Department of Education: Individual Development Plan
Department of Education: Individual Development Plan
Department of Education: Individual Development Plan
Department of Education
Schools Division Office Of Pampanga
Bancal Pugad, Lubao, Pampanga
Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental Intervention)
Strengths Developmental Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Objectives of the Intervention
PD Program
Manage to apply Use of differentiated, Be able to develop Attend LAC session Learning and
lesson design and developmentally and use Development Team
assessment appropriate learning differentiated and Watch video tutorial
considerations for experiences to address appropriate School Heads
October -
distance learning in learners’ gender, learning Seek assistance through
December 2020
light of needs, strengths, experiences to coaching and mentoring Internet
the COVID-19 crisis interests and address learners’ from School head
experiences. needs in distance
Apply knowledge of Monitor and evaluate Be able to create Attend courses/ School Head
content within and learners’ progress and and apply new seminars/Workshops or Experienced Science
across curriculum achievement using learning in readings from internet. teachers
teaching areas learner achievement monitoring and November 2020 – Books on
data. evaluating Use feedback to try a new April 2021 Monitoring/Evaluating
learners’ progress approach to an old practice Learners’ progress
in the new normal of monitoring and evaluating
education system. learners’ progress.
Communicate Perform various related To enhance the Attend seminars/webinars School Head
promptly and clearly works/activities that teaching –
the learners’ needs, contribute to the learning practice. Reading books on various Internet connection
progress and teaching-learning teaching strategies
achievement to key practice. Year Round Colleagues
stakeholders, including Partaking in online
parents/guardians. discussions or activities
contributing to teaching-
learning practice
Makes personal Able to produce very To delivers error- Seek assistance through School Heads
sacrifices to meet the satisfactory quality free outputs cost coaching and mentoring
organization’s needs. work in terms of of the time by from school head
usefulness/ conforming to the Internet surfing on
September 2020 –
acceptability and standard Attend INSET on DepEd sample of innovation
March 2021
completeness with no operating matters on innovation
supervision required. procedures
correctly and