Shania Baird Geography S.B.A
Shania Baird Geography S.B.A
Shania Baird Geography S.B.A
Centre Number:090007
Subject: Geography
Aim of Study-3
Flooding; the submersion of an area by water. In Guyana, one passing on the Low Coastal Plain
may see a flooded rice field; preparation for planting. For the purpose of the research the type of
flooding that will be investigated is the type common to most citizens i.e., the kind that causes
diseases and property damage. The flooding that generates stagnant water and an unsightly
display of the nation’s refuse. The researcher wishes to investigate the problematic type of
flooding, its causes and preparation for it and suggest a solution to this nuisance in South
How prepared are the residents of South Cummings burg for a flood?
Location of Study Area
The area to be investigated is South Cummings burg. The section being used begins at
Carmichael Street and ends at Cummings Street. The researcher, a student of The Bishops’ High
School and a frequent visitor to the Cummings Street area, is affected by these floods and wishes
to investigate how well are the residents prepared to deal with it.
The researcher obtained primary data using quantitative research. The boundaries of the study
area, Carmichael and Cummings Streets were used to gather data using a 1:3 ratio,for every 1
Poor Irrigation Clogged Drains Land is too low Seawall runs over Dysfunctional Koker
The majority of persons living in Guyana are aware that heavy rainfall is the major cause of
flooding. Measures have been put in place to prevent flooding, yet still the land continues to
flood. The purpose of this question was to find out from residents what exactly causes the land to
flood. The residents were allowed to choose more than one option as more than one reason can
be identified. Based on the samples, the most common cause of flooding are clogged drains. This
shows that the government has tried to solve the problem, but maintenance of the drainage
systems seems to be a problem. The second most common response is poor irrigation. There are
residents who are of the belief that more can be done to improve the irrigation system and that
this poor setup is also greatly responsible for flooding. Another factor identified is the level of
the land. Some residents believe that the land is too low to allow for proper surface runoff and
this causes the water to settle atop the land. Residents are also of the belief that the Koker system
is unreliable and thus excess water is unable to run off of the land. Finally, some residents
believe that the seawalls are too low and water from the ocean is still able to flood the lands.
The residents were then asked how they think the excessive flooding affects residents personally.
Most residents seem to be of the belief that the area becomes unsightly. This is justified by the
garbage that can be seen floating in the flood waters. This garbage is usually sourced from
trenches and street corners which have been used as dumping grounds. The second most popular
answer is that children are unable to attend school. This is justified by parents’ concern for the
risk of their children contracting illnesses. Also, some learning institutions for example, The
Bishops’ High School are unable to have sessions due to the severe flood waters that makes entry
into the institution impossible (as seen in Figure 2.1). Residents also said that they are affected
by damage to their property and some have also said they have suffered financial losses. These
concerns were mainly voiced by the business community who have been unable to open their
businesses and who had to make immediate repairs. Some other residents have also suffered
from damage to their households. Residents also believe that adults are unable to attend work,
which can contribute to the loss of finances as workers may miss the day’s pay. It was also said
that residents contract illnesses due to the flood waters, which may cause them to incur expenses,
along with the losses that businesses may experience due to being unable to open.
Figure 2.1
Residents that have suff ered losses due to fl ooding
Yes No
Figure 3
Figure 3.1
The residents were also asked is they had suffered any losses due to flooding to which the
majority of residents responded no. The residents that had responded yes were further asked
what type of damage they had suffered .The most popular response was medical expenses and
financial losses. The researcher is of the belief that this sentiment was shared mostly amongst the
business community whom had stated that they were unable to open their businesses due to
flooding. The residents who had stated that they had suffered illnesses echoed the response of the
business community as they would have had to bear the cost of seeking professional medical
treatment. Residents responded to having suffered damage to property and damage to personal
assets in equal parts and the researcher believes that these two responses coincide as most
residents whose homes were damaged by flood waters also experienced this water seeping into
their homes and damaging the assets it contained. The least popular response was damage to
important documents and money and the student believes that this is due to the fact that most
residents do not keep large sums of money on their property and that most residents have already
The majority of residents have indicated that they have not suffered losses due to flooding. With
South Cummings burg being an area constantly plagued with flood waters as most residents have
indicated, the researcher has sought to find out why most of the residents are unaffected. Based
on research conducted, most residents seem prepared to continue with their lives as usual in the
event of flooding as all residents have indicated the possession of rain gear. Eighteen of the
residents have stated that they have sealed important documents so they are not soiled by the
flood waters. Residents have also indicated that they have constructed makeshift bridges etc. so
as to not be confined to their home and it is also noted that residents have taken care to place
replacing or repairing them. Others have raised the level of their land to facilitate proper drainage
while some residents have placed sandbags around their homes to prevent the penetration of
water. One resident has an emergency kit and it is believed all residents are of the belief that they
are capable to remain at their homes during a flood as no resident has evacuation measures in
Based on the research conducted the researcher has discovered the following:
South Cummings burg is flooded mainly due to the clogging of drains, a reflection of
how littering affects the community. More can be done as it relates to the irrigation
system of South Cummings burg. It was also discovered that the land is too low to allow
proper drainage and that the two measures put into place by the government (seawalls
and the koker system) is somewhat functional but more can be done to improve its
The government has tried to combat flooding by implementing kokers, seawalls and a
cleanup campaign to prevent the clogging of drains. However, residents have indicated
that while these measures are in place, a lot more needs to be done.
The most common problem due to flooding is that the area becomes unsightly. The daily
activities of some residents are put on hold as some businesses are unable to open, while
some adults and children are unable to attend school and work respectively. Others have
identified that they contract illnesses as well as suffer damage to their property and
financial losses.
The area becomes flooded mostly whenever it rains and is not limited to the specified wet
season only.
Most residents are able to combat flooding as the majority have taken precautionary
The residents are not warned in advance. The only broadcast that can be taken into
No evacuation measures have been put in place for residents by the government.
Measures put in place by the government has been functional to an extent and more must
be done by the government. Based on the research it can be said that the main reason why
residents are prepared is due to the work that they themselves have done.
The researcher has come to the conclusion that the residents are prepared to deal with a flood.
Based on damages they have previously suffered, they have taken measures to ensure that there
is no recurrence of these effects. Residents clean their drains regularly to ensure a proper flow of
water, some have built their land higher to prevent flooding, many have proper rain gear and
utilize sand bags to prevent entry of water into their homes while others store their important
documents well away from potential flood areas and have raised their electrical appliances so as
to prevent water damage. More can be done by the government, but thus far, the residents have
Plate 3
Guyana Power and Light Flooded
Dear resident,
The researcher is seeking your assistance in the completion of her Geography
School Based Assessment. You are asked to complete this questionnaire that is a part of a survey
being carried out in South Cummingsburg to find out how prepared the residents of your
community are for flooding.. It is expected of you to answer the questions given, truthfully and
honestly since no names are required. Thank you for your cooperation.
Shania Baird
1. Sex :Male Female
2. Ethnicity
3. Age
16 and under
56 and above
4. How long have you been residing in South Cummingsburg
Less than 5 years
Less than 10 years
Less than 15 years
Over 15 years