Development of Generator Set Operation Monitoring PDF
Development of Generator Set Operation Monitoring PDF
Development of Generator Set Operation Monitoring PDF
Abstract. Generator sets or Genset, widely used as primary or backup source electric power
generators. When the generator set is used as the main power to support field operations, it must
be ensured that the generator set is in good condition. If the generator set in trouble when it is
already in the field, it certainly will hamper the work significantly. This research developed an
online monitoring system of generators operation based on the ThingSpeak, an IoT technology
platform. The system can record the historical data of generators operation parameters, starting
from the measurement of fuel level, engine temperature, until total energy (kWh) generated. The
measurement data are used to offline analysis the performance condition of the generator or to
determine the length of time to the next periodic maintenance. The development results showed
the system has worked well following the design. The measurement data has been sent to the
ThingSpeak IoT platform as a data logger. The data stored in ThingSpeak are the time stamp
when the data received. It can be used to determine the duration of operation, fuel consumption,
average operating temperature, and total energy (kWh) produced. The test results show the
difference in the quality of the radiator water gives a difference in temperature gradient up to
0,8oC/kW. While fuel consumption in no-load conditions, the difference in fuel consumption is
up to 0,2ml/sec.
1. Introduction
The use of generator sets or Genset, both diesel and gasoline fuel, has been widely used both as main or
backup power generation. The working principle of the generator to producing electricity is based on
the work of the combustion engine, which generates electric power as the generator rotates. In locations
that unreached by PLN electricity or field area without electricity, generators used as the primary source
of electricity generation. In urban areas, especially in commercial buildings, generators are used as
backup power, when no electricity from PLN. In general, generators equipped with electrical indicators,
like the output voltage, current and frequency, and fuel level. However, there are no indicators that give
some information about the current performance of the generator or time into the next periodic
maintenance. If the generator used as the main power to support field operations, the generator must be
in good condition, so it can be assured that there will be no problems. If the generator set in trouble
when it is already in the field, it undoubtedly will hinder the work significantly. To solved these
problems, a monitoring system of generator operation is needed. The system can record the historical
data of the generator parameters. Starting from the measurement of fuel level, engine temperature until
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ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022085
total energy (kWh) generated. The measurement data are used for offline analysis of the performance
condition of the generator or to determine the length of time to the next periodic maintenance.
Furthermore, if there are more recording data of parameters of the generator set, it can be used for failure
Several studies related to the development of a fuel monitoring system have been carried out, among
others, conducted by M Wildan Firdaus et al. [1]. In this research, the ESP-8266 control module, which
has wifi communication facilities and eases in making internet connections, is used. The system built is
intended to monitor the condition of the fuel level and operation status of the generator, whether it is in
on or off condition. The test results show the instability of the system in the monitoring of the operating
conditions of the generator set. Wherein the Firebase application, the accuracy reaches 100% but by
using the Xampp application the accuracy is only 10%. Edem and Ezeofor researched the development
of a generator fuel monitoring system and battery level using GSM communication infrastructure [2].
In this study, the Atmega328 microcontroller used as a controller and the HC-SR04 sensor used as a
level gauge, which uses the ultrasonic method. The monitoring system will send information related to
fuel level and battery level conditions on the generator using the SMS feature via the AT command. The
same research was also carried out by G.D. Obikoya developed a fuel level monitoring system. But in
this study, the measurement of the fuel level used a resistance method from the fuel float sensor [3].
Several other studies have shown that the development of a generator operation monitoring system, it’s
used to conduct maintenance planning based on running time [4]. To detect damage of the generator by
analyzing the quality of the generated power [5]. Detect the generator failure based on measurements of
working temperature and generator oil level [6]. Based on some of the studies, the development of a
complete monitoring system of the generator operation has not yet been carried out. So, in addition to
analyzing the performance, information of the generator operating time can be used to determine the
time of periodic maintenance.
This research will develop an operation monitoring system of the generator set by measuring several
generator operating parameters such as fuel level and output power. Based on the measurement of fuel
consumption compared to electric energy generated, the performance of the generator can be analyzed.
It is still following the operating standards or has there been a decline in performance. Through recording
the operation time, it can determine when the next periodic maintenance must be carried out. This
research will develop an innovative product of the generator operating monitoring system that can add
to each generator set. This product is not only able to display/store electricity parameters and fuel level
conditions, but also performance and total operation time. This product such as indicators of fuel
consumption and the odometer on a car or black box on an aircraft.
2. Method
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022085
the prime mover system of the generator. Prime mover is part of a generator that has the function of
producing the mechanical energy needed to rotate the generator rotor [10].
The Genset diagram as shown in Figure 1. The prime mover rotating a synchronous generator that will
produce the electrical energy. The generator voltage regulator knows as Automatic Voltage Regulator
(AVR) would be added to keep the output electricity stable against load changes [11].
a. b. c.
Figure 2. Fuel level measurement method with a. Resistive (Float), b. Capacitive, and c. Ultrasonic.
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022085
regular maintenance schedule can be determined. For this reason, the fuel level sensor will install with
a fuel level sensor and the measurement of output power using a power meter.
The control module will read the generator condition, whether it is in on or off operation. This used
as a trigger to start or stop the operation reading of the fuel level sensor and power meter. Information
related to the state of the fuel level, output power, and the operating time, will send to the IoT application
of ThingSpeak to display parameter of the generator and as a data logger. The recorded data will be
carried out for performance analysis and maintenance time determination.
Figure 4. Comparison of power meter PZEM with clamp meter CM3286-20 measurement.
For temperature and level measurement, modules have been developing and testing the measurement
accuracy because it needs to make a stand for the measure at engine temperature and fuel level. The
temperature and fuel level measurement modules were develop using an Arduino controller.
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022085
Temperature and fuel level data are sent using the ‘Nodemcu’ module. The developed power meter,
temperature, and fuel level measurement modules as shown in figure 5. In this research, the generator
monitoring system has also been developed based on the Android application. This application will
display the output power of the generator. The monitoring application was developed using the App
inventor to design the display on Android and Firebase as a data buffer before displaying it in the
Android application, figure 6.
According to the initial design, the measurement data will be used to analyze the generator performance.
By comparing with the historical data of the generator operation, it can be seen whether the generator
performance is still good or needs to be maintained. To see the effect of changes in performance due to
changes in the characteristics of the engine temperature parameters. The test are made to see the effect
of changes in the quality of the radiator cooling water on the radiator working temperature and the
generator performance when genset running with 20 ml fuel. Testing is done by mixing the coolant
radiator with plain water. A mixture of coolant with plain water is expected to represent the quality of
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022085 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022085
the radiator water. The difference in the quality of the radiator water is done by adjusting the
concentration of the radiator water by mixing ordinary water with radiator coolant water in several
percentages of the mixture. The test results show the difference in the quality of the radiator water gives
a difference in temperature gradient up to 0,8oC/kW. While fuel consumption in no-load conditions the
difference in fuel consumption is up to 0,2ml/sec, but in line with the increase in load, fuel consumption
is relatively the same, as shown in figure 7. This shows that the changes in operating temperature can
be use as identification of changes in the radiator water quality, either due to dirt or reduced in volume.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of tests conducted on measurements of temperature and level output power, the
measurements obtained are entirely accurate when compared to other measuring devices. Overall the
system has worked well by sending measurement data to the IoT Thingspeak application and display it
in Android application using App inventor and Firebase. Measurement data will be used to determine
the periodic maintenance and to analyze the generator performance, by comparing with the historical
data of the generator operation. The test results show the difference in the quality of the radiator water
gives a difference in temperature gradient up to 0,8oC/kW. While fuel consumption in no-load conditions
the difference in fuel consumption is up to 0,2ml/sec.
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