Human Resources Policy: Adding Quality To People's Lives
Human Resources Policy: Adding Quality To People's Lives
Human Resources Policy: Adding Quality To People's Lives
The HR Management Policy defines the principles Employment in an industrial enterprise is subject to eco-
that apply at all Georg Fischer corporate subsidiaries. nomic considerations. There are jobs only so long as there
Managers and HR Management executives implement is work and money can be earned through this work. We try
these principles in their daily human resources work to prevent dismissals where possible through foresight in
within the framework of local practices. our personnel planning and such alternatives as transfers,
retraining or part-time work. This implies a willingness to
contribute on the part of employees in terms of mobility and
Recruit proficient employees a willingness to retrain.
The recruitment and selection of new employees is crucial
for the Corporation’s success. Accordingly, we approach this We endeavour to be flexible to fluctuations in demand
issue in a highly professional and diligent manner. and capacity. In consultation with the employees and the
demands of business operations permitting, we employ
When seeking new staff, as a general rule we employ a job instruments to maintain flexible operational and individual
description along with specifications for the position. The working hours. Flexible working time models provide an op-
ultimate selection is based on professional and social portunity for employees to accommodate the twin demands
competence, individual personality and – for managerial of job and family.
positions – leadership competence. In filling key positions,
additional investigations (e.g. assessments) are made and We are confident that we can best satisfy our customers if
considered in the decision-making. Even when we are under our employees feel at ease in their working environment
pressure of time, we do not take any shortcuts in and are motivated to achieve. We measure our employees’
assessing the suitability of new employees. motivation and satisfaction at regular intervals and imple-
ment measures to bring about continuous improvement.
We use the available opportunities to fill vacancies with our
own people by giving preference to internal candidates in
the event of equivalent qualifications. Wherever possible, Provide frank and constructive feedback
vacant positions are advertised in the Corporation-wide job The basis for personal development is effective assessment,
database. which is grounded in respect for the individual and fairness.
Professional recruitment also includes an exemplary in- We provide frank and constructive feedback. Our managers
troduction and rapid integration of the new employees, an inform their employees about conduct, performance and de-
aspect to which we attach great importance. velopment measures, while our employees provide feedback
to their managers and to their fellow workers.
Corporate Policy
Financial Management Policy
Human Resources Policy
Social Responsibility Policy
Communication Policy
Environmental Policy
This policy statement provides principles and guidelines forming the basis of the corporate culture and identity of the Georg Fischer Corporation.
It does not create any actionable rights or duties. In particular, it does not create any rights beyond those stated in the laws of the applicable
jurisdictions. The policies described are not conditions of employment and do not create any type of employment contract between Georg Fischer Ltd
or any of its corporate subsidiaries on the one hand and any employees on the other.