Report On Dams
Report On Dams
Report On Dams
Phase II
(Funded by World Bank)
5.1.1 Risk Classification 28
5.1.2 National Legislation and WB ESS Applicability Screening 28
5.2.1 Mitigation and Management of Risks and Impacts 29
5.2.2 Institutional Management, Monitoring and Reporting 30
List of Tables
Table 4.1: Summary of Identified Risks/Impacts in Form SF-3 20
Table 5.1: WB ESF Standards applicable to the sub-project 28
Table 5.2: List of Mitigation Plans with responsibility and timelines 29
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Selected Photographs of Improvement/Intervention area 8
Figure 1.2: Project Area showing major intervention locations 9
Figure 3.1: Land Use and Land Cover Map of 5 km radius around Dam site 14
List of Annexures
Annexure I: Form SF1 32
Annexure II: Form SF2 34
Annexure III: Stakeholder’s Consultation: List of Participants 37
Dharoi is a multipurpose and major terminal project on river Sabarmati. It has proposed to
undertake rehabilitation measures (structural, non-structural, instrumentation and basic facility
enhancement) under the proposed Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP II) with a
view to increase the safety and to strengthen dam safety management.
The Environment and Social Due Diligence has been conducted for decision-making on the sub-
project with a view to identify, evaluate and manage the environment and social risks and impacts
in a manner consistent with the World Bank ESF. ESDD has been carried out by studying the sub-
project information and proposed interventions, assessing the magnitude of E&S risk and impacts
with respect to key baseline data in immediate vicinity area; and conducting preliminary
stakeholder consultations. Detailed consultations with communities living downstream/vicinity of
the dam, could not be held in the current circumstances due to COVID19 and these shall be held as
soon as situation is conducive for holding such consultations.
Activity wise environment and social screening has been carried out to identify risks and impacts
to classify the sub-project based on risk level (low, moderate or substantial and high) and
recommend commensurate plans/measures to meet identified risks and impacts.
As per the ESDD exercise, risk/impacts that have been identified relate to Water Quality, Physical
Environment, labour and SEAH/GBV. Environment risks of air, water, noise, land use, soil and
resource use for paint work and road work are Moderate. Similarly, environment and social risk of
labour camp and disposal of debris has been identified as moderate. Risk of all other activities has
been identified as Low. These risks are low to moderate and localised, short term and temporary
in nature which can be managed with generic ESMP and guidelines. OHS is a substantial risk
activity and is being treated separately through OHS plan in accordance with WB ESHS guidelines.
Since risks and impacts are low to moderate category, a standard ESMP customised to sub-project
will be prepared in accordance with the ESMF. The customised ESMP will address the following:
Gender Based Violence or SEA/SH related actions (ESS1)
Labour Management Procedure (ESS2)
Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention (ESS3)
Community Health and Safety (ESS4)
Stakeholders Engagement Plan (ESS10)
Overall, the proposed activities within this dam sub-project have low to moderate risks resulting in
the overall sub-project to be categorized as Moderate risk category. These risks and impacts can
be effectively mitigated with effective implementation of mitigation plans by SPMU/IA,
Contractors and monitoring by EMC, SPMU and CWC.
The proposed Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP II) would complement
the suite of ongoing and pipeline operations supporting India’s dam safety program. The
project development objective (PDO) is to increase the safety of selected dams in
participating States and to strengthen dam safety management in India. Project
Components include:
Component 1: Rehabilitation and Improvement of Dams and Associated Appurtenances
(US$ 577.14 million);
Component 2: Dam Safety Institutional Strengthening (US$ 45.74 million);
Component 3: Incidental Revenue Generation for sustainable operation and maintenance
of dams (US$ 26.84 million);
Component 4: Project Management (US$ 68.13 million).
Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response Component (US$ 0 million).
The project is likely to be implemented for 300 dams in 18 states across the country. The
primary beneficiaries of the project are the communities that live in dam breach flood
inundation areas and the communities that depend on water, irrigation and electricity
services provided by the dams that could be compromised by poor dam performance or
failure. In addition to saving lives, improved dam safety will avoid potential flood damage
to houses, farm areas, infrastructure (roads, bridges, other public and private
infrastructure) and industrial and commercial facilities. Improved dam safety will also
reduce the likelihood of service interruptions due to dam failure as well as potentially
improving dam service provision, overall efficiency and storage capacity, including during
drought periods.
Salient features of the project area are reported below:
S. No. Feature Name Details
1. General
1 Location Dharoi
2 Latitude/Longitude Lat 240 00’ 00” N and Long 720 52’00” E
3 Name of river Sabarmati
4 Catchment area 5540 Sq. Km
5 Average rainfall 633 mm
6 Design flood 18113 Cumec
7 Gross Storage 813.14 MM3
8 Dead Storage 67.51 MM3
9 Live Storage 745.63 MM3
10 H.F.L. 192.24 m
11 F.S.L. 189.59 m
12 Water spread area@ F.S.L. 10749 Hectare
13 River Bed Level 158.50 m
14 Outlet still level 178.92 m
15 Irrigation Potential 61085 Hectare
16 C.C.A. 98072 Hectare
17 G.C.A. 177112 Hectare
18 No. of Village Benefitted 380
2. Earthen Dam:
1 Total Length 838.21 m
2 Length of Spillway including 369.42 m
3 Top width of the Earthen Dam 7.32 m
4 Top of Earthen Dam 195.07 m
5 Maximum height of Earthen 35.81 m
6 Section of Dam Composite
3. Spillway
1 Type Ogee
2 Average Bed Level 158.50 m
3 Crest R.L. 178.92 m
4 Spillway length 219.46 m
5 NOF length 149.96 m
6 NOF L/S Length 63.30 m
7 NOF R/S Length 86.69 m
8 Top R.L. of NOF Dam 195.07 m
9 Deepest foundation R.L. 129.42 m
10 Structural height 49.50 m
11 Hydraulic Height Original 31.09 m
Existing 25.91 m
12 Type of Energy Dissipater Roller Bucket with Invert R.L
13 Spillway Gate type / Number Radial / 12
14 Size 14.94 m x 11.28 m
4. Head Regulator: L.B.H.R.
1 Type Vertical
2 Size 1.22 m x 1.52 m
3 Discharge Original 4.96 Cumec
Existing 11.32 Cumec
4 Location At Dyke No-2
5 Conduit Length 3.00 m
S. No. Feature Name Details
6 Grade 2.125
7 O.S.L. 175.87 m
8 Design Head 13.72 m
9 Type of H.R. Gate Vertical
10 No of H. R. 2 Nos.
11 Size of H.R. 1.22 m x 1.52 m
5. Head Regulator: R.B.H.R.
1 Type Vertical
2 Size 1.22 m x 1.52 m
3 Discharge Original 20.25 Cumec
Existing 38.22 Cumec
4 Location Near R/S NOF
5 Conduit Length 3.00 m
6 Grade 0 to 13.30 Km 1:3000.
13.30 to 43.50 Km. 1:4000.
7 O.S.L. 175.87 m
8 Design Head 13.72 m
9 Type of H.R. Gate Vertical
10 No of H. R. 4 Nos.
11 Size of H.R. 1.22 m x 1.52 m
6. Water Supply to Intake well of GWSSB :
1 Location Dyke 3 & 4 (Pump drawing water from
the reservoir level of 174.96 m)
2 Earthen dam Elevation 195.07 m
7. Hydraulic Power Plant:
1 Type Conventional
2 Hydraulic Head 31.7 m
3 Maximum Discharge 31 m3/s
4 Installed Capacity 1.4 MW
5 No. and Size of Gates 2 No / 2.44 m x 1.83 m
6 Size of stop-log 16.06 m x 1.45 m
7 Capacity of the gantry crane 60.00 M.T
8. DG Set
1 Make & Model of Engine Dipco
2 Engine power (BHP) 20 HP(250 KVA)
3 Make & Model of Generator Kirloskar & Jyoti
4 Generator Capacity (KVA) 250 KVA, 160 KVA
9. Details of Construction
1 Year of starting the project 1972
2 Year of completion of Project 1978
3 Year of first commissioning 1979
Overview of Dam from Upstream Overview of Dam from
Overview of Upstream Face from Right Overview of Upstream Face from Left
Abutment Abutment
Overview of Dam Crest from Right Abutment Overview of Dam Crest from Left
Proposed Interventions/Activities and Intended Outcomes
Government of Gujarat, NWRWS & K Department constituted a separate Dam Safety
Panel (DSRP) for inspections of dams included in DRIP vide Resolution No PRCH-2019-1515-
MICELL, dated 4th September, 2019 and Office Order No. SWDC/DRIP/1048, dated 23th
September, 2019.
The objectives are to carry out dam inspections for assessing dams’ health status in
accordance with CWC’s latest Dam Inspection Guidelines and obtain
recommendations/suggestions from the experts.
The DRIP-DSRP committee members visited Dharoi Dam from 13th November to 17th
November 2019 for inspection purpose.
The objectives of the project are to be achieved through investments for physical and
technological improvement activities, managerial upgrading of dam operations,
management and maintenance, with accompanying institutional reforms. The project will
improve the safety and operational performance of dam and mitigate risks to ensure safety
of downstream population and property. The following rehabilitation proposals as
described in the PST have been formulated based on DSRP recommendations and these
proposals form the basis for preparation of present ESDD report.
3. Non-Structural Measures
Emergency Action Plan, Early Warning System and Flood Forecasting System
Dewatering of Bucket
Construction Compound Wall on Earthen Dam and Dyke 3 and Dyke
Resurfacing Paver Road On Damsite
Constructing Paver Road On Dyke 2
Protection & Repairing work of Approach road and Drain of Dyke no-4.
Raising Gabion Wall On R/S of Training Wall For Protection Of Eco Garden
Constructing Parking Platform
Constructing & Resurfacing Paver Road From Kambosni to Dyke 1 of
Widening & Strengthening of Approach Road
Road along the periphery to prevent encroachment and access rainfall/rain gauge
Administrative block
compound wall for office complex
Pump Room
Section Office on Dam
Store Room cum Rest Room at Dam
Watchmen Shed
New Quarters
Figures 1.1 and 1.2 provide photographs of key infrastructure proposed for rehabilitation
works and also major interventions locations.
Water Leakage from Pier Wall
Grouting Work in Dam Area
(√RockWork in Dam Area
Fall Protection)
(√Rock Fall Protection)
As can be seen from the list of activities proposed under dam rehabilitation project; these
activities can be divided into civil works main package, other package and instrumentation.
Civil work will be carried out by contractor(s) as these are labour intensive activities and
would be completed over a period of 4 years. Dam Authority will hire contractor(s) based
on national open competi ti ve procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as
specified in the World Bank’s ― Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, July 2016,
Revised August 2018 Procurement Regulations), and is open to all Bidders as defined in the
Procurement Regulations. Following is the overall implementation and procurement
Status of
Sl. From To
Description Procurement
No. (Month/Year) (Month/Year)
Civil Works – Main Estimate
1 01-10-2020 30-09-2024
Package Prepared
Under Estimate
2 Other Packages 01-08-2020 01-08-2022
Procurement -
3 Yet to be decided
Detailed consultations with communities living downstream/vicinity of the dam, could not
be held in the current circumstances due to COVID and these shall held as soon as situation
is conducive for holding such consultations.
India has well defined environmental and social regulatory framework. The regulation
applicability depends on nature of work and location of work. Broadly legislation can be
divided into four categories viz environmental, forests, wildlife conservation and social. The
applicability analysis of regulations pertaining to all the above four categories was carried
out. The applicability of World Bank ESF comprising, 10 ESSs (ESS1 to ESS10) to the
proposed rehabilitation proposals and Standard specific requirements were analysed.
Further, a comparison of national environmental and social regulations versus World
Bank’s ESS has been carried out along with the gap analysis. Applicability of Indian
regulations, World Bank’s ESS along with comparison and gap analysis is discussed in ESMF.
Central Water Commission, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India has prepared
“Operational Procedures for Assessing and Managing Environmental Impacts in Existing
Dam Projects” and is under publication as a guiding document for the dam owners to
systematically address in advance the environmental safeguard requirements and have
discussed in detail all applicable legal requirement. Reference has been drawn from this
document as well, while carrying out applicability analysis.
Indian environmental regulations requiring environment clearance is for new dam projects
specifically for the purpose of hydropower generation and/or irrigation projects and vary
with generation capacity for hydropower projects and culturable command area served by
irrigation projects. Forest related clearances become applicable, if new or any modification
in any existing project requires diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes. Wildlife
Clearance process gets triggered if the project is in proximity to protected area or activities
are proposed within protected or conservation areas (CA).
Therefore, for the proposed dam rehabilitation activities at Dharoi dam, regulatory
clearances will not be applicable as per Indian regulation. Another applicable regulatory
requirement is discussed in ESMF.
Salinity ingress in the gulf areas
Consumptive use of water resources for maintaining water balance
Transfer water to the scarcity hit areas and areas facing acute shortage of water
The sub-project will be implemented by EE, Dharoi Division No.1. NWRWS&K has
established a formal system of dealing public complaints and grievances. Its website
( provides a public information section where various
instruments for public information are provided. It further provides the list of designated
Public Information Officers for various functions along with their addresses and phone
numbers. Appellate authority over PIOs has also been listed along with their addresses and
phone numbers. Procedures for registering complaints are provided, including that for
Dharoi project circle. All the information is available in local language (Gujarati) also.
SPMU will designate Nodal Officer(s) (full time in-house engineering staff with E&S
expertise) to coordinate and supervise E&S activities. They shall be at the level of Executive
Engineer/ Deputy Directors and shall provide commensurate time to comply with E&S
related activities. Brief TORs for these Nodal E&S officers is included in ESMF. The SPMU, in
case in-house expertise not available, will hire the qualified staffs on need basis to support
management of E&S risks including Environmental and Social Experts for ensuring
compliance with the Bank’s ESF and ESS’s and ensuring that these activities shall be
implemented as per the procedures.
Assessment of physical, ecological and socio-economic conditions at dam site and
immediate surrounding has been carried out based on secondary information and site
observations; as discussed below.
[(Source: Digital data on land use/land cover maps using bhuvan prepared by National Remote Sensing Centre
(NRSC) with Department of Remote Sensing, Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan along with further
refinement using Google Earth]
Figure 3.1: Land Use and Land Cover Map of 5 km radius around Dam site
Natural Hazards
Potential of natural hazards such as flooding and earthquake has been assessed.
The gross storage capacity Dharoi dam is 813.13 MCM and the height of the dam above the
deepest foundation level up to crest level is 49.50 m as per the Indian Standard
IS11223:1985 classification criteria, Dharoi Dam is classified as a large dam and, accordingly
qualifies for “PMF (Probable Maximum Flood)” as the design flood. The estimated PMF
worked out by CWC is 18113 m3/sec, against the original design flood of 21662 m 3/sec, for
the dam safety review of the project.
MWL with Original and revised design flood are same i.e. 192.24 m as the revised flood
reduced from 21662 m3/sec to 18113 m3/sec. DSRP further suggested that, free board will
have to be calculated as per latest criteria and necessary remedial measures like wave
deflector or parapet is to be provided as immediate measures, if required.
Project falls in earthquake zone III, and same was considered at the time of design and
there is no need for seismic design review. The Bureau of Indian Standards [IS 1893 (Part
I):2002], has grouped the country into four seismic zones, viz. Zone II, III, IV and V. Zone II is
the least active and Zone V is the most active.
The dam area and proposed interventions’ area do not fall within the Schedule V areas of
Gujarat. The district has ten talukas namely Mehsana, Kadi, Visnagar, Vijapur, Vadnagar,
Kheralu, Becharaji, Satlasana, Jotana and Unjha. The economy of the district is primarily
dependent on agriculture and allied sectors
The brief demographic characteristic of the district is given in the table below:
The project area does not fall within the Schedule V 1 areas of the state. District has only
0.46% ST population. The ST households are mainstreamed in the area and do not possess
any characteristics as outlined in ESS7. No physical interventions planned outside the dam
area, ST households, if any, in the downstream area will only be engaged during EAP
Scheduled Areas are areas in India with a preponderance of tribal population subject to a special governance mechanism wherein
the central government plays a direct role in safeguarding cultural and economic interests of scheduled tribes in the area.
The subproject screening is undertaken following a three step screening methodology as
described in ESMF. Process of risk /impacts identification is done using screening process
considering the proposed interventions at each dam as provided in the Project Screening
Template using first screening format (SF-1). Applicable interventions are further classified
based on their location i.e. within dam area or outside the dam area. Each activity is
reviewed for the applicability under-sub project, location of applicable activity and likely
risks and impacts. The SF-1 format is used to ascertain the types of E&S risks for each of the
proposed rehabilitation activity e.g. Risk/Impact on Water Quality, Fisheries, Conservation
Area, Protected Area, Ecology, Physical Environment, Cultural Environment, Tribal
Presence, Private Land/Assets/Encroachers/Squatters, Labor, Migrant Labor and GBV risks
– each of these corresponding to the ESS 2-8.
The second format (SF-2) is used to assess the extent of risk/impact intensity for each of
the identified E&S risk and is used to categorize the risk level as
Low/Moderate/Substantial/ High. Finally, using a third E&S risk summary format (SF-3), the
risk categories for all different types of E&S risk and impacts is summarized and the highest
of the risk categories is assigned as overall risk category for the given Dam sub-project.
Based on the above findings, the ESDD report recommends Risk category of the Dam sub-
project – whether it is Low/Moderate/Substantial/High and types of instruments that need
to be prepared as part of the ESMP along with the responsibilities and timelines.
Screening indicated that all project components related activities are limited to within the
dam area/premises. Due to nature of these activities, likely impacts will be on physical
environment in terms of air pollution, noise pollution and waste generation. None of the
proposed structural interventions involve acquisition of private land and/or private assets.
These activities in no way cause restriction on access to land or use of resources by local
communities and there is no economic displacement envisaged due to the sub-project.
Activities interfacing with water bodies – river/reservoir will have risk of spillage of
chemicals, construction material, and debris leading to water pollution and impacts on
Pre-construction and construction stage major auxiliary or preparatory intervention are
within dam area as well as beyond dam area. Deployment and haulage of heavy machinery,
setting up of workshop, operation of concrete mixture and heavy pumps will be within dam
area. Other activities such as labour camp and debris disposal will be beyond dam area.
Activities involving machinery and equipment will have impacts on physical environment.
Transportation of material, debris disposal and labour camp are likely to generate pollution
and impact on physical environment.
Project will involve project managers and supervisors, contracted workers – these would
also include migrant workers as all the required labour will not be fully supplied locally for
a number of reasons, such as worker’s unavailability and lack of technical skills and
capacity. Construction contractors are expected to stay at/near dam, set up construction
equipment and machinery near work location at pre-determined/approved sites. Influx of
skilled migrant labour, albeit few in numbers, for construction works is likely. The labour
will stay outside the dam premises; hence risk of SEA/SH is likely.
DSRP has noted that Dam break analysis has not been done for Dharoi Dam. There is 1
Barrage in the downstream namely Sant Sarovar (80 km downstream and 1 weir Lakroda
60 km), and further 2 more barrages are under construction and another barrage at about
60 km Capital city of the state Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad which also is the largest city of
Gujarat are located in the downstream of Dharoi Dam at about 80 and 100 Km
downstream of the dam. Also, Dharoi dam being a major dam with a design floods of
18113 cumec, (As per CWC recommendation in year 2020) it is mandatory to have dam
break study. ERP is prepared for Dharoi dam and is upgraded regularly. ERP was last
upgraded on May 2020. The ERP prepared in 2020, has been shared with all stakeholders
including Disaster Management Agencies and all necessary table top exercise has been
carried out. For warning downstream villages, siren is blown before releasing water in the
Step II Screening (using Form SF-2): All applicable activities identified as having potential
risks/impacts that were identified through Step I screening, are further screened for
associated sub-activity and evaluated for the extent of risk. Sub-activity’s Risk/Impact
intensity is further categorised as Low (L), Moderate (M), Substantial (S) or High (H) based
on following criteria:
Low : Localized, Temporary and Negligible
Moderate : Temporary, or short term and reversible under control
Substantial : Medium term, covering larger impact zone, partially reversible
High : Significant, non-reversible, long term and can only be
Occupational Health and safety: OHS is a substantial risk activity in almost all cases and is
not being considered under screening criteria. Occupational health and safety is considered
an important requirement of every project irrespective of size and type of the projects. It
will be part of Contractor’s ESMP.
Analysis of extent of risk/impact for sub-activities resulted in identification of following
activities as having Moderate Risks/impacts.
1. Construction Longitudinal and Transverse Drains on Earthen Dam and Dykes
2. Epoxy paint work
3. Constructing Gabion Wall L/S of Training Wall For Protection Of Earthen Dam
4. Labour Camps involved (location within dam premises or outside)
5. Major Debris Disposal involved
All other activities are categorized as low risk activities. E&S risks of none of the sub-
activities for this sub-project is categorized as either Substantial or High risk. The outcome
of Screening is enclosed as Annexure II. In case of GBV/SEAH, this site was assessed as
Low risk. Based on consideration of all the above, summary of Risk/Impact (as per outcome
of SF-2) is summarised for major sub-project activities under Table 4.1 below.
Table 4.1: Summary of Identified Risks/Impacts in Form SF-3
COVID 19 pandemic and lockdown constrained holding of consultation meetings. However,
to ensure the participation of stakeholders in ESDD preparation and record their views,
stakeholders were contacted over phone/video calling and their views recorded. Two sets
of questionnaire are prepared, one for each category of stakeholders – direct workers and
community. Direct workers included Engineers/staff working at dam (present or working
from home) – full time or contracted and community stakeholders included local people
from vicinity villages.
Stakeholder consultation was conducted as part of environmental and social due diligence,
with a purpose to:
a. provide initial information to the communities on the proposed project interventions
and particularly the non-structural interventions, if any;
b. Help identify potential stakeholders who are involved at this stage and will be involved
a later stage.
c. assess their responses in understanding the potential risks and prepare mitigation plan
to address their concerns
Questions Responses provided / Observations
any possibility of local community interference There is no possibility of community
exist during the implementation of rehabilitation interference however stakeholder’s
measures; including stakeholders consultation consultation meetings will be planned as a non
meetings planned for dissemination of emergency -structural measure.
action plans which is a non-structural measure.
2. Is there any unsettled issues (legacy) related to Total 11326 persons were entitled to receive
displacement or resettlement, pending since time cash compensation / land allocation as their
of dam construction? If yes, please give a brief land falling in to the dam submergence area.
Out of that, 127 affected persons (of 2
villages) have not been allocated any land
(about 110 Ha) as they were unwilling to
resettle at the offered place by Government.
The matter of allocation of other land is in
These legacy issues are wrt to dam construction and being resolved by administration; these are not related to
rehabilitation work proposed.
Questions Responses provided / Observations
Questions Responses provided /Observations
Office Address and contact details are available
11. In the past, on any occasion, did you contact by way of Label Boards, flood Memorandum and
dam authorities for any specific reason by accessing web site of department
affecting public in general? If so, how did you
contact and how was the response of dam
12. Give your views about Dharoi dam, how this This dam is one of major dams in Northern part
dam is helping Country, State, district or local of Gujarat which is catering to the need of
communities in meeting its objectives, any Irrigation (98010 Ha.), Drinking Water (638 nos.
specific concern can also be given? of villages and hamlets, 12 towns), Fisheries,
Flood Control to mega cities of Ahmedabad and
Gandhinagar, thereby helping the Nation in
water, & Food security.
This is the only major source of water for
Mehsana, Sabarkantha, Banaskantha districts.
13. (a) Are you aware of any document named Yes
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) of the dam?
(b) If yes, do dam authorities conduct any Yes, nearby communities are educated by way of
annual mock drill or consultation meeting on meeting and multimedia displays on general
dam site and invite all stakeholders to inform precaution and safety measures
about various protocols in place and
consequences in case dam fails?
Hence the overall risk of this sub-project Dam is categorized as Moderate. OHS is a
substantial risk activity and is being treated separately through OHS plan in accordance
with WB ESHS guidelines.
In addition to overarching ESS1, four ESS standards are found relevant to this sub-project
as per reasons given in Table 5.1 below:
Relevant ESS Reasons for Applicability of the standard
a. SPMU shall customise the standard Environmental and Social Management plan (ESMP)
that has been provided in the Environmental and Social Management Framework
(ESMF) and make it part of bid document for effective adherence by contractors.
b. ESMP will provide due measures for labour management and protection of
environment quality and resource conservation (during handling of resources) in line
with ESF standard ESS2 and ESS3 respectively. Likewise, due attention will be given to
Occupational Health and Safety of workers and community in line with the
requirements of ESS4 and World Bank Group guidelines on Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS). SPMU/IA shall customise the standard ESMP in line with outline provided
in the ESMF and ensure its adherence by contractor. The customised ESMP will address
the following:
Gender Based Violence or SEA/SH related actions (ESS1)
Labour Management Procedure (ESS2)
Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention (ESS3)
Community Health and Safety (ESS4)
Stakeholders Engagement Plan (ESS10)
Mitigation plans to meet requirements for relevant Standards with responsibility and
stages are given in Table 5.2 below:
ESDD and ESMP will be placed on the website as well as other
accessible locations such as the office of Engineer in Charge at Dam site as well at SPMU for
reference and record. These documents would be disclosed/disseminated through other
appropriate means like project meetings, workshops etc. Each IA will translate these
documents in their local language, if required, and will upload in their respective websites
and also make available at other accessible locations.
SPMU/IA will designate Nodal Officer(s) (full time in-house engineering staff with E&S
expertise) to coordinate and supervise E&S activities. They shall be at the level of Executive
Engineer/ Deputy Directors and shall provide commensurate time to comply with E&S
related activities. Brief TORs for these Nodal E&S officers is included in ESMF. The SPMU, in
case in-house expertise not available, will hire the qualified staffs on need basis to support
management of E&S risks including Environmental and Social Experts for ensuring
compliance with the Bank’s ESF and ESS’s and ensuring that these activities shall be
implemented as per the procedures.
SPMU/IA shall advise contractors about applicable legislative requirements and ensure that
contractors prepare its own ESMP (C-ESMP) as outlined in ESMP for this sub-project and
submit compliance reports to SPMU/IA on quarterly basis. SPMUs will share regular
implementation status of ESMPs to CWC and The World Bank in line with ESMF on
quarterly basis.
SPMU/IA shall establish and operationalize a grievance mechanism to receive and facilitate
resolution of complaints and grievances, from the communities and other stakeholders
including implementation partners. GRM works within existing legal and cultural
frameworks and shall comprise project level and respective State level redressal
mechanisms. Most Project related grievances could be minor and site-specific.
EMC (Engineering and Management Consultant) for the project will have sufficient staff
with skills on Environment and Social aspects. Awareness raising and capacity building on
the new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) need to be carried out for the
environment and social staff engaged and this will be an area of continued focus, with a
view to generate awareness at to dam level. EMC will develop formats for regular
supervision and monitoring on E&S issues and undertake site visits/ inspections of the dam
sites to monitor for compliance; collate and review QPRs and set up a monitoring and
reporting system on E&S issues.
Overall, the proposed activities within this dam sub-project have low to moderate risks
resulting in the overall sub-project to be categorized as Moderate risk category. These risks
and impacts can be effectively mitigated with effective implementation of mitigation plans
by SPMU/IA, Contractors and monitoring by EMC, SPMU and CWC.
Sl. No Project Component Applicable Environmen Likely Nature of Risk/Impact Water
(A), Not t and Social Quality (WQ), Fisheries (F),
Applicable Risk Conservation Area (CA), Protected
(NA) Associated Area (PA), Ecological (E), Physical
within dam Environment (PE), Cultural (C),
area (DI), Tribal Presence (T), Impact on
Beyond Dam private
Area (DE) land/assets/encroachers/squatters
(LA), Labor (L), GBV risks (G),
(Write whichever is applicable)
1 2 3 4 5
14 Transport of large construction
15 Utility shifting NA
16 Discharge of reservoir water
(lowering of reservoir water NA
Note: Occupational Health and Safety aspects / impacts/ risks are considered important part of any dam project
and this risk is separately classified. It shall be managed as per defined OH&S plans in every project
irrespective of size and type of project.
Annexure – II: Form SF2
intensity for
Nature of
each type of
Applicable Sub-Project risk/impact
Sl. (Conforming Elaborate cause (risk) and its
Component/ Construction Low (L) ,
N to Column 5 effect (Impact) on
preparatory Work-related Sub Moderate
o of SF-1) and environment /social
activity (As per SF-1) (M),
nature of sub
(S), High
1 2 3 4 5
A Project Component Related
1. Strengthening/Improvement/Repair
work -upstream of Dam site
Air pollution, noise pollution,
risk of spillage of wastewater,
Constructing Gabion Wall L/S of risk of reservoir water
WQ, F, PE,
a Training Wall For Protection Of contamination and impact on M
L, G
Earthen Dam Of Dharoi Project fishes, generation of
construction debris, Labour and
GBV risk
Grouting Works in Dam area (Rock Air pollution, noise pollution,
b PE, L, G L
fall protection), Labour and GBV risk
Water pollution, Labour and
c Extension of LHS Training Wall WQ, L, G L
GBV risk
Construction Longitudinal and Air pollution, noise pollution,
d Transverse Drains on Earthen Dam WQ, PE, L, G water pollution, construction M
and Dykes debris, Labour and GBV risk
Repairing the Penstock Gates and Air pollution, noise pollution,
e inspecting the tunnel area and bulk PE, L, G construction debris, Labour, L
head. GBV risk
Air pollution, noise pollution,
f Repairing Spillway Piers PE, L, G construction debris, Labour, L
GBV risk
Air pollution, water pollution,
hazardous waste generation as
g Epoxy Painting on Radial Gate WQ, PE, L, G M
empty paint container, Labour,
GBV risk
Structural Improvement/Repair
work -Downstream of Dam site
(with no interfacing with dam
reservoir) (like repair of parapet
walls, damage spillway crest,
downstream training walls, etc.)
Air pollution, noise pollution,
Clearing waterway in D/S of Dharoi
a PE, WQ, L, G water pollution, Labour and L
GBV risk
Air pollution, noise pollution,
b Construction of Parapet Wall PE, L, G construction debris, Labour, L
GBV risk
Electro-Mechanical activities Down
3. - stream of Dam Site (with no
interfacing with dam reservoir)
Air pollution, Noise pollution,
a Stoplogs PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
parts, Labour and GBV risk
b Hydraulic Hoist Mechanism for PE, L, G Air pollution, noise pollution, L
intensity for
Nature of
each type of
Applicable Sub-Project risk/impact
Sl. (Conforming Elaborate cause (risk) and its
Component/ Construction Low (L) ,
N to Column 5 effect (Impact) on
preparatory Work-related Sub Moderate
o of SF-1) and environment /social
activity (As per SF-1) (M),
nature of sub
(S), High
1 2 3 4 5
spillway Gates Labour and GBV risk
Spillway and Head Regulator Gates Waste generation from
c Trunnion, Operating Mechanism and PE, L, G removed parts and packing L
other Up gradation Works material, Labour and GBV risk
Air pollution, noise pollution,
Gantry crane at top of dam (60 T and
d PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
10 T) with rails replacements
parts, Labour and GBV risk
Air pollution, noise pollution,
Motor of the hoist of Gate no.-3
e PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
Sujalam Sufalam Spreading Canal
parts, Labour and GBV risk
PE, Air pollution, noise pollution,
Monorail for stop log lifting-Sujalam
f L, waste generation from removed L
Sufalam Spreading Canal
G parts, Labour and GBV risk
Instrumentation, General lighting
and SCADA systems
Waste generation from
Piezometer Revival
a PE, L, G removed parts and packing L
material, labour and GBV risk
Portable Handheld Reader/Probe
(Water Level Recorder-Well Type)
Waste generation from
b PE, L, G removed parts and packing L
Recoding Water Level from
material, labour and GBV risk
Casagrande Stand Pipe Piezometer’s
Total Station with Targeted Prisms,
c GNNS, GPS and integration to L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
SCADA at Control Room.
Automated Water Level Recorder
(Radar/Ultrasonic), VW Crack & Tilt
Meters (continuous along the full
height) on outer body/gallery, New
Vibrating Wire Piezometers (Stand
d L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
Pipe for Dykes/Earth Dam, SMA
(Strong Motion Accelerograph), AWS
(Automatic Weather Station) at
Dam near R-NOF & Automated V-
New Automated V-Notches of proper
e L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
sizes and capacities
Stand Pipe Vibrating Wire
Piezometers wells/casings at an
f interval of L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
300 m or with integration to
DAS/SCADA at control room.
IS and of IP 68 Standard outdoor
Bullet, Dome and PTZ cameras with
g L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
NVR & proper resolutions integrated
with proper power backup
h LED fittings.MH flood lights to L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
intensity for
Nature of
each type of
Applicable Sub-Project risk/impact
Sl. (Conforming Elaborate cause (risk) and its
Component/ Construction Low (L) ,
N to Column 5 effect (Impact) on
preparatory Work-related Sub Moderate
o of SF-1) and environment /social
activity (As per SF-1) (M),
nature of sub
(S), High
1 2 3 4 5
illuminate downstream side of radial
gates, downstream portion of right
bank canal spillway area and
entrance area of inspection gallery on
left bank
Proper and effective communication
i system such as Walky-Talky, 2-way L, G Labour risk and GBV risk L
push and talk systems
5 Basic Facilities Improvement
Constructing Compound wall at
Dyke no-1
Constructing Compound wall at Air pollution, noise pollution,
a Dyke no-2 PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
Construction Compound Wall on parts, Labour and GBV risk
Earthen Dam and Dyke 3 and
Resurfacing Paver Road On
Dam site
Constructing Paver Road On
Dyke 2
Protection & Repairing work of
Approach road and Drain of
Dyke no-4
Air pollution, noise pollution,
Constructing & Resurfacing
b PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
Paver Road From Kambosni to
parts, Labour and GBV risk
Dyke 1
Widening & Strengthening of
Approach Road
Road along the periphery to
prevent encroachment and
access rainfall/rain gauge
Raising Gabion Wall On R/S of Air pollution, noise pollution,
c Training Wall For Protection Of Eco PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
Garden parts, Labour and GBV risk
Administrative block
compound wall for office
Pump Room Air pollution, noise pollution,
d Section Office on Dam PE, L, G waste generation from removed L
Store Room cum Rest Room at parts, Labour and GBV risk
Watchmen Shed
New Quarters
Pre-construction and construction
B. stage major auxiliary or
preparatory intervention
1 Setting up Labour Camps (location WQ, PE, G Wastewater generation from M
within dam premises or outside) domestic activities, waste
intensity for
Nature of
each type of
Applicable Sub-Project risk/impact
Sl. (Conforming Elaborate cause (risk) and its
Component/ Construction Low (L) ,
N to Column 5 effect (Impact) on
preparatory Work-related Sub Moderate
o of SF-1) and environment /social
activity (As per SF-1) (M),
nature of sub
(S), High
1 2 3 4 5
generation, GBV risk within
labour and involving
2 Heavy machinery deployment and PE, L, G Heavy machinery will be L
setting up maintenance workshop deployed for repair and
maintenance of gates and
hoists and for other activities -
risk due to machine handling,
waste, wastewater and air
emissions from machines
operations, hazardous waste
generation from oil waste
3 Deployment of concrete mixture and PE, L, G Concrete mixture and pumps L
heavy pumps will be deployed for road repair
and other civil works and
dewatering - risk due to
machine handling, waste
generation, wastewater and air
emissions from operations,
hazardous waste generation
from oil waste, Labour and GBV
4 Disposal of large amount of Debris PE, L, G Debris will be generated from M
various repair activities, risk
during debris handling, air and
noise emissions from debris
handling and transportation,
water pollution risk due to
debris finding its way to water
body, and GBV risk due to
labour involvement
Annexure III: Stakeholder’s Consultation: List of Participants