Periphyton Indicate Effects of Wastewater Discharge in The Near-Coastal Zone, Perth (Western Australia)
Periphyton Indicate Effects of Wastewater Discharge in The Near-Coastal Zone, Perth (Western Australia)
Periphyton Indicate Effects of Wastewater Discharge in The Near-Coastal Zone, Perth (Western Australia)
Periphyton communities on artificial substrata were successfully utilised as a biological indicator of the potential eutrophic effects
of wastewater discharge into coastal waters off Perth, Western Australia. Biomass and percentage carbonate content measurements
of periphyton communities grown in situ indicated that the periphyton primary production (organic weight) was enhanced in the
vicinity of the discharge outlets, with a significant negative correlation between distance north of the northern outlet in Whitfords
Lagoon and periphyton organic weight (OW) observed in autumn at a depth of 4 m (r Z ÿ0.704, P ! 0.001). However, this
response was primarily limited to the relatively calm autumn season and substrata at depths of 2 m and 4 m. Thus, in favourable
conditions phytoplankton and high relief reef communities are more likely to exhibit a eutrophic influence (in the form of enhanced
primary production) of the treated wastewater discharge. Laboratory studies confirmed that treated wastewater, diluted 100-fold to
estimate surface concentrations above the wastewater outfalls in the field, stimulates periphyton growth above levels recorded in
unpolluted seawater (F Z 12.485; P Z 0.0073).
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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332 J. Cosgrove et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61 (2004) 331–338
Periphyton can reflect recent environmental condi- limestone reefs, resulting in an annual median flushing
tions, and may respond to both chemical and physical time of 2 days (Lord, 2000). Wastewater characteristics
stress (Masseret et al., 1998). Studies have shown that from the treatment plant discharging into this northern
periphyton biomass increases in response to nutrient zone, and previously measured significant impacts on
enrichment in both freshwater (Fairchild et al., 1985; the surrounding water column, are described in Table 1.
Perrin et al., 1987; Pringle, 1987) and coastal environ- The plume from the outlet at Whitfords Lagoon tended
ments (Sundbäck and Snoeijs, 1991; Hillebrand and to travel north; however, on occasion there may be
Sommer, 1997, 2000a,b; Hillebrand and Kahlert, 2001; a southerly extension (Lord, 2000). Six sites were located
Bokn et al., 2002). Increased concern for the ecological at Whitfords Lagoon around the northern outlet
integrity of coastal and estuarine waters has prompted (Fig. 1A): four at increasing distances to the north
investigation into the accumulation of periphyton on (300 m, 1000 m, 2000 m and 3500 m) and two to the
artificial substrata as an indicator of water quality south (300 m, 1000 m). The closest reef community in
(Silberstein et al., 1986; Neverauskas, 1987; Mattila and this location was approximately 3800 m north of the
Räisänen, 1998; Bokn et al., 2002; Lewis et al., 2002a,b). outlet. A reference site for this area was located 2 km
The purpose of this study was to determine if south of the outlet (2000S) as this location is unaffected
periphyton grown on artificial substrata could be used by the wastewater plume or other pollution sources
as an indicator of enhanced primary production in (Sinclair Knight Merz, 2003).
Perth’s coastal waters as a result of wastewater
discharge from two large wastewater outlets. The
percentage carbonate content (%CO3) of these periph- 2.1.2. Southern outlet
yton communities was assessed as a potential indicator At the time of the study, the southern outlet
of gross change in community composition from slower discharged wastewater (primary treatment only) into
growing calcifying species to more opportunistic species the Sepia Depression at a depth of 20 m (see Table 1 for
that deposit little or no calcium carbonate. For the more information). This is a hydrodynamically active
purposes of this study periphyton is defined as ‘all of the zone with an annual median flushing time of !1 day.
autotrophic eukaryotes, other than plants, growing on The plume travels predominantly northward in summer
submerged material in the water’. and southward in winter (Lord, 2000). Three sites were
located in the Sepia Depression at increasing distances
from the southern outlet (Fig. 1B). They extended in
2. Materials and methods
Fig. 1. Map of study areas indicating site locations at (A) Whitfords Lagoon (northern WWTP) and (B) Sepia Depression (southern WWTP). Axes as
Australian arid system.
a north-easterly direction (at distances of 500 m, 1000 m most dominant (biomass) species were made. Sample
and 2000 m) towards those reefs deemed most likely to dry weight (DW), organic weight (OW) and carbonate
be impacted by the plume. A reference site was located content were determined by drying at 40 C and
4 km to the south. gravimetric loss by ashing at 550 C and 990 C,
Experimental units were constructed that allowed respectively. Carbonate content per se is not considered
three artificial substrata to be suspended in the water a useful measure of pollution; however, its value as
column, each at a different depth (2 m, 4 m and 8 m). a proportion of OW (i.e. percentage carbonate content,
Artificial substrata consisted of a lightly scoured %CO3) is considered a potentially useful indicator of
150 mm ! 150 mm ! 3 mm PVC (Poly-Vinyl Chloride) eutrophication. Faster growing species (such as Ulva sp.)
plate. Six replicate units (6 ! 3 Z 18 plates) were will become more dominant in higher nutrient envir-
deployed at each site and left for an incubation period onments (Bokn et al., 2002), out-competing slower
of 30 days. Upon collection the plates, with periphyton growing, encrusting calcareous species. Thus periphyton
still attached, were immediately placed into individual in nutrient rich marine waters tends to have lower
plastic bags and stored on ice for transport back to the %CO3 than in oligotrophic marine waters.
laboratory where they were frozen for storage until they Data were transformed, where necessary, to achieve
could be processed. normality (log10-transformation for biomass data; arc-
The sampling procedure took place in 1995 and was sine transformation for %CO3 data) and correlation
performed once in summer (February) and again in and three-way ANOVA (direction ! depth ! distance
autumn (April). The PVC plates were washed in 10% from outlet) analyses performed for each season. On
HCL between sampling periods. all occasions, assumptions for conducting an ANOVA
Periphyton was removed from each plate by scraping. were met. Post hoc tests were performed at the 0.05
General (qualitative) taxonomic observations of the significance level.
334 J. Cosgrove et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61 (2004) 331–338
and transferred to 20 L aquaria maintained at 15 C on
a 12 h/12 h (light/dark) photoperiod cycle for 6 weeks. 3.0
Previous work had indicated that a 14-day seeding
period would allow for the development of a substantial 2.0
3. Results 3500N 2000N 1000N 300N 300S 1000S 2000S
The three measured variables, DW, OW and %CO3 Fig. 2. (A) Summer and (B) autumn periphyton organic weight
indicated significant changes in periphyton growth. Due measured at sites of varying distance north and south of the Northern
to similarities between DW and OW, only OW and outlet at 2 m, 4 m, and 8 m depth. Vertical error bars indicate standard
error. *Reference site.
%CO3 results will be shown.
Sample depth and direction from the outlet had had
0.4 significant main effects (F2,101 Z 124.10 and F1,101 Z
38.34, respectively), at the 0.05 level, on periphyton
Organic Weight (g 100cm- 2 )
30 4m
Carbonate Content (%)
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Arnold Memorial award) and Kinhill Engineering. JC Masseret, E., Amblard, C., Bourdier, G., 1998. Changes in the
also wishes to thank Des Lord and Associates for access structure and metabolic activities of periphytic communities in
to their documentation on the Perth Coastal Waters a stream receiving treated sewage from a waste stabilization pond.
Study, and the Water Authority of Western Australia Water Research 32 (8), 2299–2314.
Mattila, J., Räisänen, R., 1998. Periphyton growth as an indicator of
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