E. CIR v. ESSO Standard Eastern Inc.
E. CIR v. ESSO Standard Eastern Inc.
E. CIR v. ESSO Standard Eastern Inc.
(1) The amount by which the tax Imposed by this Title exceeds the amount shown as the tax
by the taxpayer upon his return; but the amount so shown on the return shall first be
increased by the amounts previously assessed (or collected without assessment) as a
deficiency, and decreased by the amount previously abated, credited, returned, or otherwise
in respect of such tax; . . .
x x x
(d) Interest on deficiency. — Interest upon the amount determined as deficiency shall be
assessed at the same time as the deficiency and shall be paid upon notice and demand from
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; and shall be collected as a part of the tax, at the rate
of six per centum per annum from the date prescribed for the payment of the tax (or, if the
tax is paid in installments, from the date prescribed for the payment of the first installment)
to the date the deficiency is assessed; Provided, That the amount that may be collected as
interest on deficiency shall in no case exceed the amount corresponding to a period of three
years, the present provision regarding prescription to the contrary notwithstanding."
The fact is that, as respondent Court of Tax Appeals has stressed, as early as July 15, 1960,
the Government already had in its hands the sum of P221,033.00 representing excess
payment. Having been paid and received by mistake, as petitioner Commissioner
subsequently acknowledged, that sum unquestionably belonged to ESSO, and the