Year Psir - 1B Questions: Modern History
Year Psir - 1B Questions: Modern History
Year Psir - 1B Questions: Modern History
Q1. The 1857 uprising was the
culmination of the recurrent, big and
Q1. Dalit Perspective on local rebellions that had occurred in the
Indian National preceding hundred years of
Movement.Discuss. British rule. Elucidate.
2017 Q1. The Success Of MG lay in Q1. Clarify how mid-eighteenth century
transforming both political & India was beset with the spectre of a
non political movements into fragmented polity.
a unified nationalist
movement. Comment. Q2. Why did the ‘Moderates’ fail to carry
conviction with the nation about
Q2. Differentiate btw their proclaimed ideology and political goals
Moderate Nationalism from by the end of the nineteenth
Extremist/Militant century?
Nationalism in terms of their
objective & means. Q3. Examine how the decline of traditional
artisanal industry in colonial India
crippled the rural economy.
Q1. Critically examine Radical Q2. Discuss the role of women in the
2016 Humanist Perspective on freedom struggle especially during the
Indian National Movement. Gandhian phase.
2014 Q1. Examine how peasant Q1. The third battle of Panipat was fought
movements promoted in 1761. Why were so many
Nationalist Ideas during empire-shaking battles fought at Panipat ?
struggle for Indian
Independence. Q2. Examine critically the various facets
of economic policies of the British
in India from the mid-eighteenth century till
Q3. In what ways did the naval mutiny
prove to be the last nail in the coffin of
British colonial aspirations in India?
Q5. Significance of CDM. Q3. In many ways, Lord Dalhousie was the
Comment.( 2011 ) founder of modern India.
Q6. Comment on Indian
Nationalism as depicted in
S.N Banerjee's " A Nation In
Making ". ( 2010 )