Action Plan On "Academic Ease" During Covid-19 Pandemic: ND RD TH
Action Plan On "Academic Ease" During Covid-19 Pandemic: ND RD TH
Action Plan On "Academic Ease" During Covid-19 Pandemic: ND RD TH
2. Modify learning tasks in - Group School head, November Summative assessments MOOE 100 % provide learning task
the SLM in 2nd, 3rd & 4th discussion of master 2020 - results / tracking results that based on their mastery
Quarters teachers on teacher, June 2021 skills and competencies of
the results of teachers and the learners.
the parents
On – line conference
with parents /
3. Simplify strategies on Provide technical School Head, November Technical Assistance MOOE 100% assisted teachers on
assessment of learning assistance to the Master 2020 - Plan the modification of the
teachers on the Teacher and June 2021 learning assessment based
preparation of Highly on the diversity of learners.
assessment following Proficient
the DepED Order No. Teachers
31.s. 2020 using the
PMCF form in the
4. Ensure the premium on - Strict School Head November CSC MC No. 18 s. 2020 MOOE 100 % compliance on the
the instructional implementati and teachers 2020 - - Workweek plan Alternative Work
management task of on on the June 2021 Work Accomplishment Arrangement
teachers in their work Alternative Report
load or assignments Work
5. Make simplified plan on Design a plan School Head, November SLM Distribution and Brigada 100 % adherence on the
preparation, distributions, regarding on the FPTCA, Brgy. 2020- Retrieval Plan, Eskwela, health protocols during the
and retrieval of learning distribution and Council and June 2021 Memorandum on Adopt a distribution and retrieval of
materials. retrieval of SLM in other external Agreement and School School the SLM.
coordination with the stakeholders Vicinity Map
Brgy. Council and
other external
6. Provide mental- School Head, November Internet connectivity and MOOE Provide 4 webinars for
health/social-emotional Link
- the RHU, 2020 flyers on good mental parents and teachers
wellbeing of teachers, school with PUP Cabiao health regarding on the mental
students, parents and Philippine Campus., health education.
learning facilitators Red Cross, NEUST San
PUP Cabiao Isidro campus
Annex and
Initiate a school
mental health activity
for teachers, parents
and learners
7. Give enough time for the - Intensify the School Head, November Rubrics on learning MOOE 100 % oriented to the
completion, submission of school Teachers and 2020- assessment parents the different rubrics
activities/tasks of the program on parents June 2021 on learning assessments.
learners School
8. Provide additional - Intensify the School Head, November Reading materials and MOOE - Implemented the
supports to learners and school Teachers and 2020- other learning materials learning
their home learning program on parents June 2021 assistance form as
facilitators with learning School identified under
difficulties. Support least mastery
System skills.
Provide webinars on - Provide 4
home tutoring webinars on home
9. Provide capacity building - Intensify the School Head, November SAT results and RPMS MOOE - Formulate a
activities/ in-service INSET and Master 2020- (results on PMCF) school -based
trainings, technical other Teacher and June 2021 training design for
assistance to teachers on webinars LAC Leaders the teachers
distance LDM, etc. offered by Provide 5 INSET’s focusing
other on the results of the
learning summative assessment and
institutions PMCF
Coordinate to the
PUP Cabiao campus
and NEUST San
Isidro Campus for
10.Ensure that external - Provide an School Head, November Deed of Donation / Adopt A Provision of the 1:1 SLM is
stakeholders and information Teachers, 2020- Acceptance and School given to the learners and
partners are tapped to drive on the Parents and June 2021 MOA/MOU adhere to the no collection
support the distance and different stakeholders policy because of the
home-based learning incentives in intensified program under
donating to Public – Private
the school Partnership, Brigada
Eskwela and Adopt A
School Program.
Recommending Approval
Schools Division Superintendent
5. Make simplified plan on Design a plan School Head, November SLM Distribution and Brigada 100 % adherence on the
preparation, distributions, regarding on the FPTCA, Brgy. 2020- Retrieval Plan, Eskwela, health protocols during the
and retrieval of learning distribution and Council and June 2021 Memorandum on Adopt a distribution and retrieval of
materials. retrieval of SLM in other external Agreement and School School the SLM.
coordination with the stakeholders Vicinity Map
Brgy. Council and
other external
6. Provide mental- School Head, November Internet connectivity and MOOE Provide 4 webinars for
health/social-emotional Link
- the RHU, 2020 flyers on good mental parents and teachers
wellbeing of teachers, school with PUP Cabiao health regarding on the mental
students, parents and Philippine Campus., health education.
learning facilitators Red Cross, NEUST San
PUP Cabiao Isidro campus
Annex and
Initiate a school
mental health activity
for teachers, parents
and learners
7. Give enough time for the - Intensify the School Head, November Rubrics on learning MOOE 100 % oriented to the
completion, submission of school Teachers and 2020- assessment parents the different rubrics
activities/tasks of the program on parents June 2021 on learning assessments.
learners School
8. Provide additional - Intensify the School Head, November Reading materials and MOOE - Implemented the
supports to learners and school Teachers and 2020- other learning materials learning
their home learning program on parents June 2021 assistance form as
facilitators with learning School identified under
difficulties. Support least mastery
System skills.
Provide webinars on - Provide 4
home tutoring webinars on home
9. Provide capacity building - Intensify the School Head, November SAT results and RPMS MOOE - Formulate a
activities/ in-service INSET and Master 2020- (results on PMCF) school -based
trainings, technical other Teacher and June 2021 training design for
assistance to teachers on webinars LAC Leaders the teachers
distance LDM, etc. offered by Provide 5 INSET’s focusing
other on the results of the
learning summative assessment and
institutions PMCF
Coordinate to the
PUP Cabiao campus
and NEUST San
Isidro Campus for
10.Ensure that external - Provide an School Head, November Deed of Donation / Adopt A Provision of the 1:1 SLM is
stakeholders and information Teachers, 2020- Acceptance and School given to the learners and
partners are tapped to drive on the Parents and June 2021 MOA/MOU adhere to the no collection
support the distance and different stakeholders policy because of the
home-based learning incentives in intensified program under
donating to Public – Private
the school Partnership, Brigada
Eskwela and Adopt A
School Program.
Recommending Approval
Chief, CID Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Superintendent