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Project Financial Appraisal

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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Chapter 3
Project Financial Appraisal
Project Financial Appraisal

1. General
2. Time Value of Money
3. Financial Appraisal Methods
4. Depreciation

AAU, AAiT, Construction Management,

2020_Fasil T. 2
1. General
1.1 Basic Definitions
1.1.1 Asset
 Assets represents how much a company owns at a given
time of reporting usually, it is within the budget year.
 Assets are divided into:
 Current assets: include cash at hand other assets which
can easily be converted into cash in less than a year
(e.g. cash at hand, accounts receivable).
 Fixed assets: permanent properties which can’t be
easily converted into cash within a year (e.g. land,
equipment, buildings).
 Other assets: include other investments and good will.

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1. General
1.1 Basic Definitions
1.1.2 Liabilities
 Liabilities represents what the company owes like loans,
debts etc.
 Liabilities are divided into:
 Current liabilities: debts to be settled in a short period
of time.
 Other liabilities: includes long term loans,
performance bonds, wages, etc.
1.1.3 Stakeholders Equity
 Stakeholders equity (capital) represents the capital
provided by owners of the company.

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1. General
1.2 Basic Finance Notes
1.2.1 Balance Sheet
 The balance sheet is a statement which shows the
financial position of a company at the end of a certain
reporting period, which is the fiscal year.
 It mainly shows the assets, liabilities and stockholders
equity, based on the accounting equations:
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s equity
1.2.2 Profit
 Profit is an earning of a given period concerned whether
or not they have been received minus the expenses of the
same period whether or not they have been paid.

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1. General
1.2 Basic Finance Notes
1.2.3 Income Statement
 This is a form of financial statement that shows whether
the company has made or lost money during that
reporting period.
 Income statements can be prepared monthly, quarterly,
etc. However, usual accounting periods extend to one
year, which is the fiscal year.
 In the income statement one shows or itemizes:
 Revenues and net sales;
 Production costs and gross margin;
 Gross profit and net profit; and
 Earning per share.
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1. General
1.2 Basic Finance Notes
1.2.4 Cash Flow Statement
 The income statement shows how much the company has
lost or gained, but does not indicate financing and
investment activities during the period.
 Cash flow statement show how the company generated
the cash and how it has spent or utilized it.
1.2.5 Retained Earnings
 This is money which is retained from the net profit to be
used for expansion purposes or saved as security for
risks. The remaining balance, which is net profit minus
retained earnings, will be given as dividend to owners.

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2. Time Value of Money
2.1 Basic Concepts and Terminologies
2.1.1 Basic Concepts
 The concept of the time value of money is as old as money
itself which evolves from the fact that a dollar today is
worth considerably more than a promise to pay a dollar at
some future date.
 A dollar today could be invested and be earning interest
such that, at sometime in the future, the interest earned
would make the investment worth considerably more than
one dollar.
 Money has a time value because its purchasing power
changes over time (inflation).
 Time value of money is measured in terms of interest rate.
 Interest is the cost of money i.e. a cost to the borrower and
an earning to the lender
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2. Time Value of Money
2.1 Basic Concepts and Terminologies
2.1.2 Terminologies
 P (Principal): Initial amount of money invested or
 i (Interest rate): expressed as a percentage per period of
 n (Interest period): determines how frequently interest is
 N (Number of interest periods): duration of transaction.
 An (a plan for receipts or disbursements): a particular
cash flow pattern.
 F (Future Amount): cumulative effects of the interest.

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2. Time Value of Money
2.2 Cash Flow Diagrams
 The graphic presentation of the costs and benefits over
the time is called the cash flow diagram. It is a
presentation of what costs have to be incurred and what
benefits are received at all points in time.
 The following conventions are used in the construction
of the cash flow diagram:
 The horizontal axis represents time;
 The vertical axis represents costs and benefits;
 Costs are shown by downward arrows; and
 Benefits are shown by upward arrows.
 All the benefits and/or costs incurred during a period are
assumed to have been incurred at the end of that period.
Since the period is normally a year, this is called the ''end
of the year" rule.
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2. Time Value of Money
2.2 Cash Flow Diagrams
 In order to view problems clearly, cash flow diagrams are
drawn in such a way that horizontal lines show time and
vertical ones represent cash flows.
 This is the time profile of all the costs and benefits.
Cash Flow

1 2 3



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2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.1 Simple Interest
 Simple interest is the practice of charging an interest rate
only to an initial sum (principal amount).
Fn = P+ (iP) N = P(1+i N)
Example: calculate the future value of ETB 1,500 at the
end of three years with an interest rate of 9%.
Table 1: Simple Interest Calculation
End of Beginning Interest Ending
Year Balance (P) (I = 9%) Balance (F)
0 1, 500
1 1, 500 135 1, 635
2 1, 635 135 1, 770
3 1, 770 135 1, 905
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2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.2 Compound Interest
 Compound interest is the practice of charging an interest
rate to an initial sum and to any previously accumulated
interest that has not been withdrawn.
Example: Compute example 1 using compound interest.
Table 2: Compound Interest Calculation

End of Beginning Interest Ending

Year Balance (P) (I = 9%) Balance (F)
0 1, 500
1 1, 500 135 1, 635
2 1, 635 147.15 1, 782.15
3 1, 782.15 160.40 1, 942.55
AAU, AAiT, Construction Management, 2020_Fasil T. 13
2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.2 Compound Interest
 Compounding Process of compound interest is shown
below. $1,635

0 $1,942.55


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2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.2 Compound Interest
 Compounding Process of compound interest is shown
F = $1,500(1+0.09)
= $1,942.54

0 1 2 3


AAU, AAiT, Construction Management, 2020_Fasil T. 15

2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.2 Compound Interest
 Compound interest compounding Process equation
n  0: P
n  1: F1  P(1  i )
n  2 : F2  F1 (1  i )  P(1  i ) 2

n  N : F  P (1  i ) N

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2. Time Value of Money
2.3 Methods of Calculating Interest
2.3.3 Equivalence Calculation
 Equivalence calculations are usually made to compare
 There are certain rules that one should follow to make
these calculations.
 They need to have a common time basis;
 Equivalence is dependent on interest rate; and
 Equivalence is maintained regardless of anything.

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.1 Single Cash Flows Future (Compound) Sum
F = P(1+i)n (1+i)n Single Payment Compound (Growth)
Amount Factor
= P(F/P, i, n)
Example: If you had $2,000 now and invested it at 10%,
how much would it be worth in 8 years?

i = 10%
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.1 Single Cash Flows Future (Compound) Sum F
Given: P = $2,000
I = 10% F  P(1  i ) N

N = 8 Years F  P( F / P, i, N )
Req’d: F 0
Solution: F = $2,000(1+0.10)8 N
F = $2,000 (P/F, 10%, 8)
F = $4,287.18 P
EXCEL command: = FV(10%, 8, 0, 2000, 0)
= $4,287.20

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.1 Single Cash Flows Present Worth (Discount) Sum
P = F(1+i)-n (1+i)-n Single payment Present Worth
(Discount) Factor
= F(P/F, i, n)
Given: F = $1,000 P  F(1  i) N
i = 12% P  F( P / F, i, N )
N = 5 Years 0
Req’d: P
Solution: P = $1,000(1+0.12)-5
P = $1,000 (F/P, 12%, 5)
P = $567.40 P

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uneven Payment Series
Example: how much do you need to deposit today (P) to
withdraw $25,000 at n =1, $3,000 at n = 2, and $5,000 at
n =4, if your account earns 10% annual interest?


$3,000 $5,000

1 2 3 4

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uneven Payment Series

P 1 2 3 4


$3,000 $5,000
0 0

1 2 3 4
+ 1 2 3 4
+ 1 2 3 4
P1  $25, 000( P / F ,10%,1) P2  $3, 000( P / F ,10%, 2) P4  $5, 000( P / F ,10%, 4)
 $22, 727  $2, 479  $3, 415

P  P1  P2  P3  $28,622
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series

0 1 2 N

0 1 2 N

0 N

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
A. Compound Amount Factor (Future Value/Annuity)



0 1 2 N 0 1 2 N

F  A(1  i) N 1  A(1  i) N 2    A
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
A. Compound Amount Factor (Future Value/Annuity)
Given: A = $5,000, N = 5 years, and i = 6%
Req’d: F
Solution: F = $5,000(F/A,6%,5) = $28,185.46

(1  i ) N  1

0 1 2 3 F A
N i
 A( F / A, i , N )
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
A. Compound Amount Factor (Future Value/Annuity)

$5,000(1  0.06)4  $6,312.38 F =?

$5,000(1  0.06)3  $5,955.08

i = 6%

$5,000(1  0.06)  $5,618.00

0 1 2 3 4 5

$5,000(1  0.06)1  $5,300.00

$5,000(1  0.06)  $5,000.00
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
B. Sinking Fund Factor
Example: College Savings Plan
Given: F = $100,000, N = 8 years, and i = 7%
Req’d: A
Solution: A = $100,000(A/F,7%,8) = $9,746.78

F i
A F
0 1 2 3
1  i  N
 F ( A / F , i, N )
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
C. Capital Recovery Factor
Example: Paying Off Education Loan
Given: P = $21,061.82, N = 5 years, and i = 6%
Req’d: A
Solution: A = $21,061.82(A/P,6%,5) = $5,000

P i (1  i ) N
A P
(1  i ) N  1
1 2 3

A=?  P( A / P, i , N )
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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
D. Present Worth Factor
Example: Powerball Lottery
Given: A = $7.92M, N = 25 years, and i = 8%
Req’d: P
Solution: P = $7.92M(P/A,8%,25) = $84.54M

1 i 1

i 1  i 
1 2 3

A  A( P / A, i, N )
AAU, AAiT, Construction Management, 2020_Fasil T. 29
2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Uniform (Equal) Payment Series
E. Present Worth of Perpetuities
 Perpetuity: A stream of cash flows that continues

1 2 3

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Gradient Series
A. Linear Gradient Series

 (1  i) N  iN  1
P  G 2 
 i (1  i)

 G ( P / G , i, N )

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Gradient Series
A. Linear Gradient Series
Example: Present value calculation for a gradient series
How much do you have to deposit now in a savings
account that earns a 12% annual interest, if you want to
withdraw the annual series as shown in the figure? $2,000
$1,250 $1,500

P =? 1 2 3 4 5
AAU, AAiT, Construction Management, 2020_Fasil T. 32
2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Gradient Series
B. Gradient Series as a Composite Series

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Gradient Series
C. Geometric Gradient Series

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2. Time Value of Money
2.4 Interest Formula in Different Cash Flow Categories
2.4.2 Multiple Payments Gradient Series
C. Geometric Gradient Series Present Worth Factor
Present Worth Factor

 1  (1  g ) N (1  i )  N 
 A1 
   if i  g
ig 
 A  N  if i  g
 1  1  i 

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2. Time Value of Money
2.5 Standard Factors for Economic Analysis

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
 A trial and error approach is no longer valid for the
construction industry and proper planning is now vital.
 The amount of detailing in planning is likely to be the
function of the size of the firm, the complexity of the
project and the expertise of the management.
 Usually many things interfere with construction thus
making the task of planning and controlling much
 Obviously planning will not automatically solve or
answer these problems. It serves as a guideline, which is
flexible enough to accommodate the changes and be used
for checking planned against the actual executed work.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
3.1 Investment Alternatives
 There are two categories of investment alternatives while
dealing with multiple alternatives.
 Independent Investment: This means that a decision on
one investment does not affect the other.
 Mutually Exclusive Investment: In this case acceptance
of one automatically eliminates the others.
 In this section only mutually exclusive alternatives are
considered for subsequent discussions.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
3.2 Financial (Investment) Appraisal Methods
 The common methods used for financial appraisal of
projects are:
 Straight cost Method;
 Pay back Method;
 Rate of return Method;
 Benefit - Cost Ratio;
 Present worth or Net Present Value Method;
 Future Value Method;
 Annual Equivalent Cost Method; and
 Internal Rate of Return Method.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.1 Straight Cost Method
 Compares the initial investment/immediate costs only.
E.g. Loader A – ETB 4,500,000
Loader B – ETB 5,000,000  Loader A
2.2 Payback Method
 A simple crude method for getting a quick evaluation of
the alternatives is to calculate how long it takes to
recover the initial investment.
 The time in any unit that it takes to recover the initial
investment is called the payback period.
 It is obvious that the payback period neglects the time
value of money and is only accurate when the interest rate
is zero.
 Even with this shortcoming, many analysts consider this
AAU, AAiT, to be a 2020_Fasil
Construction Management, usefulT. quick and dirty way of comparison.40
3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.2 Payback Method
 This method uses the number of years it takes to pay back
the initial investments from profits of the investment.
 In computing the pay back period one can either consider
time value of money or disregard it.
 When one considers time value of money, it is called
discounted payback method, otherwise it is conventional.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.2 Payback Method
Example: For a dozer purchased at a cost of ETB 3.5
million, determine the pay back period if the hourly rental
rate is 900birr/hr and the cost for fuel, operator and
maintains is 150birr/hr with 5 years of economic life.
Yearly profit = (900-150) 8652 = ETB 1,872,000
Year Cash Flow
0 -3,000,000
1 1,872,000
2 1,872,000Pay Back Period = 2yrs
3 1,872,000
4 1.872,000
5 Construction Management, 2020_Fasil
AAU, AAiT, 1,872,000
T. 42
3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.3 Rate of Return Method
 This method uses percentage of the average annual return
to the initial investment as:-
Average. Annual . Re turn
Rate of return = 100
Capital .Invested

Example: If the dozer given in the pay back problem can

have a life span of four years, determine the rate of

1 / 4(1,872,000  1,872,000  1,872,000  1.872,000)

Rate of return= 100 =53.5%

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.4 Benefit Cost Ratio
 Another method of assessing the viability of a system or
comparing several systems is to calculate the net present
value of the costs and the benefits and obtain the benefit-
cost ratio (B/C).
 If this ratio is greater than one, then the project is
 B/C > 1 – Accept;
 B/C = 1 – Indifferent; and
 B/C < 1 – Reject.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.5 Present Worth (Net Present Value) Method
 In this case all disbursements and receipts are brought to
their net present worth and the comparison of their
present worth is made.
 In the present value method, the present time (time zero
or start of year 1) equivalent value of all the costs and
benefits incurred during the life of the system or the
project is calculated using a specific interest rate.
 In this method all cash inflows and outflows of a given
project (having a given project life) are brought to time 0.
If the difference between the inflows minus the outflows
is positive then the project is acceptable.
 If it is to compare among various projects, the one
having more positive value is economically the best
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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.5 Present Worth (Net Present Value) Method
 In order to evaluate projects one need to use discounted
cash flow techniques (DCF). One of these is the method
of net present worth (NPW) or net present value (NPV).

Ci CSn

PW costs = Ci + CSn(P/A, i ,n)

PW incomes = In (P/A, i, n) + S (P/F, i, n)
NPW(NPV) = PW incomes - PW costs

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.5 Present Worth (Net Present Value) Method
Example 1
A construction company wants to introduce a new system
of billing/preparing invoices for payment certificates for
the next 5yrs after which the company will consider other
new options shown below. Two alternatives with identical
capacities and job are available.
Model A: It is semi-automatic that costs ETB 112,500 which
lasts 3yrs with annual operation and maintenance cost of
45,000 having a salvage value of 18,000.
Model B: It is a complete automatic that costs ETB 135,000
which lasts 4yrs with annual operation and maintenance
cost of 36,000 having a salvage value of 13,500.
Which model is acceptable if the interest rate is 15%?
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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.5 Present Worth (Net Present Value) Method
Example 1 (Cont’d)
Option 1: to lease for the rest analysis period; obtain a
machine to lease at ETB 54,000 a year and a yearly
operation cost of ETB 45,000 for both models.
Option 2: to replace, provided that the price of the new ones
remain the same.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.5 Present Worth (Net Present Value) Method
Example 2
The system is not going to be phased out at the end of
5yrs but continues for indefinite time. Assume both
models remain without changes in prices and operating
costs. Which model will be suggested better?
NB:- When analyzing options with different operation
periods, Consider the same time frame by using LCM

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.6 Future Worth (Net Future Value) Method
 A corollary to the present value and net present worth is
the future value and the net future worth (NFW).
 In this method all cash inflows and outflows of a given
project (having a given project life) are brought to time
n. If the difference between the inflows minus the
outflows is positive then the project is acceptable.
 If it is to compare among various projects, the one
having more positive value is economically the best

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.7 Annual Equivalent Worth Method
 In this case all the cash flow is converted to an equal
uniform series of cost or income.
 Then for mutual exclusive alternatives, the one with
higher annual income or lower annual cost will be
 This helps to determine an investment’s worth in terms of
equal annual basis.
 The main benefits of this method are:
 Report format;
 Need for unit cost/benefit analysis; and
 Ease of analysis for mutually exclusive projects with
unequal project lives, as long as identical repetition is
to be made as the LCM will not be required.
Example 3: Compute the AE of Example AAU, AAiT,
1 Construction Management,
2020_Fasil T. 51
3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
 The internal rate of return, IRR is that interest rate at which
future cash flows when discounted will equate to the initial
investment i.e. their present value will be zero.
 If IRR is Internal Rate of Return and MARR is the Minimum
Attractive Rate of Return (Market Interest Rate), then if :
 IRR > MARR – Accept;
 IRR = MARR – Indifferent; and
 IRR < MARR – Reject.
e.g, P=100 & F=140,N=3, MARR=6%. Draw the graph

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2020_Fasil T. 52
4. Depreciation
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
 IRR is the interest which makes the summation of present
worth value to be zero.

PW i  0  1 .... An
0  1 1 i 
1 i  1 i 
     
n n An
 PW   n  0;i  IRR
0 i 0 1 i 
 

 This expression only works for cash flows with 3yrs of

life. Cash flow projecting beyond three years involve
complex polynomial functions.

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2020_Fasil T. 53
3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
 Plot the PW cash flow against interest (horizontal axis).

A. Simple Investment


B. Non-simple Investment

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.2 Trial and Error Approach
 In this method, assume a certain value for i and compute
ΣPW(i) = 0.
ΣPW(i)  ΣPWi > 0-increase i
ΣPWi < 0- decrease i
 The computation process proceeds until ΣPW(i) = 0.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.1 Direct Solution Method
 This applies when either there is only two flow
transaction of cash flow series or when the projects
service life doesn’t exceed 2 yrs.
Example: consider the following cash flow and compute
the IRR for both options.
n A B
0 -8,000 -16,000
1 0 10,400
2 0 12,000
3 12,000
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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.1 Direct Solution Method
Project A:
 PW (i) = -8000 + 12,000 (P/F, i, 4) = 0
- 8000 +12000/(1+i)3 = 0 ↔ (1+i)3 = ↔ i= 14.47%
Project B:
PW (i) = -16,000 + 10400/ (1+i)1 + 12000/ (1+i)2 = 0
-16,000 (1+i)2 + 10,000 (1+i) + 12,000 = 0
16i2 – 21.62 – 6.4 = 0
i = -1.6 = -160%; not feasible
i = 0.25 = 25%; therefore, i =25%
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 Non-simple investment
year Cash inflow Cash outflow Net c.flow
0 1000,000 -1,000,000
1 4,300,000 2000,000 2,300,000
2 3,000,000 4,320,000 -1,320,000

 If MARR=15%,choose best alternative? Draw the graph .

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.3 Incremental Analysis: two alternatives
 IRR method can’t give a clue on the best alternative
when used for investment analysis.
 Thus it is recommended to use the incremental analysis.
 It is done in such a way that by projecting a cash flow
which is the difference of cash flows of the alternatives
presented for comparative analysis.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.3 Incremental Analysis
Example: Select a better option if MARR = 10%,20%,25%?
Yr A B B-A
0 -3,000 -12,000 -9,000
1 1,350 4,200 2,800
2 1,800 6,225 4,425
3 1,500 6,330 4,830
IRR 25% 17.43% 15%
Alternative B is selected, draw the graph .
 Selection Criterion:-
 IRR (B-A) > MARR - select B
 IRR (B-A) < MARR - select A
 IRR (B-A) = MARR - selectAAU, either
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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.8 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
Computation of IRR
2.8.3 Incremental Analysis: alternatives more than two
 Considering two at a time, the selection can be easily
carried out. MARR = 10%.
Yr A B C B-A C-B
0 -1,000 -1,000 -2,000 0 -1,000
1 900 600 900 -300 300
2 500 500 900 0 400
3 100 500 900 400 400
4 50 100 900 50 800
IRR 21% 26.3%
First Comparison:- Alternative B is better, reject A
Second Comparison:- Alternative C is better; therefore
Alternative C is acceptable.
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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
 Collateral base of the domestic construction industry is
very weak.
 There are two broad choices for financing construction
projects where as a combination of the two is also
 Equity Financing;
 Debt Financing; and
 Hybrid of equity and debt.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
2.9.1 Equity Financing
 Share company:- retained earnings.
 Private company:- re-investment of profits.
 Issuance of Stocks:- Eg. Ayat Real Estate a couple of
years ago.
2.9.2 Debt Financing
 It can be grouped in to three main categories:
 Short term (up to one year);
 Medium term ( 1-5 years); and
 Long term (>5 years).

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
2.9.2 Debt Financing
A. Short Term Financing
 It requires more working capital (operating cost).
 The current asset need to be much greater than current
liability to come up with a positive working capital.
 When negative working capital encountered; the
following measures usually taken:
 Delay wage payments and salaries;
 Delay credit payment; and
 Selling some fixed assets.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
2.9.2 Debt Financing
A. Short Term Financing
 Short term financing schemes:
 Bank overdraft;
 Trade credit; and
 Factoring.
i. Bank Overdraft
 It has high interest rate.
 If not paid, the company will be liquidated and declare
bankruptcy where the client will be sued.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
2.9.2 Debt Financing
A. Short Term Financing
ii. Trade Credit
 Acquire supply of materials on a credit basis.
 Depends on the credibility of the company.
 It has no interest.
iii. Factoring
 Delegating another company to fix the credit and collect
the revenues of the company; and finally share the profit
as per the agreement.

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3. Financial Appraisal Methods
2.9 Source of Finance
2.9.2 Debt Financing
B. Medium Term Financing
 Bank loans.
 Sale and lease back.
C. Long Term Financing
 Bank loans (International Bank loans).
 Bond Financing.
 Joint Venture Financing: due to size of the project and its
associated risk where:
 Risk shared;
 Good opportunity to knowledge;
 Capital and material combined; and
 Reduces competition.
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4. Depreciation
4.1 Definition and Requirements
4.1.1 Depreciation: Definition
 The number of years over which a machine is depreciated
is called its depreciable life.
 Depreciation is a business expense the government
allows to offset the loss in value of business assets.
 Depreciation deductions reduce the taxable income of
businesses and thus reduce the amount of tax paid.
 Accountants define depreciation as follows:
“the systematic allocation of the cost of an asset over
its useful, or depreciable life.”
 The latter definition is used for determining taxable
income – hence, income taxes.

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4. Depreciation
4.1 Definition and Requirements
4.1.2 Depreciation Requirements
 In general business assets can only be depreciated if they
meet the following basic requirements:
 The property must have a useful life that can be
determined, and this life must be longer than one year.
 The property must be an asset that decays, gets used
up, wears out, becomes obsolete, or loses value to the
owner due to natural causes.

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4. Depreciation
4.2 Depreciation Causes
 Due to use and obsolescence every equipment loses its
value. This loss is accounted for by depreciating the
equipment every year. Depreciation is a decrease in
value of an asset each year.
 Depreciation: whenever any machine or equipment
performs useful work its wear and tear is bound to occur.
This can be minimized up to some extent by proper care
and maintenance but can’t be totally prevented.
 Obsolescence: is the depreciation of existing machinery
or asset due to new and better invention, design of
equipment of processes etc.

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4. Depreciation
4.3 Classification of Depreciation


Depreciation due to Depreciation due to

physical condition functional condition

Wear and Tear Physical decay Accidental Maintenance & Obsolescence

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4. Depreciation
4.4 Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals and Methods
4.4.1 Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals
 The following are the methods for calculating
BVt = cost basis – (d1 + d2 + … + dt)
 This equation is used to compute the book value of an
asset at the end of any time t.
 Book value can be viewed as the remaining unallocated
cost of an asset:
Book value = Cost – Depreciation charges made to date
 If the item has a salvage value then the final book value
will be the salvage value.
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4. Depreciation
4.4 Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals and Methods
4.4.2 Depreciation Calculation Methods
 The following are the methods for calculating
 Straight line Methods,
 Declining Balance Method (esp. DDB),
 The Sum Of the Year’s Digits (SOYD) Method,
 Sinking fund Method,
 Annuity Charging method,
 The Insurance policy method,
 The Revaluation or Regular Valuation method, and
 Machine Hour Basis method.

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4. Depreciation
4.5 Calculation of Depreciation
4.5.1 Straight Line Method
 This method assumes that the loss of value of machine is
directly proportional to its age. It means one should
deduct the scrap value from the original value and divide
the remaining value by the number of years of useful life.
D = (C-S)/N
Where: D = Depreciation amount per year.
C = Initial cost of a machine.
S = Scrap/Salvage value.
N = Number of years of life of machine.

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4. Depreciation
4.5 Calculation of Depreciation
4.5.2 [Double] Declining Balance Method
 For straight line depreciation with N years, the rate of
decrease each year is 1/N.
 Declining balance depreciation uses a rate of either 150%
or 200% of the straight-line rate.
 Since 200% is twice the straight-line rate, it is called
double declining balance (DDB).
 The DDB equation for any year is
DDB depreciation dt = (2/N) ( Book value)
Book value = Initial cost – total charges to date,
DDB deprec. dt = (2/N) (Initial cost – total charges to date)

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4. Depreciation
4.5 Calculation of Depreciation
4.5.2 [Double] Declining Balance Method
 It can be shown for DDB, that the depreciation schedule
in year t is given by:
DDB depreciation in year t = (2B/N)(1 – 2/N)t-1
 For 150% declining balance depreciation, the
depreciation in year t is given by:
DB depreciation in year t =(1.5 B/N)(1 – 1.5/N)t-1.
Where: B = Book Value
N = Number of years of life of machine.
 It is common usually to use DDB in many depreciation

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4. Depreciation
4.5 Calculation of Depreciation
4.5.3 Sum of Years Digits (SOYD) Method
 SOYD depreciation causes larger decreases in book value
in earlier years than in later years.
dt= [(N+1-t)/SOYD](B-S) = [2(N+1-t)/(N(N+1))](B-S)
Where: 2(N+1-t)/N(N+1) = multiplier
B = Book Value
S = Scrap/Salvage value.
N = Number of years of life of machine.
 The product of the multiplier and B-S for the year is the
depreciation charge for the year. Note the multipliers add
to 1. i.e. Σ(N+1-t)/SOYD = 2(N+1-t)/N(N+1) = 1

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4. Depreciation
4.5 Calculation of Depreciation
Example: Depreciation
 An excavator costs Birr 5, 000,000.00 with a scrap value
of Birr 200,000 after its useful life of 5 years in the
taxpayer’s hand. Calculate the depreciation value in the
useful life of this machine using:
 Straight line method,
 SOYD method, and
 DDB method.
 Show your result in the entire useful life of the excavator.
Compare and comment on both results by the help of a

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