Biology of Bone Formation, Fracture Healing, and Distraction Osteogenesis

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Biology of Bone Formation, Fracture Healing, and

Distraction Osteogenesis
Christopher M. Runyan, MD, PhD and Kyle S. Gabrick, MD
1950s to 1980s the Russian orthopedist Gavril Ilizarov carefully
Abstract: Distraction osteogenesis is a bone-regenerative process characterized and perfected the technique. His contributions include
in which an osteotomy is followed by distraction of the surrounding development of a rigid external ring fixator and determination of
vascularized bone segments, with formation of new bone within the optimal pin placement and stability within the fixator, demon-
distraction gap. Distraction osteogenesis is efficacious for recon- stration of the feasibility of corticotomies rather than osteotomies,
structing critical sized bony defects in the appendicular and cranio- determination of ideal latency and activation periods, and a rigorous
facial skeleton. To provide opportunity to expand applications of histologic assessment of the distraction site, including a description
distraction osteogenesis, it is important to have a thorough under- of the neo-physis.3,4 Distraction osteogenesis was first applied to
the craniofacial skeleton by Snyder et al.5 His group surgically
standing of the underlying molecular biology and physiology of bone
shortened 1 side of a canine mandible, and then corrected the
development and fracture healing. To accomplish these objectives a resultant crossbite with an external screw-driven device. McCarthy
review of the literature was performed using search terms ‘‘endo- et al conducted a series of further canine experiments to identify
chondral ossification, intramembranous ossification, craniofacial optimal latency, activation, and consolidation phases within the
skeleton, appendicular skeleton, fracture healing, bone development, craniofacial skeleton, before applying it to reconstruct the human
and distraction osteogenesis.’’ Bones of the craniofacial and appen- hypoplastic mandible.6– 9 Distraction osteogenesis has since pro-
dicular skeleton have distinct mechanisms of embryonic develop- vided craniofacial surgeons with a particularly useful tool to address
ment. The former develops from growth centers of mesenchymal bony defects and deficits. While distraction has been well described
precursors through intramembranous ossification. The latter forms in the surgical literature, advances in regenerative medicine may
though endochondral ossification in growth plates. However, both warrant a second look at the biology of distraction and its appli-
cation to bone tissue engineering.
endochondral and intramembranous bone share similar master regu-
Tissue engineering requires 3 primary components: a progenitor
latory transcription factors and downstream growth factors. Fracture or stem cell to produce the desired tissue, growth factors to provide
healing mirrors the pathway by which these bones developed embry- the necessary inductive signals to the progenitor cells, and a
onically. In contrast, bone formed by distraction osteogenesis does so scaffold to guide appropriate 3-dimensional configuration of the
by intramembranous ossification, regardless of whether it occurs growing tissue. Clinical use of distraction osteogenesis is essen-
within the appendicular or craniofacial skeleton. Understanding tially a form of bone tissue engineering. During distraction osteo-
molecular pathway differences between bone formation by these genesis, the bone-anchored distractor device provides the rigidity
mechanisms may allow for optimization and expansion of skeletal and necessary space that would normally be provided by a scaffold.
reconstruction by distraction osteogenesis Progenitor cells and growth factors are conveniently provided by
the niche surrounding the distraction site. To the reconstructive
surgeon hoping to generate new, vascularized bone, these cellular
Key Words: Appendicular skeleton, craniofacial skeleton, and molecular interactions may be a black box. Bone is unique
distraction osteogenesis, endochondral ossification, fracture among all tissues in the body, as it is the only tissue to heal or
healing, intramembranous ossification regenerate without scar formation and to regain its full premorbid
strength and function. The complex molecular interactions of
(J Craniofac Surg 2017;00: 00–00) healing bone reflect how they formed during development.10,11
An understanding of the molecular biology and physiology of bone

D istraction osteogenesis is a bone-regenerative process in which

an osteotomy is followed by gradual distraction of the sur-
rounding vascularized bone segments, with formation of new bone
formation and fracture healing will provide insights into how bone
is produced during distraction osteogenesis. This will then allow the
reconstructive surgeon to optimally utilize distraction osteogenesis
within the distraction gap. First described by Alessandro Codivilla for bone production and potentially offer new therapeutic appli-
at the turn of the 20th century, its clinical use was initially limited by cations of the technology
poor predictability and high rates of complication.1,2 From the

From the Department of Plastic Surgery, Wake Forest Baptist Medical

Center, Winston-Salem, NC. During embryonic development bone forms by 1 of 2 pathways:
Received October 27, 2016. endochondral or intramembranous ossification.12 The former
Accepted for publication December 20, 2016. requires a cartilaginous intermediate, and is responsible for the
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Christopher M. Runyan, formation of the entire appendicular (limbs and pelvis) and much of
MD, PhD, Department of Plastic Surgery, Wake Forest Baptist Health, the axial skeleton, including the ribs, scapulae, and skull base.
Medical Center Blvd., Winston Salem, NC 27157; Endochondral bone forms from either paraxial mesoderm (axial
E-mail: [email protected] skeleton) or from lateral plate mesoderm, which contributes to the
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2017 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD limb buds (appendicular skeleton). Intramembranous ossification
ISSN: 1049-2275 does not involve a cartilaginous intermediate but instead relies on
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003625 direct differentiation of mesenchymal precursor or neural crest cells

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017 1
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CE: D.C.; SCS-16-01512; Total nos of Pages: 10;

Runyan and Gabrick The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016

into osteoblasts, and is the mechanism for development of most of Some of the caudal-most bones of the skull (occipital, ethmoid,
the craniofacial skeleton. Intramembranous bones within the cra- petrous portion of the temporal, and portions of the sphenoid
niofacial skeleton (Fig. 1) are derived from either neural crest cells bones) develop by endochondral ossification.
for the more cephalad structures and facial bones, or from paraxial Endochondral and intramembranous bone both are first ident-
mesoderm for the more caudal structures and skull base.13,14 ified as clusters of undifferentiated cells known as mesenchymal
condensations which by an unknown mechanism coalesce in the
areas of future skeletal development.12,15 Neural crest cells are
derived from neuroectoderm of the developing neural tube, but
undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition followed by dela-
mination and ventral migration into craniofacial structures within
the developing embryo. As with mesoderm-derived cells within
mesenchymal condensations, neural crest cells similarly may lead
to bone production via either intramembranous or endochondral
ossification16,17 (Fig. 2). The progression and differentiation of
these cells are guided by signaling pathways, many of which are
relevant for fracture healing.
Figure 3 depicts the possible fates of cells within the mesench-
ymal condensations. In the craniofacial skeleton mesenchymal
condensations may undergo intramembranous ossification, produ-
cing bone directly without a cartilaginous intermediate. In the
remainder of the axial and appendicular skeleton mesenchymal
precursor cells give rise to an intermediate tissue, so-called imma-
ture cartilage. This immature cartilage is then destined to 1 of 2
pathways: persistent and replacement cartilages. Persistent cartilage
remains relatively avascular, and eventually forms the cartilages of
the nose, ear, intervertebral discs, and ribs. In contrast, replacement
cartilage undergoes chondrocyte hypertrophy and vascularization
allowing progression to endochondral ossification. During this
process, chondrocytes enter a tightly controlled program of pro-
liferation, prehypertrophy, hypertrophy, apoptosis, and replacement
by osteoblasts.18
Many of the signal transduction pathways regulating the pro-
gression of mesenchymal condensations to bone and cartilage are
understood, and are recapitulated in fracture healing. The proosteo-
genic factor runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) is expressed
among both preosteoblasts in mesenchymal condensations and later
in immature cartilage.19 Mice deficient in both alleles of Runx2
form no bone demonstrating its requirement for both intramem-
branous and endochondral bone formation.20–22 Further, a mutation
in one copy of Runx2 in humans leads to cleidocranial dysplasia
which is marked by hypoplastic clavicles, supernumerary teeth,
enlarged fontanelles, and eventual osteoporosis.21 A similarly
important prochondrogenic transcription factor, Sox9 (SRY [sex-
determining region Y]-related high mobility group box gene 9) is
essential for cartilage development. The absence of Sox9 in mice
results in a complete absence of cartilage formation,23–25 and
partial loss in humans leads to campomelic dysplasia,26–28 which
is marked by craniofacial defects, bowing and angulation of the
long bones, and tracheobronchial hypoplasia that frequently leads to
perinatal respiratory distress and lethality. Together Runx2 and

Neural Crest Cells

Intramembranous Endochondral
FIGURE 1. Derivation of bones of the calvarium (adapted from Percival).14 (A, Ossification Ossification
B) Two views of the human craniofacial skeleton, including (A) frontal, (B) lateral
depicting both the cell source and mechanism of bone formation. Light blue—
intramembranous ossification. Yellow—endochondral ossification. Green—
both intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Dotted—neural crest Mesenchymal
cell-derived. Diagonal lines—paraxial mesoderm-derived. Cross hatched—both (mesoderm)Cells
neural crest- and paraxial mesoderm-derived. Eth, ethmoid; Fro, frontal; Lac,
lacrimal; Man, mandible; Max, maxilla; Nas, nasal; Occ, occipital; Par, parietal; FIGURE 2. Relative contributions of neural crest cells and paraxial mesoderm
Squ, squamous; Tem, temporal; Vom, vomer; Zyg, zygoma. cells to the 2 types of bone within the craniofacial skeleton.

2 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

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CE: D.C.; SCS-16-01512; Total nos of Pages: 10;

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016 Bone Biology

into prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes.38 Parathyroid-

related peptide is expressed within perichondrial cells and chon-
drocytes located in the distal aspect of the epiphysis. A PTHrP
gradient is established with the lower concentrations extending
toward the metaphysis. Parathyroid-related peptide stimulates
chondrocyte proliferation, and when levels are low chondrocytes
stop proliferating, begin expressing Ihh, and undergo hypertrophy.
The transition of replacement cartilage to bone via endochondral
ossification requires a supporting cast of other important factors
including Wingless-related integration (Wnt) proteins, fibroblast
growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and hypoxia-inducible factor
(HIF). Mice lacking Wnt-signaling within mesenchymal conden-
sations form cartilage but no endochondral or intramembranous
bone.39 Wingless-related integration activity is controlled by Ihh
signaling during bone formation,35,39 and Wnt signaling increases
chondrocyte proliferation and inhibits chondrocyte apoptosis.35
Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) is the receptor for
multiple FGF proteins including FGF1, FGF2, and FGF18, and is
highly expressed within the growth plate.40 Achondroplasia is
associated with activating mutations of FGFR3. Binding of
FGF18 from perichondrium to FGFR3 within the growth plate
FIGURE 3. Pathways for bone formation. Adapted from Eames et al.11 inhibits bone growth by inhibition of chondrocyte differentiation
and proliferation.41,42 Matrix metalloproteinases are extracellular
matrix-degrading enzymes that help promote neovascularization
among other roles. Within the growth plate MMP9 and MMP14 are
Sox9 are master regulatory transcription factors for osteogenic and produced by hypertrophic chondrocytes, and promote endochondral
chondrogenic specification, respectively. bone formation by facilitating invasion of blood vessels into the
Sox9 promotes expression of essential cartilage-related collagen primary ossification centers of the growth plate (reviewed in 43).
genes including Coll II,29 Coll IX,30 Coll XI,31 which together help Hypoxia-inducible factor -1a is the central regulator of the hypoxic
generate an extracellular collagen matrix. Within immature carti- response. When cells are hypoxic, Hif-1a activates VEGF to
lage chondrocytes rapidly divide and remain undifferentiated. Key stimulate vasculogenesis. Loss of Hif-1a in chondrocytes causes
factors in stimulating chondrocyte proliferation and Sox9 activity massive apoptosis of those cells in the center of growth plates,
are bone morphogenetic proteins 2 (BMP2) and 4.16 This is perhaps where oxygen levels are lowest.44 Vascular endothelial growth
counterintuitive because exogenous BMP2 is clinically utilized as a factor is released from hypertrophic chondrocytes where it binds
powerful morphogen for bone formation. Within persistent carti- to extracellular matrix proteins within the growth plate, recruiting
lage Sox9 stimulates similar prochondrogenic factors Sox5, and endothelial cells to induce blood vessel formation.45 This couples
Sox6,32 which together prevent chondrocytes from maturing and resorption of cartilage with bone formation.
undergoing hypertrophy. In contrast the transition of immature to Development of calvarial bones by intramembranous ossifica-
replacement cartilage involves chondrocyte maturation through tion occurs as presumptive bone cells proliferate and migrate
distinct prehypertrophic and hypertrophic stages, as well as vascular outward from mesenchymal condensations.46 Growth plate for-
invasion and activation of bone markers. This requires additional mation is specific to endochondral bone. Intramembranous bone
signaling pathways, the most important of which is Hedgehog instead relies upon ossification centers that add bone in a radial
(reviewed in 33). fashion moving away from the center. Many of the proosteogenic
The Hedgehog gene is evolutionarily conserved and mammalian molecular pathways essential for endochondral bone formation are
homologues include Sonic, Desert , and Indian (Ihh) hedgehogs. essential for intramembranous bone formation, including Runx2,
Indian hedgehog is essential for endochondral bone formation as Wnt, Ihh, and BMP pathways. A lack of BMP signaling within the
knockout mice lacking this gene have a complete absence of cranial mesenchymal condensations is permissive for osteoblast
osteoblasts in the endochondral skeleton.34 It is expressed by formation, whereas at later stages BMP signaling is essential for
prehypertrophic chondrocytes within replacement cartilage and neural-crest-derived calvarial bone formation.13,16,47 Indian hedge-
accelerates their hypertrophy and promotes osteoblast differen- hog also has an important role in this process. Indian hedgehog is
tiation. Indian hedgehog does this by activating Runx2, which then expressed at the leading edge of growing cranial bones, promoting
activates Osterix;35 without either of these transcription factors no bone formation by BMP-2 and BMP-4 mediated direct osteogenic
bone can form. Indian hedgehog also decreases BMP2 activity, differentiation rather than proliferation.48 Its loss results in signifi-
which leads to downregulation of Sox5, Sox6, Sox9, and Coll II.36 cantly decreased calvarial bone formation.16 Deletion of repressors
Recent experiments performed in a bone organ culture system of Hh signaling (Gli3 and Rab23) results in high Hh activity with
further demonstrated that although BMP2 has potent proosteoblast associated increased ossification of calvarial bones and craniosy-
properties, Hh signaling is required; without the presence of Hh nostosis.49,50 Runt-related transcription factor 2 is expressed within
activity BMP2 promotes ectopic chondrogenesis within the peri- calvarial osteoblasts during the process and promotes osteogenesis.
chondrium.37 Indian hedgehog also stimulates expression of the Loss of one allele of Runx2 is associated with delayed suture
hypertrophic cartilage marker, type-X collagen. Perhaps the best closure and persistent fontanels,51 whereas a duplication of Runx2
understood Ihh-mediated pathway in developing bone is that of was identified in a set of twins with metopic suture synostosis.52
parathyroid-related peptide (PTHrP). Within growth plates of The proosteogenic effects of Runx2 in intramembranous bone are
endochondral bone Ihh and PTHrP participate in a feedback loop, mediated through Wnt signaling. Activation of the Wnt pathway
regulating the rate of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation promotes specification of the osteogenic lineage and represses the

# 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD 3

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: D.C.; SCS-16-01512; Total nos of Pages: 10;

Runyan and Gabrick The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016

chondrogenic lineage within calvarial mesenchyme.13,53,54 TGFb the BMPs), and angiogenic factors. A number of other pathways are
signaling is also important as it promotes calvarial osteocyte implicated in the healing process as their loss results in significant
proliferation.55 Nearly all studies of intramembranous bone devel- perturbations in the ability to heal, although their specific roles in the
opment examine the frontal or parietal bones, and relatively little is 4 phases of bone healing are not well defined. These include the
understood of the process within intramembranous bones of the Hedgehog75 and Wnt signaling pathways.76–79
facial skeleton.56 In the absence of rigid fixation, fracture healing of the appendi-
cular skeleton occurs through formation of a cartilage scaffold, which
PATHWAYS OF APPENDICULAR BONE is gradually replaced with bone. This healing closely resembles steps
of embryonic endochondral ossification.10 Mesenchymal precursors
FRACTURE HEALING coalesce in the shape and location of the bone to be formed both for
Fractures of bones of the appendicular skeleton heal by both endochondral ossification and fracture healing.80,81 Both pro-
intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Endochondral cesses also involve mesenchymal cell proliferation and differen-
bone formation predominates outside the periosteum in mechani- tiation and hypertrophy along a cartilaginous or osteogenic
cally unstable regions and immediately adjacent to the fracture site. pathway. An obvious difference between the processes is the
Intramembranous bone formation occurs subperiosteally at the presence of the inflammatory step in fracture healing that facili-
proximal and distal edges of the callus and forms hard callus.57 tates recruitment of the mesenchymal stem cells. However, once
Bridging of the hard callus across the fracture gap provides initial these cells are present some of the same signaling pathways are
stabilization and leads to restoration of biomechanical function.58 involved including Ihh, VEGF, and MMP.10 It is perhaps the
As endochondral ossification is the mechanism of bone formation in preservation of many of these embryonic pathways that allow
the appendicular skeleton, it is also the mechanism primarily fractured bone to avoid forming scar as other tissues do, but to heal
responsible for appendicular skeletal repair. through a truly regenerative process.
Four overlapping phases of fracture healing may be evident
histologically (reviewed in 59):
1. Immediate inflammatory response. This occurs over the initial
24 to 48 hours post fracture and is marked by hematoma FRACTURE HEALING
formation, hemostasis, inflammation, and recruitment of An early rabbit mandible fracture model demonstrated that in the
mesenchymal stem cells. absence of rigid fixation mandible fracture healing has some
2. Cartilage formation with early endochondral ossification and histologic similarities with long bone fractures.82 Within 2 weeks
periosteal response. During this period mesenchymal stem cells of fracture a large subperiosteal callus develops containing both
differentiate into chondrocytes, which then produce a cartila- chondroid and immature osteoid. Within the subsequent 2 weeks
ginous callus rich in collagen and proteoglycans.60,61 The soft, this callus is gradually replaced with trabecular bone and is
cartilaginous callus grows inversely proportional to the stability completely bridged with new neovascular channels and Haversian
of the fracture, and does so asymmetrically within the fracture. systems. Paccione et al83 similarly observed in their mouse mand-
For example, femur fractures produce larger distal calluses and ible fracture model that the sequential presence of islands of
tibial fractures larger proximal calluses, suggesting a recapi- rudimentary cartilage matrix formation, vascular ingrowth, osteo-
tulation of bone development with the calluses forming nearest blast activation, mineralization and lamellar bone formation,
the growth plates.58,62 The soft callus growth peaks between 7 together resembled secondary bone endochondral bone healing.
and 9 days following the fracture.61 The periosteal response They suggest that the contribution of a cartilage intermediate in
results in early intramembranous ossification, and is associated their mandible fracture model (and that of others) was simply due to
with cell proliferation and early vascular ingrowth and neo- bony instability. Indeed, the presence of instability in long bone
angiogenesis. fractures results in increased motion at the fracture site, which
3. Cartilage resorption and primary bone formation. During this promotes cartilaginous callus formation during the primary bone
phase chondrocytes proliferate, mature, become hypertrophic, healing phase.
and increase synthesis of collagen, which accumulates within Rigorous animal studies have not been performed to examine the
the extracellular matrix. As the chondrocytes then begin to histologic and molecular changes of facial bone fractures treated
undergo apoptosis, additional mesenchymal progenitor cells are with rigid fixation. There are a number of reasons for this. The small
recruited and differentiate into osteoblasts. This leads to callus size of rodent facial bones precludes plate fixation. Microplates
mineralization, as osteoblasts use the soft callus as a template to were not available when bone healing studies were commonly
deposit woven bone in place of the mineralized cartilage. This is performed. The lack of a robust, straight, marrow cavity precludes
initially manifest as a thin shell of bone around the periphery of the use of intramedullary stabilization. Despite this, clinical experi-
the callus. Neo-angiogenesis also continues during this phase. ence provides overwhelming evidence that bones that develop by
4. Secondary bone formation and remodeling. During this final intramembranous ossification heal by the same mechanisms, and
phase the bony callus grows and is reshaped by osteoclastic generally not through a cartilaginous intermediate. Skull fractures
resorption and osteoblastic bone formation, resulting in illustrate this principle. The scalp provides a tight soft tissue
regeneration of the original cortical and trabecular arrangement envelope to promote calvarial fracture reduction, while the con-
with a marrow-containing medullary cavity. vexity of the calvarium forms a sturdy keystone arch, which
provides natural rigid fixation. Most of the bones of the facial
The molecular physiology of these 4 phases of fracture healing is skeleton similarly have a stabilizing periosteum and soft tissue
well understood and shares many molecular similarities with endo- envelope, and are not subject to repeated forces. In contrast, the
chondral bone development. A comprehensive description of these mandible is subject to cyclic mechanical loading associated with
factors is beyond the scope of this review; however, an updated, mastication. However with immobilization or rigid load-bearing or
concise summary is presented in Table 1.59,63–74 Of the many load-sharing fixation it heals by direct ossification.
cytokines and growth factors involved, 3 groups have complex, Hasegawa et al84 provided experimental evidence opposing a
well-defined overlapping roles during the 4 stages of bone healing: role for chondrogenesis in membranous bone healing. They initially
proinflammatory cytokines, TGF-b-superfamily members (including identified a multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cell within

4 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

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CE: D.C.; SCS-16-01512; Total nos of Pages: 10;

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016 Bone Biology

TABLE 1. Molecular Pathway Activation During Endochondral Bone Fracture Healing (Adapted From )

Stage of Fracture Repair Biologic Process Signaling Molecule Activation and Proposed Functions

Inflammation Hematoma IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-a release by circulating granulocytes and lymphocytes recruits
inflammatory cells, enhances extracellular matrix synthesis, and stimulates
Inflammation and recruitment of TGF-b, PDGF, and BMP-2 expression promote extracellular matrix formation and
progenitor cells initial callus formation.64,65 MMP-9 regulates the distribution of inflammatory
Cartilage formation Collagen deposition Collagen type-II and type-III accumulate shortly after inflammation, produced by
chondrocytes in the cartilaginous callus, and periosteal osteoblasts.
Chondrogenesis and endochondral TGF-b2 and TGF-b3 stimulate chondrogenesis, corresponding with Collagen type-II
ossification synthesis.67 BMP-2 promotes chondrocyte differentiation.68 PTH also promotes
cartilaginous and bony callus formation,69 whereas Opg prevents
chondroclastogenesis by inhibiting RANKL.70
Vascular in-growth MMP-9 promotes vascular invasion of hypertrophic cartilage, by promoting VEGF
bioavailability.71 VEGF directly stimulates angiogenesis, and is maximally
expressed when resorption is initiated.59
Primary bone formation Chondrocyte apoptosis and cartilage TNF-a stimulates mineralized chrondocyte apoptosis and cartilage resorption, and
resorption helps recruit osteoprogenitor cells.72,73 RANKL activity increases while Opg
decreases, stimulating chondroclastogenesis.70
Changes in collagen expression Collagen type-II and type-III are removed as cartilage callus resorbs. Collagen type-I
accumulates as bony trabeculae develop. Collagen type-X expression by
hypertrophic chondrocytes provides a template for bone formation.
Mesenchymal cell differentiation to Stimulated by BMP-2, -6, and -9.74
Osteoblast recruitment and maturation Stimulated by BMP-3, -4, -7, and -8.67,74
Neo-angiogenesis VEGF and PDGF expression continue to promote angiogenesis.
Secondary bone Formation Bone remodeling TNF-a, IL-1 and RANKL activity promote bone remodeling by osteoclast remodeling
of woven bone for lamellar bone formation.

BMP, bone morphogenetic proteins; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; HIF, hypoxia-inducible factor; IGF, insulin-derived growth factor; IL, interleukin; MMP, matrix
metalloproteinases; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

fracture hematomas of long bones, and demonstrated their ability to bridge oriented in the direction of distraction called the fibrous
differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes in interzone (FIZ, see Fig. 4).90,91 The FIZ is rich in chondrocyte-like
vitro.85 They subsequently cultured human mandible fracture hema- cells, fibroblasts, and oval cells, which are morphologically inter-
toma cells and found that although these cells had a similar mediates between fibroblasts and chondrocytes.90– 92 As the dis-
mesenchymal cell surface expression profile and had good osteo- traction gap increases the FIZ remains 4-mm thick, and at the
genic and adipogenic potential, they had a significantly reduced conclusion of the process the FIZ is the last region to ossify.
ability to differentiate into chondrocytes compared to progenitors Adjacent to the FIZ on either side is the primary mineralization
isolated from long bone fracture hematomas. front (PMF), which contains a high density of proliferating osteo-
Compared with long bone fractures, our knowledge of the blasts. These osteoblasts undergo primary mineralization in regions
molecular physiology of healing craniofacial fractures is extremely of newly formed capillaries and vascular sinuses, leading to the
sparse. Experiments in a rat model of mandible fracture healing formation of columns of bone resembling stalagmites and stalac-
implicate TGF-b superfamily members, including TGF-b1, tities, known as the zone of microcolumn formation (MCF). When
BMP-2, -4, and -7, in osteoblast migration, differentiation, and distraction ends the PMF advances from each end toward the center,
proliferation.86,87 bridging the FIZ. Sequential mineralization of osteoid occurs during
the activation and especially during the consolidation phase, start-
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF DISTRACTION ing within the surrounding MCF, which then proceeds to bridge the
FIZ. During the consolidation period mineralization of new bone is
OSTEOGENESIS ON BONE HEALING completed and bony remodeling occurs resulting in the formation of
Bones undergoing distraction osteogenesis share similar histologic mature, lamellar bone with marrow.
characteristics of healing, regardless of whether they are within
the craniofacial or appendicular skeleton.7,88 However, there are
significant histologic differences between bone distraction osteo-
genesis and fracture healing. The latency period of distraction
resembles early fracture healing with hematoma formation and
recruitment of inflammatory cells and mesenchymal stem cells.9,59
Endochondral bone formation may be observed during latency and
early during distractor activation, although the endochondral bone
is not found within the distraction gap but is limited to areas
adjacent to the periosteum. Jazrawi et al89 proposed that this
observation suggests that the distraction environment may suppress
cartilage development.
FIGURE 4. Neo-physis of bone healing with distraction osteogenesis. FIZ,
Rather than forming a cartilaginous callus within the distraction fibrous interosseous zone; MCF, micro column formation; PMF, primary
gap, a physis-like structure of cells organizes into a fibrovascular mineralization front. See the text for description. (Adapted from 14).

# 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD 5

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CE: D.C.; SCS-16-01512; Total nos of Pages: 10;

Runyan and Gabrick The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016

The predominant mechanisms of bone formation within this TABLE 2. Differential Expression of Signaling Molecules During Distraction
niche are 2-fold. First, Yasui et al93 observed that the FIZ of Osteogenesis
distracted rat femurs contained chondrocyte-appearing cells within Latency Active Distraction Consolidation
a bony matrix, but without capillary ingrowth as is found in
endochondral ossification. Similar to chondrocytes, these chon- Signaling Molecules Early Late Early Late Early Late
droid cells expressed type-II collagen; however, they transition to
type-I collagen expression, suggestive of direct transformation of Cytokines
the chondrocyte-like cells into osteoblasts.94 Yasui named this IL-159 þþþ
phenomenon ‘‘transchondroid bone formation,’’ and proposed that IL-698 þþþ þþþ þþþ
it represents a new type of bone formation. However, Yasui et al TNF-a59 þþþ
observed that the predominant mechanism of bone formation during RANKL/OPG ratio59 þþ þþþ þþþ þ
distraction osteogenesis is intramembranous ossification, which TGF-b superfamily
may be distinguished from the other mechanisms by the histologic BMP-299,101,103 þþ þþþ þþþ þ
absence of cartilage and the expression of only type-I col- BMP-499,101,103 þþ þþþ þþþ þ
lagen.3,4,7,95 At the ultrastructural level, disorganized bundles of BMP-699,101,103 þþþ þþ þ
type-I collagen are found at the end of the latency period.96 As TGF-b99–101,103 þ þþ þþþ þþþ þ
distraction begins, these bundles increase in size and become Angiogenic factors
oriented in a plane parallel with the distraction force.7,95,97 Osteoid VEGF A104 þþþ þþþ þ
is then deposited along these collagen bundles by osteoblasts VEGF B104 þ þ þ
located at corticotomy edges and within the distraction gap.97 VEGF C104 þþ þ þ þ
VEGF D104 þþ þþ þ
Angiopoietin 2104 þþ þ
HIF-1 a105 þþþ þþþ
Bone undergoing distraction osteogenesis initially receives an
Other osteogenic factors
osteotomy. The molecular profile during the immediate postosteot-
FGF-2 (bFGF)99,101,103 þþ þþ þ þ
omy (latency) phase thus resembles that of fracture healing
IGF99,101,103 þþ þþ
(Table 2).59,98–106 Proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1
Collagen I100,101 — —  þ þþþ
and IL-6 are upregulated in the initial period, promoting extra-
Osteocalcin92,100,101,106 — —  þ þ þ
cellular matrix synthesis and inflammatory cell recruitment.59,98
Osteopontin92,102 /þþþ102 þþþ ? ?
Osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of these progenitors is
similarly stimulated by early BMP-2 expression. A separate proin- A ‘‘þ’’ indicates gene upregulation, whereas ‘‘’’ indicates gene downregulation.
flammatory marker, TNF-a, is not expressed during latency, likely Empty squares indicate a lack of data, or lack of differential gene expression beyond
because its induction requires a greater traumatic insult than a baseline.
simple osteotomy.98 BMP, bone morphogenetic proteins; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; HIF, hypoxia-
With distractor activation the molecular expression profile inducible factor; IGF, insulin-derived growth factor; IL, interleukin; VEGF, vascular
significantly deviates from that of fracture healing. Interleukin-6 endothelial growth factor.
is upregulated a second time when distraction starts and mechanical Adapted From Ai-Aql.59
strain is applied to the callus. At this time its expression is high in
osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and in oval cells within the FIZ where
tensile strains are the highest. Interleukin-6 upregulation is thought
to contribute to intramembranous ossification by enhancing osteo- Bone morphogenetic protein-6 downregulation occurs as the
genic differentiation, and that IL-6 has an anabolic effect on DO and primary mode of ossification transitions from endochondral to
catabolic effect in fracture repair.98 intramembranous, reflecting its contributions to endochondral bone
TGF-b-superfamily members are also upregulated during dis- formation.99
tractor activation. TGF-b was increased in distracted mandibles Two additional growth factors have been identified which are
compared with those with nondistracted osteotomies,9 and a direct responsive to the increased mechanical strain found during dis-
correlation between an increasing rate of mandibular distraction and tractor activation. Insulin-derived growth factor-1 and FGF-2, or
TGF-b expression has been observed.107 During distraction TGF-b basic-FGF are both highly expressed around the PMF and may
promotes osteoblast proliferation while suppressing their matu- promote osteoblast differentiation before subsequent downregula-
ration, effectively delaying their differentiation, thus promoting tion during consolidation.107,112
new bone formation.108,109 Bone morphogenetic protein 2 and As with fracture healing, osteoclastogenesis is necessary to help
BMP-4 expression are both expressed immediately following the bone formed by distraction osteogenesis to remodel and form
osteotomy, are downregulated, and then highly reexpressed during mature, lamellar bone. The RANKL/OPG system is thought to
distraction activation.99 These BMPs are upregulated specifically be the key regulator for balanced bone turnover during DO.113 As
within chondrogenic cells at the PMF, and within oval cells within with fracture healing, a high RANKL/OPG expression ratio pro-
the FIZ, in response to the application of mechanical strain.99,110 motes osteoclastogenesis. The RANKL/OPG ratio increases late
They are maintained throughout active distraction, but then gradu- during latency and peaks within the consolidation phase, with the
ally disappear during consolidation, further implying a role in greatest turnover occurring at 3 to 4 weeks of consolidation.113,114
proliferation of cells required for completion of bone healing. Activation of osteoclasts by TNF-a occurs throughout fracture
Consistent with this, the addition of exogenous BMP-2 shortens healing; however, it is not expressed in DO until late during
treatment time during DO by accelerating bone formation during consolidation, suggesting that RANKL/OPG play the primary role
the consolidation phase.111 In contrast to other factors, BMP-6 for bone turnover and maturation.72 Osteocalcin is expressed by
expression is limited to chondrocytes within the FIZ, begins during mature osteoblasts and promotes mineralization. Its expression is
the latency phase, and then declines during the activation phase. significantly decreased compared with normal bone during the

6 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

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The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2016 Bone Biology

latency period. Osteocalcin levels gradually increase early during

distraction, until reaching normal levels toward the end of con-
solidation.92,100 In contrast, osteocalcin in acutely lengthened
mandibles does not significantly increase 6 weeks postdistraction.
This suggests deficiencies in osseous regeneration in acutely
lengthened specimens are due to disturbances in mineralization/
bone turnover in addition to decreased bone scaffold production.

Angiogenesis is an essential process for distraction osteogenesis.
When angiogenesis is chemically inhibited, a lack of ossified bone
and blood vessels occurs between the 2 cut ends of bone, with a
fibrous nonunion resulting.115 Mechanical distraction induces much
greater angiogenic response than fracture healing.59 Blood flow
during activation increases up to 10 times normal blood flow, as
measured by quantitative technetium scintigraphy.91 Histologically,
periosteal and endosteal vessels form columns alongside newly
developing bone, toward the FIZ.116 Within the FIZ capillaries are
formed by both sinusoidal and transport capillary angiogenesis.
During consolidation the periosteal and medullary vascular net-
works connect at the distraction site, including the FIZ.116 Although
new vessel formation begins during activation, maximal vessel FIGURE 5. Comparison of the progression of healing in fractures and distraction
volume increase occurs during consolidation, suggesting a link osteogenesis. Reproduced with permission.59
between angiogenesis and bone formation.117–119
Among VEGF family members, only VEGF-A and neuropilin (a
VEGF receptor) are significantly upregulated during the activation
phase.105 Vascular endothelial growth factor-D is upregulated bone also has large amounts of unmineralized osteoid in the central
briefly during the latency period, then diminished thereafter.105 region of distraction gap, whereas the fracture callus of endochon-
Vascular endothelial growth factor-A is expressed in maturing dral bone calcifies rapidly as it undergoes primary bone healing.
osteoblasts within the PMF and within osteoclasts in the MCF Bragdon speculates that the lack of cartilage formation during
zone, directing angiogenesis in this region of the distraction gap.116 distraction is due to the population of precursor cells that reside
Partial blockade of VEGF signaling in a tibial model of DO results within the endosteum.118 Endosteal cells are restricted to the
in blockade of intramembranous ossification but allows for chon- osteogenic lineage, whereas the periosteum, which contributes to
drogenesis, whereas complete VEGF blockade inhibits both osteo- both fracture healing and distraction osteogenesis, has precursor
genesis and chondrogenesis.120 The primary source of VEGF-A cells capable of differentiating into both chondrocytes and osteo-
during DO is mesenchymal cells within the surrounding muscle. blasts.123
These blood vessels then synthesize morphogens (eg, BMP-2) that Angiogenesis is critical for both fracture healing and distraction
promote bone formation in distracted bone.119 An upstream acti- osteogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factors are expressed
vator of VEGF-A, HIF-1a, is significantly upregulated in bone during both processes but have higher relative expression during
undergoing distraction compared with fracture healing,104 fracture healing. Vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor
suggesting many of the downstream genes that are targets of knockout studies showed that both angiogenesis and osteogenesis
HIF-1a (eg, VEGF-A) play a major role in promoting new bone during distraction osteogenesis were dependent on activity of both
formation during DO. Deferoxamine enhancement of MDO is VEGF receptors 1 and 2.120 Also, inhibition of VEGF in a fracture-
thought to be by upregulation of HIF-1a activity.121,122 Morgan healing model showed delayed healing and failure to progress from
et al117 found that the period of active distraction is characterized a cartilaginous to bony callus.124 In fracture healing, angiogenesis
primarily by arteriogenesis in surrounding muscle, during conso- begins between days 7 and 14 as chondrogenic tissues undergo
lidation, angiogenesis predominates in the intraosteal region, vessel resorption.59 However, during distraction osteogenesis, angiogen-
formation proceeds from the surrounding muscle into the regener- esis is initiated only after active distraction has begun and is thought
ate. Periods of intense osteogenesis are concurrent with those to be driven by the distraction process rather than by signals
of angiogenesis. elaborated from chondrocytes.59,118 The observation that the
majority of new vessels occur within the medullary space of the
distraction regenerate supports this theory.104,120 This is in contrast
CONTRASTING BONE FORMATION BY to fracture healing, wherein new vessel formation occurs within
FRACTURE HEALING AND DISTRACTION the external callus and is associated with the cartilage-to-bone
OSTEOGENESIS transition.125
Distraction osteogenesis shares aspects of some of the physiologic In certain respects, DO more closely resembles embryonic bone
pathways of fracture healing, but is clearly a distinct process. This development than fracture healing. The rate of bone formation
can be easily appreciated by comparing the 2 processes histologi- during distraction osteogenesis is 200 to 400 uM/d, which is 4–8
cally (Fig. 5).59 Shortly after fracture of the appendicular skeleton a faster than fastest physeal growth in adolescence, and equivalent to
robust cartilage callus forms outside the bone, stabilizing the that of the fetal femur.88,116 There is also circumstantial evidence
fracture. In distraction osteogenesis much less cartilage formed that pathways that are important for bone development are differ-
and its presence is temporally restricted to the early periods after entially regulated during distraction osteogenesis. Shibazaki et al126
distraction is initiated, after which it is rapidly resorbed. Distracted reported increased PTHrP activity within distracted mandibular

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10 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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