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Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
China Energy Technology & Economics Research Institute, Beijing 102211, PR China
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, PR China
NUANCE Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
• 3Effects
new finned copper foams are experimentally evaluated for heat dissipation.
• Finned ofcopper
copper foam porosity, height, and impinging gas flow rate are studied.
• Finned copper foam is superior to finned heat sinks in thermal performance.
• foam can potentially replace finned heat sinks in narrow spaces.
Keywords: The rapid development of electronic devices has made it necessary to develop novel and innovative thermal
Finned metal foam management solutions. This paper experimentally investigated the heat transfer and flow characteristics of three
Heat transfer new finned copper foam heat sinks subjected to the impingement cooling by rectangular slot jet and axial fan.
Pressure drop The effects of heat sink height (H, 15, 30, 45, 60 mm), the pore density of the inserted copper foam (PPI, pore per
inch including 10, 20, and 30) and the gas flow Reynolds number (Re, varying from 2053 to 12737), were
systematically investigated. Two kinds of conventional finned heat sinks, with 8 and 22 fins but without copper
foam, were also tested for comparison. Experimental results reveal that inserting copper foam positively im-
proves the thermal performance of finned heat sinks subjected to jet impingement. In addition, the thermal
performance of finned copper foams with 20 PPI and 30 PPI even exceeds that of a conventional finned heat sink
with 22 fins at a low height such as 15 mm, showing a great potential to replace traditional finned heat sinks.
However, inserting metal foams leads to a much larger pressure drop than those of conventional finned heat
sinks. From this work, finned copper foams are characterized by a better heat transfer performance than a
conventional heat sink with the same number of fins. Even with increased flow resistance, finned copper foam
heat sinks still have application prospects in some limited and narrow spaces where pump power consumption is
not the dominant consideration.
1. Introduction weight, flow resistance, etc [2,3]. This makes it necessary for devel-
oping novel and innovative thermal management solutions capable of
The fast development of electronic devices has imposed higher re- removing heat from electronic devices and dissipating it to the en-
quirements for thermal management and cooling technology. vironment [4,5].
According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor Porous metal foam has attracted great attention for heat dissipation
(ITRS), the power density of an electronic device can reach 100 W cm−2 in recent years due to its excellent properties such as low production
in 2020 [1]. Previous methods have resorted to optimizing the fin ar- cost, high porosity (0.85–0.97), and large specific surface area
rays (spacing, channel gap, tip clearance, etc) to improve the heat (1000–3000 m2/m3), etc [6]. Consequently, there is a wide range of
dissipation. However, those methods usually accompany increased size, potential applications in cooling of electronic components [7,8], heat
Corresponding authors at: Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Wang), [email protected] (H. Kong).
Received 11 November 2018; Received in revised form 20 January 2019; Accepted 6 March 2019
0306-2619/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
exchanger or thermal energy storage [9,10], thermal management performances and flow characteristics of the investigated heat sinks
system for lithium-ion batteries [11,12], exhaust heat recovery [13,14] under different conditions were obtained and their respective traits
and so on. However, the high porosity of metal foam makes its effective were summarized, providing beneficial references for future work and
thermal conductivity low (about 0–10 W/m∙K). In addition, the pre- their potential application in industry.
sence of pores makes it very difficult for heat at the bottom to conduct
through the foam skeleton and arrive at the top of the foam to exchange 2. Experimental setup
with the coolant. As a result, large surface areas of the metal foams fail
to be fully utilized. To solve the problem, Bhattacharya and Mahajan 2.1. Test specimen
proposed to insert fins into metal foams. They indicated that finned
metal foam is better than pure metal foam heat sinks in terms of Finned copper foam and conventional finned heat sinks made as test
thermal performances under parallel channel forced convection [15]. specimens are presented in Fig. 1. Each finned metal foam heat sink
On the other hand, jet impingement as a high-efficiency cooling comprises two parts: (1) fin and base board made of 6063 aluminum
method [16,17], is widely applied in metal sheet annealing, textile or alloy; (2) copper metal foam inserted between the aluminum fins.
paper drying, gas turbine blade cooling, x-ray medical devices, fusion For the experiment, in order to ensure the precision of each cut size,
blankets and other industrial fields [18,19]. Many researchers have a linear cutting method was adopted. In addition, to prevent thermal
explored the heat transfer performance of porous mediums subjected to contact resistance between the fin (and base) surface and the foam, the
jet impingement [20,21]. For example, Ejlali numerically studied the contact surfaces were coated with a layer of thermally conductive ad-
application of high-porosity metal foam in an air condenser for geo- hesive (Arctic Silver A/B thermal adhesive with a thermal conductivity
thermal energy exploitation, and found that, compared with traditional greater than 7.5 W/m∙K). By analyzing the slice in Fig. 2, it is clear that
needle-shape structure, metal foams had better heat transfer perfor- the contact is good, and the contact resistance could be ignored.
mance [22]; Shih et al. [13] experimentally studied the impact of metal All fabricated heat sinks had the same base board with the size of
foam height on its thermal performance under circular impingement 68 mm × 68 mm. The thickness of the base board and each fin were
and found when the coolant flow rate is fixed, there is an optimal height kept constant at 4 mm and 1 mm, respectively. The side and bottom
for the foam to obtain the maximum heat exchange capacity. In a recent views of the finned metal foam heat sink are presented in Fig. 3. All the
work, Kumar et al. investigated the convective heat transfer perfor- investigated finned copper foam heat sinks had the same number of
mance of aluminum porous foam with jet impingement, and found that fins, i.e., 8 fins, and the distance between each fin was 6.67 mm. For the
lowering the permeability and porosity of the porous media was fa- conventional finned heat sinks, two sets of fins, 8 and 22, were adopted
vorable to improve the heat transfer performance [23]. (see Fig. 1(d) and (e)), and the distances between each fin were
Porous metal foam and jet impingement are two promising cooling 6.67 mm and 2 mm, respectively. For each heat sink, 4 heights were
solutions, and combining them could potentially achieve considerable fabricated, i.e., 15 mm, 30 mm, 45 mm and 60 mm. Physical properties
heat transfer potential [24]. Even though some progress has been re- of the copper metal foams are listed in Table 1, where ε was measured
ported, many of the current studies regarding heat transfer character- by weighing the metal foam, df was tested by a caliper, and the per-
istics of metal foams subjected to jet impingement are numerical si- meability K and inertial coefficient cE were obtained by fitting the
mulations [25,26], and experiments carried out are usually limited to pressure drop of measured metal foam according to the form of For-
aluminum foams [27,28]. In addition, experimental investigations on chheimer extended Darcy’s equation.
the thermal performance of finned metal foams under impingement are
even rarer [29]. In this article, we experimentally investigated the heat
2.2. Test system and apparatus
transfer and flow characteristics of 3 new finned copper foam heat sinks
subjected to impingement cooling. Compared with aluminum, copper
2.2.1. Rectangular jet impinged heat sink
has a much better thermal conductivity. Two kinds of conventional
The diagram and photo for the experimental system of a rectangular
finned heat sinks, with 8 and 22 fins but without copper foam, were
jet impinging heat sink are shown in Fig. 4. The system is composed of
also tested for comparison. The effects of heat sink height (H), metal
three parts: blower providing cooling air, test section with heat sink,
foam PPI (pores per inch), and flow rates of coolant on the heat transfer
and data acquisition system. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the air flow rate is
and pressure drop were carefully discussed. Ultimately, the thermal
adjusted by the frequency modulator. After leaving the blower, the
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
(a) Finned copper foams (10 PPI) with the height of 60, 45, 30, 15 mm, respectively
(b) Finned copper foams (20 PPI) with the height of 60, 45, 30, 15 mm, respectively
(c) Finned copper foams (30 PPI) with the height of 60, 45, 30, 15 mm, respectively
(d) Finned heat sinks (8 fins) with the height of 60, 45, 30, 15 mm, respectively
(e) Finned heat sinks (22 fins) with the height of 60, 45, 30, 15 mm, respectively
Fig. 1. Different heat sinks as test specimens.
cooling air passes through a heat exchanger to maintain its temperature placed on an organic glass platform, having multilayer cavity with an
close to the environment temperature. A jet cavity with the dimension air gap and insulating foam blocks adhered to the bottom of the plat-
of 180 mm × 280 mm × 380 mm is used to ensure that the air flow is form. Those air gaps and insulating foam blocks reduce the heat leaking
steady and uniform. The rectangular jet pipe of organic glass is 300 mm to the environment through the platform.
long with a cross-section area of 68.04 mm × 41.08 mm. To reduce the Six grooves were cut at different locations of the base board for each
air and heat leakage, a cover plate and two panels made of organic glass heat sink by linear cutting, and the cross-section area of each groove
are placed at the jet outlet and both sides of the heat sink. The base was 1 mm × 1 mm. Six thermocouples (OMEGA, thermocouple 1 to
board of each heat sink is heated by an electronic heating film, powered thermocouple 6) were embedded in the grooves, as shown in Fig. 3(b),
by a DC power supply with a constant heat flux. Each heat sink was to monitor the temperature of the base board. Another thermocouple
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
Table 1
Thermal properties of metal foam samples in experiments.
PPI/(–) ε/(–) df/m K/m2 cE
shown in Fig. 6, where the fan was fixed at one side of a circular organic
glass pipe with a length of 400 mm and an inner diameter of 70.46 mm.
The flow rate of the fan was adjusted by changing the diameter of the
orifice at the outlet of the pipe where it was measured with a Pitot tube.
A rectifier honeycomb was applied at the center of the circular pipe to
make the flow more uniform. At 40 mm downstream of the fan, 4
pressure probes were fixed on the pipe around its circumference. In the
experiment, six orifices were used with the diameter of 10.25 mm,
20.34 mm, 30.36 mm, 40.28 mm, 50.18 mm and 60.30 mm, respec-
Fig. 2. Photo of contact surface formed by fin and foam. tively.
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
(a) Diagram of experimental system (b) Photo of rectangular jet impinging heat sink
Fig. 4. Diagram and photo of rectangular jet impinging heat sink.
cooling air.
For the measurement for thermal characteristics of finned copper
foams, only three parameters were adjusted: height of heat sinks (H),
PPI of metal foams (10 PPI, 20 PPI, 30 PPI), and Reynolds number (Re)
of the air flow. As a result, the Nusselt number Nu can potentially be
expressed as a function of Re at a certain H and PPI [30]:
( ) +( ) +( ) +( )
U 2 I 2 2 2
Tw Tin 3.1.1. Thermal performance
h U I Tw Tin Tw Tin
Fig. 7 shows the Nu number versus Re number for 5 kinds of heat
= ( ) +( ) +( ) +( )
0.1 2
0.001 2
0.3 2
0.3 2
= 4.04%
sinks with different heights. As the figure shows, at all heights, Nu in-
creases with the rise of Re, which indicates that the convective heat
transfer is stronger with a higher Re number. However, for a specific
In the calculation, the errors due to heat leakage and thermal con-
kind of heat sink, the effect of the heat sink height (H) on Nu is dif-
tact resistance caused by the thermal adhesive were not considered.
ferent. For finned copper foam heat sinks, Nu number is enhanced with
the decrease of height, as shown in Fig. 7(a)–(c). This agrees well with
(a) Diagram of experimental system (b) Photo of axial fan impinging heat sink
Fig. 5. Diagram of axial fan impinging heat sink.
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
(a) Finned copper foam with 10 PPI (b) Finned copper foam with 20 PPI
(d) finned heat sink with 8 fins (e) finned heat sink with 22 fins
Fig. 7. Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number for different heat sinks.
previous numerical simulation results [26]. Increasing H is helpful to (e), increasing H leading to an enlarged heat exchange area generally
enlarge the heat exchange area, however, it makes more difficult for the contributes to a higher Nu, consistent with previous simulation results
heat to transfer from the base board to the top of the heat sink due to [26]. In addition, there also exists an optimal height for those two kinds
the low thermal conductivity of the metal foams. As a result, the tem- of conventional finned heat sinks to obtain the largest heat exchange
perature difference between the top of the heat sinks and cooling air is capacity, i.e., 60 and 45 mm for the heat sink with 8 fins and 22 fins,
small, resulting in a poor cooling performance. Moreover, with the in- respectively.
crease of H, it is difficult for the cooling air to reach the high-tem- Fig. 8 shows the Nu number versus Re number for the investigated
perature bottom of the heat sinks because of the large flow resistance. heat sinks at different heights. As the figure shows, the thermal per-
From the results shown in Fig. 7(a)–(c), it is clear that the optimal H for formance of the three finned copper foam heat sinks is much better than
the heat sink with metal foam of 10 PPI, 20 PPI and 30 PPI is about that of the conventional heat sink with 8 fins at all the heights from
30 mm, 15 mm and 15 mm, respectively. The metal foam with 10 PPI 15 mm to 60 mm, suggesting the beneficial effect of inserting metal
has the biggest pores and least heat exchange area among the three. As foam into the conventional finned heat sinks. However, when the
a result, it requires a greater heat sink height to enlarge the heat ex- height ranges between 45 mm and 60 mm, their thermal performance is
change area and to achieve the optimal thermal performance. That is inferior to that of the heat sink with 22 fins. At the height of 30 mm, the
why its optimal height was larger than that of the finned metal foams thermal performance of all 3 finned copper foam heat sinks is com-
with 20 PPI and 30 PPI. parable to that of the finned heat sink with 22 fins. At the height of
For the conventional finned heat sinks, as shown in Fig. 7(d) and 15 mm, the heat sinks with finned copper foam of 20 PPI and 30 PPI are
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
obviously superior to the conventional finned heat sink with 22 fins, in since the addition of more fins increases the pressure loss at entry, exit
terms of the thermal performance. From the figures, the thermal per- and wall friction.
formance of all finned copper foam heat sinks is similar except at
15 mm where the performance decreases with the decrease of PPI. This
is because the heat exchange area is a major factor affecting thermal 3.1.3. Nu against dimensionless pump power
performance when the height of the heat sinks is low. The larger PPI of Dimensionless pump power (represented by CfRe3 where Cf is de-
metal foam contributes to a bigger heat exchange area. As a result, the fined in Eq. (3)) [30], which combines pressure drop and Re number, is
heat sink with 30 PPI has the best heat exchange ability among the considered. Fig. 11 shows the Nu number versus CfRe3 for investigated
three at a lower height. heat sinks at different heights.
As described in Eq. (5) Nu = f (Re, H , PPI ) , Nu is potentially a With the same CfRe3, the thermal performance of a conventional
function of the heat sink height H, PPI of metal foams and Re number. heat sink with 22 fins is always better than those of finned copper foam
When H and PPI are fixed, Nu only changes with Re and the corre- heat sinks, but their difference decreases as the heat sink height de-
sponding correlation can be expressed as [30]: creases. At the height of 15 mm, their difference is quite small and can
be almost negligible. Despite the thermal performance of finned copper
Nu = mRen (7)
foam heat sinks being better than that of conventional finned heat sink
where m and n are coefficients. The fitted values of those coefficients with 22 fins at a height of 15 mm at the same Re (obtained from
are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively, for finned copper foam and Fig. 8(a)), their pressure drops consuming pump power exceed that of a
conventional finned heat sinks finned heat sink with 22 fins significantly, leading to a worse thermal
Table 2
3.1.2. Pressure drop Coefficients in the correlation of Nu = m1 * Ren1 for finned copper foams.
Fig. 9 shows the pressure drop versus Re number at different heights
H PPI Re m1 n1 Fitting residual
for the investigated heat sinks. As shown in the figures, the pressure
drop increases with the decrease of H for all the investigated heat sinks. 15 10 3045–8731 6.044 0.5739 0.976053
Decreasing height leads to a larger flow velocity in the heat sink, and 15 20 2829–8099 5.5810 0.6033 0.993291
the pressure drop is proportional to the square of flow velocity. 15 30 2726–7871 5.7470 0.6120 0.997626
30 10 2053–7922 8.4692 0.5504 0.986498
Fig. 10 shows the dependence of pressure drops on Re for the in-
30 20 2541–7520 7.4318 0.5615 0.994763
vestigated heat sinks at different heights. By comparison, the pressure 30 30 3126–8827 14.851 0.4907 0.987245
drops for finned copper foam heat sinks are larger than those of the 45 10 3854–10970 16.798 0.4526 0.995803
conventional finned heat sinks at the same height due to the larger flow 45 20 2743–8550 12.116 0.4914 0.995800
resistance of inserted metal foams. In addition, the pressure drops are 45 30 3316–9281 9.5949 0.5242 0.997015
60 10 4691–12737 21.175 0.4078 0.994511
increased with the increase of the PPI of inserted copper foam. For the
60 20 4298–11513 22.994 0.4019 0.996998
finned heat sinks, the one with 22 fins is characterized by a larger 60 30 4380–11724 18.139 0.4298 0.991432
pressure drop than that of the heat sink with 8 fins. This is reasonable
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
Table 3 performance at the same CfRe3. For the same reason, thermal perfor-
Coefficients in the correlation of Nu = m2 * Ren2 for finned heat sinks. mances of finned copper foam heat sinks are not competitive with
H Fin number Re m2 n2 Fitting residual conventional finned heat sinks with 8 fins at large heights, e.g., 45 and
60 mm, see Fig. 11(c) and (d).
15 8 2478–7381 9.3241 0.4366 0.996382
15 22 3126–9137 10.4582 0.5098 0.990707
3.2. Axial fan impinging heat sinks
30 8 2785–8245 9.7944 0.4558 0.994311
30 22 3423–9706 18.3742 0.4693 0.992938
45 8 3411–10200 7.0771 0.5001 0.994966 The performance curve of the axial fan used in the experiment is
45 22 3922–11221 16.6249 0.4893 0.983687 tested and shown in Fig. 12. The intersection between the fan perfor-
60 8 4122–11487 14.5292 0.4277 0.988345 mance curve and pressure drop curve caused by the heat sinks is re-
60 22 3843–11105 16.7065 0.4791 0.998982
garded as the operation point during impingement.
Fig. 13 shows the thermal performance of all investigated heat sinks
impinged by the axial fan, as a function of the heat sink height H. From
the results, when heat sinks are impinged by an axial fan, the
(a) Finned copper foam with 10PPI (b) Finned copper foam with 20PPI
(d) finned heat sink with 8 fins (e) Pure fin heat sink with 22
Fig. 9. The dependence of pressure drop on Re for investigated heat sinks.
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
conventional finned heat sinks achieve the best thermal performance at thermal performance of all 3 kinds of finned copper foam heat sinks
the height of 45 mm, while the optimal height for finned copper foam is better than that of the conventional finned heat sinks with the
heat sinks is about 30 mm. By comparison, the thermal performance of same number of fins. In addition, the thermal performance of finned
the heat sink with 22 fins is still better than that of finned copper foam copper foams with 20 PPI and 30 PPI even exceeds the conventional
heat sinks, and the heat sink with 8 fins also exceeds finned copper finned heat sink with 22 fins at a low height such as 15 mm,
foam heat sinks at large heights such as 45 and 60 mm. This is attrib- showing a great promise to replace the traditional finned heat sinks.
uted to the fact that the flow resistance of finned copper foam heat sinks (2) The heat sink height has a significant influence on thermal per-
is much larger than that of the conventional finned heat sinks. From the formance. For finned copper foam heat sinks, their thermal per-
fan performance curve, it can also be seen that the flow rate of the fan formance is enhanced as the height decreases, and the optimal
declines sharply as the pressure drops, and the operation point is lo- height for finned copper foam with 10 PPI, 20 PPI, 30 PPI was
cated in the low volume flow rate (VFR) zone, leading to poor thermal achieved at about 30 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm respectively; While for
performance. the conventional finned heat sinks, increasing their heights gen-
erally enhances their heat exchange ability, and the optimal height
4. Conclusions for heat sinks with 8 fins and 22 fins is about 60 mm and 45 mm,
This work experimentally studied the heat transfer and pressure (3) As the height of heat sinks decreases, the pressure drop for all five
drop of five kinds of heat sinks subjected to impingement cooling by kinds of heat sinks increases. Finned copper foam heat sinks have
rectangular slot jet and axial fan. For finned copper foam heat sinks, the about 10–20 times greater pressure drop than those of conventional
number of fins was fixed at 8. The variable parameters include heat sink finned heat sinks. In addition, the larger the PPI, the greater the
height (H), the pore density of copper foam (PPI) and the Re number; pressure; and the more fins, the more pressure drop.
For conventional finned heat sinks, fin thickness was fixed, and the (4) When considering pump power consumption, over the entire height
variable parameters were the number of fins (8 or 22), H and Re range from 15 mm to 60 mm, finned copper foam heat sinks have no
number. In this work, H varied from 15 mm to 60 mm; PPI included 10, obvious advantage of thermal performance over the traditional heat
20, 30; and Re varied from 2053 to 12737. This study leads to the sink with 22 fins. However, at a low height of 15 mm, finned copper
following conclusions: foams achieves comparable heat exchange performance with con-
suming a similar amount of pump power to the heat sink with 22
(1) Inserting copper foam leads to a positive influence, improving the fins.
thermal performance of heat sinks subjected to jet impingement: for (5) When subjected to the impingement of an axial fan, the thermal
all the studied heights (15–60 mm) with the same Re number, the performance of finned copper foams is worse than that of the heat
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
Fig. 12. Fan characteristic curve. Fig. 13. The dependence of thermal performance on the height of heat sinks
subjected to axial fan impingement.
J. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 241 (2019) 433–443
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