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Parking Spaces: U.S. A B T G

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Parking Spaces
This guide explains requirements in the ADA Standards for parking.

Required Number [§208]

Accessible parking spaces are required for each parking facility on a site, such as lots
and garages. Requirements apply equally to public and employee or restricted parking.
On sites with multiple parking facilities, the minimum number of accessible spaces must
be calculated separately for each parking facility instead of on the combined total of
parking spaces provided on the site. At least one of every 6 accessible spaces, or
fraction of 6, in each parking facility must be sized to accommodate vans.

Accessible Parking on a Site

The required number of accessible spaces, including van spaces, is calculated separately for
each parking lot and garage on a site. Accessible spaces must be dispersed among accessible
entrances and be located on the shortest accessible route to the entrance they serve.

Exception: Compliance is not required for parking spaces used

exclusively for buses, trucks, other delivery vehicles, law enforcement
vehicles, or vehicular impound if accessible passenger loading zones
are provided where such lots have public access (§208.1, Ex.).
Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces [§208.2]

Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces

Parking Facility Total Total
Standard Van*
(Standard + Van)
1 - 25 0 1 1
26 – 50 1 1 2
51 – 75 2 1 3
76 – 100 3 1 4
101 – 150 4 1 5
151 - 200 5 1 6
201 – 300 5 2 7
301 – 400 6 2 8
401 – 500 7 2 9
501 – 550 9 2 11**
551 – 600 10 2 12**
601 – 650 10 3 13**
651 – 700 11 3 14**
701 – 750 12 3 15**
751 – 800 13 3 16**
801 – 850 14 3 17**
851 – 900 15 3 18**
901 – 950 15 4 19**
951 – 1000 16 4 20**
1001 –1100 17 4 21***
1101 – 1200 18 4 22***
1201 – 1300 19 4 23***
1301 – 1400 20 4 24***
1401 – 1500 20 5 25***
1501 – 1600 21 5 26***
1601 – 1700 22 5 27***
1701 – 1800 23 5 28***
1801 – 1900 24 5 29***
1901 – 2000 25 5 30***
2001 and over (*** - *) * ***
* at least 1 of every 6 accessible spaces or fraction of 6
** 501 - 1000: 2% of total
*** 1001 and over: 20 + 1 for each 100 or fraction thereof over 1000

Valet Parking
Accessible spaces are required in parking facilities with valet parking
because vehicles specially equipped for persons with disabilities may not
be easily used by others. Further, valet parking may not be available at
all hours a parking facility is open. An accessible passenger loading
zone also is required at facilities with valet parking (§209.4).

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Alterations and Additions

Accessible spaces are required where parking
facilities are altered or added. The term ‘alterations’
includes resurfacing of vehicular ways (§106.5).
Resurfacing or resealing and projects that add new
parking spaces constitute alterations (or additions)
and must include accessible spaces as required in the
scoping table. Normal maintenance, such as pothole
Refreshing existing striping in place
repair, surface patching, or repainting in place existing for several spaces or filling potholes
striping for a few spaces, is not considered an is typically considered normal
alteration except where it affects a facility’s usability. maintenance, not an alteration.

Location [§208.3]

Where parking serves multiple entrances to a facility, accessible spaces must be

dispersed among accessible entrances. (If the number of accessible entrances
exceeds the number of accessible spaces, additional accessible spaces are not
required). Accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route
to an accessible entrance, relative to other spaces in the same parking facility. A
maximum travel distance is not specified in the Standards.

Accessible spaces required for one parking

facility can be located in another if doing so
results in substantially equal or better access in
terms of travel distance to an accessible
entrance, parking fee, or user conveniences
such as protection from weather, better security
and lighting. The minimum number must still be
determined separately for each parking facility.
Locating accessible spaces required for a
parking structure in a surface lot often will not
qualify for this exception because such a In some cases, achieving the shortest
location typically offers less convenience, accessible route will require locating
accessible spaces closest to an entrance
security, and protection from the elements.
ramp instead of the entrance doors.

Multiple Parking Facilities on a Site

Scoping and dispersion requirements ensure access to all parking facilities on a site,
including large sites with many lots and garages, such as airports, shopping malls, and
campuses. The term “parking facility” encompasses parking lots, as well as garages,
decks, and other parking structures. The minimum number of accessible parking
spaces must be determined separately for each parking facility.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Parking facilities are to be treated separately for scoping purposes if they are either:
 structurally different (e.g., surface lot versus parking garage or deck);
 dedicated to, and separately serve, different facilities on a site;
 segmented and separated by guard rails, fencing, or barriers, particularly where
they serve different users; or
 separated by streets or roadways (as opposed to drive aisles on a site).
Surface lots that are contiguous or that are segmented by landscaping or drive aisles
(i.e., vehicular passageways located within parking areas), but not streets or roadways,
typically can be treated as a single parking facility.
Example Site: Shopping Mall
The parking lot serving the shopping mall (center) and store (lower right) can be treated as one
parking facility because the parking area is not divided or separated. Accessible spaces must be
dispersed and located at different facilities and accessible entrances served by the parking lot.

This lot is treated as a separate parking Parking areas that are labeled (e.g., “Lot A”) to
facility because it is divided from the help users locate their vehicles but that are part
surrounding lot by a raised sidewalk and of the same lot (i.e., not separated) do not have
is dedicated to a specific building. to be treated as separate parking facilities.

Recommendation: Where spaces within the same parking facility are assigned
or restricted to specific user groups, consider calculating the minimum number
of spaces separately for each type of parking or proportionately dispersing
accessible spaces based on the overall total across each type of parking to
ensure sufficient access for all users. Note that greater dispersion may be
required under the Department of Justice’s ADA regulations governing policies
and practices to ensure sufficient access for all users.
Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Garage Parking

The Standards apply to parking garages, including those

provided below grade. At sites that also include surface
lots, a garage is treated as a separate parking facility for
scoping purposes.

Multi-Level Parking Garage with Direct Connections to Facility

Each direct connection to a facility must

include an accessible entrance (§206.4.2).

Dispersing accessible spaces among accessible entrances requires

placement of non-van accessible spaces on different levels. All van spaces
can be grouped on one level (§208.3, Ex. 1).

Multi-Level Parking Garage Not Serving a Particular Facility

In parking garages that do not serve a particular

facility, accessible spaces must be located on
the shortest accessible route to an accessible
pedestrian entrance of the garage (§208.3).

Accessible spaces, including van spaces, must be located so that they provide the
same level of protection and security as other spaces in the garage. Locating
accessible spaces required for a garage on the exterior is not usually acceptable.

Mechanical Access Parking Garages

Accessible parking spaces are not required in mechanical

access parking garages where lifts are used to stack
vehicles. However, such facilities must provide at least one
accessible passenger loading zone at vehicle drop-off and
pick-up areas so that people with disabilities can transfer
from vehicles (§209.5).

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Hospital Outpatient Facilities [§208.2.1]

The Standards require a higher level of accessible parking at hospital

outpatient facilities. At least 10% of patient and visitor parking spaces that
serve such facilities must comply. This applies to those units in hospitals
that provide regular or continuing medical treatment without overnight stay.
Other types of medical facilities not located in hospitals, including doctors’
offices and independent clinics, are not subject to this requirement but to the
regular scoping table.

Accessible Parking at Outpatient Facilities in Hospitals

10% scoping required for

visitor/ patient parking serving
hospital outpatient facilities

Within a multi-use facility, the 10% requirement applies to the number of visitor/ patient
spaces intended to serve hospital outpatient facilities. Most local zoning codes require
parking spaces based on facility square footage, occupant load, and occupancy and can be
consulted when determining the number of spaces serving outpatient facilities. Spaces
serving employees or other areas of a hospital are subject to the regular scoping table.

Rehabilitation and Outpatient Physical Therapy Facilities [§208.2.2]

At least 20% of patient and visitor parking spaces must be accessible at outpatient
physical therapy facilities (including those not located at hospitals) and at rehabilitation
facilities that specialize in treating conditions that affect mobility. Conditions affecting
mobility include:

 those involving the use of mobility aids and devices (braces, canes, crutches,
prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, or powered mobility aids);
 arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic conditions that severely limit one's ability to walk;
 respiratory diseases and other conditions which may require the use of portable
oxygen; or
 cardiac and other conditions that impose substantial limitations on one’s mobility.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Rehabilitation facilities that provide, but that do not specialize in, services or treatment
for persons with mobility impairments, such as general rehabilitative therapy centers,
are not subject to the 20% requirement. In mixed-use facilities, the 20% may be applied
only to the portion of spaces that are determined to serve the types of rehabilitation or
outpatient therapy facilities covered by this provision.

Residential Facilities [§208.2.3, §208.3.2]

Accessible parking at residential facilities is based on the ratio of parking

spaces to dwelling units.

Parking at Residential Facilities

Resident Parking (§

Where at least one parking space is provided for each dwelling unit, at least one accessible
space is required for each mobility accessible unit. Spaces must be located on the shortest
accessible route to the dwelling unit entrance they serve (§208.3.2). Those assigned to specific
units are not required to be identified by signs (§216.5, Ex. 2). If the total number of resident
spaces is less than the total number of units, accessible parking is based on the scoping table in
208.2 (but providing one accessible space for each mobility accessible unit is advisable).

Additional Resident Parking (§ Visitor and Other Parking (§

At least 2%, but no fewer than one, of resident Parking spaces for guests, employees, or
parking spaces provided in excess of the one other non-residents are subject to the
per unit total must comply. These spaces must scoping table in 208.2.
be dispersed among all types of resident
parking except where substantially equal or
greater accessibility is provided in terms of
distance from an accessible entrance, parking
fee, and user convenience (§208.3.2, Ex).

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Accessible Parking Spaces [§502]

Requirements for accessible parking spaces address the size and marking of regular
and van spaces and access aisles, surfaces, vertical clearance at van spaces,
identification, and connecting accessible routes.

Accessible Routes and Access Aisles

Accessible routes must connect directly to access aisles. Curb ramps, where provided,
cannot protrude into access aisles (which cannot slope more than 1:48 max.) to
accommodate wheelchair transfers and vehicle ramps or lifts (§502.4). A landing at least
36” deep is required at the top of curb ramps; in alterations where space for this landing
is unavailable, curb ramps must have side flares with a 1:12 max. slope (§406.4).

Bollards, signs, columns, or other elements

cannot be located in the access aisle or reduce
the minimum clear width of accessible routes.
Spaces and aisles must be designed so that
parked vehicles do not obstruct the required clear
width of adjacent accessible routes (§502.7).

Where space for curb ramps is limited,

including in alterations, parallel ramps can
provide an alternative.

Recommendation: Configure accessible routes so that they run in front of,

instead of behind, parking spaces.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Accessible Parking Space

Access Aisle (§502.3)
An access aisle at least 60” wide and at least
as long as the parking space is required on
Vehicle Spaces (§502.2) either side of the parking space and must be
Spaces must be marked to define marked to discourage parking in it. Two spaces
the 96” minimum width. can share one aisle. Access aisles cannot
overlap vehicular ways.

Surfaces (§502.4)
Parking spaces and access aisles must meet requirements
for floor and ground surfaces (§302) and cannot have
changes in level other than slopes not exceeding 1:48.

Markings (§502.1, §502.2, §502.3.3)

Both the parking space and access aisle must be marked. The marking
method and color is not specified in the Standards, but may be
addressed by state or local codes or regulations. The width of spaces
and aisles is measured to the centerline of markings (but it can include
the full width of lines where there is no adjacent parking space or aisle).

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Van Accessible Parking Spaces [§502.1 - 502.5]

At least one space for every 6 or fraction of 6

accessible spaces must be van accessible. Van
spaces provide an additional 3 feet of width to
accommodate vehicles equipped with ramps or
lifts. This extra space can be added to either the
parking space or to the access aisle. A wider
access aisle saves space since two spaces can
share one aisle, but wider spaces can help prevent
misuse of the access aisle as a parking space.

Van Space: Wider Parking Space

Recommendations: Sizing all accessible spaces (or access aisles) for van
accessibility provides greater convenience and helps ensure that van spaces
remain available for those who need them. Where a van space and regular
accessible space share an aisle, it is advisable to have the access aisle serve
the van space on the passenger side (as is required where van spaces are
angled) since backing into spaces can be more difficult with vans.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Van Space: Wider Access Aisle

Angled Van Spaces

As with regular accessible

spaces, van accessible spaces
can share a common access
aisle. However, where van
spaces are angled, an access
aisle is required for each space
on the passenger side (§502.3.4).
This is the side from which ramps
and lifts typically deploy.

Recommendation: Where standard (non-van) accessible spaces are angled or

otherwise restrict entry to one direction only, providing one access aisle for each
accessible space (or on both sides where only one accessible space is provided)
will offer greater usability by accommodating access on either side. Otherwise,
consider designing accessible spaces to permit both front-in and back-in parking.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Vertical Clearance [§502.5]

A 98” minimum vertical clearance is

required for van parking spaces/ access
aisles and the vehicle route to these
spaces from an entrance and from these
spaces to an exit. Van spaces can be
grouped on one level of parking
Recommendation: Signs at garage
entrances that indicate vertical
clearances and the location of van
spaces are advisable.

Pay Stations

Pay stations and other elements that serve accessible parking spaces must comply with
requirements for operable parts (§309) and be served by an accessible route. Require-
ments for operable parts cover clear floor space, operating characteristics, and location
within accessible reach ranges. Operable parts that are used from inside vehicles, such
as garage ticket dispensers at vehicle entry, are not required to comply with the
Standards. However, under DOJ’s ADA regulations, policies or practices must be in
place to accommodate persons with disabilities who are unable to use such devices.

Requirements for operable parts include:

 Clear floor space for a forward or side approach (§309.2)
 Location within accessible reach ranges (§309.3)
 One-hand operation without tight grasping, pinching, twisting of the wrist, or
more than 5 pounds of force (§309.4)
Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Identification [§216.5, §502.6]

Accessible spaces must be identified by signs with the

International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) (§703.7.2.1).
Signs identifying van spaces must include the term “van
accessible.” This designation is informative and does
not restrict use of such spaces to van users only. No
other text or content is required by the Standards.
Signs must be at least 60” high measured to the bottom
edge so that they are visible while vehicles are parked
in a space. Signs can be on posts, or where feasible,
on walls or suspended from ceilings (an 80” minimum
headroom clearance is required at signs suspended
above circulation paths (§307.4)). ISA designations on
the parking surface, even if required by a state or local
government, cannot substitute for above-ground signs
that remain visible at all times.
State or local codes and regulations may address other
sign characteristics, including size, color, and additional
content, such as “reserved” or violation fines, but the
ADA Standards do not.

The van accessible designation is informative,

not restrictive, in identifying spaces suitable for
vans since such spaces are not limited to vans
only. It can be included on the main designation
sign or provided on a separate sign.

If a total of 4 or fewer parking spaces
(inaccessible and accessible) is provided on a
site, the required accessible space does not
have to be identified by a sign (i.e., reserved
exclusively for use of people with disabilities)
(§216.5, Ex. 1). However, all other
requirements for spaces, including access
aisles, still apply.

At residential facilities, identification of accessible spaces is not required

where spaces are assigned to specific dwelling units (§216.5, Ex. 2).

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Standards do not include specific provisions for electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations. However, it is advisable to address access to EV charging
stations so that they are usable by people with disabilities. If provided,
accessible spaces at EV charging stations cannot count toward the minimum number of
accessible car and van parking spaces required in a parking facility.

Recommendations: Provide access to a reasonable number of spaces

serving EV charging stations or use the scoping table in §208.2 to determine
an appropriate number. (The number of accessible spaces serving EV
charging stations must be determined separately from the required number of
car and van parking spaces.)

Accessible EV Charging Stations

Accessible Route
Provide an accessible route on both sides of the vehicle space that connects
to the charging station for easier access.

Vehicle Space
A vehicle space at least 10’ – 13’ wide is advisable. A 10’ width offers an extra 2’ that
effectively provides a 5’ aisle on one side when paired with the accessible route; a 13’ wide
space will allow an 8’ aisle. This flexibility is helpful since the parking direction is determined
by the location of the charging station and the vehicle connection. Use the International
Symbol of Accessibility only where spaces are reserved exclusively for people with

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Common Questions

Scoping Requirements

Must the minimum number of spaces be determined separately for each parking facility
on a site or can it be based on the collective total of spaces provided on a site?

The minimum number of accessible parking spaces, including van accessible spaces,
must be calculated separately for each parking facility on a site. Spaces required for
one parking facility can be provided in another where doing so results in equal or
greater access and convenience for users, but the required number must still be
calculated separately for each parking facility.

Is accessible parking required on sites where no parking is intended?

No, the ADA Standards require accessible spaces only where parking is provided.
They do not require accessible spaces where parking is not provided at all. Most local
and state codes and regulations address the amount of parking required for a site.

Are accessible spaces required in employee parking lots?

Yes, the requirements for accessible parking spaces apply equally to employee parking
facilities and are not limited to visitor parking. Where a parking facility contains parking
spaces for visitors and spaces reserved for employees only, it is important that sufficient
access is provided to both types of spaces. In this case, it is advisable to calculate the
minimum number separately for each type of space as though they were separate
parking facilities, but this is not required if they are both located in the same parking lot
or garage. Both accessible visitor and employee spaces must be on the shortest
accessible route to an accessible entrance.

Are accessible spaces required in temporary parking lots and in unpaved lots, such as
gravel or grass lots?

Yes, the ADA Standards apply to both permanent and temporary facilities, including
parking facilities (§201.3). In all parking facilities, including gravel or grass lots, parking
spaces and access aisles must be marked and have firm, stable, and slip resistant
surfaces as specified for accessible ground and floor surfaces (§302).

Is resurfacing of a lot considered an alteration?

According to the definition of "alteration," normal maintenance is not considered an

alteration unless it affects a facility’s usability. For example, if a lot is to be resurfaced
or its plan reconfigured, accessible spaces must be provided. However, work that is
primarily maintenance, such as surface patching, does not trigger a requirement for

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

accessible spaces. When the work is not considered an alteration, providing accessible
spaces is advisable where sufficient accessible parking is lacking and may be
necessary in meeting obligations for program access by government entities and barrier
removal by public accommodations as required by DOJ’s regulations.

Are accessible spaces required for tractor trailers at rest stops and other facilities?

No, the Standards exempt those spaces used exclusively for trucks, as well as buses,
other delivery vehicles, law enforcement vehicles, or vehicular impound.

Is compliance required for parking spaces designed specifically for recreational vehicles
such as motor homes and camping or boating trailers?

Spaces designed for recreational vehicles (RVs) and trailers are not exempt from
coverage, but the Standards do not include technical provisions specific to these
spaces. If RV or trailer spaces are located in parking facilities with car and van parking
spaces, scoping should be applied separately to both types which will permit accessible
RV or trailer spaces to be located among other RV or trailer spaces so long as they are
on the shortest accessible route to facility entrances among such spaces. Access
aisles serving accessible spaces must be as long as the vehicle space they serve.

The ABA Standards, which apply to federally funded sites, provide requirements for
outdoor developed areas on federal lands such as camping and picnic facilities that
include provisions for RV parking and pull-up spaces. They can be consulted as a
reference in addressing access to RV parking on non-federal sites, including those
subject to the ADA. The ABA Standards address access to RV and other parking
spaces at camping and picnic units and pull-up spaces at dump stations and cover
space width (minimum 20’, or 16’ in the case of a second adjoining space) and utility
and sewage hook-ups (§1011 and §1012).

Are accessible parking spaces required on a site where valet service is provided but
vehicles are parked off site, such as in a public parking garage or on public streets?

Parking facilities with valet parking must provide accessible parking spaces to allow
self-parking by people with disabilities (and must also provide an accessible passenger
loading zone (§209.4)). This applies where parking spaces are provided on the same
site as the valet parking service. However, if valet parking service is provided on a site
without any parking spaces, accessible parking spaces are not required on the site (but
policies and practices to accommodate people with disabilities must be in place under
the Department of Justice’s ADA regulations). Public garages and other parking
facilities subject to the Standards must comply and provide accessible parking spaces
in any case. If a parking garage does not provide valet parking, or if valet parking
service is provided off site by a different entity that parks vehicles in the garage, an
accessible passenger loading zone is not required at the garage.

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

Location and Dispersion

Do the Standards specify a maximum travel distance between parking spaces and
facility entrances?

No. The Standards require that accessible parking spaces be on the shortest
accessible route to an accessible entrance, but they do not specify a maximum travel
distance, nor do they require that parking be installed where none is planned (e.g.,
directly in front of an entrance).

Can accessible spaces required for one parking facility be located in another one

Accessible spaces required for one parking facility can be located in a different parking
facility on the site if it results in substantially equal or greater access and convenience
for users. (§208.3.1, Ex. 2). The term “user convenience” applies to factors such as
protection from the weather, security, lighting, and comparative maintenance.

Can van spaces required for a parking garage be located in a surface lot instead?

No. Accessible parking, including van spaces, required for one parking facility can be
located in another parking facility only where it results in substantially equal or greater
access and convenience for users. Open lots do not provide the same level of
protection, security, and lighting as garage parking.

Is vertical access required to all levels of a parking garage?

It depends. The Standards require that an accessible route connect each story in
“multi-story” facilities but include certain exceptions based on the number of stories or
the square footage per floor (§206.2.3). As defined in the Standards, a “story” contains
space for “human occupancy” (i.e., equipped with ventilation, light, and means of
egress). Levels of open parking structures that do not contain occupiable space are not
considered “stories” under the Standards. However, an accessible route must connect
all accessible parking spaces to the accessible entrances they serve as well as any
other elements or spaces required to be accessible. Vertical access must be provided
as necessary to address any changes in level along these required accessible routes.
For example, in underground parking garages, elevators or, where feasible, pedestrian
ramps, are necessary to provide an accessible route from parking levels with accessible
spaces to the facility they serve.

Are accessible spaces required on all levels of a multi-level parking structure?

It depends. If a parking facility has entrances and exits on one level only, standard and
van accessible spaces are required on that level so that they are on the shortest
accessible route to the entrance/exit. However, where a parking facility has
entrances/exits or direct connections to an adjacent building on multiple levels, standard

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

accessible spaces must be dispersed among accessible entrances on different levels,

but van spaces can be grouped on one level under all conditions (§208.3.1, Ex. 1).

Technical Requirements

Can accessible routes run behind other parking spaces?

The ADA Standards require that an accessible route connect parking space access aisles
to the accessible entrance they serve but they do not specifically prohibit the accessible
route from running behind parking spaces. However, it is recommended that accessible
routes be configured so that they run in front of parking spaces for greater safety.

Are bollards, poles, columns, or other elements permitted within the marked area of
access aisles?

No elements, including bollards, columns, or poles, can encroach into the defined area of
access aisles. (The width of spaces and aisles is measured to the centerline of markings
but can include the full line width where there is no adjacent parking space or aisle).

Must accessible routes or crossings be marked?

No. The ADA Standards require accessible parking spaces and access aisles to be
marked, but they do not require accessible routes, including portions crossing vehicular
ways, to be marked.

How are parking spaces and access aisles to be marked?

The ADA Standards do not specify the method or color of parking space and access
aisle markings. State or local codes and regulations may specify such markings. It is
important that access aisles be marked in a manner that discourages parking in them,
especially those that are 8 feet wide at van spaces.

What are the requirements for the size and color of signs?

The ADA Standards require accessible spaces to be designated by the International

Symbol of Accessibility. In addition, van spaces must be labeled by the term “van
accessible.” The Standards do not specify sign color, size, or other characteristics.
Signs may be subject to additional specifications under applicable state or local
requirements or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the
Federal Highway Administration.

Can surface decals substitute for post- or wall-mounted signs?

No, the Standards require signs identifying accessible parking spaces that are at least
60” high measured to the bottom edge of the sign so that they are visible when a vehicle
is parked in the space. Surface decals or other identifying features may be required by

Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements Parking Spaces

local or state codes and can be provided in addition to, but not in place of, signs
required by the ADA Standards.

Is front-in only or angled parking prohibited for accessible parking spaces?

No, the ADA Standards do not prohibit front-in only, back-in only, or angled parking
spaces. However, where van spaces are angled, the Standards require the access
aisle to be located on the passenger side which is the side where vehicle ramps and lifts
are typically deployed. Since users pull in or back in depending on which side the
access aisle is needed, it is advisable to design both regular and van accessible spaces
so that they can be entered in either direction. Otherwise, consider providing one
access aisle at each regular accessible space instead of allowing two spaces to share
an aisle so that access is available on both sides.

Can accessible spaces be parallel instead of perpendicular?

The Standards do not specifically require that accessible spaces be perpendicular

instead of parallel, but perpendicular parking spaces are preferred at facilities located
on sites because most allow users to park facing in or out depending on the side that
the access aisle is needed. If accessible parking spaces at facilities located on sites (as
opposed to those located along public streets) are parallel, they must fully comply with
all applicable requirements, including those for access aisles and for van spaces.

Must van accessible spaces be restricted to van use?

No. The required "van-accessible" designation is informative, not restrictive, in

identifying those spaces that are better suited for van use and does not restrict the use
of spaces to vans only. State or local codes and regulations may require additional
verbiage, but the ADA Standards do not. Additional content on van designation signs
can recommend that car drivers not use the space unless no other accessible parking
space is available.

Do the surface requirements, including those for maximum slope (1:48), apply to all
portions of a parking lot?

No, the surface criteria apply only to accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and
accessible routes, including those serving other elements or spaces besides parking
spaces. Transitions to these areas from other portions of lots should be smooth to
prevent tripping hazards.

Advancing Full Access and Inclusion for All
1331 F Street, NW ▪ Suite 1000 ▪ Washington, DC 20004-1111
(202) 272-0080 (v) ▪ (202) 272-0082 (TTY) ▪ www.access-board.gov

May 2016


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