Case 3&8-Trust
Case 3&8-Trust
Case 3&8-Trust
1932 for the land possessed by him; that there exists a trust
G.R. No. L-20274 October 30, 1969
relationship Eloy Miguel would himself have personally
ELOY MIGUEL and DEMETRIO MIGUEL, petitioners, attended to his own application; and that, through fraud and
vs. misrepresentations, Leonor Reyes caused the filing and
THE COURT OF APPEALS and ANACLETA M. VDA. DE approval of an application and the issuance by the Bureau of
REYES, respondents. Lands of a sales patent covering the property in the name of
his wife, the private respondent, without the consent and
Facts: knowledge of the Miguels.
During the Spanish regime and prior to July 26, 1894, Eloy
Miguel, then single and resident of Laoag went to Isabela
(INGUD) and for some appreciable period of time stayed with COURT OF APPEALS
his kinsman Juan Felipe. There he spotted an uncultivated
The Court of Appeals dismissed the complaint upon the
parcel of land, one hectare of which he forthwith occupied,
ground that the judgment appealed from could not and did
and then cleared and planted to corn. After the Philippine
not bind the Director of Lands and the Registrar of Deeds of
Revolution, he returned to Laoag and took a wife. In the early
Isabela who were not parties thereto. Motion for
years of the ensuing American regime, Eloy Miguel returned
reconsideration was denied.
to Ingud with his family, resettled on the same land and paid
the annual realty taxes thereon. Eloy applied for Homestead
application for the land through Leonor Reyes. However,
World War II broke out in the Pacific, and Miguel did not
hear of and about his homestead application; after the war Whether or not its finding that, assuming that reconveyance
he had no way of ascertaining the outcome of his application is still proper, the cases cited in the latter's first motion for
because Leonor Reyes had died during the Japanese reconsideration are not in point.
occupation. Sometime in 1932, on the occasion of the
marriage of Demetrio (son), Eloy Miguel ceded to Demetrio RULING:
14 hectares of the southern portion of the land as a gift
This is an action for the enforcement of a constructive trust —
propter nuptias. Demetrio forthwith declared the said portion
the ultimate object of which is the reconveyance of property
for taxation purposes in his name, as evidenced by tax
lost through breach of fiduciary relations and/or fraud.
declaration. However, unknown to Eloy and Demetrio Miguel,
Therefore, it can be filed within four years from the discovery
Leonor Reyes on June 25, 1935 filed sales application in the
of the fraud. And since the petitioners discovered the fraud
name of his wife, Anacleta M. Vda. de Reyes (hereinafter
committed against them by the Reyes spouses in 1950, they
referred to as the private respondent), covering the same
had until 1954 within which to bring this action. This action
parcel of land occupied and cultivated by the Miguels and
was seasonably instituted because the complaint was filed on
the subject of Eloy Miguel's homestead application.
September 7, 1953. It is noteworthy that the complaint for
Demetrio discovered that their land was covered by the sales reconveyance was not dismissed by the trial court. What it
application of the private respondent. Eloy Miguel forthwith denied was merely the relief or remedy of reconveyance.
filed on February 16, 1950 a protest with the Bureau of Lands However, in its decision, the trial court made certain findings
against sales application of the private respondent. of fact which justified the relief of reconveyance — e.g., that
Consequently, on February 21, 1950, the Director of Lands Eloy Miguel "has always been, and up to this time, in physical
ordered an investigation. When the hearing was reset for possession of the whole tract of land in question under claim
February 10, 1951. However, the Miguels had in the interim of ownership thru occupancy, he having occupied and
discovered that notwithstanding their protest and the cultivated the land since the Spanish regime;" that there was
investigation ostensibly being conducted, sales patent V-522 a trust relationship between Eloy Miguel and the Reyes
and original certificate of title P-1433, covering the parcel of spouses; and that the Reyes spouses have fraudulently and in
land in question, were granted and issued to the January 22, bad faith breached that trust. Hence, in reiterating their
1951, respectively. On September 7, 1953, Eloy and Demetrio positions before the respondent Court on the private nature
Miguel commenced the action in the CFI of Isabela against of the land, on the impropriety of impleading the Director of
the private respondent to compel her to reconvey to them Lands and the Register of Deeds of Isabela, and on the
the land covered by the abovementioned patent and title. existence of a trust relationship between the petitioners and
the Reyes spouses, the petitioners were in point of fact
inviting the respondent Court's attention to questions
erroneously decided against them by the trial court, in the
hope that the respondent Court would render judgment in
The trial court found that Eloy Miguel "has always been, and accordance with the facts adjudged by the trial court as
up to this time, in physical possession of the whole tract of proven. Parenthetically, a fiduciary relation arises where one
land in question under claim of ownership thru occupancy, man assumes to act as agent for another and the other
he having occupied and cultivated the land since the Spanish reposes confidence in him, although there is no written
contract or no contract at all. If the agent violates his duty as
fiduciary, a constructive trust arises. It is immaterial that there
was no antecedent fiduciary relation and that it arose
contemporaneously with the particular transaction.