Techinical Guide ZF 078 Thru 150 R410A Predator Single Packaged Unitr (Generation 6) - 528194-Ytg-M-0813
Techinical Guide ZF 078 Thru 150 R410A Predator Single Packaged Unitr (Generation 6) - 528194-Ytg-M-0813
Techinical Guide ZF 078 Thru 150 R410A Predator Single Packaged Unitr (Generation 6) - 528194-Ytg-M-0813
ZF12-1/2 TON
Table of Contents
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Component Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Capacity Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Airflow Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Sound Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Typical Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Weights and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Economizer Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Component Location
Cooling With Gas Heat
Second model
nameplate Slide-out motor and
inside hinged blower assembly for
access panel easy adjustment
and service
Dual stage Belt-drive
cooling for blower motor
comfort VFD Location (optional)
Power ventor motor
Compressor #2
access (high- 20-gauge alumi-
efficiency nized steel tubular
compressor heat exchanger for
w/crankcase long life (stainless
heater) steel option)
Two-stage gas
Base rails w/forklift heating to maintain
slots (three sides) warm, comfortable
and lifting holes Slide-out drain pan temperature
with 3/4” NPT,
Roof curbs in eight- and female connection Intelligent control
fourteen-inch heights. Roof board for safe and
curbs for transitioning from efficient operation
Side entry power Compressor #1 access
York Sunline™ footprint to Toolless (high-efficiency compressor
the ZF Series footprints and control wiring
door latch knockouts w/crankcase heater)
are also available (field
installed accessory)
6.5-12.5 Ton York® Model Number Nomenclature
Z F 090 N10 A 2 A AA 6 0 1 2 4 A
Product Style
Product Category
A = Style A
B = Style B
Z = A/C, Single Pkg., R-410A C = Style C
Additional Options
AA = None RC = Coil Guard, Shipping Bag & American Flag
AB = Phase Monitor TA = Technicoat Condenser Coil
A = Std. Motor
AC = Coil Guard TJ = Technicoat Evaporator Coil
B = Std. Motor/Econo./Barometric Relief (Downflow
AD = Dirty Filter Switch TS = Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils
AE = Phase Monitor & Coil Guard EA = ElectroFin Condenser Coil
C = Std. Motor/Econo./Power Exhaust (Downflow Only)
AF = Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch EJ = ElectroFin Evaporator Coil
D = Std. Motor/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only) AG = Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
E = Std. Motor/Horizontal Economizer (No Baro.) ES = ElectroFin Cond & Evap Coils
AH = Phase Monitor, Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
F = Std. Motor/Slab Econo./Power Exhaust
(Downflow Only) ZZ = If desired option combination is not listed above, ZZ will be assigned and configuration options will be
G = Std. Motor/Slab Econo./Barometric Relief located in digits 15-18.
(Downflow Only)
N = Hi Static
P = Hi Static/Econo./Barometric Relief Installation Options
(Downflow Only)
Q = Hi Static/Econo./Power Exhaust A = No Options Installed
(Downflow Only) B = Option 1
R = Hi Static/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only) C = Option 2
S = Hi Static/Horizontal Economizer (No Baro.) D = Options 1 & 2
T = Hi Static/Slab Econo./Power Exhaust E = Option 3
(Downflow Only) F = Option 4
U = Hi Static/Slab Econo./Barometric Relief G = Options 1 & 3
(Downflow only) H = Options 1 & 4
J = Options 1, 2 & 3
K = Options 1, 2, & 4
L = Options 1,3 & 4
Voltage M = Options 1, 2, 3, & 4
N = Options 2 & 3
2 = 208/230-3-60 P = Options 2 & 4
4 = 460-3-60 Q = Options 2, 3, & 4
5 = 575-3-60 R = Options 3 & 4
S = Option 5
T = Options 1 & 5
U = Options 1, 3, & 5
V = Options 1, 4, & 5
W = Options 1, 3, 4, & 5
X = Options 3 & 5
Y = Options 4 & 5
Z = Options 3, 4 & 5
1 = Disconnect
2 = Non-Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
3 = Smoke Detector S.A.
4 = Smoke Detector R.A.
5 = Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
Features and Benefits • System Protection - Suction line freezestats are supplied
on all units to protect against loss of charge and coil frosting
Standard Features when the economizer operates at low outdoor air
• High Efficiency – High efficiency units reach as high as temperatures while the compressors are running. Every unit
11.2 EER. Gas/electric units have electronic spark ignition has solid-core liquid line filter-driers and high and low-
and power vented combustion with steady state efficiencies pressure switches. Internal compressor protection is
of 80%. These efficiencies exceed all legislated minimum standard on all compressors. Crankcase heaters are
levels and provide low operating costs. standard on reciprocating compressors. Scroll compressors
do not require crankcase heaters. Phase Monitors are
• Service Friendly – The Predator® incorporates a number
standard on units with scroll compressors. This accessory
of enhancements which improve serviceability.
monitors the incoming power to the unit and protects the
The motor and blower slide out of the unit as a common unit from phase loss and reversed phase rotation.
assembly. This facilitates greater access to all the indoor
• Advanced Controls - Simplicity® control boards have
airflow components, thus simplifying maintenance and
standardized a number of features previously available
only as options or by utilizing additional controls.
Service time is reduced through the use of hinged,
toolless panels. Such panels provide access to frequently • Low Ambient - An integrated low-ambient control
inspected components and areas, including the control allows all units to operate in the cooling mode down to
box, compressors, filters, indoor motor & blower, and the 0F outdoor ambient without additional assistance.
heating section. The panels are screwed in place at the Optionally, the control board can be programmed to
factory to prevent access by children or other lockout the compressors when the outdoor air tem-
unauthorized persons. It is recommended that the panels perature is low or when free cooling is available.
be secured with screws once service is complete.
Service windows have been placed in both condenser
section walls. Rotation of the cover allows easy access to
the condenser coils for cleaning or inspection.
Both the unit control board and ignition control board utilize The Simplicity® control board used in this product
flash codes to aid in diagnosis of unit malfunctions. Unique will effectively operate the cooling system down to
alarm codes quickly identify the source of the unit alarm. 0°F when this product is applied in a comfort cooling
application for people. An economizer is typically
All units use the same standard filter size. This
included in this type of application. When applying
standardization removes any confusion on which filter
this product for process cooling applications (com-
sizes are needed for replacement.
puter rooms, switchgear, etc.), please reference
The non-corrosive drain pan slides out of the unit to permit applications bulletin AE-011-07 or call the applica-
easy cleaning. The drain pan is accessed by removing the tions department for Unitary Products @ 1-877-
drain pan cover plate on the rear of the unit. Once the plate is UPG-SERV for guidance. Additional accessories
removed, the drain pan slides out through the rear of the unit. may be needed for stable operation at temperatures
All Predator® units have a second model nameplate below 30° F.
located inside the control access door. This is to prevent
deterioration of the nameplate through weathering. • Anti-Short Cycle Protection - To aid compressor life,
• Coil Technology – ZF condensers utilize Micro-Channel an anti-short cycle delay is incorporated into the stan-
“all aluminum” condensers which provide improved heat dard controls. Compressor reliability is further ensured
transfer capabilities and reduced charge volumes. by programmable minimum run times. For testing, the
anti-short cycle delay can be temporarily overridden
• Environmentally Aware – For improved Indoor Air
with the push of a button.
Quality, a combination of foil faced and elastometric
rubber insulation is used exclusively throughout the units. • Fan Delays - Fan on and fan off delays are fully pro-
• Balanced Heating – The Predator® offers “Ultimate grammable. Furthermore, the heating and cooling fan
Heating Comfort” with a balance between 1st and 2nd stage delay times are independent of one another. All units
gas heating. The first stage of a gas heat Predator® unit are programmed with default values based upon their
provides 60% of the heating capacity. Balanced heating configuration of cooling and heat.
allows the unit to better maintain desired temperatures. • Safety Monitoring - The control board monitors the
• Convertible Airflow Design – The side duct openings high and low-pressure switches, the freezestats, the
are covered when they leave the factory. If a side supply/ gas valve, if applicable, and the temperature limit
return is desired, the installer simply removes the two side switch on gas and electric heat units. The unit control
duct covers from the outside of the unit and installs them board will alarm on ignition failures, compressor lock-
over the down shot openings. No panel cutting is required. outs and repeated limit switch trips.
Convertible airflow design allows maximum field flexibility
• Nuisance Trip Protection and Strikes - To prevent
and minimum inventory.
nuisance trouble calls, the control board uses a “three
times, you’re out” philosophy. The high and low-pres-
sure switches and the freezestats must trip three times • Warranty - All models include a 1-year limited warranty
within two hours before the unit control board will lock on the complete unit. Compressors and electric heater
out the associated compressor. elements each carry a 5-year warranty. Aluminized steel
and stainless steel tubular heat exchangers carry a 10-
• On Board Diagnostics - Each alarm will energize a
year warranty.
trouble light on the thermostat, if so equipped, and
flash an alarm code on the control board LED. Each Factory Installed Options
high and low-pressure switch alarm as well as each
YORK® offers several equipment options factory installed, for
freezestat alarm has its own flash code. The control
the Predator®line.
board saves the five most recent alarms in memory,
and these alarms can be reviewed at any time. • Optional Factory Installed Economizers - Predator units
Alarms and programmed values are retained through offer a variety of optional factory installed economizers
the loss of power. with low leak dampers. The outdoor air enthalpy sensor
enables economizer operation if the outdoor enthalpy is
• Reliable – From the beginning – All units undergo less than the setpoint of the economizer logic module. See
computer automated testing before they leave the factory. economizer options section to determine the correct
Units are tested for refrigerant charge and pressure, unit economizer for your application.
amperage, and 100% functionality. For the long term – All
• Downflow Economizer - (With barometric relief) -
Predator® units are painted with a long lasting, powder
The economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input.
paint that stands up over the life of the unit. The paint
The economizer is 2% low leakage type, and is shipped
used has been proven by a 1000 hour salt spray test.
installed and wired. The installer needs only to
• Flexible Placement – All models and configurations assemble and mount the outdoor air hood (Provided).
share the same cabinet/footprint and thus the same roof The economizer has spring return, fully modulating
curb. You have the flexibility to set one curb and choose damper actuators and is capable of introducing up to
the correct tonnage size and heating option after the 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air intake dampers
internal loads have been determined. open, the return air dampers close. The changeover
To further simplify planning and installation, Predator® ZF from mechanical refrigeration to economizer operation is
cabinets are designed to fit your roof. With the optional regulated by the standard single enthalpy input. There is
roof curb, the unit ductwork is designed to fit around 24” an optional input dual dry bulb available. To meet
on-center joists or between 48” on-center joists. regulated air standards, the economizer control accepts
The drain pan can be rotated to drain to either the front or an optional CO2 input for demand ventilation. With
the rear of the unit. Additionally, the drain pan can be single enthalpy input, the economizer control monitors
fitted to drain through the roof curb. As it is sometimes outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit provides a second
difficult to have a level installation, the drain pan features input used to monitor the return air. With a dual input kit
a generous slope to ensure proper drainage. installed, the economizer control compares the values of
• Full Perimeter Base Rails – The permanently attached the two enthalpy or temperature inputs and positions the
base rails provide a solid foundation for the entire unit and dampers to provide the maximum efficiency possible.
protect the unit during shipment. The rails offer forklift • Horizontal Economizer - (Without barometric relief) -
access from 3 sides, and rigging holes are available so that All features of the downflow economizer exist except you
an overhead crane can be used to place the units on a roof. must order the duct mount barometric relief separately.
• Easy Installation – Gas and electric utility knockouts are You must order a 1EH0408 if you are installing a
supplied in the unit underside as well as the side of the unit. power exhaust. You can order a 1RD0411 Barometric
A clearly identified location is provided to mount a field Relief for horizontal flow economizers only.
supplied electrical disconnect switch. Utility connections can • BAS Ready Economizer -(With barometric relief) -
be made quickly and with a minimum amount of field labor. The economizer is provided with an actuator that
All units are shipped with 2” throw-away filters installed. requires a 2-10V DC input from an external source (i.e.,
field installed building automation system controller).
• Wide Range of Indoor Airflows – All indoor fan motors
Power exhaust options are available. The economizer is
are belt-drive type providing maximum flexibility to handle
2% low leakage type with spring return and fully
most airflow requirements. For high static applications,
modulating dampers capable of introducing up to 100%
factory installed alternate indoor fan motors are available.
outside air. Also include 2” pleated filters. BAS Ready
With the optional indoor fan motor, all units can supply
actuators have an adjustable auxiliary end-switch for
nominal airflow at a minimum of 1.5” ESP.
optional power exhaust control.
A variable air volume (VAV) option using a variable
For units with optional VAV or Simplicity® INTELLI-
frequency drive is available on 6-1/2 through 12-1/2 ton,
Comfort II™ control, a factory-installed, dry bulb sensor
ZF models for applications requiring a constant supply
determines if outdoor air temperature is low enough to
duct pressure. A differential pressure transducer is used
provide free-cooling operation. (Field-installed humidity
to monitor supply duct static pressure while a VAV control
sensors for either outdoor air or outdoor & return air
board provides a speed reference signal to the VFD to
streams are available for single enthalpy and differential
control the output of the indoor blower motor.
enthalpy configurations respectively).
•Slab Economizer for Energy Recovery Ventilators- If the drive will not fit in the allotted space, then it will have
(With barometric relief and Fresh Air Hood) - The to be mounted elsewhere; either within the building on a
economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. The perpendicular wall which is not subjected to excessive
economizer is 2% low leakage type, and is shipped temperature, vibration, humidity, dust, corrosive gas,
installed and wired. The economizer has spring return, explosive gas, etc., or within an appropriate enclosure
fully modulating damper actuators and is capable of rated for outside installation to safeguard against
introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air moisture, dust and excessive heat. A terminal block
intake dampers open, the return air dampers close. The located in the control box is provided for field connection
changeover from mechanical refrigeration to economizer of the VFD controls.
operation is regulated by the standard single enthalpy • IntelliSpeed™ Supply Fan Control Option (ASHRAE
input. There is an optional input dual dry bulb available. 90.1 compliant, section - Units configured with
To meet regulated air standards, the economizer control the IntelliSpeed™ Supply Fan Option will contain a VFD
accepts an optional CO2 input for demand for variable volume supply fan operation. This option
ventilation.With single enthalpy input, the economizer allows the supply fan RPM to vary based on the number
control monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit of compressors or heating stages energized. The
provides a second input used to monitor the return air. economizer's minimum position will also be configurable
With a dual input kit installed, the economizer control to vary based on the supply fan VFD frequency output.
compares the values of the two enthalpy or temperature
• Aluminized Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For
inputs and positions the dampers to provide the
applications in non-corrosive environments.
maximum efficiency possible.
• Stainless Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For applications
• Power Exhaust (Downflow only) - This accessory
in corrosive environments, this option provides a full
installs in the unit with a down flow economizer.
stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.
• Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized outdoor
• Stainless Steel Drain Pan - An optional rust-proof
air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damper assembly
stainless steel drain pan is available to provide years of
with an outdoor air hood and filters. The outdoor air
trouble-free operation in corrosive environments.
dampers open to the preset position when the indoor fan
motor is energized. The damper has a range of 0% to • Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 9kW to
100% outdoor air entry. Factory installed option or field 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
installed accessory. base units. All heaters are dual staged. All heaters are
intended for single point power supply.
• Alternate Indoor Blower Motor - For applications with
high static restrictions, units are offered with optional • Disconnect Switch - For gas heat units and cooling units
indoor motors that provide higher static output and/or with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unit is
higher airflow, depending upon the installer’s needs. provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to the
largest electric heat available for the particular unit is
• Variable Air Volume (VAV); 6-1/2 through 12-1/2 ton -
provided. Factory installed option only.
A factory-installed variable frequency drive (VFD),
mounted in the Blower Access compartment, is used to • Convenience Outlet - (Non-Powered/Powered) - This
control the speed of the indoor blower motor in order to option locates a 120V single-phase GFCI outlet with cover,
maintain a constant static pressure in the supply duct. A on the corner of the unit housing adjacent to the
pressure transducer and VAV control board are mounted compressors. The “Non-powered” option requires the
inside the control box. The drive comes completely wired installer to provide the 120V single-phase power source and
and preprogrammed from the factory. wiring. The “Powered” option is powered by a stepdown
transformer in the unit. Factory installed option only.
An optional, factory-installed manual bypass switch
available with factory-installed VFD can be found in the • Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operation
Blower Motor Access compartment. The switch can be of the unit by interrupting power to the control board if
used to either route power to the VFD for modulating smoke is detected within the air compartment. Available
control of the blower motor, to bypass the drive and for both the supply and/or return air configurations.
operate the motor at full speed, or to power the drive (and • Filters – 2” Pleated MERV 7 or 4” Pleated MERV 13 are
not the motor) for diagnostic purposes. available to meet LEED requirements. A 2” Throwaway is
shipped as standard.
Due to space limitations, VAV is not available with any of
the factory-installed BAS options, but is available with
‘BAS-ready’ models. Terminal blocks are provided in the
control box for field wiring of the customer-installed BAS
A ‘VFD-ready’ option provides the provisions for a
Factory-installed smoke detectors may be subjected to
customer-installed drive. The unit comes with a mounting
extreme temperatures during "off" times due to outside air
bracket installed in the Blower Access compartment which
infiltration. These smoke detectors have an operational
may accommodate other vendor’s drives depending on
range of -4 °F to 158°F. Smoke detectors installed in areas
their size. In order to utilize the unit’s mounting bracket,
that could be outside this range will have to be relocated to
the maximum recommended drive dimensions are limited
prevent false alarms.
to approximately 9” H x 5” W x 7.5” D.
• Phase Monitors - Designed to prevent unit damage. The balances space temperature, ventilation air temperature,
phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of phase CO2 and humidity for ultimate comfort.
condition. (Standard on units with Scroll Compressors.) • Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort II™ with Simplicity®LINC
• Coil Guard - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to Control - The York® Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort II™
protect the condenser coil from damage. Additionally, this with Simplicity®LINC control is factory installed. It
kit stops animals and foreign objects from entering the includes all the features of the INTELLI-Comfort II™
space between the inner condenser coil and the main control with an additional control to translate
cabinet. This is not a hail guard kit. communications from MODBUS to the BACnet MSTP
• Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential protocol.
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit • Novar® BAS Control - The Novar® building automation
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high system controller is factory installed. Incudes supply air
pressure drop across the filters. Factory installed option or sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and
field installed accessory. air proving switch.
• Technicoat Condenser Coils - The condenser coils are • Johnson Controls BAS Control - The Johnson Control
coated with a phenolic coating for protection against YK-UNT-1126 building automation system controller is
corrosion due to harsh environments. factory installed. Includes supply air sensor, return air
• Technicoat Evaporator Coil - The evaporator coils are sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.
coated with a phenolic coating for protection against • CPC BAS Control - The Computer Process Controls
corrosion due to harsh environments. Model 810-3060 ARTC Advanced Rooftop building
• ElectroFin® E-coat Condenser Coils - The condenser automation system controller is factory installed. Includes
coils are coated with an epoxy polymer coating to protect supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator
against corrosion. switch and air proving switch.
• ElectroFin® E-coat Evaporator Coils - The evaporator • Honeywell BAS Control - The Honeywell W7750C
coils are coated with an epoxy polymer coating to protect building automation system controller is factory installed.
against corrosion. Includes air supply sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter
indicator switch, and air proving switch.
• Hot Gas Bypass - Allows operation during low load
conditions while avoiding coil frosting and damage to • York Commercial Comfort System (YCCS) - Provides
compressor. When suction pressure falls below valve rooftop system integration for YCCS single zone and
setpoint, the valve modulates hot gas to the inlet of the change-over bypass systems (Not offered on ZR units.).
evaporator. Field Installed Accessories
HGBP is standard on all units with VAV, and optional with
YORK® offers several equipment accessories for field
constant-volume units.
installation, for the Predator® line.
Control Options • Downflow Economizer - (With barometric relief) - The
• BAS - Building Automation System Controls Simplicity® economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. The
INTELLI-Comfort II™ Control - The York® Simplicity® economizer is 2% low leakage type. The economizer has
INTELLI-Comfort II™ control is factory installed. It includes spring return, fully modulating damper actuators and is
a supply air sensor, a return air sensor, and an outside air capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the
sensor. There are provisions for a field installed dirty filter outdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampers
indicator switch, an air-proving switch, an Outside Air close. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration to
Humidity sensor, a Return Air Humidity sensor, an Inside economizer operation is regulated by the standard single
IAQ sensor, and an Outside Air IAQ sensor. Construction enthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulb
mode operation, 365-day real time clock with 7 day available. To meet regulated air standards, the economizer
programming plus holiday scheduling is built-in. Two control accepts an optional CO2 input for demand
different modes of demand ventilation are achieved through ventilation. With single enthalpy input, the economizer
the INTELLI-Comfort II™ using CO2 sensors. It uses an control monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit provides a
inside CO2 sensor to perform Demand Ventilation. It can second input used to monitor the return air. With a dual input
also use an Outside CO2 sensor to perform Differential kit installed, the economizer control compares the values of
Demand Ventilation. It uses a Patented Comfort Ventilation the two enthalpy or temperature inputs and positions the
algorithm to provide comfortable ventilation air dampers to provide the maximum efficiency possible.
temperature. The patented economizer-loading algorithm • Horizontal Economizer - (Without barometric relief) -
will protect the equipment when harsh operating conditions All features of the downflow economizer exist except you
exist. Humidity in the occupied space or return duct can be must order the duct mount barometric relief separately.
monitored and controlled via humidity sensors and the on- You must order a 1EH0408 if you are installing a
board connection for hot gas re-heat system. It uses the power exhaust. You can order a 1RD0411 Barometric
INTELLI-Start™ algorithm to maximize energy savings by Relief for horizontal flow economizer.
recovering the building from the Unoccupied Setpoints to • Slab Economizer for Energy Recovery Ventilator-
the Occupied Setpoints just in time for the Occupied Time (Without barometric relief or Fresh Air Hood) - The
Period to begin. The Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort II™ economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. The
economizer is 2% low leakage type. The economizer has exhausting of furnace combustion products, this kit can be
spring return, fully modulating damper actuators and is installed to prevent the flue exhaust from entering nearby
capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the fresh air intakes.
outdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampers • -60°F Gas Heat Kit - For installations which require gas
close. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration to heat units to perform in low ambient temperatures, a gas
economizer operation is regulated by the standard single section heating kit is available. This kit provides electric
enthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulb heat in the gas heat controls section to ensure the gas
available. To meet regulated air standards, the economizer valve and controls will continue to function properly at
control accepts an optional CO2 input for demand extremely low temperatures.
ventilation.With single enthalpy input, the economizer control • Gas Heat High Altitude Kit - This kit converts a gas heat
monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit provides a unit to operate at high altitudes, 2,000 to 6,000 feet.
second input used to monitor the return air. With a dual input Conversion kits are available for natural gas and propane.
kit installed, the economizer control compares the values of
• Gas Heat Propane Conversion Kit - This kit converts a
the two enthalpy or temperature inputs and positions the
gas-fired heater from natural gas to propane. It contains the
dampers to provide the maximum efficiency possible.
main burner orifices and gas valve replacement springs.
You can order 1EH0409 Barometric Relief/FA Hood for
• Gas Piping Kit - Contains pipe nipples, fittings and gas cock
field installations without an ERV.
required for gas supply connection with external shut off.
• Dual Enthalpy Control, Accessory - This kit contains
• Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 9 kW
the required components to convert a single enthalpy
to 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
economizer to dual enthalpy.
base units. The 54kW/208-240 volt, Field-installed heater
• Barometric Relief Damper - Zero to 100% capacity kit is not available with VAV units due to a lack of space to
barometric relief dampers for use with horizontal flow, or accommodate the heater’s fuse block accessory.
field installed slab economizers.
Cooling units include an adapter panel for easy
• Power Exhaust - This accessory installs in the unit with a installation of the electric heaters. Necessary hardware
down flow economizer. Power exhaust plugs into the and connectors are included with the heaters. All heaters
connector in the unit bulkhead. You must purchase are intended for single point power supply.
1EH0408 barometric relief when applying to a
horizontal flow application. • Low Limit / Compressor Lockout Kit
• Manual Outdoor Air Damper - Like the motorized outdoor • Compressor Lockout (CLO): To prevent mechanical
air damper, each manual outdoor air damper includes a (compressorized) operation of the unit during cold
slide-in damper assembly with an outdoor air hood and outdoor conditions where there is a risk of returning
filters. Customers have a choice of dampers with ranges of liquid refrigerant back to the compressors.
0% to 100% or 0% to 35% outdoor air entry. • Low Limit Control (LLC): To prevent the supply air
• Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized outdoor from dropping below a specified setpoint by utilizing the
air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damper assembly with units first stage heating means when there is a demand
an outdoor air hood and filters. The outdoor air dampers for cooling during cold outside conditions.
open to the preset position when the indoor fan motor is • Metal Frame Filter Kit - Metal frame with polyester filter
energized. The damper has a range of 0% to 100% outdoor medium.
air entry. Factory installed option or field installed accessory. • Permanent Filters - Permanent filters are available.
• Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operation • Roof Curbs - The roof curbs have insulated decks and are
of the unit by interrupting power to the control board if shipped disassembled The roof curbs are available in 8” and
smoke is detected within the air compartment. 14” heights. For applications with security concerns, burglar
• CO2 Sensor - Senses CO2 levels and automatically bars are available for the duct openings of the roof curbs.
overrides the economizer when levels rise above the • Roof Curb Transition - Single Piece Adapter (10” High) -
preset limits. Roof curbs for transitioning from Sunline™ units to
• Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential Predator® units. Fits 7.5 to 12.5 Sunline™ roof curbs only.
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit • Burglar Bars - Mount in the supply and return openings
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high to prevent entry into the duct work.
pressure drop across the filters.
• Thermostat - The units are designed to operate with 24-
• Coil Guard - Field installed decorative wire coil guard.
volt electronic and electro-mechanical thermostats. All
• Hail Guard - This kit includes a sloped hood which installs units (with or without an economizer) operate with two-
over the outside condenser coil and prevents damage to stage heat/two-stage cool or two-stage cooling only
the coil fins from hail strikes. Field installed accessory only. thermostats, depending upon unit configuration.
• Flue Exhaust Extension Kit - In locations with wind or
weather conditions which may interfere with proper
Field Installed Accessories - Non-Electrical
1BD0408 All Burglar Bars, Downflow All Cabinets
1CG0419 All Coil Guard (Electric / Electric Models), 50” Tall Standard Cabinets
1CG0420 All Coil Guard (Gas / Electric Models), 50" Tall Standard Cabinets
1CG0427 All Coil Guard (Electric / Electric Models), 42” Tall Cabinets
1CG0428 All Coil Guard (Gas / Electric Models), 42" Tall Cabinets
All Tall (50") Standard Cabinets, (Excludes 12.5T "V"
1HG0411 All Hail Guard Kit cabinets)
1HG0415 All Hail Guard Kit All Short (42") Standard Cabinets
1FE0411 All Flue Exhaust Extension Kit All Cabinets
1FF0414 All 2" only Metal Filter Frame Kit All Tall 50" Cabinets
1FF0415 All 2" only Metal Filter Frame Kit All Tall 42" Cabinets
1FL0402 All Permanent 2" only Filter Kit Includes (4) Four Filters) All Tall 50" Cabinets
1FL0423 All Permanent 2" only Filter Kit (Includes (4) four Filters) All Tall 42" Cabinets
1GP0405 All Gas Piping Kit All Cabinets
1HA0442 All High Altitude Kit for Natural Gas All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1HA0443 All High Altitude Kit for Propane All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1NP0442 All Propane Conversion Kit All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1RC0470 All Roof Curb, 8" Height All Cabinets
1RC0471 All Roof Curb, 14" Height All Cabinets
Roof Curb, Transition (7.5 T thru 12.5T Sunline to
1RC0472 All Predator 3- 12T) All Cabinets
Wooden Crate for extra protection during shipping and Standard Cabinets Only (not applicable to units 119" in
1WC0412 All handling length)
Accessories (Continued)
Field Installed Accessories - Fresh Air
Barometric Relief Kit for Power Exhaust, Downflow
1EH0407 Application (Includes Hood) All Cabinets
Barometric Relief Kit for Power Exhaust, Horizontal
1EH0408 All Application All Cabinets
Barometric Relief/Hood Kit - Required for field installed
1EH0409 All slab economizer without ERV All Cabinets
1FA0413 All Manual Outside Air Damper 0-35%, Downflow All Cabinets
1FA0414 All Manual Outside Air Damper 0-100%, Downflow All Cabinets
1RD0411 All Barometric Relief Kit for Horizontal Applications All Cabinets
2EC04700924 All Dual Enthalpy Control All Cabinets
Downflow Economizer, Slab type for ERV, (no
2EE04705724 All Barometric Relief or FA hood) All 50" Cabinets
Downflow Economizer, Slab type for ERV, (no
2EE04705824 All Barometric Relief or FA hood) All 42" Cabinets
2EE04705924 All Downflow Economizer with Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2EE04706024 All Horizontal Economizer without Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2MD04703224 All Motorized Damper, Downflow without Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2MD04703724 All Motorized Damper, Horizontal All Cabinets
2PE04703225* 230 Power Exhaust 230V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
2PE04703246* 460 Power Exhaust 460V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
2PE04703258* 575 Power Exhaust 575V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
* Must be installed in return Duct on Horizontal Applications and a 1EH0408 is required.
GAS HEATING SECTION (IF EQUIPPED) intake dampers shall not exceed 2% when dampers are
fully closed and operating against a pressure differential
Heat exchanger and exhaust system shall be constructed of of 0.5 IWG. A unit-mounted potentiometer shall be
aluminized steel and shall be designed with induced draft com- provided to adjust the outdoor and return air damper
bustion with post purge logic, energy saving direct spark igni- assembly to take in outdoor air to meet the minimum
tion, and redundant main gas valve. The heat exchanger shall ventilation requirement of the conditioned space during
be of the tubular type, constructed of T1-40 aluminized steel for normal operation. During economizer operation, a mixed-
corrosion resistance and allowing minimum mixed air entering air temperature control shall modulate the outdoor and
temperature of 40 ºF. Burners shall be of the in-shot type, con- return air damper assembly to prevent the supply air
structed of aluminum-coated steel. All gas piping shall enter the temperature from dropping below 55 ºF. Changeover from
unit cabinet at a single location, through either the side or bot- compressor to economizer operation shall be provided by
tom, without any field modifications. An integrated control board an integral electronic enthalpy control that feeds input into
shall provide timed control of evaporator fan functioning and the basic module. The outdoor intake opening shall be
burner ignition. Heating section shall be provided with the fol- covered with a rain hood that matches the exterior of the
lowing minimum protection: unit. Water eliminator/filters shall be provided.
a. Primary and auxiliary high-temperature limit switches. Simultaneous economizer/compressor operation is also
possible. Dampers shall fully close on power loss.
b. Induced draft pressure sensor. Available with barometric relief or power exhaust.
c. Flame roll out switch (manual reset). • MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR DAMPERS – Outdoor and
return air dampers that are interlocked and positioned by
d. Flame proving controls.
a 2-position, spring-return damper actuator. The
e. All two stage units shall have two independent stages of maximum leakage rate for the outdoor air intake dampers
capacity (60% 1st stage, 100% 2nd stage). shall not exceed 2% when dampers are fully closed and
operating against a pressure differential of 0.5 IWG. A
ELECTRIC HEATING SECTION (IF EQUIPPED) unit-mounted potentiometer shall be provided to adjust
the outdoor and return air damper assembly to take in the
An electric heating section, with nickel chromium elements,
design CFM of outdoor air to meet the ventilation
shall be provided in a range of 9 thru 54 KW, offering two states
requirements of the conditioned space during normal
of capacity all sizes. The heating section shall have a primary
operation. Whenever the indoor fan motor is energized,
limit control(s) (automatic reset) to prevent the heating element
the dampers open up to one of two pre-selected positions
system from operating at an excessive temperature. The Heat-
– regardless of the outdoor air enthalpy. Dampers return
ing Section assembly shall slide out of the unit for easy mainte-
to the fully closed position when the indoor fan motor is
nance and service. Units with Electric Heating Sections shall be
de-energized. Dampers shall fully close on power loss.
wired for a single point power supply with branch circuit fusing
applications with high restrictions, units are available with
Unit shall be capable of starting and running at 125 ºF outdoor
optional indoor blower motors that provide higher static
temperature, exceeding maximum load criteria of AHRI Stan-
output and/or higher airflow.
dard 340/360. The compressor, with standard controls, shall be
capable of operation down to 0 ºF outdoor temperature. Unit • Variable Air Volume (VAV) – The VAV option using a
shall be provided with fan time delay to prevent cold air delivery varible frequency drive (VFD) shall be available on 6-1/2
before heat exchanger warms up. (Gas heat only) through 12-1/2 ton, models for applications requiring a
constant supply-duct static pressure. Unts equipped for
ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS - All unit power wiring shall VAV shall be controlled by a duct pressure transducer
enter unit cabinet at a single factory provided location and be with a 0 - 5” WC pressure range. The pressure transducer
capable of side or bottom entry to minimize roof penetrations shall provide a 0 - 5 VDC output signal to a VAV control
and avoid unit field modifications. Separate side and bottom board which, in turn shall provide a 2 - 10 VDC speed
openings shall be provided for the control wiring. reference signal to the VFD. The VAV control board shall
operate using factory-installed Supply Air, Return Air and
Outside Air Temperature Sensors with a nominal
Heat Exchanger – 10 Years, Elect. Heat Elem. – 5 Years,
resistance of 10,000 Ohms. Units equipped with VFD’s
Parts – 1 Year
shall have factory-installed manual bypass as an option.
made available by either/or): Unit can be provided with an optional 120VAC GFCI outlet
• ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY AUTOMATIC ECONOMIZER with cover on the corner of the unit housing the compressors.
– Outdoor and return air dampers that are interlocked and • ELECTRIC HEAT - Electric Heaters range from 9 kW to
positioned by a fully-modulating, spring-return damper 54 kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
actuator. The maximum leakage rate for the outdoor air base unit.
of-phase condition.
• ROOF CURB - 14” and 8” high, full perimeter knockdown
• COIL GUARD - Designed to prevent condenser coil
curb, with hinged design for quick assembly.
• BAS CONTROLS - Include supply air sensor, return air
Downflow, Duct Mounted – Horizontal) – Contains a rain
sensor, dirty filter indicator and air proving switch.
hood, air inlet screen, exhaust damper and mounting
• DIRTY FILTER SWITCH – This kit includes a differential hardware. Used to relieve internal air pressure through
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit the unit during economizer operation.
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high-
• PROPANE CONVERSION KIT – Contains new orifices
pressure drop across the filters.
and gas valve springs to convert from natural to L.P. gas.
• BREAKER – An HACR breaker can be factory installed
• 60ºF GAS HEAT KIT – Provides an electric heat kit for the
on gas heat units or cooling units with electric heat.
gas compartment for use in extreme low ambient
• DISCONNECT SWITCH - A disconnect can be factory conditions.
installed on a cooling only units sized for the largest
• ECONOMIZER (Downflow and Horizontal flow)
electric heat available.
• POWER EXHAUST – (Unit mount – Downflow, Duct
mount – Horizontal flow)
applications in a corrosive environment, this option
provides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly. • DUAL ENTHALPY KIT - Provides a second input to
economizer to monitor return air.
• SMOKE DETECTOR – A smoke detector can be factory
mounted and wired in the supply and/or return air
Physical Data
Capacity Performance
ZF078-150 Cooling Capacities
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
Airflow Performance
ZF078-150 Side Duct Application
RPM Selection
Size Max Motor Blower 6 Turns 5 Turns 4 Turns 3 Turns 2 Turns 1 Turn Fully
Model HP
(Tons) BHP Sheave Sheave Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed
078 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(6.5) 2 2.30 1VM50 AK64 N/A 1039 1094 1150 1207 1256 1308
090 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(7.5) 3 3.45 1VM50 AK61 N/A 1088 1147 1205 1265 1312 1365
102 2 2.30 1VM50 AK94 N/A 690 728 767 805 843 882
(8.5) 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
120 2 2.30 1VM50 AK84 N/A 776 819 863 906 949 992
(10) 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
150 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(12.5) 5 5.75 1VP56 BK77 1052 1095 1136 1175 1216 1272 N/A
Drive Selection
1. 2600 CFM
2. 1.6 iwg
3. Using the supply air blower performance table below, the following data point was located: 1268 RPM & 1.95 BHP.
4. Using the RPM selection table below, Size X and Model Y is found.
5. 1.95 BHP exceeds the maximum continuous BHP rating of the 1.5 HP motor. The 2 HP motor is required.
6. 1268 RPM is within the range of the 2 HP drives.
7. Using the 2 HP motor and drive, .5 turns open will achieve 1268 RPM.
Airflow Performance
Sea Level
Correction Factor
1000 ft
0.900 2000 ft
3000 ft
4000 ft
0.800 5000 ft
6000 ft
0.750 7000 ft
8000 ft
9000 ft
10000 ft
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Air Temperature (ºF)
Sound Performance
Indoor Sound Power Levels
Sound Power, dB (10-12) Watts
Size ESP Blower
Model CFM Sound Rating1 Octave Band Centerline Frequency (Hz)
(Tons) (IWG)
RPM BHP dB (A) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
ZF 2600 0.6 812 1.14 74 71 73 73 71 69 65 65 60
ZF 3000 0.6 854 1.47 77 74 76 76 74 72 68 68 63
ZF 3400 0.6 872 1.65 80 77 79 79 77 75 71 71 66
ZF 4000 0.6 959 2.29 83 80 82 82 80 78 74 74 69
ZF 5000 0.6 1132 3.74 87 84 86 86 84 82 78 78 73
1. These values have been accessed using a model of sound propagation from a point source into the hemispheric/free field. The dBA values
provided are to be used for reference only. Calculation of dBA values cover matters of system design and the fan manufacture has no way
of knowing the details of each system. This constitutes an exception to any specification or guarantee requiring a dBA value of sound data
in any other form than sound power level ratings.
Electrical Data
Typical ZF078-120 Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical ZF150 Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 230 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical ZF150 Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical ZF078-150 Factory Installed VFD and Manual Bypass with CCS Control (Option)
Typical ZF078-150 BAS Ready Unit with Factory Installed VFD (Option)
Typical ZF078-150 BAS Ready Unit with Factory Installed VFD and Manual Bypass (Option)
Size Weight (lbs.) Center of Gravity 4 Point Load Location (lbs.) 6 Point Load Location (lbs.)
(Tons) Shipping Operating X Y A B C D A B C D E F
ZF 865 860 38 24 200 149 218 292 140 114 95 138 167 205
ZF 885 860 38 24 205 153 223 299 144 117 97 142 171 210
ZF 1012 1007 38 24 235 175 255 342 164 134 111 162 195 240
ZF 1065 1060 38 24 247 184 268 360 173 141 117 171 206 253
ZF 1258 1253 47 25 251 280 381 341 164 176 190 259 240 223
2X Ø 24.38
LEFT 27.31 21.19
4X Ø 24.38
29.95 30.11
LEFT 27.31 21.19
Detail A
Ø 3.126 Ø 3.126
7.705 7.715
4.727 4.737
Detail B
3/4” FPT
32 11/16
6 13/16
6 13/16
27 1/2
20 1/8 19 1/8
17 1/8
12 5/16
18 1/16 FRONT
3X Ø 0.875
Ø 2.469
Convenience Outlet
Power Entry Ø 7/8
Return A
Supply Air
5-5/32 2-7/8
C 31-5/8
20 6
2 TYP.
8 or 14
23 4
50-1/2 30-1/2
26 80-5/8
94 59-1/4
58 1/4
88 1/4
39 1/2
47 1/2
Outside Air
Intake Hood
35 3/4
26 25 3/4
26 30 1/4
Economizer Options
Economizer Usage
Application Cabinet Height Description Model
Bottom Return All Downflow economizer with barometric relief 2EE04705924
Side Return All Horizontal economizer without barometric relief 2EE047060241
42" Slab Economizer, 42” tall cabinet 2EE047058242
ERV or End Return
50" Slab Economizer, 50” tall cabinet 2EE047057242
Return Air Damper
Field Installed
Duct Work
Fresh Air Damper
Power Exhaust 1EH0408 1EH0408 2EE04706024
Barometric Barometric Fresh Air Hood
Relief Damper Relief Hood
Fresh Air Hood
Slab Economizer 2PE047032XX
Power Exhaust
1EH0409 Barometric 1EH0409 Barometric
Relief Damper Relief Hood
Fresh Air Hood
Field Installed
Duct Work
Slab Economizer
Barometric Relief Hood
1EH0409 Power Exhaust
Barometric Relief Damper