1) The document discusses screw thread measurement and terminology. It describes types of screw threads like with worth and acme threads.
2) Key thread terminology defined includes pitch, lead, flank angle, thread angle, helix angle, major diameter, minor diameter, and effective diameter.
3) Methods for measuring major diameter, minor diameter, pitch, and errors in threads are presented. Instruments like floating carriage micrometer and profile projector are described for thread measurement.
1) The document discusses screw thread measurement and terminology. It describes types of screw threads like with worth and acme threads.
2) Key thread terminology defined includes pitch, lead, flank angle, thread angle, helix angle, major diameter, minor diameter, and effective diameter.
3) Methods for measuring major diameter, minor diameter, pitch, and errors in threads are presented. Instruments like floating carriage micrometer and profile projector are described for thread measurement.
1) The document discusses screw thread measurement and terminology. It describes types of screw threads like with worth and acme threads.
2) Key thread terminology defined includes pitch, lead, flank angle, thread angle, helix angle, major diameter, minor diameter, and effective diameter.
3) Methods for measuring major diameter, minor diameter, pitch, and errors in threads are presented. Instruments like floating carriage micrometer and profile projector are described for thread measurement.
1) The document discusses screw thread measurement and terminology. It describes types of screw threads like with worth and acme threads.
2) Key thread terminology defined includes pitch, lead, flank angle, thread angle, helix angle, major diameter, minor diameter, and effective diameter.
3) Methods for measuring major diameter, minor diameter, pitch, and errors in threads are presented. Instruments like floating carriage micrometer and profile projector are described for thread measurement.
Introduction • Screw threads are mostly used in all the components / assemblies / machine tools. • Function of screw thread is to transmit power and motion and acting as a fasteners. • It is of prime importance to know various terminology related to screw thread and their measured process. Types of Screw Threads • With worth • Square • Acme Terminology of Screw Threads 1) Pitch - It is the distance measured parallel to the axis between two consecutive points on adjacent threads. 2) Lead – It is the distance advanced by the thread axially in one revolution. Lead = Pitch (for single start thread) Lead = No. of start x Pitch (multistate) 3) Flank Angle – The angle between individual flank and a line perpendicular to the axis of thread, measured in axial plane is called as flank angle. 4) Thread Angle (α) – Angle between two adjacent flank measured in axial plane is called as thread angle. 5) Helix Angle – The angle made by helix of a thread with axis of thread is called as helix angle. 6) Major Diameter (Dmaj) – It is a diameter of imaginary cylinder co-axial with screw which makes a continues helical contact at the crests of the screw or roots of the nut. 7) Minor Diameter (Dminor) - It is a diameter of imaginary cylinder co-axial with screw which makes a continues helical contact at the root of the screw or crests of the nut. 8) Effective Diameter – Diameter of an imaginary co-axial cylinder which intersects the flanks of the threads such that the width of the thread and width of the space between threads are equal. Errors in Threads • In the case of screw threads there are at least five important elements which require consideration and error in any one of these can cause rejection of the thread. • These five elements are major diameter, minor diameter, effective diameter, pitch and angle of the thread. • Errors on the major and minor diameters will cause interference with the mating thread. Due to errors in these elements, the root section and wall thickness will be less, also the flank contact will be reduced and ultimately the component will be weak in strength. • Errors on the effective diameter will also result in weakening of the assembly due to interference between the flanks. • Similarly pitch and angle errors are also not desirable as they cause a progressive tightening and interference on assembly. • These two errors have a special significance as they can be precisely related to the effective diameter. Types of Errors 1) Drunken Thread. • This is the one having erratic pitch, in which the advance of the helix is irregular in one complete revolution of the thread. • Thread drunkenness is a particular case of a periodic pitch error recurring at intervals of one pitch. • In such a thread, the pitch measured parallel to the thread axis will always be correct, the only error being that the thread is not cut to a true helix. • If the screw thread be regarded as an inclined plane wound around a cylinder and if the thread be unwound from the cylinder, (i.e. development of the thread be taken) then the drunkenness can be visualized. • The helix will be a curve in the case of drunken thread and not a straight line as shown in Fig. • It is very difficult to determine such errors and moreover they do not have any great effect on the working unless the thread is of very large size. 2) Progressive Pitch Error. • This error occurs when the tool work velocity ratio is incorrect though it may be constant. • It can also be caused due to pitch errors in the lead screw of the lathe or other generating machine. • The other possibility is by using an incorrect gear or an approximate gear train between work and lead screw e.g., while metric threads are cut with an inch pitch lead screw and a translatory gear is not available. • A graph between the cumulative pitch error and the length of thread is generally a straight line in case of progressive pitch error 3) Periodic Pitch Error. • This repeats itself at regular intervals along the thread. • In this case, successive portions of the thread are either longer or shorter than the mean. This type of error occurs when the tool work velocity ratio is not constant. • This type of error also results when a thread is cut from a lead screw which lacks squareness in the abutment causing the lead screw to move backward and forward once in each revolution. • Thus the errors due to these cases are cyclic and pitch increases to a maximum, then reduces through normal value to a minimum and so on. The graph between the cumulative pitch error and length of threads for this error will, therefore, be of sinusoidal form. 4) Irregular Errors. • These arise from disturbances in the machining set-up, variations in the cutting properties of material etc. • Thus they have no specific causes and correspondingly no specific characteristics also. Floating Carriage Micrometer Principle • It works on principle of Nut and bolt/screw threads. • As drum of micrometer rotates by one revolution, it will move forward by one pitch of internal threads. • The movement will be measured using number of divisions on drum and main scale i.e. Micrometer principle. • It is used to measure major diameter, minor diameter and effective diameter of screw threads. Construction • Fig. shows floating carriage or screw thread measuring machine or bench micrometer. • It consists of two centers maintained on the pillars of base. • The centers are used for fixing the job. • The floating body (with zero friction) is kept on the base, which has two pillars on it. • One pillar consists of a micrometer drum having least count of 0.0002 mm. • The other pillar consists of fuducial indicator which senses the pressure applied on the anvil end. Reading a Floating Carriage Micrometer • Floating carriage has three scales i.e. main scale, circular scale and Vernier scale. • LC of floating carriage can be calculated by following process. Sr. Scale Smallest Number of Least count No. division on division on main scale next scale 1 Main scale 0.5 mm ------ 0.5 mm
2 Circular scale 0.5 mm 250 (0.5/250) =
0.002 mm
3 Vernier Scale 0.002 mm 10 (0.002/10) =
0.0002 mm • Thus least count of floating carriage is 0.0002 mm. • To take reading, • TR = MSR + (CSD x LC) + (VSC x LC) Measurement of Major Diameter A) Using Simple Micrometer – Major diameter of screw thread can be measured by using simple micrometer. It is most easy and simple method. It’s least count is 0.01 mm. By using simple micrometer, it is not possible to measure up to accuracy of below 0.01 mm By using simple micrometer, chances of extra pressure on the job may be there, which generates errors. B) Using Floating Carriage Micrometer – A calibrated master piece is used to avoid errors at the time of measurement. 1) Note the standard reading of master piece as D1. 2) Measure dimensions of master piece with the help of floating carriage micrometer as R1. 3) Replace the master piece with screw whose dimension is to be measured. 4) Measure the dimension of thread of screw as R2. 5) By using following formula, calculate the major diameter of screw thread. Dmajor D1 ( R2 R1 ) Where, D1 S tan dard master piece reading R2 Re ading of screw thread R1 Re ading of master piece measured Measurement of Minor Diameter • Vee piece anvils are to be used for measurement of minor diameter of screw thread. • Angle of vee should be less than the angle of thread to be checked. 1) Note the standard reading of master piece as D1. 2) Measure dimensions of master piece after placing vee as R1. 3) Replace the master piece with screw whose dimension is to be measured. 4) Measure the dimension of thread of screw as R2. 5) By using following formula, calculate the minor diameter of screw thread. Dmin or D1 ( R2 R1 ) Where, D1 S tan dard master piece reading R2 Re ading of screw thread R1 Re ading of master piece measured Measurement of Pitch A) Using Profile Projector – The procedure for major diameter, minor diameter and pitch measurement is nearly same. The measurement can be carried out using two micrometers which are used for measurement of horizontal and vertical movement of image of given job on screen. 1) Adjust 0-0 of main scale and Vernier scale of angle scale on screen. 2) Get the image of thread on screen and adjust the same at 1-1 as shown in fig. and note the reading. 3) Change the position of image so that 2-2 should be the second position of axis and note the second reading on micrometer. 4) Difference between first and second readings of micrometer is the required answer i.e. pitch of screw. B) Using Screw Pitch Gauge – Construction of screw pitch gauge is same as feeler gauge, only difference is that at the end of the strips V-grooves are given. It is used to quickly determine the pitch of the various threads by matching the V-grooves on the leaves with the V-grooves on the work. Peter Screw Measuring machine • The Pitter screw measuring machine employs various stylus points to suit screw threads that are to be checked. • The screw under measurement is held stationary between centers on the machine. • The indicator unit, carrying the stylus are moving on a slides with ball bearings. • The sliding takes place using micrometer by which reading can be taken. • The stylus which is mounted on a leaf spring, falls in and out of each thread ; the pointer of the indicator reads zero (it is adjusted to read zero in the first groove) when this stylus is in a central position in each successive thread. • The micrometer reading is taken each time the indicator reads zero. • The instrument is more accurate for the measurement of pitch. Measurement of Angle of Screw Thread A) Using Profile Projector – Adjust 0-0 to main scale and Vernier scale. Adjust the image of the thread so that one flank coincide the vertical axis. Rotate the screen scale assembly so that the vertical axis should coincide with another flank of the same thread. Note reading of main scale and Vernier scale (for angle measurement) and get the required answer. Measurement of Effective Diameter • It is like a simple micrometer, but ends of anvils are of Vee shape. • Care to be taken about flanks of thread should come in contact of vees. • The value should be equal to (for With worth thread) • Pitch diameter = D – 0.6403p • Where 0.6403p = depth of thread • D = Outside diameter of thread • p = pitch of thread • For matching helix angle, for every thread new micrometer is to be used and initial reading of micrometer is to be zero. • But thread micrometer shows variation in drunken thread can be best noted point. Best size of wire • Best size of wire is that size which makes contact with the thread flank. AB In AOB, sin BOA OB AB sin( 90 ) OB AB AB OB AB sec sin( 90 ) cos P P r sec ( AB & OB r ) 4 4 Best size of wire d 2r P P d 2 sec sec 4 2 Measurement of Effective Diameter • Effective diameter can be measured by using floating carriage micrometer which is more accurate. • For measurement of effective diameter following methods can be used a) Two wire method b) Three wire method c) Direct micrometer method. Two Wire Method • Two wire method consists of use of two identical best size of wires. • Fig. shows the measurement of thread with two wire method. • The wires are to be inserted in such way that, they should be inserted in the same thread and the flank surfaces are tangent to the wire • The dimension of thread + wire is indicated by ‘R’. • Various terms are defined as • Diameter over wire = R • Diameter under wire = T • Pitch value = P. It is the difference between effective diameter and diameter under wire. • From fig. it is clear that, effective diameter (E) is addition of diameter under wire and pitch value. E T P ( R 2d ) P { T R 2d } Where d wire diameter Three Wire Method of Thread Measurement • Three wire method of thread measurement Pitch Value • Pitch value is defined while measurement of effective diameter of screw thread. • It is the difference of effective diameter and diameter under wire. • Pitch value depends upon type of thread, pitch of thread and diameter of wire. • For example – for metric threads • P = 0.86602 x (pitch) – (diameter of wire) P = 0.86602 x (pitch) – (diameter of wire) Profile Projector • Construction – • It consists of a light source which incident light on the mirror to create the profile of the object. • Condensers are used to reduce intensity of light for avoiding fatigue to the operator. • Table is made up of glass on which job can be mounted. • Magnifying lenses are used to magnify the image. • The magnification up to 10X, 20X, 50X, 100X, 200X, 500X, 1000X can be possible. • Two micrometers are used to measure travelling of table in X and Y direction with least count of 0.01 mm. • The screen is made up of greenish colour glass which shows the magnified image. • The screen consists of two perpendicular axis used for reference and a circular scale with markings of angles in degrees. • Vernier scale can be used to increase the accuracy of measurement of angle. • Working – • When the light rays incident light on mirror ‘M1’ through condenser and lens, it will be reflected in upward direction and passes through the table made up of glass. • The profile of the object is created at this point. • This will be magnified by using magnification lens. • The magnifying image would be reflected on mirror ‘M2’ then to mirror ‘M3’ and finally visible on screen. Pitch Measurement by Profile projector Measurement of Major diameter by profile projector Measurement of Major diameter by profile projector Angle Measurement by profile projector Advantages of Profile projector • No wear and tear. • Magnifying devices can be used hence accuracy is more. • Magnification of small components can be done effectively. •End Of This Unit
Design Unbound 1 -Designing for Emergence in a White Water World, Volume 1 Designing for Emergence by Pendleton-Jullian, Ann MBrown, John Seely (z-lib.org)
Design Unbound 1 -Designing for Emergence in a White Water World, Volume 1 Designing for Emergence by Pendleton-Jullian, Ann MBrown, John Seely (z-lib.org)