Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Frame Resources Needed Source of Fund Success Indicator "Game Plan Made Easy"

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Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Frame Resources Source of Success Indicator
Needed Fund
5. Make simplified plan “GAME PLAN MADE Teachers/ Every 2nd Friday of the Envelope- 9,000.00 MOOE Simplified plan on
on preparation, EASY” Advisers/Parents month- 1:00-3:00 Bond Paper- 2,000.00 preparation of SLMs/LAS
distributions, and 1. Plan and prepare easy Ink-1,000.00 in each subject.
retrieval of learning to answer SLMs/LAS in Printed SLMs/LAS
materials each subject to fit within Quantity of SLMs/LAS
the allotted instructional distributed/retrieved to
time provided in the every learner.
2. Distribute and retrieve
modules/LAS in each
subject to monitor and
check the outputs of the
students regularly.
3. Implement properly
the schedule for
distribution/retrieval of

Prepared by:

Misael A. Cruz

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