S L U P E S D: Chool OF AW Niversity OF Etroleum AND Nergy Tudies Ehradun
S L U P E S D: Chool OF AW Niversity OF Etroleum AND Nergy Tudies Ehradun
S L U P E S D: Chool OF AW Niversity OF Etroleum AND Nergy Tudies Ehradun
The word detainee implies any individual who is held under authority in prison or jail since
he/she submitted a demonstration disallowed by rule that everyone must follow. A detainee
otherwise called a prisoner is any individual who without wanting to is denied of freedom.
This freedom can be denied by intense limit or control. Detainees' privileges manage the
privileges of the prisoners while in a correctional facility. Detainees have fundamental
legitimate rights that can't be detracted from them. The essential rights incorporate right to
food and water, option to have a lawyer to guard himself, security from torment, savagery
and racial badgering. Segment 1 of the Prison Security Act1992, characterizes the term
detainee. The word detainee implies any individual for the time being in a jail because of any
necessity forced by a court or in any case that he be kept in legitimate care. The rights
ensured in the part III of Indian Constitution are accessible to detainees; on the grounds that a
detainee is treated as an individual in jail.Article 14 contemplated that like should be treated
alike, and also provided the concept of reasonable classification. This article provides the
basis for prison authorities to determine various categories of prisoners and their
classification with the object of reformation. Indian constitution guarantees six freedoms to
citizens of India, among which certain freedom can’t be enjoyed by the prisoners. They are
Freedom of movement,
Freedom to residence and to settle
Freedom of profession.
But other freedoms conferred in this article are enjoyed by the prisoners. Moreover,
constitution provides various other provisions though cannot directly be called as prisoner’s
rights but may be relevant. Among them are Article 20(1), (2) Article 21 and Article 22(4-7).
This act is the first legislation regarding prison regulation in India. The following are some of
the important provisions regarding prisoner’s rights:
Accommodation and sanitary conditions for prisoners.
Provisions relating to mental and physical state of prisoners.
Examination of prisoners by qualified medical officer.
Separation of prisoners for male, female, criminal, civil, convicted and under trial
Provisions for treatment of under trials, civil prisoners, parole and temporary release
of prisoners.