The Clinical Application of Gene Editing: Ethical and Social Issues
The Clinical Application of Gene Editing: Ethical and Social Issues
The Clinical Application of Gene Editing: Ethical and Social Issues
Gene-editing techniques have progressed rapidly in the past 5 years. There are already ongoing human
somatic gene-editing clinical trials for multiple diseases. And there has been one purported scenario of
human germline gene editing in late 2018. In this paper, we will review the current state of the technology,
discuss the ethical and social issues that surround the various forms of gene editing, as well as review
emerging stakeholder data from professionals, the ‘general public’ and individuals and families dealing
with genetic diseases potentially treatable by gene editing.
First draft submitted: 31 December 2018; Accepted for publication: 2 May 2019; Published online:
23 July 2019
Keywords: clinical trials • CRISPR • ethics • gene editing • genome editing • germline gene editing • professional
attitudes • public attitudes • somatic gene editing • stakeholder research
For nearly 40 years, scientists and clinicians have aspired to treat genetic conditions in humans by altering genes
or gene expression. While there were a number of attempts at early stage clinical trials [1], gene therapy approaches
in the 1980’s and 1990’s were ultimately unsuccessful due to challenges in delivering functioning genes to the
intended organ system and achieving sufficient gene expression for clinical impact. Only a few Phase III human
clinical trials were initiated, with one ultimately ending in the death of a participant, Jesse Gelsinger, in 1999 [2]. In
tandem to these developments, the international gene therapy policy framework has also evolved and streamlined,
shifting the research context from an exceptional approach to the one governing general biomedical research [3–5]. In
addition, across the world, somatic gene therapy in the clinical context continues to adopt a distinctive regulatory
framework specially tailored for advance innovative therapies. This approach in many jurisdictions has created in
turn an accelerated approval process and a new category for product classification such as the advanced therapy
medicinal products or similar category adopted in Europe, the USA, Japan and Korea.
The past 5–7 years have brought significant progress in both gene therapy and ‘gene-editing’ tools, including
zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs); transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and clustered regularly
interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) [6,7]. Such tools have become increasingly more efficient and
technically easier to use [8], leading some to believe that they are ready for clinical translation in humans. By 2018,
C 2019 Future Medicine Ltd Per. Med. (2019) 16(4), 337–350 ISSN 1741-0541 337
Perspective Ormond, Bombard, Bonham et al.
several preliminary human somatic gene therapy trials, to treat hemoglobinopathies, hemophilia and lysosomal
storage diseases such as MPS1, had been approved by regulatory agencies in the USA and Europe (e.g., LentiGlobin
TDT for β-thalassemia, Luxturna for inherited retinal disease due to RPE65 mutations) [9–12].
Germline gene-editing research in animals has already moved forward [13–15] and has transformed the way in which
researchers make genetically modified animal models. While many countries have laws, professional guidelines or
funding restrictions that limit or forbid human germline gene editing [16,17], a few have approved embryo research
programs. For example, the Niakan laboratory in the UK was approved in early 2016 by the Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Authority (HFEA) to do in vitro embryo research [18], and the Mitalipov laboratory in the USA
published a paper describing in vitro human embryo editing in August 2017 [19]. Nevertheless, the world was
shocked in November 2018 when He Jianku announced that he performed germline gene editing of the CCR5
gene in two recently born twins [20], particularly given that it appears the prospective parents may not have provided
informed consent.
This paper will review the technical background of gene editing, as well as the ethical and policy issues that
underlie it. We will describe research our teams and others are currently doing to address these ethical and policy
issues, and propose key areas of research and policy work that are required before any further clinical translation of
gene editing, particularly germline gene editing.
Technical background
Gene editing in humans can occur at various stages of the lifecourse: ‘somatic’ gene editing can occur during a
pregnancy or after birth, while ‘germline’ gene editing takes place with germ cells (egg or sperm) or single-cell
embryos (zygote). Somatic and germline gene editing differ with respect to the proportion of the body’s cells that
are edited. Somatic gene editing would typically affect a subset of cells, often confined to a single organ (e.g, blood,
liver, muscle). Somatic gene editing could occur either in an ex vivo manner, with re-introduction into the body after
treatment of targeted cells, or in vivo, where the editing tools are delivered directly into a patient’s body. Germline
gene editing would theoretically affect all of the cells in the person that arises from the edited germ cell or embryo,
including that person’s germ cells (except in cases of unintended mosaicism, where only a subset of the body’s cells
might be edited). Critically, germline edits would therefore be likely to propagate into future generations. Fetal
somatic gene editing would represent a unique scenario in that it is intended to alter a subset of cells, like somatic
gene editing, but because treatment occurs during fetal development, the hope would be that intervention can
ameliorate or even prevent genetic conditions. However, fetal gene editing raises concerns regarding impacts on
maternal health and the uncertainties of editing cells during crucial early development stages.
While all three types of gene editing have demonstrated feasibility in mammals [21–23], each has unique technical
challenges in humans. Data on the potential risk of ‘off-target mutations’, mutations that occur at genomic sites
other than the desired target site and therefore might introduce new disease risks (e.g., cancer), remain unclear.
‘On-target mutations’, or large insertions/deletions and complex rearrangements to the genomic site of interest, can
also occur at the target site and potentially affect genes other than the target. It is also possible that even successful
editing at the target site might confer undesirable consequences. For instance, the CCR5 gene may confer resistance
to the HIV virus but is thought to also confer greater susceptibility to West Nile virus and influenza [24,25]. There
are complex considerations to be made in balancing the potential benefits against several possible harms.
Germline gene editing presents additional unique challenges. If gene editing succeeds in only editing some of the
embryo’s cells but not others, the embryo will be mosaic, which not only limits the potential therapeutic benefits but
also potentially introduces unanticipated harms; using mosaic embryos of any kind in fertility procedures is highly
controversial [26]. Many authors have pointed out the availability of other options for a healthy and biologically
related child, including standard in vitro fertilization (IVF) coupled with preimplantation genetic testing that could
identify embryos unaffected by the disease of concern [27]. There are only a few, very rare scenarios that would
preclude any possibility of an unaffected and biologically related child using already available methods.
These scientific and technical challenges are likely to be surmountable given the rapid pace of progress in the
gene editing field. Somatic gene editing in adults has already moved into clinical trials; in January 2018, the NIH
launched the Somatic Cell Genome Editing research program to remove the barriers in implementing somatic
gene editing into clinical care [28]. The Somatic Cell Genome Editing initiative includes improving current delivery
mechanisms, gene editors and assays for testing the safety and efficacy of gene-editing tools. With this program,
NIH hopes to accelerate the field and to expedite the translation of gene-editing treatments into meaningful clinical
applications [29]. Sickle cell disease, in particular, has been recognized as a promising target for both gene therapy
and gene editing [30,31]; in September 2018 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the NIH
announced new initiative to help speed the development of genetic therapeutic cures for sickle cell disease (SCD).
Collaborative efforts are more laborious and time consuming but result in more fully incorporating stakeholder
perspectives. Additional challenges include identifying appropriate stakeholder groups, the reality that stakeholder
interests will never fully align, and developing decision-making processes that balance and synthesize these divergent
– even conflicting – interests.
When thinking about which conditions warrant gene editing, issues of disability and identity are important
to consider. Members of the disability community have raised concerns about technologies to prevent the birth
of children with disabilities (such as prenatal testing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and even ‘cures’ or
treatments for some disabilities (such as cochlear implants; e.g. [44–52]). They believe that these technologies express
and perpetuate negative attitudes toward people with disabilities: rather than accepting people with difference,
medicine focuses on making them ‘more normal’. Indeed, particularly reproductive approaches have been criticized
for trying to eliminate traits that are a source of positive value and identity for many and constitute a form of
human diversity [53]. Studies show that members of the general public and healthcare professionals underestimate
the quality of life of people with disabilities compared with how they and their families report it, underscoring the
importance of involving stakeholders with disabilities in research and policymaking [54–60].
Finally, we argue that conducting stakeholder research improves the research process and the quality of published
research by impacting legitimacy, transparency and the quality of the policy decision [41,61–65]. Specifically, it
promotes a sense of inclusion and trustworthiness among and between stakeholders, which can help address
the historic problem of recruiting underserved or under-represented populations (both in terms of ethnicity, for
example, in the US communities participating in sickle cell research, as well as communities of rare disease and
individuals with disability potentially treated by gene editing). It can also impact approaches to consent, and
improve clinical uptake because the relevant patient populations have been included in the development of new
treatments from early in the process.
Voices of stakeholders
In response to the call for stakeholder data about attitudes toward gene editing, our various research groups have
been involved in survey, interview and focus group data collection to document the attitudes of scientists, clinicians,
the general public and patient/family stakeholder groups toward the various types of gene editing. Below, we will
summarize the currently published data and some of our own work that is pending publication.
CRISPR and related technologies are both too new to have been included in such studies and also have generated
considerable media hype that has likely changed public understandings in unknown ways. To our knowledge none
of the currently published studies of the general public have taken a deliberative approach where individuals were
educated over a period of time and subsequently evaluated as to their attitudes. Each study also used slightly
different wording, which can make comparisons challenging.
Despite these challenges, a key, and somewhat surprising, finding is that members of these general publics appear
to have similar levels of acceptance toward both hypothetical somatic and germline gene editing: generally around
60–70% acceptance levels for therapeutically focused gene editing [38,69]. The major distinctions appear to lie in
the intended uses of the gene editing (e.g., a therapeutic approach compared with nonmedical or enhancements).
For example, the Pew study found that 72% supported germline gene editing for treatment of a serious disease a
baby would have at birth; 60% for reduction of risk of a serious disease that could occur over the lifetime; and 19%
for use in making a baby more intelligent [69]. The UK study found that 83% would support gene editing if ‘you
were carrying genes for a genetic disorder and ran the risk of passing them on to future children’ but only 23%
supporting using it to ‘make your future children more intelligent’ and 12% supported it to ‘change your future
children’s appearance’ [70].
Finally, in a qualitative study designed to elicit views on gene editing in human embryos and somatic gene
therapy, focus group participants in the upper midwest of the USA showed results consistent with broader public
assessments [74]. Focus group participants were generally supportive of the use of gene editing to prevent or treat
serious or life-threatening congenital or adult-onset disease but were more ambivalent about using gene editing
to treat multifactorial diseases that could potentially be treated through lifestyle changes. Most opposed using
gene editing for nonmedical or enhancement purposes, such as selecting for superficial traits (eye or hair color) in
offspring. Participants expressed hope that gene-editing interventions could be used to treat serious, progressive
diseases that may potentially impact themselves or their families.
“Things that are life threatening diseases, I would attack those first. And things that are not so. . . It would be
nice if my child had blue eyes, or something, I’d say, let’s not mess with that.”
“I can see this if it was able to work and they could figure out how to do it, it could be a huge thing for
Alzheimer’s. . . Also, Parkinson’s.” [74]
Participants also expressed concerns that this technology could have unforeseen consequences to human health
or could be misused. Some participants feared vulnerable patients could be exploited by unethical scientists or
physicians, stressing the need for oversight as this technology is implemented.
“I think with the testing (germline gene editing) there can be some side effects that might be undesirable and
might be causing some other problems that might even be worse than what you’re dealing with” [74].
While it was evident that focus group participants had limited knowledge about genetics and/or the methodology
of gene editing, the ethical concerns expressed by participants reflect the published literature cited above on attitudes
in the general public, as well as the ongoing discussions by academic, industry and government stakeholders [74].
Common themes about gene editing across different disease group stakeholders
Within our various research teams, we have conducted surveys, interviews and focus groups that queried various
patient and family stakeholder groups about their attitudes toward gene editing. Thus far, this has included parents
of children with Down syndrome (DS [75]; qualitative work is ongoing, and includes comparisons to parents of
children with more medically serious aneuploidies such as trisomy 13 and 18), adults with inherited eye disorders
such as Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or retinitis pigmentosa [76], and adults and parents of children with
SCD [68]. Our work has thus far focused on conditions where gene-editing trials seemed imminent and on areas of
genetic disease that represent a range of features and, in some ways, identify stakeholder populations where a sense
of community or identity has been documented in the literature.
Despite the differences in age of onset, clinical presentation and overall severity of physical and intellectual
impairment involved with these conditions, we have identified a number of themes that appear to be crossing
multiple populations: qualified optimism about the potential of gene editing; conceptual similarities and differences
with previous interventions; a weighing of potential risks and benefits; the social implications of gene editing
including impacts on self identity, acceptance and inclusion; and justice and access. Participants also express
unanswered questions they have about gene-editing technologies, including the unknown harms and concerns
about the newness of treatments.
manipulations that, at least in the early days, might well have had considerable unintended consequences. In our
research, both parents and affected individuals grapple with the fact that whether an intervention involves gene
editing materially affects their willingness to accept it on behalf of themselves and their children. Prenatal and
pediatric interventions also share complex moral questions about the role of parenting and what the duties of a
future or current parent are to their offspring. One parent of a child with DS recalled, “having a son who went
through heart surgery, the doctor explained chasing perfection can do more damage than help. Basically leave well enough
“I really worry about this sort of chimera of hope that we’re going to fix all these blind people and give them
sight and it leads people to go through life waiting for cure rather than living a life. . . . and it just seems to be
so stultifying, so ultimately emotionally damaging”: Patient with LCA [76].
Participants in several stakeholder groups [76] raised global issues around how gene-editing treatments could impact
on evolution, both scientifically and socially, and the negative impact of losing heterogeneity in society, a sort of
‘counter-eugenic logic’ (Garland–Thomson, 2012). Parents of children with DS stressed the unique contributions
of their child to society, including their role in teaching others tolerance and inclusivity, and others articulated that
the burden should be on society to become more inclusive of those with intellectual or other disabilities, not to
treat or cure the phenotypes [76,79].
“We have been so blessed by him (son with DS) exactly the way he is. A world without Down syndrome seems
sad too”: Parent of a child with DS [79].
“I just don’t want people to think, oh my goodness, don’t worry blind people, so what if the unemployment rate
amongst blind people is 70% . . . now with gene editing, all the blind people will be able to see and now they’ll
be able to be employed . . . society is going to think, oh no need to make accessibility our prime focus or making
accommodations . . . because there will be no more blind people”: Participant with retinitis pigmentosa [76].
Interestingly, concerns about how the widespread adoption of gene editing may impact the disability community
were a theme also spontaneously brought up by general public focus group participants. These participants stressed
the societal benefits of diversity and the lessons that can be learned from the inclusion and acceptance of disabled
“Maybe having people with disabilities teaches the rest of us more compassion or gives us more diversity in our
community to give us a better perspective on what the variation in life is all about”: Public participant [74].
Finally, some participants, both members of the general public [74] and individuals with blindness [76] expressed
fear that parents could be socially or financially pressured into accepting gene editing for their child’s condition
through the denial of social services or insurance coverage if genetic intervention is declined.
“If you don’t get your embryo fixed, you can’t get paid for the expenses. I think it’s a way off but it could happen”:
Public participant [74].
Gene-editing technologies are rapidly moving toward clinical incorporation without clear knowledge of the potential
benefits and harms. As the scientific research moves forward, parallel stakeholder research is critical in building
trustworthy and transparent research agendas, and in developing national and international policies that reflect key
priorities and concerns of stakeholders.
Future perspective
As novel gene-editing technologies move closer and closer to the clinic and the potential to treat genetic disease
somatically and through germline editing approaches, many ethical, policy and translational challenges remain. As
scientific and social science researchers, we must continue to identify relevant ethical questions from the perspective
of a broad range of stakeholder groups, and to do so in parallel with clinical trials (moving beyond the thus
far hypothetical assessments). We must also encourage ongoing engagement among biological scientists, patient
advocates, and bioethics and humanities researchers with the skills and experience to conduct healthcare policy
research. Several observers have called for novel approaches to building broader and more inclusive collaborations
that take into account the complex ethical, social and legal implications of these burgeoning technologies [81].
At the same time, there are lessons to be learned from the clinical translation of science and technology in
the past. There are some public health processes in place for translating genetic technologies (e.g., Evaluation of
Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention [EGAPP]). In particular, the precautionary role of patient and
bioethics stakeholders may be compromised if they are viewed as being too embedded in the translational process,
to the point where translational determinism – the idea that any form of successful translation is a necessary and
a priori good – sets in, in which case they are often criticized for being co-opted. All stakeholders – researchers,
clinicians, advocates, and health services and policy scholars – must remain aware that the prospect of saving lives
and removing disease burden can override more precautionary approaches to scientific discovery and public health.
The example of He Jiankui, who has claimed that his controversial application of embryonic gene editing was
justified in the service of eliminating the HIV virus, is a stark example of how scientific ambition and a narrow
focus on genetics as ‘the answer’ can lead to undesirable outcomes [82].
A typical normative approach is to call for public or stakeholder engagement so that policy decisions can reflect
societal interests and values. These policies often emanate from national or international professional organizations
or funding agencies and are seldom incorporated into laws or governmental regulations [35,83]. As such, these policies
are usually nonbinding and legally unenforceable. In addition, they frequently fail to establish a concrete mechanism
for implementation, or even to resolve differing views from different stakeholder populations. Yet the influence
of such recommendations should not be underestimated. Acknowledging the role of public engagement in the
deliberate policy-making process creates normative responsibilities for those in charge, making them accountable
for potential inaction. Equally important is the role that funders and professional organizations play as agents for
policy transfer: these institutions provide a mechanism for the development and dissemination of best practices
and exert pressure on other stakeholders, including governments, to act accordingly.
One of the challenges in moving forward is arriving at an ethical policy decision. To do so, we must bridge
the chasm between descriptive ethics (i.e., what people believe should be done) and normative ethics (i.e., what
ethical principles oblige), perspectives that are sometimes considered irreconcilable [84]. However, using patient or
public engagement methods in systematic and robust studies to elicit ethical values can be a first step toward such
bridging. Empirical evidence from patient/public engagement can be used to excavate core values or principles,
which can in turn be used to formulate concrete policies. Thus, patient/public engagement approaches to explore
ethical issues can identify values and positions of communities, clarify meanings and perspectives of stakeholders,
and ultimately portray the full complexity of the issues to enhance decision making and policy development.
The authors would like to acknowledge work by A Persaud (Social and Behavioral Research Branch, National Human Genome
Research Institute), A Armsby and E Snure (Stanford MS Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling program).
relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the
subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript.
Author contributions
All authors contributed in conceptualization, review and editing. KE Ormond prepared the original draft.
Executive summary
• There are several currently used gene-editing techniques including clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats, transcription activator-like effector nucleases and zinc finger nucleases.
• Somatic gene-editing clinical trials have already begun in humans for several diseases, with more set for 2019.
• Germline gene editing has been performed in animals, and there are publications on human in vitro studies.
Human germline gene editing was reported in November 2018, but has not yet been published in a peer
reviewed setting.
Technical background
• Safety and effectiveness data are still limited for all types of gene editing in humans.
Stakeholder research
• Research has addressed hypothetical attitudes toward somatic and germline gene editing in various professional
groups, general publics (typically without deliberative education), and family and individuals faced with specific
genetic diseases.
Common themes
• Common themes that arise in the available patient/family stakeholder research include: qualified optimism
about the potential of gene editing; conceptual similarities and differences with previous interventions; a
weighing of potential risks and benefits; the social implications of gene editing including impacts on self identity,
acceptance and inclusion; and justice and access.
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