English: Quarter 1, Wk.5 - Module 1
English: Quarter 1, Wk.5 - Module 1
English: Quarter 1, Wk.5 - Module 1
Quarter 1,Wk.5 - Module 1
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented
English- Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1.Wk.5 - Module 1: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented
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English 9
Quarter 1,Wk.5- Module 1
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Table of Contents
What I Know.................................................................................................................................................vii
Lesson 1:
Judge the Relevance and Worth of Ideas...............................................................1
What I Need to Know......................................................................................................2
What’s New ....................................................................................................................3
What Is It.............................................................................................................................4
What’s More .....................................................................................................................6
What I Have Learned......................................................................................................7
What I Can Do..................................................................................................................8
Assessment: (Post-Test)………………………………………………………………………9
Key to Answers........................................................................................................................................11
What This Module is About
It is the people that makes a community strong and stable. It is the willingness to
work with others that has helped the human race survives the ever-changing world. It is the
willingness to create a positive impact on somebody else’s life makes us humans unique of
all creations.
This lesson will introduce you to real-life experiences and makes you realize how
working with others helps you accomplish your task a lot easier.
With this are activities designed for independent learning that target the development
of your real-life based skills.
This learning kit can be done with or without internet connection. The goal of this
module is for you learners to be acquainted with the organization of this module. Read the
following pages carefully so you will know where to start and end this journey successfully.
As part of your Grade 9 journey, you are about to know the importance of giving
judgement of the relevance and worth of any ideas presented. More, this teaches you to
show appreciation in the beauty of working with others.
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
What I know
Directions: Fill in the dialogue box to show your opinions regarding the poster. You
may refer to the Republic Act No.10627 Anti -Bullying Act of 2013 below.
Republic Act No. 10627 Anti -Bullying Act of 2013 -For purposes of this Act, avoiding "bullying" that
refers to as any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic
expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that
has the effect of actually causing harm to the latter. For a thorough discussion about the topic, you
may access it through
Lesson Judge the Relevance and
Worth of Ideas Presented
What I Need to Know
Once Thomas Merton said, “We can be, in some sense, friends to all men because
there is no man on earth whom we do not have something in common.”
This lesson will support you in understanding the importance of working with others
while enhancing your skills in judging relevance and worth of ideas presented.
You will be provided with correlated activities preparing you to the next task,
precisely, supporting the goal of the lesson.
In your journey to work well with others, you need to be guided by the following
What’s In
Write your thoughts about the illustrations with its statements below and explain why
it is better if they come in a bundle or group. Write your answer in the space provided.
Source: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/422882.htm
Source: https://gallery.yopriceville.com/Free-Clipart-Pictures/School
Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/188940146851459393/
What’s New
Directions: Look at the editorial cartoon below and answer the guide questions
that follow.
Source: https://www.clipart.email/make-a-clipart/?image=1162885
Guide Questions
3. Did you find this cartoon persuasive? Why or why not?
What Is It
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU
Guide Questions:
4. Do you believe that people nowadays can help and work with each other with
What’s More
Direction: Here are some pictures showing the different kindness in the video.
Give your insights to each.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU
What Have I Learned
Generalization: Complete the phrases below.
What I Can Do
Directions: Make the screen captures of the video entitled, “Life Vest Inside-
Kindness Boomerang”, your inspiration. Create an open letter to any government or non-
government organization or to your Barangay Captain or Cluster President .Sight your
outlook in spreading help and working with others to create positivity to the world. Below is a
letter writing rubric as your guide.
Letter Writing Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
All sentences are
Sentences and Most sentences are Many sentence
complete and well-
paragraphs are complete and well- fragments or run-on
Sentences & constructed (no
complete, well- constructed. sentences OR
Paragraphs fragments, no run-
constructed and of Paragraphing needs paragraphing needs lots
ons). Paragraphing is
varied structure. some work. of work.
generally done well.
Salutation and
Salutation and closing Salutation and closing
closing have no
Salutation and have 1-2 errors in have 3 or more errors Salutation and/or
errors in
Closing capitalization and in capitalization and closing are missing.
capitalization and
punctuation. punctuation.
Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more than
spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar errors in grammar 4 errors in grammar
(conventions) spelling. and/or spelling. and/or spelling and/or spelling.
Ideas were somewhat
Ideas were The letter seemed to be
Ideas were expressed organized, but were
expressed in a clear a collection of unrelated
in a pretty clear not very clear. It took
and organized sentences. It was very
Ideas manner, but the more than one
fashion. It was easy difficult to figure out
organization could reading to figure out
to figure out what what the letter was
have been better. what the letter was
the letter was about. about.
The letter is 10 or The letter is 8-9 The letter is 5-7 The letter is less than 5
more sentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.
Writer makes no
Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more than
Capitalization errors in
errors in capitalization errors in capitalization 4 errors in capitalization
and Punctuation capitalization and
and punctuation. and punctuation. and punctuation.
Letter is typed and looks
Letter is neatly hand-
Letter is typed, Letter is typed and is like it had been shoved
written, clean, not
clean, not wrinkled, crumpled or slightly in a pocket or locker. It
wrinkled, and is easy
and is easy to read stained. It may have may have several
Neatness to read with no
with no distracting 1-2 distracting error distracting error
distracting error
error corrections. It corrections. It was corrections. It looks like
corrections. It was
was done with pride. done with some care. it was done in a hurry or
done with care.
stored improperly.
Complies with all the Complies with almost Complies with several Complies with less than
Format requirements for a all the requirements of the requirements 75% of the requirements
friendly letter. for a friendly letter. for a friendly letter. for a friendly letter.
The letter contains The letter contains 3- The letter contains 1- The letter contains no
at least 5 accurate 4 accurate facts about 2 accurate facts about accurate facts about the
facts about the topic. the topic. the topic. topic.
Complete, accurate Complete, accurate
return address and return address and 1-2 errors in return Addresses are
Envelope recipient address. recipient address. address. Recipient incomplete and/or
Addresses in correct Position may be address is correct. inaccurate.
positions. slightly off.
Source: https://www.depedtambayanph.net/2019/04/ready-made-rubric-assessment-tools-for_30.html?
Alfred Lord Tennyson once said, “I am a part of all I have met. What you are and
what you will become, therefore, is significantly linked with the people you worked with.”
The lesson brought to you by this module enables you to judge the relevance and
worth of ideas presented. With these new learning, you can easily read between the lines or
beyond the lines the points that the authors or speakers want you to ponder and empower
yourselves with. Literature with all its forms is life. Pieces of literatures embodied in this
module are considered gems to make you the best of who you are and who you will be.
May this lesson make you become an agent for nation building amidst the pandemic
that the Philippines, rather, the world has been experiencing.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
“Building relationship helps us not only to show how we care for someone,
but more importantly to see how we grow as a person.”
_____1.Willing to share knowledge and resources with others and being open to the fact that
individual only succeeds when the team succeeds.
_____2.In school, on a group-writing project, one person may be better at creating ideas
while other has good proofreading skills. Together, make the task easier.
_____3. Kim had a difficulty on her English project with other home tasks. Luckily, Harvey
was there to do the household chores.
_____4. A person who pushes an agendum to the group and does not recognize someone’s
better idea.
_____5. Fatima never minds the mistakes made by her teammates. She always holds her
motto, “Win or Lose Together”.
Source: https://www.leaders-in-law.com/member-news/covid-19-insurance-coverage/
Source: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/952444-stay-at-home-virus-prevention-poster
Source: https://www.powerofpositivity.com/online-classes-free-adults/
Key to Answers
What I know
Task 1 (Answers may vary)
What’s In
Task 2 (Answers may vary)
What is New
Task 3 (Answers may vary)
What is it
Task 4 (Answers may vary)
What’s More
Task 5 ( Answers may vary)
What have I learned
Task 6 (Answers may vary)
What I can do
Task 7 (Answers may vary)
Assessment ( Post-Test)
Task 1
1. Y 4. X
2. Y 5. Y
3. Y
Task 2 (Answers may vary)
Almonte, Liza R., et.al, “Celebrating Diversity through World Literature,” English
Learner’s Material (Pasig City: Department of Education: 2015), 217,218.
Online Video
Change.org. “Anti bullying: the root of low self esteem in the class”.