Chlorella SP
Chlorella SP
Chlorella SP
The species of Chlorella represent a highly specialized group of green microalgae that can produce
Received 11 NOV 2015
high levels of protein. Many Chlorella strains can grow rapidly and achieve high cell density under Revised 30 JUN 2016
controlled conditions and are thus considered to be promising protein sources. Many advances Accepted 05 JUL 2016
in the genetic engineering of Chlorella have occurred in recent years, with significant developments
in successful expression of heterologous proteins for various applications. Nevertheless, a lot of
obstacles remain to be addressed, and a sophisticated and stable Chlorella expression system has
yet to emerge. This review provides a brief summary of current knowledge on Chlorella and an
overview of recent progress in the genetic engineering of Chlorella, and highlights the advances in
the development of a genetic toolbox of Chlorella for heterologous protein expression. Research
directions to further exploit the Chlorella expression system with respect to both challenges and
perspectives are also discussed. This paper serves as a comprehensive literature review for the
Chlorella community and will provide valuable insights into future exploration of Chlorella as a Supporting information
available online
promising host for heterologous protein expression.
systems have the advantages of low cost, rapid growth, [24], and Chlorella spp. [25], although microalgae are gen-
and ease of manipulation, they have several drawbacks, erally considered relatively difficult to engineer because of
such as limited type of produced proteins (viz. small pro- the lack of a high-efficiency genetic toolbox and a stable
teins with a simple structure), lack of post-translational genetic system [26]. Given the advantages of rapid
modifications, and potential contamination of the product growth, low cost, ease of culture, and broad industrial
with bacterial endotoxins [2, 6, 9]. Yeast expression sys- applications ranging from biodiesel feedstock to food
tems, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can express additives, Chlorella has received increasing attention and
secretory proteins and perform post-translational modifi- is a potential newcomer as a host for the expression of
cations in addition to having advantages similar to those heterologous proteins through genetic engineering.
of bacterial systems. However, they tend to express het- This review provides an overview of the progress in
erologous proteins with hyperglycosylation and improper the expression of heterologous proteins in Chlorella and
folding [3, 10–12]. discusses the advantages of Chlorella cells, Chlorella
Insect and mammalian cells as well as transgenic ani- genomics, the genetic toolbox of Chlorella, including
mals and plants are employed to overcome these limita- transformation methods and vector construction strate-
tions. Insect cell lines, when utilized in combination with gies that could affect protein yields, and claims on heter-
the baculovirus expression system, can express safe and ologous proteins expressed in Chlorella. Future challeng-
size-independent proteins with a high expression level, es and perspectives regarding the expression of
eukaryotic post-translational modifications, and proper heterologous proteins in Chlorella are also examined.
folding [4, 6]. However, this system suffers from several
limitations, such as proteolysis, high cost, and incorrect
glycosylation [13]. Mammalian cell lines are regarded as 2 Advantages of Chlorella as an expression
ideal systems for the expression of large complex thera- system
peutic proteins requiring mammalian-specific post-trans-
lational modifications, proper folding, and glycosylation Species of the Chlorella genus are unicellular eukaryotic
[14, 15]. Nevertheless, the mammalian cell-derived prod- microalgae in a spherical form, and their diameters typi-
ucts are expensive because of high nutrient requirements cally vary from 5 to 10 μm. Considering that the systemat-
and long generation time [16]. Entire transgenic animals ics of Chlorella still remains provisional according to the
can also be engineered to produce complex proteins in conflicts among multidisciplinary approaches based on
milk, egg white, and blood on an industrial scale, but ani- morphology, chemotaxonomy, and molecular phylogeny
mal generation is an expensive and time-consuming (Fig. 1A) [27–30], the term “Chlorella” utilized in this paper
process [17]. refers to the spherical cell phenotype of Chlorella sensu
The use of transgenic plants to synthesize heterolo- lato within the division Chlorophyta and class Chlorophy-
gous recombinant proteins, which is also known as ceae and Trebouxiophyceae (including Chlorella, Para-
“molecular farming,” has elicited interest because of this chlorella, Auxenochlorella, and other Chlorella-like strains
system’s advantages over other expression systems in that were traditionally designated as Chlorella genus).
terms of protein type and complexity, economic feasibil- Many key physiological and biotechnological traits ena-
ity, scalability, and safety [7]. However, this system has ble Chlorella to function as a promising host for the
several practical disadvantages, such as relatively low expression of heterologous proteins and other high-value
levels of protein yield, long cycle time, and lack of precise compounds.
control over growth conditions [8, 10]. Therefore, explor- The competitive advantage of Chlorella is that it
ing an alternative and desirable system to express heter- grows fast and is easy to culture and scale up both indoors
ologous proteins is necessary. and outdoors [31–33]. Fast growth means less time is
Unicellular microalgae represent a group ofdiverse required for biomass accumulation and protein produc-
photosynthetic organisms present in a wide range of tion. In addition, Chlorella can achieve a relatively high
habitats. Compared with terrestrial plants, they are more cell density under various culture modes, including pho-
efficient in converting sunlight into chemical energy as toautotrophy [34, 35], heterotrophy [36, 37], and mixotro-
green cell factories; thus, they are particularly attractive phy [38, 39]. In photoautotrophic culture modes, regard-
for the production of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, pig- less of enclosure in photobioreactors or being placed in
ments, and other bioactives [18, 19]. Recently, microalgae outdoor raceway ponds, the media requirements are only
have elicited much interest as simple models for higher carbon dioxide, water, and certain simple nutrients.
plants and as a natural source of valuable compounds These simple requirements endow this culture mode an
ranging from therapeutic proteins to biofuels from a bio- affordable cost and energy input and low risk of contami-
technological perspective [20, 21]. Promising achievements nation. Most Chlorella species can also grow heterotroph-
have been obtained in the genetic engineering of several ically in the dark by using simple carbon sources, such as
microalgae, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [22], glucose, and can therefore be utilized in existing indus-
Phaeodactylum tricornutum [23], Nannochloropsis sp. trial fermenters in accordance with FDA-approved stand-
ard protocols, such as continuous fermentation [40]. The possibility of expressing high-value complicat-
Moreover, several species, such as C. vulgaris, Auxeno- ed proteins and even several therapeutic proteins is
chlorella protothecoides (C. protothecoides), C. pyrenoi- thus highlighted [45].
dosa, and Chromochloris zofingiensis (Chlorella zofingien- (ii) Chlorella has long been used as a popular functional
sis), can utilize low-cost industrial waste products as food worldwide, especially in Asian countries such as
carbon and energy sources for biomass production [41– Japan, Korea, and China [46]. Two Chlorella species,
44], thus showing a great potential for cost-effective namely, C. vulgaris (GRAS Notice No. GRN000396)
expression of heterologous proteins. Other advantages and A. protothecoides (C. protothecoides) (GRAS
include the following: Notice No. GRN000519), have recently been catego-
(i) As a eukaryotic microalga, Chlorella can produce rized as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). This
eukaryotic proteins with post-translational modifi- categorization indicates that Chlorella cells are safe
cations, although this pattern still remains unclear. for human consumption and are thus a potential
source for the oral delivery of therapeutic proteins release of considerable transcriptomes, will provide valu-
with little or no purification [47]. able insights into the critical factors that determine the
(iii) Chlorella can produce significant amounts of high- level of heterologous protein expressed in Chlorella and
value fine components, such as lipids, proteins, ca- may have a great potential to break through the inherent
rotenoids (e.g. lutein and astaxanthin), vitamins, limits on its capacity for the expression of heterologous
and minerals. The integration of these high-value proteins through rational manipulation.
products is expected to significantly expand the use
of Chlorella in industrial, medical, and pharmaceuti-
cal applications (see Section 8 for a detailed discus- 4 Transformation methods
sion) [48–51].
(iv) Chlorella has a solid research basis for the produc- The instability and relatively low yields of protein impede
tion of bio-compounds even at a large scale. Many the use of Chlorella for heterologous protein expression.
Chlorella species have long been utilized for the Efforts have been and/or are being exerted from the per-
production of high-value compounds and bioener- spective of genetic engineering to optimize the Chlorella
gy from laboratory to large scale. This solid founda- expression system for stable and improved expression of
tion will, to a large extent, benefit the expression of heterologous proteins, including transformation method
heterologous proteins in Chlorella and facilitate the development and vector construction improvement by
commercial use of the Chlorella expression plat- selecting proper promoters, enhancers, marker genes,
form. and codon usage.
(v) Several Chlorella species, such as C. sorokiniana Transformation methods are currently considered the
and Chlorella sp., have strong adaptability to the most severe limitation in Chlorella transformation. This
environment, such as high tolerance to tempera- hampers the use of engineered Chlorella for heterologous
ture (up to 42°C) and CO2 concentration (up to 40%) protein expression to a large extent. Therefore, develop-
[52]. ing a reliable transformation method for easy DNA deliv-
ery to Chlorella cells is important.
The first attempt for Chlorella transformation was con-
3 Current state of Chlorella genomics ducted by Jarvis and Brown in 1991; firefly luciferase was
transiently expressed in C. ellipsoidea via electroporation
Genomics offers a foundation for the development of [65]. Later, Dawson et al. [66] reported the first stable
transformation toolbox and rational genetic engineering. transformation by introducing a nitrate reductase gene
It provides powerful approaches to elucidate metabolic into the nitrate reductase-deficient C. sorokiniana mutant
networks and identify key regulatory elements that can through particle bombardment. These two pioneering
promote protein expression [53]. Genetic analysis with studies provided a starting point for the genetic engineer-
Chlorella began in the early 1990s [54, 55]. To date, sig- ing of Chlorella. Afterward, many reports on Chlorella
nificant advances have been obtained in Chlorella genom- transformation have been presented and have led to sig-
ics. Expressed sequence tag (EST) databases from sev- nificant advances. To date, more than 12 different Chlo-
eral species have been established and are being actively rella species are claimed to have been successfully genet-
expanded (available from the Genbank EST database). ically engineered by nuclear transformation with various
The chloroplast genome of C. vulgaris, Chlorella sp. transformation methods (Table 1). No transformation of
ArM0029B, and A. protothecoides (C. protothecoides) and chloroplasts or mitochondria have been reported so far. In
the mitochondrial genome of Chlorella sp. ArM0029B most cases, transformation leads to the stable expression
have been sequenced [56–58]. At present, full nuclear of transgenes. However, in several cases, only transient
genomes and/or transcriptomes of three Chlorella spe- expression has been achieved. In stable transformants,
cies, namely, C. variabilis [59], C. pyrenoidosa [60], and the exogenous genes introduced are integrated and
A. protothecoides (C. protothecoides) [61, 62], and tran- maintained in the genome over generations [67]. By con-
scriptomes and proteomics of C. vulgaris [63, 64] are trast, rapid loss of introduced exogenous genes is usually
available. Entire genome sequencing of six additional observed in transient transformants [68]. Reports have
Chlorella strains is currently underway; these six strains revealed that several transformation methods have been
are C. pyrenoidosa (Bioproject accession number developed for Chlorella. These transformation methods
PRJNA171991), C. vulgaris (Bioproject accession number include electroporation [69–85], particle bombardment
PRJNA278897), C. sorokiniana (Bioproject accession [66, 81, 83–91], polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated meth-
number PRJNA218510), C. minutissima (Bioproject acces- od [65, 74, 92–99], and Agrobacterium-mediated methods
sion numbers PRJNA245012 and PRJNA245966), C. emer- [100, 101]. Each method has its advantages and limita-
sonii (Bioproject accession number PRJNA243839), and tions with regard to transformation efficiency, repeatabil-
C. zofingiensis (in progress in our laboratory). These com- ity, ease of manipulation, cost and period, and so on (Sup-
prehensive genome data, together with the upcoming porting information, Table S1).
Table 1. Chlorella species reported for nuclear transformation and their transformation methods
4.1 Electroporation per μg DNA [71, 77]. Although this value is much smaller
than that reported for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Reports show that electroporation is the most commonly (1.9 × 105 cfu per μg DNA) [105], it is acceptable for
utilized method for Chlorella transformation because of its genetic manipulations and represents an effective trans-
simplicity and high efficiency with a small amount of DNA formation method.
[69–85, 102, 103]. Jarvis and Brown [65] were the first to
report on the effectiveness of electroporation in Chlorella 4.2 Particle bombardment
transformation. They exposed protoplasts to high-intensi-
ty electric field pulses for easy uptake of exogenous DNA. Particle bombardment, also referred to as microprojectile
The method can transfer exogenous genes independent bombardment or biolistics transformation, is a widely
of the ability of cells and is applicable for different Chlo- utilized and effective transformation method [106]. It is
rella species. As shown in Fig. 1B, this method induces suitable for almost all cell types regardless of the rigidity
the formation of transient micropores in cell membranes or thickness of the cell wall [21]. This method employs
by applying short high-intensity electricfield pulses and DNA-coated tungsten or gold microprojectiles that are
thus allows exogenous DNA to enter the cell and integrate accelerated and propelled into target cells by a particle
into the nuclear genome [104]. Given that the thick cell gun apparatus [107]. Figure 1C illustrates the typical
walls of Chlorella hinder macromolecule movement, in transformation process of Chlorella cells through particle
several cases, Chlorella protoplasts or cell-wall-deficient bombardment. Particle bombardment has long been suc-
mutants can be used for electroporation [21, 105]. cessfully applied to the transformation of microbial cells,
Several parameters, including electrical field strength, plants, and animals [108, 109] as well as several microalgal
pulse length, medium composition, temperature, and species, such as C. reinhardtii, Volvox carteri, and
foreign DNA concentration, have been found to affect the Dunaliella salina [110–112]. Accordingly, this transforma-
transformation efficiency of electroporation in Chlorella tion method has been reported to adopt for several Chlo-
[71, 76, 80, 102]. Currently, reports claim that the maxi- rella species, including C. ellipsoidea, C. vulgaris, C. zof-
mum transformation efficiency of electroporation in Chlo- ingiensis, C. sorokiniana, A. protothecoides (C. protothe-
rella has resulted in 2500–7137 colony forming units (cfu) coides), C. minutissima, C. emersonii, and Parachlorella
kessleri (C. kessleri) [66, 81, 83–91, 102]. Several transfor- um has been reported to have a wide host range that
mation parameters, including bombardment pressure, includes plants, fungi, mammalian cells, and microalgae
distance of a sample from the adding screen, topology and [124]. It can process and transfer any inserted DNA, even
vector sequence, and plasmid DNA concentration, have several large DNA segments (>10 kb), between the right
been found to affect DNA delivery to the Chlorella genome and left borders that delimit T-DNA [125].
[66, 86]. Although this method suffers from several limita- T-DNA transfer in plants is initiated with the aid of
tions, such as high cost of the required specialized equip- bacterial virulence (Vir) proteins, which are induced by
ment and low repeatability [45], it remains a useful certain phenolic or sugar compounds released from
method, particularly for Chlorella plastid transformation. wounded plant cells in dicotyledons or added exogenous-
However, given that the diameters of typical Chlorella ly (e.g. acetosyringone) in monocotyledons [118, 123].
cells range from 5 to 10 μm, the commonly used micropro- Although reports have claimed that Agrobacterium can
jectiles may need to be modified for size reduction to transform Chlorella cells with completely different cell
achieve effective nuclear or plastid transformation of this wall components from plants [100, 101, 126], the molecular
alga. mechanism of its T-DNA transfer process remains unclear.
However, given the success achieved in plants and other
4.3 PEG-mediated method related microalgal species [100, 101, 124, 126–130], the
T-DNA transfer process in Chlorella may also comprise
Gene transfer through PEG-mediated method has been several routine steps similar to those in plants, but with-
applied in plants [113], bacteria, and yeast [114] for over out injury to the cell (Fig. 1E). Interestingly, studies have
30 years because of the method’s distinct advantages, found that C. reinhardtii and Haematococcus pluvialis
including no requirement for specialized equipment, sim- can be transformed in the absence of acetosyringone
ple manipulation, minimal damage to host cells, and good [127, 128], but C. vulgaris was found to be transformed
reproducibility [115, 116]. This method simply requires only with the inclusion of acetosyringone [100]. This con-
the protoplasts of cells to be exposed to recombinant DNA dition suggests that C. vulgaris may be unable to produce
with the aid of PEG, which condenses the plasmid DNA response chemicals to induce the activation of the Vir
molecule to prevent attack by nucleases and to facilitate system.
the penetration of DNA into the cells (Fig. 1D) [117]. The With the Agrobacterium-mediated method, studies
PEG-mediated method has been successfully used to have claimed that C. vulgaris has been stably transformed
transform several Chlorella species, including C. ellip- with several reporters, such as β-glucuronidase (gus),
soidea [65, 92, 95–98], C. sorokiniana [94], C. vulgaris [93, green fluorescent protein (gfp) [100], and the Vitreoscilla
94], C. desiccata [99], Chlorella sp. [99], and Chlorella sp. hemoglobin gene, which can significantly improve cell
DT [74]. growth and lutein production [101]. In addition, a recent
Compared with that of other transformation methods, study that utilized short interference RNA (siRNA) strate-
the reported transformation efficiency of the PEG-mediat- gies claimed to have knocked down PsbO (a subunit
ed method is relatively low in Chlorella (356–2250 cfu per involved in oxygen evolution) in Chlorella sp. DT by
μg DNA) [74, 92–95], although several attempts have been Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method; this
made prior to transformation to optimize the transforma- knockdown of PsbO led to a significant decrease in PsbO
tion efficiency, such as heat shock treatment, co-precipi- expression and about a 10-fold increase in hydrogen pro-
tation of exogenous DNA with Ca2+ and Mg2+, vortex with duction compared with the wild type (WT) [126].
glass beads, and addition of chloroquine and 2-deoxy-D- Several factors were found to affect the transformation
glucose [92, 94]. The PEG-mediated method cannot be efficiency of this method in Chlorella; these factors include
directly applied to intact Chlorella cells, and cell wall the status of starting materials, Agrobacterium density,
removal and protoplast preparation are needed. co-cultivation conditions, and acetosyringone concentra-
tion [100], which is consistent with previous findings
4.4 Agrobacterium-mediated method reported for plants and fungi [131, 132]. However, consid-
ering that this method is rarely reported in Chlorella and
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, which has its mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated, it may not
been widely utilized in plant genetic engineering [118] ,is be a preferred method for Chlorella transformation.
also claimed to be a feasible transformation method for
Chlorella. Empirically speaking, this method usually
exhibits high proportions of transgenic events with a low 5 Vector construction strategies
gene copy number in plants [119, 120]. It genetically
transforms cells by means of pathogenic soil bacteria The expression performance of heterologous proteins in
Agrobacterium, which can introduce part of their Ti- Chlorella is also influenced by factors pertaining to vector
plasmid DNA (viz. transfer DNA or T-DNA) into the construction, including promoters, enhancers, reporter
nuclear genome of infected cells [121–123]. Agrobacteri- and marker genes, and codon usage.
5.1 Promoters and enhancers tory elements also play an important role in improving the
stability and efficiency of transgene expression. For
Promoters are a critical factor for gene expression and example, in C. zofingiensis, the inclusion of the first intron
exert a significant effect on transcriptional regulation. The of the phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene led to a 91%
promoters commonly used for Chlorella transformation increase in transformation efficiency [102]. Insertion of
are presented in Supporting information, Table S2. Vari- LINE-like retrotransposons from C. vulgaris, viz. Zepp
ous studies have reported that cauliflower mosaic virus sequence, was also found to significantly increase hGH
35S (CaMV35S) is the most widely used constitutive pro- expression in Chlorella cells [94]. These findings demon-
moter in Chlorella, especially when endogenously strong strate the potential importance of enhancer or enhancer-
promoters are unavailable [65, 69, 70, 76, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, like regulatory elements in promoting transgene expres-
94, 99]. Similar to their function in plant genetic engineer- sion in Chlorella.
ing, the constitutive promoters of Ubi1 (from maize poly-
ubiquitin) and Actin1 (from rice actin) are also claimed to 5.2 Reporter and marker genes
facilitate efficient gene expression in Chlorella [74, 75, 78,
89, 92, 98, 126]. Several studies have reported the use of a Reporter and marker genes are vital to the development of
Chlorella virus promoter for constitutive gene expression an efficient transformation system. Reporter genes encode
in Chlorella and have demonstrated good transgene proteins that have a typical enzymatic activity or are eas-
expression over time [73, 83–85, 90, 94]. Given that Chlo- ily recognizable from various cellular proteins [137]. Thus,
rella viruses can specifically infect certain strains of Chlo- they are useful in studying the transformation efficiency,
rella or Chlorella-like species [133], they are likely to be expression efficiency, protein localization, and stability of
considered valuable sources of transgene promoters in transgenes. By contrast, selectable markers are proteins
Chlorella transformation. Further studies on host transfor- that confer resistance to antibiotics or herbicides or oth-
mation can therefore be conducted by developing high- erwise function by a unique complementary experiment
efficiency promoters from Chlorella viruses. on metabolic mutants for the selection of positive trans-
Inducible promoters have also been found to facilitate formants [45].
efficient and tightly controlled gene expression in Chlo- Currently, various reporter and selectable marker genes
rella. The rbcS promoter (small unit of ribulose-1,5-bispho- (summarized in Table 2) are claimed to be available for
sphate carboxylase/oxygenase from C. reinhardtii or Chlorella. Reports have shown that the most widely utilized
C. zofingiensis) is a strong inducible promoter activated reporter in Chlorella transformation is the GUS gene, which
by light. The efficacy of this promoter in the expression of encodes β-glucuronidase. Given its stability, the GUS gene
several heterologous proteins and marker genes in Chlo- is claimed to be an efficient reporter for transient or stable
rella has been demonstrated [69, 82, 92, 94, 102]. The transformation in Chlorella. Additionally, studies have
promoter of the NR gene encoding a nitrate reductase is claimed that the green fluorescent protein (GFP), enhanced
another inducible promoter. It is negatively regulated by green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and firefly luciferase
the presence of ammonium at both transcriptional and (LUC) can be used as intuitionistic reporters for Chlorella
post-transcriptional levels and is actively induced when transformation [65, 89, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100]. However, con-
ammonium is substituted by nitrate [79]. Hence, the sidering that Chlorella cells possess intrinsic photosyn-
expression of transgenes is switched on or off when Chlo- thetic pigments and some fluorescent substances, fluores-
rella cells are grown in the presence of nitrate or ammo- cent reporters should be driven by a strong promoter to
nium. Studies have reported that several reporter and achieve a high expression level for distinguishing them-
marker genes have been successfully expressed in selves from the background fluorescence.
C. ellipsoidea, C. vulgaris, and C. zofingiensis by using The commonly used selectable markers in Chlorella
this promoter [77, 79, 102]. Given the good controllability are claimed to be bacterial-derived markers that confer
of inducible promoters, they may have a great potential to resistance against antibiotics, including nptII, ble, hpt,
express heterologous proteins in a well-regulated manner. and cat genes (Table 2). Among them, the nptII marker
Enhancers are a part of DNA that can activate tran- gene, which confers resistance to geneticin (G418), has
scription from a target promoter regardless of its orienta- been claimed to be more applicable to the transformation
tion and location [134]. Studies have reported that the of most Chlorella species. Endogenously derived novel
omega enhancer derived from tobacco mosaic virus can markers, as an alternative to antibiotic-resistant genes,
significantly increase the gene expression in Chlorella have also been developed recently. Phytoene desaturase
when placed upstream of the rabbit defensin gene [75, (PDS), a rate-limiting enzyme involved in carotenoid bio-
98]. This is similar to the promoting function of the omega synthesis in C. zofingiensis, is a target of bleaching herbi-
enhancer in gene expression reported in plants and ani- cides, such as norflurazon. A study has indicated that
mals [135, 136]. In addition, some introns or homologous introduction of point mutations in the PDS gene can
long interspersed DNA element (LINE)-like retrotranspo- endow transgenic cells with resistance to norflurazon.
sons that probably contain several enhancer-like regula- This scenario highlights the potential of utilizing modified
PDS gene as a dominant selectable marker for C. zof- usage biases for protein expression [138]. Biased codon
ingiensis transformation [102]. Another endogenous usage indicates that a codon that is usually used in certain
selectable marker is the NR gene encoding nitrate reduc- genomes is infrequently used in others, resulting in differ-
tase from Chlorella. It has been reported to be success- ences in tRNA abundance and thus affecting translation
fully used to rescue NR-deficient mutants of C. sorokini- efficiency and protein expression levels significantly [22].
ana in a medium containing nitrate as the sole nitrogen Therefore, optimization of the codon-choice patterns of
source [66]. However, this marker is only applicable to transgenes is helpful in promoting their expression effi-
certain species with available corresponding defective ciency by enhancing the translation rates and possibly
mutants. Sucrose invertase, which allows positive trans- reducing the susceptibility to silencing [139].
formants to grow on sucrose as a sole carbon substrate, Similar to C. reinhardtii, several Chlorella genomes
has also been developed recently as a novel complemen- have an extremely high GC content of 63–67% [59, 61,
tary marker for Chlorella [83–85, 90]. 140]. This high GC content reveals their biased codon
usage in G and C. Given that several codon-optimized
5.3 Codon usage exogenous transgenes have achieved significantly
increased expression levels in C. reinhardtii [140–142],
The genomes of different kinds of organisms and the differ- codon optimization should facilitate protein expression in
ent genomes within an individual organism have codon Chlorella. However, only a few attempts have been made
to optimize the codon usage of transgenes in Chlorella 6 Current claims of heterologous proteins
because the genetic engineering of Chlorella is still in the in Chlorella subspecies
initial stage. The extracellular secretion signal sequence
of the hGH gene is claimed to be the first report involving Although the commercial production of heterologous pro-
codon optimization in Chlorella genetic engineering [94]. teins by Chlorella is currently unachievable, several stud-
Bovine lactoferrin N-lobe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ies that utilized engineered Chlorella to express heterolo-
sucrose invertase, and white spot syndrome virus VP28 gous proteins provide much promise (Table 3). Various
peptide are claimed to be other fully codon-optimized studies have reported that the yields of heterologous
heterologous proteins expressed in Chlorella [72, 83–85, proteins by Chlorella vary from 200 ng/L to 11.42 mg/L [75,
90, 91]. Although these studies did not prove the positive 94–96, 98, 145, 146], which is relatively lower than that for
effect of codon optimization on expression efficiency, other eukaryotic expression hosts, such as plants (0.1 μg/L
tentative studies show the promising use of codon-opti- to 247 mg/L) [1, 147, 148], mammalian cells (0.55 to
mized strategies in Chlorella genetic engineering. 80 mg/L) [16, 149], and insect cells (80 to 300 mg/L) [150,
Several software and databases have been developed 151]. However, low protein yields can be compensated by
recently for codon optimization. The codon adaptation the short cycle time (typically several days) because of the
index (CAI) is generally employed as a quantitative meth- rapid growth of Chlorella. All heterologous catalytic pro-
od to measure the expression levels of exogenous genes teins from Chlorella, as summarized in Table 3, are claimed
according to their codon usage [45]. A useful database to retain the expected bioactivity, which requires proper
containing CAI and codon usage indices for the majority protein folding and subunit assembly and/or possible
of sequenced host species, including two Chlorella spe- glycosylation or disulfide bridge formation, thereby under-
cies (P. kessleri (C. kessleri) and C. protothecoides), is scoring the ability of Chlorella to process complicated
available online at [143]. eukaryotic proteins.
E-CAI (, OPTIMIZER Hawkins and Nakamura exerted the first attempt to
(, and CAIcal (http:// express heterologous proteins in Chlorella; in their study, represent a series of powerful transient expression of the human growth hormone (hGH)
online tools for the estimation and optimization of codon was observed in engineered C. vulgaris and C. sorokini-
usage [144]. These useful databases and tools will consid- ana by using the PEG-mediated method [94]. hGH was
erably facilitate the development of codon optimization expressed under the control of cauliflower mosaic virus
strategies for enhanced expression of heterologous pro- 35S (CaMV35S) promoter and/or Chlamydomonas rein-
teins in Chlorella. hardtii rbcS2 promoter or Chlorella virus promoter with
the nptII gene as a selectable marker. The amount of hGH nous pesticidal polypeptide in Chlorella is feasible for pest
produced was claimed to be approximately 200 to 600 ng/ control.
mL. Although the presence of hGH could not be detected Various studies have also claimed that using engi-
after a few months probably because of the instability of neered Chlorella as a bioreactor for bioremediation is
the foreign DNA, this pioneering work highlighted the feasible. Mercuric reductase (MerA) mediates the reduc-
potential application of Chlorella in the expression of tion of Hg2+ to volatile elemental Hg0 and has been intro-
heterologous proteins. duced into land plants, such as Arabidopsis, tobacco, and
Moreover, a previous study successfully expressed the rice for phytoremediation purposes [152–154]. Huang et
flounder growth hormone (fGH) under the control of al. [74] engineered Chlorella sp. DT for the expression of
CaMV35S promoter in C. ellipsoidea by using the PEG- MerA derived from Bacillus megaterium. MerA was driv-
mediated method. The G418 resistance (nptII) gene was en by a rice actin1 promoter with hygromycin phospho-
utilized to select positive transformants. The product transferase gene as a selectable marker and then deliv-
level was estimated to be 420 μg/L of algal culture [95, 96]. ered to Chlorella cells through the PEG-mediated method
This was claimed to be the first report on the stable or via electroporation. The study reported that the trans-
expression of heterologous proteins in Chlorella species. formed Chlorella cells had higher growth rate and photo-
Flounder fry fed with zooplankton that was fed with fGH- synthetic activity and better capability to efficiently
producing Chlorella biomass for 30 days exhibited a 25% remove Hg2+ than WT by both in vivo and in vitro assays.
increase in total length and width. Another protein In the presence of mercuric ion, the transformed Chlorella
phytase that functions by releasing inorganic phosphate cells were claimed to exhibit a lower expression level of
from phytate as a source of nutrients was also claimed to superoxide dismutase and a lower level of oxidative stress
be stably expressed in Chlorella sp. MACC/C95 in a previ- than WT. These results indicate that exogenous MerA
ous study [70]. The phytase gene was driven by a CaM- can be functionally expressed in Chlorella for the efficient
V35S promoter and delivered to Chlorella cells through removal of Hg2+ from the aquatic environment.
electroporation. The study reported that the G418-resist- Chlorella has elicited attention as a platform for the
ant transformed cells showed approximately 4.2-fold expression of therapeutic proteins as well. The single-
increase in phytase activity compared with the wild type chain antibody against bladder cancer (anti-bladder scFv)
(WT). is reported to have been stably expressed in C. vulgaris
In addition, the VP28 gene derived from the white spot through particle bombardment. Anti-bladder scFv has a
syndrome virus (WSSV) was claimed to be stably good potential for use as an anti-bladder cancer therapeu-
expressed in C. vulgaris in a previous study [91]. The VP28 tic agent. In a previous study, it was expressed under the
antigenic peptide was used to provide protection to control of a Ubiquitin promoter, and the NR gene was
penaeid shrimp or prawn against infection caused by used for selection of positive transformants. The results
WSSV. The VP28 gene was under the control of SV40 showed that anti-bladder scFv was highly expressed in C.
promoter with ampicillin-resistant gene as a selectable vulgaris, and the expression level was claimed to be 1.1%
marker and then introduced into the Chlorella genome of the total soluble protein. This pioneering study paved
through particle bombardment. Chlorella cells that pro- the way for the expression of therapeutic proteins in engi-
duced VP28 peptides were then fed to penaeid shrimp. neered Chlorella cells. Bovine lactoferrin N-lobe, a peptide
The study clearly showed that the engineered VP28- with antimicrobial properties functioning in the nonim-
Chlorella was successful in protecting the challenged munological defense system, was also claimed to be sta-
prawns against acute death by WSSV. Altogether, these bly expressed under the control of CaMV35S promoter in
studies demonstrate the potential use of engineered Chlo- C. vulgaris through electroporation [72, 73]. The hygromy-
rella as feed additives in aquaculture and agriculture. cin resistance (hpt) gene was used to select transgenic
Engineered Chlorella has also been claimed to be fea- cells. A previous research also showed that heterologously
sible for the control of pests. A previous work claimed to expressed lactoferrin has significant antimicrobial activi-
have stably expressed trypsin-modulating oostatic factor ty against E. coli [73]. However, the lactoferrin yield was
(TMOF) peptide in Chlorella cells [99]. The TMOF peptide not reported in detail in this study.
was found to inhibit the biosynthesis of trypsin and Recently, a series of research reported the expression
trypsin-like enzymes in mosquito larvae and thus con- of rabbit defensin (rabbit neutrophil peptide-1) in C. ellip-
trolled mosquito populations. The TMOF gene was under soidea [75, 145, 146]. Similar to lactoferrin, defensins are a
the control of CaMV35S promoter with the nptII gene as a family of small cationic peptides constituting the first line
selectable marker and then introduced to the genomes of of defense against pathogens in the innate immune sys-
Chlorella sp. and C. desiccata by using the PEG-mediated tem of animals and humans [146]. They exhibit broad-
method. Chlorella cells that produced TMOF were then spectrum antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties against
fed to mosquito larvae. The study found that almost all the many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi,
larvae fed with TMOF-Chlorella died within several days. and some enveloped viruses [75]. Chen et al. [75] initially
This result demonstrates that the expression of exoge- reported the expression of defensinin C. ellipsoidea via
electroporation (transient transformation). The defensin endogenous proteins [156]. Proteolytic enzymes, which
gene was driven by an ubiquitin promoter, and the nptII are vital for the effective processing and quality control of
gene was used as a selectable marker. Then, the biologi- proteins, may be responsible for the degradation of heter-
cally active defensin was examined by means of in vitro ologous proteins after synthesis [155]. Although no stud-
antimicrobial tests. Afterward, the same research group ies focused on proteolytic degradation of heterologous
reported to have successfully obtained stable cell lines of proteins in Chlorella, this condition should be considered
transformed C. ellipsoidea expressing bioactive defensin because of the relatively low yields in Chlorella. Many
[146]. The recombinant defensin was claimed to be as relevant studies have been conducted on plants and some
high as 11.42 mg/L even after 15 generations. This value microalgae, and these may provide valuable implications
is regarded as the highest yield of heterologous proteins for the Chlorella expression platform [157–159]. At pre-
ever reported in engineered Chlorella. sent, several remedial strategies are available to minimize
Altogether, these pioneering efforts demonstrate the the proteolytic degradation of heterologous proteins in
great potential of utilizing Chlorella as an attractive sys- plants. These strategies include targeting the protein to
tem for heterologous protein expression ranging from feed the organelles (e.g. endoplasmic reticulum or chloroplast
additives to therapeutic proteins. of plant cells) [160, 161] and co-expression of heterologous
recombinant proteins with specific protease inhibitors
without hindering normal plant growth [162]. These strat-
7 Future challenges in the Chlorella egies may be applicable to the Chlorella platform, although
expression platform relevant mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated.
Another challenge is the stability of exogenous
Chlorella offers manifold advantages as an expression transgenes in Chlorella. The expression level of exoge-
platform for the synthesis of heterologous proteins. How- nous genes in Chlorella can be very low and difficult to
ever, this expression platform is still in its infancy and predict (instable), despite the fact that all the elements
cannot fully meet the requirements of commercial use. required for gene expression (promoters and enhancers or
Many challenges need to be addressed, and many impor- enhancer-like elements) are involved in gene constructs.
tant issues need to be resolved for Chlorella-made This puzzling issue may be contributed by the multiple
heterologous proteins to move forward. gene integration events and subsequent homology-
A major challenge is the relatively low yield of heter- dependent gene silencing (HDGS), similar to the mecha-
ologous proteins in Chlorella, although this is a common nisms in plants [163]. Transgenes with multiple integra-
issue encountered in almost all existing expression plat- tion loci within the genome, arranged particularly as
forms. This situation depends on many factors, including tandem-linked inverted repeats (IRs), are likely to induce
promoters, enhancer or enhancer-like regulatory ele- HDGS and thus suppress transgene expression [163, 164].
ments, codon usage bias, proteolytic degradation, and Hence, screening for single-copy integrated transfor-
gene silencing. The first three factors have been thor- mants in transformed Chlorella population, although dif-
oughly discussed in this paper. They are highly important ficult, may be practicable for stable and high transgene
and exert direct effects on the yields of heterologous pro- expression [165]. Given that Agrobacterium-mediated
tein in Chlorella. At present, the lack of high-efficiency transformation generally possesses the characteristic of
endogenous promoters and enhancers is the most com- low copy integration of transgenes, it may be used to
monly encountered issue in the Chlorella expression plat- render Chlorella transformants for the stable expression of
form. This issue often leads to low yields of heterologous heterologous proteins in several cases although it is not a
proteins in Chlorella. However, protein expression is preferred method.
likely to be enhanced in the future through the develop- The low efficacy of transformation methods is also a
ment of strong endogenous promoters, optimal regulating serious issue that limits the use of Chlorella as an expres-
elements, and codon-optimized strategies. The last two sion platform. Although several transformation methods
factors, namely, proteolytic degradation and gene silenc- have been developed for Chlorella transformation, these
ing, are also vital and exert indirect effects on heterolo- methods usually lead to low transformation efficiency
gous protein expression (to be discussed in detail herein compared with other well-developed expression plat-
after). In particular, proteolytic degradation is a serious forms. This low transformation efficiency entails high
concern and has been increasingly acknowledged in failure probabilities and considerable time and effort in
recent genetic research [13, 155]. manual handling, thus making the current Chlorella
The amount of heterologous protein produced reflects expression platform less satisfactory for heterologous pro-
balance between protein synthesis and degradation; the teins. Although enhanced transformation efficiency can
latter plays a vital role in determining the overall yield of be achieved by developing novel transformation methods
heterologous proteins. Heterologous recombinant pro- or optimizing the transformation parameters, the main
teins are usually recognized by the host cells as foreign reason for the low efficacy of existing transformation
and thus undergo degradation much faster than most methods is probably due to the rigidity and robustness of
the Chlorella cell wall, which makes DNA delivery diffi- recombination of constructs, stable and high expression
cult. The rigid cell walls of Chlorella species are complex level without subjecting to gene silencing, and transgene
and still not fully understood. The main chemical compo- containment resulting from maternal inheritance [171].
nents of Chlorella cell walls differ dramatically across These desirable features make chloroplast expression
intraspecies [166]. The cell walls of Chlorella species can ideal for the expression of heterologous proteins, espe-
generally be divided into two types: glucose-mannose- cially therapeutic ones. Various functional heterologous
rigid wall and glucosamine-rigid wall [27, 167]. Accord- proteins have been successfully expressed in the chloro-
ingly, differential enzymatic digestion may be utilized to plast of plant cells and even microalgae [1, 172–174], but
weaken or remove the Chlorella cell wall to facilitate DNA not in Chlorella plastid. The establishment of a chloroplast
delivery to cells. For instance, for Chlorella cells with a genetic system for Chlorella may provide an effective
glucose-mannose-rigid wall, cellulase and macerase, alternative approach for improved expression of heterolo-
which specifically interact with cellulose (consisting of gous proteins.
glucose) and hemicellulose (containing mannose), respec- Chlorella shows a promising potential for the expres-
tively, can be utilized in enzymatic cocktail for enzymatic sion of heterologous proteins. Given that most Chlorella
cell wall removal [168]. Chitinase or lysozyme, which spe- species can produce significant amounts of value-added
cifically interacts with chitin (consisting of glucosamine), fine bioactives, integrating the production of these high-
can be adopted for the glucosamine-rigid wall [166]. Gen- value co-products with heterologous proteins to reduce
erally, in Chlamydomonas, the cell wall-deficient mutants the overall production costs is desirable and would help
are easy to transform [169, 170]. Increasing the transfor- the Chlorella platform compete with the other expression
mation efficiency for Chlorella by directly developing such platforms. For example, among the Chlorella species
cell wall-deficient Chlorella mutants may also be benefi- available with genetic engineering (Table 1), C. vulgaris,
cial. Furthermore, the natural resistance of Chlorella C. zofingiensis, and C. minutissima can produce natural
against many commonly used antibiotics hinders the high-value compounds lutein, astaxanthin, and eicosap-
development of proper selectable markers for genetic entaenoic acid (EPA), respectively [175–177]. Combined
transformation. Novel dominant selectable markers, such production of these value-added biocompounds with
as the modified PDS gene, are therefore recommended for heterologous proteins will offset the production cost to a
further testing and development. certain extent and maximize the value of Chlorella for
The lack of genetic resource center for Chlorella spe- cost-effective production. Figure 2 shows C. zofingiensis
cies is also a challenge in the future sustainable use of as an example and proposes such an integrated produc-
Chlorella as a powerful workhorse for the expression of tion process in engineered C. zofingiensis. In this inte-
heterologous proteins. Considering that a genetic resource grated system, C. zofingiensis may be cultured either
center has been already established for model microalgal heterotrophically or mixotrophically for increased bio-
species Chlamydomonas (, mass production; the heterologous protein and valuable
such a useful center should also be developed for Chlo- co-products (astaxanthin and lipids) can be respectively
rella. The establishment of this center will be helpful in collected from the aqueous phase and organic phase of
maintaining and distributing stocks of wild type and use- cell extracts. Exploring other Chlorella species, such as
ful mutants of Chlorella species to the algal community. It A. protothecoides (C. protothecoides) and C. pyrenoidosa,
will also provide valuable assistance to researchers toward which have been rarely transformed but display attractive
the attainment of a comprehensive understanding of the traits, for the possible expression of heterologous proteins
genetic relationship among key factors that determine is also promising. A. protothecoides (C. protothecoides)
the level of heterologous protein expressed in Chlorella. has long been considered a promising candidate for bio-
diesel production. It has excellent capability to accumu-
late a high content of lipid in cells, particularly long-chain
8 Perspectives lipid suitable for biodiesel. It can also use sugars as carbon
sources for heterotrophic cell growth [31, 32, 178]. Based
Although many challenges remain to be addressed, pro- on these traits, further studies can therefore be conducted
gress in the utilization of Chlorella for heterologous pro- by introducing sugar transporters and sugar-degrading
tein expression is well underway. Many genetic tools for enzymes to its genome to utilize low-cost carbon sources
the expression of transgenes and gene knockdown have for cost-effective biodiesel production. Meanwhile,
been developed for Chlorella. Moreover, complete genome C. pyrenoidosa is widely used as an important nutrientin-
sequence information is available for several species of gredient (mainly as protein sources) for the food industry
Chlorella. This scenario will considerably benefit the and aquaculture [179, 180].
future development of a genetic toolbox for improved Culture processes can also significantly affect the
protein expression. Compared with the nuclear expres- expression level of heterologous proteins. These processes
sion system, the chloroplast expression system has sig- include cultivation methods (e.g. photoautotrophic or het-
nificant advantages, including controlled site-directed erotrophic), media compositions (e.g. carbon and nitrogen
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