Romer & Polkey 2008
Romer & Polkey 2008
Romer & Polkey 2008
J Appl Physiol 104:879-888, 2008. First published Dec 20, 2007; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01157.2007
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No effect of arm-crank exercise on diaphragmatic fatigue or ventilatory constraint in
Paralympic athletes with cervical spinal cord injury
B. J. Taylor, C. R. West and L. M. Romer
J Appl Physiol, August 1, 2010; 109 (2): 358-366.
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J Appl Physiol 104: 879–888, 2008.
First published December 20, 2007; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01157.2007. Invited Review
THE PURPOSE OF THIS MINIREVIEW is to address the question of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
whether the respiratory demands of exercise contribute signif- and chronic heart failure (CHF).
icantly toward exercise limitation, either directly through lim-
itations of the respiratory muscle pump or indirectly through EXERCISE DEMANDS ON THE RESPIRATORY MUSCLES
effects on limb blood flow and locomotor muscle fatigue. We
describe the mechanical and metabolic costs of meeting the The primary function of the respiratory control system
ventilatory requirements of exercise. We then ask whether the during moderate exercise is to drive alveolar ventilation in
proportion to metabolic requirements such that arterial blood-
respiratory muscles fatigue with exercise, what factors contrib-
gas tensions and acid-base balance are maintained at or near
ute to any such fatigue, and what the implications of these
resting levels. At work rates that engender a metabolic acido-
factors are for exercise tolerance. Finally, we deal with the
sis, there is the additional challenge of effecting compensatory
potential mechanisms by which respiratory muscle fatigue hyperventilation to minimize the fall of arterial pH and prevent
could compromise exercise tolerance and whether it is possible arterial hypoxemia. In addition to maintaining arterial blood-
to overcome this potential respiratory limitation. Our review gas and acid-base homeostasis, ventilation and breathing pat-
focuses on the healthy young adult exercising near sea level. tern must be regulated precisely so that the work performed by
However, we also consider special circumstances that deter- the respiratory muscles is minimized. In the healthy subject,
mine the balance between metabolic demand and respiratory these ventilatory requirements are readily met because the
system capacity in the highly trained endurance athlete and the respiratory muscles are anatomically suited to the increased
clinical implications for respiratory limitations to exercise in ventilatory demands of exercise, and the neural regulation of
breathing is optimal. The diaphragm, for example, has a high
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: L. M. Romer, Centre
oxidative capacity, a short capillary-to-mitochondrial diffusion
for Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge UB8 distance for O2, and a velocity of shortening between that of
3PH, United Kingdom (e-mail: [email protected]). fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles (91). Furthermore, with 8750-7587/08 $8.00 Copyright © 2008 the American Physiological Society 879
Invited Review
progressively increasing exercise, activation of expiratory objectively determined by electrically or magnetically stimu-
muscles, in the absence of expiratory flow limitation, reduces lating the motor nerves to the muscle in question across one or
end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) below resting levels (44), more frequencies. Compared with limb muscles, it is difficult
helping to assist the inspiratory muscles in three ways. First, to objectively assess fatigue of the diaphragm because both the
the reduced EELV enables increases in tidal volume to occur muscle and the motor nerves are relatively inaccessible. Thus
over the most linear portion of the respiratory system pressure- force development across the muscle (i.e., transdiaphragmatic
volume relationship such that respiratory system compliance pressure) is estimated by measuring the pressure difference
remains high (99, 123). Second, the reduced EELV means that between gastric and esophageal pressures induced by stimula-
the diaphragm is lengthened, enabling this muscle to operate tion of both phrenic nerves (9, 90, 97, 110). For the abdominal
near its optimal length for force generation (101, 114). Third, muscles, force output is estimated by measuring the gastric
the reduced EELV allows for storage of elastic energy in the pressure response to magnetic stimulation of the thoracic nerve
chest and abdominal walls during expiration that can be used to roots (61). For nerve stimulation to provide a valid measure of
produce a portion of the work required during the ensuing respiratory muscle fatigue it is important to carefully control
inspiration (5, 35), although it is also possible that inspiration for several potential sources of error, including supramaxi-
is aided in this situation by passive descent of the diaphragm mal stimulation (20, 128), isovolumic conditions (47, 114),
(35). Importantly, accessory respiratory muscles are progres- abdominal compliance (58, 73), and postactivation potenti-
sively recruited with increasing ventilatory demand during ation (71, 143).
exercise, thereby sharing the load needed to support the exer- Application of these nerve stimulation techniques to studies
cise hyperpnea (6). The unique structural characteristics of examining resistive breathing or voluntary hyperpnea has
Muscle fatigue is defined as “a condition in which there is a The cause of exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue is
loss in the capacity for developing force and/or velocity of a due, in part, to the high levels of respiratory muscle work that
muscle, resulting from muscle activity under load and which is must be sustained throughout heavy exercise, as shown by the
reversible by rest” (94). Fatigue is evident from a reduced force finding that diaphragmatic fatigue was prevented when dia-
output relative to prior baseline values, where force output is phragmatic work during exercise was reduced by ⬎50% using
J Appl Physiol • VOL 104 • MARCH 2008 •
Invited Review
a mechanical ventilator (11). However, other factors besides exhaustion or a time-dependent metaboreflex (see also
respiratory muscle work must also be responsible for exercise- Cardiorespiratory interactions).
induced respiratory muscle fatigue, because fatigue did not Another approach to determine whether respiratory muscle
occur when the resting subject mimicked the magnitude and fatigue (or the respiratory load) affects exercise tolerance is to
duration of diaphragmatic work incurred during exercise (13). partially unload the respiratory muscles during exercise by
Indeed, fatigue did not occur until the pressures developed by breathing a low-density gas mixture such as 79% helium-21%
the diaphragm were voluntarily increased twofold greater than O2 (heliox). Heliox decreases the turbulent component of
required during whole body exercise at intensities that caused airflow at high levels of ventilation and may facilitate unload-
exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue (13). The probable ing of the respiratory muscles by way of reducing expiratory
explanation for why the fatigue threshold of force production flow limitation and dynamic lung hyperinflation (80). Using
for the diaphragm was so much lower during whole body this approach, time to exhaustion during constant-load exercise
exercise than at rest is that, at rest, the volitional increases in was increased at high work rates (⬎85–90% of V̇O2max) (51,
diaphragmatic work mean that large shares of the total cardiac 98, 141) but not at lower work rates (51). However, heliox does
output are devoted to the diaphragm, whereas during exercise not simply unload the respiratory muscles but may also act by
the diaphragm must compete with locomotor muscles for its improving arterial oxygen saturation through the combined
share of the available cardiac output (39, 40). Less blood flow effect of an increase in alveolar ventilation and a decrease in
to the diaphragm promotes inadequate O2 transport, increasing the alveolar-to-arterial oxygen difference (19).
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