ASTM Changes On How To Specify Gypsum Products PDF
ASTM Changes On How To Specify Gypsum Products PDF
ASTM Changes On How To Specify Gypsum Products PDF
standard for most gypsum board ffective December 1, 2004, gypsum board
specifications. should now be specified using ASTM C Poerschke notes, however, that one of the rea-
1396, “Standard Specification for Gypsum sons for the umbrella designation is to simplify
Board,” which replaces nine individual standards matters if and when requirements for individual
that previously were used in commercial and resi- product specifications need to be changed to
dential construction. To facilitate the transition reflect evolving materials and manufacturing tech-
from the old standards to this one new all- nologies. Because the former specifications all
encompassing standard, in 1999, the gypsum had staggered document revision schedules, nec-
industry agreed to a five-year phase-in period. essary changes were sometimes applied to one
Architecture Magazine During that time, product labels and literature specification but not to another until a later time.
Continuing Education featured dual labels that included both the new
To take the quiz and earn 1 standard and the original specification number.
AIA/CES Learning Unit (LU) of
Learning Objectives
health, safety, and welfare go to That five-year transition period ended last This article covers the new ways architects will, click
December, and now specifiers should use the specify gypsum board and the key differences
on “Continuing Ed,” and proceed
new C 1396 designation in all instances that it between various types of gypsum board for commer-
to “ASTM Changes in How to
applies, as well as write in the specific name of cial and residential applications.
Specify Gypsum Products” or turn
to page 88. You must answer 70% the type of gypsum board they are specifying. Key points include:
of the questions correctly to Building codes also now reflect the new standard • The new ASTM standard and the standards that have
receive credit for this course. This and, at press time, most of the previous stan- been replaced
course requires online reading in dards have successfully been balloted for • Common characteristics of all gypsum board products
addition to the following article in withdrawal from ASTM, which will completely • Characteristics and applications of different types of
order to be able to take the quiz. remove those standards from use. gypsum board
See page 88 for details. • Additional changes to standards and documents related
to specifying gypsum board
ble variables for that product, such as blue-tinted face paper that is treated to It is also suitable for use on interior walls.
thickness, enhanced fire resistance, edg- facilitate the adhesion of thin coats of hard,
ing, and so on. high-strength gypsum veneer plaster. It is What's Not Included
typically produced in sheets that are the ASTM C 1396 includes all paper-faced gyp-
Following is a summary of each of the same width as wallboard. May be manufac- sum board products. However, certain
products now included in the new stan- tured with a fire-resistant core (see sidebar). other gypsum panel products still maintain
dard, including key characteristics and Water-Resistant Gypsum Backer Board: their own specifications, including fiber
applications of each (see figure A for a Designed to be used as a base for the reinforced gypsum panels (C 1278), glass
application of ceramic, plastic, and other mat gypsum substrate for use as sheathing
Gypsum Wallboard: Designed for use on non-absorbent tile in dry areas or areas (C 1177), and glass mat water-resistant gyp-
walls, ceilings, or partitions and affords a with limited water exposure, such as walls sum backing panel (C 1178).
surface suitable to receive decoration. in bath, kitchen, and laundry areas. It is
Consisting of a non-combustible core, commonly referred to as “greenboard”
essentially gypsum, surfaced with face because of its green-tinted face paper and
paper bonded to the core, it is manufac- is suitable for decoration. Consists of a
tured in a variety of thicknesses, and may non-combustible water-resistant core,
be mold/mildew-resistant and/or moisture- essentially gypsum, surfaced on both the
resistant, may be vapor-retardant, and may back and face with water-repellant paper
be flexible for use in radius wall and ceiling bonded to the core.
construction. Also available with enhanced Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board: Designed
fire resistance (see sidebar at right). for use on the underside of exterior soffits,
Gypsum Lath: Designed for use as a base carport ceilings, eaves, and canopies that
for the application of gypsum plaster (not are indirectly exposed to the weather and
gypsum veneer plaster). It is typically manu- completely protected from contact with liq-
factured in sheets that are 16 inches wide uid water. It has a water-repellant face and
with absorbent facing paper to improve back paper, typically a light brown, and is
adhesion of gypsum plaster. It is available more sag-resistant than regular wallboard.
in two thicknesses and may be manufac- It may be manufactured with enhanced fire
tured with a vapor-retardant backing. resistance (see sidebar).
Gypsum Sheathing Board: Designed for Predecorated Gypsum Wallboard:
use as a sheathing on buildings as a back- Designed for use as the finished surface for
ing under exterior siding or cladding. It walls, ceilings, or partitions and does not Enhanced Fire Resistance
consists of a non-combustible water- require any additional treatment. Consists Because gypsum board is made of a
resistant core, essentially gypsum, surfaced of a non-combustible core, essentially gyp- non-combustible core material, all gyp-
on both the face and back with water- sum, surfaced with paper bonded to the sum board products have a natural fire
repellant paper bonded to the core. It may core with the face covered with a decora- resistance. Gypsum board with a Type X
be manufactured with a square or tongue- tive sheet, film, or coating. Class I core have enhanced fire-resistive prop-
and-groove edge. predecorated gypsum board has a decora- erties created with the addition of glass
Gypsum Backing Board, Coreboard, and tive sheet or film laminated to the face; fibers and vermiculite. (The name was
Shaftliner Board: Designed for use as a Class II predecorated gypsum board has a coined in the 1940s after its develop-
base in multilayer systems or as a gypsum decorative coating applied to the face. ment when the new product was shown
stud or core in semisolid or solid gypsum Available in a variety of thicknesses as both to demonstrate “eXtra” fire
board partitions, or in shaft wall assem- a regular- and fire-resistant core material resistance.)Type X gypsum board pro-
blies. Gypsum backing board is used as a (see sidebar). vides greater fire resistance than
base layer for other gypsum board materi- regular gypsum board of the same
als systems or as a base for dry claddings Gypsum Ceiling Board: Designed for use thickness because the fibers help main-
such as acoustic tile. Gypsum shaftliner is on interior ceilings with framing spaced not tain the integrity of the core as
manufactured with enhanced fire resist- more than 24 inches on center and that shrinkage occurs, providing greater
ance (see sidebar) with an edge affords a surface suitable to receive water- resistance to heat transfer during a fire.
configuration designed to facilitate instal- based texture and other decorations. It has Type C, also called Improved Type X,
lation into specialized stud systems. the same physical appearance as gypsum gypsum board meets all the require-
Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster: wallboard and is manufactured as a 1/2- ments of Type X, with additional
Designed for use as a base for the applica- inch thick material with a sag-resistance properties to further enhance the fire-
tion of gypsum veneer plaster with a equal to 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard. resistive characteristics of the product.
4. Which of the following standards is ASTM C 1396 not intended to replace? 9. Which of these does not now need to be included when specifying gypsum board?
a. Gypsum sheathing board standard a. The standard ASTM C 1396
b. Fire-resistant gypsum sheathing board standard b. The former standard for that particular gypsum board product (e.g., ASTM C 36,
c. Water-resistant gypsum backing board standard ASTM C 37, etc.)
d. Glass mat gypsum substrate for use as sheathing standard c. The exact name of the gypsum board product written out
d. Variables such as thickness, type X core, edging, etc.
5. Which of the following is true about ASTM C 840?
a. Revisions to ASTM C 840 require changes to ASTM C 1396. 10. What needs to be added when specifying enhanced fire-resistant gypsum board?
b. The standard explains procedures for installing and finishing many of the products a. Nothing. All gypsum board has enhanced fire-resistive properties.
included in ASTM C 1396. b. Either “Type X core” or “Type C core.”
c. ASTM C 840 is a new standard, created to go along with ASTM C 1396. c. “Gypsum board with enhanced fire-resistive properties.”
d. A recent change to ASTM C 840 mandated the thickness of gypsum board d. “ASTM C 1832, standard specification for gypsum board with enhanced fire-restric
products for certain applications. tive properties.”
test> 1. a b c d 6. a b c d
2. a b c d 7. a b c d
3. a b c d 8. a b c d
4. a b c d 9. a b c d
5. a b c d 10. a b c d
ASTM Changes in How to Specify Gypsum Products
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