Weightlifting To Improve Volleyball Performance.14-2
Weightlifting To Improve Volleyball Performance.14-2
Weightlifting To Improve Volleyball Performance.14-2
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ABSTRACT maximum performance and reduce that nothing is more critical to athletic
the chance for injury. success than the capacity to display a
The application of specificity and over- high rate of force development (22,52).
load is required to best improve sport As in most sports, developing a volley-
PERFORMANCE IS LARGELY ball player’s power output is considered
DETERMINED BY THE CAPACITY performance. Specificity refers to the
training regimen, namely, does it mimic an essential component to a successful
BOUTS OF MAXIMAL OR NEAR- the movements that are most important
to performance. Overload refers to the Weightlifting, often referred to as Olym-
manipulation of the training stimulus pic-style lifting, is one of the most
(weight, speed, and duration), so as to accepted methods to enhance power
enable a greater than normal effort (35). output among athletes. Because the
Although some would contend that ex- exercises involve rapid acceleration
EXISTS WHEN PLAYING. THIS ercises cannot replicate sport move- against resistance throughout the move-
ARTICLE FOCUSES ON WEIGHT- ments, it is commonly accepted that ment, power outputs are quite high
LIFTING AS THE PRIMARY MEANS exercises selected based on their simi- (35,36,40,66). Indeed, the snatch and
WITH WHICH TO ADDRESS THOSE larity to sport movements, particularly clean and jerk afford the highest power
ATTRIBUTES THAT UNDERLIE PER- in the strength/power training program outputs recorded in sport (23,25) (Fig-
FORMANCE AND REDUCE THE of athletes, are beneficial (36). ures 1–6). Given the intent to move
CHANCE FOR INJURY. the load as quickly as possible, weightlift-
Looking closer, specificity might not
refer to a particular exercise but instead ing exercises stimulate greater motor unit
to the outcome of the exercise. Put synchronization and therefore improve
INTRODUCTION another way, specificity refers to the the ability to generate power (30,36,60).
olleyball is an explosive sport in The high levels of force development as
objective of the exercise and its poten-
which the objective is to pass tial benefit to sport performance, that is, well as improved muscle action speed
a ball over a net in such a way the exercise produces an outcome that associated with weightlifting can en-
that the opponent is unable to success- likely enhances performance in a given hance performance in sports that require
fully return the ball back over the net. sport, task, or context (57). Under this explosive dynamic movements, includ-
Rallies, which commonly include pow- perspective, exercises that facilitate ing volleyball (23,25,33,35,36,48,60).
erful actions such as spiking, blocking, increases in power output, which in turn
diving, and serving, are followed by develop the abilities to jump, accelerate, WEIGHTLIFTING AND IMPROVING
relatively long recovery periods dive, and change direction quickly, might SPORT SKILLS
(12,22,35,52). The average work to rest be most critical to a high-level perfor- Vertical jumping is integral to the sport
ratio is 1:2.4 (7 seconds of work to 16 mance in volleyball (22,35,48,50,52). of volleyball (50). Skills that involve
seconds of rest) (52). A successful per- jumping, including the jump set along
with the jump serve, blocking, and
formance is largely determined by the PERFORMANCE spiking, are generally dependent on
capacity to demonstrate repeated bouts CONSIDERATIONS
the development of vertical power
of maximal or near-maximal power Strength is defined as the maximal (35,50). Although these skills are fun-
(22,35). Because individuals generate amount of force a muscle or muscle damental to the sport, the spike is the
and absorb relatively high levels of force group can produce in a specified
when playing, the risk for injury exists movement pattern and velocity (4). KEY WORDS:
(35). Meeting these demands requires Alternatively, power is the ability to volleyball; weightlifting; maximal
a well-designed training program that exert as much force as possible in a lim- power; vertical jump; injury prevention
addresses those attributes that lead to ited amount of time (20). It is argued
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Weightlifting to Improve Volleyball Performance
mimics the requirement to push aggres- maximal force. Ground reaction forces
action that generates most of the points sively against the ground when per- in the snatch were also comparable to
during a game. A successful spike typ- forming a vertical jump (13,17,36,47). that of the countermovement jump.
ically depends on the height of contact, Indeed, the kinetics and kinematics of
ball direction, and ball speed (52). The the second pull and the drive phase of
ability to jump and reach the ball at its the jerk display comparable acceleration WEIGHTLIFTING VERSUS
highest point is commonly reliant on patterns to the vertical jump (38,40). POWERLIFTING
vertical jump performance (52). Thus, The sports of weightlifting and power-
Of importance, studies have indicated
considerable training time should be lifting are commonly confused
that weightlifting exercises can
allocated to improve this component (36,40,51). Although the exercises along
improve vertical jump performance
of performance (35). with the performance attributes are dif-
(11,13,14,32,61). Stone et al. (61), for
Studies have demonstrated a correla- example, found that weightlifting exer- ferent, the goal is similar, namely, to
tion between weightlifting and sport cises improved vertical jump results. amass the most weight lifted. Power-
movements, particularly the vertical Similar results were observed by Carlock lifters perform 3 exercises: deadlift, back
jump (11,13,34,59–61). Vertical jump et al. (13), who reported a strong rela- squat, and bench press. Given the rela-
performance is largely dependent on tionship between weightlifting perfor- tively high loads and the biomechanics
the force produced at the hip, knee, mance and a countermovement jump. of the movements, maximum force pro-
and ankle joints (34,35). In accord, When comparing the hang power duction at slow velocities is typically
the musculature involved when per- snatch with the noncountermovement observed after the initiation of power-
forming weightlifting exercises is the jump, Canavan et al. (11) observed sim- lifting exercises (26). In contrast, weight-
extensors of the hip and knee along ilarities in maximal power, relative lifting exercises require maximum force
with the plantar flexors of the ankle power, maximal force, and time to
(11,27,38). Forceful extension of these
joints, particularly in the second pull,
Figure 2. Snatch: behind. Figure 4. Clean (second pull): side view. Figure 6. Split jerk: side.
added or manipulated to develop identified individual deficiencies. The recommended sets and reps can be varied depending on players’ physical preparedness. Core exercises may include
Training loads should be below maximum effort and based on the ongoing evaluation of technique. Weightlifting variations can be included to improve technical skill. Exercises can be
performing an exercise such as the back
squat with loads approaching individuals’
(HS/1 + 1)X
1RM followed by a plyometric exercise
(16). Commonly confused with complex
training, contrast training involves alter-
nating powerlifting exercises with power
movements from set to set (40). Complex
Friday (PM)
improve power in experienced individu-
als (6,16,47,71). However, in each case,
Rotator cuff
there is a need to examine the long-term
effects on maximal power as well as to
identify optimal rest intervals between
exercises (6,58).
Notwithstanding individuals’ level of
weightlifting experience, research sup-
ports the use of high force high velocity
training for the long-term development
Tricoli et al. (67) compared training
programs that used weightlifting exer-
Wednesday (PM)
(Figure 7)
Front squat
counterparts in the 1RM half-squat
Table 1
a variety of movements that target abdominal, oblique, gluteus, and low back musculature.
Glute-ham raise
(Figure 8)
Front squat
Back squat
With an increase in volume, training loads should be similar to that used in the previous training block. The ongoing evaluation of individual’s technical deficiencies should guide the use of
rhomboid major, rhomboid minor,
weightlifting variations. The recommended sets and reps can be varied depending on players’ physical preparedness. Core exercises may include a variety of movements that target
upper and lower trapezius, and latissi-
mus dorsi (42). The likelihood of
(X/1 + 1)5
shoulder injuries among players who
are not experiencing pain might
be minimized by performing weightlift-
ing exercises that include overhead
scapular retractors as well as the rota-
tor cuff and deltoid muscles (36).
Rotator cuff
The first pull of weightlifting exercises
from a static position off the ground
to above the knees (15). Because the
Front squat
Snatch pull
Glute-ham raise
Rotator cuff
(Figure 7)
(Figure 8)
Front squat
Back squat
With a decrease in volume, training loads can be increased based on the ongoing evaluation of technique. The recommended sets and reps can be varied depending on players’ physical
weightlifting exercises (15,36).
(HS/1 + 1)X
Depending on the needs of the player,
variations can be used to develop cer-
tain physical qualities required to
improve technique in the snatch and
desired performance capabilities.
Friday (PM)
Rotator cuff
requirement to push aggressively
against the ground when performing
a vertical jump, a greater emphasis
might be placed on developing a proper
preparedness. Core exercises may include a variety of movements that target abdominal, oblique, gluteus, and low back musculature.
(X/2 + 1)3
power jerk
put (31,46,66).
Training loads can be increased based on the ongoing evaluation of technique. The recommended sets and reps can be varied depending on players’ physical preparedness. Core exercises
that power outputs during weightlifting
exercises are maximized at 75–80% of
(HS/1 + 1)X
individuals’ 1RM, loading parameters
needs. For those players who are not yet
familiar with weightlifting exercises, the
focus should be on learning proper
Friday (PM)
safely (38). Once technically proficient,
Rotator cuff
training loads might be assigned based
on individual weaknesses. For example,
players who need to be faster might
emphasize low-intensity lifts (70–85%),
whereas players who need to improve
strength might emphasize high-inten-
(X/2 + 1)3
sity lifts (85% and above) (28).
Because power output is considered an
essential component of volleyball per-
formance, and given power output is
largely the result of efficient neuromus-
Wednesday (PM)
may include a variety of movements that target abdominal, oblique, gluteus, and low back musculature.
power jerk
Snatch pull
(8,38,40,66). Volume (the total weight
Power clean
Rotator cuff
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