons (Services
intelligence quotient see IQ language, clarity when Consultation and
internal locus of evaluation breaking bad news 133 Representation) Act
152 language difficulties, and 1996 52, 238
International Classification of discrimination 48 documents 233
Functioning and language disorders, use of sign effect on people with
Disability (WHO) 20 language 86 learning disabilities
interpreters Lara, case study 241 235–8
use in communication 89 laws see legislation failure in advocacy 110–11
information about learned helplessness 102–3 Family Allowance Act 1945
research projects see also empowerment 226
253 learning difficulties homosexuality 123
interpretive methodology use of term 9, 13 Housing Act 1996 238
(sociology) 217–18 see also learning disabilities Human Rights Act 1998
intervention learning disabilities 53, 122, 238
in behavioural work 174 causes 24 informing organisational
in crisis 207 classification for support policy 239
see also crisis intervention; 20–1 interpretation 233
non-intervention definitions 9, 11–12 key points 32, 63, 128,
IQ 19, 21, 21–2 as distinct from/confused 242, 257
‘isms’, effecting discrimination with mental illness 24, Mental Deficiency Act 1913
47 27, 28, 49 12, 118
isolation, case studies 209–10 effect of legislation 235–8 Mental Deficiency Act 1927
Iyawo, case study 59 incidence 22–3 12
models 49 Mental Health Act 1959
use of term 9 68, 234, 235
Jacob, case study 41–2
see also disability
see also conflict Serge, case study 29–30 social care assessment 18
role models, for social learning severe learning difficulties 22 social division 56
168 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 social exclusion
role obligations 200 52, 120, 238 case studies 186–8
role senders 199–200 sexism 120 identified through systems
role sets 199 definition 47 theory 183
role theory 178, 197–203 sexual identity, and social inclusion 73, 74
case studies 178–9, 201–3 discrimination 47–8 accessibility of research
and communication 95 Sexual Offences Act 1956 findings 254
key points 203 122, 238 barriers to achievement
origins 197 sexual relationships 121 244–5
roles case studies 125–6, 201–3 in bereavement process 134
adjustment after danger of abuse 121–2, case studies 195–6
bereavement 131 124, 125 through advocacy 107
assigned to disadvantaged signs of abuse 125 through emancipatory
66 sexuality 117–28 research 248–9
and labelling 25, 73 case studies 195–6 see also anti-discriminatory
social roles in normalization definition 119 practice, advocacy;
66 key points 128 anti-oppressive
types 198–9 treatment in institutions practice; choice;
Royal Commission on Law 118–19 empowerment;
Relating to Mental Sid and Reggie, case study participation; person
Illness and Mental 77–8 centred approach;
Deficiency 1954–7 12 sign languages 85–6 person centred
Rozia, case study 229–30 case studies 95–6, 172–3 planning
clarity of use in breaking Social Insurance and Allied
sadness, reaction to grief 132 bad news 133 Services (Beveridge
The Same as You? A Review of communication of Report) 12, 225
Services for People with information about social learning 168
Learning Disabilities research projects 253 case study 172
230–1, 256 use of interpreters 89 roles 199
same sex relationships 122–3 signs of abuse 125 social model of disability
case studies 127–8 Skinnerian conditioning 166 16–18
Samuel, case study 172–3 sleep disturbance, after benefits 17
scripts, in role theory 198 bereavement 135 deficiencies 17–18
Sebena, case study 148–9 social acceptance 56 social norms
segregation, of men and social care influence on people with
women in residential care anti-discriminatory role of disabilities 15, 16, 28,
118–19 care workers 61–2 72
self-advocacy groups 106, 110 CCETSW criteria 33 see also normalization
self determination changing structure 245 social phenomenum, in
right to 143 funding 228 sociology 220–1
and use of behavioural impact of government policy social policy 224–31
techniques 170 and legislation 37 case studies 229–31
self expression, development influence of political ideals definition 225
through therapies 92 38 and disability 228
self neglect, after bereavement key points 231–2 influence by models of
135 links with psychology 35–6 disability 229
sent roles 199 systems theory 182 key points 231–2
Serena, case study 221–2 see also welfare state
Wadsworth, Y. 252
Walmsley, J. 119
Walters, R. H. 199
Wassell, S. 83
Watson 170
Weber, M. 120
Wedding, D. 167
Welsh Office 69, 235
Wilkes, R. 151
Williams, C. 125
Williams, F. 226
Williams, P. 68