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Health and Safety Associations

General phone
Association Industries served Association description Primary services offered number General email Website
Actsafe • Motion Picture, Commercial Promotes workplace health and safety • OHS resources including bulletins, fact sheets, forms, 604.733.4682 [email protected]
or Television Production in B.C.’s performing arts and motion risk assessments
• Live Performance Venue picture industries • Online education
• Organizing Conducting • Courses, workshops, seminars, and other training
Special Events and education
• Performing Arts • Safety-related products (AED program)
Agsafe Agriculture Subsector and Provides advice, health and safety Health and safety training, worksite consultations, 604.881.6078
also provides some fee for courses, and materials to farms develops industry specific health and safety resources 1.877.533.1789
service training to wineries and ranches in multiple languages, administers Certificate of
and landscaping (formerly Recognition program
known as FARSHA)
BC Association All stakeholders in the crane Provides leadership for health and Development, promotion, and maintenance of a 604.336.4699 [email protected]
for Crane Safety hoisting industry safety development within the crane competency-based crane operator qualification system
hoisting industry that is meaningful, enforceable and accessible
BC Construction • All of construction sector Dedicated to engaging with B.C. • Certificate of Recognition (COR) 604.636.3675 [email protected]
Safety Alliance • Aggregate producers construction employers to assist them • Regional Safety Advisors (consulting)
• Ready-Mix Concrete in creating a culture of safe work • Injury Management Specialist
• Courses, workshops, seminars, and other training
and education
• Safety-related products, such as first aid kits designed
for construction
• Research and development responsive to new and
emerging issues in industry
BC Forest Safety • Forestry A not-for-profit society dedicated to • Administers Certificate of Recognition program 250.741.1060 [email protected]
Council • Sawmill promoting forest safety in the sector • SAFE companies certification, faller training and
• Pressed Board Manufacture certification, certified falling supervisor program,
incident investigation training, safety alerts, safety
resource packages, safety conferences and webinars,
BC forest safety ombudsman, administrative support
for industry initiatives
BC Maritime General Wharf Operations, A service provider of labour relations Administers Certificate of Recognition program, 604.688.1155 [email protected]
Employers Marine Bulk Terminal, Marine for waterfront employers in B.C., promotion of health and safety for waterfront/maritime
Association Container Terminal, Stevedoring, representing employer interests industry, liaison between regulatory agencies and
Barge, Tugs, Log Towing, on regulatory issues in the areas of member companies, participation in a variety of
Ship Maintenance and other labour relations, pensions, legislative committees regarding regulatory/legislative OHS issues
aligned industries. reform, Canada Labour Code, health
and safety, human rights and
employment equity
General phone
Association Industries served Association description Primary services offered number General email Website
BC Municipal Safety Local Government and Related Dedicated to improving worker health • Certificate of Recognition (COR) 778.278.3430 [email protected]
Association Operations and safety through the sharing of • Online education
knowledge and resources within local • Courses, workshops, seminars, and other training
government and education
• OHS resources
Enform Upstream oil and gas industry Advocates and provides resources Health and safety training, develops industry guidelines 250.794.0100
for the continuous improvement and health and safety resources, administrator for 1.855.436.3676
of the industry’s safety performance IRPs, lunch ‘n’ learns, administers Certificate of
Recognition program
Fish Safe Fishing This program and the tools it provides Safest Catch Program (vessel-based safety training 604.261.9700 [email protected]
to the B.C. commercial fishing and emergency preparedness training), Fishing Safety
industry are designed by fishermen Advisors, Fish Safe (Vessel) Stability Course, Safe on the
for fishermen with the goal of Wheel (SVOP) Course (navigation), Restricted Operator
promoting ownership of safety Course — Maritime (ROC-M)
on board fishing vessels.
go2HR • Accommodation, Food Acts as a health and safety resource • Certificate of Recognition (COR) 604.633.9787
& Leisure Services in the hospitality industry • Regional Safety Advisors (consulting) about/contact-us
Funded CUs: • Injury Management Specialist
• Overnight Accommodation • Courses, workshops, seminars, and other training
• Ski Hills and education
• Restaurants • Safety-related products, resources and guides
• Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs
Manufacturing • Food Processing Dedicated to addressing challenges • Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence 604.858.9979 [email protected]
Safety Alliance of BC • Manufacturing and opportunities specific to food • Online and onsite training and resources
(formerly known as and beverage processing and • OHS advisory services
FIOSA-MIOSA Safety manufacturing, and to setting industry • Specialized services including machine guarding,
Alliance of BC) standards for health and safety ergonomics, combustible dust, confined space,
occupational hygiene
SafeCare BC • Long Term Care Strives to ensure injury-free, safe Awareness, training the trainer, worker and 604.630.5572 [email protected]
• adding home care for 2017 working conditions for long-term care supervisor education and training, and pre‑Certificate
workers in B.C. of Recognition audits
Safety Driven Levied: Dedicated to strengthening safety • Certificate of Recognition (COR) 604.888.2242 [email protected]
• General Trucking performance and addressing the high • Mentorship program Toll free:
• Moving and storage personal and economic costs of • Consulting services 1.877.414.8001
Employers in these CUs and work-related injury and death in the • Online courses, tools and resources
others can become members trucking industry • Workshops
for an annual fee:
• Garbage and recycling
• Courier or local delivery

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