Materials Today: Proceedings: N.E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj, M. Pathri Narayanan, Roderik Eugene
Materials Today: Proceedings: N.E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj, M. Pathri Narayanan, Roderik Eugene
Materials Today: Proceedings: N.E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj, M. Pathri Narayanan, Roderik Eugene
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work explains the more refined and subtle analysis on one of the significant response parameters in
Received 17 February 2020 kerf width upon machining Monel 400. Machining was done under near-dry ambiance with the support
Received in revised form 12 May 2020 of the mathematical modeling technique of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and the more sophis-
Accepted 17 May 2020
ticated predictive computational modeling in an artificial neural network (ANN). Driving control ele-
Available online xxxx
ments considered for this WEDM process were pulse-on and off time (TON and TOFF), Voltage (V),
Wire Feed (WF), Air inlet pressure and Water flow rate. The impact on the intermittent zone that prevails
between the surface of the material in the spark zone and the wire during the process has not only being
Near Dry
influenced by the control parameters but also by the dielectric medium. The implications of di-electric
RSM medium maintained at near dry conditions were given utmost importance and considerations in this
ANN investigation. The execution of the RSM and created ANN models are contrasted and trial consequences
Kerf Width of Kerf Width for their adequacy. The examination demonstrates that ANN shows more exact expectation
Air Water Mist contrasted with the RSM models.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Recent Trends in Metallurgy, Materials Science and Manufacturing.
1. Introduction mist influenced near dry EDM process using fluid gas blend as the
dielectric liquid to use the benefit of centralization of fluid and
The demand for enhanced productivity without inflicting infec- properties of the dielectric medium to accomplish greater surface
tiousness to the eco-friendliness of the ambiance brings in innova- finish. The researchers extended their work by comparing the flow
tive methods in existing manufacturing techniques, one such rates of near dry and wet EDM. This process improved MRR and
attempt is the introduction of near dry method in the prevalent eradicated debris deposition. A mathematical model was proposed
advanced technique of wire-cut EDM. Near dry machining reduces for gap separate in light of dielectric quality and dynamic viscosity
the unfriendly impacts on both the operator and condition. Intri- of water air blend. Joshi et al. [3] done trials on dry EDM utilizing
cate profiles of machine components could be machined using a throbbling magnetic field.The field influences major current carri-
widely accepted nonconventional Wire Electric Discharge Machin- ers in the electrode and improved the material removal rate, geo-
ing (WEDM).The challenge posed to this process is the use of metric accuracy due to higher ionization and highest transfer of
dielectric fluid. Dry-EDM was initially endeavored by Kunieda thermal energy to the workpiece. Zhan Bo yu et al. [4] attempted
et al. [1]. The investigators observed positive aspects of dry an examination of correlation upon the machinability attributes
machining such as significant low electrode wear proportion and while embracing the processing procedure under three working
smaller release crevice length. It was found that 3D machining is environments of EDM on carbide. EDM milling under dry ambience
possible with a uniform high-speed air stream over the working showed high machining velocity and lower tool wear proportion
hole since tool electrode wear is negligible. Kao et al. [2] attempted compared to oil EDM milling. Sourabh K Saha et al [5] have ana-
lyzed the EDM under dry ambiance. The investigation report con-
firms that, TWR (1% of MRR) gives a minimum value in the
⇑ Corresponding author. experimental outcomes and they are independent of the input
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] parameters whereas Surface finish has reliance on pulse on time
(N.E. Arun Kumar).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Metallurgy, Materials Science and
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
and voltage. Boopathi et al. [6] performed experiments utilizing air the effects of optimized input parameters in influencing a better
mist and oxygen mist, the disclosures are that at a decent machin- kerf width only under wet and dry electrical discharge machining
ing speed a superior SF is achievable under direct air mist/oxygen ambiance, whereas very minimum attempts were made for the
mist pressure. Experiments have also been attempted in near dry studies on kerf width under near dry conditions. In this current
WEDM using air mist. The parametric investigation was completed study, a mechanism has been devised and incorporated to bring
by embracing Taguchi technique and ANOVA. The prediction for about subtle variations within the near dry domain and their
optimal cutting inputs was done by Pareto-front with the support effects on kerf width were investigated.
of an algorithm evolved out of multiple objectives (MOEA). Dhobe
et al. [7] concentrated the advanced parameters and their impacts
2. Materials and methods
on SF when cryo-treated D2 steel was machined utilizing WEDM.
Regression analysis was used to develop a mathematical model
Monel 400 is the material chosen for this work carries the
with an intention to elevate the surface quality. Ahad Gholipur
dimension of 4 mm in thickness, which finds its application exten-
et al. [8] made a comprehensive research on drilling of SPK steel
sively in Chemical and Hydrocarbon processing equipment. The
utilizing an electrical discharge drilling under dry and wet condi-
Chemical constituents of Monel alloy is presented in Table 1. The
tions to accomplish better surface integrity. Also, comparative
experiments were conducted on the CONCORD WEDM DK7725
analysis of the responses in terms of MRR and tool wear ratio
Machine. Its Working table travel is 250x320mm. Working table
was made under wet and dry machining conditions. It has been
dimension is 400x500mm with maximum machining thickness
observed that EDM in wet condition has comparatively better
300 mm. Electrical parameters namely TON, TOFF,WF and servo
MRR,TWR and surface roughness than dry EDM under a high dis-
voltage (SV) were identified as influential factors to concentrate
charge energy level, whereas near dry gave better MRR and least
their effects on kerf during near dry WEDM. Fixed Parameters for
Surface Roughness. Micrographs under SEM revealed better surface
experimentation are given in table 2. Parameter Ranges were
finish while machining under near dry condition. Iskandar [9]
picked on the introduction of machining limit of the machine
Studied and analyzed the flow representation and portrayal for
and preliminary investigations coordinated by using OVAT
enhanced MQL machining of composites. The outcomes demon-
approach as showed up in Table 3.
strated that by expanding AFR, the greatness of the pinnacle veloc-
The dielectric fluid mixture of air and water in the form of a
ity increments and the axial velocity conveyance turns out to be
mist at an appropriate proportion and at controllable pressure is
more symmetrical around the spout pivot. Di et al. [10] analysed
supplied at the time of machining with the help of a designed cir-
cutting width in micro-WEDM and devised a model for kerf width
cuit being incorporated within the workspace of the machine table,
considering the input control parameters and amplitude of wire
the machine chosen was exclusively designed so as to use only liq-
vibration, explaining the variation of cutting width. WangYua-
uids as the dielectric medium. The designed and fabricated circuit
nyuan [11] studied the kerf width varies with various micro-
attachment (Fig. 1) helps to have a suitable and proportionate mix
EDM parameters, includes wire tension and open voltage. From
of the deionized water with compressed air. The objective of the
the results, he observed that Kerf variations in miniature parts is
designed and fabricated hydro-pneumatic flow circuit is to regu-
larger than that of conventional WEDM.Tosun et al. [12] utilized
late the mass flow rate of the mist aimed at enhancing the near-
Taguchi technique to examine the various control factors on MRR
dry WEDM.
and kerf for steel.They observed that Voltage and pulse time dura-
To attain air–water mist, compressed air and deionized water
tion are dominant factors compared to wire speed and dielectric
are mixed and to be let out through a nozzle in the dielectric sup-
pressure. Pragya Shandilya [13] created RSM and ANN based
ply system. It comprises of a pneumatic flow line with a properly
numerical demonstrating for foreseeing normal cutting speed of
connected air compressor, an appropriately located water storage
metal grid composite (MMC) amid WEDM. The authors considered
tank and a flow control valve coupled with an FRL unit. The release
four WEDM parameters in particular Servo voltage, TON, TOFF and
was computed by the time taken for collecting the unit volume of
WF as machining procedure parameters and also established the
water collected. Preparatory experiments conducted by varying
process model by using back propagation neural network. It was
pressure of the mist between 2 bar and 6 bar.From the experimen-
also concluded that voltage is important parameter than wire feed
tal observations, It is observed that unrestricted spark happens at
and off time for 10% SiCp/6061 Al MMC. Reza Kashiry Fard
3 bar pressure with a flow rate of 5 ml/min, so These constant val-
[14] planned and led tests in light of L27 OA to concentrate the
ues have been maintained in the experimentation to attain better
impact of voltage, off and on time,release current, tool(wire) feed
material removal performance.
and tension upon surface roughness(SR) and cutting speed (CV)
of Al-SiC metal network composite by dry WEDM. The metal wire
prompts expanding in start effectiveness and electrostatic powers
Table 2
because of its higher resistance compared with copper wire. Neeraj Fixed Parameters of Setting.
Sharma [15] performed tests to examine the influence of pro-
Work piece Monel 400alloy
cess factors on overcut during WEDM on HSLA steel with metal
wire. It was finished up from this work, the error rate between Tool material Brass of 0.25 mm thickness
the anticipated and trial values lies in the scope of ± 10% It is like- Shape Rectangular bar
Length of the work piece 200 mm
wise derived from this work the model created was noteworthy Width of the work piece 100 mm
and reproducibility of the outcomes was great with the estimation Thickness of the work piece 5 mm
of R2 as 0.9863. The extensive literature survey taken up has given Cutting Conditions Near-Dry
an impression that investigators showed enthusiasm in studying
Table 1
Percentage Chemical Composition of Monel Alloy.
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Table 3
Process parameters and their levels.
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 4
Experimental Results.
Table 6
ANOVA table for reduced quadratic KW.
Source Sum of Squares DOF Mean Square F Value p-value Prob > F Significance
Model 0.014 14 9.682E-004 19.70 <0.0001 Significant
A-T ON 4.672E-005 1 4.672E-005 0.95 0.3450
B-T OFF 3.500E-003 1 3.500E-003 71.21 <0.0001 Significant
C-Voltage 5.000E-007 1 5.000E-007 0.010 0.9210
D-WF 0.000 1 0.0 0.000 1.0000
AB 4.290E-003 1 4.290E-003 87.29 <0.0001 Significant
AC 1.322E-004 1 1.322E-004 2.69 0.1217
C2 0.000 1 0.0 0.000 1.0000
D2 4.622E-004 1 4.622E-004 9.41 0.0078
Residual 0.000 15 0.0
Lack of Fit 0.000 10 0.0
Pure Error 0.000 10 0.0
Cor Total 1.743E-004 5 1.743E-004
Model 4.516E-004 29
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
6 N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Expt. No. Expt. Results ANN Based Results Absolute Error in%
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 7
Y jexpt Y jpred
AbsoluteErrorð%Þ ¼ ð2Þ
Y jexpt
Where, Yjexpt and Yjpred is the experimental value and predicted
value of the KW respectively for the jth trial.
Table 7 demonstrates the supreme rate mistake for each info
mix. As per this table, the most extreme error is 1.6199. In this
manner it can be reasoned that forecasts are in great concurrence
with the test comes about on the grounds that the most extreme
rate total mistake of the anticipated an incentive regarding the ten-
tatively watched an incentive for KW is nearer to experimental
value. The connection between’s the objectives and the anticipated
estimations of ANN for the testing examples are spoken to as
scramble graphs, as shown in Fig. 10 for the kerf. The estimation
of relationship coefficient is 0.9939. From the measurable perspec-
Fig. 10. Correlation graph of experimental and ANN results for kerf width.
tive, the nearer estimation of correlation coefficients (R) to 1, the
to the trials. These selections are to be made carefully before a start all the more intense the system in corresponding the information
of the neural network formation and the commencements of the space to yield space.
trials [13].
6. Conclusion
5.4. Genetic algorithm
In this paper, the effects of control factors on response variable,
The Genetic method is the development of maximal condition kerf width is carried out using Response Surface Methodology fol-
where there is no refinement in the solution further. The logic hid- lowed by comprehensive statistical analysis (ANOVA) to identify
den in this process of generating offspring chromosomes involves the predominant factors influencing kerf width.
the techniques like the crossover and mutation. Genetically alter- Following lines exemplify the concluding points from the study
ations made in the selected chromosomes refer to the mutation
process, whereas the crossover involves the reproduction of new The input parameters for the experiments designed based on
chromosomes by merging the two parent chromosomes. The chro- RSM were optimized to machine Monel 400 under a very close
mosomes develop amid a few emphases or eras. The chromosomes dryness condition dictated to the dielectric medium and fur-
are then surveyed by using a particular wellbeing criteria and the ther, Mathematical models for KW were developed, for further
best ones are kept while the others are discarded. This strategy is analysis.
reiterated until the end model is met or one chromosome has the Pulse-off plays a vital role in attaining minimum kerf width.
best health and in this way is taken as the best response for the Minimum spark gap (0.262 mm) is obtained with the paramet-
issue. In this manner, a perfect setting for the Near-dry WEDM ric combination minimum pulse-on (1 lm), minimum pulse-off
methodology was perceived using the inherited computation of (6 lm), lower wire feed (6 mm/min) and low voltage (50 V).
GA. ANN modeling predicts values that are in resemblance to the
values obtained from experimental observation.
5.5. ANN prediction of kerf width The Value of error calculated by ANN predictions and the error
evaluated through experimentation has a maximum difference
Preparing of the neural system model was performed on 29 test of only 1.6199 in absolute terms.
information focuses as clarified in above segment. Table 7 demon- The Experimental results appreciate the accuracy with which
strates the exploratory and anticipated qualities for kerf width for the ANN predicts the value of kerf. The kerf value is not at all
the 29 preparing sets. Examination of Experimental and ANN high and it lies pretty much closer to ANN Prediction rather it
results appear in Fig. 9.For each info mix, the anticipated estima- is not higher.
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,
8 N.E. Arun Kumar et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: N. E. Arun Kumar, N. Sathishkumar, E. Raviraj et al., Influence of near dry wirecut electrical discharge machining parameters on
kerf width in Monel 400, Materials Today: Proceedings,