Sscciieenncceeddiirreecctt: Maintenance 4.0 Technologies For Sustainable Manufacturing - An Overview
Sscciieenncceeddiirreecctt: Maintenance 4.0 Technologies For Sustainable Manufacturing - An Overview
Sscciieenncceeddiirreecctt: Maintenance 4.0 Technologies For Sustainable Manufacturing - An Overview
IFAC PapersOnLine 52-10 (2019) 91–96
Abstract: Manufacturing is experiencing relevant changes under the challenges imposed by the
sustainable economic development model. Under this model, the significant progress in advanced
technologies is providing new opportunities to enhance competitiveness. Meanwhile, the maintenance
function is transforming its role in order to better support value creation, both contributing to the
economic dimension as well as extending its care for the environmental and social aspects. Maintenance
4.1 can break the trade-offs of the older strategies by enabling companies to maximize the useful life of
their production equipment while avoiding unplanned downtime, minimizing planned downtime,
increasing process and people safety, minimizing energy and resources consumption and saving costs.
The paper presents the possibility of incorporation new technologies into the planning, implementation,
monitoring and analysis of maintenance processes that support sustainable production in modern
manufacturing companies.
© 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: sustainability, sustainable manufacturing, sustainable maintenance, maintenance, Industry 4.0.
a green process. Currently it is considered as a process that value for all stakeholders in the long-term horizon’.
needed to be managed in a sustainable perspective. Sustainable Maintenance should contribute to the
Based on literature review and observation of industrial minimization of environmental and social impacts of a
practices, it was stated that maintenance contribution to business system, the reduction of life cycle costs and enhancement of
competitive priorities and more sustainable manufacturing equipment durability and socioeconomic well-being
(SM) operations has got two main dimensions, which are: (Afrinaldi et al., 2017).
the sustainability dimension,
the life-cycle dimension.
The sustainability dimension is represented by the three
sustainability aspects: economic, environmental and social.
Maintenance contribution may be observed in all three
aspects (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The contribution of maintenance processes in SM The objectives of the Sustainable Maintenance in a
company are: (1) to be in line with the business and profit
Regarding the economic aspect of maintenance objectives (strategic decision rules and longer equipment life
contribution, there are four relevant economic factors cycle); (2) to keep the functional level of a machine and to
affected by the maintenance function: quality and preserve all its characteristics above the level required from the
productivity, delivery on time, innovation and cost viewpoint of the environmental impact; (3) to be in line with
(Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek et al., 2018). With reference to the social expectations (satisfaction of employees, including their
environmental aspect the following factors may be health and safety).
distinguished: prevention of environmental damage, The essential question is ‘how to achieve specified goals
emissions reduction and land conservation, energy and what to do’. According Bilge et al., (2017) the enabling
consumption reduction and energy savings or efficiency technologies of the Maintenance 4.0, can contribute to
(Ajukumar & Gandhi, 2013; Franciosi et al., 2017). Finally, the provide information necessary for sustainable maintenance
social aspect concerns the relationship of maintenance function assessment, and they could become key-drivers in pursuit of
with its stakeholders within and outside the company, with a sustainable maintenance and asset life-cycle management.
particular focus on the maintenance personnel, who is affected 3. MAINTENANCE 4.0 TECHNOLOGIES
by decisions made in the maintenance department. Maintenance
contribution to social aspect is also linked to plant safety and It is not possible to look for solutions to the sustainable
human safety, as a main means to avoid undesired failures and maintenance issue without considering technology as an
minimize the consequences of the failures (Burduk & integral component of the development. From the point of
Jagodziński, 2015; Pintelon & Muchiri, 2009; Ratnayake & view of maintenance, the development of new technologies
Antosz, 2017). The second dimension of maintenance and end-user requirements have significantly affected both
contribution to more SM system is life-cycle thinking (Fig. the subject of maintenance operations (machines and
2). equipment) and the way of planning and implementing
Sustainable Maintenance or Sustainability Centered maintenance activities. With regard to the application of new
Maintenance (SCMn) has become a new challenge for technologies in machines and devices we use today, the most
enterprises realizing concept of SM. Sari et al., (2015) common term 'smart machine'. The term “smart machine”
defined sustainable maintenance as ‘…all required processes implies a machine that is better connected, more flexible,
for ensuring the acceptable assets condition by eliminating more efficient and safe. It can quickly respond to new
negative environmental impact, prudent in using resources, demands. Smart Machine has three main components:
concern for the safety of employees and stakeholders, while physical components, smart components and connectivity
at the same time economically sound’. Jasiulewicz- components. Smart components are directly connected with
Kaczmarek and Żywica (2018) defined SCMn as ‘a set of services related to the physical parts, while connectivity
proactive technical, economic and management activities allows exchanging information between the machine and its
implemented throughout the whole life-cycle of a technical environment, and enables services to exist outside the
facility aimed at realizing functions of a technical facility, physical machine itself. According Porter and Heppelmann
ensuring at the same time the achievement of goals and the (2014) intelligence and connectivity enable an entirely new
ability to create the economic, environmental and social set of machine functions and capabilities:
monitoring: machines enable the monitoring of a self- separates it from more traditional, reactionary approaches to
condition, operation and external environment through equipment repair and replacement. Big data analytics is the
sensors and external data sources, and can alert users or process of collecting, organizing and analyzing large sets of
others stakeholders to changes in circumstances or data called big data to discover patterns and other useful
performance; information. Big data analytics can help maintenance
control: machines can be controlled through remote organizations to better understand the information contained
commands or algorithms that are built into the device or within the data and will also help identify the data that is
reside in the machine cloud; most important to future decisions. Karim et al., (2016)
optimization: smart, connected machines can apply proposed concept for Maintenance Analytics (MA) that is
algorithms and analytics to in use or historical data to based on four interconnected time-lined phases (Fig. 3): (1)
improve output, utilization, and efficiency; and “Maintenance Descriptive Analytics” focuses to discover and
autonomy: monitoring, control and optimization describe what happened in the past; it summarizes collected
capabilities combine to allow smart, connected machines data from various maintenance sources and provides
to achieve a previously unattainable level of autonomy. summary statistics in terms of measures (e.g. number of
At the simplest level an autonomous machine does faults) and visualizations (e.g. failure rate chart); (2)
operation using sensors and software on real time. More- “Maintenance Diagnostic Analytics” focuses to understand
sophisticated machines are able to learn about their why something happened; it can basically be divided into
environment, self-diagnose their own service needs, and fault detection (i.e. indicating faults and malfunctions), fault
adapt to users’ preferences. Autonomy not only can isolation (i.e. determining the cause and the related
reduce the need for operators, but it can improve safety in component) and fault identification (i.e. designating the type
dangerous environments and facilitate operation in remote and the nature of the fault) (Kothamasu et al., 2006; Vogl et
locations. al., 2016); (3) “Maintenance Predictive Analytics” focuses to
This 'intelligent object of maintenance' enables the estimate what will happen in the future; it take current
incorporation of new technologies into the planning, machine conditions and past operation profiles into account
implementation, monitoring and analysis of maintenance and either predict the probability that a machine operates
processes, such as: (1) smart sensors and smart devices (Zong without a failure up to a time in the future (i.e. system health
et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2014; Roy et al., 2016); (2) e- state estimation) or calculate the remaining useful life (RUL)
CMMS (Iung et al., 2014; Lopes et al., 2016; Rødseth et al., as the time left before a failure occurs (Peng et al., 2010;
2017); (3) diagnosis tools (Crespo Márquez & Iung, 2008); Elattar et al., 2016); (4) “Maintenance Prescriptive
(4) Prognosis tools (Lee et al., 2006; Crespo Márquez and analytics” which addresses what need to be done next; it
Iung, 2008; Muller et al., 2008); (5) Cloud -based tools builds on the results of the previously described types,
(Dillon et al., 2010; Zhong, et al., 2017); (6) simulation tools integrates additional data (e.g. costs and re-source
(Alrabghi & Tiwari, 2015; Antosz & Ratnayake 2019); (7) information), and transforms them into actionable
AR tools (Suarez-Warden et al., 2015; Klimant et al., 2017; maintenance recommendations to identify the optimal actions
Kollatsch et al., 2017; del Amo et al., 2018). These and/or the optimal time of actions (Bousdekis et al., 2015).
technologies defining the next generation in the approach to
maintenance of production equipment referred to in the Act
Value & Complexity