Enf. Intersticial2015 PDF
Enf. Intersticial2015 PDF
Enf. Intersticial2015 PDF
Figure 1 Proposed flow chart for investigating interstitial lung disease in children (chILD). If the child is well and stable, progress to the more
invasive investigations may not be indicated. HRCT, high-resolution CT.
age), although some centres advocate sedation and controlled, respiratory movements made by the child and (2) the variance
bag and mask ventilation.28 As always, the risk of anaesthesia or in lung volumes during an uncontrolled respiratory cycle will
sedation should be weighed against the risk of not obtaining reduce the value of the scans obtained and the reliability of CT
diagnostic information. Older children should be able to reliably to provide the supportive evidence for a diagnosis of ChILD.
hold breath in inspiration and expiration for 6–10 s. In children Whatever the timing of investigations, planning to avoid the
who are ventilated under a general anaesthetic it is important to child having multiple general anaesthetics is essential. So fibre-
attain appropriate ventilation pressures in both inspiration and optic bronchoscopy should only be done as a separate procedure
expiration; these details are provided in our online standard if it is likely to be diagnostic; otherwise, it is better performed
operating procedure (SOP). under the same anaesthetic as the lung biopsy.
The administration of contrast medium will make the assess-
ment of ground glass shadowing almost impossible, and so INVASIVE TESTING: FLEXIBLE BRONCHOSCOPY
careful consideration should be given as to the risk/benefit of Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) may be diag-
using a contrast medium based on the anticipated diagnosis. nostic in pulmonary haemorrhage syndromes, alveolar proteino-
The need to assess the pulmonary vasculature will require the sis and eosinophilic lung disease, and a normal cell differential
use of contrast, with detrimental effects on the interpretation of can rule out hypersensitivity pneumonitis. BAL target site
some lung components. should be chosen on the basis of radiological abnormality or
The three outcomes of HRCT scanning (figure 1) are (1) airway inspection. If BAL is to be performed during the same
chILD unlikely including that the CT is normal. Although a anaesthetic as CT, then it should follow the imaging; where it is
normal CT scan is unusual in ChILD, it may occur in some to be performed at the time of lung biopsy, the lobe designated
cases early in the course of the disease process where there are for a lung biopsy should be avoided. Where possible flexible
very few non-diagnostic CT features; (2) chILD present and a bronchoscopy should be performed via endotracheal or laryn-
specific diagnosis can be made26; and (3) chILD present, with geal mask to reduce suction channel contamination from the
or without possible evidence of a comorbidity such as aspiration upper airway. BAL volume is adjusted to body weight using
(eg, consolidation in a typical distribution), but a specific diag- 3 mL/kg of sterile normal saline divided into three equal frac-
nosis cannot be made. If chILD is unlikely then appropriate tions in children weighing <20 kg and 3 mL/kg in 20 mL por-
diagnostic algorithms to investigate possible non-chILD findings tions in children weighing >20 kg.29 Negative suction pressure
are deployed; these are beyond the scope of this article. A spe- should be adjusted to avoid visible airway collapse. The first
cific diagnosis of chILD may allow immediate action; however, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid aliquot should be unfiltered and
the ability for CT to be completely diagnostic is limited to rela- used for microbiological studies, and the other aliquots should
tively few conditions (ie, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, extrin- be pooled (unless one is bloodstained), filtered through sterile
sic allergic alveolitis and NEHI), and these too are usually gauze only if a lot of mucus is present, which is unlikely in
supported by other diagnostic tests, that is, environmental aller- chILD, and used for analysis of cellular and non-cellular compo-
gen and prednisolone response in hypersensitivity pneumonitis nents. Transport and preparation of samples is provided in our
(figure 2A) ,or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating fac- online SOP. Clinicians should liaise with their laboratories to
torreceptor auto-antibody or gene mutation studies, surfactant ensure appropriate investigation of samples, to include appropri-
protein gene mutations and an immunological work-up in cases ate microbiological analysis and culture (bacterial, fungal, virus),
of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (figure 2B). Oil Red O staining (fat-laden macrophages), periodic acid–
It is recognised that although faster CT scanners may enable Schiff staining ( pulmonary alveolar proteinosis) and iron
chest CT without the need for anaesthetic, we do not recom- staining (ie, Prussian blue for haemosiderin within macrophages)
mend this unless anaesthesia is thought to be unsafe, as (1) the to diagnose pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome. CD1a-positive
technique frequently provides suboptimal results from cells are consistent with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. A
1080 Bush A, et al. Thorax 2015;70:1078–1084. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207349
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Figure 2 Diagnostic high-resolution CTs (HRCTs) in childhood interstitial lung disease (chILD). (A) There is diffuse ground glass shadowing with a
widespread soft centrilobular nodular pattern. This is virtually diagnostic of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, in this case due to pet doves. (B) There is
generalised ground glass opacification with thickening of the interlobular septa, giving the classical cobblestone appearance of pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis. It is not possible to distinguish the different aetiologies from the HRCT appearances.
lymphocyte-predominant BAL with an elevated CD4/CD8 ratio wound healing and to expedite specific chILD treatments, ie,
(>2) suggests sarcoidosis with involvement of the lung.30 TNF-α antagonist infliximab combined with methotrexate for
Metabolic abnormalities may be diagnosed by BAL, for sarcoidosis, and cyclophosphamide for angiitis with granulo-
example, sea-blue macrophages.31 matosis). The dilemma posed by the sick patient with chILD
Endobronchial (EBx) and transbronchial (TBB) biopsies are who is on the verge of ventilation (and biopsy would most
rarely performed in ChILD and are not recommended unless a likely tip to requiring ventilation) or is unstable on a ventilator
specific diagnosis that could be made by these techniques is sus- often dictates that a steroid trial before a biopsy may be
pected. Specific conditions such as pulmonary alveolar micro- appropriate. If the child is already ventilated, unless the venti-
lithiasis may be diagnosed by TBB,32 but the samples are too latory requirements are very high, a biopsy can safely be
small to diagnose most chILDs. Blind EBx may detect sarcoid performed.
granulomas,33 but is not useful for diagnosing NEHI.34 Our The site of biopsy should be guided by a recent CT chest.
protocols for these procedures can be found online if needed. There should be liaison between the surgeon, pathologist and
paediatrician. Any other procedures which may merit general
INVASIVE TESTING: SURGICAL LUNG BIOPSY anaesthesia (eg, bronchoalveolar lavage, mucosal biopsy, place-
The timing and need for lung biopsy is controversial. chILD ment of a vascular access device or gastrostomy) should be care-
patients who are well and thriving may not merit biopsy even fully planned. The tip of the middle lobe and lingula should be
if the CT scan appearances are not typical. Some would con- avoided, and biopsy should preferably be from two sites, and
sider that an oxygen requirement warrants a diagnostic lung sample areas of varying disease severity. Increasingly, biopsy is
biopsy, while others would wait and see. There is clearly merit using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery rather than a mini-
in performing an invasive procedure only if treatment will be thoracotomy. Whatever technique is used, the procedure must
changed as a result. Steroids are a mainstay of treatment for only be undertaken by an experienced surgeon, who is confident
chILD and the timing of biopsy related to their initiation is of obtaining adequate biopsies (at least 10×10×10 mm); a very
often dictated by circumstance. Where possible, biopsy prior superficial biopsy, which does not contain distal airways, may
to steroid treatment is recommended (to minimise risk to result in diagnostic error.
Bush A, et al. Thorax 2015;70:1078–1084. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207349 1081
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1 Majority of the sample (about 80%) 4% Formalin For wax blocks and staining studies and storage
2 Several 1–2 mm cuboidal pieces Glutaraldehyde-buffer Electron microscopy, esp Sp mutations
3 10 to 20% of tissue Snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, place Genetic, biochemical studies, conserve RNA and proteins
in −80 freezer
RNAlater solution Same as snap frozen, except enzyme activity studies; however, more
convenient as can be shipped at room temperature
4 Fresh tissue (can be the remnant on the None Microbiology
proximal side of the staple line)
Clearly all necessary clinical samples need to be taken before any is allocated for research.
Table 4 Doses of medication to be used and anticipated time to assess if there has been a clinical response
chILD ventilated or close to ventilation chILD not ventilated or close to ventilation
Dose Intravenous 10 mg/kg or 500 mg/m2 Intravenous 10 mg/kg or 500 mg/m2
Response rate 7 days 28 days
Comment 30 mg/kg used by some centres As alternative to oral prednisolone. Use before other therapies and judge response
Dose Oral 1 mg/kg, used in between pulses of Oral 2 mg/kg, as alternative to methylprednisolone pulses. Use before other therapies and
methylprednisolone judge response
Response rate 7 days 28 days
Dose 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg
Response rate 21–28 days 3 months
Comment In children <6 years 6.5 mg/kg in some centres to In children <6 years 6.5 mg/kg in some centres to reduce toxicity.
reduce toxicity No preference over azithromycin as second line.
54% would consider Hydroxychloroquine as sole therapy in mild stable chILD
Dose 10 mg/kg 3 days per week 10 mg/kg 3 days per week
Response rate 3 months 3 months.
Comment No preference over hydroxychloroquine as second line.
51% would consider azithromycin as sole therapy in mild stable chILD
Results are simple majority assessed by median?/mean?.
chILD, childhood interstitial lung disease; IV, intravenous; PIG, pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis.
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Acknowledgements We are grateful to Professor Robin Deterding, ChILD humidifier use: clinical, radiological and pathological description of a new
Foundation and Children’s Hospital Colorado, USA, and Professor Adam Jaffe, syndrome. Thorax 2014;69:694–702.
Sydney Children’s Hospital, Australia, for their assistance co-ordinating national 17 Kim HJ, Lee M-S, Hong S-B, et al. A cluster of lung injury cases associated
responses via their respective networks (American Thoracic Society Paediatric Section with home humidifier use: an epidemiological investigation. Thorax
and Australian Paediatric Medicine Respiratory Group). 2014;69:703–8.
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contents. SC led the Delphi consensus, and wrote the online supplement.
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All authors reviewed it and agreed with the contents.
haemosiderosis. Arch Dis Child 1992;67:625–7.
Funding This project (“Orphans Unite: chILD better together – European 20 Fan LL, Deterding RR, Langston C. Pediatric interstitial lung disease revisited.
Management Platform for Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease”) was funded by the Pediatr Pulmonol 2004;38:369–78.
FP7-305653-chILD-EU grant. In addition, AB and AGN were supported by the NIHR 21 Kerby GS, Wagner BD, Popler J, et al. Abnormal infant pulmonary function in young
Respiratory Disease Biomedical Research Unit at the Royal Brompton and Harefield children with neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy. Pediatr Pulmonol
NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College London. 2013;48:1008–15.
Competing interests None declared. 22 Greening AP, Hughes JM. Serial estimations of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
in intrapulmonary haemorrhage. Clin Sci (Lond) 1981;60:507–12.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed. 23 Sondheimer HM, Lung MC, Brugman SM, et al. Pulmonary vascular
Data sharing statement Original data from the Delphi consensus available disorders masquerading as interstitial lung disease. Pediatr Pulmonol
through SC. 1995;20:284–8.
24 Has C, Spartà G, Kiritsi D, et al. Integrin α3 mutations with kidney, lung, and skin
disease. N Engl J Med 2012;366:1508–14.
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