Towards A Terahertz Direct Receiver Based On Graphene Up To 10 THZ
Towards A Terahertz Direct Receiver Based On Graphene Up To 10 THZ
Towards A Terahertz Direct Receiver Based On Graphene Up To 10 THZ
Mircea Dragoman, Martino Aldrigo, Adrian Dinescu, Daniela Dragoman, and Alessandra Costanzo
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(Received 18 November 2013; accepted 13 January 2014; published online 27 January 2014)
We present a study for a THz receiver based on graphene. First, the dipole and the bowtie THz
antennas on graphene are designed, and followed by the on-wafer fabrication of a graphene diode
matched to the antenna. Finally the responsivity of the receiver up to 10 THz is computed. Our
results show that the antenna and the diode behaviors exhibit new properties (e.g., the antennas are
acting as high reactive impedance surfaces, the diode is rectifying only due to its geometrical
shape). These new properties are due to the physical properties of graphene having the carrier
C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
transport described by Dirac equation. V
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044307-2 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
is dominating,11 its real part being much smaller than its In Fig. 2, we illustrate the configuration of a gold THz
imaginary part. dipole antenna over a graphene monolayer deposited on
Although the interband conductivity is much larger than Si/SiO2, where the SiO2 layer has a thickness of 300 nm. The
the intraband conductivity in the THz range, both terms were length of the dipole is L ¼ 0.38k0 ¼ 11.25 lm, its width is
taken into account for the calculation of the surface impedance W ¼ 1 lm, the gap is of 100 nm, and the gold thickness is
200 nm. We have to point out that nowadays 4 in. wafers of gra-
ZS ðVb Þ ¼ 1=rðxÞ ¼ Rs ðVb Þ þ jXs ðVb Þ: (4) phene monolayers chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown on
Si/SiO2 are commercially available. The real and imaginary
The simulation results, illustrated in Fig. 1, show that the parts of the input impedance of the THz dipole on graphene,
surface impedance is predominantly reactive (inductive), Rs obtained using the complex conductivity of gold in the THz
having values below 52 X, while Xs Rs attains 17–18 kX. region from Ref. 13, are displayed in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respec-
This means that graphene is a high reactive impedance tively. The simulations show that there are 8–9 frequency points,
surface (RIS), which is able to reduce the lateral lobes, to where the imaginary part is zero, points which allow perfect
enhance the front-to-back ratio of radiated power, to mini- matching according to the RIS theory,12 and an entire frequency
mize the coupling between antenna and its image, to achieve region existing over which the imaginary part is small.
impedance matching in possibly a wider band and to assure The radiation pattern at the frequency of 10 THz was com-
antenna miniaturization.12 Moreover, since both conductivity puted via Computer Simulation Technology (CST)–microwave
components depend on an applied DC electric field, the sur- studio, and is displayed in Fig. 4. We see from this figure that
face impedance can be modified by changing this field, gra- the radiation pattern has a high front-to-back ratio of radiated
phene being a natural tunable high RIS. power and no side lobes. The directivity of the antenna is of 6
dBi and its total efficiency is almost 15%, as can be seen from
the inset in Fig. 4. The efficiency can attain 82% if antenna
matching is improved. This is a remarkable result at such a
huge frequency of 10 THz.
In Fig. 5, we have modeled another configuration of a
THz antenna on graphene: a gold bowtie antenna with
L ¼ 0.76k0 ¼ 22.25 lm, W ¼ 13 lm, a gap of 100 nm, and
gold thickness of 200 nm. The real and imaginary parts of
the input impedance are represented in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b).
We can see that, in contrast to the dipole impedance, zero
values of the imaginary part of input impedance appear only
at a smaller number of points (3 in Fig. 6(b)), at frequencies
larger than 10.5 THz. From the radiation pattern at 10 THz
illustrated in Fig. 7, it follows that the radiation efficiency
reaches 33%, the directivity being of about 8 dBi. Although
it is well known that the bowtie antenna has two lobes, a sin-
gle lobe with a high directivity, able to collimate alone the
THz radiation without any lens, is evident from the
FIG. 1. The surface impedance of graphene in the range of 1–30 THz. FIG. 2. The configuration of THz dipole on graphene.
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044307-3 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
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044307-4 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
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044307-5 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
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044307-6 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
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044307-7 Dragoman et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044307 (2014)
The paper has demonstrated that antennas on graphene
behave very differently at THz frequencies compared to THz
antennas on semiconductors. Graphene behaves like a RIS
and, as a consequence, antennas on graphene are more effi-
cient at THz frequencies. The ballistic diode is rectifying
only due to its shape and its I-V dependence can be con-
trolled by a back-gate voltage. The direct THz receiver on
graphene formed by the antenna, matching circuit, and the
diode is working with a responsivity of 21.33 V/W up to 10
THz. These results show that integrated circuits at very high
frequencies can be fabricated on graphene.
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