Advances in Modelling and Analysis A: Keywords
Advances in Modelling and Analysis A: Keywords
Advances in Modelling and Analysis A: Keywords
Comparative study on traditional recommender systems and deep learning based recommender
N.L. Anantha1*, Bhanu P. Bathula2
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Department of IT, VFSTR University, Vadlamudi, Guntur 522213, India
Department of CSE, Thirumala Engineering College, Jonnalagadda (V), Narasaraopet-522601, Andhra Pradesh, India ABSTRACT
Received: 17 April 2018 Recommender systems is a big breakthrough for the field of e-commerce. Product
Accepted: 4 June 2018 recommendation is challenging task to e-commerce companies. Traditional Recommender
Systems provided the solutions in recommending the products. This in turn help companies
Keywords: to generate good revenue. Now a day Deep Learning is using in every domain. Deep
recommender systems, deep learning, item- Learning techniques in the field of Recommender Systems can be directly applied. Deep
based collaborative filtering, user-based Learning has ample number of algorithms. These algorithms can be used to give
collaborative filtering, matrix factorization recommendations to users to purchase products. In this paper performance of Traditional
Recommender Systems and Deep Learning-based Recommender Systems are compared.
news stories and uses Cosine similarity measure to identify Jaccard metrics are used.
similar news. Cosine similarity between two products is calculated as.
LIBRA is a content-based book Recommendation System
that analyzes the books gathered from the web. It uses Naïve ∑ 𝑟⋃𝑖 𝑟𝑈𝑗
Bayes classifier to learn user profile and predicts the books for CS(i,j)= (1)
that user. √∑
2 ∑
𝜇𝑈𝑖 √
Collaborative Filtering is most powerful technique in 𝑢∈⋃𝑖 𝑢∈⋃𝑗
RMSE= √ ∑𝑢,𝑖 (𝑃𝑢,𝑖 − 𝑟𝑢,𝑖 )2 (5)
Recommender System Algorithms. Movielens data set offers Collaborative Filtering Technique. Crab is a python
consists of movie name, Genre, movie id, user id, rating given framework offers Collaborative filtering. Recommender lab is
by each user and other details. Rating is ranging from 1 to 5. Package Provides infrastructure for development of
Jester data set consists of movie name, Genre, Movie id, user recommendations in R offers Collaborative filtering and Top
id, Rating for the movie given by each user and other details. N Recommendations. Graph lab is Machine learning platform
For experiment, Item-based Collaborative Filtering using offers Collaborative filtering, Matrix Factorization, Top N
Jaccard, Pearson and cosine similarity and item-based Recommendation. Scikit is a Machine Learning Framework
collaborative filtering using Jaccard, Pearson and cosine offers Collaborative filtering, Top N Recommendations and
similarity applied on both Jester and Movielens Datasets. The Matrix Factorization methods. My Media Lite is a C#
following Fig 1 and Fig 2 gives the details of the performance implementation of recommended algorithms offers
of each algorithm on Movielens and Jester Datasets. User- Collaborative Filtering Technique.
based collaborative filtering with Jaccard Correlation
Coefficient is performing well on Movielens dataset. Similarly,
on Jester Dataset User-based collaborative filtering with 2. DEEP LEARNING BASED TECHNIQUES
Pearson is performing well. From the RoC Curve figure
authors know that as the data size is increasing the model Deep learning is sub field of Machine learning. Deep
performance also increasing. learning is showing immense impact on the fields of image
processing, Natural language processing, computer vision and
speech recognition. Deep learning is also showing remarkable
impact on the Recommender Systems.
Deep learning techniques consists of activation functions
and uses Neural Networks. Each Neuron contains activation
function. Deep Learning based Recommender Systems uses
non-liner functions. Linear function is a function where graph
is a straight line. Linear functions don’t have any exponents
higher than 1. A simplest form of linear function is y= mx + c,
where m and c are constants. A non-linear function is a
function where the graph is not a straight line. In this paper
authors discuss all popular activation functions. Activation
functions are used for neurons is to introduce non-linearity to
the network. They are sigmoid, tanh, ReLU, softmax etc.,
Activation Functions:
Figure 2. Roc Curve on Movielens Dataset Sigmoid function ranges from 0 to 1. It is also called as
logistic function. It is named sigmoid because it is in s-shape.
The drawbacks of sigmoid function are sigmoid saturate and
kill gradients and sigmoid outputs are not zero centered.
Sigmoid function is defined as:
𝜎(𝑥) = (8)
1+𝑒 −𝑥
Multilayer perceptron: is a basic model used in deep an output in RNN [13], the network maintains the previous
learning. MLP has a mathematical function which takes some inputs as persistent in the memory to produce output. The best
set of inputs and maps them to output values. MLP is a applications of RNN is Natural Language processing.
feedforward neural network with multiple layers. MLP is
having one input layer and one output layer. For processing
data MLP is having one or more hidden layers. MLP contains
perceptron. Each perceptron has one activation function.
Figure 1. (a) MLP with one hidden layer.
Restricted Boltzmann Machines: Boltzmann Machine is a
stochastic recurrent Neural Network consisting of binary
Neurons [11]. Boltzmann Machines consist of one visible
layer which takes input and another hidden layer. In
Boltzmann Machine, each layer consists of set of nodes. Each
node in the visible layer has connections with each node in the
layer (intra-node connections) as well as each node in the Figure 4. Multilayer perceptron
visible layer has connections with hidden layers (inter-node
These connections making each node dependent on each
node causing inefficient sampling etc., To overcome these
limitations, Paul Smolen sky proposed Restricted Boltzmann
Machine [12]. RBM also has 2 layers. One is visible layer and
one is hidden layer. The only change in RBM is, the nodes in
a layer don’t have connections with the nodes in that layer (no
Intra-node connection). Node in the visible layer has
connections with all the nodes in the hidden layer. If RBM
uses more hidden layers they are called as deep belief
networks. RBM’s are using in Recommendation systems,
classification, regression, clustering, anomaly detection,
feature learning, dimensionality reduction. In Recommender Figure 5. Bolzmann machine
systems, RBM is being used in collaborative filtering. Deep
Boltzmann Machines, Convolutional Boltzmann Machines
and etc are other variants of Boltzmann Machines. Figure 1.(b)
RBM with one hidden layer.
Auto Encoders: An autoencoder neural network is an
unsupervised learning algorithm that applies backpropagation,
setting the target values to be equal to the inputs. Autoencoder
Neural Network is like Multilayer Perceptron. It consists of 3
layers, encoder and decoder. First layer is input layer, second
layer is a single layer, or more than one hidden layer and third
layer is output layer. Encoders role is simplifying the data
representation and decoder decodes back the original data.
Algorithms takes this encodes data learns more than the Figure 6. Restricted Botlzmann machine
normal data. Denoising autoencoders, contractive
autoencoders and sparse autoencoders are other variants on
autoencoders. Autoencoders are mainly useful in the research
areas like information retrieval and dimensionality reduction.
Convolutional Neural Network: It is a class of deep, feed-
forward ANN which is a variation of MLP designed to
minimize preprocessing. CNN is made up with the following
layers. They are convolution layer, pooling layer and fully
connected layer. Convolution layer is not fully connected layer.
it takes an image as input generates a feature map or activation
map. Feature map contains the information about the image.
Pooling layer is also called as downsampling. Pooling layer
uses either max pooing or average pooling to perform
downsampling. Fully connected layer means every node in the
network has connections with each node in the next layer.
Convolution Neural Network takes an image as input and
gives the probabilities of the objects available in the given
Recurrent Neural Network: MLP and other Neural Network
architectures map input vector to an output vector only. But
Recurrent Neural Networks maintains the information about
the history of previous inputs to each output. Before producing Figure 7. Autoencoder
3. DEEP LEARNING BASED RECOMMENDER 3.5 RNN based recommender system
Recurrent Recommender Network (RRN) [9] is RNN uses
3.1 MLP based recommender system preferences of user changes over time and temporal evolution
of items seasonality and predicts the ratings.
Neural collaborative filtering [14] is a MLP based technique
which uses matrix Factorization approach and gives user- 3.6 Experimental results on deep learning based
based and item-based recommendation. Cross-domain recommender systems
Content-boosted Collaborative Filtering Neural Network [15]
is MLP based technique offers user-based and item-based Authors have successfully completed experimentation on
recommendations. Deep Factorization Machine, Deep FM [16] Movielens and Jester datasets using Autoencoder.
is a MLP based technique uses Factorization Machines to Autoencoder internally uses MLP. In this experimentation,
provide user-based and item-based recommendations. different Activation functions are used. The table 2 gives loss
values of different activation functions used in Autoencoders.
Among those activation functions, Autoencoder with Relu
activation functions is giving better results.
S.No Dataset
Sigmoid Relu TanH
1 Movielens 0.18 0.16 0.19
2 Jester 0.17 0.15 1.19
Figure 8. Recurrent neural network
Figure 9. Convolution neural network
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