Doom: The Board Game - Solo Variant - AI Invader: Setup

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Doom: The Board Game – Solo Variant – AI Invader


Arrange the event cards into the following pools:

Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4

Activation Phase Demon Activation Demon Attack Events Demon Defence
Events Events Events
Darkness Demonic Speed (will Explosive Blast (only Death Curse
apply if demon applies if ranged
Paranoia (if UAC card couldn’t get in range attack) Iron Skin (only applies
then leave on top, to fire but can with if large invader)
otherwise bottom) this) Demonic Precision
Demonic Resilience
Ambush (invader Crippling Strike
cards first, then Unstoppable
random marine cards) Onslaught (roll to
choose the second
Dark Pact (roll a die to marine)
choose a marine)
Unbreakable Hellish Power (apply
to any marine being

Demonic Strength

Ferocity (only applies

if adjacent attack)

Unbreakable Execution Soul Harvest

Devious Schemes Iron Skin

A D6 will be rolled at each of the above stages to decide whether a card is played by the invader for
that stage. If any of the cards in red are played then play another event card from that pool (the
cards in red are included only for drawing for defence).

Remove the Glory Kill cards from the game – Glory Kills are not allowed.

No argent tokens are used in this game as all demons use their argent attacks (if applicable) every
time they attack.
Demon Activation Phase

1. Roll a D6 to see whether an event card is played from Pool 1 (“Activation Phase Events”) –
on a 4-6 play a card. If the card is shown in red in the above table then play another
2. Draw Initiative card
3. Demon Activation:
a. Roll a D6 to see whether an event card is played from Pool 2 (“Demon Activation
Events”) – on a 4-6 play a card. If the card is shown in red in the above table then
play another
b. Move demon and attack (see flow chart)
c. If able to attack a marine then roll a D6 to see whether an event card is played from
Pool 3 (“Demon Attack Events”) – on a 4-6 play a card

Marine Attacking a Demon

1. Drawing a card for defence - roll a D4 to decide which event card pool the demon draws
from, and reduce the damage if applicable. Only the defence symbols count on this card as
per the normal rules
2. If the demon is in cover:
a. If the demon would die at this stage then draw a second card
b. If the demon has had no damage removed at this stage then draw second card
c. Otherwise do not draw a second card
3. If the demon would still receive damage at this stage then then roll a D6 to see whether an
event card is played from Pool 4 (“Demon Defence Events”) – on a 4-6 play a card. If the card
is shown in red in the above table then play another. Ignore the defence symbols but resolve
the effect (as the card is being played as an event card not as a defence card)

Spawning demons

1. If either group for the current portal on the invader card includes argent, then choose
the other group
2. Otherwise roll a D6 to choose a demon group from the invader card
3. Roll a D8 to choose spawn locations beginning with the square northwest of the portal
token and counting clockwise

Activating demons

1. Roll a die to choose the demon type that activates first if multiple demon types are in
2. Activate those demons beginning with the demon nearest to a marine, and working
Specific Demon Rules

Imp Roll a D8 to choose direction to move 2 spaces after attacking

Possessed Soldier Reroll any dice that are 1 or 0
Pinky Attack non-adjacent marines if any are reachable (roll a die if multiple
non-adjacent options available)
Mancubus Attack non-adjacent marines if any are reachable (roll a die if multiple
non-adjacent options available)
Artillery – reroll any dice that are 1 or 0
Revenant Assault - roll a die to choose a marine for its second attack if multiple
options are available
Homing Rockets - discard the two highest-defence cards belonging to the
defending marine
Cacodemon If the Cacodemon can get adjacent to a marine then it will do so (roll a die
if multiple options)
Baron of Hell Vengeful – the Baron of Hell will roll a D8 to choose direction to move
Beatdown – the Baron of Hell will stay still and perform two attacks if
starting adjacent to a marine (roll a die if multiple options)
Grand Fireball – roll a die to choose a marine if multiple marines in range
Cyberdemon Fury - reroll any dice that are 1 or 0
Missile Barrage – roll a die to choose a target if multiple marines in range
Rail Cannon – roll a die to choose a target if multiple marines in range

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