Self Correcting Material

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Self-correcting Material

What is the definition of Self-Correcting Materials or SCMS?

SCMS are teaching materials that the student uses on their own

to review previously learned concepts. (Teaching and Learning

Strategies ppt 67).

Self-Correcting Materials help students to monitor their own

learning without the constant need for the teacher’s assistance.

 The learning objective in this Self-Correcting Material is to teach

Geometry and Spatial Sense to grade 1 students.

Overall Expectations

 By the end of Grade 1, students will: • identify common two-

dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures and sort and

classify them by their attributes; compose and decompose

common two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures;

describe the relative locations of objects using positional

language. Doing Mathematics With your child.

Our group is focusing on teaching and helping students, to

identify and describe common two-dimensional shapes (e.g.,

circles, triangles, rectangles, squares) and sort and classify them

by their colour; size; the number of sides), using our designed


We chose to make puzzle pieces out of cardboard and divide

them into 2 pieces. One-piece shows the geometry shape with the

name associate with that and has a certain colour the other piece

has the same colour with the name of that colour. We chose this

design because it’s easy to work with. And easy to make it on

your own. Students can identify colours and then with the help of

colours they can make the shapes. The students will identify how

many geometric sides each shape has by matching the number at

the backside of the puzzle pieces.

They can be used, as a lesson review, study material to practice

before the exam, refresh memory about previously taught material

and use quietly in free time. This SCM can be modified depending

on grade level and item interest. ( ppt@ week3)

<Box / Case: Self-correcting Materials>

<Front of Card: Puzzling the shapes and the colours


<Back of Card: Matching the numbers>

 Mix the Triangle Shape of cards.

 The students need to combine the parts of the

rectangle which are divided into two triangles.

 When they finish, they can flip over the rectangle to

make sure the answer is right.

 On the back of the rectangle, the student will find the

number of sides to the shape.

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