Catalogo Compuerta Circual Penstock para Tuberia PDF

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SAFOX® penstock

Sealing performance
▪▪ Patented sealing system seperated from frame
Nominal size DN 150 to 3000, for round openings, ▪▪ Easy exchangeable sealing without disassembly of
mounting with chemical anchor bolts ▪▪ Leak-proof (non-drip) up to 10 m wc on-seating and
off-seating conditions (standard) in accordance with
EN12266, tab. A.5, SAFOX® can be designed with higher
Whilst leakage on penstocks is adjustment. The tight and vibra-
seating conditions on request
usually caused by insufficient frame tion-free guiding of the plate about ▪▪ Pressure rates:
stability and frame distorsion the whole stroke enables SAFOX® to DN 150–300: 10 m wc
SAFOX® patented sealing system is get used for throttling purposes. SA- DN 400–800: 8 m wc
DN 900–1200: 7 m wc
not affected by those parameters as FOX® can be operated in interme-
Larger DN 1200: 6 m wc
it is separated from the frame. Due diate positions. SAFOX® penstocks Also available for higher pressures
to this separation SAFOX® perfectly are non-drip leak proof under ▪▪ Wastewater resistant sealing material
seals to the mounting wall and slid- on-seating and off-seating pressure
Installation advantages
ing plate and is even able to level and withstand water heads up to
▪▪ Sealing is already installed
structural variations. The freely 10 m wc. When required SAFOX® ▪▪ No dowels in the bottom
suspended sealing ring is self-ad- can be supplied to withstand higher ▪▪ Quick and easy installation with few fixing brackets
justing and does not require any water heads. ▪▪ No additional adjustments necessary on the penstock
▪▪ Long holes in the fixing brackets

Operation advantages
▪▪ Applicable for throttling purposes in the standard
▪▪ Minimal closing and opening torque
▪▪ Maintenance free
▪▪ Self-cleaning stem nut
▪▪ Durable operating reliability
▪▪ High process safety due to outstanding sealing

Corrosion resistance
▪▪ Maximum corrosion resistance due to stainless steel
material, all acid cleaned and passivated in own
pickling plant

▪▪ Operating key, hand wheel, electric or pneumatic
actuator, gears and a wide range of extensions: see
BÜSCH MAS programme

▪▪ SAFOX® D: for location of spindle outside the medium,
rising or non-rising spindle (D* = stem pipe)
▪▪ SAFOX® F: for connection to flange
▪▪ SAFOX® G: creating a planar passage from channel
bottom through gate

▪▪ MAS Modular Actuating System packages: see BÜSCH
MAS programme
▪▪ MOBITORQ® Mobile Actuator: see brochure
▪▪ BEA® BÜSCH Electric Actuator: see brochure
Materials ▪▪ Operating key: e.g. All-in-One operating key
Frame: Stainless steel SS304 or SS316Ti
Sliding plate: Stainless steel SS304 or SS316Ti Areas of application
Sealing: EPDM, wastewater resistant or NBR ▪▪ Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants
Stem: Stainless steel SS304 or SS316Ti ▪▪ Chemical industry
Stem nut: GC-CuSn 12, seawater resistant bronze ▪▪ Rain reservoirs
Chem. anchor bolts: Stainless steel S32304 ▪▪ Flood protection
Other materials available on request. ▪▪ Power plants 0102|en|2014-08-21
SAFOX® penstock

Nominal size DN 150 to 3000, for round openings, mounting with chemical anchor bolts






SAFOX® penstock

DN 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000

B1 412 462 512 562 674 774 874 1070 1170 1304 1404 1604 2062 2162 2262 2462 2662 2862 3260 3460 3660 3860

B2 272 322 372 422 534 634 734 830 930 1064 1164 1364 1750 1850 1950 2150 2350 2550 2860 3060 3260 3460
ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca.
100 100 100 100 115 115 125 175 175 200 200 200 350 350 350 450 450 500 500 500 500 500
E2 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 68 68 68 68 68 100 100 100 120 120 140 167 167 167 167

H1 610 710 810 915 1127 1327 1527 1903 2103 2313 2513 2913 3644 3844 4044 4546 4966 5366 6315 6715 7115 7515

H2 535 635 735 840 1044 1244 1444 1782 1982 2192 2392 2792 3452 3652 3852 4354 4774 5174 6015 6415 6815 7215

H3 490 590 690 795 999 1199 1399 1722 1922 2132 2332 2732 3276 3476 3676 4133 4533 4933 5775 6175 6575 6975

H4 75 75 75 75 83 83 83 121 121 121 121 121 192 192 192 192 192 192 300 300 300 300
ca. ca. ca. ca.
X min
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 450 450 450 550 550 600 800 800 800 800
Y min 455 505 555 605 720 820 920 1100 1200 1330 1430 1630 2162 2262 2362 2562 2762 2962 3460 3660 3860 4060

Z min 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 170 170 170 170 170 242 242 242 242 242 242 400 400 400 400
2× 2× 2× 2× 4× 4× 4× 4× 4× 6× 6× 6× 6× 6× 6× 10 × 10 × 10 × 14 × 14 × 14 × 14 ×
Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 13 Ø 19 Ø 19 Ø 19 Ø 19 Ø 19 Ø 25 Ø 25 Ø 25 Ø 35 Ø 35 Ø 35 Ø 35 Ø 35 Ø 35 Ø 35
Turns/ ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca.
Stroke 38 48 58 68 90 110 130 157 177 198 218 258 192 200 220 210 235 226 260 280 300 320

All dimensions in mm. Other sizes available on request.

BÜSCH Technology GmbH

Neuburger Straße 26
90451 Nürnberg, Germany
E-Mail [email protected]
Tel. +49 (911) 46 254-0
Fax +49 (911) 46 254-70 0103|en|2014-08-21

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