Kumar Chandan Fall2013
Kumar Chandan Fall2013
Kumar Chandan Fall2013
Chandan Kumar
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Construction Engineering and Management
© Chandan Kumar
Fall 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
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For my father,
without you I wouldn‘t be the person I am now..
Scaffolds are temporary structures that are built to support workers and materials
and facilitate direct work on construction sites. A considerable amount of man power
planning and estimation of the same very critical to the project. The present research
attempts to analyze affecting factors for different stages of estimation and concepts in
recommendations. A simulation tool for predicting scaffold erection man-hour values for
individual equipment on site in an industrial project was developed in Simphony 4.0 and
scaffold work. The stages and methodsof estimation, their uses and an efficient scaffold
flow process for industrial construction lays a solid foundation of new concepts and
me directly or indirectly over the course of my Masters in University of Alberta. First and
foremost I would like to sincerely thank my supervisors Dr. S. Abourizk and Dr. Y.
Mohamed for their unparalleled guidance and support professionally and personally. I
went through some difficult times and without their support, I wouldn‘t have been able to
successfully complete my Masters. I would also like show my gratitude towards Mr. U.
Hermann and Dr. H. Taghaddos for taking time of their busy schedules in helping me
I would like to thank Mr. Stephen Hague, Mrs. Maria Al-Hussein and Ms. Amy
Carter for all the guidance and knowledge in the course of my research work. I would
especially thank Mr. Stephen Hague for his programming expertise which was greatly
needed for someone like me who does not have a programming background.
providing me with immense support and help, in any problems I had, over my stay in
Edmonton. Without you guys, it would have been difficult to adjust and prosper in a
Last but certainly not the least I thank God for giving me the courage to live
through all the good and bad days. I have faith in you.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 - Introduction................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Industrial Construction .............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Temporary Structures in Construction ...................................................................... 2
1.4 Scaffolding ................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Industrial Construction Scaffolding .......................................................................... 4
1.6 Scaffold Estimation ................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Research Objectives .................................................................................................. 6
1.8 Research Methodology.............................................................................................. 7
1.9 Thesis Organization................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-1 Tube and clamp scaffolding in PCL Modular Yard, Nisku, Edmonton.......... 10
Figure 2-2 Tube and Clamp connections, PCL Modular Yard, Nisku, Edmonton ........... 11
Figure 2-14 The role of formal representation of features and classification of temporary
Figure 2-16 Estimate Tubular scaffolding based on wall surface area ............................. 28
Figure 2-17 Man-Hour Calculation for Scaffold Erection and Dismantling .................... 29
Figure 5-3 Trade distribution in Project 1 w.r.t. Scaffold MHrs requirement .................. 88
Figure 5-4 Count of entries for each difference between scaffold required date and
........................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 5-8 Scaffold Man-hours vs. Volume of work for Vessels ..................................... 93
Figure 5-11 Scaffold Man-hours vs. Volume of work for modules ................................. 98
Figure 5-13 Percentage of hours consumed by individual equipment type over total value
Scaffolds are temporary elevated platforms built to facilitate the work of laborers and use
While scaffolding is often considered to be of lesser importance within the overall project
factors. These factors depend on the level of estimate to be prepared and the data
available at hand for performing the estimating process. However, not all factors share
Construction processes vary as per the scope of work and various other governing factors.
projects based on its needs, requirements and deliverables. Firstly, construction processes
for a power plant or a petroleum refinery etc.are not concentrated at a single location, as
is the case with constructing a stadium or high rise building. Moreover work areas do not
share the general elevation level for the whole project which implies that workers have to
work at different height levels with respect to ground level and need to adjust to specific
working conditions. Industrial plants are also normally constructed far off from main
cities; hence laborers have to work in comparatively harsh conditions, which could
decrease productivity. Also, material handling becomes more relevant to keep the project
progress smooth and avoid any delays due to late arrival of raw materials or transport
related problems. The construction activities for a general industrial project include trades
―Temporary structures are those structures that are erected and used to aid in the
providing access, support, and protection for the facility under construction, as
well as to assure the safety of the workers and the public.‖ [1]
They are in most cases dismantled after they have been used, but circumstances might
occur where they are embedded into permanent structure[1]. The reasons could be factors
like costto take them out, or need for them in some future work. In addition to new
repair and inspection works[1]. Some of the different types of temporary works are –
1) Coffer dams
2) Tunnel supports
3) Scaffolding
1.4 Scaffolding
Scaffolds are temporary structures built to facilitate the work of laborers, mostly at
―The word ‗Scaffolding‘ refers to any raised platform or ramp used for ingress
and egress for pedestrian movement and/or the passage of building materials.‖[2]
Scaffolding in one form or another has been used since ―humans moved from single
storey huts at ground level to taller structures‖[2]. While in most cases they are erected
temporarily, and then taken down once the work is finished, sometimes they are
incorporated as a part of the permanent structure. They become part of the permanent
structure if the same point of work is to be used regularly during the course of the project
or for maintenance works afterwards. Different materials have been used over the years
based on availability and general design requirements for the construction of scaffolds.
Scaffolding in any construction project can be broadly divided into three different
kinds[4] –
Supported scaffolds
Suspended scaffolds
The different types of scaffolds are explained in detail in Chapter 2 – Literature Review.
1.5 Industrial Construction Scaffolding
to plan well in advance. The type of scaffolding used in an industrial project would not
only depend on the availability of materials and type of job, but also on the agency
different manner and might lead to different cost estimates. Some industrial contractors
have their own scaffolding division which provides the necessary labor force for all
scaffold related jobs; however, in most cases the materials are on a rental basis. For
others, scaffold jobs are sub-contracted to a company expert in this field. The material
may or may not be supplied to them depending on the scope of the contract. Based on
various discussions with industry experts it was determined that most scaffolding jobs in
miscellaneous scaffolds like scissor lifts are used. Tube and clamp, all around, dance
floors etc. are some of the typical scaffolding systems used in industrial projects.
scaffold is constructed to suit the needs of one or more trades at a particular instant of the
project. There might be other trades that need the same scaffold, but may be at an
elevation higher or a few meters away in a horizontal direction. To take care of such
scenarios, the present scaffold is evaluated and suitable adjustments are made to support
the changing needs. This makes the planning of scaffolding even more challenging as it
has to foresee and take into account any further modifications that could be needed in the
same working location. Construction and dismantling of scaffolds are labor intensive
jobs, and as labor is the major cost component in any construction project, minimizing
the scope is beneficial in most situations. Dismantling and then constructing the same
scaffold again would increase the cost ofthe project significantly as well as affect the
project duration. An advanced scaffoldplan is important before the start of a particular job
The level of detail of scaffolding requirements at the start of a project or during the
estimation phase is at most times not totally clear, and hence, a systematic planning and
generated by most companies by meticulously analyzing existing data from past projects.
This research would formulate the process for estimation of scaffolding both at higher
level and on a detailed level. The factors influencing the estimate would vary in both
Based on various discussions with some industrial contractors, it was found that most
of direct work in that particular project. Using data from already completed projects,
companies have maintained some factors which are used for calculating scaffold
requirements for new projects. There are considerable amount of limitations associated
with such estimating procedures. First, they are not detailed enough for other
considerations like material estimation. Secondly there might be changes during the
course of the project which would make the estimate redundant. Also, the percentages
developed based on historical data do not consider all affecting factors to scaffold
particular area, etc. While scaffold type seems in a logical sense to determine the man-
hour requirements, in reality, as per a leading scaffolding expert, it does not. The material
available on site is constrained to specific varieties and the types of scaffolds used in
industrial construction sites are quite limited in number. In most cases a framed or tube
and clamp scaffolding is sufficient to satisfy the needs of the job at hand. The factors that
affect scaffolding and the dependence of scaffold requirements on the geometry of the
The present research attempts to formulate a methodology for effectively planning and
constraints and arriving at an estimating and planning algorithm for estimation of labor
man-hours of work in scaffolding construction. The following objectives are in line with
hours of work.
4. Recommendations of improving relationships developed as a course of this
basic estimating tool and suggesting ways to improve and enhance it.
The methodology used for this research involves analytical techniques in conjunction
with detailed discussions with experienced personnel in the field of industrial scaffolding
construction and planning. The five points discussed above are addressed in the following
1. Various discussions were held with prominent and experienced people in two
3. All available scaffold data were collected, and using data mining techniques,
man-hours of work.
4. Scaffold planning process was analyzed for two different companies and a
5. A simplified estimation tool was developed in Simphony 4.0 simulation interface
1.9Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 deals with the literature review associated with this scaffolding research. Types
of scaffolds, planning and existing methods of scaffold estimation and other related
topics and researched and existing works have been critically reviewed.
Chapter 3 deals with concepts and analysis regarding scaffold estimation and
planningscaffold process flow models developed for two companies and new concepts in
scaffold estimation.
Chapter 6 explains the conclusions of scaffold research and recommendations for future
Chapter 2 — Literature Review
2.1 Scaffolding
access, they have been part of construction activities for avery long time, in forms that
have varied and developed over the years. As the needs of the industry grew and more
challenging activities had to be performed, the materials, types and methodsof scaffold
started to develop and around the mid-1920‘s, the concept of using steel pipes fastened
together with couplers was introduced.[2] In the late 1930s and 1940s, the concept of
Supported scaffolds
Suspended scaffolds
Miscellaneous scaffolds
situations may arise which require the use of other scaffolding methods. The following
section describes the typical scaffold configurations that constitute the three categories as
mentioned above.
beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support.‖[4]
Tube and coupler:Tube and coupler scaffoldsare the most common scaffolds used on an
industrial construction site, owing to their directional versatility. They also have anideal
configuration when multiple points of entry and/or platforms are required. Figure 2-1
shows a typical tube and clamp configuration at a modular yard and Figure 2-2 shows a
Figure 2-1 Tube and clamp scaffolding in PCL Modular Yard, Nisku, Edmonton
Figure 2-2 Tube and clamp connections, PCL Modular Yard, Nisku, Edmonton
Standard couplers or clamps are used to connect these elements together to form a
complete scaffold. Figure 2-3 shows the typical elements in such configurations.[2]
Frame or fabricated scaffolding:
―Fabricated frame scaffolds are the most common type of scaffold because they
construction where a single configuration would be repeatedly used. Framed scaffolds are
also used in industrial projects depending on the type of situation as they are far easier to
construct and take down than a normal tube and clamp scaffold which in turn saves
considerable resources.Figure 2-4 shows a typical framed configuration and Figure 2-5
Figure 2-5 Different types of frames
Mobile scaffolds:
―Mobile scaffolds are a type of supported scaffold set on wheels or casters. They
are designed to be easily moved and are commonly used for things like painting
Systems scaffold: Systems scaffold or all around scaffolds can be applied to a wide
variety of rectangular, dome or circular configurations. [5]. They are not as adjustable as
a tube and clamp; however, they are comparatively quicker to set up and take down.
Dance floors: These types of scaffolds are very common in industrial construction
projects and commonly used in scenarios when the ceiling of the structure has to be
accessed by different trades. This allows the trades to stand on the platform and work
around the modules. These types of platforms are normally supported by steel beams for
Figure 2-8 Dance floor scaffold in PCL Modular Yard
Two point adjustable scaffold: The most common type of suspended scaffolding is the
―Planked platforms are supported at both end by ropes and suspended from an
overhead anchorage.‖[2]
They are mostly used in jobs like shipbuilding, painting, window cleaning etc. They are
not commonly used industrial construction projects as most structures are erected from
ground elevation and the conditions are asymmetrical in most cases. Figure 2-9 shows a
Figure 2-9 Two point adjustable scaffold
Pre-fabricated access systems like scissor lifts or hydraulic lifts are used in situations
which require workers to work at small elevations for a small time and with fewer tools.
They are mobile in nature and are used depending on the work at hand. They are not very
points for large amounts of time and are at higher elevations.Figure 2-10 shows an
Figure 2-10 A scissor lift
All scaffolds are constructed in different ways but common points of impact like having a
sound base, alignment of elements etc. remain the same. The following figure shows the
Figure 2-11 Erection process of a simple system scaffold
plants, nuclear power plants, and off shore oil and gas production facilities.‖[6]
installation of modules, vessels, equipment, piping etc. which all require a different set of
trades and resources for completion. Consequently, most scaffolds to be built are also
Wang [6] talks about the assembly of modules in a modular yard before they are
transported to the site for final installation. In most cases the modules are not erected by
the same Engineers who designed them, and that leads to certain level of uncertainty in
the requirement of scaffoldson site for the connection and other purposes of the said
module. Figure 2-12 shows part of a PCL Industrial site and the scaffolding components.
The first topic to discoverat this particular point is the need of planning and maintaining
information about scaffolding. Geoff Ryan [7] explains the importance of an effective
To date, scaffolding has not been a major research focus in the field of construction
small alterations in construction methods or the type of materials used. Existing literature
mostly deals in the structural aspects of scaffold construction: mostly specific scenarios,
but some research does explore construction and planning aspects. Planning of
and to avoid work space conflicts, which can lead to decreased productivity[8]. Space
management is an integral part of building construction and involves three major steps—
site layout planning, path planning and space scheduling[8]. The same holds true when an
materials, and man-power resources on site are to be planned accordingly in advanced for
both direct and indirect works like scaffolds to avoid any space conflicts and lead to
resources used in an industrial construction site. Some research discusses site layout
analysis[9]. This is only possible if a detailed estimation mechanism exists for calculating
the scaffolding requirements at a more detailed level. Feuffel and Hanley[10]explain the
(COAA), and the need to assign responsibility for coordination and planning of
scaffolding and other temporary works. All major works on a site are actually
directlydependent on the effective planning and erection/dismantling of scaffolds
associated with themas the access points are required for workers to perform the jobs.
Hence, any delays in scaffolding directly affect the performance of the projects and so
every work package model or planning mechanism developed for industrial construction
should contain scaffoldingas an integral component [10]. Some papers discuss the
however is comparatively less situation dependent and more symmetrical than industrial
construction, but useful information can be gathered from the paper and can be made
relevant to the present research. The symmetrical configuration and repetitive process in
most residential and building construction scenarios makes it comparatively easier to plan
and estimate scaffolding as the project scope is known beforehand. The objective is to
construction but the idea of a CAD model and visualization of temporary structures like
scaffolds is extremely useful for industrial as well[11]. Figure 2-13 explains the usage of
Figure 2-13 Risk assessment process using BIM
Step 4 of the risk model shown in Figure 2-13is the critical part and as explained before
cannot at present follow a perfect algorithm in the case of industrial construction. The
idea for a 3D simulation, however, is also very appealing for any further industrial
scaffold research. While this thesis does not cover 3D visualizations, it does deal with
automatic extraction of related data from Navisworks models of the construction project.
Figure 2-14The role of formal representation of features and classification of temporary structures for selecting
temporary structures
Use of a particular kind of scaffolding system varies not only from project to project, but
also depends on the availability of labor and materials, which varies in different places.
Kim and Fischer[12] present a heuristic approach to predict the type of scaffolding
structures like scaffolding can lead to space conflicts, and the same can happen for time
conflicts as well.
―Hence, there are often tradeoffs between providing the perfect temporary
structure for each activity and the number of different types of temporary
structures needed, the total amount of temporary structures needed, and the
From the analysis of different construction projects,Kim and Fischer[12] conclude that to
select the appropriate temporary structures for a given job condition, the geometrical
parameters of the construction work at hand play acritical role. That statement formed the
basis of direction of this research work as well. Various interviews have been conducted
with experienced personnel in Company A and Company B1, who have been dealing with
they all agree that the geometry of the structure is the driving force towards the need of
scaffolding for that module or equipment. The geometric and action conditions of the job
are explicitly represented and computer simulation is used to identify and select the type
of scaffolding that best suits the needs [12]. Type of scaffolding is not a major concern in
for high rise construction and its cost comparison with a traditional scaffold system[13].
As explained before, such analysis does not benefit industrial construction as different
structures have different configurations and have to be dealt with accordingly. Hence, a
particular innovative system might not work out over the phase of the
floors etc. are used to satisfy the requirements of a particular job. However, geometry of
for that particular equipment. Figure 2-14 demonstrates the modeling mechanism used by
authors in [12] to predict the type of scaffold to be used for a building construction
The actual names have been removed for confidentiality reasons and notations are consistent throughout
the thesis.
This sparks the need of a CAD dependent simulation model that would take in minimum
change on a day-to-day basis; hence, accurate prediction of scaffold needs before the start
of a project is difficult. Based on discussions with various people in the industry over the
course of my research, it can be concluded that involving the Construction Engineer and
Scaffold Superintendent in the estimation and planning process at the bidding stage
Construction Engineers in the design process would benefit the constructability scenarios
installation processes. One of the main ideas that comes up regularly in this regard is the
use of permanently attached scaffold platforms to the modules, vessels etc. which would
be attached to the module etc. during assembly itself. The four step approach for project
execution incorporates construction technology into specific project execution and for the
1. As early as possible in the project, influence the material supply with regard to the
3. Upon the end of the project, auditing the methods, equipment etc. used in the
calculations related to not only direct work, but temporary structures like scaffolds
are present before the start of the work to ensure a safe and productive work
scenario[14]. Hence, it generates a need for an effective yet simple estimation tool for
Scaffolding is in most cases considered a part of indirect costs of the projects and in
with estimators in Company A2, it was found that scaffolding could consume upto
30% of the total man-hours in a project and since labour is the most costly entity in
any construction project, it contributes significantly in the overall cost of the project.
complicated process owing to complexity and variety of the construction work areas.
Also the type and detail of estimate depends on the time of the project the estimate is
Actual Name has been removed for confidentiality reasons and the notations are consistent throughout the
made to accomplish. Most industries now are more dependent on experience than
―Experience and knowledge usually reside with the estimator, who in some
cases may not have a proper understanding of the work, may not be able to
requirements. These percentages are based on general trends from past data, simple
parameters like general elevation of the whole project, a degree of overall complexity
etc. However, they are extremely raw in nature and do not deal with equipment at a
detailed level. Figure 2-15[17] and Figure 2-16[18]represent sections from handbooks
for industrial construction that help in estimating patented scaffolding. Some existing
Figure 2-15 Estimate patent scaffolding
While Figure 2-15 and Figure 2-16would be able to predict scaffolding requirements,
theyare limited to certain types and projects. Also, they are too generic to be able to
meet the complexity of industrial projects. Another estimating manual that comes
contains all the tables from [19] that help in working out an estimate for scaffolding
laid out in Chapter IX [19]. Based on the estimating principles the author has
scaffolding, which in turn is a factor of the weight of the equipment[19]. While this is
an interesting concept, any logical explanation for such correlation with weight of the
equipment seems unreliable. Also, the author fails to mention details of the type,
location and other details of the projects on which he has based the values which are
shown in Figure 2-173. Weight can be one important factor; however, scaffolding is
more dependent on the geometrical configuration of the equipment and this would
Values are removed as the document is not free to be used.
Software programs like BrandNet, Scafflogicetc. are proprietary systems either
purchased. These systems, however, are very complicated in nature and need more
expertise to understand and operate. Also, they might involve modeling the structure
itself on the software which would make the task time consuming. These systems,
though useful, are mostly beneficial when someone is explaining how the scaffolding
works for a construction scenario and soon gets clogged if many systems are analyzed
together[7]. Also, the internal working principles and logic behind an output are not
available, which would hinder any academic use or further development in the field
of research.
This section is derived from past research [7].As explained earlier, planning
scaffolding is very important. One integral part of such planning procedures is keeping
future and to check the firm execution of the planned schedule. The following flow
Figure 2-18 Work face planning scaffold request
recorded on site is a difficult task especially for indirect works like scaffolding. The
best methodin thesescenarios is to link the scaffold works to their FIWP‘s (Field
Installation Work Package). FIWPs exist for all direct work, and as scaffolds are
erected to facilitate direct work, they can be linked to respective FIWPs. The ideal
scaffold database for workface planning according to the author is depicted in Figure
An efficient scaffold management system is an industryneed, and the present research
is a stepping stone towards the objective at hand. The author explains the need of
visualization. While this research does not cover the scope of visualization, it does
Various codes and guidelines exist that govern the erection, dismantling and working
scenarios of scaffolds in construction projects. These codes do not specify the type of
construction like residential or industrial etc. for which the scaffold is being used;
rather, they deal with loading scenarios and stability of construction. The following
table shows a list of some of the international and regional codes that drive the
Code),Alberta, 2009 http://www.humanservices.alberta.ca/documents/WHS-
In addition to these codes, various guidelines are also compiled by companies that
satisfy the guidelines from the codes as well as take into consideration the company‘s
held with the Project Manager, Construction Manager, Chief Estimator and Civil
Geometry of Equipment to be erected High
For the purpose of this research work, the parameters chosen to develop the linear
regression model of scaffold estimation are not totally data driven, but based on logical
conclusions as well. Also, factors like distance to the storage yard are not taken into
consideration, the materials are assumed to be on site when needed and the labor
and hence, the use of a Special Purpose Simulation Platform was used. Simphony 4.0 is
Simulation) tools.‖[20]
Since its development, Simphony has grown and improved to accommodate new features
of modeling and simulation. Various Special Purpose Simulation templates have been
developed over the years on this platform modeling important construction processes like
tunneling, earthmoving operations, reclamation projects, etc. This research is intended to
add a scaffolding template to the list which could be easily used by companies for
estimating scaffolding for industrial projects. Figure 2-20 shows the development process
of a Special Purpose Simulation template[21]. The details of the simulation model are
found in Chapter 5.
2.8 API
―An API can provide a hook for colleagues, partners, or third-party developers to
access data and services to build applications such as iPhone® apps quickly.‖[22]
Autodesk products offer users the unique chance code API‘s that act as an Add-In to the
function that in totality is missing from the existing version of the software. These codes
can be written in .NET coding frameworks like C# or Visual Basic and be added to the
This research utilizes this opportunity to code an API in Navisworks 2011 to perform
certain requisites of the research methodology and provide desired outputs. The details of
regressors, usually denoted by x1; x2;…; xp). Linear regression requires that
1) Simple linear regression – This models the linear relationship between two
y = α0 + α1(x) + ε
2) Multiple linear regression – This is used in cases where there is one dependent
―The multiple linear regression assumes that the response variable is a
linear function of the model parameters and there are more than one
𝑦= + 𝜀
1 + 𝑒𝛽𝑥
The use of the regression technique, its attributes and related parameters are
reasons could attribute for the above conclusions,the first being it is categorized under
indirect works and most indirect works have always been kept part as a factor or
percentage of direct work involved in a project. Since the major portion of the cost relates
to direct work, most researchers tend to investigate topics and processes in direct work.
The second reason for sparse literature in this field is the diverse and complicated nature
as well as vertically which makes planning and estimation difficult. Analysis of such
scenarios would involve in-depth analysis and a considerable amount of time spent with
the chance of success quite less compared to some other fields of study. Most
existingliterature concerns the structural aspect of scaffold construction in specific
Literature which tackles the problem of effectively planning and estimating industrial
scaffolding requirements from the basics doesn‘t seem to exist,which makes this research
one of the foremost attempts. Scaffolds are constructed to facilitate direct work and any
improvement in planning them would directly affect the project controls. The need of the
industry is an effective planning and estimating tool for scaffold construction in industrial
projects which would help in improving productivity and savings in project costs, and
Chapter 3 — Scaffold Estimation and Planning
Scaffolding in a construction process is required to support the direct work for that
construction operations. However, based on discussions with Senior Project manager and
that scaffolding can comprise of up to 30% of the total labor man-hours in an industrial
project with 15%-20% being an averaged out number. Labor cost is the most influential
in the total project cost and an increase in labor man-hours would increase the total cost
absence of an easy to use estimating and planning tool that companies can use for a quick
and reliable estimate. Also, it is to be noted here that most companies have their own
ways of erecting and dismantling scaffolds, hence, such a tool although useful to any
A reliable estimate would function as a dependent source for the user based on the
purpose it is being used for. Scaffolding for industrial construction is planned in most
projects on a day to day or weekly basis, and the Scaffold Superintendent is responsible
for the assignment of labor and materials for scaffold erection and dismantling. Now,
these Superintendents are basically dependent on their experience for estimating the
amount of man-hours or materials to assign for the construction of scaffolds. The system
lacks a quick and reliable tool that would be able to help the Superintendent with the
process, and thus, would help in better management of labor and material resources.
during the bidding stage of the project. The bidding stage requires a close to reality
estimate of all processes in the construction of the whole project. A deviation at the
bidding stage of the project would lead to difficulties in the actual completion of the job.
Based on discussions with the Estimator in Company A, it was found that most
project. This number is often far from what actually happens after the completion of the
project, and hence, they would need a better planning and estimating mechanism for
scaffolding predictions.
As explained earlier,the type of estimate dependson what stage of the project it serves
the purpose for. Also, the type and number of affecting input factors would vary for
would be able to predict the amount of man-hours and/or material requirements with a
minimal amount of input data. This estimate would be able to serve as a handy tool at the
bidding stage or initial planning stage of the project. At this stage of the project a lot of
this stage as a function of direct work hours that would be put into the execution of the
job. These direct work hours are derived from historical data of related works or projects
performed by the company. While this does seem to be an effective technique for
estimation, there are considerable anomalies in the process. This process fails to address
other affecting factors when calculating scaffold needs. These factors can be as simple as
weather conditions or labor experience. These factors, when taken into account, would
help the estimators in a more detailed and realistic estimate. Table 2-2in Chapter 2 shows
all the affecting factors for scaffold estimation. The following factors would serve
The process behind forming a MACRO estimation tool would largely depend on
performing a series of data mining experiments on existing company data and would
need to done at a company level. For some companies there might be one factor which is
more important than the others, and hence,Table 3-1can vary for them. There might be
other factors like labor experience that can be an important parameter for one company,
butnot so much for others. The following algorithm explains an estimation tool
Gathering Project Data The first step in development of such a tool is to collect
the maximum amount of historical data from a company. The more the amount of
Organizing Project Data – the next step is the proper organization of gathered data
maintain the same style of naming their job operations for different projects, but
data from different projects be consolidated into one set of input parameters to get
Selection of Affecting Parameters – After the data has been organized in a clear
and understandable manner, free from errors, relevant input factors have to be
Performing Data Mining Experiments – The tabulated data is then used for
experiments because different options are exhausted to predict the best and most
reliable model for estimating scaffolding. These analyses would involve changes
Networks etc.
3. Identification of input factors that most and least affect the final estimate
tool that is easy to understand and use for any person in the company. Microsoft
Excel is the software most companies are familiar with and such simple software
can be used as a medium to produce the tool. Also, the outputs generated should
make sense to the user and be in the units or manner that is most suitable and
generally accepted in the company. The estimating tool developed in this research
fellow colleague, Ms. Lingzi Wu and this research only uses the final results
obtained by her.
A MICRO level of estimate and the main focus of this thesis is a more detailed level of
estimating process to predict scaffold requirements. Now, this thesis would only deal in
detail for the estimation of total erection man-hours of work for scaffolding requirements
material estimation for scaffolding construction; thus, this part has been kept outside the
scope of research at this point of time. That being said, a way to collect relevant data for
material estimation is shown as a part of Scaffold Data collection form in the thesis.
A MICRO level of estimation would imply all estimation processes that would deal with
site. She/he performs the estimate based on experience only and general observations
made looking at the site and the equipment to be installed. Any error in performing such
estimations would yield mismanagement of available resources on site. Also, there can be
last minute changes in the structure of the module or vessel, which have to be taken into
account when estimating the new scaffold requirements. Hence, this produces the need
for a more dependent and easy estimating tool which can be quickly used by
Superintendents who may not have sufficient experience in scaffolding too. The same
tool can be used to predict total scaffold requirements at the planning stage of the project
when relevant structural and geometrical data related to equipment have been finalized.
Weight of Equipment Medium
Weather Medium
For the purpose of this research, the effect of weather and location of material storage
area is not taken into consideration when performing analysis on the case study. The
reason for the same is unavailability of relevant data to incorporate such factors into the
estimating model. However, the effects of these factors and how they can be added to
following section.
The factors for MICRO level of estimation have been decided based on various
or equipment to be erected on site. Hence, a particular module should in theory take the
same amount of scaffold man-hours for different projects. There is, however, other
factors like man-power shortage etc. which can lead to different estimates; however, the
effect of such disruptions is outside the scope of this thesis work. The estimating factors
are –
1. Processmodules
2. Rack modules
3. Equipment
5. Vessel
Depending on the type of the project there might be a possibility of adding some types of
structure or even breaking one of the above into smaller groups. However, these five
accommodate most types of work in industrial sites.Figure 3-1 shows some of the types
of structures.
c) Stair structure d) Equipment e) Vessel
It is to be noted that the three aspects basically define the boundary box around
For e.g., a Vessel is normally cylindrical structures with parts attached to it, so a
bounding box would comprise of the vessel and all its attachments together within
the cubical envelope that surrounds it. The units of measurement are also kept
module or equipment can be aligned in any way in the site layout and hence, the
coordinate axes lines and the three aspects of geometry should be carefully
chosen. The length, width is assumed to be the plane of construction while the Z
which the structure is to be erected at the site. This is the total height in metric
units from the datum point or reference points of the site to the bottom most point
the exact elevation of construction in planning stage or even before the erection
reference point level and would go up to any meters of height. The intervals can
the next 5m to 10m and so on. This enables the user to implement the estimating
Weight of the Equipment – Weight of the equipment may not be one of the
obvious parameters that could affect scaffolding, but [19] uses weight as a factor
work for scaffolds in construction sites. From the initial project schedule, it can be
construction manager in Company A, November 15th to March 15th is considered
Distance to Scaffold Yard – This could also be a factor in the total amount taken
productivity of scaffold workers and can lead to work delays. However, in most
projects, this is always taken care of and analyzed before the storage yard is
decided. For the purpose of this research this aspect is not taken into consideration
and is based on the assumption that the materials are available on site when the
The parameters that affect scaffolding have been selected based on logical reasons and
data mining relationships with scaffold erection man-hours of work. These relationships
their points of importance that determine their scaffolding needs or using historical data.
handed over to a selection of a set of Scaffold and Civil Superintendents who deal
options for questions for the Superintendent to select instead of typing sentences
hours. The process of conducting such an analysis would involve the researcher to
be involved in the construction and planning of the project from the start of the
project and be available on site constantly to record data. The level of accuracy
generated from such analysis would be excellent; however, the whole process is
time consuming and needs dedicated personnel to perform. The researcher would
erected on site.
3. The common operations of trade work and their working hours that is
Based on this process, a more detailed and accurate relationship model can be
such analysis would be the tracking of scaffold materials used in construction which
can be later added as an output for the model. It is also to be noted that such data have
works equally as wellas the other two methods and is comparatively less time
dependent on the data already collected by the company and new or other relevant
data that might be an essential element in a analysis may be absent from the data
available. Also, the authenticity of such existing data must be put under a scanner
as there could be gaps during collection processes that people might miss. The
case study to implement the principles of this research work is based on this
projects called Project 14 construction project. The database, its elements and
The name of the project is removed due to confidentiality reasons and is consistent throughout the thesis.
Elevation of Weight of
construction Equipment Scaffold Man-hours
These relationships are coded in the form of a simulation template which would be the
platform or the tool that would be used by the user to perform such estimating operations.
The type and nature of outputs is probably the most important aspect of any development.
The output has to be clear, understandable and must fulfill the objective of the estimation
tool. One of the main objectives of this research is to predict scaffolding man-hours of
work at a more detailed level. Also, the nature of construction processes is in most cases
not deterministic. The variables like trade hours of work, even geometrical parameters of
the structurescan be probabilistic in nature. There are uncertainties associated with these
parameters. These uncertainties can be dealt with by using distributions based on Monte
Carlo Simulation principles to represent such inputs. Hence, this research enables users to
input the values in the simulation tool in the form of probabilistic distributions like
uniform, triangular etc. This allows the estimating tool to predict scaffolding man-hours
of work in the form of a range estimate which represents the situation realistically. The
program provides the output in the form of statistical data based on the number of runs
for which the simulation is performed. The program also provides a cumulative
distribution curve and histogram of all runs for the selection set generated from the
outputs of each run. The program would be able to predict the amount of tubular scaffold
required based on numerical relationships provided in [19]. The type, nature and
Planning scaffolds for industrial construction processes on site is quite complex owing to
the diverse and asymmetric nature of industrial construction. Most companies perform
this kind of analysis of their material or labor requirements on a day to day basis or
weekly level. The Trade Foremen request scaffolding for their work on a particular
structure to the Scaffold Superintendent and based on their requests, the Superintendent
assigns labor and material resources to that particular scaffold. As this is performed on a
ahead into material requirements or extra crews is difficult to ascertain. To understand the
scaffold, a process flow model was designed in Microsoft Visio 2007 IDEF0 modeling
format. IDEF0 stands for ICAM Definition for Function Modeling, where ICAM stands
for Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing[24]. The model has been generated for
scaffold planning in respective companies were consulted in formalization of the process
Figure 3-4 Scaffold process flow model —Shows the IDEF0 scaffold process flow model
and the scaffold allocation box sub division and detail for Company A. Figure
Filled Scaffold
Work Request Form
Discussions with Urgency of
Foreman Scaffold
Requirement Material Crew
S0 Availability Availability
Placing Scaffold
Trade Request in Daily
Foreman Meeting List of
Requests Scaffold
Superintendent S2-0
Facilitation of Specification
Construction Work Guidelines
Scaffold Erection Regulations
S3 Completed
Safety Inspection
Materials and and Tagging
Crew Scaffold
and Foreman
work to be Release of Maximum
performed Materials Utilization
Tagged Scaffold
Scaffold Request
Check and
List of
Sorting Requests
as per Schedule
S2.1 Requests
Requests and
Scaffold Crew
and Materials
b) Scaffold allocation—Company A
Filled Scaffold
Direct Work Requirement Form
Need for Urgency of
Scaffolding Scaffold
S0 Material Crew
Availability Availability
Placing Scaffold
Request for next
day in Everyday Scaffold Filled
Meeting Forms
S1 Allocation
Facilitation of Specification
Construction Work Guidelines
Scaffold Erection Regulations
S3 Completed
Safety Inspection
Materials and and Tagging
Crew Scaffold
and Foreman
Construction work to be
Tagged Scaffold
Release of Maximum
Usable Materials Utilization
Scaffold Scaffold
Released and
Scaffold Not Needed/
verification of Obstructing Construction Dismantling
need by Trade Scaffold Use Dismantled
Scaffold or Use
S5 by other trades
Trade Crew
NODE: S-0 TITLE: Scaffolding Process Model NO.:
Material Crew
Availibility Availibility
Construction Schedule
Scaffold Filled
Decision on
Type and
Sorting Forms
Prioritized Forms Amount of
and Removing Designed Scaffold
Scaffold and
S2.1 Resources
Scaffold Superitendent
Chapter 4 — Data Collection
4.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the concepts in data collection for performing analysis and
man-hours of work. The chapter includes details about the design and implementation of
a Navisworks API required for automatic extraction of data from 3D models and the
available scaffold database collected from Company A which contains relevant data from
extract relevant information from software that supports external add-ins. It gives the user
the chance to extend the boundaries of the software. The codes for such add-ins are
written as a Class Library in C#, Visual Basic or other programming languages. For the
Autodesk products like AutoCAD and Navisworks allow users and developers to write
and data with stakeholders to gain better control over project outcomes.
Integration, analysis, and communication tools help teams coordinate disciplines,
API for Navisworks is not supported in Navisworks Freedom version and can only be
added to the other two versions. For the purpose of this research, Autodesk Navisworks
Manage is used as the software platform as this software is free to download for students
Autodesk products are most common among companies for the purpose of designing and
visualizing projects. Company A uses Navisworks Simulate for examining the project
models in 3D space and a model exists for the Project 1 database which is the source of
all data for this research purpose. The free availability of the software is also one major
reason for its selection. The Navisworks file contains the 3D model of the project with
like the name of the element, type, its coordinates on the project space etc. While it is
possible to check the model parameters by individually clicking the model elements, a
method in the software to extract geometrical data from the model is missing. Also, as the
3D model developed is the primary basis of construction activities, it constitutes the most
accurate information about constituting elements. Hence, an API code is needed to select
and export the data needed for the data mining model or simulation inputs. There are
commercial software tools like Navistools, Profox etc. which could attempt to perform
the similar functions; however, they are not suitable for the purpose of this research. They
are paid commercial software and cannot be used in academia for further research and
development as the source codes of such software are not made public. Hence, it‘s
difficult to understand the working principle and inherent working algorithm for such
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Once the code is completed, the program is saved as a .dll
(dynamic link library) file format and the file is copied in the Plug-ins folder of the
Navisworks Installation folder. Now each time Navisworks is opened, the plug-in would
be present in the Menu Bar and can be used at will. The following figure shows the
selection of Class Library as the input type in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the Plug-
in tab in Navisworks.
Figure 4-1 Selection of Visual Basic class library template
The following flowchart describes the working algorithm of the application code in
START Select Four Input
Set Counting
Variable k = 0
Create Volume
Box based on
selected Input
Print Geometry
NO of Selected
Message Box
“Completed” Include 2 Blank
Lines in Output
And k= k+4
The API is also a semi-automatic link between the 2D and 3D model of the project
software. Also as mentioned earlier, Autodesk products allows users to develop plug-ins
to perform useful operations from the model. Hence, AutoCAD was used as a source of
2D plot plan of the project. The following flowchart shows the preparation process of
input file.
Draw Polylines to
construction work
Print Output
file and
populate with
Output File
Include Maximum
Elevation of
construction work
Save File
as .csv
The AutoCAD API mentioned in the flow chart is an existing tool with Company
The output file of this process serves as the input file for the Navisworks API.
The polylines should be drawn in a systematic way and named to keep track of
them when the output file is generated. This helps in visualizing the outputs on
Each polyline or construction work area generates four (X, Y) coordinates from
the 2D plot plan. The output file has to be manually populated with the Z
coordinate which is to be kept as zero. The height column would be the maximum
elevation of the respective construction work area. To avoid finding the maximum
elevation of each construction work area, the value of height can be kept to be the
The name of the polyline has the nomenclature ISBLi (i = 1,2…………n)
Name X Y Z Height
ISBL17 2098 3910 615 75
ISBL17 2105 3910 615 75
ISBL17 2098 3920 615 75
ISBL17 2105 3920 615 75
The whole process is basically performed to get the 3D coordinates of the construction
work areas in a project. At present there is no way to automatically draw the construction
work areas. The main hindrance in automating the process is the asymmetric nature of an
industrial construction site. One important point while preparing the input table is to
maintain consistency of the units. The units of measurement for AutoCAD, input file,
Navisworks file and output file should be selected as the same unit to avoid any
As described in the flow chart (Figure 4-2) the output file contains the following
properties associated with the selected element:
The output file is saved as a .csv file and needs to be converted intoMicrosoft Excel
format to perform further calculations. This activity can be performed by simply saving
the file inMicrosoft Excel using ‗Save As‘ function. A simple calculation operation can
be performed to get the length, breadth and height of the selected element:
One wonders why the length, breadth and height of the selected element were note
calculated in the API itself before printing the output file. The reason is that an element in
the Navisworks project file consists of elements that are broken down into smaller pieces
when designed and transformed to a Navisworks file. So, for the same name of the
element more than one output element is selected. To calculate the length of the whole
structure, the minimum and maximum X coordinate of all those elements is needed. The
same process holds true for breadth and height of the selected structure. For e.g., Figure
4-6 below shows a selected structure in the Navisworks file. This vessel V-1234 contains
over one hundred elements each called V-1234, which in totality form the actual vessel
Figure 4-6 A selected vessel from Navisworks file
The Navisworks project file for the case study willbe described in detail in Chapter 5.
The model contains no other relevant information which could be useful for the data
mining model. Other information that is relevant to the data mining model is the weight
of the module and the type of structure. Certain companies do maintain a certain set of
from the output file. However, if the companies have that data as a property of the
structure itself, a minor modification in the API can be done to extract that information.
A portion of the sample output file is shown in Figure 4-7 describing the constituents of
Name MaxX MinX MaxY MinY MaxZ MinZ
DisplayString:V-42214 1956.447 1945.853 3865.947 3863.053 626.9469 623.825
DisplayString:V-42214 1953.144 1953.056 3864.544 3864.456 628.0999 625.0999
DisplayString:V-42214 1947.932 1947.608 3864.662 3864.338 628.0999 626.9
DisplayString:V-42214 1947.815 1947.595 3864.61 3864.39 624.3 623.7
DisplayString:V-42214 1950.879 1950.711 3864.584 3864.416 624.1 623.7
DisplayString:V-42214 1945.617 1945.417 3865.072 3863.928 626.072 624.928
DisplayString:V-42214 1956.883 1956.683 3865.072 3863.928 626.072 624.928
DisplayString:V-42214 1956.67 1956.07 3865.071 3863.929 626.0714 624.9285
DisplayString:V-42214 1954.629 1954.171 3864.729 3864.271 628.0999 625.45
DisplayString:V-42214 1950.609 1950.521 3866.25 3864.5 625.7444 625.6555
DisplayString:V-42214 1952.249 1952.161 3866.25 3864.5 625.7444 625.6555
DisplayString:V-42214 1947.594 1947.506 3866.25 3864.5 626.0694 625.9805
DisplayString:V-42214 1954.744 1954.656 3865.95 3864.5 624.3944 624.3055
DisplayString:V-42214 1948.674 1948.586 3864.544 3864.456 628.0999 626.9
DisplayString:V-42214 1949.354 1949.266 3866.25 3864.5 626.0694 625.9805
DisplayString:V-42214 1947.594 1947.506 3866.25 3864.5 624.3944 624.3055
DisplayString:V-42214 1949.354 1949.266 3866.25 3864.5 624.3944 624.3055
The code is used for different elements in the project data and the use, inputs and outputs
relevant to the case study are explained in detail in Chapter 4. The code itself with all
This section describes a case study to demonstrate the working process and results of the
Navisworks API.
The filename is library.nwd and is part of the sample example files that come with the
however, the display units are in meters. The category and property name to be searched
for is ―Item‖ and ―Name,‖ respectively. The model is an .nwf file and is saved as .nwd
Figure 4-8library.nwd
The requirement is to get all elements within the boundary length of 16000 inches,
breadth of 16000 inches and height of 16000 inches. The input .csv file is shown as a
picture below.
4.5.3 Output
The output contains 336 selected entries and is attached as Appendix B. The selected area
Figure 4-10 Output from Navisworks API
The available database is the project data from Project 1 constructed by Company A. The
whole project spanned over three years of construction. The project is divided into twenty
five5major areas with nomenclature ranging from 421A onwards. Area 421R is the most
prominent one as it contains the pipe rack modules and related equipment. The following
Pipe racks
The number of areas is changed for confidentiality reasons.
A scaffold database was maintained for most of the project, which contains relevant
information pertaining to the development of a data mining model. Each entry in the
scaffold database represents a scaffold request placed by trade foremen on site. The
development of the database, however, there are many problems associated with the
database, which willbe explained in detail later in this chapter. The following are the
input columns and their description from the existing scaffold database:
Date Requested – The date on which the request for the scaffold has been made.
Requested by Trade_Purpose – The trade who submits the scaffold request like
Area_Location – The description of the area, module, vessel etc. related to the
scaffold request.
Cost Code – The cost code of the project which governs the request.
Erection Mhrs A – The total erection man-hours of work for constructing the
Other than the database itself, an equipment list exists which contains the names of all the
vessels and modules in the project along with some other relevant data. The figure below
Figure 4-12 Different datasets in the project
Chapter 5 — Data Analysis and Modeling
5.1 Introduction
The present chapter contains details about the problems associated with the available
database and all analysis performed on the data set. The chapter also suggests an
improved scaffold process flow model derived from the two company models described
in Chapter 3, which focuses on advanced planning of scaffold resources on site. The data
scaffold requirements for modules and vessels and linear regression models developed
Process models described in Chapter 3 are similar in their functionality and bring on the
basics in scaffold planning. The requests are made in meetings held with all the trade
foremen and the Scaffold Superintendent together. The requests are studied by the
experience to suit the needs of maximum trades. The meetings are on daily basis,
however, in Company A, it was found that the trades are instructed and encouraged to
manpower and materials for the construction of the scaffold. This is one of the points
where the scaffold estimating tool would come to be useful, to provide the
Superintendent with a quick, reliable and user friendly means of estimating scaffolding.
After the scaffold is erected, it is safety tagged. The tagging is performed by either the
Scaffold Superintendent or safety personnel on site. The trades can then use the scaffold
to perform operations. After the scaffold has served the purpose, the trades would inform
the Superintendent about it, and the dismantling of the scaffold can take place to release
the materials, which can be used at other scaffolds on site. This is a general area of
concern in the field, as in most situations, the trades fail to mention to the Superintendent
about the completed use of the scaffold, and the structure stands erected even though it is
not being used. This also holds up the material resources on site and as most scaffold
materials are on rental basis, this leads to increment in inventory even though it might not
be required. Both these models are working principles that guide the companies in
performing scaffold operations and are tried and tested methods. However, there isroom
Construction Construction
Schedule Drawings Scaffold Request
Trade Superintendent
Predicted Scaffold
Actual Scaffold Requirements
Specification Guidelines
Scaffold Design
Fulfillment of Safety Perform trade
requirements Specifications operations
Figure 5-1 represents a modified scaffold process flow model that would be ideal to
noted that one of the most common causes of decreased scaffolding productivity is the
repetition of jobs on site. The same scaffold at a location can be created and dismantled
several times in a location based on scaffold requests generated. The only way to
overcome such a situation is the effective planning of scaffolding needs at an initial stage
of the project and assigning materials and labor crews accordingly to the site. Now, as
needs at the start of the project is highly unlikely. Hence, effort has to be made to plan a
sufficient amount of time in advance, if not for the entire project. As the direct work
to predict scaffolding requirements for the next month in advance. This allows sufficient
time to order and receive materials in case of prediction of any shortage, if anticipated.
Also, planning a month in advance would enable the Scaffold Superintendent to assess
the need of each constructed scaffold at a location and the possibility to combine requests
of different trades together to construct one unified scaffold serving all needs. Materials
in scaffold construction are normally rented, and this can help in maintaining inventory of
existing and future needs. Labor is the most costly aspect of a construction project and a
look ahead would enable optimization of the labor needs of the project.
The other important aspect of the scaffolding process flow on sites is the failure of trades
to promptly inform the Scaffold Superintendent when they are finished using the
scaffold. This leads to hold up of the materials in the erected scaffold, where they could
have been used in construction someplace else and saved the company on rental costs.
Maintenance of scaffold request database would serve the purpose for eliminating such
conflicts. The Trade Foreman can just update the database as to when they have finished
using and the Scaffold Superintendent can look into the matter for further considerations.
The third aspect of this modified model is the maintenance of Scaffold Requirement
of the project:
2. Actual scaffold requirement when the scaffold is erected, like man-hours of work,
The database also contains details about the scaffold requests, and hence, trades making
such requests also fill in required sections of the database. Such a database would serve
extremely beneficial to the company in future as well as during the course of the project.
This database can be used to update and improve the data mining models developed and
used in the scaffold estimation tools as well as to understand the triggers and needs of
different scaffold construction. The database should be regularly updated with actual site
data to maintain its accuracy and usability in future. The productivity of scaffold crew
and any further conclusions like addition or deletion of crew would also be a major
The flow process ends when the scaffold is dismantled or certain permissible
modifications can be done to satisfy future needs. At some locations, some third party
agencies working on site may also need scaffolding and such scaffolds can be loaned to
process and the construction in general is that would eliminate certain uncertainties and
The following inputs would constitute an effective database, which can be used later on
1. Identifier for Construction Area – This would help the scaffold to be linked to
2. Identifier for Equipment – This would associate the scaffold with particular
nomenclature is required in any analysis on the dataset collected. The user would
be able to add or delete from the list; however, a general predefined nomenclature
technique has to be maintained. The database should have the ability to prompt
the user if he/she is trying to populate the database with some inconsistent entry.
3. Scaffold Request Number – This would help in identifying and tracking the
numerical entity.
4. Scaffold Request Date – This would be the date the request is placed for the
6. Estimated Trade Hours of Work – The trades making the request should include
7. Actual Trade Hours of Work – The actual amount of hours spent using the
have led to considerable difference in estimated and actual trade hours of work.
work, the Superintendent should populate the database with actual scaffold
V. Actual finish date of construction.
which might have led to considerable difference in estimated and actual scaffold
13. Attribute of the Scaffold – Whether the scaffold is a new erection from ground up
linked to and the input entry has to be in the form of drop down menu to select the
associated with all scaffolds as not all scaffolds would be fully dismantled.
As the request are linked with previous requests for modifications etc. this
One thing of utmost importance here is the database is not to be maintained for each
individual request coming from the trades. The Scaffold Superintendent would scrutinize
all the requests and would only consider the ones based on urgency of requirement,
available resources and project schedule constraints. Appendix F shows a simple form in
Microsoft Access which can be used to construct this kind of database. Also, one section
in the database has to filledin by trade personnel and the other by scaffold personnel,
hence, the form can be developed over company server to facilitate smooth operations
5.4 Problems with available Scaffold database – Project 1
There are certain problems associated with the available database explained in the
previous chapter which makes an extremely accurate data mining model extremely
1. The first entry in the scaffold database is of a date which is more than a year into
the project. This makes the database likely to miss some relevant project data.
This is also evident from the total erection scaffold hours collected from the
database which is72% of the total as seen from as built schedule of the project.
pointing the scaffold to a particular structure is not unified and clear. A lot of
typos exist, which makes it difficult to write an algorithm to extract relevant data.
All the data have to be manually seen, verified from 3D and 2D drawings and
3. Dismantling hours are not recorded for all scaffold requests, which might be due
4. There are night shift hours for erecting scaffold as separate entries in the database.
They have not been associated with any major area which makes it difficult to
5. The calculation of scaffold volume required is quite unclear from the database.
When talkingwith the Scaffold Coordinator for the project, she mentioned that the
volume represents the area of the scaffold platform multiplied by the height of the
hand rails for the scaffold. This method of calculating volume is highly
ambiguous and would not clearly visualize the scaffold requirements of a request.
6. The actual date of construction of scaffold is missing from the database, which
7. The original Scaffold Coordinator for the project left the project in between and
someone else took over to type data entries. The transition would have also
entries have been put under the wrong construction work areas, which have been
A lot of effort has been put in to extract relevant data from the database and use it in
developing the data mining model. The data has to be cleaned and verified, if possible,
5.5WEKA Analysis
―Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The
algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java
The data has to be prepared in the form of a spreadsheet or database. The input file
format for Weka is .csv (Comma-Separated Value) or .arff (Weka‘s native data storage
method). For the purpose of this analysis, the input file is prepared as a .csv file which
can be easily generated by using the ―Save As‖ function in Microsoft Excel 2007. The
input file will contain all the columns required to run the learning algorithm like Linear
Regression or Neural Networks including with the first row naming the columns. Figure
The explorer tab in Weka is the main graphical user interface of Weka. It contains all the
methods to perform the analysis and show the outputs desired. Figure 5-2shows the
The classifier to perform the analysis can be selected from the ‗choose‘ dropdown menu,
which includes a number of algorithms for data analysis like Linear Regression, Bayes
Algorithm, ZeroR method etc. For the purpose of this research, Linear Regression is used
as a classifier to train and test input data. In the test options 10-fold cross validation
method is used to generate the best possible relationship model between the input and
output fields. An important reason for this is the availability of considerably less amount
of data for breaking down the dataset into training and testing parts.
―In k-fold cross validation, the initial data are randomly partitioned into k
reserved as the test set, and the remaining partitions are collectively used to train
the model. Each sample is used the same number of times for training and once
for testing.‖[27]
A 10-fold cross validation technique is used for performing the analysis. Hence, all the
data has been used to train the model 9 times while once serving as the testing part of the
analysis. It also means that each fold would use 90% of the data to train the model while
the remaining 10% would serve as the test data. The use of this method enables self-
validation of the models, which is very important in this case study as separate data from
5.5.4 Outputs
predicts the output as a linear function of all input columns. The linear regression
technique in Weka also has the functionality of attribute selection. The attribute selection
function allows the program to automatically select the attributes from the input table
which would perform the best in the analysis leading to minimum errors. This would
serve useful when a large number of input columns exist and the user is uncertain to what
elimination or by building a full model from all attributes and dropping the terms
criteria is reached.‖[26]
In the context of this research, no attribute selection algorithm is selected as the inputs
have been logically selected after discussions with experienced professionals in the
The following section presents the trends existing in the scaffold database. This helps in
Tradewise Scaffold MHrs Distribution
Scaffodl MHrs
Trades working in the Project
Figure 5-3shows the amount of Scaffold Mhrs of work associated with different trades in
Project 1. The project required a lot of piping and rack installations, and hence, as seen
from the graph, Pipefitters consume the most scaffold man-hours of work. The first
concept to derive from this analysis is that distribution of scaffold man-hours is not quite
evenly distributed in a project, and secondly, the distribution ratio would vary depending
on the type of project. The Scaffold Coordinator for Project 1 mentioned that the scaffold
requests had to be made at least a week in advance by the different trades. The graph
shown in Figure 5-4 does not, however, show the indicated pattern. Up to 50% of the
entries in the database show a request date of 5 days and less for the required scaffold.
Advance days for Scaffold Request
Number of Entries in Scaffold Database 3500
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 28 31 34 37 40 43 49 56 68 89 113 371
Difference between Scaffold Required Date and Request Date
Figure 5-4 Count of entries for each difference between scaffold required date and scaffold request date
The Scaffold database consists of a column providing the amount of volume the
scaffolding constructed for the respective request consumed. This volume, in most
entries, is the measure of the deck area required multiplied by the height of hand rails.
Although such a measurement would not be helpful in finding the amount of materials
needed for the scaffold at this stage of project, a graph between scaffold volume and
Scaffold MHrs vs Scaffold Volume (Vessels)
R² = 0.356
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
R² = 0.569
Scaffold MHrs
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Scaffold Volume of Work in cum
From the above figure, it can be seen that in most cases there does exist a direct linear
relationship between the scaffold man-hours of work and scaffold volume of work. The
correlation coefficient for vessel is around 60% and for the modules is around 75%.
5.7Extraction of Vessel Information
A list of all the vessels is prepared from the scaffold database for which the scaffold
erection man-hours of work is available and is extractable. All the vessels are then
manually searched in the database to extract the total scaffolding man-hours of work for
respective vessels. A table of 58 vessels have been collected from the database and
included in the input file. However, relevant information about all the vessels cannot be
gathered from the scaffold database and the 3D models which led to a selection set of
42vessels. The input columns are – Type of Structure, Length, Breadth, Height, Elevation
of Construction, Scaffold Volume of work, and Scaffold Man-hours of work. All the
vessels are erected at ground elevation; hence, they all have the same value —
zero.Scaffold Man-hours of work is the desired output from the analysis and Weka
analysis is run for the same. Linear Regression without attribute selection was used for
analysis using 10-fold cross validation technique. For any scaffold requests which have
been tagged with more than one vessel, the scaffold man-hours of work have been
equally divided among the vessels. A sample input data extracted from the scaffold
ScaffoldID Date Requested Date Required Requested by Trade_Purpose Area_Location Elevation Actual Volume Units Erection Mhrs A Completion Date
A-299 15-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 Electricians V-42201-01-H Various 29.25 m3 67 10/20/2009
A-006 30-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 Boilermakers V-42301/42201 637.000 19 m3 26 04/02/2009
A-011 08-Apr-09 08-Apr-09 Boilermakers V-42201/42301 636.000 0 m3 6 04/08/2009
A-010 06-Apr-09 07-Apr-09 Pipefitters V-42301/42201 638.000 12 m3 32 04/08/2009
A-031 19-May-09 27-May-09 Electricians South of V-42201/42301 630.000 0 m3 0 n/a
A-034 20-May-09 29-May-09 Electricians V-42201 637.500 13.5 m3 75 07/02/2009
A-057 02-Jun-09 25-Jul-09 Electricians V-42201 630.000 12 m3 29 07/22/2009
A-058 09-Jun-09 22-Jun-09 Fireproofers V-42201 Grade 583.8 m3 310 07/07/2009
A-275a 29-Sep-09 12-Oct-09 Insulators V-42201 630.000 72 m3 145 10/06/2009
A-065 16-Jun-09 25-Jun-09 Electricians V-42201/42301 168 m3 219 06/26/2009
640.000 to
A-072 25-Jun-09 29-Jun-09 Electricians V-42201 13.5 m3 47 07/02/2009
A-397 26-Nov-09 01-Dec-09 Heat Tracing V-42201 647.500 68.75 m3 69 1/7/2010
A-452 12-Jan-10 13-Jan-10 Electricians V-42201 50.002 9 m3 30 1/18/2010
A-616 30-Apr-10 03-May-10 Instrumentation V-42301/V-42201 623.000 64 m3 18 5/3/2010
A-650 07-Jun-10 08-Jun-10 Electricians V-42201 644.000 0 m3 0 n/a
A-658 08-Jun-10 14-Jun-10 Electricians V-42201 640.000 0 m3 0 n/a
A-651 08-Jun-10 10-Jun-10 Electricians V-42201 631.000 0 m3 0 n/a
A-654 08-Jun-10 09-Jun-10 Electricians V-42201 631.000 18 m3 35 6/16/2010
A-657 08-Jun-10 15-Jun-10 Electricians/HT V-42201 634.000 51 m3 46 6/17/2010
A-696 28-Jun-10 28-Jun-10 Electricians V-42201 629.000 6 m3 11.5 7/2/2010
A-749 27-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 Electricians V-42201 622.000 15 m3 22 8/3/2010
A-771 11-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 Electricians V-42201 631.000 20 m3 14 8/12/2010
A-789 17-Aug-10 18-Aug-10 Electricians V-42201 631.000 8 m3 10 8/18/2010
A-861 13-Sep-10 13-Sep-10 Electricians V-42201 637.000 56 m3 63 9/23/2010
A-955 04-Oct-10 07-Oct-10 Boilermakers V-42201 622.500 3.5 m3 7 10/5/2010
Autodesk Navisworks API generated over the course of the project is used to derive the
determine the weights of the vessels, and hence, weight has not been chosen as an input
factor for the vessel analysis. Figure 5-7shows the set of all the vessels in Navisworks 3D
Figure 5-7 Vessels in the project
The volume of work which is the geometry calculated from the API Navisworks for
vessel analysis was plotted against the scaffold man-hours of work from the database to
SCaffold Man-hours
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Volume of Equipment in cum
As seen from the above figure, scaffold man-hours of work follows almost a linear
pattern as the volume of the vessel in cum. This predicts that for the vessel analysis,
geometry of the equipment is the major affecting factor. The weight of the vessels was
not available to be used and checked if the model performs better or not and all vessels
are constructed from ground level, hence, elevation of construction is not a determining
Figure 5-9shows the output of Weka analysis on the vessel input data. The correlation
Predicted scaffold man-hour outputs are tabulated against the actual man-hour outputs
and the average error for the model is calculated. The average error comes to be
approx.33%. This error, however, seems large; some of it can be attributed to the errors
in the database itself, which have been explained earlierin this chapter. Appendix
C6contains the compared values and error analysis for vessel data mining model.
Extraction of module information was also performed in the same manner as vessels. A
list of 124 modules was listed in the equipment list of the project. As was the case in
vessels, the information in the scaffold database seemed too inaccurate for a lot of these,
most of them were found to be using zero man-hours of work, as per the database.Hence,
a selection set of only 95 modules was selected and used for analysis. Unlike vessels, it is
difficult to confirm the reliability and accuracy of scaffold man-hours data.Scaffold man-
hours of work and scaffold volume of work were extracted for the modules from the
scaffold database. This, however, was a more complicated procedure than for vessels.
easy to maintain in the database. The same for modules is more error prone when
maintained. A typical module is named like ‗421A – R201.‘ The first part of the
nomenclature depicts the major construction area to which the module belongs while the
second part points out the module number. Now the error arises from the fact that a
module named, for e.g.R201, can exist in two different construction work areas. So there
are two entries, for e.g. a module called 421A-R201 and an entry called 421R-R201. This
generates the possibility of errors when maintaining data for the modules. The same was
Data is scaled for confidentiality reasons.
also discovered when manually extracting information about the modules. Sometimes it
is not possible to predict what exact module is being talked about and to which
construction work area it belongs. However, a considerable amount of time was spent to
extract the best possible data from the database using the 3D and 2D models of the
project site. A lot of entries in the database predicted zero man-hours of work for certain
modules. There could be two different reasons for such entries, one being an error in
maintenance of relevant data in the database, and the other being special case of modules
which do not require scaffolding. Either case, such entries were removed from the final
The Navisworks API generated over the course of this research work was used to derive
the geometric parameters of the modules. The weight information for the modules was
provided in another database maintained by Company A for lift design studies and is
called the Equipment List. The input table columns are Type of structure, Length, Width,
5-10shows the 3D Navisworks file containing all the modules in the construction work
Figure 5-10 Modules in the project
The volume of the envelope surrounding the vessel which provides the length, width and
height of the module for the data mining analysis was plotted against the scaffold man-
hours of work from the scaffold database. Figure 5-11shows the comparative diagram. It
can be seen from the figure that the geometry alone cannot be deemed the single most
factor that affects scaffolding. This justifies the use of other factors like weight and
elevation of construction in the data mining exercise performed on the available data set.
Scaffold Man-hours vs Volume of Work
Scaffold Man-hours
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Volume of Equipment in cum
Figure 5-12shows the dependence graph of scaffold man-hours of work on the weight of
the equipment. As seen from the figure, it is difficult to set a pattern especially linear
relationship between just the weight and scaffold man-hours of work for the modules.
Scaffold MHrs vs Weight of Equipment
Scaffold Man-hours
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Weight of Equipment in tonnes
Figure 5-13shows the amount of scaffold man-hours of work consumed by each type of
module over the total scaffold hours taken by all modules, as per the extracted database.
It can be seen from the graph that pipe racks consume the most amount of man-hours,
which was also evident from the trade wise man-hour distribution graph.
Type of Module
Figure 5-13 Percentage of hours consumed by individual equipment type over total value for modules
Figure 5-14shows the output of Weka analysis on the module input data. The correlation
coefficient is 62.17%; however, the error rates are quite high as was the same in vessel
analysis. The reason for the same is the inaccuracies in module data extracted from the
scaffold database. Predicted scaffold man-hour outputs are tabulated against the actual
man-hour outputs and the average error for the model is calculated. The average error
comes to be approx. 54%. This error, however, seems large; it can be attributed to the
errors in the database itself, which have been explained earlierin this chapter. Appendix
D7contains the compared values from the model for error analysis.
Data is scaled for confidentiality reasons.
Figure 5-14Wekamodel for modules
The linear expression derived for equipment, either vessel or module, can be represented
‗y‘ being scaffold man-hours of work and x1,x2…..xp being the input parameters like
length, weight etc. The coefficients A0, A1…Apdo however share a level of uncertainty.
Monte Carlo Simulation techniques can be used as a means to reflect the uncertainty
inherited in thesefactors derived for the linear expression. Software like @RISK or
EasyFit, can be used to fit the derived sample set of factors individually into probabilistic
distributions like Normal, Beta etc. This representation would present a more accurate
picture on the usability of the model for different companies and can be researched and
In addition to the coefficients, some of the parameters in the linear expression derived for
vessels and modules cannot be used as deterministic inputs. Factors like trade hours of
work or weight of the equipment are at most times uncertain. Hence, the model demands
the inclusion of stochastic nature in the inputs. This is resolved in the present research by
developing the final estimation tool as a simulation template. This allows the user to
input values in some of the major probability distributions, the final output derived from
the template would now be a range estimate. A range estimate enables the tool to be
5.10Comparison with Other Estimation Methods
The results obtained from the above analysis are compared with other estimation methods
found from existing literature works. The existing methods are described in Chapter 2—
Literature Review. The closest estimating method that can be used for multiple scenarios
by Marko Bulic[19]. The manual computes the volume of scaffold required as a function
of the weight of the structure to be erected on site. The volume is then mapped to the
man-hours of work needed through some tables. The tables for man-hour calculation are
shown in Figure 2-17, and the volumetric estimating procedure is discussed in Appendix
E8. The figure below describes the comparison done for all the modules from the total
list. The same cannot be done for vessels as the weight of vessels are not available.
Man-Hours of work
Actual Man-Hours
Data Mining Model Man-
1000 Hours
Estimating Manual Man-
500 Hours
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91
Data Entry Number
As seen from the above comparison, the man-hours calculated from the estimator‘s
manual do not come close to the actual man-hours of work, while the module analysis
Values are removed as the manual is not free to be used.
still predicts a very close value. This can be attributed to the fact that the estimator‘s
manual is quite unclear about the concept of weight of the structure. The weight can be
the overall weight of the structure when it is installed or the weight of the structure when
all the piping, insulation, electrical works have been performed on the module and it is
fully erected. Also, weight as sole factor for determining scaffolding requirements does
not seem justifiable, as small equipment can have the same weight as large equipment,
while the scaffolding requirements for both would be considerably different in most
This section explains in detail the objective, functionality and working of the Scaffolding
Simulation Template. The use of a simulation platform for the development template
opens the door for any further development in the line of this research. Any new
functionality can be added to the template without changing the core of the operating
algorithm. The section explains the scope of the template, the inputs, the modeling
There are two methods of estimation in the scaffolding template:MACRO and MICRO
level of estimation, as has been described in Chapter 3. The MACRO level of estimation
is based on the data mining experiments conducted by Ms. Lingzi Wu on the same
scaffold data, as described in Chapter 5. The parameters have been used based on her
research predictions and used as a separate estimating tool within the template.
The second part of the template and the objective of this research work is the MICRO
industrial construction and can be generalized for any company. The working styles of
different companies in performing the scaffolding process can be quite different, and
hence, the values obtained from data mining analysis that are part of this template would
have to be modified to suit the needs of other companies. The template in its present form
contains relationships and values based on the data mining analysis performed in this
chapter and for works for vessels and modules on an industrial construction site. With
new data, the scope for other aspects of construction like process equipment, stair towers
etc. can also be added into the functionality of the template. At present, sufficient
The template takes the inputs from the user, relates it to the inherent values already
existing in the template from data mining exercises,and predicts the desired output. The
type and nature of inputs and outputs are explained later in the section. The user can
decide on the available inputs at hand and input values in the type of estimate that seems
more suitable, i.e. MICRO or MACROestimate. The outputs for both estimates are
separately depicted in the template for easy understanding. The overall look and the
nature of the template have been kept simple and user friendly for this to be easily
The template has been coded in Simphony 4.0 simulation platform, version
The coding is done in C# programming language under .NET 4.0 frameworks. The
program is written as a Class Library which creates a .dll (Dynamic-Link Library) file
after the program is saved. The file can be just copied and pasted into the Simphony 4.0
installation folder. The link of pasting the .dll file is C:\Program Files
different in other computers. Simphony UI is then opened and the scaffolding template is
added to it for use. Once the template has been opened in Simphony UI, the elements of
the template can be dragged onto the modeling window for use. The modeling elements
have to be connected with arrows for the model to work. Any incomplete model would
result in errors. When an element on the modeling window is selected, the right side of
the template shows all the associated properties, inputs, outputs etc. for that modeling
5.11.3Modeling Aspects
There are three basic elements in the modeling of a construction scenario. These
elements, when joined together, allow the user to complete the construction of a model in
the Simphony 4.0 user interface.Table 5-1shows the three modeling elements and their
Area Represents a construction area in a project.
An area element can represent one structure on site or a whole
construction area depending on the type of estimate selected.
Takes a set of inputs, maps them using relationships already fed in
the element to produce outputs.
The outputs can be derived by selecting the element after the
simulation is complete.
Any model would contain one Start element and one End element while there can be any
number of AREA elements in between. All the elements have to be connected with
connecting arrows to allow the movement of entities from start to end. A simple model in
There are two sets of inputs which the user enters for the modeling of a construction area
in an industrial site. The first is if the estimate is desired for MACRO estimation scenario
and other for the MICRO estimation scenario. The inputs have been separated from each
other under separate headings and the user can simply enter the values for the desired
estimating method. The AREA element in the modeling window is the main element in
the model. The area elements on the modeling window can be selected and the relevant
inputs be entered. The model is capable of taking stochastic inputs for numerical values
in the form of common probabilistic distributions. Simulation for the model containing
stochastic inputs needs to be run for more than one time to get a range estimate of
outputs. The number of runs can be changed under RunCount tab in the modeling
parameters. The following section describes the type and nature of inputs for both levels
of estimation.
Inputs for generation ofMACRO estimate are put under the section titled ―MACRO
ESTIMATION INPUTS‖ in the scaffolding template. The list of inputs and their
relationships has been derived based on a set of data mining experiments conducted on
the scaffold data, described in Chapter 4[28].The following inputs are required for the
Trades – The name of all the trades that work in a construction work area. There
is a selection list of 8 trades for the user to select from the menu. These are:
1. Civil
2. Electricians
3. Fire Proofers
4. Instrumentation
5. Insulators
6. Iron Workers
7. Mechanical
8. Pipe Fitters
Trade Hours – Each selected trade in a construction work area is assigned the
estimated amount of trade hours that would be assigned or used in that area. The
use of simulation template allows the user to input these values in the form of all
major probability distributions. Figure 5-17 shows the input window for trades
AreaDefn – This defines the size of a construction work area. The user can select
1. Small
2. Medium
3. Large
Complexity – This defines the complexity of a construction work area. The user
1. Simple
2. Complex
Congestion – This defines the congestion of a construction work area. The user
1. Less_Congested
2. Congested
3. Not_Congested Inputs
Inputs for generation of MICRO estimate are put under the section titled ―MICRO
ESTIMATION INPUTS‖ in the scaffolding template. The list of inputs and their
relationships has been derived based on a set of data mining experiments conducted on
the scaffold data described in Chapter 5. The following inputs are required for the
Equipment – This contains the list of all types of equipment for which the
simulation template can predict outputs. The user can select the equipment from
1. Plane Module
2. Structure
3. Valve Decks
4. Rack Module
5. Valve Platform
6. Heater Rack
7. Vessel
envelope surrounding the modules or vessels. The three parameters are length,
Elevation – The elevation of construction of the equipment above the ground level
of the project site. This is in meters. This input can be entered in the form of
metric tonnes. This input can be entered in the form of major probability
Figure 5-18shows the input window for the MICRO estimation part of the template.
Figure 5-18 Sample MICROinput window
The template produces scaffold man-hours of work as the output from any kind of
estimating mechanism selected in the template. The output for MACRO estimate and
MICRO estimate is kept under separate tabs for easy understanding. The outputs are
collected as statistics and present the user with all relevant statistical parameters for
scaffold man-hours of work like mean, standard deviation etc. This sample set would
comprise of the number of runs the user inputs for the simulation model to run. The
program also provides the cumulative distribution graph of all runs of the simulation
model. Interpretation and usability of the output would largely depend on the user and the
scenario for which the analysis is performed. For e.g. at a bidding stage of the project, say
a 90 percentile value can be selected as the number to bid for or some user can use the
mean of all runs as the estimating output from the template. A sample output is shown
inFigure 5-19.
Chapter 6 — Conclusions and Recommendations
in the construction industryand this is research is one of its kind in addressing the
problem at hand. The first objective in this research was to find out the loopholes from
Then, the question to be addressed was, ―what could be done to manage such concerns
and what tools or mechanisms are needed?‖ The analysis and template developed over
the course of this project try to address the main concerns and provide a way to tackle
them. All companies have different way of analysing scaffolds needed in their
construction projects, and hence, one set of values or methods is difficult to address for
all, in a wholesome manner. However, the generic algorithm for MICRO estimation
developed over the course of this research is applicable to one and all. The values for
based on any existent data they have. The research also analyzes the scaffold process
flow on site and provides a more systematic and productive flow chart for effective
planning and construction of scaffolds on site. The values derived from the database for
the case study are not accurate, which led to considerable higher error rate in vessel and
module analysis. However, properly maintained and accurate data would allow for a
better relationship model. The process of effectively gathering and maintaining data is
6.2 Permanent Scaffold
Scaffolds are temporary structures that facilitate the workers to work on higher than
―why isn‘t the scaffold made part of the original structure itself?‖ These situations would
The point of access on a structure has to be added several times over the course of
There is extra room for the addition of scaffold structure and would not hamper
site installation.
Structural integrity of the assembled structure would not fail due to the addition of
scaffolding access.
The addition of scaffold access is cost effective and would be within the cost
Such scaffolding construction would involve the Construction Engineers and even the
Scaffold Superintendent to be involved in the design phase of the project to eliminate any
confusion at the site. This can also significantly increase productivity and save labor
hours of work.
The template is the stepping stone to develop a simple yet versatile estimating tool to
allows the user to predict values even if the exact level of surety does not exist for the
input values. Future research in the field of industrial construction scaffolding would lead
to enrichment of the template in different aspects other than what it does at present status.
The first thing is the incorporation of material estimate in the template. Material data has
to be maintained over the course of the project to link the volumetric or linear amount of
scaffolding to the amount and list of materials it would need to construct. This would be
possible by closely analyzing the type and amount of materials that are normally
available in an industrial construction site and the building procedures used on site for
that can be incorporated into the template outputs. The user would be able to select the
type of scaffold and be able to compare it with other types to get the best construction
scenario. This would also lead to savings in overall project cost by formally optimizing
the type and materials used for a particular scaffolding need on the construction site.
The last option,thoughprogress is certainly not limited to it, would be the linking of the
template with the project schedule. This would allow the efficient planning of the
scaffolding needs of the project. The schedule would be able to predict at what dates a
particular vessel or module etc. is supposed to start getting erected on site, and since
scaffolding is needed to support such processes, the need and amount of scaffold would
scaffold crews and checking available rental materials to minimize any construction
delays. The scaffolding estimation tool is the need of the hour for industrial construction
and the present template presents the much needed platform to reach the final objective.
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Appendix A— Navisworks API Code
Option Explicit On
#Region "TestAPI"
Imports Autodesk.Navisworks.Api
Imports Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Plugins
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO
temp(i) = cells(0)
XCoord(i) = Double.Parse(cells(1))
YCoord(i) = Double.Parse(cells(2))
ZCoord(i) = Double.Parse(cells(3))
HCoord(i) = Double.Parse(cells(4))
i += 1
End While
End Using
End Using
'Initialize temporary arrays to save four entries from the input file
Dim X1 As Double() = New Double(3) {}
Dim Y1 As Double() = New Double(3) {}
Dim Z1 As Double() = New Double(3) {}
Dim H1 As Double() = New Double(3) {}
Dim k As Integer = 0
'While loop runs till it has exhausted all entries in the Input File
While k <temp.Length
' check the items whose boxes are within the specified bounding box above. Concept taken from
transformation.html"dated 01/04/2013
' Select the items in the search results based on above operation
' Save the Geometry and name of all the selected item
For Each Item In items
End Class
#End Region
DisplayString:DULLSTEE60 5610.922 4253.29 -10360.7 -11893.2 6300 5350
DisplayString:DULLSTEE61 4407.534 3967.274 -10602.3 -11829.5 5600 5550
DisplayString:DULLSTEE62 4109.653 3669.394 -10637.9 -11865.1 5800 5750
DisplayString:DULLSTEE63 3811.773 3371.513 -10673.5 -11900.7 6000 5950
DisplayString:DULLSTEE64 3513.892 3073.632 -10709.1 -11936.2 6200 6150
DisplayString:DULLSTEE65 3216.011 2775.751 -10744.7 -11971.8 6400 6350
DisplayString:DULLSTEE66 2918.13 2477.87 -10780.3 -12007.4 6600 6550
DisplayString:DULLSTEE67 2620.249 2179.989 -10815.9 -12043 6800 6750
DisplayString:DULLSTEE68 2322.368 1882.108 -10851.5 -12078.6 8100 6950
DisplayString:DULLSTEE71 1150.736 1050.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE121 250.7363 150.7363 -12193.8 -12293.8 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE122 250.7363 150.7363 -11293.8 -11393.8 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE123 250.7363 150.7363 -10393.8 -10493.8 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE124 250.7363 150.7363 -9493.83 -9593.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE125 250.7363 150.7363 -8593.83 -8693.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE126 250.7363 150.7363 -7693.83 -7793.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE127 250.7363 150.7363 -6793.83 -6893.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE128 2050.736 1950.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE129 2950.736 2850.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE130 3850.736 3750.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE131 4750.736 4650.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE132 5650.736 5550.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE133 6550.736 6450.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE134 7450.736 7350.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE135 8350.736 8250.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE136 9250.736 9150.736 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE137 10150.74 10050.74 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE138 11050.74 10950.74 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE139 11950.74 11850.74 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE140 12850.74 12750.74 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE141 13750.74 13650.74 -5818.83 -5918.83 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE142 15985.74 15874.58 -13231.7 -13342.8 6900 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE144 15878.95 15767.79 -12338 -12449.2 6900 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE146 15772.17 15661.01 -11444.4 -11555.6 6900 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE166 11235.49 7550.736 -14143.8 -14243.8 3700 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE167 11235.49 7550.736 -14143.8 -14243.8 4900 4800
DisplayString:DULLSTE168 11235.49 7550.736 -14143.8 -14243.8 6100 6000
DisplayString:DULLSTE169 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 3700 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE170 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 4900 4800
DisplayString:DULLSTE171 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 6100 6000
DisplayString:DULLSTE172 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 7300 7200
DisplayString:DULLSTE173 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 8500 8400
DisplayString:DULLSTE174 250.7363 150.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 9700 9600
DisplayString:DULLSTE175 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 3700 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE176 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 4900 4800
DisplayString:DULLSTE177 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 6100 6000
DisplayString:DULLSTE178 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 7300 7200
DisplayString:DULLSTE179 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 8500 8400
DisplayString:DULLSTE180 14450.76 350.7366 -5818.83 -5918.83 9700 9600
DisplayString:DULLSTE189 11916.45 8822.331 -10487.7 -12022.8 11600 11300
DisplayString:DULLSTE198 14650.74 14550.74 -6043.21 -7043.21 7300 7200
DisplayString:DULLSTE199 14650.74 14550.74 -5943.21 -7143.21 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE249 14550.74 14450.74 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE250 12750.74 12650.74 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE251 10950.74 10850.74 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE252 9150.736 9050.736 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE253 7350.736 7250.736 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE254 5550.736 5450.736 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE255 3750.736 3650.736 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE256 1950.736 1850.736 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE257 150.7363 50.73633 -7043.83 -7143.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE259 14550.74 14450.74 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE260 12750.74 12650.74 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE261 10950.74 10850.74 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE262 9150.736 9050.736 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE263 7350.736 7250.736 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE264 5550.736 5450.736 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE265 3750.736 3650.736 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE266 1950.736 1850.736 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE267 150.7363 50.73633 -9543.83 -9643.83 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE271 3727.025 3615.866 -11775.9 -11887.1 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE272 5514.31 5403.151 -11562.3 -11673.5 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE273 7301.595 7190.436 -11348.8 -11459.9 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE274 9088.881 8977.723 -11135.2 -11246.3 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE275 10876.17 10765.01 -10921.6 -11032.8 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE276 12663.45 12552.29 -10708 -10819.2 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE277 14450.74 14339.58 -10494.5 -10605.6 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE278 1956.493 1844.976 -10565.1 -10676.7 8100 7000
DisplayString:DULLSTE279 14579.69 14468.53 -9220.18 -9331.34 4500 3400
DisplayString:DULLSTE330 14650.74 14550.74 -9357.31 -9457.31 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE331 14650.74 14550.74 -10457.3 -10557.3 10500 3600
DisplayString:DULLSTE332 14650.74 14550.74 -9457.31 -10457.3 7300 7200
DisplayString:DULLSTE337 7608.661 7497.502 -11513.5 -11624.6 4725 3775
DisplayString:DULLSTE338 7454.415 7343.257 -10222.7 -10333.8 4725 3775
DisplayString:RUSTYSTEE7 11876.78 8822.331 -10983.6 -12022.8 15541.99 14999.8
DisplayString:RUSTYSTEE9 11184.21 10850.74 -9477.68 -9811.16 6800 3600
DisplayString:RUSTYSTE10 11150.74 10850.74 -7143.83 -7443.83 6900 3600
DisplayString:RUSTYSTE18 350.7363 50.73632 -5643.83 -5943.83 10500 6900
DisplayString:BRUSHEDST1 13910.08 11892.53 -10726.9 -11185.5 14940.67 11300
DisplayString:BRUSHEDST2 13607.07 9496.201 -6823.38 -7449.4 14100 11600
DisplayString:BRUSHEDST3 13333.94 12763.74 -7405.54 -10818.6 14940.67 11600
DisplayString:BRUSHEDST4 8622.993 8499.387 -6743.63 -7050.65 14100 11600
DisplayString:CONCRETE.7 14750.74 13229.16 -10557.9 -14343.8 10500 6900
DisplayString:CONCRETE.8 4837.518 2429.158 -14043.8 -14343.8 10500 6900
DisplayString:CONCRETE.9 8437.517 6029.158 -14043.8 -14343.8 10500 6900
DisplayString:CONCRETE10 12037.52 9629.158 -14043.8 -14343.8 10500 6900
DisplayString:CONCRETE18 14550.74 14550.74 -5643.83 -7443.83 3600 3300
DisplayString:STUCCO.02 12691.95 10850.74 -7443.83 -9513.28 3499 3499
DisplayString:SHINYSTEE0 2729.158 1237.517 -14343.8 -15535.5 10800 6900
DisplayString:SHINYSTEE1 2729.158 1237.517 -12852.2 -15384.4 10500 7200
DisplayString:SHINYSTEE2 6329.158 4837.518 -12852.2 -15384.4 10500 7200
DisplayString:SHINYSTEE3 9929.158 8437.517 -12852.2 -15384.4 10500 7200
DisplayString:SHINYSTEE4 13529.16 12037.52 -12852.2 -15535.5 10800 7200
DisplayString:SHINYSTE11 6329.158 4837.518 -14343.8 -15535.5 10800 6900
DisplayString:SHINYSTE12 9929.158 8437.517 -14343.8 -15535.5 10800 6900
DisplayString:SHINYSTE21 12431.73 10850.74 -7143.83 -8263.28 4300 3600
DisplayString:SHINYSTE37 7901.795 2116.663 -11517.6 -12027 7420 3800
DisplayString:SHINYSTE38 7747.552 1769.365 -9606.46 -10743.3 7420 3800
DisplayString:SHINYSTE39 14445.99 2017.369 -10534.2 -12038.9 7420 7400
DisplayString:SHINYSTE46 14549.55 1769.364 -9585.27 -9606.46 7420 7400
DisplayString:SHINYSTE47 14445.99 2017.369 -10534.2 -12038.9 7620 7600
DisplayString:SHINYSTE48 7901.795 2116.662 -11517.6 -12027 7620 4000
DisplayString:SHINYSTE49 7747.551 1769.364 -9606.46 -10743.3 7620 4000
DisplayString:SHINYSTE50 14549.55 1769.364 -9585.27 -9606.46 7620 7600
DisplayString:SHINYSTE51 14445.99 2017.369 -10534.2 -12038.9 7820 7800
DisplayString:SHINYSTE52 7901.795 2116.662 -11517.6 -12027 7820 4200
DisplayString:SHINYSTE53 7747.551 1769.364 -9606.46 -10743.3 7820 4200
DisplayString:SHINYSTE54 14549.55 1769.364 -9585.27 -9606.46 7820 7800
DisplayString:DARKWOOD.2 12431.73 10550.74 -6843.83 -8263.28 4550 4500
DisplayString:DARKWOOD23 13611.06 9520.127 -6773.54 -7150.36 11700 11600
DisplayString:DARKWOOD24 13611.06 9520.127 -6773.54 -7150.36 12900 12800
DisplayString:DARKWOOD25 8626.98 8523.312 -6693.79 -6751.61 11700 11600
DisplayString:DARKWOOD26 8626.98 8523.312 -6693.79 -6751.61 12900 12800
DisplayString:DARKWOOD34 7752.296 1733.545 -9643.83 -10787.8 8150 4500
DisplayString:DARKWOOD35 14550.74 1721.596 -9543.83 -9643.83 8150 8100
DisplayString:DARKWOOD36 14450.74 2012.622 -10494.5 -12078.6 8150 8100
DisplayString:DARKWOOD37 7906.541 2111.916 -11477.9 -12066.8 8150 4500
DisplayString:GLASS.01 11235.49 7550.736 -14192.8 -14193.8 6900 3600
DisplayString:GLASS.04 201.7363 200.7363 -5943.21 -14043.8 10600 3700
DisplayString:GLASS.05 14450.94 350.7363 -5867.83 -5868.83 10600 3700
DisplayString:GLASS.10 11892.53 8822.331 -10786.7 -12022.8 15241.99 11600
DisplayString:GLASS.20 14601.74 14600.74 -6043.21 -7043.21 10500 3600
DisplayString:GLASS.25 14601.74 14600.74 -9457.31 -10457.3 10500 3600
DisplayString:WIRE.01 12034.04 8603.613 -11750 -12136.9 14400 11400
Appendix C— Error Analysis for Vessel Model
Scaffold Man-hours
Sl No Actual Predicted Error Percentage
1 1487.2 1476.244 0.74
2 332.2 484.748 45.92
3 527.45 676.599 28.28
4 154.55 171.776 11.15
5 2125.75 1950.861 8.23
6 759 1073.633 41.45
7 2099.9 2247.223 7.02
8 1553.2 1497.067 3.61
9 348.15 367.983 5.7
10 229.35 232.529 1.38
11 498.3 1076.108 115.96
12 465.3 1150.314 147.22
13 231 86.768 62.44
14 998.8 1308.395 31
15 199.1 317.548 59.49
16 553.85 568.656 2.67
17 399.3 504.702 26.4
18 216.7 89.067 58.9
19 1119.8 659.329 41.12
20 456.5 522.72 14.51
21 365.2 334.686 8.36
22 483.45 509.707 5.43
23 480.15 797.742 66.14
24 2033.35 1964.787 3.37
25 460.9 602.349 30.69
26 982.3 548.603 44.15
27 412.5 399.311 3.2
28 1067 503.734 52.79
29 1797.95 1979.615 10.1
30 297 432.036 45.47
31 279.95 576.114 105.79
32 325.6 311.773 4.25
33 1444.3 666.38 53.86
34 1392.6 1873.652 34.54
35 2924.9 1866.678 36.18
36 529.1 1009.316 90.76
37 1015.3 450.637 55.62
38 1942.05 1395.218 28.16
39 507.1 528.88 4.29
40 216.7 208.714 3.69
41 1450.9 1266.012 12.74
42 498.3 543.906 9.15
Average Error
percentage 33.85
Appendix D— Error Analysis for Modules Model
Scaffold Man-hours
Sl No. Actual Predicted Error Percentage
1 354.2 70.125 80.2
2 904.2 1129.337 24.9
3 1390.4 1204.687 13.36
4 152.9 174.845 14.35
5 364.1 263.67 27.58
6 682.55 1146.629 67.99
7 470.8 403.744 14.24
8 1865.6 1602.821 14.09
9 995.5 1198.967 20.44
10 429.55 1004.762 133.91
11 271.15 781.594 188.25
12 487.3 754.886 54.91
13 1741.3 1611.478 7.46
14 1326.6 1373.042 3.5
15 253 678.007 167.99
16 465.3 51.348 88.97
17 1490.5 1181.862 20.71
18 1174.8 1076.086 8.4
19 2520.65 1043.79 58.59
20 1265 1599.543 26.45
21 473 652.806 38.01
22 96.8 179.036 84.96
23 679.25 761.156 12.06
24 1037.3 1070.454 3.2
25 1214.95 1011.021 16.78
26 924 1790.415 93.77
27 660.55 1034.055 56.54
28 424.05 789.382 86.15
29 136.4 132.253 3.04
30 220 968.022 340.01
31 1544.4 803.209 47.99
32 2364.45 941.028 60.2
33 721.05 1101.397 52.75
34 1370.6 1422.399 3.78
35 922.9 895.807 2.94
36 941.05 1133.198 20.42
37 911.9 1262.349 38.43
38 539.55 937.244 73.71
39 427.9 331.408 22.55
40 1159.4 1383.888 19.36
41 1507.55 1538.042 2.02
42 1134.1 883.278 22.12
43 1156.65 1535.578 32.76
44 899.8 1152.393 28.07
45 1945.9 1194.281 38.63
46 81.4 157.696 93.73
47 861.85 1332.144 54.57
48 1831.775 1221.605 33.31
49 731.5 835.978 14.28
50 951.5 1422.806 49.53
51 1112.65 916.542 17.63
52 701.25 967.868 38.02
53 368.5 273.779 25.71
54 517 340.109 34.21
55 47.3 61.864 30.78
56 715.55 660.308 7.72
57 1003.2 893.508 10.93
58 267.85 194.953 27.21
59 1290.85 920.612 28.68
60 1755.6 1647.976 6.13
61 1973.4 1161.809 41.13
62 765.6 907.148 18.49
63 1373.9 1687.939 22.86
64 660.55 1166.583 76.61
65 342.1 959.189 180.38
66 951.5 981.068 3.11
67 742.5 805.904 8.54
68 2644.4 1050.126 60.29
69 323.4 799.227 147.13
70 253 679.327 168.51
71 289.3 398.816 37.85
72 618.2 923.076 49.32
73 349.8 1357.807 288.17
74 950.4 770.693 18.91
75 445.5 974.864 118.83
76 413.05 1027.29 148.71
77 240.9 33.352 86.16
78 484 332.629 31.27
79 1247.4 1209.802 3.01
80 550 762.949 38.72
81 636.35 385.11 39.48
82 1610.4 712.382 55.76
83 992.75 632.819 36.26
84 1111 351.791 68.34
85 1309 1649.725 26.03
86 1134.1 666.38 41.24
87 1302.4 1290.52 0.91
88 339.9 871.431 156.38
89 1130.8 1252.141 10.73
90 143.55 410.663 186.08
91 2564.65 1517.615 40.83
92 1507.55 951.192 36.91
93 348.7 867.328 148.73
94 2275.35 1654.983 27.26
95 436.15 794.497 82.16
Average error
percentage 54.88
Appendix E— Chapter 9, Technical Calculation and Estimator’s man-
hour manual
Appendix F— Sample Scaffold Form