Hunter Resume

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Hunter Daly  

19 E 2nd Street, Florence, NJ, 08518 

[email protected]  
Education __________________________________________________________________________________ 
Stockton University  Galloway, NJ 
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies​ ​with a concentration in General  May, 2021  
GPA 3.00  
Significant Coursework​_____________________________________________________________________ 
Intro to Environmental  Biology 2: Biodiversity and  Ecological Forest  Freshwater Ecology 
Studies  Evolution  Management  

Physical Geography   Statistical analysis of  Field Soil Morphology   Ecological Principles  
Ecological Systems 

Related Experience________________________________________________________________________  
Ecological Forest Management ​Galloway, NJ 
Initial Forest Inventory Report    ​Spring, 2020 
- Analyzed a section of Stockton University property to determined the most dominant tree species in 
that plot 
- A ​Cruz-All Angle Gauge​ and Wedge Prism were used to establish trees inside or outside of a given 
- Found the heights of dominant/coefficient trees with a Haglof Vertex Laser Geo Rangefinder. 
- Microsoft excel and ANOVA tests were used to organize and interpret data.  
Environmental Issues Lab ​Galloway, NJ 
Transportation Report ​Fall, 2020 
- Surveyed student and faculty population at Stockton University, through methods of in person, social 
media, and email. 
- Researched transportation problems that universities around the world face. 
- Through academic writing expressed recommendations to reduce transportation on university 
- Acquired Skills: Surveying, Group work, Academic literature research, Problem Solving, and Public 
Freshwater Ecology   Galloway, NJ 
Profiling Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and Light Intrusion of Lake Fred ​Fall, 2020 
- Analyzed the relationship of l​ight availability, temperature, and dissolved oxygen change within 
different depths of a freshwater ecosystem. 
- Determined how light attenuation changed between areas with and without floating vegetation. 
- Measured temperature (Celsius) and dissolved oxygen levels(mg/L) in Lake Fred with a YSI probe. 
- Light measurements(PAR) were taken with a light probe. 
- Acquired Skills: Usage of field equipment, Graph making, Critical thinking, and Academic literature 
Stockton University Galloway, NJ 
Men’s Track & Field Team Captain ​September 2019-Present 
- Responsible for guiding and teaching younger athletes how to become successful in athletics and 
- Led event group workouts. 
- Participated in multiple community events and fundraisers such as Atlantic City marathon(October 
2019), and Community Track & Field meet(July,2018) 

Other Experience____________________________________________________________________________   
Assembly Worker​, ​Independent Record Pressing, Bordentown, NJ  ​December, 2018 – August, 2020 
- Responsible for high attention to detail with inventory data 
- Ability to withstand monotonous task for long duration of time 
- Organization and labeling of boxes to ensure proper shipment  
- Inputting of record data into Microsoft excel 
Event Staff​, ​Stockton University Athletics Department, Galloway, NJ S​ eptember, 2018- Present 
- Efficiently worked in groups to set up and take down sporting equipment to help ensure sporting events 
operate smoothly 

Stockton Bonner Leader Program  September, 2017-May 2018 
NCAA Men's Varsity Track & Field ​ A​ugust, 2017-Present 
Stockton Soil Judging Team September 2020-October, 2020 

- Familiar with GIS 
- Proficient in Microsoft Excel,Word,and Powerpoint   
- Basic freshwater ecology sediment and water sampling equipment (Ponar,Cammerer,Vandorn samplers) 
- Utilized various forest management equipment (Haglof Vertex Laser Geo Rangefinder, ​Cruz-All Angle Gauge​, 
and Wedge Prism) 
- Familiar with basic soil morphology in Southern New Jersey  
- 2019 & 2020 Outdoor New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) First Team and NJAC champion in the high 
- 2019 & 2020 Outdoor All-Atlantic Region Track & Field Conference (AARTFC) Outdoor Championships 
- 2020 AARTFC All-Region in the high jump   

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