Health Systems Supplemental Notes For Module 3
Health Systems Supplemental Notes For Module 3
Health Systems Supplemental Notes For Module 3
Let me introduced this module by sharing you some timeless quotes about habits by some famous personalities
that somehow inspire you to break that bad habits of yours:
Mark Twain said that "habit is habit, not to be flung out the window by anyone, but coaxed downstairs a step at
a time." Stephen Covey said: "Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often
unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily express our character," while Aristotle mentioned that "Excellence is an art
won by training and habituation."
The development and maintenance of health behaviors however do not necessarily conform to a model in
which we can assume that if we have knowledge, our attitudes and behaviors will change automatically. If this were so,
then knowledgeable people would not behave in ways that will put their health in danger. Health researchers have
studied health behaviors for decades and continue to analyze the reasons why one person chooses to act responsibly
while another ignores obvious health risks.
Several factors contribute to our health status, but not all of them are within our control. Our beliefs and
attitudes, intentions to change, support from significant others, and readiness to change is all that places us to have
some degree of control. Access to health care, genetic history, health policies that are supportive of our very actions and
other factors are all potential reinforcing, predisposing and enabling factors that may influence our health decisions.
Applying behavior change techniques will help you to be successful in making behavior changes and following
DECIDE model can assist you to make behavior change.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, I learned to:
1. examine how predisposing factors, beliefs, attitudes and others facilitate or hinder the adoption of new behaviors
2. identify decision making skills that promote individual, family and community health based on health information
3. identify the processes involved in choosing and achieving goals for a healthy change
Table 3.1 Factors Influencing Behavior Change on
What is your Health Status? Childhood Obesity and Skin Cancer
Health Status is the sum of the positive and negative Examples Predisposing Enabling Reinforcing
Factors Factors Factors
influences on a person’s health and wellbeing. A few to
mention factors affecting your health status may Childhood Insufficient Poor Media
obesity knowledge availability influence,
include: health knowledge, access to health about healthy of low-cost family and
information, products and services, communication food choices, healthy food societal eating
skills, decision making, health advocacy skills, random low levels of options, culture,
events, and influences on your health such as heredity, physical poor access parenting
environment, attitude, behavior, media/technology. activity, low to safe play style.
self-esteem areas and
hoods, poor
status of
Skin cancer Genetics, wide-spread Skin tanning
insufficient low-cost culture, media
knowledge skin tanning influence
about risk services /definition of
factors /businesses, beauty
associated unshaded /rewards, peer
with skin neighbor- pressure
cancer, low hood pools, /accolade
self-esteem, high cost
preference /expensive
for light skin, sunscreens
Figure 3.1. Factors Influencing Your Health Status poor
perception of
Factors Influencing
Behavior Change Decisions Your Beliefs and Attitudes
on Behavior Change
1. Predisposing Factors – Life experiences, knowledge,
attitudes, cultural and ethnic inheritance, and current Belief is an appraisal of the relationship between some
beliefs and values, personal preferences, existing skills, object, action, or idea and some attribute of that object,
and self-efficacy are all predisposing factors. Factors action or idea.
that may predispose us to certain conditions include our An attitude is a relatively stable set of beliefs, feelings and
age, sex, race, income, family background, educational behavior tendencies in relating to something or someone.
background and access to health care. Attitudes have been described as hypothetical
constructs that represent a person's like or dislike for
2. Enabling Factors – Skills or abilities; physical, anything. Attitude is a judgment made on the 'attitude
emotional and mental capabilities; and resources and object' (a person, place, task, event, skill, etc.).
accessible facilities that make health decisions more Judgments from attitude can range from positive,
convenient or difficult are enabling factors. Positive negative or neutral.
enablers encourage you to carry through on your In our various roles, our beliefs, values and attitudes
intentions. Negative enablers work against your are constantly interacting with those of our peers,
intentions to change friends, family or teachers. We seem to instinctively
'like' the individuals who share our core values and
3. Reinforcing Factors – Factors that reward or beliefs. Harmonizing our value systems is what make a
reinforce the desired behavior change include social relationship successful be it personal, educational or
support, economic rewards and changing social norms. professional (Mohan Kumar, 2018)
1. Explain the predisposing, reinforcing, and
enabling factors that might influence a young
welfare mother as she decides to sell drugs to
support her children?
Prepared by:
Mrs. Ivy T. Echano, RPh., MS Pharm