Topic Vocabulary: Thinking: 2mostnewspapersareusuallybiased/'npolitrcaloutlo:'' Rsr.

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I ,:cabularY

Topic vocabulary: Thinking

A Circle the correct word
be frne, you'll seel
/ pessimistic. Everything's going to
1 Don,t be so optimistic
to work
3 l'm slrghtlv dubious / cvnicatabout whether Sean's it: ]::::-
without crtme is a little naiVe /
sceptical, rsr.: -

possibie to create a society

4 To suggest that it,s
5Theoniyingenious/plausibleexplanationlcanthinkofisthatJennagotthedateswrong.Use plain, simple Englishl
with roads o{ technicar terminorogy.
6 prease don,t baffre / discriminate me
tarking to them in a for a job iust by
/ assess someone,s suitabi'ty
7 rt,s not arways easy to assume
on the armed forces?
specurate spendrng so much /
, iltJt:::til5;.r.,.rent justify
estimate / deduce that the
paintrng will cost at least €2'000
9 Looking at the damage, I would

form ofthe words in the bOx.More than One WOrd nlightfitin eaCh gap,
ComPlete using the correct
b,rt W to use all the words'

gather O grasp ponder ' reckon e Suppose

f he game WaS・
a10ng枷 ℃ b… ……………… ……… … 哺 減 the aim°

n took Π祀 叩 縫


健 eX"Cted b健 ¨ h a VerdiCt S°

…… …….,mthげ

T腱 れ町 a腱 亜 ‖ …… ………


誼 you'祀 hinking of changing course.


1… … … ……………………・hm your tttOr油


ing Ca‖ igraphy.


VeW hard When y° u are d°


You ttalV haVe tO… ………………………………


・aSking f° r a pay riSe tomOrrow.


…………………………… …

l'm seriouSけ


..… .iぜ lltake tO get to ManChester?


How long,do you… …


.¨ .¨

.....… ......¨

・…l could bOrrow yourleCture notes thiS Weekend,cOuld l?

…… …

l don't..… ..… ………


・………・ the questiOn`VVhy does the universe bOther to eXist?',then thiS is the boOk

lf you've eVer¨ ……….¨ ..¨ .¨・………


for you.
the possibilW Of falure
9 Let's not eVen …………………………………………

C)Each of the WOrdS in bOld iS in the wrong sentence.Write the correct WOrds On the lines.
ⅣO parties On Saturday and l dOn't knolw Whlch One tO go to
1 1,rn in a real hunCh beCause l've been invited to想
going to do a great job'
guesswork in us' and thinks we're
2 Dave said he's got complete in everyday things
it comes to astroPhYsics' but she's not very practical
3 Sarah's a/an intuition when

4 You often need to use a little educ
going to get promoted soon'
l've got a/an ideologY that someone in this offrce rs
are verY different tYPes of
6 Communrsm and caPitalism
faith for the main character in the
7 VVho g ave you the
involved,but all his paradOX told hlm that
no evidence that Roddard was
8 Detective Tacker had absolutelY
he was.
9 lre gota small insPiration about the exarn syllabus.should ltalk to Mrs Jacobs abOutit?
genius' '
th eir children is an interesting
10 Paying mothers a salarY to raise query
wasn't so crowded is a real
The fact that more PeoPle would com e here if the Place

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