Infosan SA3 - Project Presentation Rubric

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______ : ___________________________________

1 - Beginner 2 - Needs Improvement 3 - Acceptable 4 - Satisfactory 5-

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Documentation: Accuracy
Requirements Documentation: Completeness
Solution Design: Appropriateness
Project Solutions: Feasibility
Solution Design: Presentation
Question and Answer


Prepared by: Date

Noted by:

5 pts 4 pts
Proficient Satisfactory

Comprehensive knowledge of
Presented the current situation
current situation. Well-
well and in complete detail.
documented and well-
Requirements Analysis Shows sufficient knowledge of
presented with diagrams of
the current situation. Analysis
accurate detail. Shows critical
is balanced and not biased.
analysis skills.

Presents complete and

Shows comprehensive accurate business and user
understanding of the business
Requirements Documentation: and user requirements. Clear requirements. Clear and easy
requirements, well-articulated, to understand. In sufficient
detail to be able to propose a
easy to understand.
correct solution.

All sections are complete, with

appropriate diagrams and Required sections of the
requirements document are
Requirements Documentation: detailed explanations.
complete. Discussions are
Completeness Additional information is
complete and shows
presented to support the
coherence and consistency.
business case.

Proposed solution matches the

Proposed solution matches the requirements. Shows a lack of
Solution Design: requirements. Applies the
appropriate technological
Appropriateness appropriate technological
innovation to meet the
innovation to meet objectives.

Solution design guidelines are

Solution meets defined user’s followed to enhance the
technical and operational quality of the solution. The
requirements. standards. proposed solution matches
Project Solutions: Feasibility
Shows consistency, integrity, user requirements. Shows
and coherence in explaining knowledge of appropriate
the solution. methodologies to come up
with the solution.
Complete presentation and Accurate, detailed, and
discussion of the solution. complete presentation of the
Diagrams were properly necessary diagrams. Able to
labelled and discussed. describe the diagrams
Solution Design: Presentation
Solution was presented in a concisely. Logical flow of the
logical manner. Reader clearly presentation. Reader easily
understands the proposed understands the proposed
solution. solution.

Presentation is well-organized. Presentation materials are

Visual aids are used properly. prepared with attention to
Smooth flow of the detail, readability, and proper
presentation. Proponents are flow. Proponents are
articulate, and presentation is presentable and are able to
clear. communicate their ideas.

Answers show knowledge of Answers show sufficient

the study. Answers are factual. knowledge of the study.
Question and Answer Well-prepared and very Answers are factual. Shows
professional. Able to argue preparation and
their points. professionalism.
3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Acceptable Needs Improvement Beginner

Lacks knowledge of the current

Used a specific methodology Analysis done haphazardly and
situation. Diagrams were not
for the analysis. Shows without sufficient basis.
presented well and lacks
sufficient knowledge of the Analysis is very basic and does
detail. Analysis is incomplete
current situation. not contain significant insight.
and inconclusive.

Requirements are written in

Shows lack of understanding of
Used appropriate tools to general terms and can lead to the business and user
document the requirements. misunderstanding and
Has sufficient understanding of misinterpretation. requirements. Some
requirements are vague and
the requirements to propose a Requirements are not
not clearly understood. Terms
solution. complete and lacks sufficient
used are not appropriate.

Required sections of the There are missing or There are missing or

requirements document are incomplete sections.
incomplete sections. Diagrams,
complete. Discussions are Discussion of the diagrams,
graphs, and tables are not
complete but lacks coherence graphs, figures, and tables
explained and discussed.
and consistency. lacks information.

Proposed solution is Proposed solution shows a

Proposed solution attempts to
appropriate to meet the generic approach and does not
meet the objectives but lacks
requirements and the match the documented
clarity on how the objectives
objectives, but there is lack of will be met. Lack of fit between requirements. Shows lack of fit
detail on how to meet all the between the requirements and
solution and requirements.
objectives. the proposed solution.

Solution design is made from

Solution design matches the Solution design is too generic the designer’s point of view.
user requirements. Design or basic. Does not have
No operational and technical
shows signs of understanding sufficient detail to meet
feasibility factors were
of the technical and technical and operational
considered in creating the
operational requirements. requirements.
solution design.
Solution lacks proper graphical
Sufficient graphical
presentation. Important parts
presentation of the major
Diagrams are not properly of the solutions are not
functions of the proposed
labelled and discussed. The presented. The presentation of
solution. Descriptions match
flow of the presentation can be the solution was not done in a
the diagrams presented.
improved for better logical manner. Reader does
Reader can understand how
understanding of the reader. not understand how the
the proposal will solve the
proposal will solve the

Shows no clear organization of

Presentation materials lack
the presentation. Did not use
Presentation materials show organization. Visual aids are technology and visual aids
adequate preparation and not clear and readable.
appropriately. Inappropriately
attention to detail. Visual aids Proponents have difficulty
dressed. Proponents cannot
are clear and readable. explaining their thoughts and
communicate their thoughts
and ideas.

There is no clear answer to

Answers are basic and
Able to answer the questions questions. Lack of knowledge
properly, and to provide sometimes lack details and of how to answer the
depth. Shows some
sufficient evidence to support questions. Shows lack of
preparation and
their answers. professionalism. preparation and

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