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Filtering with WHERE

After this long, but important introduction, let's see how where works. You might
have forgotten by now that where is the topic of this module. The FROM clause
passed on a single set of rows constructed from one or more data sources and that
got handed over to the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause, which consists of one or
more logical predicates such as country = USA. The predicate is evaluated for each
row of the set, and for each row, it may result in either true, false, or unknown
as we saw earlier. If it evaluates to true, the row gets to live on to see another
phase. If the predicate evaluates to either false or unknown, that row is
eliminated never to be seen by any subsequent processing phase. Okay, that's enough
theory. Let's get some code action. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = NULL
returns an empty set as expected, but in order to strengthen execution order, let's
follow it once again. The customers table got evaluated by the FROM clause and then
was passed onto the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause evaluated the predicate Country
= NULL for each and every row, and as you know, comparison to NULLs always evaluate
to a known, so not a single row made it through the filter. This filtered empty set
got moved to the SELECT clause, which returned all column expressions, but no rows.
Changing the predicate to IS NULL returns Bob's row as Bob is the only customer
with a NULL country attribute. Changing the predicate to IS NOT NULL returns
everybody, except Bob. To see all orders within a range, we can use the between
operator. For example, WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN January 1st and January 3rd, 2019.
This query returns three of our four orders. Note that BETWEEN filters out the
NULLs as well. If I select all customers whose country name lies between A and Z,
Bob doesn't show up. To see the item attributes for a turn table in an amplifier, I
can use the IN predicate. SELECT * from Items WHERE Item IN string Turntable string
Amplifier. To see all items, except the turn table in the amplifier, I can change
the IN to a NOT IN. Let's execute, and indeed, here are all our other items. Now if
I add a NULL to the operand list and execute the query with the IN again, it
doesn't affect the result when using the IN predicate. It still returns the rows
for a Turntable and an Amplifier, but for the query using NOT IN, if I add a NULL
operand to the list, this will cause every single row to evaluate to unknown, and
when I execute it, I get an empty set. You might be dually wondering why anyone in
their right mind would add a literal NULL to an IN list and you would be right. No
one would, or at least, should. But SQL is a highly composable language, and that
means that where literal constant expressions are allowed, so are queries that
return expressions and these may return NULLs, but I'm getting a bit ahead of
myself so I'll stop. As you progress through the courses in this learning path,
you'll see for yourself how important this logical distinction is. Let's see a
simple wildcard stream match. Let's say I want to see all items whose name begin
with an A. I can do that with the like predicate using the percent wildcard. The
percent wildcard denotes 0 or more characters, any character. Executing this query
returns both Audio Cable and Amplifier. If I want to see all items that have the
character N in their name, I can use two % wildcards, one before and one after the
n for the pattern. In this case, the like will evaluate to true no matter where in
the string the n character appears. Let's execute it and we get back the headphones
and the turntable.

Module Review
In this module, we learned about SQL's three-valued logic and how every predicate
can evaluate to either true, false, or unknown. We learn about NULL and the
anomalies that it introduces, and if you want to read some more about nulls, visit
the Wikipedia page for SQL NULL, but I suggest you may want to wait a little bit,
at least until you finish this course and get a bit more practice, otherwise, it
may just confuse you. We learned how to use common logical predicates and
operators, how to handle NULLs with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL state predicates, and
how to use all of the above to filter out rows with a WHERE clause. Now we know how
to construct datasets and how to filter them, but that's not enough. You are now
ready for the next level processing where we'll change the form of the dataset to
get additional types of insights. This might be a good time for a 10-minute coffee
break if you haven't had 1 yet.

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