Modelo Neurofisiológico
Modelo Neurofisiológico
Modelo Neurofisiológico
Source Annoyance
Cochlea Autonomic nervous system
Limbic system Reactions
were given another stimulus (food) which naturally produced salivation. After a while the
dogs salivated when the bell was rung even if no food was present. The presentation of
food was the natural or unconditioned stimulus; the bell ringing was the neutral stimulus
or conditioned stimulus; the salivation without the presence of food was the conditioned
reflex. Jastreboff (1999) suggested that tinnitus becomes a problem when it becomes
associated with negative experiences, though he did not clearly elaborate upon what
comprises the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned
response in that process. Although the negative experience may be a change within the
auditory system, it may also be an unrelated stressful event such as bereavement, relation-
ship difficulties or work problems. Indeed, Jastreboff (1999) suggested that in the m
of cases of tinnitus the emergence is not related to auditory system change. Negative
information or beliefs about tinnitus can supply negative reinforcement, which, via the
limbic system, stimulates the sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system, releas-
ing catecholamines and producing a fight or flight response. Because this autonomic
response is unpleasant, it in turn acts as further negative reinforcement.
112 Tinnitus
There are several points within the auditory, reactive and emotional systems where
feedback can occur. One of the main feedback pathways occurs in the lower part of
the model (Figure 9.1) between the auditory subconscious, the limbic system and the
autonomic nervous system. This lower loop operates at a pre-conscious level. An
upper feedback loop also involves the limbic system and the autonomic nervous
system, but in addition incorporates higher cortical centres and hence operates at a
conscious level. Jastreboff (1999) suggested that the lower loop is dominant in most
people who have severe tinnitus. The neurophysiological model hypothesis also
suggests that once the central feedback loops have become established the auditory
periphery becomes relatively unimportant. There is evidence to support this as section
of the auditory nerve fails to control severe established tinnitus in up to 50% of cases
(see Chapter 13).
Jastreboff et al. (1996) used this neurophysiological model to develop a treatment
strategy called tinnitus retraining therapy (see Chapter 14), but has subsequently agreed
that tinnitus retraining therapy is not the only treatment that is congruent with the neuro-
physiological model. The model itself has been criticised for being oversimplistic
(Andersson, 2002a), but this is perhaps to miss the point: within that simplicity lies the
ease of communication to patients and indeed to nonspecialist clinicians.
The assertions made in the Jastreboff neurophysiological model are also not as well
supported as sometimes claimed. For example, it is not clear that tinnitus can be likened
to a tone to which the patient is classically conditioned. Further, the role of the limbic
system in tinnitus distress might seem hard to contest, but imaging research has not been
fully consistent with this theory (Chapter 6). Indeed, from a learning psychology point of
view, there is much left to explain within the neurophysiological model, such as the
temporal properties and actual instances when aversive reactions have become condi-
tioned (McKenna, 2004). Personal attributes such as experience and personality are
marginalised in the Jastreboff neurophysiological model, and this does not fit well with
observations in the clinic.
Given that tinnitus is not viewed as an unconditioned stimulus for unconditioned
aversive reactions (which it might very well be, for example, as a sign of becoming deaf),
there is a missing link to explain, namely, how a tone without meaning (i.e. tinnitus)
becomes paired with an unconditioned aversive stimulus. Here, the Jastreboff model takes
a tautological approach and does not explain why tinnitus becomes bothersome. Indeed,
it might not be classical conditioning that takes place but rather ‘evaluative conditioning’
(De Houwer et al., 2001) (see Chapter 8). Evaluative conditioning refers to changes in the
liking of a stimulus because the stimulus has been paired with other, positive or negative,
stimuli. In evaluative conditioning studies, a neutral stimulus is paired with an affective
stimulus and changes in the valence of the neutral stimulus are measured. Interestingly,
unlike most forms of Pavlovian conditioning, evaluative conditioning is highly resistant
to extinction.
Despite the many criticisms that have been levelled against the Jastreboff neurophysi-
ological model of tinnitus its basic principles are still used by many, perhaps the majority,
of tinnitus clinicians worldwide, more than two decades after its publication. It is diffi-
cult to overemphasise the improvements in tinnitus management that developed as a
result of this work.
The Jastreboff neurophysiological model 113