Pinay-An, MED. Buslon, JB. Politeness Strategies in Res. Reviews On Tripadvisor PDF
Pinay-An, MED. Buslon, JB. Politeness Strategies in Res. Reviews On Tripadvisor PDF
Pinay-An, MED. Buslon, JB. Politeness Strategies in Res. Reviews On Tripadvisor PDF
556 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),31(3),555-559 , 2019
2.2 CORPUS frequently used politeness strategy is the positive followed
The corpus consisted of 200 restaurant reviews from by bald on-record, with 63.75% and 26.21% respectively. On The researcher purposefully focused on 40 the contrary, these results do not confirm Brown and
reviews from each of five (5) restaurants in Sagada, Mt. Levinson‘s assumptions, based as they are on the concept of
Province, Philippines. The average review was social distance and power. According to this concept, our
approximately 100 words in length, with the shortest around exchange, which is characterized by relationships with high
25 words in length and the longest approximately 409 words. social distance and power between participants, should have
The collected texts are all in their original language which is been characterized by lower percentages of positive
English, however, a few reviewers used Tagalog and so politeness and higher percentages of negative politeness
translations were made, if necessary., strategies. However, in [15]; and [12] authors explained that
which was founded in early 2000 and is headquartered in the in computer-mediated communication the two basic rules of
U.S., with more than 60 million members and over 170 communicative competence (make yourself clear and be
million reviews and opinions of hotels, restaurants, polite) often clash, since being polite often entails ambiguous
attractions and other travel-related businesses is one most or indirect communication. Some [9], also postulated that
popular web sites for travel [13]. In August 2014, a survey anonymous discussion provides a more free environment to
found that was the most widely recognized, express something.
used, and trusted travel website. This website, which aims at Table 1. Politeness Strategy of TripAdvisor Reviewers in
providing ―unbiased‖ user-generated recommendations for Restaurant Reviews
travel destinations and accommodations, represents an ideal
– and, to date, unexplored – medium for investigating
unelicited CMC reviews. Others [14], pointed out CMC data 1 Bald on-record (ON) 26.21%
offer the following advantages for discourse analysts: they
are ―unmediated by the transcription process‖ and they also 2 Positive (P+) 63.75%
lack ―the problems bound up with the observer‘s paradox,‖
so they represent a source of ―authentic‖ data. Furthermore, 3 Negative (P-) 1.96%
since more than 80% of travelers today are currently
consulting sites such as TripAdvisor [15], these sites 4 Off-record (OFF) 8.08%
represent an important CMC platform and one which is
changing the way that consumers make travel decisions [16, Total 100%
17, 18, 19]. Consequently, it is believed that the impact and
influence of such internet-based texts is potentially powerful The findings obtained from the reviews would seem to
and far-reaching. indicate that TripAdvisor reviewers are satisfied to
2.3 PARTICIPANTS OF THE STUDY subordinate the principle of politeness to that of clarity.
The participants for this study consisted of travel reviewers Thus, the presence of higher percentages of positive
in TripAdvisor Inc. They were either travel enthusiasts or politeness strategies found in the reviews can be explained as
tourists of different ages. The participants used English in reviewers wanted to write messages that were more direct
writing their reviews. and, therefore, clearer.
These findings were in agreement with the study conducted
by [20] on the use of politeness strategies in Wiki-mediated
The corpus was downloaded from In light communication in which participants used positive strategies
of Brown and Levinson‘s taxonomy of politeness strategies, to establish friendship and solidarity. The obtained findings
the data collected were carefully analyzed and interpreted. were also in line with the results of the study conducted by
Specifically, the researcher identified the politeness [21] indicating that the participants frequently used positive
strategies used in restaurant reviews from strategies to express their shared problems and experiences in
and coded them under four general categories of politeness an online self-management program.
strategies: bald on record (ON), positive politeness(P+), Result of the analysis of the reviews posted also revealed that
negative politeness(P-), and Off the record (OFF). The they demonstrated a variety of positive politeness strategies,
strategies can sometimes overlap since it is possible to attending to hearers‘ (both the restaurant owners and the
encode more than one strategy in a single statement. potential customers) positive face. The use of varied positive
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION politeness strategy adopted by reviewers was illustrated with
After analyzing 200 online restaurant reviews, the researcher the following example
found that the travel reviewers used a total of 767 politeness Example 1
strategies. Out of these, 201 were bald on-record (BOR), 489 “Superb!”
were positive politeness (P+), 15 were negative politeness This cafe deserves an excellent grade (P+1) for very (P+3)
(P-) and 62 were off-record (OR).The percentage of the of hospitable service (P+1) they gave when I visited them this
use of different politeness strategies that TripAdvisor morning. I supposedly order pesto but unfortunately, they
reviewers employ in their restaurant reviews is presented in running out of basil that politely explained. Instead, I
table 1. People use language differently to communicate with ordered Tomato Basil Pasta, graaaaaaaabe(P+3) ang sarap
each other. It can be gleaned from the table that the most (P+1) !! (P+2) so (P+3) delicious (P+1), very (P+3) fresh
Sci.Int.(Lahore),31(3),555-559 , 2019 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 557
and hot (P+1)! Plus, when Im about to order for a box of 6 In example 2, it can be noticed that although the reviewer
chocolate muffins ( good for vegan) they approach me that seems not to maintain the hearer‘s face of the statement “All
the muffins should be consumed immediately because this natural and vegan food!” and “Please do not go and ask for
has no preservatives and baked yesterday. I told them that Im meat” as restaurant seekers would usually choose to have a
from Bulacan, with no hesitation, immediately bake fresh variety of choices to choose from, the interest of the hearer
muffins for me to take home. Thank you for the stuff was yet addressed with the reviewer conforming to [9]
(P+15) who are taking good care of their customers. I pray maxims and thus, providing sufficient, relevant, perspicuous
that this cafe will grow and will never run out of customers. and truthful information about the restaurant‘s food.
Thank You for the experience (P+15).. Although they seem to be a threat to the face, the statements
As [7] posits, positive politeness strategies seek to minimize above together with "Sit in the left-most corner” are in the
the threat to the hearer's positive face. These strategies are interest of the hearers since the information that followed
used to make the hearer feel good about themselves, their explains the reason why the strategy was used.
interests or possessions. Positive face desire is closely linked Table 1 also shows that 8.08% of the politeness strategies is
with the claim of common grounds as in conveying that indirect off-record. [7] indirect off-record is, in general, more
hearer is admirable, and interesting and that the speaker and polite than on-record ones. This strategy uses indirect
hearer are cooperators which indicate that the speaker knows language and removes the speaker from the potential to be
the hearer's wants and is taking them into account and so imposing.
claim reflexibility at the same time. In the excerpt above, the Example 3
reviewer's claim of common ground is evident in her ―Not the friendliest staff”
expression "This cafe deserves an excellent grade" attending Is it so hard to smile? (OFF 10) My bf and I traveled 6
to the restaurant owner‘s interests and wants of receiving a hours on a bus from Baguio to reach Sagada so excited and
good feedback coming from their customers and at the same exhausted to experience greatness so we headed for coffee.
attending to potential clients who are concerned of visiting The staff here need to perk it up a bit and at least look
an exceptional place which will gratify their needs and amused rather than these sullen depressed faces. My God!
wants. Similarly, the reviewer also used exaggeration in her We had the yogurt with banana with cappuccinos but what
line ―graaaaaaaabe ang sarap!!” (“It is extremely ruined it was ALL of those who work at this establishment.
delicious!!”) where the use of „grabe‟ and the repetition of In example 3, the reviewer started a rhetoric question ―Is it so
letters as in „aaaaaa‟ in the Tagalog language is an utterance hard to smile?” in an attempt to indirectly express her desire
of exaggeration and an intensifier at the same time. The use for the staff to all least observe some etiquettes in dealing
of exclamation points is likewise used to indicate forceful with customers especially that the reviewer in the review
utterance or strong feeling. In the same manner, the reviewer reveals that they came from a long travel and wanting to at
also used adverbs such as “so” and “very” that are typically least experience greatness. Although this strategy relies
used to emphasize the high degree or intensity of their heavily on pragmatics to convey the intended meaning, it
approval and compliment on the restaurant‘s food, service also utilizes the semantic meaning as a way to avoid losing
and interpersonal. Additionally, the statements of gratitude face. However, in the following sentences, the reviewer
such a ―Thank you for the stuff” and “Thank You for the tends to be straight forward on suggesting the staff to do
experience” are expressions of satisfaction in visiting the something about dealing with customers. With this, it can be
place. The ―I pray‖ offer that was followed by ―this cafe will supposed that politeness observed in CMC can be different
grow and will never run out of customers‖ optimistic from face to face/verbal interaction. [22] suggested that this
statement are likewise a convincing factor of the speaker‘s is the case because the identity of the participants in online
desire to make the hearers feel good. interactions are most often kept anonymous and therefore
Results show that 26.21% of the reviews are bald on-record. this creates opportunities for participants to be impolite.
Bald on-record strategies do not attempt to minimize the Focusing on negative politeness strategies which are oriented
threat to the hearer‘s face although there are ways that bald towards the hearer's negative face and emphasized on
on-record politeness can be adopted in trying to minimize avoidance of imposition, the TripAdvisor reviewers only
face-threatening acts implicitly. It is used when someone used 1.96%. The results may have been caused by the
expresses something directly, clearly and unambiguously, so features and limitations of the corpus where the nature of
using such a strategy will often shock or embarrass the reviews is to give evaluations on the restaurant experiences
hearer. and to give pieces of advice, warnings, and suggestions to
Example 2 the hearers (both the restaurant owners and the potential
“Best food in Sagada ” customers).
All-natural and vegan food! Please do not go and ask for Example 4
meat... it thrives in its homegrown food and organic twists of “So-so. You can eat elsewhere for much better and cheaper”
Filipino dishes! We had our first meal here and it was just so-so. Yoghurt
We love ginger tea with honey. The Miki Mi Ni and the shakes weren't blended. Just threw in a couple of cubes of ice
Vegetable Adobe! The Hummus sandwich is also worth a try! in there. Had the java chicken and it was just okay. For the
Sit in the left-most corner for the extravagant view of the price, you can (P-2) find other spots with food that taste
rice terraces! Very quiet and quaint place! much better and tastier. The consistent thing is they serve
very generous portions.
558 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),31(3),555-559 , 2019
In the example above, the reviewer used different strategies factors affecting the choice of strategies including the rank of
of politeness. Specifically, on negative strategies, the imposition or social distance. This study also may contribute
reviewer used the modal ―can‖ on the suggestion to the to a better understanding of the affordance of politeness and
hearer of visiting another place on the premise of satisfaction interpersonal relationship formation and maintenance in the
on the taste of food and towards spending money. In this context of the Filipino language and culture. However, this
case, the reviewer avoided imposing to the hearer. I can also study is just descriptive research of the typical politeness
be observed that in example 4, the reviewer used other strategies used in restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor. More
politeness strategies in her posts. For instance, the use of ―so- empirical studies on the deployment of these strategies
so” in the statement ―We had our first meal here and it was would be conducive to the further exploration of politeness
just so-so‖ and “just okay” in the statement “Had the java in CMC communication. The number of reviews in this
chicken and it was just okay” are the reviewer‘s way of study was relatively small and profiling of the reviewers
avoiding disagreement. were not considered. This necessarily limits the conclusions
4. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND that can be made from the study. Thus, the generalization of
RECOMMENDATIONS the results requires more approval from other contexts. Also,
Drawing upon Brown and Levinson‘s face theory, the the use of politeness strategies in other CMC genres or in
present study explored the use of politeness strategies in other learning contexts will deserve careful investigation.
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