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Name: Shoyshob Ahammed Shonchoy ID: 19-39796-1 COURSE: E-Governance Section: A

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ID: 19-39796-1
COURSE: E-Governance

Some people claim that majority of adult Population in our nation is

excluded from the ‘Benefits of E-governance’.

Electronic governance or e-governance is that the application of IT for delivering

government services, exchange of data, communication transactions, integration of assorted
complete systems between government to citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B),
government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employees (G2E) in addition as back-office
processes and interactions among the complete government framework. Through e-
governance, government services square measure created on the market to voters in a very
convenient, efficient, and clear manner. E-readiness refers to a country's capability and state of
preparedness to participate within the electronic world. Some people claim that majority of the
Adult Population in our nation is excluded from the ‘Benefits of E-governance’. I am totally
agreed with them.

Not all people can access the internet to gain online government services. The use of
Information & Communication Technology (JCT) in government activities has become a
common phenomenon in recent years. In the late 1990s, ICT introduced a unique concept
electronic government (e-government)-in the field of public administration. To date, various
technologies have been applied to support the unique characteristics of e-government,
including electronic data interchange, interactive voice response, voice mail, email, web service
delivery, virtual reality, and key public infrastructure.' The web and other technologies have
shown potential as effective and efficient managerial tools that collect, store, organize, and
manage voluminous information. The most current information can be uploaded and
downloaded on the Internet on a real-time basis. Governments can also transfer funds
electronically to governmental agencies or provide information to public employees through an
intranet or Internet system. Additionally, governments can perform many routine functions
more easily and quickly .Web technologies also facilitate government links with citizens (for
both services and political activities), other governmental agencies, and businesses.
Government websites can serve as both a communication and public relations tool for the
general public. Information can be shared with and transferred to external stakeholders
(businesses, non-profit organizations, interest groups, or the public). In addition, some web
technologies, such as interactive bulletin boards, enable governments to encourage public
participation in policy-making processes by posting public notices and exchanging ideas with
the public. As a consequence, some governments have promoted virtual democracy by
encouraging web-based political participation through on-line voting and on-line public forums.'
These far-reaching developments in e-government have encouraged governments around the
world to establish an online presence by publishing statistical information on the Internet. In so
doing, they hope to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and organizational performance.'
Countries, irrespective of their developing characteristics, are constantly striving to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of e-government delivery services. They hope that e-government
will emerge as a magical antidote to combat corruption, red tape, bureaucratic inefficiency and
ineffectiveness, nepotism, cronyism, lack of accountability, and transparency. Bangladesh has
joined the race toward adopting e-government. This study examines that effort by addressing
the status of JCT in Bangladesh. It analyzes the initiatives of the Bangladesh government,
commitment of political leadership, and the enthusiasm of private entrepreneurs to introduce
e-government in Bangladesh. It concludes that e-government preparation in Bangladesh is still
in its primary stages and has not fulfilled its potent.

Spoofing: In this follow, the wrongdoer tries to achieve access to the E-Governance system by
victimization fallacious identity either by hiding or by employing a false informatics address.
Once the access is gained, the attacker abuses the E-Governance system by elevation the

Tampering of E-Governance system: As before long because the system is compromised and
privileges area unit raised, the classified data of the E-Governance mechanism becomes pretty
much prone to illegal changes.

Repudiation: Even the offender will mount refutation attack throughout the E-Governance
dealings, that is that the ability of the user to reject its performed dealings.

Disclosure of E-Governance Information: just in case of the compromised E-Governance system,

the undesirable data revealing will surface terribly simply.

Denial of Service: during this technique, offender will perform Denial of Service (DoS) attack by
flooding the E-Governance server with request to consume all of its resources therefore on
crash down the mechanism.
Elevation of privilege: Once associate degree E-Governance system is compromised; the
offender pretence to be a coffee profile user tries to step up to the high profiles therefore on
access its privileges to initiate additional harm to the system.

Cyber Crimes: Advancement of science and technology increase the speed of the law-breaking.
It’s a threat to the transactions accomplished between the govt and its people inside the E-
Governance methodology.

E-readiness refers to a country's capability and state to participate within the electronic world.
The state of maturity is often measured by the country's info and technology (ICT)
infrastructure and also the ability of its government and voters to use the positive impacts of
ICT for property development. Online service element: on-line service component principally
focuses on integrated on-line services delivery, use of e-government to produce data and
services to national on setting connected issue, e-infrastructure and its role for bridging the
digital divide for underprivileged and vulnerable teams like the poor, the disabled, women, kids
and youth, older voters, minority teams with stress on 'open government data' e-procumbent,
e-participation and mobile government etc.

The character of IT development has modified – nowadays, upgrades area unit usually created
by several tiny groups promptly, instead of organized as one mammoth project – however still
need several programmers overall. At an equivalent time, however, the character of the digital
economy is creating it easier and cheaper for tiny corporations to make a compelling supply or
to revamp their product to match a shift within the market’s wants. Within firms, IT epartments
area unit seemingly to become throw, as a lot of programming is distributed to ancient external
suppliers and low-code standard suppliers like Mendix build it more and more straightforward
for “citizen developers” – individuals inside the business however not a part of the IT unit – to
develop what they have by themselves. In the end, however providers’ roles evolve could come
back right down to however well they manage the one constraint within the equation that
won’t be ever-changing at Moore’s Law speed: the human brain. Machine learning and
automation could take over a lot of and a lot of tasks from developers, however sure aspects of
the work won't be straightforward to change entirely. within the short run, at least, however
well suppliers will interact with their purchasers, and the way with efficiency they manage their
hives of activity in their offices and webs of external partnerships outside their company walls,
can still be crucial differentiators.

Governments ought to play the leading role in the plausible creation and readying of accessible
e-services and comprehendible ICT content. Moreover, they ought to facilitate the event of a
correct and non-discriminative atmosphere for e-government through the regulative
frameworks, strategic directions, and Government guarantees. E-governance may become an
analogous powerful instrument in bridging the gap, like guaranteeing cheap broadband2
access. New technology may offer easier to use devices like computers and mobile
communication. a decent example may be a device known as "Simputer," which is very
straightforward to use and may be used even by the illiterate. Moreover, scientists predict that
by 2018 the number of mobile phones can equal the global population. These square measure
facts that ought to awaken Governments everywhere the globe.

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