Identification of The Causes of Deadline Slippage in Construction Projects: State of The Art and Application
Identification of The Causes of Deadline Slippage in Construction Projects: State of The Art and Application
Identification of The Causes of Deadline Slippage in Construction Projects: State of The Art and Application
Received March 14th, 2012; revised April 14th, 2012; accepted April 20th, 2012 delay
This study aims at analysing the causes assessment of deadline slippage in construction projects accomplished on the
international level. It also identifies the said causes on the projects completed in Morocco in order to develop and put in
place an adjusted modelling framework. The literature concerning this field has been examined during the last decade.
A quantitative analysis of deadlines risks of sample of real estate project has been done in different regions of Morocco.
This analysis has helped to identify and rank the delay causes while determining their frequency of occurrence their
impact as well as their relative importance by combining two processes: macroscopic “Top-down” and microscopic
“Bottom-down”. In comparison with the previous research which was solely based on the first process, this method has
specified an objective and exhaustive list of most causes. Three high-risk causes have been identified: the initial budget
assessment, volatility of the architecture and engineering program and construction site hazards.
tion 3 discusses the results. Section 4 presents the actions titative data in order to formulate pertinent terms before
and measures which minimise construction project de- starting attributing the said project. The study also sug-
lays Section 5 attempts to draw conclusions and perspec- gested that special attention be given to industrialists in
tives. the field of construction to reduce the purchasing costs.
Consequently, the delays are essentially due to poor con-
2. Literrature Review tracters productivity According to (Koushk et al., Assaf
SA and d’Al-Hajji, Meeampol and Ogunlana LO [17],
Many articles and studies conducted on the causes of
Sambasivan M and YW. Soon [18], Le-Hoai et al. [19]
construction project delays worldwide have been exam-
deadline slippage could lead to a number of negative
ined. Ubaid [11] concluded in his surveys on the projects
effects, such as cost overruns Sambasivan and Soon, Tow-
completed in Saudi Arabia that lack of entrepreneurial
hid and Amiruddin [20] noted that major delay conse-
performance is one of the major causes of delays. He also
quences are related to: arbitration conflicts, litigations,
identified the principle measures to reinforce re-sources
and total abandonment. Toor and S. O. Ogunlana [21]
and improve entrepreneurial skills. Assaf, Al-K et al. [12]
and Saleh Al Hadi Tumi et al. [22] believe that poor
Ghafly observed that the major causes linked to con-
planning and lack of communication are the principle
struction projects in Saudi Arabia are due to financial
causes of deadline slippage in construction projects in
problems, changes in project conception, projects’ con-
Libya. Hamidreza et al. [23] qualified certain causes as
tributions, delay in decisions-taking, getting owners ap-
unacceptable in order to respect the contractual deadline
proval, difficulties in getting a work permit, communica-
for the completion of the construction projects in Hong
tion and coordination problems. Chan and Kumaras-
Kong. These causes are relative to delays of supply and
wamy [13] have carried out a survey to evaluate the rela-
subcontractors’ incompetence. M. Haseeb1 et al. [24] con-
tive importance of 83 factors of potential delays in con-
sider that to avoid delays, the project manager must settle
struction projects in Hong Kong. They observed that 5
the corporate discount on time. Also the enterprise must
major causes of deadline slippage related to misman-
do the same thing for the subcontractors. Ogunlana et al.
agement of risk, bad supervision, condition of the site,
[25] noticed that time and cost overruns in construction
delay in taking decisions, varying customer needs, varia-
projects of sky-scrappers in Bankok and Thailand re-
tion of working time. Kaming et al. [14] has studied the
sulted from three factors: lack of infrastructure, default in
causes of slippage of the completion date of 31 sky-
payment by both customers and consultants, and con-
scrappers in Indonesia He noticed that cost overruns
tractors incompetency, they recommended that managers
happen most frequently and are most significant than
and associations specicilising in the field of construction
deadline slippage. He underlined that the main causes of make more efforts to streamline and build the infrastruc-
this slippage are: the increase due to inflation, the under- ture which would allow easy supply of materials and
estimate of material cost as well as the degree of com- boost efficiency in the field of construction. Frimpong et
plexity of the construction project itself, those relating to al. [26] conducted a survey through a questionnaire on
slippage are: change of design conception, weak produc- underground construction projects in Ghana in order to
tivity, inadequate planning, shortage of resources. Kuma- identify and evaluate the importance related to the factors
raswamy and Chan noted in a study that the causes in leading to time and cost overruns of the said projects.
construction projects conducted in Honk Kong that there The findings revealed that the main causes are: late pay-
were differing perceptions by the different parties. ment on the part of the project managers, shortage of raw
Noulmanee et al. [15] concluded in a study on the causes materials, implementation of obsolete construction proc-
of delays in the construction of highways in Tahaland esses, and the high cost of raw materials. They recom-
that the major causes are due to sub-contractors’ incom- mended that to minimise the delays in carrying out the
petency and poor project conception (incomplete and construction works, the projects should be well in ad-
inaccurate design) They also suggested that the delay vance, and a follow-up must be insured as well as the
could be minimised by devising a good project concep- control and respect of the accomplishment planning.
tion, close coordination and an effective communication Over the last decade, researchers have looked into the
among between the participants. Al-Momani [16] in his causes and effects of delays in construction projects and
survey on 130 public projects in Jordan pointed out that confirm that 51% of the responsibility lies with the en-
the main causes of delay are: poor project conception, terprises, followed by the project manager 30% and the
climate, poor site management, delay in delivery, eco- client 19% and that 90% of these causes arise from the
nomic situation and the amendments. He recommended field and the internal organisation of the intervening par-
that managers of public projects take the necessary time ties.
to start carrying out thorough studies by using real quan- Also the researchers have shown that the causes which
occur frequently can be summarised as follows: does it help identify the control points as well as the
Poor management of the site; measures helping to master the risks. This demonstrates
The company’s financial difficulties; therefore an organisational short-sightedness according
Modifications made by the employer during the con- to which the different participants could not see beyond
struction phase; the covered fields. It is not from this point of view that a
Delay in plan examination and approval by the pro- bottom-up approach to analyse the risks related to dead-
ject manager; line management takes its full meaning
Delay in issuing plans.
3.1. Top-Down Approach
3. Methodology Adopted: Limitations and 3.1.1. Limitations
Skills The methodological elements used were inspired from
According to the “top-down” process adopted so far by the best practices and adapted to the context and level of
the previous so-called macroscopic studies, and which maturity of the enterprises, the project manager and
helped to investigate and assess major risks on the macro- owners; as such it would help generate a mapping of
process through documentary research, interviews, ques- causes and risks.
tionnaires, by starting the evaluation of frequent occur- However, the success and efficiency of mapping the
rences the severity and importance related to the causes causes of deadline slippage is based on the ability of the
by the contractors, the project manager, and the owners. enterprises, the project manger and the owners to put
These risks were ranked according to the retained criteria them into good effect. Nevertheless, these rules are rein-
leading to the establishment of a mapping of risk causes. terpreted according to the case and the objectives of
Also, 13 major causes were identified 9 of which re- those involved. The methodological elements must be
sulted from lack of both organisation and mastery of op- considered as a dynamic base to be continually enriched
erations; 7 causes were foreign or partially to the organi- by the participants on the basis of the specificities of
sation of the operation (see Figure 1). their environments and the evolution of these environ-
The top-down approach certainly helps dispose of a ments in time.
risks mapping in a short time. However, this approach
was criticised for being very synthetic and more subjec- 3.1.2. Reference Methodology of Overruns Causes
tive, given that it was not achieved by the actors in the Mapping
field in reference to their daily activities; still it helped to Definition of a Common Language
hold a limited number of people in charge (Management One of the first actions that have been conducted during
and responsible for bid processes). Hence, a quick identi- the initiation stage to practicing the mapping of causes of
fication and assessment of perceived risks. On the other deadline slippage is to ascertain the existence of a frame-
hand, the top-down approach does not help identify and work which is clear and known to all.
analyse the risks on the process and sub-process related This framework goes through the definition of a com-
to the management activities of deadlines and costs, nor mon language:
20 interviews
Top down Analysing the sub
7 causes processes (the auditing track)
Review business practices
Translating the device at
Integrate the risk logic the operational level
Following the risks
Objectives/ risks / control 9 prioritized
Reflecting on the major
structuring actions causes
15 interviews
Bottom up
13 causes
15 measures
and 43 internal control actions
Figure 1. Top-down and Bottom-up process.
So, the grids of reference that helped reconcile these the consequences of the potential risks on the participants
requirements are as Grids A1-A3. objectives. The number of causes of major risks could
basically vary from one mapping process to another. Conduct of Interviews Hence, nevertheless a good practice is set between the
It is one of the key-stages of the process. The interviews ranges of 5 to 25.
are supposed to bring out the participants’ maximum
added-value. Ranking of Risks
The main objective is to collect the participants’ vision A number of workshops on ranking of risks have been
and perception concerning the most critical causes of held (one or several participants by category). These
deadline slippage, the key measures that should be taken workshops constituted the “object” of the process as the
or could minimise the risk causes identified. participants will express their views on the assessment of
each major risk. It should be noted, however, that such a Formalisation and Validation of the List of workshop is not based on a “scientific” or statistical
Major Risks analysis of risks, but on the different participants’ per-
Once the interviewing stage finished, an inventory of all ception of risk. Hence the crucial nature of the “casting”
the causes of deadline slippage has been carried out so stage previously mentioned. Participants must be clearly
that they should be reprocessed them again, synthesised reminded that by nature they generally tend to base their
and regrouped them into a family of causes called evaluation on tangible data and figures. Besides, if for
“grouped” or “major”. This stage is essential as it will some risks the participants use a “basis” listing all the
help to work on these causes in a structured and more incidents which have occurred (“recognised” risks) the
efficient way, while establishing the link between the latter could be taken account of as a need on this level of
practical field-related issues raised by the participants in perception, notably as far as the criterion of the probabil-
the questionnaire or during the interviews, pointing out ity of occurrence is concerned.
From a practical point of view, the workshop lasted
Probability generally half a day; each risk was voted for by a show
Level 1 Rare or very rare of hands using each of the two criteria (impact and
probability of occurrence) and by answering the follow-
Level 2 Regular/frequent
ing questions:
Level 3 Very frequent to systematic Who evaluates the impact on a weak level?
Who evaluates the impact on a moderate level?
Grid A1. A summary of probability and assessment of risks.
Who evaluates the impact on a high level?
The same questions have then been posed concerning
Impact the probability criterion.
Level 1 Weak (0 - 4) The results have been counted for each risk simulta-
Level 2 Moderate (4 - 7)
A quick counting of the average vote on each criterion
Level 3 Strong (7 - 10) has helped to position the risk concerned on the mapping
on the basis of the “marking” explained for these two
Grid A2. A summary of assessment of potential risk impact. criteria.
High : 7-10 Mapping Formalization
Beyond the mapping itself (a graph composed of two
axes: impact and probability) it is always important to
analyse the votes by way of statistics (of average impact
Moderate: 4-7 and probability, variances measuring the scattering of
votes on a particular risk/a given criterion, etc.).
Finally, in order to determine a complete list of the causes of a particular problem in a graph. These prob-
said causes as well as the actions and measures of control, lems are presented on two detailed and different levels in
we have combined both steps so that it would be more the fish bone diagram. The top case of the diagram con-
objective and comprehensive. tains the presentation of the problem (see Diagram A1).
CR1 Zone C
High : 7-10 CR7 CR7'
Zone A
Moderate: 4-7
CR10 CR7
Zone B
Weak : 0-4
According to the grid reference of the criticality risk 1 (0 excluded). Plus IIR is high, plus this factor contrib-
assessment below, 9 risks have been found in zone C (a utes largely to project delays.
high-risk zone), 1 risk in zone B (moderate risk zone), The choice of the number of experts to have been in-
the remaining risks have been found in zone A (a weak- terviewed was limited to 10, including architects, con-
risk zone). tractors, project mangers, owners with great experience
From now on the risks that have been retained are in construction projects.
found in zone C, given the importance of their criticality
on the objectives set for the construction projects; Results Analysis
It has also been observed that after analysing the re- The relative importance indexes have been calculated for
sults of the interviews with the different intervening par- each factor to estimate contribution rates of each delay in
ties most causes lie with the project manager 56% the construction projects.
client 44%; the internal causes are related to the scope of The Table A2 transmits the data collected, as such
organisation where control of operation accounts for 67% there is cause that the ranks obtained through the relative
against 33% of external causes. importance method are similar to those obtained by the
impact and probability evaluation criteria.
4.2.3. Importance of Rank Correlation
Spearman’s coefficient rank correlation is used to meas- 5. Conclusions and Perspectives
ure the degree of agreement and disagreement associated
Even though a lot of works have already been undertaken
with the importance of each party rank. Equation (1) for
abroad, we believe that this type of work is the first of its
that purpose.
kind which combines both the Top-down macroscopic
process and the Bottom-down microscopic one. Data Analysis Methode
Indeed we have been able to make the list of deadline
The method used to analyse data is the relative impor-
slippage exhaustive in project constructions:
tance index method. This index quantifies the relative
By identifying all deadline slippage causes through
importance of diverse delay causes following the experts’
analysing and breaking down the processes;
hindsight judgements. It is calculated as follows:
By approaching the most through interviews, those in
Equation (A.1): relative importance index. charge of the implementation process.
ni i
i A Thus, this work helps bring out to light the importance
IIR i 1 of taking account of time overrun risks during the pre-
A N liminary design stage of construction projects. The un-
Or certainties the duration of the projects tasks of construc-
ni: the number of respondents having given an impor- tion have been explained by the delay causes which have
tance of i to the factor in question. been identified and ranked in terms of importance such
A: the highest importance that is 5 in our case. as:
N: the total number of respondents. Causes arising from organisation or control of opera-
This relative importance index varies between 0 and tion.
Table A2. A comparative ranking of causes through the relative importance method and the criticality evaluation method.
CR7’ Allocations Errors, piloting and coordinating in the inception phase 9 5 45 7’ 0.42 7’
CR7” Allocation errors, piloting during the construction phase 9 5 45 7’’ 0.42 7’’
CR 1: Errors in the estimate of the initial budget; [10] A. A. Albinu and G. O. Jagboro, “The Effects of Con-
CR 2: Volatility of the architecture and engineering struction Delays on Project Delivery in Nigerian Con-
struction Industry,” International Journal of Project Man-
program (multiples modifications requests);
agement, Vol. 20, 2002, pp. 593-599.
CR 6: Poorly controlled coordination;
CR 6’: Errors in scheduling, in piloting and coordina- [11] A. G. Ubaid, “Factors Affecting Contractor Performance,”
Master’s Thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
tion during the stage of study phase; Minerals, Dhahran, 1991.
CR 6”: Errors in scheduling, in piloting and coordina-
[12] S. A. Assaf, M. Al-Khalil and M. Al-Hazmi, “Causes of
tion during the construction stage; Delays in Large Building Construction Projects,” Journal
CR 5: Insufficiency or lack of prior studies and their of Management in Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1995, pp.
feasibility. 45-50. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(1995)11:2(45)
Foreign causes or partially foreign to the organisation [13] M. Kumaraswamy and D. Chan, “Contributors to Con-
of the operation. struction Delay,” Construction Management and Eco-
CR 7: Extended deadline to restore coherence to the nomics, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1998, pp. 17-29.
budget project; doi:10.1080/014461998372556
CR 4: Failure of some actor; [14] P. Kaming, P. Olomolaiye, G. Holt and F. Harris, “Fac-
CR 3: Working site hazards. tors Influencing Construction Time and Cost Overruns on
High-Rise Projects in Indonesia,” Construction Manage-
ment and Economics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1997, pp. 83-94.
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