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Deepak Kannan Gunaraj 1230 W 29 th Street • Apt No: 16

E mai l: d eep a k k a n na n g @ g ma il .co m Lo s An g ele s • C A - 9 0 0 0 7

W eb s ite : www. d eep a k g. u s (2 1 3 )5 9 5 -5 1 2 0

Master of Science, Computer Science May 2011
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science 2005 - 2009
Amrita School of Engineering, India

 Data Structures and Algorithms  Database Systems  Operating Systems
 Computer Networks  Computer Communications  Internetworking and Distributed Systems Laboratory
 Web Technologies  Game Engine Development  Windows Phone 7 Application Development

Windows Phone 7 Developer - Intersect World LLC, Los Angeles, CA Jan 2011 - May 2011
 Development of Windows Applications and Games in Windows Phone SDK.
Android Developer – Radio Flag, Irvine, CA May 2010 - July 2010
 Developed an Android Application for searching, listening and publishing radio stations.
 Learned the Concepts of Mobile Application Development in Android and worked in REST Technologies.
Software Engineer Intern - Infosys Technologies, India Jan 2009 - May 2009
 Developed and programmed web based attendance system in ASP.Net/MySQL to collect attendance from trainees.
 Enhanced the system to generate reports and tested for its reliability.

Programming Languages C, C++, C#, Java
Operating Systems Windows, Linux, UNIX, Android, Windows phone 7
Web Technologies HTML, CSS, XML, Java script, VB script, AJAX, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, Servlets, Perl
Database Systems Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL
Framework Microsoft Dot Net, Eclipse IDE

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing System [C/C++, pThreads, UNIX]
Designed and Implemented a Distributed File Sharing System by using Peer to Peer Technology.
 Any Node can join the system and share the Messages in the network.
 The User can Store, Search, Download and Delete files from the system.

Fast and Reliable File Transfer [C/C++, UNIX]

Designed and Implemented an IP based file-transfer Utility.
 File Transfer is built on UDP for good throughput.
 Forward Error Correction and Selective Re-Transmission mechanisms are implemented.

Web Based Online Attendance System [C#.Net, ASP.NET, ADO.Net, SQL]

Developed a web-based system for Infosys E&R Department to collect attendance from trainees, analyzed it & generated the reports.
 Developed the dynamic server pages and user friendly interface by using ASP.Net, MySQL and AJAX.Net.
 Designed the system to generate reports based on the user’s requirements.

Thread Management (NACHOS) [C/C++]

The thread management is to understand the difference between the processes and threads; as well the concept of atomicity and race
 The Airport simulation is a multi threaded programming implemented using C++ to understand the mutual exclusion.
 Developed the module to avoid race condition by using condition variables and Locks.
 Implemented virtual memory in Nachos by designing TLB, Page Table, IPT, swap file in Nachos.

Network Analysis [Wire shark, OPNET]

 Simulated routing protocols RIP, OSPF, etc., & analyzed their performance under various scenarios in OPNET.
 Analyzed the protocols TCP, HTTP, DNS, DHCP, ARP and SSL under different scenarios in Wireshark.
An Android Application which integrates the experience of social networking and radio stations.
 Users can Search, listen and publish any radio station in their timeline or public timeline.
 Users can import the interests from Facebook and Twitter to search for their interests.

Yahoo Finance and Facebook Mashup [AJAX/JSON/JAVA]

The aim of the project is to become familiar with AJAX, REST, JSON and XML Technologies.
 Provided an Interface to search and display stock quotes from Yahoo Finance and post them to Facebook.
 Designed the web service mashup using the combination of HTML, JavaScript and Java servlet programs.
 Data portability in this mashup is done using JSON and XML.

Personal Real Time Stock Quote [Perl/CGI/XML]

A Guestbook is created where visitors record personal information and their favorite stocks.
 PERL is used for storing the user information and validating it in server side.
 Developed a stock tracker which displays the data from yahoo finance in real time.

Final Outbreak [C#/XNA, WINDOWS]

The theme of this game is to control the H1N1 Virus outbreaks in the world by distributing the vaccines efficiently across the infected
 Programmed in XNA Game Studio using C# to build game for Windows and Xbox
 Developed the XML Feed Generator for creating viruses and vaccines dynamically

Maze Generation and Solving [C/C++, UNIX]

Using Various Algorithms, a Maze is Generated and Solved in C/C++.
 Maze is generated using union-find algorithm and inverted tree techniques.
 Maze is solved by both Breadth-first search (1 solution) and Djikstra’s Algorithm (more than 1 solution).

Sudoku Generation and Solving [C/C++, UNIX]

 Sudoku Generation is done by using Dancing-Links Algorithm for increasing the performance.
 Sudoku Solving is done by the combination of Brute Force Method and Backtracking.

Automated Bill Processing System for Telephone Services Company [HTML, MYSQL]
The aim of this project is to track the usage details of each customer and to provide services to pay and view the bill.
 Responsible for Bill Calculation and Database Development. The Bill Calculation rules have been coded in PHP.
 Database Design has been done using UML Modeling in MySQL.
 Developed the user friendly HTML pages using Dreamweaver.

Windows Based Ticket Reservation System [C, UNIX]

A Windows based GUI Application to make reservations for an Airline company.
 This project aims at obtaining a strong knowledge in Graphics programming and Database programming in C.
 Developed a GUI Application using C Graphics libraries that accesses Oracle database and provides the details.

Data Compression and Decompression [C++, UNIX]

The goal of this project is to develop a tool for compressing and decompressing text files.
 Implemented the “Huffman Compression” algorithm in C++.

 Co-authored “Potentiality of Usage Point’s method for Estimating the size and Effort of Software Development
projects”. Published in the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(10), PP 1565-1568, 2007.

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